
    Podcast Summary

    • Emphasizing Community Connections in an Uncertain WorldIn an uncertain world, building strong community connections is crucial for social bonds and disaster preparedness. Despite the focus on AI in the tech industry, underwhelming innovations highlight the importance of human connections.

      In today's uncertain world, building strong community connections is essential. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on your neighbors for social bonds and disaster preparedness. Meanwhile, in the tech world, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) has seen a focus on artificial intelligence (AI) as a solution to stagnating sales and venture capital investments. However, the implementation of AI in consumer products has resulted in underwhelming innovations. It's a time where community building and human connections are crucial, while the tech industry struggles to make significant strides with AI. To learn more about Neighbor to Neighbor, visit canebors.com. For a deeper dive into the state of AI at CES, tune in to It Could Happen Here podcast for their upcoming investigation.

    • A new AI device, the rabbit, simplifies tasks but raises concernsThe rabbit AI device simplifies tasks with voice commands, but raises privacy and security concerns and may not offer enough value to justify investment

      The rabbit, a new AI product, aims to simplify daily tasks by allowing users to speak commands and have the device perform various actions, such as changing music, booking rides, and adjusting temperature, all in one sentence. However, the need for this device is questionable, as many of these tasks can already be accomplished using a smartphone with ease and convenience. Additionally, concerns regarding privacy and security, as well as the potential for adding unnecessary complexity to an already interconnected digital life, have been raised. The rabbit's ability to access and log into accounts like Uber and make bookings raises serious questions about data retention policies and the security of the information being shared. Despite its industrial design and potential to eliminate app switching, the rabbit may not offer enough value to justify the investment, especially given the privacy and security concerns.

    • Skepticism towards Rabbit device's usefulnessThe Rabbit device, while aiming to simplify tasks, faces challenges in gaining acceptance due to concerns over loss of user autonomy, potential impact on personal experiences, and the motivation behind the desire for such a device.

      The Rabbit device, which aims to simplify everyday tasks like ordering food, booking travel, and hailing rides by allowing users to communicate with various apps using voice commands, may face challenges in gaining widespread acceptance from companies and users. The speaker expresses skepticism towards the device's usefulness and raises concerns about the potential loss of user autonomy and the impact on personal experiences. The speaker also questions the motivation behind the desire for such a device, drawing parallels to cult dynamics and a desire to hand over agency to a robot. Ultimately, the speaker expresses a concern that this trend may lead to a lack of spontaneity and a missed opportunity for unique experiences.

    • Unexpected mishaps during tech presentationsEven the most prepared presenters can encounter unexpected challenges during tech presentations. A sense of humor can help navigate through such situations, but it's important to deliver on promises and avoid disappointing expectations.

      Technology presentations can sometimes go awry, leading to unintended outcomes or even unintentional humor. During a keynote at CES, the CEO of Rabbit tried to demonstrate a new feature using a "Rickroll" prank, only to experience a long lag and eventual failure. The audience was left puzzled about the functionality of the device, which seemed more like a bug than a feature. Despite the misstep, the presenter took it in stride and moved on to the next topic. The incident serves as a reminder that even the most prepared presenters can encounter unexpected challenges and that a sense of humor can help navigate through such situations. Furthermore, during the same event, a pet health analysis product using AI technology was showcased. While the concept was intriguing, the execution left some attendees underwhelmed, as it only analyzed pictures of animals and did not involve actual interaction with the pets. The event highlighted the importance of delivering on the promises made during presentations and the potential for disappointment when expectations are not met. Overall, the CES presentations provided a mix of innovative ideas, unexpected mishaps, and humorous moments, showcasing the human side of technology development.

    • The Costs of Technology: False Accusations and Sexual ObjectificationWhile technology offers convenience, it can also lead to unexpected expenses and ethical concerns, from AI falsely accusing a dog to sexually objectified AI-generated women.

      Technology, while innovative and convenient, can sometimes come with unexpected and unwanted costs. The discussion revolves around the excessive expense of an AI app that falsely accused a dog of being a terrorist, and the disturbing marketing tactics of a speaker company using a sexually objectified AI-generated woman. Contrastingly, an AI-powered coffee maker was presented as a simplifying solution, tailoring brews to individual preferences. However, the conversation also touched upon the potential failure of technology, such as an AI-driven smoothie shop that opened and closed within a short period. Ultimately, it's important to consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of technological innovations and their impact on our daily lives.

    • AI and Depriving Humans of Meaningful ExperiencesAI technology offers convenience but may deprive individuals of valuable experiences and learning opportunities, such as cooking and parenting. Balancing AI benefits and preserving human experiences is crucial.

      While AI technology offers convenience and efficiency in various aspects of life, there's a risk of robbing people of valuable experiences and learning opportunities. Cooking, for instance, is an enjoyable process of experimentation and learning taste. Similarly, parenting involves nurturing and caring for a child, which some may find challenging but rewarding. The use of AI in cooking or parenting, such as a smart grill or an AI baby crib, may save labor but raises concerns about depriving individuals of real experiences and potential risks, like a robot killing a baby. However, there are benefits to AI technology, like the ability to connect with people anywhere or monitor medical conditions using facial and voice scanning. It's essential to strike a balance between embracing the benefits of AI and preserving meaningful human experiences.

    • Measuring Emotions through Facial Expressions at CES 2023Blue Sky presented a device that uses AI technology to analyze human emotions via facial expressions, offering new insights into emotional transitions, but raises concerns about privacy and the need for human connection in tech design.

      At CES 2023, Blue Sky showcased a groundbreaking medical device that uses a continuous approach to measure and analyze human emotions through facial expressions. This approach, which allows for the definition and measurement of emotional transitions, can be mapped back to traditional categorical representations like "excited," "calm," or "angry." The device, which uses AI technology, can be used with a phone or iPad camera for data collection and analysis. While some may find uses for this technology in unexpected places, like scanning emotions while driving, others have raised concerns about privacy and the importance of human connection in product development. The discussion also touched on the potential of AI in various industries, from military robotics to nail salons, and the importance of considering the human experience in technology design. Despite the impressive technological advancements on display at CES, it was noted that some companies seem to overlook the importance of human input and testing in their product development process.

    • Discussing Higgsul Control, a high-tech sex toy with AI-assisted climax control treatmentSkepticism about Higgsul Control's branding and name despite its advanced features and potential benefits for sexual health and sex workers.

      The discussion revolved around a sex tech product named Higgsul Control, which markets itself as a high-tech, AI-assisted sex toy. The product, which is marketed with a respectable and sanitized branding, includes Bluetooth connectivity, interactive and personalized settings, and is marked as a medical device. It also offers video feedback from sexual health professionals after use, allowing users to discuss their experiences. The product's unique selling point is its use of AI and machine learning for climax control treatment. However, the speakers expressed skepticism about the product's name and branding, which they found to be at odds with the product's functionality. They also noted the potential for the product to open up new avenues for sex workers. Another topic of discussion was the DHS AI panel, where the head of the department showcased Gennert AI, which he described as his legacy. The event featured designers who stood out with their unconventional appearance compared to the predominantly formal attire of the attendees.

    • Generate AI conference in Arlington, VA with impressive lineup but underwhelming social media presenceImpressive lineup of companies, but concerns over legitimacy due to lack of transparency and evidence, promising large AI spending and VC investments

      There is an upcoming 3-day event called Generate AI in Arlington, Virginia, which aims to bring together enterprise, governments, platforms, AI tools, AI builders, services, investors, startups, and media. The event is claimed to have 200 speakers, 150 AI sessions, more than 500 startups, 150 partners, 100 investors, and around 5,000 attendees. However, there seems to be a lack of evidence supporting these numbers, as there is no visible excitement or confirmation from attendees. The event consists of four parts: Generate AI (focused on AI tech), Voice and AI (focused on AI language services), Gov AI (focused on public sector and AI integration/regulation), and Code Forward (focused on coding). Despite the impressive lineup of companies like GitHub, Microsoft, Open AI, and others, the event's social media presence is underwhelming. The organizers, Mode v events, are attempting to create a significant AI conference, but the lack of transparency and evidence raises concerns about its legitimacy. The event promises an annual AI spending of $500,000,000,000 and $250,000,000,000 in VC cash investments, making it a promising opportunity for those interested in the AI industry. However, it remains to be seen if the event will live up to these expectations.

    • AI applications at technology conference were often vague or nonsensical, but specific use cases involved automating tasksThe conference highlighted both the potential benefits and risks of AI, with specific applications focusing on automating tasks and improving efficiency, while concerns were raised about voice cloning scams and potential fraud.

      That while there were numerous mentions of AI and its potential uses at a recent technology conference, the specific applications were often vague or nonsensical. The most concrete use cases involved automating tasks, such as replacing customer service workers with chatbots or using machine learning to improve telescope images. However, the potential harms of AI were clearly articulated, particularly the issue of voice cloning scams. Deloitte, a consulting firm, predicted half a trillion dollars in fraud this year due to voice cloning. The conference was filled with buzzwords, including "double down," "versioning," "liar's dividend," "flexible," "content credential," "data rich," "problem rich," "core values," "risk model," and "Guardian." Despite the optimistic rhetoric about AI, the potential risks and harms were a significant concern.

    • Discussion on new technology for parents' phone monitoring raises concernsThe introduction of a new technology for parents to monitor their children's phones raises ethical concerns, with potential misuse and privacy violations. The 'right to be forgotten' and 'data poisoning' were also discussed, emphasizing the importance of balancing technology advancements with privacy and ethical considerations.

      During a recent discussion, a new technology was introduced as a modified Samsung Galaxy device, marketed towards parents for complete access to their children's phones. This includes monitoring browsing history and conversations, with no safeguards against abusive use. The company's stance was to provide parents with more power, which raised concerns about potential misuse and privacy violations. The term "tech contracts with children" was also mentioned, adding to the dystopian nature of the conversation. Additionally, other tech terms were discussed, such as "thought leaders," "Edge Computing," "Digital Twin," "Horizon Scan," "accelerate," and "right to be forgotten." While some terms have clear meanings, others lack consistency in their definitions. One important concept discussed was the "right to be forgotten," which has been legislated in the EU. This idea is crucial as it allows individuals to request the removal of their personal data from the internet, protecting their privacy and preventing past mistakes from defining their lives. Another term, "data poisoning," refers to the intentional introduction of incorrect or malicious data into a system, which can lead to negative consequences. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of balancing technology advancements with privacy concerns and ethical considerations.

    • Speed capacity gap between tech and societyFocus on increasing cultural capacity to adapt to tech advancements rather than slowing down development

      Learning from the AI ethics panel discussion is the concept of the "speed capacity gap." This term refers to the gap between the rapid advancement of technology and society's ability to keep up and make informed decisions about its integration. The panelists suggested that instead of slowing down tech development, we should focus on increasing our cultural capacity to adapt. They believe that the more tech iterations we have, the more benefits we can reap. The challenge lies in ensuring that society can make informed decisions about how technology is used in our lives. The DEA's inability to keep up with tech improvements illustrates this gap. While some may argue that this gap can be addressed by slowing down tech development, the panelists advocated for increasing our cultural capacity. This can be achieved through education, dialogue, and collaboration. By staying informed and engaged, we can make the most of the benefits that technology offers while minimizing potential risks.

    • Neoliberalism and the rise of right-wing mediaNeoliberalism's paradoxical impact on social structures led to the need for new forms of organization and media, like The Daily Wire, to maintain social cohesion despite capitalism's destructive effects on social bonds.

      The rise of powerful right-wing media empires like The Daily Wire can be understood through the lens of neoliberalism and its impact on social structures. Wilhelm Ropke, a lesser-known but influential neoliberal figure, believed that capitalism naturally produces stability but also destroys social bonds. This paradox led to the need for new forms of organization and media to maintain social cohesion. The Daily Wire, with its ability to mobilize support for divisive policies, is an example of this phenomenon. By understanding the historical context of neoliberalism and its effects on social structures, we can gain insight into the power and influence of right-wing media today.

    • Neoliberalism's overlooked role of social structures and the churchNeoliberalism, contrary to popular belief, relied on social structures and the church to create market subjects and instill social bonds, not just market forces.

      Neoliberalism, as advocated by figures like Wilhelm Ropke, relied not only on market forces but also on state intervention and social structures to create market subjects. Ropke recognized the need for a counterbalance to collective society and identified the church as a potential force to instill social bonds and identity. This is an often overlooked aspect of neoliberalism, which is often portrayed as purely market-driven. However, Ropke's vision required a balance between economic freedom and social cohesion, leading him to advocate for structural policies, the strengthening of the patriarchal family, and the role of the church in society. This complex interplay between market forces, state intervention, and social structures is a key aspect of understanding the development and implementation of neoliberalism.

    • Swiss economist Hans F. S. Ropke's vision of a society with a strong central authority and religious foundationSwiss economist Hans F. S. Ropke advocated for a society where individuals render what is owed to their king and God, believing economic policy should be managed by a higher authority, and aimed to use religion to spread neoliberalism worldwide, but his ideas were not successful during the 1950s and 1960s due to conservative Christian politics in Europe.

      Hans F. S. Ropke, a Swiss economist and social philosopher, advocated for a society where individuals render what is owed to their king and God. He believed that economic policy should not be managed by democratic parties but by a higher authority, like the IMF or a technocracy. Ropke also aimed to use religion as a social force to spread neoliberalism worldwide. However, his ideas were not successful during the 1950s and 1960s due to the powerful conservative Christian politics in Europe, which were considered too left-wing from his perspective. Ropke's vision of a society with a strong central authority and a religious foundation was not practical at the time. Despite its challenges, Ropke's ideas show how some thinkers sought to combine economic and religious principles to shape society.

    • Christian Democrats as Predecessors to Far-Right PoliticsThe Christian Democrats' success in stopping communism led to the rediscovery of neoliberal ideas by some groups, but the need for constant struggle against atomization and active political involvement by the church was emphasized by Wilhelm Ropke.

      The Christian Democrats in Europe, particularly those with Catholic backgrounds, served as a predecessor to modern far-right politics. They were successful in stopping communism but not capitalist enough for economist Wilhelm Ropke. Ropke's ideas, which included promoting neoliberalism and using the church as a basis for political organization to combat the atomization caused by neoliberalism, have been rediscovered by various groups, some explicitly and others implicitly. However, Ropke understood that this project required constant struggle against atomization and active political and social combat by the church to prevent the entire project from coming apart. Despite his economic and political contributions, Ropke was also racist, particularly towards Rhodesia, which made him an unlikely leader for the far-right movements that emerged later.

    • Creating a Hierarchical Neoliberal Society with Christian White SupremacyThe Rhodesian pivot used Christian values to create a hierarchical neoliberal society, with the church serving as a crucial 'third space' for bonding and political organization against progressive movements.

      The Rhodesian pivot, led by figures like Herbert A. Hanson and Wilhelm Ropke, represented an attempt to create a hierarchical neoliberal society rooted in Christian white supremacy. Ropke, in particular, was explicit about this vision, which he believed could only be achieved by using the church to counteract the alienation and atomization of capitalism. The religious right, with its infrastructure of think tanks, political advocacy organizations, TV networks, and colleges, played a crucial role in promoting this vision. The church served as a crucial "third space" where people formed bonds and organized around shared values, and it was particularly effective in spreading reactionary politics among groups that were not traditionally considered right-wing. This dynamic was evident in the US during the 1960s and 1970s, as the leftward shifts of the time led some groups, particularly Asian Christians, to form a dangerous rear guard against progressive movements.

    • Religious institutions assert conservative values during political upheavalDuring times of political change, religious institutions like the Catholic and Protestant churches have opposed social movements, particularly those related to gender and sexuality, by asserting their conservative beliefs and values.

      During times of political upheaval, religious institutions like the Catholic and Protestant churches have responded by asserting their conservative values and opposing social movements, particularly those related to gender and sexuality. This was evident in the late 20th century, as seen in the Catholic Church's development of the term "gender ideology" in response to feminist arguments that gender is socially constructed. The Catholic Church's stance on gender was rooted in its belief that gender is divinely assigned and that women's submissive roles are part of the natural order. This stance led to significant conflicts with feminist groups, particularly at the United Nations, over issues like reproductive rights. The Protestant Church also took a similar stance during this time, further entrenching conservative religious beliefs in the face of social change.

    • The Southern Baptist Convention's power shift and its impact on societyThe Southern Baptist Convention underwent a right-wing takeover in 1979, transforming it into a hub for abuse, gender norm enforcement, and homophobic organizing. However, declining church attendance due to changing societal values and secularism could impact the church's role in shaping society.

      Throughout history, religious institutions have undergone significant power shifts, with new groups challenging the status quo and reshaping their beliefs and structures. A notable example is the right-wing takeover of the Southern Baptist Convention in 1979, which transformed the church into a factory for right-wing violence and totalitarian microstates. These households became centers of abuse, enforcing gender norms through physical and psychological violence. The churches served as a nexus for homophobic organizing, producing shock troopers for neoliberalism and homophobic violence. However, an unexpected development occurred in recent years: neoliberalism began to impact the church itself. Church attendance, particularly in the Southern Baptist Convention, has been declining significantly due to changing societal values and the rise of secularism. This shift in the religious landscape could have far-reaching implications for the future of religious institutions and their role in shaping society.

    • Church attendance and membership in the US decliningThe decline of church attendance and membership in the US has major implications for political strategies and community organizing, with secularization, abuse scandals, and neoliberalism contributing to the shift. Opportunities exist to build new, inclusive communities.

      The rate of church membership and attendance in the United States has seen a significant decline over the past few decades, with membership dropping from around 70% to 47%. This shift has major implications for political strategies that have relied on churches as default social networks. The reasons for this decline are complex, including secularization and numerous abuse scandals within religious institutions. Additionally, the neoliberal atomization of society is contributing to the breakdown of social bonds, further impacting community organizing. This shift has significant implications for the future of social and political organizing in the US. While the loss of these bonds may not be entirely positive, it also presents an opportunity to build new, more inclusive and equitable communities. For those looking to strengthen their local connections, organizations like Neighbor to Neighbor offer a platform to engage with neighbors and build resilient communities.

    • From Hollywood to the Daily Wire: Jeremy Boring's JourneyJeremy Boring, a small-town Texas boy with dreams of acting and writing, found success in creating online content for conservative audiences through the Daily Wire after facing obstacles in Hollywood due to his religious and political beliefs.

      The internet and digital platforms have filled the gaps left by the decline of traditional community spaces, and opportunistic individuals have capitalized on this shift by creating online content and services catering to specific audiences. This discussion focused on the Daily Wire, a conservative media company, and its founders Ben Shapiro and Jeremy Boring. Jeremy, in particular, is an intriguing figure, having started as a small-town Texas boy with aspirations of acting and later becoming a struggling screenwriter. He eventually found a niche within a Hollywood Bible study group and produced his first movie, "Spiral," in 2007. Despite limited success, Jeremy claimed his religious and political beliefs hindered his progress in Hollywood. Instead, he found a home in the Friends of Abe, a secret conservative gathering in Hollywood. Together with Ben Shapiro, they built the Daily Wire into a successful media company, profiting from the changing landscape of online media and the right-wing audience's growing disillusionment with traditional institutions.

    • The Friends of Abe: A Hollywood Network Connecting ConservativesThe Friends of Abe, a secretive group, connected influential conservative figures in Hollywood, including Jon Voight, Andrew Breitbart, and Ben Shapiro, who later formed media ventures to influence culture.

      The Friends of Abe, an underground group providing reproductive health care services before Roe v Wade, played a pivotal role in connecting influential conservative figures in Hollywood. This group brought together individuals like Jon Voight, Andrew Breitbart, and Ben Shapiro. Shapiro, who met Breitbart at the Friends of Abe, later formed a partnership with Jeremy Boring to create media aimed at influencing culture. Boring, a central figure in conservative secret meetings in Hollywood, saw potential in Shapiro and sought to help him gain a larger platform. Through Boring's connections, Shapiro eventually became the heir to the David Horowitz Freedom Center, which provided resources and opportunities to further Shapiro's career. Their initial venture, Truth Revolt, was a conservative news site aimed at countering leftist media, but its unsustainable business model ultimately led to the creation of the Daily Wire.

    • From nonprofit to for-profit media success storyThe Daily Wire transformed from a nonprofit to a profitable business through strategic social media, celebrity building, and intentional monetization, resulting in cash flow positivity within a year and significant revenue from podcasts and social media ads.

      The success story of The Daily Wire, a conservative media company, involves pivoting from a traditional nonprofit model to a for-profit one, focusing on creating a long-term audience through intentional social media strategies and celebrity building. This shift, led by Ben Shapiro and Jeremy Boring, was funded by Texas billionaires, and resulted in cash flow positivity within 14 months, with significant revenue coming from podcasts and social media advertising on platforms like Facebook. The company's innovative approach to media production and distribution, combined with a strong social media presence, helped The Daily Wire surpass engagement and reach numbers of major news outlets.

    • The Daily Wire's Success in Conservative MediaThe Daily Wire grew its audience and brand recognition through provocative content, recruiting talent, a unique marketing strategy, and support from the Wilks Brothers. They've expanded into movies and documentaries, emphasizing marketing and distribution to reach their audience.

      The Daily Wire, a conservative media company, has successfully expanded its brand recognition and audience by investing in provocative content and recruiting up-and-coming talent. They've utilized a unique marketing strategy, focusing on building an audience before creating content, and have since expanded into producing movies and documentaries. The company's founders, Ben Shapiro and Jeremy Boreing, emphasize the importance of a marketing and distribution mechanism to reach their audience, as Hollywood is seen as unwilling to cooperate with conservative media. The Daily Wire's success is also attributed to the support of the Wilks Brothers and their fracking technology business, as well as their relocation to Nashville to establish a conservative entertainment empire. Overall, The Daily Wire's approach to media production and distribution has proven effective in creating a sustainable and growing audience within the conservative media ecosystem.

    • Daily Wire's Subscription-Based Streaming Service Drives Growth and Cultural ImpactThe Daily Wire's subscription-based streaming service, Daily Wire Plus, hosts provocative content featuring conservative figures and generates over 2/3 of the company's annual revenue with over 1 million subscribers.

      The Daily Wire, a conservative media company, has significantly expanded its offerings and influence in recent years through its subscription-based streaming service, Daily Wire Plus. The platform hosts a variety of original movies, documentaries, TV shows, and podcasts, including those featuring prominent conservative figures like Jordan Peterson and Matt Walsh. The company's success with provocative content, such as the documentary "What is a Woman?" and Walsh's advocacy against transgender issues, has helped establish The Daily Wire as a major player in the media landscape and a significant cultural force. With over 1 million subscribers and bringing in 2/3 of the company's annual revenue, Daily Wire Plus is a key driver of The Daily Wire's growth and influence. The company also invests heavily in producing original content and strives to create cultural events around its releases to generate further attention and revenue.

    • The Daily Wire's Strategic Growth in Politics and MediaThe Daily Wire expanded its influence by focusing on culture war issues and forming alliances with state governments, setting itself apart during the Biden presidency as a major anti-queer advocacy platform and creator of a child-focused streaming service, despite potential challenges in replicating popular children's shows' success.

      The Daily Wire, a conservative media company, strategically positioned itself to gain influence and prominence in the political landscape by focusing on broader culture war issues and building relationships with state governments, such as Tennessee. They waited to fully emerge from Trump's shadow during the Biden presidency and have since become a major player in anti-queer advocacy and creating original content, including a child-focused streaming service. However, attempting to replicate the success of popular children's shows like Bluey could be a challenging gamble for The Daily Wire. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, offers a contrasting approach to building communities through meaningful social bonds and preparedness for natural disasters.

    • Exploring the intersection of entertainment and commerce on social media and online platformsSocial media and online platforms offer opportunities for unique experiences, from virtual gaming to access to wide ranges of products, but also present challenges related to politics and social issues, requiring responsible and respectful engagement.

      Social media and online platforms can provide unique opportunities for both entertainment and commerce, with examples like Highfive Casino offering virtual gaming experiences and Ebay Motors providing access to a wide range of automotive parts. However, the digital landscape is not without its challenges, as seen in the discussion about the intersection of politics and social issues, such as the backlash against queer acceptance and the use of boycotts as a tactic for promoting certain agendas. The strategies and motivations of figures like Malcolm Gladwell and Matt Walsh illustrate the complex ways in which online platforms can be leveraged for various purposes, from promoting acceptance to inciting controversy. Ultimately, it's important to remain aware of the potential implications of our online actions and engage in responsible and respectful interactions.

    • Right-wing campaign against LGBTQ+ supportive brandsRight-wing groups are using boycott threats and harassment to target and shame brands that support the LGBTQ+ community, resulting in removal of pride displays and sales drops. This strategy brands companies as far-left and limits access to gender-affirming clothing for individuals in conservative areas.

      A group led by Matt Walsh is waging a campaign against companies that support the LGBTQ+ community, specifically targeting brands like Bud Light and Target with boycott threats and harassment, including bomb threats. This tactic has gained prominence among the right and has resulted in the removal of pride displays from Target stores and a sales drop for Bud Light. The goal is to make these brands toxic and embarrassing to shop at. The campaign has been successful in branding these companies as far-left organizations and has led to government intervention in some cases. This strategy is not new, as Michael Knowles attempted to replicate it in 2023. The progress made by conservatives on this issue is seen as a sign of winning and a call to push even harder. The impact of these campaigns can limit access to gender-affirming clothing for individuals in conservative areas who rely on stores like Target.

    • Target's Pride campaign raised concerns under various laws and shareholder interestsTarget's Pride campaign faced backlash for potential misuse of company resources, negatively impacted stock price, and provided free advertising for right-wing media outlets

      Target's Pride campaign raised concerns not only under state child protection and parental rights laws, but also against the economic interests of Target shareholders. The evidence suggests that Target's management may have neglected their fiduciary duty by pursuing the campaign, which negatively affected Target's stock price and potentially misused company resources for political or social goals. The controversy also reduced maneuvering space for the opposition and served as free advertising for right-wing media outlets, like the Daily Wire, which capitalized on the situation to boost their personal brands and reach a wider audience. The Daily Wire's motive for this anti-queer stance is deeply economical, as it generates significant marketing opportunities for their streaming service and builds their hosts' personal brands.

    • Daily Wire Invests $100M in Children's ContentThe Daily Wire, a conservative media company, is investing $100M in children's content on its streaming platform to provide an alternative to perceived indoctrination on other platforms. They've recruited talent from Disney and Netflix for this initiative.

      The Daily Wire, a conservative media company, is investing heavily in creating children's content on its streaming platform due to distrust in other platforms and perceived indoctrination. The Daily Wire's co-CEO, Jeremy Boreing, announced a $100 million investment over three years. The company has recruited talent from both Disney and Netflix for this initiative, including the showrunner of Disney's Tangled: Tangled Adventures. The children's content, including the show Chipchilla, is intended to provide an alternative to what some perceive as problematic content on other platforms. The discussion also touched on the profitability of children's content and the potential for a gritty adaptation of Rugrats. However, the conversation also included some controversial and off-color comments, highlighting the polarized nature of the media landscape.

    • Daily Wire Launches Kids' Entertainment Company to Compete with DisneyThe Daily Wire, a conservative media company, launches Bent Key Entertainment, a kids' streaming service, to compete with Disney, offering a range of content for $99 a year and producing in-house shows like ChipChilla.

      The Daily Wire, a conservative media company, is launching a new kids' entertainment company named Bent Key Entertainment, in response to Disney's political stances that have been criticized by conservatives. Bent Key is seen as a rebranding move to cast a wider net and attract a larger audience, particularly parents who may not be aware of The Daily Wire's political affiliations. The new streaming service offers a range of content for $99 a year and includes shows like ChipChilla. Some have criticized ChipChilla for its similarity to the popular kids show Bluey, but Bent Key Entertainment plans to produce a significant amount of in-house content. Despite some controversy over the name and logo, which some find reminiscent of a flaccid penis, Bent Key Entertainment aims to create timeless stories that transport kids into a world of adventure, imagination, and joy.

    • Daily Wire Shifts Focus from Children's Content to Industry ConnectionsThe Daily Wire prioritizes industry connections and producing TV and films over children's enjoyment, replacing children's content with shows like 'Bent Key' and live-action adaptations.

      The Daily Wire's children's content, such as "Bluey," is being replaced with shows featuring child actors and original productions, like "Bent Key" and live-action adaptations. The company's shows, including "Bent Key," may not capture the wider cultural market like Disney or Nickelodeon due to limited recognition and appeal. The Daily Wire's primary focus is not on children's enjoyment but on fulfilling the founders' dreams and making industry connections to produce TV and films. Their upcoming live-action fairy tale adaptation of "Snow White" is a response to Disney's remake and aims to present a different perspective from the original stories. While Disney continues to use its founder's name, The Daily Wire's content diverges from the timeless truths of fairy tales and may expose children to contemporary destructive ideas. The company's success does not rely on children's approval but on parents paying for the annual fee. The Daily Wire's long-term strategy is to build dominance in the industry and create industry connections to produce TV and films.

    • The Daily Wire's Content Strategy: Banal or Culture War Outrage?The Daily Wire produces original movies and TV shows, including family-friendly content and culture war titles, to attract subscribers and sell video streaming, despite potential discrepancies between their social mission and financial goals.

      The Daily Wire, a conservative media company, is producing original movies and TV shows, including an adaptation of Snow White and the Evil Queen, starring one of their hosts, Brett Cooper. The company's strategy appears to be appealing to unassuming parents with banal content or creating culture war outrage moments to scare parents into subscribing. However, there seems to be a discrepancy between their social mission and financial goals. While they could potentially succeed in building a content network for their fans, the best way to reach the most people and sell their video streaming to Netflix might be more profitable but less profitable in the long run. The Daily Wire has also invested $200 million into children's and adult-oriented entertainment, including a live-action miniseries based on The Pendragon Cycle novels. The content appears to feature mostly c-list actors and is set in Europe. The Arthurian story is set during the fall of British Rome and will be released later this year.

    • Discussing The Daily Wire's Atlas Shrugged adaptation and 'Mister Bertram'Speakers express anticipation for Atlas Shrugged adaptation despite challenges, but are less enthusiastic about 'Mister Bertram' due to unappealing premise and perceived tone.

      There's a great deal of excitement surrounding The Daily Wire's acquisition of exclusive rights to adapt Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged into a television series. The speakers express high anticipation for this project, despite the challenges of adapting the famously unfilmable material. On the other hand, they express less enthusiasm for an upcoming adult animated series, "Mister Bertram," created by Adam Carolla, due to its unappealing premise and perceived old-man-yells-at-cloud vibe. The speakers also share their thoughts on the casting of notable figures like Patrick Warburton and Megyn Kelly in various projects. Overall, the conversation reflects a mix of excitement, skepticism, and amusement towards the latest developments in entertainment.

    • Jeremy Boring's Movie 'Lady Ballers' and Daily Wire's Entry into StreamingJeremy Boring's self-produced movie 'Lady Ballers' received rejections from other actors but was released by him. The Daily Wire is entering the streaming market and discussions are ongoing about financially supporting Patrick Warburton.

      Jeremy Boring, a Daily Wire host, recently released a movie titled "Lady Ballers" which was written, directed, produced, and starred in by him. The movie was produced quickly and faced rejections from other actors. In the upcoming episode, the production process and the humor of the movie will be discussed. Additionally, the Daily Wire is entering the streaming market and there are ongoing discussions about supporting Patrick Warburton financially. Overall, Boring's work and the Daily Wire's expansion into the entertainment industry are the main topics of interest.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    You can follow all of the podcast experts on Instagram: @Claerb, @lookingafteryourpennies, @miguelbarclay 

    To make the fried rice recipe Miguel cooked up for Claer, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JT2bzS-vnF4

    Here’s the link to claim tax relief worth up to £125 if you’ve worked from home in the UK: https://www.gov.uk/tax-relief-for-employees/working-at-home

    To listen to our previous episode How to get a payrise, click here: https://www.ft.com/content/eeb84e5e-acf2-4b92-a99a-bd3514e1837d

    Charlotte’s recommended websites that offer small payments for completing consumer surveys include YouGov, Prolific and UserTesting.

    Presented by Claer Barrett. Produced by Persis Love. Our executive producer is Manuela Saragosa. Sound design is by Breen Turner, with original music from Metaphor Music.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Upcoming Actions:

    If you like what you hear, please take 5 minutes to Rate & Review the show on your podcasting platform of choice. This is a DIY podcast run entirely by workers and community-organizers.

    Poor yourself a cup of coffee and enjoy the episode!


    • Intro: Woody Guthrie, “I Ain’t Got No Home in this World”
    • Outro: Killer Mike, “Reagan”