
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring connections through community, entertainment, and self-discoveryBuilding strong community bonds, trying new forms of entertainment, and embracing self-expression can bring hope and support during uncertain times.

      Building strong community connections can bring hope and support in uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on neighbors for social bonds and disaster preparedness. Meanwhile, in a different realm, the Godfather slot game at chumpacasino.com invites players to test their luck and join a metaphorical family. Back to Black, a film based on the life of Amy Winehouse, encourages self-expression and the importance of being true to oneself. ZYN nicotine pouches offer a convenient and discreet alternative to traditional smoking, fitting seamlessly into daily life. The How Men Think podcast aims to help people understand the male perspective, while Waiting on Reparations tackles social issues through politics and wordplay. Exploring forests with children and listening to podcasts are simple yet impactful ways to connect and learn. Despite the challenges and uncertainties in the world, these examples show that there are opportunities for growth and understanding through community, entertainment, and self-discovery.

    • During protests, be skeptical of rumors about armed groups making threatsApproach online information during civil unrest with skepticism, insist on visual proof, and share verifiable info to help clarify the situation.

      During times of civil unrest or protests, rumors about the Proud Boys or other armed groups making threats should be met with skepticism. Insist on visual proof or ignore such claims. Additionally, during the aftermath of a shooting, information online or in person can be chaotic and unreliable. It's important to remember that people's recollections and reports may not be entirely accurate due to fear and confusion. If you come across such a situation online, try to provide or share verifiable information to help clarify the situation. The Rittenhouse shooting serves as a reminder of the chaos that ensues online during such events, and it's crucial to approach information with a critical and fact-checking mindset.

    • Investigating the Kenosha shootings on TwitterUsing trending hashtags and carefully analyzing videos and images on Twitter helped identify the Kenosha shooter, but it's crucial to verify information to avoid spreading misinformation.

      During the Kenosha shootings, I spent my night investigating the incident on Twitter, focusing on finding videos and identifying potential suspects using trending hashtags. I was particularly interested in the claim that the shooter was a Boogaloo boy. I collected various videos and images, and the first crucial piece of information came from a video where a man admitted on camera that he had shot someone, wearing a green shirt, a tan baseball cap, jeans, and purple latex gloves. This discovery allowed me to search for more evidence and eventually led to the identification of Kyle Rittenhouse as the shooter. It's essential to verify information carefully and avoid spreading misinformation, as misidentifying a suspect can have severe consequences.

    • Using video evidence to identify a shooterAccess to continuous video footage of a shooting incident can aid in suspect identification. Clear and accurate information sharing is crucial to prevent dangerous misinformation.

      During a shooting incident, having access to a continuous video of the event can be extremely helpful in identifying the suspect. The shooter, wearing a green shirt and hat, was captured on video running away with an orange and black bag and a purple glove visible. Police vehicles passed by, but no interaction occurred between the shooter and law enforcement. After watching the video, the speaker had no reason to believe the shooter was in custody and had a good description of his clothing. However, they cautioned against sharing misinformation and compared the description to suspects circulating on Twitter. Some pictures matched, but others did not, and it was essential to verify the information before sharing it. The speaker emphasized the importance of clear and accurate information sharing during such events to prevent dangerous misinformation.

    • Identifying shooters on social media requires cautionAvoid spreading unverified information and wait for official identification before sharing any details related to a mass shooting or act of violence.

      Identifying a shooter or suspect based on social media images can be a complex and challenging process. While it may seem easy to make connections based on visual similarities, it's essential to be cautious and avoid spreading unverified information. The Boston bombing incident serves as a notable example of the potential harm caused by false identification. Thousands of users on social media sites attempted to identify suspects based on shoddy detective work and racial paranoia, leading to the publication of inaccurate information in major newspapers. Innocent people were harassed and falsely accused, causing significant distress and harm. Therefore, it's crucial to wait for official identification and verification before sharing any information related to a mass shooting or act of violence.

    • Image verification is crucial in open-source journalismComparing weapons and analyzing metadata can help determine the veracity of images and prevent the spread of false information.

      Image verification is an essential aspect of open-source journalism. The Boston bombing incident serves as a reminder of the potential consequences of sharing unverified information. The speaker emphasizes that the goal is not to go viral or be the first to identify a suspect, but rather to ensure the accuracy and authenticity of the information being shared. Image verification tactics, such as comparing weapons or analyzing metadata, can help determine the veracity of images and videos. For instance, during the discussion, the speaker discovered a meme suggesting a suspect's identity based on a gun in a meme and a Facebook profile picture. Although the meme did not provide definitive evidence, it did provide a lead, which was to compare the guns in the images. The next step was to examine the Facebook account, looking for statements or pictures that could tie the person in the images to the account holder. This process is crucial in preventing the spread of false information and ensuring that the public receives accurate and reliable news.

    • Social media leads help identify Kyle RittenhouseInvestigators used interactions on Kyle Rittenhouse's public posts to find his mother's social media page, confirming his identity through photos of him in a police uniform and army green shirt.

      The investigation into Kyle Rittenhouse's social media presence revealed several leads through interactions on his public posts. One comment on a photo from May 2018, where someone mentioned Kyle looking like a Lewis, led to the discovery of his mother's social media page. This page contained a photo of a younger Kyle wearing a police uniform, providing context to his pro-police posts. Another photo of a family picture including Kyle wearing an army green shirt and an American flag cap with the same design as one on Kyle's page further confirmed the identification. These discoveries helped investigators piece together information about Kyle's background and location, which were crucial in the ongoing investigation.

    • Using Twitter for investigative journalismIndividuals can use social media to gather evidence, piece together information, and contribute to investigations by sharing findings responsibly and ethically.

      Social media can be a powerful tool for investigative journalism. In this case, an individual used Twitter to gather evidence and piece together information to identify a shooter involved in a high-profile event. By asking for help from followers, analyzing visual evidence, and cross-referencing information from various sources, the individual was able to build a strong case and share it publicly. The timely sharing of this information led to an active investigation by law enforcement, and additional evidence was later discovered through OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) methods. This demonstrates the potential for individuals to use social media and investigative techniques to contribute to the public discourse and help bring clarity to complex situations. However, it's important to note that sharing potentially sensitive information should be done responsibly and ethically.

    • Verifying Information During Chaotic MomentsDuring chaotic situations, it's crucial to verify information thoroughly before sharing it and identify suspects with extreme caution to avoid mistakes and dangerous consequences.

      During chaotic and panicked moments, it's crucial to verify information thoroughly before sharing it, especially when identifying suspects. Garrison's experience in verifying the identity of Kyle Rittenhouse serves as a reminder of this importance. While Facebook was a valuable source in this instance due to Rittenhouse's family's conservative leanings, younger suspects might be more likely to use apps like Snapchat and TikTok. Verification work requires extreme caution and mindfulness of potential consequences. Garrison, being experienced in this area, was able to identify Rittenhouse through a combination of factors, including a neighbor's tip and publicly available information. However, not all cases are as straightforward, and identifying criminals can be a lengthy and complex process. It's essential to remember that rushing to identify suspects can lead to mistakes and potentially dangerous consequences.

    • Understanding Evasive Tactics for IdentificationBuilding strong communities and being prepared for unexpected events is crucial. Understanding how individuals might evade identification can aid verification work, but discussing such tactics should not encourage criminal activity.

      Effective identification and verification can be challenging, especially when individuals take steps to avoid detection. The individual who left bombs at the Capitol on January 6th is an example of someone who was able to evade identification by wearing non-descript clothing, paying for items in cash, and leaving the area quickly. This process can be more complex when false IDs are involved. However, it's important to note that discussing these tactics should not be interpreted as advice for committing crimes. Instead, understanding how individuals might try to evade identification can be helpful in verification work. Additionally, the impact of an individual's actions, such as the shooting in Kenosha by Kyle Rittenhouse, on society is a complex issue. While some might argue that his identification and apprehension allowed for accountability, others might argue that his anonymity could have prevented further violence or unrest. Ultimately, the importance of building strong communities and being prepared for unexpected events, such as natural disasters, is a key takeaway from initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor.

    • Affordable alternatives for common expenses and online resources for solving mysteriesExplore affordable alternatives for common expenses like wireless phone plans with Mint Mobile, and use online resources to gather information and solve mysteries from the comfort of your home.

      There are often more affordable alternatives to common expenses, like wireless phone plans. Mint Mobile offers unlimited talk, text, and data for $15 a month, a significant savings compared to many other providers. Additionally, there are tools and resources available online, such as image verification techniques, that can be used to gather information and solve mysteries from the comfort of one's own home. The MLK tapes podcast explores the case of Martin Luther King's assassination and raises questions about the official story. Meanwhile, the Stuff to Blow Your Mind podcast delves into various scientific and philosophical mysteries. Overall, it's important to question assumptions, seek out information, and explore new ideas to broaden our understanding of the world.

    • The anti-work movement gains momentum on RedditThe anti-work movement on Reddit, with its motto of 'unemployment for all,' is growing rapidly due to instances of worker abuse and unreasonable boss behavior, leading to a wave of resignations and a meme culture.

      The anti-work movement, represented by the growing anti-work subreddit on Reddit, is gaining significant momentum as more people express their dissatisfaction with employment and the unreasonable demands of some employers. With a motto of "unemployment for all, not just for the rich," the subreddit has seen explosive growth in the past few months, with over a million subscribers and more daily posts than larger subreddits. The trend began with genuine instances of worker abuse and unreasonable boss behavior, leading to a wave of resignations and a meme culture of screenshotted text conversations between employees and bosses. The anti-work movement could potentially lead to significant changes in the employment landscape, though it remains to be seen what form those changes will take.

    • AntiWork subreddit attracts liberalsThe AntiWork subreddit welcomes liberals, broadening its reach, but remember, anti-work is not about laziness, it's about questioning the role of work and capitalism in our lives, and finding joy in non-work activities.

      The AntiWork subreddit, which advocates for questioning the concept of work itself, has seen an influx of liberals who may not hold revolutionary perspectives but are still finding value in the community. This is not a bad thing, as it broadens the reach of the anti-work ideology. However, it's important to remember that not everyone can quit their job, and the term "anti-work" comes from a broader anarchist-adjacent thought that questions the role of work and capitalism. Books like "The Abolition of Work" by Bob Black, "Work" by Crimethink, and "Bullshit Jobs" by David Graeber are great resources for understanding this perspective. The goal of anti-work is not to encourage laziness, but to challenge the notion that work should consume most of our waking hours and destroy our bodies or minds. Instead, we should consider ways to make capitalism less important in our daily lives, such as focusing less on careers and finding joy in non-work activities.

    • The Evolution of Work: From Ancient Times to Modern SocietyAnthropologist David Graeber challenges the notion that work is a constant necessity, arguing that throughout history, most human civilization didn't involve the kind of labor we recognize today. The problem lies in the concept of work and the power dynamics it brings.

      Work, as we know it, is a societal construct that has evolved over time. It's not just about physical labor or wage labor. Work can bring both misery and joy, depending on the context. Anthropologist David Graeber argues that the idea of work being a constant and necessary aspect of life is a relatively modern concept. Throughout history, most of human civilization didn't involve the kind of labor we recognize today. Even tasks that seem like labor, such as feudal levies, didn't require the amount of time and energy we put in today. Moreover, the way we work now, under the constant supervision of employers, would have been unimaginable to ancient Greeks. They would have seen it as a form of slavery, even if we don't use that term today. In essence, the problem isn't the individual tasks but the concept of work itself and the power dynamics it entails.

    • Preference for Non-Work in HistoryThroughout history, many people have preferred non-work over labor for basic necessities, and some modern activities are considered work but bring joy to individuals.

      Throughout history, including before the modern period, many people found the concept of working long hours for basic necessities unappealing. This is evident in the early stages of North American colonization where Europeans preferred joining indigenous tribes over city life. The advertising and industrial complex are unrelated to this issue of labor and freedom. Many people enjoy hobbies that society considers work but do them without pay, and some even find joy in activities that others consider work but aren't for them. A significant portion of labor time is spent on tasks that don't contribute to improving people's lives. The anti-work theory also questions the necessity of our current societal structures and asks if everything we have is truly essential. For instance, do we really need a McRib?

    • Reclaiming Time and Energy from Jobs: The Concept of Anti-WorkThe speakers argued for reducing the amount of work needed and sharing the workload to improve overall well-being, while acknowledging that some tasks will always be less pleasant than others. They also questioned the assumption that technological progress will automatically liberate humanity from work.

      The discussion revolved around the concept of anti-work and the potential for humans to be more free by reclaiming their time and energy from jobs. The speakers criticized the forced labor aspects of work, which can cause misery and exhaustion. They also acknowledged that there will always be tasks that are less pleasant than others, but suggested that if the amount of work needed is reduced, these tasks could be more manageable with more people sharing the workload. The speakers also touched on the idea that technological progress might not necessarily liberate humanity from the need to work, and that society's focus should be on reducing unnecessary work and creating a more balanced distribution of labor. Additionally, the discussion touched on the topic of NFTs and their role in a society without a strong emphasis on work and production.

    • Myth of less work due to automationPeople work longer hours due to bureaucracy, not automation. The anti-work movement suggests wasting time, scamming, or hating work for those unable to resign.

      Despite advancements in technology, people are working longer hours than ever before. The idea that we'll reach a point where we have less work to do due to automation is a myth. Instead, we've created a vast bureaucracy that requires our time and energy, leading to a dehumanizing experience. The anti-work movement proposes an alternative to the obsession with careers and hustle culture. For those unable to resign from their jobs, it encourages finding ways to waste time, scam or steal from employers, and hating your work. The challenge lies in implementing these ideas for those who find fulfillment in their jobs or believe they're essential.

    • Challenging the mindset of overworking for the American dreamThe Great Resignation reflects a changing attitude towards work-life balance and the need for a societal shift towards valuing leisure time and personal fulfillment, leading to a future with reduced workweeks for all.

      The current mindset of overworking oneself for the sake of a good job, or the American dream, can lead to unpaid labor and a lack of balance in life. The ultimate goal should be to challenge this mindset and strive for a society where work is not the primary focus, and people are not required to spend long hours at jobs that make them unhappy. The Great Resignation, with record numbers of Americans quitting their jobs, is a reflection of this changing attitude. While quitting can be a powerful statement, organized efforts like the Black Friday blackout, which encourages people not to work or shop on that day, have limitations due to the lack of in-person solidarity and organizing. Instead, it's essential to continue the conversation about the importance of work-life balance and the need for a societal shift towards valuing leisure time and personal fulfillment. This could lead to a future where everyone's workweek is significantly reduced, and people have more time to enjoy their lives and pursue their passions.

    • Online calls for strikes lack impactOnline calls for strikes are mostly symbolic and require building connections and organizing within communities for meaningful change.

      Online calls for general strikes without union support and specific demands tend to have limited impact. While these actions can make individuals feel powerful, they are mostly symbolic and won't lead to significant change. Instead, focusing on organizing within your workplace and community, discussing potential actions with unions, and building networks of support are more effective strategies for creating meaningful change. General strikes are incredibly difficult to execute, even in highly organized societies, and require a significant amount of planning and coordination. Instead of relying solely on social media, consider taking tangible steps to build a more connected community and work towards your goals.

    • Embracing Change: Electric Vehicles and Labor RightsElectric vehicles offer a worry-free driving experience, while labor rights movements face challenges but lead to progress

      Embracing change, such as transitioning to an electric vehicle or considering a general strike, can be challenging but ultimately rewarding. The all-electric Hyundai Ioniq 5 offers a worry-free EV experience with long driving ranges and quick charging capabilities. However, even highly organized groups face difficulties, like sustaining a general strike for an extended period. The anti-work movement, while facing challenges, has led to significant wage increases, indicating progress towards labor rights. It's essential to focus on these positive changes and continue pushing for improvements in the labor market. The ongoing conversation about work and labor rights is crucial, especially during times of uncertainty and upheaval. Stay tuned for more discussions on this topic, including insights from James Cameron and Stan Winston in our upcoming episode.

    • Discussions on undervaluing women's time and labor, art fraud, and China's 'lying flat' movementSociety undervalues women's labor and time, art fraud is rampant, and China's 'lying flat' movement is a response to labor market pressures and desire for personal growth

      Society undervalues women's time and labor, as discussed by Eve Rodsky and Dr. Adedina Rooksy on their podcast "Time Out." Meanwhile, in the world of art, deception and greed are rampant, as explored in Alec Baldwin's podcast "Art Fraud." Moving on to China, the concept of "lying flat" represents a form of anti-work movement, which has gained popularity in recent times. This idea, which started before the anti-work movement in the US, is a response to the pressures of the labor market and the desire for a simpler life. However, understanding this phenomenon requires delving into the concept of "involution," which refers to the process of turning inward and focusing on personal growth rather than external achievements. These discussions highlight the complexities of societal structures and the human desire for autonomy and value in our time and labor.

    • China's Intense Work Culture and the Concept of InvolutionThe concept of involution, originally a right-wing critique, has been adopted by the left in China to criticize the government's industrial policies and societal pressure to compete, leading to discussions around the lack of rewards for hard work and declining growth rates.

      The concept of "involution" in anthropology, which refers to a system where people work harder without any increase in output, has become a significant topic of discussion in China due to the intense work culture and societal pressure to compete. Originally a right-wing discourse, it has been adopted by the left as a critique against the Chinese government's industrial policies and the lack of rewards for hard work. This discourse emerged around the same time that people began expressing frustration with the long working hours, particularly in the tech industry, and the lack of social mobility. The Chinese government's heavy online presence and the influence of bloggers have played a role in the spread of this discourse. Despite the intense work culture, China's growth rates have been declining for a decade, leading to widespread dissatisfaction and the adoption of the concept of involution as a potential solution.

    • Chinese economic shift towards financialization sparks controversyControversial Kaoists advocate for self-sufficiency and defeating US hegemony, while many Chinese seek individual solutions to economic stagnation, reflecting evolving economic and social discourse

      The Chinese economic policy focused on high-tech industry and moving up the value chain, which worked for a while but has stopped functioning effectively in the last decade, leading to a shift towards financialization. This has sparked controversy among various online groups, with some advocating for self-sufficiency and even the destruction of American hegemony as a solution to economic stagnation. Known as the Kaoists, they believe China's economic decline can only be reversed by defeating the US. However, many Chinese people are growing disillusioned with this grand national struggle and are instead seeking individual solutions, such as working less, moving to lower tier cities, or getting less prestigious jobs. A notable figure in this shift is Liqiqi, a Chinese media star with over 100 million followers worldwide, whose origins and motivations are not well-known but whose influence on Chinese society is significant. This complex dynamic highlights the evolving nature of Chinese economic and social discourse.

    • A popular YouTube creator's rural videos offer an alternative to urban life for Chinese viewersThe rise of rural YouTube channels promoting self-sufficiency and a return to nature is gaining popularity in China, providing an alternative to urban life for those from rural backgrounds, and potentially challenging the foundation of work in the capitalist city.

      The rise of a popular YouTube creator, who makes calming videos of rural life, offers a plausible alternative to the harsh realities of industrialized urban life for many Chinese viewers, particularly those coming from rural backgrounds. This "cottagecore" aesthetic, which emphasizes self-sufficiency and a return to nature, has gained popularity in China due to the lack of a positive conception of rural life in the country's recent history. The videos' non-political nature and the Chinese government's need to promote a positive image of rural life have contributed to their widespread adoption by media companies and the Chinese state. However, this trend could potentially challenge the foundation of work in the capitalist city and lead to a larger social movement.

    • Ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes defied societal norms for individual freedomAncient Greek philosopher Diogenes challenged societal norms, living a simple life with no material possessions, inspiring individual freedom today

      We have the freedom to challenge societal norms and live according to our own values, as exemplified by ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes. Diogenes, who was exiled with his father for debasing currency, became famous for defying social conventions. He studied under a philosopher who preached simplicity but didn't practice it himself. Diogenes took this philosophy to the extreme, eating and relieving himself in public places, arguing that if it was acceptable in private, it should be acceptable in public. He believed in individual freedom and self-sufficiency, living a simple life with no material possessions. Despite being a troll and a provocateur, Diogenes' philosophy of individual freedom and challenging societal norms continues to inspire people today.

    • Ancient Greek Philosopher Diogenes Challenged Societal Norms with Simple LivingDiogenes, an ancient Greek philosopher, encouraged simple living and rejecting societal expectations, inspiring modern movements for minimalism and anti-work ideology

      Diogenes, an ancient Greek philosopher, challenged societal norms and values by living a simple, unconventional life. He believed that material possessions and social status were irrelevant, and instead encouraged people to be content with the bare essentials, like dogs, who he saw as happier creatures. Diogenes famously hated the rich and aristocrats, and his witty responses to them, such as his encounter with Alexander the Great, became legendary. His philosophy, which can be seen as an early form of anti-work ideology, resonated with people in modern times, particularly those who advocate for simple living and rejecting societal expectations. The spread of his ideas, which began as a meme, quickly gained popularity and even drew the ire of the Chinese Communist Party, leading to a media blitz against the concept of "lying down" or rejecting work. Despite this, Diogenes' influence continues to inspire people to question societal norms and seek a simpler, more fulfilling way of life.

    • China's 'lying flat' movement: A response to intense work culture and unsustainable economic systemPeople question the value of work and consumption, encourage simplifying lives, and some extreme examples include minimal food and monk-like living. New trend 'petting fish' for those unable to leave jobs.

      The "lying flat" movement in China is a response to the intense work culture and the unsustainable economic system, which leads people to question the value of work and consumption. This movement encourages people to refuse work, simplify their lives, and focus on basic needs. Some extreme examples include living on minimal food and becoming a monk. The movement gained popularity through sharing tips on living cheaply and has led many people to leave their jobs and return to their villages. However, not everyone can afford to do so. A new trend called "petting fish" has emerged as a solution for those who cannot leave their jobs, allowing them to find joy and relaxation in simple activities, such as taking care of fish. Overall, the lying flat movement is a critique of the whole system, including patriarchy, forced capitalist consumption, and unsustainable real estate markets.

    • Chinese Employees' 'Petting Fish' Culture: A Form of Resistance Against Intense Work CultureEmployees in China's tech industries are engaging in 'petting fish' culture, a trend of finding creative ways to slack off at work, leading to backlash from the Chinese Communist Party. Despite the risks, some continue to organize and discuss leftist ideas for a better work-life balance.

      There's a growing trend of employees in China, particularly in tech industries, engaging in "petting fish" culture, which involves finding creative ways to slack off at work. This culture is inspired by Chinese slang and is seen as a form of resistance against the intense work culture and long hours expected in these industries. The movement has gained momentum, leading to backlash from the Chinese Communist Party, which has resulted in billboards warning against petting fish and lying flat. Despite the risks, some employees are continuing to organize and even forming reading groups to discuss leftist ideas. The Chinese government's response to this trend highlights the tension between workers' desire for a better work-life balance and the expectations of long hours and productivity in the Chinese workforce.

    • Discovering Joy in Modern Life: Monopoly Go, Neighbor to Neighbor, Chumba Casino, and Hyundai Ioniq 5Explore new ways to find joy and connection in modern life through mobile games, community involvement, social casino games, and innovative technology.

      There are various ways to find fun, connection, and community in our modern world. Monopoly Go offers endless entertainment with new challenges and rewards in a mobile game. Neighbor to Neighbor encourages building meaningful social bonds within local communities. Chumba Casino provides enjoyable social casino games. Hyundai Ioniq 5 offers a worry-free electric vehicle experience. Previous attempts at change, such as labor strikes, have resulted in arrests and decentralized movements. A common thread is the importance of embracing new experiences and finding joy in everyday life. Whether it's through games, community involvement, or innovative technology, there's always something new to discover. So go ahead, download Monopoly Go, join Neighbor to Neighbor, sign up for Chumba Casino, or consider going electric with Hyundai Ioniq 5. The possibilities are endless.

    • The 'Lying Flat' Movement: Seeking Happiness Outside of Societal NormsThe 'lying flat' movement in China encourages individuals to prioritize personal happiness and well-being, even if it means breaking societal norms. Inspired by ancient philosopher Diogenes, this movement has gained traction due to its potential for individual and global change without organized political action.

      The "lying flat" movement in China represents a collective response from individuals against high-stress jobs and exploitative work conditions. This movement, inspired by ancient philosopher Diogenes, encourages people to leave unfulfilling situations and seek happiness, even if it means breaking societal norms. The movement has gained traction due to its potential to effect change without organized political action and its international appeal. While some may view it as a frivolous trend, its impact on the Chinese working class and potential for global revolutionary change warrants attention. As individuals, learning to navigate situations quickly and knowing when to leave can lead to greater personal freedom and potential for positive change. The immortal words of Diogenes, "just walk out," serve as a reminder to assess and prioritize personal happiness and well-being.

    • Absentee owners sabotaging production for profitsAbsentee owners can sabotage production by withholding it, maintaining high prices and causing distress despite high unemployment and need.

      Corporate sabotage goes beyond the destruction of products and extends to the deliberate withholding of production to maintain profits. Economist Thorsten Veblen identified this phenomenon, observing business owners' refusal to open factories during times of high unemployment and need. He considered this behavior sabotage, as it was carried out by absentee owners with no involvement in the production process. This sabotage maintains high prices to secure returns, even if it means limiting the production of necessities and causing popular distress.

    • Capitalism: A System of SabotageCapitalism prioritizes control and exclusion over human need and productivity, leading to sabotage of efficiency and productivity in industries to maintain power and extract wealth

      Capitalism, as we know it, is not just a system of production, but also one of organized sabotage. According to the discussion, efficiency and productivity are often sabotaged in order to maintain control and extract wealth. This is because, under capitalism, industry, which is inherently collective and focused on efficient production, is subjected to the power of private business. This power restricts access to the products of industry and turns them into revenue streams. The most extreme examples of this include the destruction of efficient industries, such as the electric rail lines and buffalo herds, in order to maintain control and prevent competition. Veblen's analysis of capitalism divides it into two separate processes: industry and business. Industry is focused on efficient production, while business is a system of power that extracts wealth from industry through sabotage. The result is a system that prioritizes control and exclusion over human need and productivity.

    • The Current Capitalist System: Few Control Resources, Sabotage ProgressCritics argue that current capitalist system allows corporations to prioritize profits over people and planet, leading to competition and sabotage, while Kropotkin proposed expropriation for common property

      The current capitalist system, as described by Pierce Kropotkin, Veblen, and other critics, allows a few individuals to control resources and prevent the common good from benefiting from them. This leads to competition between the rights of industry and property, resulting in sabotage and the prevention of progress for the greater good. Kropotkin's proposed solution was expropriation of these resources and making them common property for the benefit of all. This issue has been debated for centuries, and while there is no easy answer, it is clear that the current system allows for corporations to prioritize profits over people's lives and the health of the planet. To move forward, we must find a way to balance the rights of industry and property for the greater good.

    • Exploring new opportunities and building connectionsStart a podcast, build community, play games, invest in a hybrid mattress, and pursue personal interests can lead to creativity, income, and improved quality of life

      There are various ways to explore new opportunities, build connections in your community, and even earn some income. For instance, starting a podcast with Spreaker from Iheart can unleash your creative freedom and potentially lead to financial gains. Neighbor to Neighbor is another example of a platform that encourages community building and mutual support. High Five Casino offers a chance to play popular Vegas games and win real prizes. Meanwhile, the upcoming 2024 NFL season schedule release promises excitement for football fans. Lastly, investing in a natural hybrid mattress from Leesa and West Elm can enhance your sleep quality and contribute to a greener future. Overall, these opportunities highlight the importance of pursuing personal interests, fostering community connections, and striving for improvement in various aspects of life.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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