
    How To Build The Perfect 7 Second Business Pitch | (Un)conscious Keynote

    enMay 28, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Create a lasting impression in 7 secondsBrands that resonate emotionally in 7 seconds can significantly impact purchasing decisions

      A 7-second story is a crucial element for brands and individuals to make a lasting impression. Our brains are wired to make quick decisions, and most of these decisions are unconscious. The unconscious mind processes information fast and makes decisions based on emotions, triggering dopamine production. Brands that can create a 7-second story that resonates with consumers on an emotional level can significantly influence their purchasing decisions. In the entertainment industry, this concept is known as the elevator pitch. The hook in a 7-second story can be something unusual, unexpected, or conflict-driven, grabbing the audience's attention and keeping them engaged. Ultimately, a well-crafted 7-second story can lead to increased brand loyalty and trial.

    • New rules for content creation: make good stuffLength of content no longer determines its effectiveness, focus on creating high-quality content instead

      The length and format of content are no longer limited by traditional containers, thanks to the evolution of digital media. The success of short-form content like TikTok ads and the popularity of long-form content like Netflix's The Queen's Gambit demonstrate this shift. The rules for content creation are now simpler: make good stuff. The length of a container no longer determines its effectiveness, as seen in the example of Ocean Spray's most successful ad, which was only 7 seconds long. The past limitations, such as the length of a movie being determined by the size of an audience's bladder, are no longer relevant. Brands and storytellers now have the freedom to tell their stories in the length that best serves their purpose, whether it's a 7-second ad or a 6-part miniseries. This is a remarkable time for storytellers as the traditional constraints of distribution have been eliminated.

    • The Power of Authentic StorytellingBeing true to your brand and story is crucial to capturing and keeping people's interest. Use relatable concepts with a unique twist to make an impression in today's short attention span world.

      Authenticity and truth are essential elements in creating compelling stories, whether in personal interactions or brand messaging. Gary shared his experience of being true to himself and how it resonates with audiences. He emphasized the importance of mental real estate in storytelling, using relatable and familiar concepts but adding a unique twist to capture attention. Arnaud added to the discussion by stressing the need to make an impression within the limited time frame of today's distribution channels. The consensus was that being true to one's brand and story is crucial to capturing and keeping people's interest. The discussion also touched on the power of storytelling to connect with people on an emotional level and how finding the right story and presenting it in an unexpected way can be effective in engaging audiences.

    • Branding that taps into human motivesEffective branding connects with universal human motives like caring, exploration, growth, safety, and transformation to create an emotional bond with consumers. Consistently weaving these motives into messaging is crucial to avoid confusion and maintain authenticity.

      Effective branding connects with human motives and brings them to life through a consistent and emotionally engaging story. Human motives, such as caring, exploration, growth, safety, and transformation, are universal and can resonate with people regardless of race, place, or time. Brands that tap into these motives and weave them into their messaging can create a strong connection with consumers. However, it's essential to maintain consistency between the cues used and the message delivered to avoid confusing consumers and losing meaning. Brands that succeed in this approach, like Jeep, create a sense of freedom and adventure by connecting with the explorer motive and bringing it to life in a way that resonates with consumers. Ultimately, a clear and authentic brand message that taps into human motives and creates an emotional connection can lead to a strong and loyal consumer base.

    • Themes of love, freedom, and emotional connection in storytellingBrands can tap into human desires by incorporating emotional intelligence and soft skills into messaging and offerings, as seen in successful films and NFT projects

      Themes of love, freedom, and emotional connection are universally relatable and powerful in storytelling. Whether it's through animated films, NFT projects, or personal experiences, these themes tap into human behavior and desires. Brands can leverage this by incorporating emotional intelligence and soft skills into their messaging and offerings. For example, Pixar films successfully weave these themes into captivating stories, while the success of the V Friends NFT project demonstrates the value of emotional connection in the digital world. By recognizing and embracing the importance of emotional intelligence and soft skills, individuals and businesses can build meaningful connections and experiences that resonate with audiences.

    • Connecting with consumers through compassion and storytellingIn the decentralized marketing landscape, empathy, intuition, and heartfelt storytelling will be more valuable than ever for brands to engage consumers.

      Compassion and authentic storytelling are key to connecting with consumers. The marketing industry has long focused on disrupting people's attention with commercials and advertisements. However, the most successful and beloved films and brands are those that resonate with people on an emotional level. As we move into a new era where distribution and creativity are becoming more decentralized, artists and creators will have more power to connect directly with audiences. Brands must be thoughtful and authentic in their approach to engage consumers in this new landscape. Empathy, intuition, and heartfelt storytelling will be more valuable than ever.

    • Empowering creators with storytellingCreators can leverage their storytelling abilities to bypass traditional distributors and maintain control over their projects. Success stories like Pixar prove that staying true to vision and lacking fear drives innovation and meaningful content.

      The power to create and tell stories that resonate with people can help decentralize distributors and give creators more control over their projects. This is a particularly good time for creators due to the increasing number of platforms that invite creative content. However, it's important for creators to stay true to their vision and not let traditional industry rules or financial considerations compromise their work. The success stories of companies like Pixar, which operated outside the Hollywood system, demonstrate the importance of creative people having the power to make content decisions. Ultimately, it's the people who say "yes" and lack fear that drive innovation and create something truly meaningful, rather than just milking existing systems for profit. This approach not only leads to more satisfying and emotionally resonant outcomes, but also avoids coming at the expense of human beings.

    • Simplify branding and storytellingTo create meaningful brand experiences, simplify your message, involve all stakeholders early in the ideation process. Avoid overcomplicating and over-processing to maintain authenticity.

      In the process of branding and storytelling, we often overcomplicate things, leading us to lose sight of our core message. Over-processing, over-qualifying, and over-segmenting can distort our intended message and hinder consistency. It's crucial to go back to basics and ask ourselves what we truly want to convey and how to bring it to life authentically. Another important point is that while creative people play a significant role in branding, most decision-makers are operators, not creatives. These individuals make subjective decisions based on their egos and lack of humility, which can negatively impact the creative process. To bridge the gap between creatives and decision-makers, it's beneficial to involve all stakeholders early on in the ideation process. Instead of asking creatives to come up with a single idea, ask them to present multiple ideas they are equally passionate about. This way, creatives can focus on their vision, while decision-makers can assess which idea aligns best with their goals. In essence, by maintaining a clear focus on our core message and involving all stakeholders in the creative process, we can create meaningful and authentic brand experiences.

    • Balancing Creativity and Practicality in BrandingTo effectively convey brand intentions, creatives must balance their vision with financial practicality, lead projects, minimize subjectivity, and understand the impact of visual cues on consumers.

      When creating a brand or story, it's essential to balance creativity with practicality. Creative people need the support of financially savvy individuals to distribute and market their work, but they must avoid letting this overshadow their clear vision. The director should lead the project, and subjectivity in story selection can be minimized by finding the one theme that resonates with your brand. Visual elements and packaging design also play a significant role in conveying intended messages. For instance, straight lines and sharp edges might signify growth, while round shapes and transparency evoke safety. By understanding the impact of various visual cues on the brain, creators can bring their intentions to life more effectively. Brands like Johnny Walker have successfully utilized this concept by aligning their packaging design with their taglines. In today's business world, with the internet's vast reach, it's crucial to embrace truth, relevance, and a high volume of output to connect with consumers on an emotional level.

    • Leveraging the Internet for Flexibility and AdaptabilityIn the digital age, success comes from curiosity, intuition, and adaptability to consumer reactions. Understand diverse audiences and use shape language effectively in character design.

      In today's digital world, artists and decision-makers have the unique opportunity to put their work out there, gather feedback, and adapt accordingly. The speaker, who has a history of intense communication and humility, believes that success comes from a combination of curiosity, intuition, and the ability to evolve based on consumer reactions. They also emphasized the importance of understanding different audiences and catering to their preferences. The use of shape language in character design was highlighted as a powerful tool in unconsciously communicating a character's essence. Overall, the Internet age offers an unprecedented level of flexibility and the ability to connect with diverse audiences, making humility and adaptability essential traits for creators.

    • Balancing audience expectations and taking risksCreators should balance pleasing their audience with taking risks to surprise them. The wider Internet reach offers opportunities to engage with diverse demographics, but awards focus can distract from consumer behavior and business growth.

      Creators should balance the desire to meet audience expectations with the need to take risks and surprise them. Brad Bird, from Pixar, shared how they took a risk with "The Incredibles," which was not a typical buddy film for their brand, but it paid off. In today's business landscape, especially with the Internet's reach, creators have the opportunity to engage with a wider audience and reach niche demographics. However, the industry's focus on awards and optics, rather than actual consumer behavior and commercial success, can lead to a disconnect. It's essential to remember that the ultimate goal is to create something that resonates with people and drives business growth.

    • The Power of Humility in Connecting with ConsumersPrioritize authenticity and humility to build relationships, foster goodwill, and create a sense of community. Value feedback and interaction to deepen engagement.

      Connecting emotionally with consumers in 2021 requires humility and authenticity, as expressed by the speaker. Humility was identified as a powerful tool for building relationships and fostering goodwill. The speaker also expressed gratitude towards listeners who leave reviews and shared a heartfelt appreciation for the impact of the podcast on one listener's life. By acknowledging and responding to positive feedback, the speaker creates a sense of community and encourages continued engagement. Overall, the key takeaway is to prioritize authenticity and humility in connecting with consumers, and to value the power of genuine feedback and interaction.

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    Key Highlights From The Episode:

    [00:51] Today’s theme: The essential digital marketing strategies you need as a coach or consultant.

    [01:55] #1 Develop a strong brand identity 

    [02:10] #2 Create a professional website that showcases your coaching services

    [02:31] #3 Create and share high-quality content 

    [02:57] #4 Use social media

    [03:10] #5 Use emails 

    [03:23] #6 Offer free resources 

    [03:39] #7 Use paid advertising

    [03:54] #8 Incorporate video marketing 

    [04:07] #9 Monitor your digital marketing matrix 


    Golden Nuggets:

    • Your website should have clear calls to action to facilitate reverse marketing. [02:18] 

    • Social media is the primary means to establish connections with potential clients, share your content, and build your audience. [02:58]

    • Paid advertising accelerates growth by targeting your specific audience. [03:39]

    • Monitoring your digital marketing matrix helps you to make data-driven decisions for your future content. [04:07] 


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    Authentic Storytelling, The Gnar Gnar Honeys & Iced Matcha Lattes with Guest Trifecta Monica Medellin

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    Download Podcast Transcript

    Monica Medellin is a director, producer, CEO, and co-founder of The Gnar Gnar Honeys. Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, Monica focuses on stories related to diversity, identity, and social justice. Her work has been featured on Vice, Conde Nast, The Washington Post, The Huffington Post, and at The Women’s March on Washington. Previously a video producer at The Los Angeles Times and Define American, and a member of the Global Social Content team for the World Surf League, today Monica works full time as the CEO and Co-Founder of The Gnar Gnar Honeys—a creative collective of directors, producers, cinematographers and editors that bring a fresh perspective to filmmaking through authentic collaborations and unapologetic badassery. 

    In today’s episode, Monica and I dive into the world of filmmaking and authentic storytelling. We talk through the importance of inclusivity not just on the camera, but also behind the scenes, and what really goes into creating and producing genuine and successful content. 


    • Monica walks us through her journey after college, from working at the LA Times, to the creation of The Gnar Gnar Honeys, she was able to blend her passion for filmmaking and sports with stories that focused on authentic storytelling, diversity, and inclusion.
    • At the LA Times, Monica was part of a diverse team with different perspectives. This helped them to create short documentaries about issues that affected different communities and to connect and build trust with them. 
    • What does it mean to be a director or a producer?  Monica gives us a quick break down of both roles. 
    • Monica’s work has been featured across many major media outlets. She talks about how she landed such coverage.
    • What is The Gnar Gnar Honeys? A collective of women that share a common passion for sports and creative industries. They make content that resonates with other women while working to get more diverse women behind the camera. 
    • How do you create authentic, engaging, and successful content? Monica shares her best tips.

     If you want to know more about Monica, visit her website or follow her on Instagram or Twitter.

    Visit The Gnar Gnar Honeys website and follow them on Instagram and Twitter to keep up to date with their work.

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