
    Podcast Summary

    • Empowering educators through iConnections funds for teachers initiativeThe Wall Street Skinny podcast offers insights into finance interviews, emphasizing the importance of finding a good fit, while also supporting education through the iConnections funds for teachers initiative.

      The Wall Street Skinny podcast is not only about finance but also supports education through their involvement in the iConnections funds for teachers initiative. This program aims to empower educators nationwide by providing access to the Ron Clark Academy's professional development opportunities. The podcast's hosts, Jen and Kristen, shared their experiences and stories while discussing how to interview for a job in finance. They provided insights into the interview process and emphasized the importance of figuring out what is a good fit. Despite their entertaining anecdotes and debates, they encouraged listeners to learn from their experiences and not make the same mistakes. Overall, the Wall Street Skinny podcast is a valuable resource for those interested in finance and education.

    • Understanding Learning Styles and Financial Industry RolesEffective communication and learning styles differ. Podcast caters to auditory learners, but acknowledges importance of visuals. Investment banking interviews require strong technical skills, while sales and trading interviews focus on interest and behavior.

      Effective communication and learning styles vary from person to person. While some people may prefer listening to auditory content like podcasts to learn about finance, others may require a visual approach. The podcast discussed in the conversation aims to cater to the auditory learning style, but acknowledges that some concepts may be clearer when seen visually. The hosts also emphasized the importance of persistence and building intuition when learning complex financial concepts. Furthermore, the conversation touched upon the differences between investment banking and sales and trading interviews. Investment banking interviews are generally more formal and require a strong foundation in technical skills, such as valuation, accounting, and deal-related concepts. Sales and trading interviews, on the other hand, focus more on demonstrating an interest in the field and may include behavioral and situational questions. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of understanding individual learning styles and the unique demands of various roles within the financial industry.

    • Discovering the right fit in finance through interview processExploring different finance divisions during interviews can help determine the best fit, regardless of background or experience.

      Exploring different divisions within finance, such as investment banking and sales and trading, during the interview process can help individuals determine which area is the best fit for them. This was emphasized in the discussion where an English major shared their experience of initially leaning towards investment banking but ultimately discovering that sales and trading was a better match. It's important to remember that having a background or experience in finance is not a requirement for entering the industry, and the interview process can provide valuable insights into the day-to-day work and culture of each division. Additionally, interviewers across different divisions may communicate with each other, so performing well in all interviews can increase the chances of securing an offer. Overall, the interview process can serve as an opportunity to learn about various finance roles and make informed decisions about one's career path.

    • Preparing for a Wall Street interview goes beyond just submitting a strong resumeUnderstand the job and bank's divisions, articulate why you want the role, and demonstrate skills and knowledge to ace the interview and start a successful career on Wall Street

      Preparing for a Wall Street interview involves more than just submitting a strong resume. You must also understand the job and the bank's divisions, and be able to articulate why you want the specific role. Before the interview, make sure your resume stands out and tell the story of your path to Wall Street. Interviews can occur on campus, over the phone, or via Zoom, and the format and location depend on your entry point and the recruiting cycle. Regardless, be ready to demonstrate your skills and knowledge, and have a clear understanding of what an investment banker, salesperson, or trader does. Preparation and understanding are key to acing your interview and starting a successful career on Wall Street.

    • Preparing for Finance Job Interviews: Demonstrating Readiness and UnderstandingTo succeed in finance job interviews, candidates must demonstrate their readiness for the role through a clear progression in education and experience, and a strong understanding of the industry.

      The interview process for securing a job in finance, particularly at investment banks, can be rigorous and involves multiple rounds of interviews with individuals at various levels. These interviews often take place on the bank's premises and may include a "super day," where the bank covers travel expenses and candidates undergo numerous interviews in one day. To increase chances of success, candidates should be able to articulate how their experiences and education have prepared them for the specific job they're applying for. This may involve demonstrating a clear progression in their academic and professional pursuits, as well as a strong understanding of the industry and the role they're seeking. Ultimately, preparation and a compelling narrative about one's background and motivations are key to making a positive impression during the interview process.

    • Combining Characteristics, Technical Knowledge, and Interview Preparation for Finance JobsTo land a job in finance, demonstrate desired traits, have technical knowledge, and prepare for interviews by researching companies and practicing answers to common questions.

      Landing a job in finance requires a combination of demonstrating desired characteristics, having technical knowledge, and being prepared for the interview process. The speaker shared personal experiences of passing classes without remembering them and using canned stories to showcase desirable traits during interviews. They emphasized the importance of following the markets and being able to answer technical questions specific to the role. The speaker also advised preparing for interviews by researching the company and practicing answers to common questions. While they admitted to having done minimal preparation themselves, they encouraged others to learn from their experiences and take the interview process seriously.

    • Importance of preparation and adaptability in investment banking interviewsBeing prepared with financial knowledge and adaptable to unexpected questions can help candidates stand out in investment banking interviews.

      Preparation and adaptability are key to success in investment banking interviews. The speaker shares their experience of being unprepared for interviews due to lack of knowledge about financial jargon and specific stocks. However, they managed to impress interviewers by being able to answer brain teasers and spin their unconventional backgrounds into a compelling narrative. The interviewers were looking for candidates who could think on their feet and build client relationships, which the speaker was able to demonstrate. While having a strong understanding of financial concepts and specific stocks is important, the ability to adapt and tell a compelling story about one's experiences can also set a candidate apart.

    • Building a personal connection during an interviewAsking interviewers about themselves and their experiences can increase their confidence in your abilities and make the interview more enjoyable for both parties. Focusing on building a genuine connection can also help the interviewer envision working with you long-term.

      Building a personal connection with your interviewer during a job interview can be beneficial in multiple ways. By asking them questions about themselves and their experiences, you not only make the interview more enjoyable for them, but you also increase their confidence in your abilities and reduce the chances of being asked questions that could potentially put you on the spot. Additionally, focusing on building a genuine connection can help the interviewer envision working with you long-term. Once you've established a connection, technical questions are more likely to be focused on your approach to solving problems rather than specific technical skills. Brain teasers can also be effective in demonstrating your problem-solving abilities without requiring a perfect answer. However, it's important to remember that everyone's interview experience is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. So, while these strategies can be helpful, it's essential to tailor your approach to each interview and be prepared for a variety of questions.

    • Understanding Probability and Technical Questions in InterviewsBeing prepared for technical questions and understanding probability can increase your chances of success in interviews, especially in the banking industry. Confidence and fluency in key terms and concepts are essential.

      While the chance of having a boy or a girl is equal at 50%, if you know the gender of one child, the probability of the next child being a certain gender changes. This concept, known as the Law of Large Numbers, can be applied to various situations, including interview scenarios. During an interview, it's crucial to be prepared for technical questions and not give anyone an opening to ask about your weaknesses. The banking industry, in particular, requires a strong understanding of key terms and concepts. As an analyst, you should be fluent in terms like public comps, acquisition comps, and Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) analysis. A memorable anecdote shared in the discussion involved a job interview where the interviewee, despite acing the entire interview, was caught off guard by a technical question and failed to provide an answer. This incident serves as a reminder that being confident and well-prepared in all aspects of an interview is essential. In summary, understanding probability and being able to answer technical questions are crucial skills in various fields, including banking. Preparation and confidence are key to success in interviews and other professional settings.

    • Preparing for a finance interview: Understanding key concepts and staying informedTo succeed in a finance interview, grasp essential financial concepts, keep updated on industry news, and demonstrate eagerness to learn.

      To excel in a finance interview, you need to have a solid understanding of key financial concepts and terms. This includes being able to discuss equity versus enterprise value, understanding financial statements, various valuation methodologies, EBIT and EBITDA, mergers, and leverage buyouts. Stay informed about current events in the industry and familiarize yourself with the basics of each division. While you don't have to be an expert, demonstrating a working knowledge and eagerness to learn is essential. Additionally, be prepared to speak about recent deals and bank failures, and don't forget the importance of math skills. Remember, they don't expect you to know everything, but showing interest and a willingness to learn goes a long way. To help you prepare, consider reading resources like "Hurt on the Street" and Bloomberg Business Week, in addition to the Wall Street Journal.

    • Handling high-pressure interview situationsMaintaining composure and demonstrating resilience during intense interviews can leave a positive impression on potential employers

      During the job interview process, even after making it past the initial rounds, candidates may face intense back-to-back interviews with various roles within a firm. These interviews can be exhausting and nerve-wracking, but they also provide opportunities to impress potential future bosses and colleagues. During one such interview, the candidate, despite struggling with a math question, managed to recover by showing confidence and composure. Ultimately, this confidence and ability to handle pressure may have played a significant role in the candidate receiving a job offer. This experience highlights the importance of maintaining a calm demeanor and demonstrating resilience during high-pressure situations in the interview process.

    • Interviewing for finance and trading roles requires strong math skills and reliabilityPrepare for interviews with strong math skills, demonstrate reliability, and consider long-term fit to increase chances of success in finance and trading industries

      Interviewing for roles in finance and trading requires a strong foundation in math and the ability to demonstrate reliability and accountability. These industries operate with a military-like structure, and interviewees must be able to demonstrate that they can contribute positively to the team and follow orders. The interview process is often a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for many, and it's up to the interviewee not to mess it up. Practicing math skills and preparing for interviews can increase the chances of success. Additionally, interviewees should consider whether they want to work with the interviewers long-term and be honest about their abilities to avoid potential costly mistakes. If an internship or summer associate role is not an option, then interviewing for full-time positions becomes much more competitive due to limited openings. Overall, the interview process requires a strong work ethic, personal integrity, and a solid foundation in math to succeed.

    • Positioning past experiences as valuable stepping stonesHaving relevant experience increases job chances but also means rigorous interviews. Demonstrate expertise in past roles and build a strong network to open new opportunities.

      Having relevant experience, whether it's from an internship or a role adjacent to the industry you're aiming for, can increase your chances of securing a full-time job offer. However, it also means you'll face more rigorous interviewing processes as employers want to see that you can translate your expertise into the new role. If you're aiming for a role in investment banking, private equity, or hedge funds, be prepared to walk through technical aspects of your resume, past experiences, and complex financial models or investment theses. For those transitioning from roles adjacent to the banking industry, such as credit analysis or middle markets, you'll need to demonstrate expertise in your previous role while also showcasing your understanding of the new role. Building a strong network through alumni associations, friends, and LinkedIn can also help open doors to new opportunities. Ultimately, the key is to position your experiences as valuable stepping stones on the path to your desired role.

    • Emphasizing the importance of networking in finance industryBuilding strong networks and finding advocates and mentors is crucial for transitioning in the financial industry. Engage with Wall Street Skinny on social media for visual finance content and subscribe to their YouTube channel for in-depth tutorials.

      Building a strong network and finding advocates and mentors is crucial for transitioning in the financial industry. This was emphasized during the discussion on Wall Street Skinny. Although they covered various topics and went off on tangents, they plan to address listener questions in future episodes and encourage sending queries to questions@wallstreetskinny.com. For those who aren't interested in interviewing but still listened, the hosts expressed gratitude. They also invited followers to engage with them on TikTok and Instagram, offering visual content on various finance topics from valuation to Excel and bond fundamentals 101. Don't forget to subscribe to their YouTube channel for in-depth tutorials.

    Recent Episodes from The Wall Street Skinny

    73. What It Takes to Be a Credit Investor with Ty Wallach

    73. What It Takes to Be a Credit Investor with Ty Wallach
    In the second of our three SALT iConnections interview series, we sat down with Ty Wallach, a living legend in the credit investing world.  

    Ty was a partner and portfolio manager at Oak Hill and Paulson, two of the most successful and famous names in investing over the past three decades, and is currently the CIO of Atlast Merchant Capital.

    We spoke with Ty about his role as an investor in both the debt and equity during the Caesar’s Palace Coup (check out episodes 39, 40 and 41 for a deep dive into one of the most infamous deals of all time!), how Paulson made billions investing during the Global Financial Crisis of 2008, relative value investing within the capital structure of a company, the Orwellian relationship between the markets and economic data in the current environment, and about the optimal paths to pursuing a career as a credit investor, specifically with regard to the merits of the CFA for advancement along that path.  

    A must listen for anyone interested in public markets or private credit investing!

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


    The Wall Street Skinny
    en-usJune 01, 2024

    71. From Wall Street to the White House and Back Feat. Anthony Scaramucci

    71. From Wall Street to the White House and Back Feat. Anthony Scaramucci
    Live from SALT iConnections in NYC, we are joined by Anthony Scaramucci, a financial, political, and pop culture icon here in America.  Anthony worked at Goldman Sachs, is the founder of SkyBridge Capital (a global alternatives investment firm), and is the founder of the SALT iConnections cap intro conference...but is possibly most infamous for his 11 day stint as the White House Communications Director during the Trump administration. Particularly timely as many gear up for their summer internships, Anthony shares with us his lessons in resilience, in learning to chase personal growth vs prestige, and in how to graciously take a joke.

    Anthony's latest book, "From Wall Street to the White House and Back," is a must-read and is available here:  https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1637584636/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&qid=&sr=

    The  Funds4Teachers event is happening the dates below:

    Atlanta - Apr 25
    Boston - June 6
    Chicago - June 18
    New York - Sep 26

    To learn more about how to support this initiative and register click here: https://iconnections.io/funds4teachers/

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


    The Wall Street Skinny
    en-usMay 25, 2024

    70. The Skinny On NVDA's Stock Split, SALT iConnections Recap, and Gold Decoupling

    70. The Skinny On NVDA's Stock Split, SALT iConnections Recap, and Gold Decoupling

    We're BACK from a whirlwind 48 hours in NYC, fully rested and ready to give you the skinny on the latest in global markets.  First, a quick recap of our adventures at one of the world's largest cap intro conferences, where we got to chat with some of the industry's greatest thought leaders and meet new friends throughout the industry.  Next up, a quick note on today's Bloomberg article (linked below) discussing the decoupling of Gold and US Treasuries for the first time in 50 years.  And finally, we touch on NVDA's spectacular sales growth and their stock split announcement, the mechanics of which Kristen explains in detail.


    The  Funds4Teachers event is happening the dates below:

    Atlanta - Apr 25
    Boston - June 6
    Chicago - June 18
    New York - Sep 26

    To learn more about how to support this initiative and register click here: https://iconnections.io/funds4teachers/

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


    The Wall Street Skinny
    en-usMay 23, 2024

    69. Capital Intro 101 with Ron Biscardi

    69. Capital Intro 101 with Ron Biscardi

    We talk about Hedge Fund, Private Equity, and other "Alternative" Investment Funds all the time.  But we don't always stop to ask, "how do they get all their money?"  In this episode, we sat down with CEO of iConnections Ron Biscardi to explore the world of "Cap Intro": the ecosystem within which capital --- meaning, the money from pension funds, endowments, foundations, insurance companies, family offices etc --- gets allocated to fund managers in the Alts space.  We learn about seed capital (money that gets new funds off the ground), explore the roles of third party marketers, broker dealers, & prime brokerage within a bank when it comes to cap intro, and discuss how iConnections has built a platform backed by technology to facilitate the world's largest cap intro conferences.  

    An expert in relationships and connecting people, Ron also shares his experience involving athletes, stars, and influencers like Kim Kardashian, Shaquille O'Neal, and Eli Manning in the conversation, all of whom have become formidable investors in their own right and are at the forefront of deal making in the space today.  We are so excited to share this episode ahead of next week's SALT iConnections conference in NYC from May 20-21, where (thanks to Ron!) we will sharing live interviews with some of the industry's most influential and innovative thought leaders.  

    The  Funds4Teachers event is happening the dates below:

    Atlanta - Apr 25
    Boston - June 6
    Chicago - June 18
    New York - Sep 26

    To learn more about how to support this initiative and register click here: https://iconnections.io/funds4teachers/

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


    The Wall Street Skinny
    en-usMay 18, 2024

    68. The Skinny On AI and the GPT-4o Update, Meme Stocks Return, and Golf & Finance

    68. The Skinny On AI and the GPT-4o Update, Meme Stocks Return, and Golf & Finance

    In today's episode we share our thoughts on the new Ghat-GPT4o update in light of Apple's controversial commercial, our thoughts on the difference between gambling and investing in light of the GameStop / AMC resurgence, and finally the intersection of golf and finance. 

    The  Funds4Teachers event is happening the dates below:

    Atlanta - Apr 25
    Boston - June 6
    Chicago - June 18
    New York - Sep 26

    To learn more about how to support this initiative and register click here: https://iconnections.io/funds4teachers/

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


    The Wall Street Skinny
    en-usMay 17, 2024

    67. Finance, Philosophy, and the Yen Carry Trade feat. John Normand

    67. Finance, Philosophy, and the Yen Carry Trade feat. John Normand

    We often talk about institutional investors as the allocators of capital to the public and private markets.  They are huge, active participants driving supply and demand dynamics in the fixed income and equity markets, and they often make sizable investments as LPs in private equity and private credit funds.  But what exactly are they trying to accomplish, and why?

    We sat down with John Normand --- the former head of Cross-Asset Strategy at JP Morgan and the current head of Investment Strategy at Australian Super --- to discuss investment strategy at a superannuation fund (what we in the US think of as a "pension fund").  John is one of our most accomplished and distinguished guests to date.   Not only does he explain the mechanics of defined benefit / defined contribution plans, but he also shares his philosophical perspective on the ethics of investing, his current views on the macro environment, and a crash course in one of the staples of fixed income markets: the Yen carry trade.  This episode is a must listen for anyone who wants to understand how some of the biggest allocators of capital in both the public and private markets approach investment strategy.

    The  Funds4Teachers event is happening the dates below:

    Atlanta - Apr 25
    Boston - June 6
    Chicago - June 18
    New York - Sep 26

    To learn more about how to support this initiative and register click here: https://iconnections.io/funds4teachers/

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


    The Wall Street Skinny
    en-usMay 11, 2024

    66. The Skinny on "FTX Found the Money"...plus Boston vs NYC, Middle School, and Phobias

    66. The Skinny on "FTX Found the Money"...plus Boston vs NYC, Middle School, and Phobias

    Today's episode is a bit lighter. We get into what it means that "FTX found the money" as well as catch up about some super random stuff including the Tom Brady roast, NYC comedy clubs, Broadway, musical instruments, and our personal phobias. 

    The  Funds4Teachers event is happening the dates below:

    Atlanta - Apr 25
    Boston - June 6
    Chicago - June 18
    New York - Sep 26

    To learn more about how to support this initiative and register click here: https://iconnections.io/funds4teachers/

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


    The Wall Street Skinny
    en-usMay 10, 2024

    65. Personal Finance 101: How to Become Wealthy feat. Katy Song

    65. Personal Finance 101: How to Become Wealthy feat. Katy Song

    Many assume that those who are skilled in high finance are also experts in personal finance and managing their own money.  But NOTHING could be further from the truth!  We sat down with Katy Song, a former Investment Banker and published author, who is the Chief Financial Planner for Domain Money (a new financial planning company that is revolutionizing the approach to personal finance) to understand the role and career path of a financial planner, explore the different challenges people face when it comes to managing their own money, and drill down into the specific advice she gives to clients looking to build wealth and accomplish their goals.

    Book a consultation session with Katy here:

    Access additional information and resources (including Katy's book, "Fear Less") here:  https://www.domainmoney.com/advisors/katy-song

    Raised in Rye, New York, Katy moved to California in 1993 to attend the University of California, Santa Cruz (Go Banana Slugs!). After graduating in 1997 with honors and a B.A. in Global Economics, she worked for the U.S. Department of Commerce in the International Trade Administration. Katy attended the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley (Class of 2002), after which she worked as an investment banker for Citigroup.

    Since 2008, Katy has focused on helping families with young children and couples get their financial lives in order and put them on track for living the life they want. She is a member of the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA).

    At Domain Money, Katy serves as Chief Financial Planner, overseeing a team of CFP® professionals dedicated to crafting personalized financial plans that alleviate client stress and pave the way for their desired lifestyles. She spearheaded the development of Domain Money's financial planning process and service offerings, ensuring a client-centric approach.

    The  Funds4Teachers event is happening the dates below:

    Atlanta - Apr 25
    Boston - June 6
    Chicago - June 18
    New York - Sep 26

    To learn more about how to support this initiative and register click here: https://iconnections.io/funds4teachers/

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


    64. The Skinny On Bank Balance Sheets, And The Paramount Deal

    64. The Skinny On Bank Balance Sheets, And The Paramount Deal

    This week in 'The Skinny On' we get into an update on the Fed, Jen rants about bank balance sheet reqs and Kristen gives you the skinny on the drama unfolding at Paramount amid merger talks with SkyDance and Apollo.

    The  Funds4Teachers event is happening the dates below:

    Atlanta - Apr 25
    Boston - June 6
    Chicago - June 18
    New York - Sep 26

    To learn more about how to support this initiative and register click here: https://iconnections.io/funds4teachers/

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


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    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    ️ Tips for casual networking that can lead to finding a mentor or sponsor, crucial for career advancement.


    About Wendy Delmolino: 

    Currently retired after a 30-year career in the Washington area Technology industry, Wendy most recently held the position of Microsoft Global Customer Success Leader for the Americas working to accelerate customers’ digital transformations through adoption of Microsoft Cloud. Prior to Microsoft, Wendy spent over 28 years at Oracle Corporation in a number of roles across both commercial and government businesses, including Vice President Customer Success leading teams responsible for approximately half of Oracle's North American Cloud Technology customers.

    Throughout her career, Wendy has been an advocate of diversity in the technology industry including representing Oracle on the United States House of Representatives Women's Conference Panel, as an Executive Sponsor in Microsoft Accessibility Resource Groups and mentoring those in under-represented communities. In 2018, Wendy began mentoring through Girls in Technology (GIT), a Women in Technology Washington, D.C. program and is currently the Mentor Liaison for the Mentor-Protégé Committee.

    Based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area, Wendy’s passion is her family including her husband Dominic, her children Peter and Francesca, and beloved Labrador retriever Fenway. Wendy enjoys relaxing hikes in the Washington area, trips to Walt Disney World in Florida and participating in runDisney races.

    Follow Wendy Delmolino on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wendydelmolino/


    Request A Customized Workshop For Your Team And Company:  contact ivnacuri@assertiveway.com  


    Follow Ivna Curi on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ivna-curi-mba-67083b2/  


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    Women in Tech Leaders Podcast Interviews: https://assertiveway.com/womenintechpodcastguests/

    Podcast Summaries & More Email Newsletter: https://assertiveway.com/newsletter

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    TEDx Talk How To Speak Up Safely When It’s Psychologically Unsafe: https://assertiveway.aweb.page/safespeak

    10 Day free Assertive And Liked Challenge: https://assertiveway.aweb.page/beassertiveandliked

    Assertiveness free training: https://assertiveway.aweb.page/getahead

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    Break The Silence: https://assertiveway.com/communicationculturetransformation/

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    Contact me: info@assertiveway.com or ivnacuri@assertiveway.com

    Contact me on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ivna-curi-mba-67083b2

    Website: https://assertiveway.com


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    #1066 Inside Wirtschaft - Jens Rabe (Rabe Academy) über Dubai: "Viele schauen mit großem Kopfschütteln nach Europa"

    #1066 Inside Wirtschaft - Jens Rabe (Rabe Academy) über Dubai: "Viele schauen mit großem Kopfschütteln nach Europa"
    Jens Rabe (52) ist vor knapp drei Jahren mit seiner Familie nach Dubai gezogen. Es sollte ein "Experiment" sein - auch, weil das eigentliche Ziel Florida durch Corona damals nicht möglich war. Ist das Experiment also geglückt? "Es ist mehr Realität reingekommen, aber dadurch ist es noch mehr gelebter Traum", sagt Jens Rabe. Der Investor und Unternehmer der Jens Rabe Academy räumt aber auch mit Vorurteilen auf: "Auf persönliches Einkommen gibt es keine Einkommenssteuer in Dubai. Mittlerweile gibt es eine Unternehmenssteuer von neun Prozent. Das Ding ist aber, wenn du als deutscher Unternehmer hierherkommst mit Firma in Deutschland, dann unterliegst du nach wie vor mit allem dem deutschen Steuerrecht." Und wie ist der Blick von Dubai auf Deutschland? "Made in Germany zählt hier noch etwas, aber viele schauen mit großem Kopfschütteln nach Europa." Alle Details im Interview von Inside Wirtschaft-Chefredakteur Manuel Koch aus Dubai und mehr Infos auch auf https://www.jensrabe.de