
    How To Build A Conscious Relationship

    enDecember 08, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Feminine energy and fierce protectionStay connected to what's truly important, prioritize self-care, and recognize the divine in your partner during personal and global crises.

      The concept of feminine energy or beautiful women goes beyond just peace and complacency. They can be fierce protectors and advocates, just like the cosmic mother who takes care with intense action when necessary. In the face of global crises and personal challenges, it's important to stay connected to what's truly important and prioritize self-care. Rich Roll shares his experiences of dealing with wildfires, attending a charity gala with his daughter, and conducting workshops on relationships during their Plant Power Ireland retreat. During this episode, Rich, his wife Julie Piatt, and doctor Colin Hudon discuss the importance of seeing the divine in your partner and navigating conflict in relationships. Through the power of community and giving back, we can find meaning and connection even in the midst of chaos.

    • Upgrading Relationships: Innovative Apparel, Mindfulness, and Meaningful ExchangesInvest in innovative apparel, practice mindfulness, and foster meaningful exchanges to upgrade relationships and experience deeper connections.

      To upgrade outdated relationship dynamics and experience the best of what connections can offer, we need to challenge traditional perspectives. This can be achieved through various means, such as wearing innovative, high-performance apparel from companies like On, which not only enhances personal performance but also embodies Swiss precision and sustainability. Another crucial aspect is practicing mindfulness, which can be done through apps like Waking Up. This app goes beyond meditation, offering resources on various topics like stoicism, cognitive behavioral therapy, and time management. Lastly, fostering meaningful exchanges and sharing thought-provoking content through platforms like Voicing Change Media can contribute to personal growth and better relationships. Overall, these practices encourage intentionality, precision, and self-investment, leading to more fulfilling connections. Additionally, during this conversation, Rich Roll announced his new venture, Voicing Change Media, and shared information about his upcoming retreat in Tuscany. He also mentioned the use of a sacred silver bowl and crystal as a daily devotion to his relationship.

    • Create Personal Spiritual PracticesEmbrace unique rituals, masculine and feminine energies, and trust intuition for personal spiritual growth.

      Everyone has the power to create their own spiritual practices and rituals, no matter how unique or unconventional they may be. The speaker shared her personal example of offering water and essences to a crystal every morning, but emphasized that there is no right or wrong way to do this. She also encouraged embracing both masculine and feminine energies within oneself and allowing oneself to be blissful, beautiful, and fortunate, as these qualities can bring positivity into one's life. Additionally, the speaker shared an experience of unexpectedly attending a tea ceremony with a spiritual teacher, Wuda, and being deeply moved by his energy and presence. Overall, the message is to trust one's intuition and create personal spiritual practices that bring joy and nourishment.

    • Understanding Masculine and Feminine EnergiesRecognizing masculine (stillness, presence) and feminine (creation, change) energies in relationships can lead to better understanding and healthier dynamics.

      Understanding the dynamics of masculine and feminine energies can provide insight into personal relationships and the underlying causes of conflicts between partners. David Data described masculine energy as emptiness, stillness, and presence, while feminine energy is eternal creation. This setup can help explain why partners may react differently to each other's presence and behaviors. For instance, a feminine energy may feel misunderstood or unseen when her partner seems distracted or distant, while a masculine energy may feel overwhelmed or disturbed by the constant creation and change brought about by feminine energy. By recognizing these fundamental differences and the importance of each partner's unique needs, individuals can foster healthier and more fulfilling relationships. Additionally, the feminine energy's ability to intuitively assess situations and the masculine energy's focus on life mission highlight the importance of effective communication and mutual understanding in any partnership.

    • Exploring the imbalance of masculine and feminine energiesUnderstanding and healing imbalances between masculine and feminine energies leads to personal growth and spiritual evolution.

      The imbalanced patriarchal system on this planet has led to disruptive dynamics between masculine and feminine energies, with the ultimate goal being the evolution and return to one's soul. This dynamic can be observed in personal relationships and can be healed through objective understanding and depersonalization. However, reaching highly spiritual beings like David for deeper conversation on the topic can be challenging. Despite these challenges, the exploration of these ideas leads to growth and understanding, even if not everyone is able to fully grasp it at once. The importance of self-realization and personal evolution, no matter the obstacles, is a powerful reminder.

    • Understanding the importance of feminine energyRecognize the value of feminine energy in driving connection, faith, and devotion. Balance between masculine and feminine energies is crucial for productivity and success.

      In a unified world, both masculine and feminine energies should be considered with equal reverence. The feminine energy, often unseen and undervalued, plays a crucial role in driving faith, connection, and devotion. In business environments, this can be seen in the importance of team dynamics and the impact of energy on productivity. For instance, in a recent executive team meeting, the only female member identified the issue as a misaligned team dynamic, which was dismissed as insignificant. However, when teams were rearranged, the energy improved, and productivity increased. It's essential to understand that both energies are vital and that achieving balance is key to success.

    • Understanding the value of feminine energy and intuitionIgnoring women's instincts and wisdom can lead to missed opportunities and negative impacts on individuals and the planet. Recognizing and honoring the differences between masculine and feminine energies can lead to stronger relationships and a more balanced world.

      The lack of recognition and validation of feminine energy and intuition can lead to feelings of discord and disconnection. Women's instincts and wisdom are valuable, and ignoring them can result in missed opportunities. Furthermore, the underrepresentation of women in leadership roles and the patriarchal system have negative impacts on individuals and the planet as a whole. It is essential to recognize and honor the differences between masculine and feminine energies and create a space where both can thrive. A study shows that companies with more women on their executive teams perform better. Ultimately, accepting and respecting each other's unique wiring is the key to building stronger relationships and creating a more balanced and harmonious world.

    • Balancing Masculine and Feminine EnergyUnderstanding and embracing the feminine energy beyond peace and complacency is vital for restoring balance in our world. Both masculine and feminine energies have access to all elements and embody different expressions, from victim to victor.

      We are currently experiencing an imbalance towards the masculine energy in our world, and it's essential to give more attention to the feminine to restore balance. The feminine is not just about peace and complacency but can also be fierce and protective. We have been taught through various ideologies and media to suppress the true feminine energy, which is not limited to peaceful or submissive traits. Both energies, masculine and feminine, have access to all elements and embody different expressions. To move beyond the traditional prince-princess paradigm, we need to understand that the same energy can manifest as a victim or a victor. The young generation, including those who identify as gender fluid, is breaking this cycle, and it's crucial for us to have open discussions about redefining our relationships with these energies.

    • Unique challenges for women in the workplaceExploring ways to support and be in balance with each other as women is crucial for overcoming unique challenges in the workplace. Competitive dynamics among women and expressing emotions and vulnerability can be particularly challenging.

      Women face unique challenges when it comes to being heard in the workplace, particularly when there's an imbalance in energy and support. The speaker shared her personal experiences of feeling unheard and suppressed, even by other women, and the impact it had on her decision to leave a company. She also noted the existence of a competitive dynamic among women, rooted in the belief that only a few will survive. The speaker emphasized the importance of exploring ways to support and be in balance with each other as women, and acknowledged the challenges of expressing emotions and vulnerability in a workplace setting. Additionally, she observed a difference in how men and women respond to challenging conversations, with women being more focused and present, while men tend to get distracted. The speaker suggested the need for intentional efforts to create a more supportive and balanced environment for women in the workplace.

    • Balancing Masculine and Feminine EnergiesFocus on personal growth and inner balance to promote harmony between masculine and feminine energies. Avoid conflict and seek open dialogue for a more balanced world.

      Engaging in meaningful conversations requires active listening and understanding of each other's perspectives. Regarding the global balance of masculine and feminine energies, the speaker believes that both energies are essential and should not be viewed as opposing forces. However, she feels that recent feminist movements may be coming from a place of conflict and lack the desired balance. Instead, she suggests focusing on personal growth and inner balance to promote harmony between masculine and feminine energies. The speaker also raises concerns about the negative impact of pornography on perceptions of sexuality and the feminine, emphasizing the importance of respectful and consensual relationships. Overall, the conversation highlights the need for open dialogue and self-reflection to create a more balanced and harmonious world.

    • Respecting Different Energies for Peaceful CoexistenceUnderstanding and respecting diverse energies in relationships and social movements promotes peace. Women's movement focuses on expressing importance of issues, not power-grabs. Awareness of harmful imagery like pornography aids healing. Maintaining peace in large crowds creates memorable experiences.

      Understanding and respecting the different energies within ourselves and others is crucial for peaceful coexistence. This applies to various aspects of life, including personal relationships and social movements. The women's movement, for instance, is not about women trying to take power but about expressing the importance of issues that matter. Furthermore, raising awareness about the prevalence of harmful imagery in society, such as pornography, is essential for healing and repairing the world. Lastly, even in large crowds, maintaining peace and respect for one another can lead to remarkable experiences.

    • Mother Teresa's Pro Peace RallyFocus on internal self for understanding and empathy, support each other, women's emotions need validation, men listen and hold space

      Understanding and empathy come from closing our eyes to physical appearances and focusing on the internal self. This concept was illustrated in a story about Mother Teresa and her response to students asking her to attend an anti-war rally. Instead, she encouraged a "pro peace rally." The speaker also emphasized the importance of women supporting each other instead of competing, and the need for men to listen and hold space for women's emotions rather than trying to fix problems. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of empathy, understanding, and supportive relationships.

    • Presence and vulnerability in relationshipsBeing present and attentive during conversations fosters emotional connection. Men's disconnection can be addressed by recognizing feelings and being vulnerable. Pornography contributes to loneliness and depression. True relationship success lies in experiencing each other's emotions.

      Effective communication and emotional connection in relationships require presence and vulnerability, which can be achieved through physical sensations and feeling deeply connected to one another. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being present and attentive during conversations, rather than focusing on mental solutions or defenses. He also touches upon the issue of men's disconnection and the role of pornography in perpetuating feelings of loneliness and depression. Ultimately, the key to deep, meaningful relationships lies in embodying life and truly feeling and experiencing each other's emotions.

    • Permission to feel and express emotionsStay open and present in relationships, respect each other's spiritual paths, and practice expressing emotions to foster deeper connections

      Achieving a balanced and healthy relationship between men and women requires both genders to give themselves permission to feel and express emotions, while staying open and receptive to each other, even during challenging moments. This is a complex issue with no easy answers, as the masculine and feminine energies may never fully unite. Instead, individuals must recognize and stay present in these moments, allowing them to transform the energy and lead to deeper connection. It's essential to practice staying open and present, as it's not a default setting for most people. Furthermore, respecting each other's unique spiritual paths and journeys can help create a strong and independent relationship, where neither party relies on the other for completion.

    • Recognizing the value of all energiesAcknowledge individual purpose, bring feminine energy forward, and honor unique contributions of all individuals.

      Every individual has unique value and the need to be seen and recognized for their contributions. This was a recurring theme in the conversation between Wiley and Rich Roll, as they discussed their experiences and the importance of acknowledging the feminine energy and the equal value of all energies. Wiley shared her feelings of being behind the scenes and not being seen for her full potential, but emphasized that this is not the case. She encouraged the recognition of each person's individual purpose and the need to bring the feminine energy forward, acknowledging all qualities equally. The conversation also touched on the importance of self-expression and honoring one's own energy, as demonstrated by the young man wearing a skirt as a reminder to honor the feminine. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of recognizing and valuing the unique contributions of every individual.

    • Handpicked recommendations from a host who values authenticitySign up for the host's email list for authentic, curated recommendations without affiliate links or spam

      The host values authentic connection with his audience and provides them with curated recommendations, without any ulterior motives or affiliations. You can sign up for his email list on his website to receive his handpicked articles, documentaries, videos, podcasts, and product recommendations. He emphasizes that there are no affiliate links or spam involved. The production team, including Jason Camiolo for audio engineering, Sean Patterson for graphics, and Anna Lemma for theme music, all contribute to making the show a success. The host expresses gratitude towards them and the audience, and closes the episode with a peaceful sign-off.

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    The Rich Roll Podcast
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    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 20, 2024

    Orlando Bloom on The Spirituality of Extremes: Chasing Fear, Embracing Risk & Navigating Fame

    Orlando Bloom on The Spirituality of Extremes: Chasing Fear, Embracing Risk & Navigating Fame
    This week, I am joined by Orlando Bloom, renowned actor and spiritual seeker, to discuss the intersection of extreme sports, personal growth, and the art of balance. Orlando shares his profound experiences with wingsuiting, free diving, and rock climbing, revealing the delicate tension between discipline and surrender. He offers candid insights into his upbringing, his mother’s influence, Buddhism’s transformative power, and navigating the complexities of fame. The conversation explores the nuances of preparation, trust, and letting go, drawing parallels between these high-stakes pursuits and life’s journey. Orlando’s vulnerability shines through as he discusses the evolution of his relationship dynamics and his commitment to making a positive impact through his work with UNICEF. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: LMNT: Science-backed electrolytes with everything you need and nothing you don’t. Get a FREE Sample Pack with any drink mix purchase 👉drinkLMNT.com/RICHROLL On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  Bon Charge: Wellness products designed to help you sleep better, recover faster, and boost your overall well-being. Use code RICHROLL to save 15% OFF  👉 boncharge.com  Birch: For 20% off ALL organic mattresses and 2 free eco-rest pillows visit 👉BirchLiving.com/richroll Momentous: Save up to 36% OFF your first subscription order of Protein or Creatine, along with 20% OFF all of my favorite products 👉livemomentous.com/richroll  SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com Waking Up: Get a FREE month, plus $30 OFF mindfulness resources 👉Squarespace.com/RichRoll Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 13, 2024

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    Small Ways to Improve Your Everyday Life Right Now | Gretchen Rubin

    Small Ways to Improve Your Everyday Life Right Now | Gretchen Rubin
    I call Gretchen Rubin the "Swiss Army Knife for Happiness." Present her with a problem, and she will flood you with practical, customized solutions. I love having Gretchen on this show not only because she's smart and funny and we're friends, but also because she provides some compelling counterprogramming. Most of our guests come from the meditation world, but Gretchen approaches happiness from a very different angle. She's a lawyer by training - she began her career clerking for Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor - who went on to write a series of books that examine small, doable ways to boost our happiness in everyday life. Her books include her breakout memoir The Happiness Project, and then follow-on bestsellers such as The Four Tendencies (which is a fascinating look at how different kinds of people form habits). In this interview, we explore a bunch of ways to improve your day-to-day life in this pandemic. We talk about: family relationships, decluttering, setting priorities, managing your relationship to technology, treating yourself without overindulging, and going easy on yourself versus expecting more from yourself. Where to find Gretchen Rubin online: Website: https://gretchenrubin.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/gretchenrubin Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GretchenRubin Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gretchenrubin/ Book Mentioned: Outer Order, Inner Calm by Gretchen Rubin / https://gretchenrubin.com/books/outer-order-inner-calm/about-the-book We've been nominated for two Webby awards. If you love and want to support our work, please vote for us via links in the episode description. Vote for us in the health & fitness app category. / https://vote.webbyawards.com/PublicVoting#/2020/apps-mobile-and-voice/apps-mobile-sites-general/health-fitness Vote for us in the voice category. / https://vote.webbyawards.com/PublicVoting#/2020/apps-mobile-and-voice/general-voice/health-fitness-lifestyle Other Resources Mentioned: Susan Kaiser Greenland / https://www.susankaisergreenland.com/ Some Good News / https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOe_y6KKvS3PdIfb9q9pGug The Four Tendencies Quiz / https://quiz.gretchenrubin.com/ Additional Resources: Ten Percent Happier Live: https://tenpercent.com/live Coronavirus Sanity Guide: https://www.tenpercent.com/coronavirussanityguide We want to deeply thank and recognize teachers, warehouse workers, grocery and food delivery workers, and healthcare workers for the essential role that they play in our lives. For FREE access to the app and hundreds of meditations and resources visit https://tenpercent.com/care Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/podcast-episode/gretchen-rubin-244 See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    EP121: Insecurity Explained

    EP121: Insecurity Explained
    What is insecurity and why does it keep us so stuck? Michaela deep dives into what insecurities really are, how they relate to your spiritual growth and how to jumpstart your realization of them so that you can get your power back. Michaela reads listeners' relationships and Scott reveals a deep seeded insecurity of his own. 

    Mystic Michaela Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mysticmichaela

    Mystic Michaela Website: https://www.mysticmichaela.com

    Mystic Michaela Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2093029197406168

    Mystic Michaela Podcast Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/know-your-aura-with-mystic-michaela/id1477126939

    Mystic Michaela Bonus Episode - Every Aura Color Explained: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bonus-every-aura-color-explained/id1477126939?i=1000479357880

    Get 20% off your first order at https://dadgrass.com/kya

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