
    Instagram IS NOT where you should be mainly posting in 2024

    enDecember 13, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding audience and reducing frictionTo succeed in business, understand audience needs, minimize friction, and effectively communicate value.

      Understanding your audience and reducing friction in reaching them are key to success in business, especially in the digital space. Sydel, who is developing a social trading platform, asked for advice on how to appeal to a Web 2 audience unfamiliar with concepts like staking and ownership. Gary Vaynerchuk responded by emphasizing the importance of not relying on consumer behavior to come to you, but rather understanding it and adapting accordingly. He used the example of his own experience launching an e-commerce website in 1996 and the initial resistance to buying things online. Gary also stressed the importance of effective marketing and content creation to onboard new users. In summary, to succeed in business, it's essential to understand your audience's needs and preferences, minimize the friction in reaching them, and effectively communicate the value of your product or service.

    • Marketing strategies for reducing friction and effective storytellingConsider friction when introducing new tech, tell compelling stories at scale, and leverage organic reach on various platforms for B2B marketing.

      Reducing friction and effective storytelling are key elements in marketing, especially in the context of introducing new technologies or platforms to potential customers. The speaker shared his experience with launching a business during the early days of email and the web, and how the lack of familiarity with these technologies created significant friction. Today, the same concept applies to NFTs and blockchain technology. Creators and entrepreneurs need to consider the level of friction they're introducing to their audience and make their content accessible and understandable. Additionally, storytelling at scale through various channels like podcasts, blogs, and social media is crucial in creating demand for products or services. The speaker emphasized the importance of organic reach on platforms like LinkedIn, YouTube Shorts, and TikTok for businesses targeting a B2B audience. Overall, marketing strategies should be focused on reducing friction and effectively communicating the value proposition to the target audience.

    • Highlighting top contractors as part of a 'gold standard' programCreating a content engine by showcasing top contractors, filming them on the job, and distributing the content on LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook maximizes lead generation and brand building. Understanding each platform's unique features and best practices is crucial for success.

      For a one-man marketing department in a sales organization focusing on working with individual contractors, creating a content engine is crucial for lead generation and brand building. This can be achieved by identifying and showcasing top contractors as part of a "gold standard" program, filming them on the job, and producing and distributing the content across various platforms like LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook. While SEO and content creation on these platforms are important, understanding the unique features and best practices for each platform is essential for maximizing reach and engagement. Additionally, having a clear content strategy and understanding the production process from filming to distribution is key to effectively utilizing this approach.

    • Creating Effective Content on a BudgetUtilize existing resources, film daily operations or behind-the-scenes moments, and involve audience for engaging and cost-effective content.

      Creating content for a business doesn't always require a big budget. Utilizing existing resources, such as filming in your warehouse or having employees share their unique stories, can lead to engaging and effective marketing materials. For instance, using an iPhone to film content is more powerful than ever before, and filming daily operations or behind-the-scenes moments can create a strong connection with your audience. Additionally, involving your audience in the content creation process can lead to even more engagement and reach. So, think creatively and utilize the resources you have to create meaningful and cost-effective content for your business.

    • Creating content can lead to personal and professional growthWriting a book or creating content can significantly impact a career, resonating with the audience and pushing boundaries leads to growth.

      Creating content, whether it's a book or social media posts, can significantly impact an individual's career. Gary Vaynerchuk shares his personal experience of how writing a book, "Crush It," helped him gain recognition and success. He emphasizes that the medium of audio recording works best for him as he is more passionate about bringing value and wants his content to resonate with his audience. The title of the book, "Crush It," also played a crucial role in its success due to its intriguing nature. However, the outcome can vary, as seen in the case of Tim Ferriss and his "4-Hour Workweek." Moreover, Vaynerchuk believes in giving value and pushing oneself to the limit. He admits that he held back in the past and this book was an opportunity for him to go the extra mile and give his all. He also acknowledges the importance of relationships and leveraging resources to create something valuable for the audience. Overall, the key takeaway is that creating high-quality content that resonates with the audience and pushes boundaries can lead to significant personal and professional growth.

    • Expanding Beyond Preconceived RolesEmbrace your identity, express yourself authentically, and leverage technology to differentiate and succeed in your industry.

      Individuals have the power to expand their reach and audience by communicating their unique talents and experiences, regardless of societal perceptions or expectations. The speaker shared his personal experience of transitioning from being known as a "wine guy" to a businessman and marketer, emphasizing the importance of embracing one's identity and expanding beyond preconceived roles. The attendee's question about navigating a perceived contradiction between his persona and target audience resonated with this theme. The speaker encouraged the attendee to continue expressing himself authentically and focusing on commercial success through his music and performances. Additionally, the use of technology, such as AI and prompt engineering, can help individuals differentiate themselves and stay competitive in their respective industries.

    • Stay true to your core interests and values while experimenting with new contentFocus on creating authentic content that reflects who you are and what you care about, rather than just chasing after likes or views. Balance personal and professional content to build a more engaging brand.

      Focusing too much on growing an audience through content that doesn't align with your passions or authentic self can lead to self-esteem issues and a fear of deviating from what's currently working, even if it's not fulfilling or sustainable in the long run. Instead, it's important to stay true to your core interests and values, while also experimenting with new content and topics that resonate with your audience and potentially open up new opportunities. Ultimately, the goal should be to create content that reflects who you are and what you care about, rather than just chasing after likes or views. Additionally, maintaining a balance between sharing personal and professional content can help build a more authentic and engaging brand.

    • Father's advice on keeping one's word shaped branding philosophyEffective branding differentiates businesses, builds deeper client relationships, and connects emotionally, even in commoditized industries

      Building a strong brand is essential for businesses, especially those seen as commodities. The secretary from the discussion shared how his father's advice about the importance of keeping one's word significantly impacted him and helped shape his character. He emphasized that creating content, such as a mascot or a compelling story, can help differentiate a business from competitors and build deeper relationships with clients. The discussion also highlighted how even seemingly commoditized industries, like payment processing, can benefit from branding efforts. Ultimately, the power of branding lies in its ability to connect with people on an emotional level and create a unique identity that sets a business apart.

    • Building a consumer brand involves more than just producing a commodity productStart early with content creation to build community and establish a presence before product launch. High-touch interactions and unique perspective can create a human touch. Differentiate with vegan, organic, and non-GMO products in the food industry.

      Creating a successful consumer brand involves more than just producing a commodity product. While it's important to keep costs low, building a brand that resonates with consumers requires a human touch. This can be achieved through high-touch interactions, such as shaking hands and kissing babies, or through content creation that showcases your unique perspective. Starting early with content creation is also crucial, as it helps build a community and establish a presence before the product launch. Additionally, in the food industry, creating vegan, organic, and non-GMO products can differentiate your brand and cater to growing consumer demand. However, entering the consumer packaged goods market comes with a high failure rate, so it's essential to start building community and creating content as early as possible.

    • Navigating Web 3's challengesStay informed and adapt to new technologies like Web 3 and NFTs, despite temporary stigmas or skepticism, to bring value to your business and stay competitive.

      Navigating the business landscape of Web 3 can be challenging, but it's important to remember that every industry goes through ebbs and flows, and the stigma around NFTs is temporary. The macro trend towards blockchain technology and the verification of all information it brings is a significant development that will shape the future. Despite the current challenges, committing to using projects in the web 3 world can bring value, as shown by the example of using IP rights from NFT projects in children's books. Additionally, the importance of staying informed and adapting to new technologies, even during periods of stigma or skepticism, is crucial for businesses to thrive.

    • Exploring the Future of NFTsUnderstand NFT framework for potential value, stay committed to web 3 technology despite challenges, and discover new artists through NFTs.

      The future of digital assets, specifically NFTs, is here to stay despite potential challenges such as deep fakes and brand positioning. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the framework of NFTs and the potential value they can bring, even if the majority may not be collectible. He also shares a personal story about discovering an artist's work and the potential for creating a documentary to showcase it. Overall, the speaker encourages staying committed to exploring the possibilities of web 3 technology, despite the brand storms and misconceptions.

    • Executing ideas leads to opportunitiesSharing your passion and executing ideas can bring potential collaborators and opportunities, rather than constantly asking.

      Executing ideas and creating content can lead to opportunities and success. Benny Fisher shared his passion for a project and suggested creating a mini doc to showcase it, believing that putting the content out there would bring potential collaborators and opportunities to him, rather than constantly asking. Gary Cerniglia introduced his new business model, which provides marketing staff with ongoing support and training, including AI training, creating a unique hybrid agency model. Both Benny and Gary emphasized the importance of executing ideas and taking action to create opportunities. The conversation also highlighted the potential for collaboration and the power of networking and connections in bringing projects to life.

    • Effective sales strategy for small businesses: Focus on priceFocusing on price can lead to significant growth opportunities when targeting small businesses. Effectively communicate value and overcome objections to offer affordable solutions.

      Focusing on price is an effective sales strategy when targeting small businesses. The speaker emphasizes that small business owners often prioritize affordability over established methods, and that offering lower prices can lead to significant traction and growth. Additionally, outsourcing labor to countries with lower costs can help businesses maintain a competitive edge on pricing. However, it's important to note that successfully implementing this strategy requires effectively communicating the value proposition to potential clients and overcoming any objections related to the perceived quality of a lower-priced solution. The speaker's own success in growing his team through hiring staff in Mexico and other countries with lower labor costs is an example of this strategy in action. Overall, the key takeaway is that price should be a consideration when targeting small businesses, and that offering affordable solutions can lead to significant growth opportunities.

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    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

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    • A strong content engine is the bedrock of not only the marketing team but everyone in the organization involved with the go-to-market strategy. A strong base of content serves as a north star for the organization for how they speak about their products and category. 

    • The key to creating great content is to make sure that your content team is closely aligned with the business goals. Each piece of content that you develop needs to be done for a reason. Being purposeful with the content you develop is the key to success.

    • When setting out to create content, it is critical to have a plan in place that corresponds with the overall strategy and is tied to specific goals. You don’t want the CEO to create a list of things they think would be cool and have the content team execute it.

    • The business goal propelling your content should always center on solving your customers' issues. Your content should be closely connected with business goals and geared towards solving a customer’s problem even if they aren’t currently in the buying cycle.

    • It’s important for brands to be seen as leaders in their space. A key to becoming synonymous with your category is for brands to align their content and marketing objectives with the larger context of the industry’s needs and trends.

    • While AI is a powerful tool, it can't replace the inherent creativity and strategic thinking of humans. It can serve as a tool for efficiency and for getting the creative process started, but depending solely on AI for creative output won’t yield the best results.


    Quote of the Show:

    • “People remember people who help them solve problems.” - Ali Fazal




    Ways to Tune In:


    The Revenue-Driven CMO is sponsored by WebMechanix, the performance marketing agency that makes you smarter. Learn more at https://www.webmechanix.com/ 

    The Revenue-Driven CMO is produced by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through branded podcasts. Learn more at https://ringmaster.com/

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    Answers to Your Most Common Branding Questions

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    For more on 4Ds check out https://vaynermedia.com/service/4ds/ 

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

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    Wondering what actions will actually build momentum in your business and help you make sales daily? I've created the free Mompreneur Money-Making Checklist to help you stay on track with your business goals no matter what's going on around you!


    If you know you'll need more than a checklist to stay on track with your business goals this summer, I'm offering 1:1 support to help you get ready for summer and stick to goals while still having time for the beach and barbecues. Get maximum results -- helping you take clear, purposeful actions -- with a minimum time commitment, at a reasonable price point with my Summer Success 1:1 Mentorship.


    Have questions? You can DM me on Instagram or Facebook to learn more! 


    As always, you can also join The Mom Entrepreneur Network to get free networking and support any time!

    7 Steps of a B2B Content Marketing Strategy - Part 1

    7 Steps of a B2B Content Marketing Strategy - Part 1

    Creat a B2B Content Marketing Strategy in just 7 steps. In this episode we cover the first 4 steps. Stay tuned for the final 3 steps.


    • What is Content Marketing?
    • Overview of 7 steps
    • Step No 1: Identify Your Audience
    • Step No 2: Audit Your Existing Content
    • Step No 3: Define Aims
    • Step No 4:  Determine Distribution Channels