
    Podcast Summary

    • Dr. Paul Thomas' individualized approach to vaccinationsDespite allegations, Dr. Thomas' clinic respects individualized vaccination decisions and studies show positive health outcomes for patients with non-CDC vaccination schedules

      Dr. Paul Thomas, a well-known and respected medical professional in Oregon, had his medical license suspended due to allegations of not following informed consent procedures related to vaccinations. However, the accusations against him are misguided, as Dr. Thomas runs a clinic that respects individualized decisions regarding vaccinations. His approach is not one-size-fits-all but rather tailored to each patient's unique circumstances. In a recent study, Dr. Thomas and his team analyzed data from his patient database, focusing on patients who had only been under his care. They found that most patients in his practice were vaccinated but not according to the CDC schedule, and the health outcomes of these patients were compared to those who were completely unvaccinated or variably vaccinated. The study, published on Jeremy Rhammond's website, jeremyrhammond.com, clearly shows that families in Dr. Thomas' practice make informed and individualized decisions about their children's vaccinations. The accusations against Dr. Thomas for pressuring patients to follow a specific vaccination schedule are unfounded.

    • Study on Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Children's Health OutcomesA study by Dr. Paul Thomas found unvaccinated children had better health outcomes, but the medical board suspended his license for sharing results, sparking concerns over prioritization of policy goals over individual health.

      A study conducted by Dr. Paul Thomas, a pediatrician in Oregon, compared health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children in his practice. Contrary to the CDC's long-standing position, the study found that unvaccinated children had better health outcomes, with lower rates of chronic illnesses, allergies, asthma, and ear infections. The study also used a new measure, Relative Incidence of Office Visits (RIOV), which not only looked at the incidence of diagnoses but also the severity of illness and the amount of healthcare required. The differences in the graphs showing RIOV between unvaccinated and vaccinated children were astonishing. However, after publishing the study, the Oregon Medical Board suspended Dr. Thomas' license, despite his production of peer-reviewed evidence supporting his approach to vaccination and informed consent. The board's goal was to maintain high vaccination rates, while Dr. Thomas aimed for good health outcomes among his patients. This incident raises concerns about the rejection of science and data by health regulators and their prioritization of policy goals over individual health.

    • Study in Guinea Bissau found vaccinated children dying at higher ratesA study conducted by pro-vaccine scientists and financed partially by vaccine manufacturers found vaccinated children in Guinea Bissau were dying at higher rates from various diseases, raising concerns about broader health outcomes of vaccines

      The study conducted in Guinea Bissau, which compared health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children, found that the vaccinated children were dying at higher rates from various diseases, including respiratory illnesses, pneumonia, heart diseases, anemia, sepsis, and malaria. The study, which was published in eBiopharma in 2017, was conducted by pro-vaccine scientists and was financed partially by vaccine manufacturers. This study, among others, raises concerns about the broader health outcomes of vaccines and the need for a more comprehensive evaluation of public health beyond just vaccination rates. The current chronic disease epidemic, which includes asthma, eczema, and allergies, highlights the importance of examining the overall health impact of vaccines.

    • Vaccine safety and effectiveness should consider overall health impactLong-term studies comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated children's health outcomes are necessary to ensure vaccines don't negatively impact children's health and increase all-cause mortality.

      The safety and effectiveness of vaccines, such as the DTP vaccine, should not be based solely on their ability to prevent target diseases. Absent long-term, randomized, placebo-controlled trials, there is a risk that vaccines may negatively impact children's health and lead to increased all-cause mortality. For instance, studies have suggested that the DTP vaccine may weaken children's immune systems, making them more susceptible to other illnesses and causing them to die from other causes. Parents and scientists have called for studies comparing health outcomes between vaccinated and unvaccinated children using databases like the VSD, but the CDC has been hesitant to conduct such research. One study, the Verstraten study, found a significant increase in autism diagnoses in children who received the hepatitis B vaccine within their first 30 days of life. However, the CDC has made it difficult for independent scientists to access the necessary data to conduct further research. Despite these challenges, numerous studies have shown negative health impacts on vaccinated children when compared to unvaccinated children.

    • Comparing medical care usage between vaccinated and unvaccinated childrenStudy found vaccinated children had more fever diagnoses but equal well child visits, debunking the myth that unvaccinated children are healthier due to lack of medical care. Properly controlling for biases is crucial for accurate vaccine safety research.

      The study conducted by doctors Jackie Sperling and Paul Thomas aimed to address the criticism that parents of unvaccinated children merely avoid medical care for their kids, making them appear healthier. To control for this, they compared rates of fever diagnoses and well child visits between vaccinated and unvaccinated children. The results showed that vaccinated children had more fever diagnoses but equal well child visits, indicating that the healthier appearance of unvaccinated children was not due to lack of medical care. Additionally, it's important to note the issue of healthy user bias in vaccine safety studies. For instance, a 2015 study claimed that the MMR vaccine did not increase the risk of autism in genetically predisposed children, but the media headlines misrepresented the findings. The actual research showed that parents of children with older siblings diagnosed with autism were less likely to vaccinate their younger children with the MMR vaccine, leading to selection bias. This bias skews the results, as it's not the vaccine that protects against autism, but rather, children at higher risk of autism are less likely to receive the vaccine. Properly controlling for such biases is crucial for accurate vaccine safety research.

    • Doctor's Study on Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Children Leads to License SuspensionA doctor's study contradicting the CDC schedule led to license suspension, while bullying accusations were unfounded and hypocritical

      Dr. Paul, a doctor with a large practice in Oregon, published a study suggesting that vaccinated children may be sicker than unvaccinated children, despite bias in favor of finding higher rates of illness among the lesser vaccinated. After the study's publication, the Oregon Medical Board suspended his license, citing accusations of bullying patients into accepting alternative vaccine schedules. However, it's important to note that the bullying accusation is demonstrably false, as many pediatricians in the state bully parents into vaccinating strictly according to the CDC schedule. Despite requesting peer-reviewed evidence supporting his approach, the board suspended his license when the study results contradicted their belief system and policies. The board's complaints against him were anonymous, and Dr. Paul couldn't face his accusers or obtain information about their identities. The main accusation of bullying is hypocritical, as the medical board tolerates bullying from physicians who pressure parents to adhere to the CDC schedule.

    • Misunderstanding of Dr. Paul's SuspensionDr. Paul's medical license suspension was due to informed consent practices, not bullying parents against vaccines. Informed consent is a critical issue globally, especially with COVID-19 vaccines and potential immunity passports.

      The suspension of Dr. Paul's medical license was not due to bullying parents against vaccines, as falsely accused, but rather for practicing informed consent. This is a critical issue as there is a growing concern over informed consent rights, not just in Portland, Oregon, but globally, especially with the COVID-19 vaccines and potential immunity passports. Dr. Paul's individualized approach to vaccines, providing parents with information for informed choices, is essential. The accusations against him, such as a patient getting tetanus after being his patient, are demonstrably false. The GTAP vaccine, which is on his alternative schedule, is not one he recommends against. The long-term health outcomes data comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated populations is necessary for meaningful risk-benefit analysis, but the medical establishment and CDC refuse to conduct such studies. Dr. Paul's clinic remains operational, and his patients continue to receive care.

    • Emergency Suspension of a Pediatrician's Medical License Creates Dangerous Consequences for Addiction PatientsRigid adherence to medical guidelines without considering individual circumstances or consequences can lead to dangerous situations, as seen in the emergency suspension of a pediatrician's medical license and the impact on his addiction patients.

      The emergency suspension of a pediatrician and addiction specialist's medical license, who is known for advocating for vaccine alternatives, created a potentially dangerous situation for his highly needy addiction patients by immediately blocking him from helping them. This action, supposedly taken in the name of public health, lacked consideration for the consequences and shows the recklessness of the medical board. The doctor, who had prepared for the possibility of losing his license, continues to fight for it while maintaining peace with the outcome. His transformation from a vaccine believer to an advocate for vaccine alternatives was triggered by his personal experiences and a wake-up call from the Wakefield paper in 1998. This story highlights the importance of individual research and the potential consequences of rigid adherence to established medical guidelines.

    • Doctor's courage to question vaccine safetyConfirmation bias can hinder recognizing potential harm from actions, even with good intentions. Doctors should prioritize patient health over societal interests and informed consent should be a choice for parents.

      Confirmation bias, the tendency to accept information that supports our beliefs and reject information that contradicts them, can be a significant barrier to recognizing potential harm caused by our actions, even with good intentions. Dr. Paul Thomas, a pediatrician, went against the norm by questioning the safety of vaccines and advocating for informed consent, despite facing professional consequences. His courageous stand against the medical establishment, which prioritizes adherence to the CDC schedule over patient autonomy, has sparked public outrage and activism. This incident highlights the importance of maintaining the traditional doctor-patient relationship, where the doctor's role is to prioritize the patient's health over societal interests, and the need for informed consent to be a choice for parents, not an administrative function for the state.

    • Historical consequences of surrendering doctor-patient relationship to state policyDoctors must prioritize individual health and well-being over state objectives, protect informed consent, and stay informed, educated, and advocate for individual autonomy in healthcare decisions.

      Surrendering the doctor-patient relationship to state policy can have dire consequences, as seen in historical events like the sterilization of people with disabilities in Germany and China. This is particularly concerning during times of crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, when policies like mass vaccination and immunity passports may infringe upon fundamental human rights, including informed consent. It's crucial to remember that doctors are not rulers or protectors of constitutional rights and have a duty to prioritize individual health and well-being over state objectives. The Nuremberg Code and international treaties recognize the right to informed consent, and it's essential to protect this right by staying informed, educating others, and advocating for individual autonomy in healthcare decisions.

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    Commercial Fishing and Offshore Wind with Bonnie Brady

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    Fire Engineering Politics and Tactics with Frank Ricci and PJ Norwood

    Fire Engineering Politics and Tactics with Frank Ricci and PJ Norwood

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    RFK Jr Podcast
    enJune 08, 2024

    Hope From Farmers with John Kempf

    Hope From Farmers with John Kempf

    I recently sat down for a fascinating discussion with John Kempf, an Amish entrepreneur who founded @AdvancingEcoAgriculture (AEA) in 2006 and who currently serves as Chief Vision Officer and Executive Board Chairman. Kempf also hosts the Regenerative Agriculture podcast. After his farm was hit by pesticide-induced crop failures, Kempf transitioned to regenerative agriculture practices that strengthen plant immunity, improve soil health, and increase the soil microbiome. AEA has worked on over 4 million acres in the U.S. and internationally, offering farmers a comprehensive approach to regenerative agriculture so that they can become more resilient, effective, and profitable. Thank you for the riveting conversation and for all the incredible environmental work you do, John.

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    RFK Jr Podcast
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    Path To Peace Episode Two

    Path To Peace Episode Two

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    Senator Rand Paul on Wuhan, Fauci and Covid

    Senator Rand Paul on Wuhan, Fauci and Covid

    U.S. Senator Rand Paul and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. share their experiences with coronavirus and censorship in this historic episode.

    Here is the description of Rand Paul's new book, Deception: The Great Covid Cover-Up:

    Senator Rand Paul was on to Anthony Fauci from the start. Wielding previously unimaginable power, Fauci misled the country about the origins of the Covid pandemic and shut down scientific dissent.
    One of the few leaders who dared to challenge "America’s Doctor" was Senator Rand Paul, himself a physician. Deception is his indictment of the catastrophic failures of the public health bureaucracy during the pandemic.
    Senator Paul presents the evidence that:

    • The Covid virus was likely the product of gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab in China—research funded in part by the U.S. government.
    • Taxpayer dollars for that research were deceptively funneled to Wuhan without the required regulatory review.
    • Fauci and his scientific yes-men knew from day one about Covid’s origin and tried to cover it up.
    • Fauci and his allies ruthlessly attacked everyone—including highly qualified scientists—who threatened to reveal the truth about the pandemic.

    Why? Hundreds of millions of dollars of grants and unreported royalties were at stake, and heads would roll if the truth got out.


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    - Independence from institutions as a method of making less-biased decisions
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    Don't have time for the full episode?
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    At Decidedly Wealth Management, we focus on decision-making as the foundational element of success, in our effort to empower families to purposefully apply their wealth to fulfill their values and build a thriving legacy.
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    Stretch Lab: https://www.stretchlab.com/
    “The Knees Over Toes Guy”: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheKneesovertoesguy
    Morgan, the Decidedly Producer and also birth nerd: https://www.instagram.com/morganmckittrick/
    “A Bugs Life”, Go Around the Leaf: https://youtu.be/qTQJdGp4F34
    American College of OBGYN, referenced by Dr. Stu: https://www.acog.org/
    Dr. Emily Oster’s book, “Expecting Better”: https://www.amazon.com/Expecting-Better-Conventional-Pregnancy-Wisdom/dp/B08SJDP2CW/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32BF78JHUV89E&keywords=expecting+better&qid=1661107085&sprefix=expecting+bette%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-1
    Our episode with Dr. Emily Oster, Ep.20: https://api.spreaker.com/v2/episodes/48357122/download.mp3

    Website: www.birthinginstincts.com
    Instagram: @birthinginstincts
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drstuspodcast
    Dr. Stu’s Podcast with Blyss Young, “Birthing Instincts”: https://open.spotify.com/show/5IYrdNqDATUbK7FDAk2EKc

    Stuart James Fischbein, MD was Board Certified in 1989 and became a Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology in 1990. He has been a practicing obstetrician in Southern California since completing his residency in 1986. While well trained at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in the standard medical model of obstetrics he had the respect and vision to support the midwifery model of care and served as a backup consultant to many home and birthing center midwives for 25 years. In 1996 he founded The Woman’s Place for Health, Inc., a collaborative hospital-based practice of Certified Nurse Midwives and Obstetricians in Ventura County, California.
    In 2004, Dr. Fischbein co-authored the book, “Fearless Pregnancy, Wisdom & Reassurance from a Doctor, a Midwife and a Mom.” For his efforts he has been awarded the Doulas Association of Southern California (DASC) Physician of the year award three times and, in 2008, was the very first recipient of DASC’s lifetime achievement award in support of pregnant women. He has spoken internationally on breech and vaginal birth after cesarean section and has appeared in many documentaries, including: “More Business of Being Born”, “Happy Healthy Child”, “Reducing Infant Mortality”, “Heads Up: The Disappearing Art of Vaginal Breech Delivery” and multiple YouTube videos discussing birth choices and respect for patient autonomy and decision making.
    Dr. Fischbein now practices community-based birthing and works directly with home birthing midwives www.birthinginstincts.com to offer hope for those women who prefer and respect a natural birthing environment and cannot find supportive practitioners for VBAC, twin and breech deliveries. He is an outspoken advocate of informed decision making, the midwifery model of care and human rights in childbirth, receiving the 2016 “Most Audacious” award from HRIC and the Association for Wholistic & Newborn Health. Hear more of his thoughts and advocacy for evidenced-based, reasonable choices on his podcast. He is a preceptor for midwifery students from Nizhoni, NMI, NCM and Georgetown University School of Midwifery. He is the primary author of threepeer-reviewed papers;
    1) Homebirth with an Obstetrician, A Series of 135 Out of Hospital Births
    2) Breech birth at home: outcomes of 60 breech and 109 cephalic planned home and birth center birth
    3) Case Report: A Maneuver for Head Entanglement in Term Breech/Vertex Twins.
    Dr. Fischbein still actively cares for pregnant women while teaching hands-on seminars on breech birth around the globe. He has the goals of improving collaboration amongst the differing professions in the birthing world and the re-teaching of the core skills, such as breech and twin vaginal birth, that make the specialty of obstetrics unique.

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    A copy of the Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Position Statement on Exercise in Cancer Care is available online - https://www.sydneycatalyst.org.au/media/434357/clinical_oncology_society_of_australia_position_statement_on_exercise_in_cancer_care.pdf

    SBS' Episode on The Exercise Pill is available online - https://www.sbs.com.au/news/insight/tvepisode/exercise-pill

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    Don’t pay the fines, plead not guilty and take them to court. Send it in to JCCF for help.
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