
    How to have a 'grown up' relationship with a sibling

    en-usMarch 04, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the complexities of sibling relationshipsUnderstanding and addressing the unique dynamics of sibling bonds can lead to greater appreciation and growth.

      Sibling relationships can be complex and require effort to maintain healthy communication and growth throughout our lives. While siblings can provide companionship and support, differences in personal growth and paces can lead to challenges. Journalist Ruth Tam explores these complexities and offers insights on repairing and strengthening sibling relationships in the latest episode of LifeKit from NPR. Whether you're dealing with a strained relationship or seeking to deepen the bond with your sibling, understanding the unique dynamics of sibling connections can lead to greater appreciation and growth. Support for NPR comes from Whole Foods Market, offering wallet-friendly options for hosting a celebratory brunch and creating beautiful table settings for your gatherings.

    • The Significance and Complexity of Sibling RelationshipsSiblings are our longest and most profound connections, shaping us in profound ways. Despite complications, their value and potential for growth and healing are worth the effort to maintain and improve these relationships.

      Sibling relationships, though often overlooked, are some of the most significant and enduring connections in our lives. These are the people we've known the longest, and the experiences we share with them can shape us in profound ways. However, maintaining these relationships isn't always easy. Memories and past disagreements can complicate things, but they are also opportunities for growth and healing. Research by Jeffrey Greiff, co-author of "Adult Sibling Relationships" and a professor at the University of Maryland School of Social Work, sheds light on the importance of these relationships and provides a framework for understanding and improving them. Our siblings are our first peers, and the lessons we learn from them can be invaluable. While disagreements or awkwardness may arise, it's essential to recognize the value of these relationships and work on repairing and mending them. Sibling relationships are a lifelong group project, and the effort is worth it.

    • Understanding the Complexity of Sibling RelationshipsSibling relationships are complex and multifaceted, with affection, love, ambivalence, and ambiguity all present. No two siblings are the same, and individual experiences shape their bonds.

      Sibling relationships, like any other intimate relationship, are complex and multifaceted. While there may be deep affection and love between siblings, it's important to acknowledge and accept the presence of ambivalence and ambiguity. Affection isn't a constant feeling, and mixed feelings towards siblings are normal. Ambiguity, or the feeling of not fully understanding why siblings behave the way they do, is also a natural part of these relationships. It's crucial to remember that no two siblings are raised exactly the same way, and individual experiences and circumstances can significantly impact the dynamics of their relationships. Embracing this complexity and recognizing the normalcy of ambivalence and ambiguity in sibling relationships can lead to greater understanding and appreciation for the unique bonds we share with our siblings.

    • Understanding sibling complexitiesCommunicate openly to resolve unspoken resentments, accept differences, and strengthen sibling bonds.

      Sibling relationships can be complex and influenced by various factors. These differences can lead to unresolved issues and unspoken resentments if not addressed. It's essential to create a safe and open environment to communicate and process these feelings. Siblings may not be able to read each other's minds, and unresolved tension can negatively impact the relationship. Owning your resentment and expressing it to your sibling can help prevent misunderstandings and lead to a deeper connection. Comparing differences to a jumping off point for getting to know each other better is a healthier approach than letting them become a dead end. Remember, accepting yourself and your siblings' differences can lead to a stronger bond based on love and understanding.

    • Repairing a Sibling RelationshipExpress feelings, lower expectations, find common ground, and show affection to repair a sibling relationship

      Repairing a relationship with a sibling requires emotional courage and a willingness to put in extra effort, especially if you're the only one wanting to come to the table. If you're feeling sad or noticing a shift in connection, expressing your feelings to the other person can lead to more honesty and understanding. However, it may take emotional courage to start a conversation, especially if it's not a topic you've discussed before. If the other person is not receptive, consider reaching out in a different way, such as a letter or text message. Additionally, if you're the only one wanting to work on the relationship, you may need to take on more of the work yourself. This means lowering your expectations for reciprocity and being willing to make more of the effort. However, it's important to avoid being accusatory or demanding, as this can be counterproductive. Instead, try showing interest in the things your sibling cares about and finding common ground through shared activities. Ultimately, repairing a relationship with a sibling requires a great deal of affection and understanding, as well as a willingness to meet the other person where they are. It won't always be perfect, but with patience and effort, you can build a stronger bond.

    • Mending a rift in a sibling relationshipFind common ground, forgive, acknowledge past hurts, take responsibility, approach as a collaborative story, and commit to growth and forgiveness.

      Mending a rift in a sibling relationship involves finding common ground and enjoying shared interests as a low-stakes entry point. However, forgiveness and accountability are necessary for growth, and both parties must be willing to acknowledge past hurts and take responsibility for their actions. It's important to remember that the relationship may not look the way we want it to, and it's a continuous work in progress. As Jeffrey and Nedra suggest, viewing a sibling relationship as a collaborative story we're writing together can help us approach it with a fresh perspective and focus on who we want to be in that story. Ultimately, the key is to approach the relationship with an open mind, a willingness to listen and understand, and a commitment to growth and forgiveness.

    • Maintaining sibling relationships requires flexibility and understandingBe patient, communicate effectively, let go of expectations, and strive for growth in sibling relationships

      Maintaining a relationship with a sibling requires flexibility and understanding, as everyone's experiences and communication styles are unique. It's normal to have mixed feelings towards siblings, and it's essential to acknowledge and address any resentment in a timely and respectful manner. If you want to reconnect with a distant sibling, be willing to put in the effort and understand their perspective. Remember, it's okay if the relationship doesn't look the way you want it to, and it's essential to let go of expectations and start fresh. As one speaker put it, we're all still writing the story of our sibling relationships, and each chapter will be different. So, keep communicating, be patient, and strive for growth.

    • Exploring human behavior and technology's role in decision makingNPR's Choiceology podcast delves into behavioral science, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure's OCI powers AI, and Ways to Win podcast offers lessons from athletes on problem-solving

      Understanding the psychology behind people's decisions and the role of technology in enabling them can lead to significant insights. From the world of behavioral science, NPR's Choiceology podcast explores these topics through stories of Nobel laureates, authors, athletes, and more. On the other hand, in the realm of technology, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure's next-generation platform, OCI, is crucial for powering AI, which is becoming increasingly important. OCI offers a single solution for infrastructure, database, application development, and AI needs, helping businesses like Uber, 8 by 8, and Databricks save costs while achieving more. Lastly, the Ways to Win podcast offers valuable lessons from athletes on solving off-court problems using on-court wisdom. Whether it's dealing with home troubles or workplace dilemmas, these athletes provide winning formulas. Overall, these podcasts provide unique perspectives on human behavior, technology, and success.

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    The K.I.S.S. ~ Choose your attitude wisely!

    Because your attitude impacts absolutely EVERYTHING!!

    Our daughter had her white coat ceremony this past weekend. What a celebration! The family was all in town, including our grandson. 

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    After our incognito spelling bee, I asked him how if he slept well. And he proudly responded with a smile, "Yes, slept well."

    From that point on, it was a changed little boy. He was happy and ready to go do anything and everything with a smile.

    Now, you and I both know he was challenging his mom. But Grandma comes into the picture, and life isn't so bad. So he chose to be happy instead of crabby.

    Joy is a great alarm clock.

    When you choose to wake up with Joy, you're making a conscious decision to start your day with joy. Just because you "feel" crabby and that's grabbing your attention the most, so you can get the attention; it doesn't mean you ARE crabby. All it means is that it's screaming the loudest so you don't have to work at how you want to "feel".

    When you rise, you set the tone for the rest of your day. Put yourself in a mindset that is open to positivity and possibility. That in itself can have a huge impact on how you interact with the world and how you impact the world you touch.

    Think about it: if you wake up feeling grumpy and negative, you're more likely to snap at your coworkers or family members, to rush through your tasks without really engaging with them, and to make decisions that might not be in your best interest.

    But if you wake up feeling joyful and centered, you're more likely to greet the people around you with kindness and compassion, to approach your work with focus and creativity, and to make choices that align with your values.

    And remember, joy is not dependent on your circumstances, situations, or season of life. Joy does not come from what is thrown at you. Joy comes from whose you are.

    Choosing to wake up with Joy and in joy is more than just choosing a specific alarm clock. It's choosing to take control of your day, to set your intentions, and to create a positive ripple effect that can touch everyone around you.

    So the question is, how will you choose to rise?

    When you choose joy, you can wake up to a world of possibility, potential, and progress. Take that first step towards living your life on purpose for your greater calling.

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness." ~ Kristianne Wargo

    PRAYER: May joy become the alarm clock that awakens the refreshment and rejuvenation within you. Take time to control your morning and start living your best life.

    "Be present. Be incredible. Be YOU!!!"


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    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Success, Entrepreneur, LifeHack, and She Owns It.







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    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

    Photo by Canva.com


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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