
    How Journalism Gets it Wrong (and Right!) with Belinda Luscombe

    enAugust 23, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Belinda Lesko's personal experiences shaped her journalism career at Time MagazineBelinda Lesko's international background and experiences fueled her passion for journalism and inspired her to pursue a career at Time Magazine, using mass media to inform and inspire people to act more justly.

      Belinda Lesko's personal experiences, including her time in South Africa and her desire to spread information to effect change, played a significant role in her journey to becoming a journalist at Time Magazine. She recognized the power of mass media to inform and inspire people to act more justly, and her passion for writing and reporting helped her pursue this goal despite starting with less glamorous jobs in the industry. Her unique perspective, gained from her international background and experiences, offers valuable insights into the American media landscape.

    • Going beyond secondary sources for trustworthy journalismAsk challenging questions, find primary sources, and be transparent for accurate and trustworthy journalism.

      Trustworthy journalism relies on original sources and rigorous reporting. Sandra, a journalist who started her career in education reporting in Australia and eventually moved to the US, emphasized the importance of going beyond secondary sources and press releases to find primary sources and both sides of a story. She highlighted the significance of asking challenging questions and being transparent about where information comes from. This approach not only leads to more in-depth and accurate reporting but also builds trust with readers. Whether it's a magazine, newspaper, or website, look for journalism that demonstrates these practices to ensure you're getting reliable and informative content.

    • Using primary sources for accurate journalismPrimary sources provide firsthand information and help build credibility in reporting. Quoting them directly reduces misinformation risk. Trustworthy news orgs verify facts using primary sources or multiple reputable sources.

      Primary sources are essential for accurate journalism. They provide firsthand information and help build credibility in reporting. Primary sources are people who were present at an event or have direct knowledge of a phenomenon. Quoting them directly can help establish facts and reduce the risk of misinformation. News organizations, like The New York Times and The Washington Post, have processes in place to verify facts using primary sources or multiple reputable sources. It's essential to question the sources of information and consider the credibility of the outlets we trust. Believing that mainstream media cannot be trusted without question might be a misconception. Instead, we should critically evaluate the sources of information and consider why some outlets might be more trustworthy than others. The mainstream media's alleged biases, ownership, or financial motivations do not necessarily make them less trustworthy. It's crucial to be informed and factually correct in our information consumption.

    • Perception of bias and advertising moneyPeople distrust media due to perceived bias and ad money, but advertisers want audiences, not inflammatory content, and media professionals have diverse political views

      The perception of bias in news sources and the influence of advertising money are major reasons why people may distrust the media. Concerns about where the money comes from are valid, but it's essential to recognize that advertisers seek audiences, and inflammatory content that evokes fear or anger tends to attract clicks and generate revenue. It's a common misconception that all media professionals are liberal, as people enter the media for various reasons, and disagreements among journalists are common. Ultimately, it's crucial to be aware of the potential influences on news coverage and strive for a balanced and informed perspective.

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      Quince.com offers free shipping and 365-day returns, making shopping convenient and stress-free. Lume whole body deodorant, with its unique mandelic acid formula, provides long-lasting odor control and has amassed over 300,000 five-star reviews. For Mother's Day, consider treating yourself or a loved one to OneSkin's skin care products, which focus on cellular aging and include the proprietary OS one peptide. The media plays a crucial role in society by providing unbiased stories and holding those in power accountable, acting as a voice for the voiceless and a source of information for understanding our world.

    • Engage with diverse media sourcesTo foster informed and productive discourse, engage with various media sources beyond your preferred outlets and broaden your perspective.

      The media plays a crucial role in holding powerful individuals and institutions accountable, acting as a watchdog for society. Without the media, it would be challenging for the public to access essential information and understand various perspectives. However, the media landscape today is more fragmented and polarized, leading to increased distrust and polarization in society. It's essential to engage with diverse media sources to foster informed and productive discourse. As the speaker emphasized, "You should read widely. You should watch widely. Don't just stick your thing on 1 American News Network or MSNBC or whatever. Move around." This approach not only helps us better understand different viewpoints but also strengthens our ability to bridge divides and maintain healthy relationships with those who hold opposing beliefs.

    • Consider multiple sources and perspectives, engage in respectful dialogue, and write a polite letter to the editor.To combat media divisiveness, consider various sources, engage respectfully, and write polite letters to editors when necessary.

      Understanding different perspectives and respecting those who hold opposing views is essential for both personal growth and societal health. The media, particularly social media, can contribute to divisiveness with inflammatory language and biased headlines. To combat this, it's crucial to consider multiple sources and perspectives, engage in respectful dialogue, and even write a polite letter to the editor if you feel a story is unfair. Remember, headlines are often driven by audience engagement and can be changed if enough concern is raised. By taking a thoughtful and respectful approach, we can foster a more informed and inclusive society.

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      Quince and 1800flowers.com offer high-quality and ethically-sourced products for travel and gift-giving respectively, with significant savings compared to similar brands. Quince's European linen, premium luggage, and Italian leather bags can be found at 50-80% off, while 1800flowers.com provides free shipping and rewards for gifting. eBay's authenticity guarantee ensures the purchase of real, checked-by-experts items. The American sniper interview remains a fascinating story for the speaker, raising questions about the human impact of war and the complexities of heroism.

    • Understanding complex issues and maintaining journalistic integrityJournalists should strive for accuracy, transparency, and accountability, issuing corrections when necessary, even if uncomfortable, and balancing humor and mean-spiritedness in journalism.

      Journalism is about understanding complex issues, even if they come with difficult consequences, and holding oneself accountable for mistakes. The journalist in this conversation shares her experiences of conducting an intriguing interview with a war veteran, acknowledging the potential impact of her words and regretting past mistakes. She emphasizes the importance of journalistic integrity, including issuing corrections when necessary, even if it's an uncomfortable experience. She also highlights the challenge of balancing humor and mean-spiritedness in journalism, especially when writing about public figures. Ultimately, she believes that journalism should strive for accuracy and transparency, even when it means acknowledging and correcting mistakes.

    • Fact-checking: A Debated Journalistic StandardFact-checking is a crucial aspect of journalism for ensuring accuracy, but its implementation varies greatly between news outlets due to resource constraints and debates over fact definitions.

      While some news outlets prioritize fact-checking, others do not, leading to varying journalistic standards. Fact-checking is expensive and time-consuming, and as the media industry has shifted, resources for fact-checking have dwindled. Larger, reputable news organizations like The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The New Yorker still have fact-checking departments. However, smaller, more opinion-driven outlets and tabloids often do not. The definition of a fact is also debated, particularly around statistics and data. Some argue that facts are being weaponized to silence certain narratives. The use of fact-checking and warnings labels on social media platforms like Facebook has sparked controversy, with some claiming their voices are being intentionally silenced. Ultimately, the reliability and accuracy of information depend on the source and the editorial processes in place.

    • The Importance of Media and Journalism in SocietyMedia shapes public opinion and following, subscribing, rating, or reviewing podcasts supports podcasters

      Facts and truthful reporting play a crucial role in combating untruths and misinformation, especially when those untruths are dangerous. Belinda Luscombe, a veteran journalist with 30 years of experience at Time Magazine, shared her insights on the importance of media and journalism in our society. She is now focusing her attention on business reporting, exploring the impact of money and business on society and highlighting business leaders who are using their power for social change. Luscombe can be found on various social media platforms, including Twitter and Facebook, and her work can be found on Time's website by searching her name. She emphasized the significance of media in shaping public opinion and encouraged listeners to follow, subscribe, rate, or review podcasts to support podcasters.

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