
    Podcast Summary

    • Anxiety: A Lifelong StruggleAnxiety can impact emotional attachment and ability to separate, requiring daily management. Coping mechanisms may include stuffed animals or sponsor mentions.

      Anxiety is a lifelong struggle for the speaker that began at birth, and she has dealt with it constantly throughout her life. She described her anxiety as a challenge that never seems to go away, and it has impacted her emotional attachment to her parents and her ability to separate from them. As a coping mechanism, she would replace her parents with stuffed animals when she had to be away from them. Anxiety has been a significant part of her life, and she continues to deal with it daily. The speaker also mentioned her sponsors for the episode: Haagen Dazs, Bumble, and Squarespace. She shared her experiences with anxiety and how she manages it, but she also took the opportunity to promote the sponsors' products and services. Overall, the episode was about sharing a personal experience with anxiety and offering some lighthearted moments through sponsor mentions.

    • Childhood Comfort: Biggie Big and Mikey MikeStuffed animals served as emotional coping mechanisms during childhood, providing comfort and security. Losing a cherished toy could be distressing.

      For this individual, stuffed animals served as comforting companions and coping mechanisms during their childhood when they weren't with their parents. The most iconic of these stuffed animals was named Biggie Big, a large bunny that was even tattooed on their arm. Biggie Big provided comfort during anxious moments, and the individual developed a strong emotional attachment to it. However, as they grew older and started attending school, they couldn't bring Biggie Big with them, so they relied on smaller stuffed animals like a tabby cat and a tiny dog named Mikey Mike. Losing Mikey Mike in a river was a distressing experience, highlighting the importance of these objects in providing comfort and security. The emotional attachment to these objects lasted until the individual was around 8 or 9 years old.

    • Childhood anxiety vs teenage anxietyThe speaker's childhood anxiety was more intense and sophisticated, but her teenage anxiety was less controlling and less impactful. Later in life, she faced a new wave of anxiety that was more all-consuming and existential.

      The speaker's anxiety during middle school and high school was less severe compared to what she experiences now, as she was more preoccupied with daily life and social interactions. However, her anxiety as a young child, which was centered around existential fears, was more sophisticated and intense. The speaker acknowledges that her anxiety during her teenage years was still present but less controlling and less impactful on her life. Later in life, she gained a following online, which led to a career and a new wave of anxiety that was more all-consuming and existential in nature.

    • Online career brings new anxiety and vulnerabilityImposter syndrome and fear of harm fueled by Internet exposure led to coping mechanisms like socialization, emotional investment, and alcohol use, exacerbating mental challenges

      Growing a career on the Internet brought on new sources of anxiety for the speaker. Feeling exposed to the world and vulnerable to potential harm led to imposter syndrome and fear of being taken advantage of. The speaker also realized that their parents were the only people they truly trusted, leading to renewed anxiety about their safety. Coping mechanisms included constant socialization, emotional investment in relationships, and alcohol use. The combination of baseline anxiety and new anxiety-inducing situations led to overwhelming mental challenges.

    • Using Substances to Cope with Anxiety Can Worsen SymptomsInstead of relying on unhealthy coping mechanisms like alcohol or marijuana for anxiety, seek out healthier alternatives such as therapy.

      While some people may turn to substances like alcohol or marijuana to help cope with anxiety, these substances can actually worsen anxiety symptoms in the long run. The speaker shares her personal experience of using alcohol to try and manage her anxiety, only to find that it made her anxiety worse the next day. She also tried smoking marijuana several times, but had negative reactions and panic attacks each time. Instead of relying on these unhealthy coping mechanisms, the speaker encourages seeking out healthy alternatives, such as therapy. The speaker also shares her current struggle with social exhaustion and the importance of self-awareness and finding a social life that doesn't drain your energy. Overall, the key takeaway is that while it can be tempting to turn to substances to help manage anxiety, they can often make things worse, and it's important to explore healthier alternatives.

    • Unexpected distressing experiences with weed ediblesWhile some enjoy benefits of weed edibles, others may have terrifying experiences causing memory lapses, disconnection from reality, and panic attacks. Awareness and seeking help are crucial.

      While some people may find relaxation and calmness from using weed in edible form, it can also lead to unexpected and distressing experiences like panic attacks and feelings of disconnection from reality. The user in this discussion had a positive experience for a few months but then had a terrifying experience where they felt disconnected from their body, had memory lapses, and even thought they were permanently damaged. This experience was so distressing that it was the most terrifying feeling they had ever had. It's important to remember that everyone's experience with weed can be different, and while some may find benefits, others may have negative reactions. It's crucial to be aware of the potential risks and to seek help if you have a negative experience.

    • A traumatic experience with dissociation caused by weedWeed use can trigger dissociation, a feeling of disconnection, leading to uncontrollable panic attacks and long-term impacts on mental health.

      The speaker had a traumatizing experience with dissociation while under the influence of weed. Dissociation is a feeling of disconnection from oneself and the world around you, and it can be caused by various mental health conditions. The speaker's experience was so bizarre and contradictory that it left her feeling out of control yet unable to think clearly. Since then, she has struggled with more panic attacks and feelings of dissociation. The speaker emphasizes that it's difficult to explain this sensation to those who haven't experienced it. This experience with weed was the first time she encountered dissociation, and it has significantly impacted her life since.

    • Understanding Anxiety and Coping StrategiesAnxiety is not a permanent condition, despite feeling real and persistent. Strategies to cope include creating a professional online presence with Squarespace to focus on something productive.

      Anxiety, particularly the irrational kind, can be a challenging and exhausting experience. It can manifest as dissociation, panic attacks, and a general sense of feeling out of control. These experiences can be particularly frightening because they feel real and persistent, but it's important to remember that they are not permanent. Anxiety is not real in the sense that it's not a tangible thing, and it's not a sign of losing one's mind. The speaker shares that they have had periods where they haven't experienced anxiety or dissociation for extended periods. However, the unpredictability of these experiences can make dealing with them feel like a matter of survival. The speaker has found ways to cope, and they plan to share these strategies. A good website is essential for selling products or a brand, and Squarespace is a platform that can help entrepreneurs create a professional and effective online presence, even if they have no design experience.

    • Listen to your own needsReflect on what you require during anxiety or distress and prioritize self-care to make the best decision for yourself

      During times of anxiety or distress, it's essential to listen to your own needs rather than relying on external advice. Reflecting on what you require in the moment can help you make the best decision for yourself. Sometimes, being alone might be what you need, while other times, seeking support from loved ones could be more beneficial. It's crucial to check in with yourself frequently and adjust your actions accordingly. Additionally, trying to resist or fight against intense emotions during a panic attack or dissociative episode might prolong the experience. Instead, allowing the emotions to pass can help you cope more effectively. Remember, only you know what you need in those moments, so trust yourself and prioritize your well-being.

    • Managing Anxiety and Panic Attacks: Different Techniques for Different PeopleDeep breathing can help calm mind and body during anxiety episodes. Listen to your body and take breaks if needed. Everyone's experience and best techniques are unique.

      Everyone's experience with anxiety and panic attacks is unique, and what works best for managing them can vary greatly from person to person. Some people may find it helpful to let themselves experience the anxiety and ride it out, while others may prefer to fight against it and distract themselves. One effective technique mentioned was deep breathing, which can help calm the mind and body during an anxiety episode. It's important to listen to your body and give yourself permission to take a break from challenging tasks if you're feeling overwhelmed. Remember, it's okay to seek professional help if you're struggling with anxiety or panic attacks. The speaker shared her personal experience and what works for her, but everyone's journey is different.

    • Remember feelings are temporaryDuring anxiety, panic attacks, or dissociation, acknowledge and accept the fear to help ride it out. Practice calming techniques and trust that the feeling will pass.

      During moments of anxiety, panic attacks, or dissociation, it's essential to remember that these feelings are temporary and will pass. It's natural for the mind to feel trapped and scared in these moments, but acknowledging and accepting the fear can help ride it out and come out feeling much better on the other side. Practicing calming techniques, such as deep breathing or counting, can also help slow down the brain without distracting from the experience. It's crucial to remind oneself that these experiences are a normal part of being human and that everything will be okay. Although it may be difficult to rationalize why the brain is behaving this way, especially during untriggered episodes, it's important to trust that the feeling will eventually subside. By focusing on the fact that the feeling is temporary and accepting it, individuals can handle these moments more effectively.

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    • There's a deficiency in self-acceptance and it plays out in a lot of ways that harm us all. 
    • We were born with self-acceptance, but need guidance to sustain that healthy self-identity. If you lost it, it can be recovered.
    • A key strategy to love yourself more is mindful self-acceptance.
    • Key steps for mindfulness include: See what is, Accept what is, Act wisely. We use these steps a lot in the Joy Lab program.
    • Self-acceptance continues on and on, it gets easier, but we're always practicing this art. 


    Links Mentioned:

    Full transcript available at: https://www.naturalmentalhealth.com/podcasts/joy-lab-podcast/episodes/2147802957

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    Imposter Syndrome- What It Is And How To Beat It.

    Imposter Syndrome- What It Is And How To Beat It.
    Ep. 41

    In this video, I discuss imposter syndrome, what it is and how to beat it.


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    In this episode, I am invited to guest host a lecture on Imposter Syndrome for Claremont Graduate University PFF program, by professor, health scientist, program evaluation consultant, and my brother, Jonathan Aragon, MPH., PhDc.


    You can learn more about his work here: https://jonaragon.com/


    If you liked this video, be sure to check out my full playlist on Anxiety Tips: https://bit.ly/3iEimoZ



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    In this video, Patrick Martin from The Mental Health Toolbox discusses imposter syndrome.



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