
    If you've always wanted to write a book, here's how

    en-usApril 28, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Creating Conditions to Write and Silence Self-DoubtAspiring writers can make time for writing and silence self-doubt by just starting and writing, regardless of the subject.

      Everyone has the potential to be a writer, but self-doubt and the belief that perfect conditions will appear can hinder us. Instead, it's important to create the conditions to write and silence those inner voices. Sarah Doro, a parent from Austin, Texas, shared how she's been giving her older daughter more responsibilities and teaching her new skills to help pass the time and keep her occupied. Similarly, aspiring writers can make time for writing and silence their self-doubt by just starting and writing, no matter the subject. Petra Mayer, an editor at NPR Books, spoke with guests who have overcome self-doubt and shared their experiences and advice. And for those looking to host a celebratory brunch, Whole Foods Market offers wallet-friendly finds for a delicious and memorable event.

    • Maximize Your 'Time Confetti' with WritingUtilize short writing sessions effectively by joining word sprints or setting writing goals with NaNoWriMo, making the most of spare moments to progress on projects and unlock creativity.

      Everyone has spare moments in their day that can be used for writing, even if it's just for a few minutes at a time. Grant Faulkner, the executive director of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), calls these moments "time confetti." Instead of wasting these moments on social media or other distractions, Faulkner suggests using them to write. NaNoWriMo is a helpful resource for those looking to start writing, as it sets a goal and deadline, and encourages writers to focus on quantity rather than perfection. One way to make the most of these short writing sessions is through word sprints. During a word sprint, writers are given a prompt and write for a set amount of time without stopping or editing their work. Faulkner has found that even the most reluctant writers are able to produce words during a sprint. By making the most of these small pockets of time, writers can make significant progress on their projects and tap into the stories that are waiting to be told.

    • Write consistently and dedicate time to your craftFind your creative process and stick with it, whether planning or winging it, and show up for your characters to bring your story to life.

      Successful writing requires dedication and consistency. Elizabeth Acevedo, the award-winning author, emphasizes the importance of setting aside time to write and then just plowing ahead without overthinking or revising too much. However, there's no one right way to write a book. Some writers meticulously plan every detail, while others wing it and discover the story as they go. NaNoWriMo encourages all types of writers and offers the unique term "plantsers" for those who fall in between. Ultimately, the key is to find your own creative process and stick with it, even on challenging days. As Acevedo puts it, "You can't ghost your characters. You have to show up for them or they won't show up for you." So, whether you're a planner, a pantser, or somewhere in between, the most important thing is to show up and write.

    • Be present and flexible in your writing journey, seek support from othersWriting a book is a personal process with no one true way. Be present for your characters or story, stay flexible, and seek support from a network of thinkers and writers.

      Writing a book is a personal and flexible process. Whether you're writing fiction or nonfiction, planning is important, but so is being present for your characters or your story. There's no one true way to write your book, and it's essential to give yourself the space to be vulnerable and tackle the challenging parts. Additionally, having a support system is crucial. You're not alone in this journey, and reaching out to other writers or forming a writing community can provide invaluable help and accountability. Kat Chow, author of the memoir "Seeing Ghosts," emphasizes the importance of having a network of thinkers and writers to help reset and refocus when needed. So, be present, be flexible, and seek out the support of others to help you on your writing journey.

    • Surround yourself with supportive writers and avid readingEngage with a community of writers, seek guidance, encouragement, and constructive criticism. Read widely to discover new voices, refine your own voice, and gain insights into the craft of writing.

      Writing can be a challenging and isolating experience, but having a supportive community of writers and being an avid reader can make all the difference. Surround yourself with people who can offer guidance, encouragement, and constructive criticism. And don't forget to read widely to discover new voices, refine your own voice, and gain insights into the craft of writing. Remember, influence doesn't mean copying, but rather learning and growing from the works of others. So, build your network and expand your literary horizons to enhance your writing journey.

    • Writing Characters from Diverse BackgroundsApproach writing characters from diverse backgrounds with care, respect, and authenticity. Do research, involve sensitivity readers, and collaborate for respectful representation.

      Writers, especially those who are new or still learning, should approach writing characters from different cultures or backgrounds with care and respect. This means understanding why you want to include these characters in your story and doing the necessary research to make them authentic and well-rounded. It's important to remember that representation is valuable, but it should not be a trend or a box-checking exercise. Instead, writers should strive to tell stories that are respectful and collaborative, involving sensitivity readers and open dialogue. Receiving criticism, whether it's from a writing group or the wider public, can be challenging, but it's an essential part of the writing process. By approaching feedback with grace and humility, writers can learn and grow, ultimately producing work that is more nuanced and meaningful.

    • Believe in yourself and writeEmbrace the term 'real writer', write consistently, find a community, read widely, and be open to learning from mistakes

      If you write, you are a real writer. Fear should not hold you back from expressing yourself through storytelling, whether it's poetry, fan fiction, or even a description of squirrels fighting in the yard. Embrace the term "real writer" and believe in it, as it will give you power on the page. Don't let others define your worth as a writer, as long as you write. Additionally, make some time to write, start writing, and don't worry if there's no one true way to write your book. Find a community to help you on your journey and read, read, and read some more. Be open to writing outside of your experience and learn to take criticism gracefully when you make mistakes. And remember, it's okay to be gentle with yourself if you're feeling stressed or exhausted. Your story will still be there when you're ready to tell it. So, in essence, the power to call yourself a writer lies in your hands, and all you need to do is write.

    • Stay informed with podcasts on science, economics, and human behaviorListen to Shortwave for coronavirus updates, Choiceology for decision-making insights, The Veil for international spy thrills, and The Indicator for economic knowledge.

      The world's biggest stories often intersect with science, economics, and human behavior. On Shortwave from NPR, listeners can stay informed about the latest coronavirus research in easily digestible daily episodes. Meanwhile, Choiceology from NPR sponsor Charles Schwab explores the psychology and economics behind people's decisions through compelling stories from various fields. FX's The Veil, a new international spy thriller on Hulu, delves into the intricacies of truth and lies. Lastly, The Indicator from Planet Money sheds light on economic indicators and their impact on our daily lives. Overall, these podcasts offer valuable insights into the complexities of the world, making it easier for listeners to stay informed and engaged.

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    How to Create a Great Character Name - WritersLife.org
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    Museum Pieces - Sunderland Stages Writers Project

    Museum Pieces - Sunderland Stages Writers Project

    Saturday 9th November sees the culmination of a project which has been nurturing new playwrights in the city.

    It’s the Sunderland Stages Writers Project, developed as part of the Unlock strand of Sunderland Culture’s Great Place scheme - “aiming to develop talent and unlock potential in the Sunderland area.”

    Five writers in Sunderland were selected for “Museum Pieces”, which will showcase performances of original work by these five writers at the Sunderland Museum & Winter Gardens.

    Three of the five writers joined us live on ArtyParti:

    • Lisa BurnsPrimary School Teacher, South Tyneside One of the New Writing North Young Writers group leaders Member of Holmeside Writers, in Sunderland
    • Ray HopkinsDirector of “Wear Builders ltd.”Member of Holmeside Writers, in Sunderland
    • Jamie McLeishStaff Writer with Grin Up North, BBC Newcastle's and formerly Paul & Nessa's Happy Hour

    And rounding off today’s party guests, with a rich and varied background in producing theatre - Helen Green, Head of Performance for Sunderland Culture.


    More about ArtyParti:

    Our website - www.artyparti.comTwitter - @ArtyParti Instagram - @Arty_Parti_ Produced and presented by Jay Sykes.


    Our supporters and funders:

    The ArtyParti podcast is made possible thanks to the support of our five Patreon backers:

    ArtyParti's live "Celebration" events and website are made possible thanks to funding from the Arts Council England & National Lottery Heritage Fund, through the Unlock strand of Sunderland Culture's Great Place scheme.

    ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

    How to Write Character Arcs - WritersLife.org

    How to Write Character Arcs - WritersLife.org

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