
    Podcast Summary

    • Challenges for Unions in Building Stronger CommunitiesThe National Association of Letter Carriers union faces unique challenges due to its quasi-federal status, limiting its ability to effectively advocate for members and address their issues.

      While there are organizations and initiatives, like Neighbor to Neighbor, working to build stronger communities and connections between people, there are also challenges and limitations, such as those faced by the National Association of Letter Carriers union, that hinder effective organizing and advocacy. The union, which represents postal workers and is not allowed to strike, faces unique challenges due to its quasi-federal status and the resulting restrictions on its ability to use union dues for lobbying or engaging in public protests. These limitations make it difficult for the union to effectively advocate for its members and address the issues they face. The discussion also touched upon the history of the union and the strike that occurred in 1970 despite it being illegal. The conversation emphasized the importance of the right to strike and the need for greater support and resources for unions to effectively represent their members and address the challenges they face.

    • Janus Decision Limits Union PowerJanus decision weakens unions by eliminating their ability to collect fees from non-members and engage in political action. Despite this, unions must enforce contracts or risk losing power.

      The Janus decision significantly limits the power of unions by eliminating their ability to collect fees from non-members and engage in collective political action. This not only removes the militant unions' tool of striking but also takes away the more conservative unions' method of influencing elections through dues. The postal workers' 1970 strike, which defied these barriers, led to significant gains such as collective bargaining, binding arbitration, and substantial wage increases. However, even after such a victory, the post office did not honor the contract in good faith. The lesson here is that unions must be willing to enforce their contracts despite the challenges, or else they risk becoming meaningless. The 1970 strike was illegal, yet it still managed to achieve its goals, demonstrating the importance of union militancy and the power of collective action.

    • Power dynamics in enforcing lawsWhile individuals may face consequences for breaking laws, larger entities sometimes escape prosecution due to power imbalances. Workers' rights and postal services are examples of this issue.

      The enforcement of laws and the consequences for breaking them depend on the balance of forces involved. While some crimes may lead to imprisonment for individuals, larger entities may engage in illegal activities without facing prosecution. This was highlighted in the discussion about workers' rights and the postal service. The union representative shared examples of employers not adhering to labor laws and workers not receiving compensation they were owed. Despite these issues, there seems to be a lack of enforcement and recourse for affected individuals. Similarly, the post office faces challenges with long lines, misdelivered mail, and increased postage for deteriorating services, yet Congress receives criticism for not addressing these issues effectively. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of recognizing the complexities and power dynamics at play in enforcing laws and ensuring fair treatment for all.

    • USPS Financial Burden and Controversial ChangesThe USPS, a self-funded entity, faced a sudden $5.5 billion financial obligation due to a 2006 law, leading to public concern and allegations of election interference and inefficient consolidation efforts under Postmaster General Louis DeJoy. Postal workers remain dedicated despite longer lines, increased hours, and potential conflicts of interest.

      The United States Postal Service (USPS) was hit with a massive financial burden due to a 2006 law requiring it to prefund retiree health benefits 75 years in advance. This sudden $5.5 billion obligation led to public outcry and the perception that the USPS was going under. However, it's important to note that the USPS is a self-funded business and not reliant on taxpayer dollars. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a Trump appointee, has been accused of attempting to undermine the USPS, with allegations of election interference and inefficient consolidation efforts. These actions have led to longer lines, increased work hours, and decreased reliability for postal workers. Additionally, DeJoy's significant investment in FedEx, a USPS subcontractor, raises concerns about potential conflicts of interest. Despite these challenges, many postal workers remain committed to their jobs, sacrificing personal time and enduring long hours due to the unpredictable nature of their employment.

    • Importance of organization and communication in unions and businessesEffective organization and communication within unions and businesses are essential to prevent exploitation and ensure collective decision-making. Anarchist principles of making oneself obsolete and creating self-sustaining systems can help achieve these goals.

      The lack of organization and communication within an organization, be it a business or a union, can lead to numerous issues. In the case of the discussion, high turnover rates in a business can lead to exploitation of less experienced employees, while in a union, the absence of key leaders during critical negotiations can leave the membership in the dark. It's crucial for organizations to be structured in a way that allows for collective decision-making and for individuals to step down or delegate responsibilities when needed. From an anarchist perspective, the goal of organizing should be to make oneself obsolete and create a self-sustaining system. The current state of the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) union is a reminder of the importance of these principles. The union's leadership struggles have left the membership in the dark, and a resolution passed by Branch 9 of the NAOC to form an open bargaining strategy for contract negotiations is a step in the right direction towards more transparency and collective power.

    • Postal workers face internal challenges and external dangersPostal workers deal with workplace bullying, unsafe conditions, and have the right to strike. Building union solidarity, educating workers, and reaching out to other movements can help improve conditions.

      Postal workers face not only external dangers on the streets but also internal challenges in the form of workplace bullying and harassment from management. The right to strike is an essential part of the postal workers' identity, and transparency about union issues and conditions could garner public support. The tragic death of letter carrier Eugene Gates highlights the dangerous conditions and pressures faced by postal workers. To effect change, it's crucial to address the feeling of isolation among workers, educate the workforce, and build union solidarity. Reaching out to other movements and hiring organizers could help mobilize the public and put pressure on Congress. The struggle for better working conditions and fair treatment never ends, and postal workers stand on the shoulders of giants who have fought for their rights before them. To support postal workers, people can learn more about their union and the issues they face, and consider ways to show solidarity and advocacy.

    • Staying Informed, Engaged, and Connected in Times of UncertaintyDuring hardship, making noise, staying connected, and spreading awareness are effective ways to make a difference. The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) website is a resource for contacting representatives, and Neighbor to Neighbor is a platform for growing communities and preparing for emergencies.

      Engagement and community building are crucial in times of uncertainty and hardship. During the discussion on It Could Happen Here, the hosts emphasized the importance of making noise and staying connected, especially for postal workers. They highlighted the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) website as a resource for contacting representatives. While financial contributions may not be an option, spreading awareness and creating social bonds are effective ways to make a difference. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, was introduced as a platform for growing communities and preparing for emergencies. Additionally, the hosts recommended episodes of It Could Happen Here that touched on relevant topics, such as the Burmese revolution and border kindness. They also mentioned a recent development concerning Wasatchakhtin, a topic they had previously discussed, and promised to address it further after the second ad break. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of staying informed, engaged, and connected in the face of adversity.

    • WCK's unique approach to disaster reliefWCK mobilizes local populations and quickly responds to needs on the ground using existing restaurant infrastructure, setting them apart from traditional NGOs

      World Central Kitchen (WCK) is a unique organization that approaches disaster relief and humanitarian aid in a grassroots, decentralized way. The speakers shared their experiences of encountering WCK during various crises, from the US-Mexico border to Ukraine and Turkey. In these situations, WCK stood out for their ability to mobilize local populations and quickly respond to the needs on the ground, often using existing restaurant infrastructure. This approach sets WCK apart from traditional NGOs, which can sometimes come across as bureaucratic and inflexible. The speakers expressed admiration for WCK's ability to adapt and provide aid efficiently, especially in areas where other organizations may struggle to reach.

    • Adapting to local situations in humanitarian workEffective humanitarian work requires cultural sensitivity and local adaptation, as demonstrated by World Central Kitchen's response in Gaza, which led to a shift in perspectives in the aid community and influenced the founder's stance on the conflict.

      Adaptability and cultural sensitivity are crucial for effective humanitarian work. World Central Kitchen, an NGO known for its localized approach, demonstrated this in their response to the volatile situation in Gaza. They inserted themselves into the crisis, took on the local flavor, and faced the realities of the situation, even losing team members. This approach contrasts with larger, more traditional NGOs that may not adapt to local situations and often stay in safer areas. World Central Kitchen's actions in Gaza shifted the perspectives of many in the aid community, leading to a reevaluation of their views on the conflict. Their founder, Jose Andres, also evolved his personal stance on the issue, becoming a prominent voice criticizing Israel's actions. This shift in attitude, as seen in Andres' public statements, reflects the impact of on-the-ground experience and the importance of cultural sensitivity in humanitarian work.

    • Focusing on common ground and ending suffering in times of conflictDuring conflicts, it's crucial to acknowledge suffering and work towards peace, remembering the human cost and the need for change.

      During times of conflict and genocide, it's crucial to focus on finding common ground and ending the suffering, rather than criticizing past opinions or actions. The recent targeted killing of aid workers in Gaza serves as a tragic reminder of the human cost of conflict, and it's essential to acknowledge the suffering of all innocent lives lost, regardless of their nationality or background. This includes acknowledging the names and stories of individuals like Saif Isam Abutaha, whose lives were also taken in this conflict. It's important to remember that every minute the conflict continues, more innocent lives are at risk, and we must put aside our differences to bring about change. The use of language and rhetoric that accurately reflects the reality of the situation, such as calling it a genocide instead of a war, can also help in raising awareness and bringing about change. The history of targeted attacks on aid workers in conflicts, including the 2006 attack on a Red Cross ambulance in Lebanon, highlights the urgent need for action.

    • The overlooked loss of thousands of Palestinian livesA viral video highlighting the disproportionate attention given to the deaths of aid workers compared to the larger Palestinian population sparked important conversations about the complexities of the conflict and the role of humanitarian workers.

      The tragic death of six aid workers in Gaza during the ongoing conflict has received widespread attention, but the loss of thousands of Palestinian lives over the past six months has been largely overlooked. The speaker, who had formed friendships with some of the aid workers and had been advocating for Palestinian rights, created a viral video expressing her grief and highlighting the disproportionate attention given to the deaths of the aid workers compared to the larger Palestinian population. The video, which labeled the situation a genocide, resonated with many and sparked important conversations about the complexities of the conflict and the role of humanitarian workers in dangerous situations. Despite the controversy surrounding the video, the speaker's intentions were clear, and she received support from her former colleagues at the aid organization, who appreciated her use of her platform to bring attention to the plight of the Palestinian people.

    • Understanding Complex Geopolitical IssuesEngage in dialogue and education to resist narrow views and seek a nuanced understanding of complex conflicts and human rights issues.

      The perception of foreign conflicts and involvement, particularly in the Middle East, can be heavily influenced by various factors including media narratives, personal experiences, and political affiliations. Some people may hold conspiracy theories about the involvement of intelligence agencies or label entire regions or groups as villains based on biased information. However, it's important to resist efforts to narrow the scope of opposition to human rights abuses and genocides. People without a strong point of reference to these regions may hold flawed opinions, but engaging in dialogue and education can help hold those responsible accountable. The speaker's personal experience of working with security consultants in various projects, including in Ukraine and Palestine, led them to question their earlier anti-Zionist stance and seek a more nuanced understanding of complex geopolitical issues.

    • Actions of powerful figures can shift public opinion on humanitarian issuesPowerful figures can bring attention to humanitarian issues, but violence needs to stop for effective aid work. Israel's actions in Gaza contradict their claims, raising concerns about accountability and potential recklessness, causing civilian casualties and leaving the international community confused.

      The actions of powerful figures, like Chef Jose Andres, in bringing attention to humanitarian issues can significantly shift public opinion. The ongoing conflict in Gaza, where World Central Kitchen has had to scale back its efforts due to security concerns, highlights the need for stopping the violence rather than engaging in online debates. Israel's boasted intelligence capabilities and claims of avoiding civilian casualties are contradicted by their actions, leaving the international community with a confusing message and raising concerns about accountability and potential recklessness. The civilian casualties are too high for Israel to have it both ways, either they are making mistakes or acting deliberately, and people are left to make their own judgments. Charles McBride, a guest on the show, emphasizes the importance of accountability and the need for a clear message from Israel regarding their actions. You can find Charles McBride on various social media platforms and his website, charlesmcbride.com. For those interested in supporting humanitarian efforts in Ukraine, Mission Harkiv on Instagram and their website, missionharkiv.com, is a worthy cause.

    • WCK's Controversial Handling of Operations in GazaA former employee criticized WCK for extensive censorship, lack of response to ceasefire calls, continued meal service in Israel, and reckless endangerment during the Gaza conflict, raising ethical concerns.

      The World Central Kitchen (WCK) organization's handling of its operations in Gaza during times of conflict has been a subject of controversy. An ex-staff member, Ramzi Talhami, resigned due to extensive censorship regarding Gaza, lack of response to calls for a ceasefire and condemning Israel's blockade, and continued meal service in Israel despite the ICJ genocide hearing and bombing incidents. WCK's leadership was criticized for making decisions against the concerns of personnel and for minimizing the impact of Palestinian lives lost during the conflict. The organization's actions were described as recklessly endangering personnel, exploiting the situation, and normalizing an ongoing genocide. These actions have raised concerns about the organization's priorities and ethical considerations during humanitarian crises.

    • NGOs' Role in Gaza Crisis and Their BiasesDespite limitations and biases, NGOs play a crucial role in providing aid. However, their neutrality and messaging have been questioned during the Gaza crisis, leading to negative outcomes. Accountability for decisions and actions is necessary.

      NGOs, including World Central Kitchen, have their limitations and biases, but they still play a crucial role in providing aid and relief in times of crisis. However, their neutrality and messaging have been called into question during the ongoing conflict in Gaza. The internal communications and decisions made by the leadership of these organizations have raised concerns about their motivations and effectiveness. While the personnel on the ground have been delivering aid, the leadership's failure to accurately portray the situation and influence the situation for the better has resulted in negative outcomes. The sacrifice made by personnel from all sides, including international NGOs, should not be ignored or undermined. The conversation needs to shift towards acknowledging the genocide in Gaza for the necessary reactions to occur. The NGOs' biases and internal conduct are not unique, but their impact on the ground is significant, and they should be held accountable for their decisions and actions.

    • The Story of a Former Marine and City Commissioner Candidate's Involvement in a White Supremacist OrganizationIn seemingly small communities, hate and divisive ideologies can surface, underscoring the importance of staying vigilant and taking action against them.

      Even in seemingly small and unsuspecting communities, hate and divisive ideologies can surface. The story of Judson Gannan Blevins, a former Marine and city commissioner candidate in Enid, Oklahoma, serves as a stark reminder of this. Raised in the town and returning to work at his father's roofing business, Blevins' involvement in a white supremacist organization came to light in 2019. Despite this, he went on to run for office in 2022. This narrative highlights the importance of staying vigilant against hate and divisive ideologies, no matter where one resides. It also underscores the power of community action and the impact regular people can have in standing up against hate and intolerance.

    • Judd Blevins' Controversial Past with Neo-Nazi Group Raises ConcernsJudd Blevins' past ties to the white supremacist group, Identity Europa, cannot be ignored despite his current actions or intentions.

      Passion for a particular field or career doesn't excuse past controversial associations or actions. In this case, Judd Blevins' victory in the Eden City Council election raised concerns due to his past ties to the Neo-Nazi organization, Identity Europa. Despite some supporters arguing that he hires diverse laborers, Identity Europa was a white supremacist group that advocated for a white ethnostate and held violent, racist beliefs. Blevins, who was the regional coordinator for the group, was identified in leaked chats and the revelation led to significant backlash. The group's leader, Nathan D'Amigo, had a history of violent actions and was inspired by hate literature, including David Duke's autobiography, which he read in prison. These associations and actions cannot be overlooked or dismissed, regardless of Blevins' current actions or intentions.

    • The Blurred Line Between Hate Groups and Mainstream PoliticsIndividuals with extremist beliefs may try to infiltrate politics, and their past involvement in hate groups can go unaddressed, highlighting the importance of accountability and vigilance.

      The line between hate groups and mainstream politics can be blurred, and individuals with extremist beliefs may try to infiltrate the political system. The case of Conway, a former Identity Europa (IE) member, illustrates this trend. He rose through the ranks of the white supremacist group, recruiting new members, organizing events, and sharing propaganda online. In 2019, as IE was disbanding, Conway began considering a run for local office, believing that his radical ideology was becoming mainstream. By the time he announced his campaign in 2022, he had a long history of hate group involvement, including attending the Unite the Right rally and posting Nazi propaganda online. Despite this, he won the election without addressing his past publicly. Although some people in his community were aware of his history, others were not. This story serves as a reminder of the importance of holding politicians accountable for their past actions and beliefs, and the need to stay vigilant against the infiltration of hate groups into mainstream politics.

    • Blevins' Past Actions and Their Impact on His Political CareerPersonal past actions of public figures can negatively impact their ability to serve and maintain trust. Accountability and transparency are crucial.

      The actions and associations of public figures, even those from the past, can significantly impact their ability to serve in office and maintain the trust of their community. In this story, Blevins' past involvement in a Nazi rally led to protests and a recall attempt against him, despite his denial of the allegations. The timing of his swearing-in and the subsequent indictments of those involved in the rally created a striking contrast between his supporters' dismissal of the seriousness of his past actions and the legal consequences faced by others present at the event. Despite multiple opportunities to acknowledge and denounce his past, Blevins refused to do so, further fueling doubts about his suitability for office. This case highlights the importance of personal accountability and transparency, particularly for those in positions of power.

    • Recall campaign against a city council member in Enid, Oklahoma due to past involvement with white supremacist groupsHolding elected officials accountable for past actions involving hate speech and white supremacist ideologies is crucial, even within conservative circles.

      The recall campaign against a city council member in Enid, Oklahoma, was instigated due to his past involvement with white supremacist groups. Despite the controversy, the council declined to censure him, and he refused to apologize or denounce his past actions. This led to a recall effort, with a local Republican woman, Cheryl Patterson, running to replace him. Patterson was motivated to run because of his refusal to denounce his past, despite the concern and backlash from the community and conservative Republicans. Throughout the campaign, Blevins failed to publicly denounce white supremacist supporters and received support from known white nationalist groups. This case highlights the importance of holding elected officials accountable for their past actions and drawing clear lines against hate speech and white supremacist ideologies, even within conservative circles.

    • Election of a white supremacist commissioner in Enid, OklahomaDespite the perception of conservative strongholds, diverse opinions exist and recognizing this diversity is crucial for building stronger, more inclusive democracies.

      The election of Judd Blevins as a city commissioner in Enid, Oklahoma, despite his association with white supremacist groups, highlights the existence of a significant minority population in supposedly red states that is often overlooked. Blevins, who received endorsements and donations from known white supremacist organizations, received 40% of the votes in the election. His loss in a recall election, which saw a 72% increase in voter turnout, was described as an effective defense against extremism rather than a fairy tale victory for progressives. The incident underscores the importance of recognizing the diversity of opinions and beliefs within communities, even in areas that are perceived to be conservative strongholds. It also serves as a reminder that the red state-blue state dichotomy is a simplistic view of the political landscape and that efforts to bridge divides and promote inclusivity are essential for building stronger, more representative democracies.

    • Using 'activist' as a derogatory termThe term 'activist' is sometimes used to dismiss individuals who challenge the status quo or speak out against injustices, but it's important to remember that activism is a mindset and action taken by anyone to effect positive change.

      The label of "activist" is often used as a derogatory term to dismiss individuals who speak out against injustices or challenge the status quo. This was evident in the case of a city commissioner in Enid, Oklahoma, who made Nazi sympathizing comments but refused to step down. The community came together to recall him, but the recall campaign was met with smear tactics, labeling the organizers as "Antifa" and "fringe radicals." This demonstrates how the term "activist" is sometimes used to delegitimize those who question authority or push for change, rather than recognizing their efforts to make a difference in their communities. It's important to remember that activism is not a separate class of people, but rather a mindset and action taken by individuals to effect positive change. We should all strive to be engaged in our communities and not shy away from speaking out against injustices, no matter how uncomfortable it may be.

    • Empowering Communities Amidst Political ChallengesDespite complexities, individuals can make a difference by standing up for values and building strong communities. Don't give in to extremist forces, be proactive, and critically analyze media and pop culture.

      Despite the challenges and complexities of the current political climate, individuals have the power to make a difference by standing up for their values and building strong communities. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not giving in to extremist or divisive forces, and encourages people to be proactive in their local communities. The discussion also touches on the role of media and pop culture in shaping our understanding of the political landscape and the importance of critical analysis. Overall, the message is one of hope and empowerment, encouraging listeners to engage with their communities and work towards positive change.

    • Depicting Political Extremism in MediaThe Law and Order episode on far right fitness groups sparked discussions about media's role in portraying political extremism, raising themes of racism, violence, and fear, while also acknowledging potential sensationalization and the importance of addressing extremism in society.

      The Law and Order episode focusing on far right fitness groups, or Active Clubs, as depicted in the show, raises important discussions about the portrayal of real-life political extremism in media. The episode, which went beyond just depicting the Active Clubs, touched on themes of racism, violence, and fear in New York City. While some may argue that such depictions can be sensationalized and reify the role of good government and law enforcement, others believe there is value in understanding how these groups are portrayed in mass media as a cultural litmus test. The episode, however, felt unresolved and undercooked, combining several elements that didn't blend well. Despite its imperfections, it serves as a reminder of the ongoing importance of addressing political extremism in our society.

    • The Importance of Surveillance and Security in the Subway SystemHistorically lacking security cameras in NYC subways can lead to unchecked crimes. Gay dating apps may have implications for personal relationships and communication.

      The episode of Law and Order: SVU highlights the importance of adequate surveillance and security in the subway system. The subway in New York City historically lacks security cameras inside the trains and stations, leading to potential crime going unchecked. The episode also touches upon the issue of homophobia and the use of gay dating apps, with the main suspect's boyfriend having a prior charge for aggravated assault. Despite the suspects' relationship, they primarily communicated through the app, which raised suspicions for the detectives. The episode raises questions about the effectiveness and implications of using such apps for personal relationships and communication.

    • Unraveling the complex layers of Joyner's murderThe investigation into Joyner's murder revealed personal conflicts, racism, and potential hate crimes, with interconnected threads of personal and systemic issues.

      The investigation into Joyner's murder uncovered complex layers of personal conflicts, racism, and potential hate crimes. Joyner and Zane's relationship faced challenges due to Joyner's fear of public perception affecting his comedy career. Zane, who is black, believed they could live openly as a couple, but was targeted by racist cops during an altercation at a bar. The symbol on the hoodie and sneakers of the suspicious figure seen near Joyner before his death remains a mystery, potentially linking to a local MMA gym, the Kovac Academy. The owner, Domino Kovac, has a history of assault convictions against black victims, one of which involved a white nationalist symbol tattoo. Despite his denial of knowing Joyner, Kovac's gym uniform matches the description of the suspicious figure. The investigation continues to unravel these interconnected threads of personal and systemic issues.

    • The Challenges of Determining Charges Based on a Suspect's ConfessionA suspect's confession doesn't always lead to straightforward charges or convictions. The legal process involves careful consideration of all evidence and circumstances, even when a confession is made.

      During an investigation, a suspect's immediate confession and cooperation with authorities might not always lead to a straightforward charge or conviction. In the discussed episode, a man named Brandon Arnaud confessed to killing a man named Ellis Joyner, but the police and DA faced challenges in determining the charges due to the circumstances surrounding the death and public perception. Brandon claimed it was self-defense, but the DA believed it escalated to homicide due to the length of time Brandon continued to apply a chokehold after Joyner was unconscious. Despite Brandon's confession and the discovery of Joyner's missing cell phone in Brandon's gym locker, the DA's office debated between manslaughter and murder charges. Ultimately, they decided to pursue a second-degree murder charge based on "depraved indifference to human life." The case was compared to the George Floyd case due to public perception, but the specific similarities were not explicitly stated. This episode highlights the complexities and nuances involved in criminal investigations and the legal process.

    • DA's public image concerns cloud judgmentDespite damning evidence, DA refuses plea deal, raising questions about motives; surprise witness's testimony adds complexity, but use of criminal history and late appearance raise ethical concerns.

      The DA in the case comes off as more concerned about his public image than seeking justice, as he refuses to consider a plea deal despite damning evidence. The surprise witness's testimony, though questionable, paints Brandon in a heroic light, adding complexity to the case. The limited use of a witness's criminal history and the late appearance of a surprise witness in the trial raise ethical concerns and add to the intrigue. The case, reminiscent of real-life cases like Daniel Penny, highlights the complexities and nuances of the legal system.

    • Questionable testimony and investigation into Brandon's alleged racist chantThe testimony regarding Brandon's alleged racist chant was uncertain, and the investigation into his gym revealed unclear information. No solid evidence was presented to support the claims against him.

      The testimony in the trial regarding Brandon's alleged racist chant was questionable and may have been misconstrued. Rebecca Lasky, a witness, mistakenly connected Brandon's statement about being bloody and dirty to the Nazi slogan "blood and soil." However, there was no evidence to suggest that Brandon had ties to white nationalist groups or had used such a slur during the incident. The investigation into Kovac Academy, Brandon's gym, revealed that it might be a front for a white supremacist sleeper cell, but the information was unclear and the ratio of active clubs in different states seemed unusual. The NYPD's involvement in investigating an incident occurring in multiple states was also a point of contention. Overall, the testimony and investigation seemed to lack solid evidence and raised questions about the reliability of the information presented.

    • Investigating Far-Right Groups: Long-Term Infiltration or Immediate Action?Authorities are probing far-right groups for potential threats, but debating long-term infiltration vs. immediate arrests, as poor training and credible intel of weapons stockpiling and planned attacks exist.

      The counterterrorism bureau is investigating what they believe to be a potential threat from far-right groups, specifically active clubs, who are allegedly indoctrinating young men and training them in racist ideology. However, the fitness training these groups provide is often poor, and the threat level may not equal that of a military combat situation. Despite credible intel suggesting some members may be stockpiling weapons and planning attacks, undercover operations are prioritized over immediate arrests to avoid jeopardizing ongoing investigations. The debate over the ethics of long-term infiltration versus immediate action continues, with some arguing for a long-term strategy to gather more evidence and others advocating for immediate arrests to prevent potential harm. The investigation into these groups is ongoing, and the threat they pose remains a significant concern for law enforcement.

    • Misunderstandings in the courtroom due to lack of clear communicationFailure to explain key pieces of evidence and context can impact jury decisions, potentially leading to misunderstandings and incorrect outcomes. Clear and complete communication is crucial in the legal system.

      The lack of clear explanation to the jury about certain key pieces of evidence and context in a trial can lead to misunderstandings and potentially impact the outcome. In the discussed episode, the significance of the number 88 as a reference to Heil Hitler was never explained, and Kodak's prior hate crime convictions were only briefly mentioned. Additionally, the jury was not allowed to hear about Kovacs' use of the Nazi reference "blood and soil" in his social media bio. These omissions may have influenced the jury's decision to find the defendant not guilty. Furthermore, the legal strategies employed by both the defense and prosecution seemed questionable and undercooked, with the defense shifting its argument halfway through and the prosecution failing to obtain warrants for the defendant's phone and computer. These issues highlight the importance of clear and complete communication of relevant information in the legal system.

    • Courts can present lesser included charges during a trialDuring a trial, a court can present lesser included charges to the jury, even if they weren't mentioned in the indictment. However, the decision to do so is at the discretion of the prosecutor and can impact the outcome of the case.

      During a trial in New York, the court can present lesser included charges to the jury, even if they weren't mentioned in the indictment. This was discussed in relation to the Daniel Penney case, where Penney was charged with second-degree manslaughter for the death of Jordan Neely on a subway train. The jury could have considered a lesser charge of manslaughter instead of murder. However, the DA in the case, Hugh Dancy, stated they could have done better but chose not to for the greater good. The discussion also touched upon the depiction of active clubs in the episode, which was criticized for turning a serious issue into entertainment and cramming in unnecessary elements, such as homophobia and active clubs being portrayed as an elite Nazi squad. The incident itself involved a man, Neely, who was yelling for food and water on a crowded subway and was killed by Penney in a lethal chokehold. The trial for the case is scheduled to start in October 2024. Overall, the episode failed to accurately depict the incident and did a disservice to the actual event.

    • The history of ultranationalist Buddhism in MyanmarUnderstanding the historical context of Buddhism's role in Myanmar's ultranationalism is crucial for addressing the ongoing Rohingya crisis and human rights abuses.

      The history of ultranationalist Buddhism in Myanmar plays a significant role in the ongoing genocide of Muslim people and the Rohingya crisis. During British colonial rule, Buddhism served as an oppositional ideology for various Buddhist kingdoms in Myanmar. However, in more recent times, it has been twisted into a form of ultranationalism that empowers hate speech and violence against religious minorities. This long and painful history contributes to the current unrest and human rights abuses in the region. It's important for the international community to understand this context to effectively address the ongoing crisis in Myanmar.

    • The global context shaping Burmese nationalism and ethnonationalismThe global context, including the end of WWII, the onset of the Cold War, and colonial methods of rule, significantly influenced the rise and persistence of Burmese nationalism and ethnonationalism, with the state remaining a significant contributor to interreligious and interethnic conflict

      The rise and persistence of nationalism and ethnonationalism in Burma, or Myanmar, cannot be fully understood without considering the larger global context in which it emerged. Nationalism initially served as a tool for emancipatory struggle against colonial rule, but after independence, ethnicity was reinjected into the ideological formation due to the collapse of the common oppositional identity. The end of World War II and the onset of the Cold War played a significant role, as the United States encouraged ultranationalism as a way to confront egalitarian leftist ideologies. Additionally, economic instability and colonial methods of rule in the 1930s contributed to the divide and rule strategy, which continues to this day with the military junta attempting to foment interethnic conflicts. The state itself, which has remained colonial in nature, is a significant contributor to the persistent interreligious and interethnic conflict in Myanmar.

    • Understanding Myanmar's Ethnic Conflicts through a Colonial LensColonialism's lasting impact shapes Myanmar's ethnic conflicts, perpetuating discrimination and marginalization through center-periphery mentality.

      Myanmar's complex ethnic conflicts cannot be fully understood without acknowledging the lasting impact of colonialism. The military's actions against ethnic groups, such as the Rohingyas, and the ongoing conflicts in regions like Rakhine and Shan states, are not just horizontal violence but also a continuation of colonial power dynamics. The idea of "opt-out" areas, like mountains or non-consolidated regions, may not fully capture the complexity of the situation. Instead, it's essential to view these conflicts through a colonial lens, recognizing the persistent influence of the colonial state on Burmese society and the resulting center-periphery mentality. This mentality, which still exists culturally and psychologically, contributes to the discrimination and marginalization of people on the periphery. The colonial state's legacy continues to shape Myanmar's political landscape and must be addressed to find a lasting solution to the ongoing conflicts.

    • Understanding the Complexity of Symbols in Revolutionary MovementsAvoid replicating colonial power structures in post-revolution societies by separating law and order from defense functions and not defining political organizations based on blood and soil ideologies.

      The use of language and symbols, such as "taking refuge in the forest," can have different meanings depending on the context. From a revolutionary's perspective, it can represent freedom and resistance against a centralized power. However, from the state's perspective, it can be seen as treasonous and criminal. Moving forward, it's crucial to avoid replicating the colonial core-periphery model in post-revolution societies. New entities must not define their political organizations based on blood and soil ideologies, and military organizations should not control administrations. Instead, law and order maintenance should be separated from defense functions. These steps can help build a future for Myanmar that does not perpetuate the colonial relationships and violence that have been a part of its history.

    • Demilitarizing and Shifting Towards Civilian AdministrationSuccessful ethnic resistance organizations must consciously demilitarize, shift towards civilian administration, and promote gender equality and progressive values to truly succeed. This involves a deep intellectual and psychological transformation, including giving women and younger generations equal representation and airtime.

      Successful ethnic resistance organizations must consciously demilitarize and shift towards civilian administration, moving away from divisive blood and soil identity. However, challenges remain in bringing younger generations and women into decision-making circles. The Kurdish revolutionary organizations serve as an example of gender equality and progressive values, but the ideological shift towards decolonization may face resistance from older, entrenched leadership. To truly succeed, revolutionary movements require a deep intellectual and psychological transformation, involving a shift in values and power dynamics, including giving women and younger generations equal representation and airtime. This not only benefits the group, but also reflects the belief that colonialism begins in the patriarchal family, and that decolonizing familial and community relations is crucial for societal change.

    • Younger generations challenging societal hierarchiesYounger generations in Myanmar are leading the charge against damaging societal norms like sexism, homophobia, and racism. Political leadership and intergenerational dialogue can drive significant societal change.

      The young generation in Myanmar, as well as progressive older individuals, hold the power to challenge and change damaging societal hierarchies, such as sexism, homophobia, and racism. This shift in thinking is crucial for creating a more equal and just society. Doctor Sani, a prominent figure in the Myanmar revolution, has witnessed this progress firsthand and remains optimistic about the future. He emphasizes the importance of political leadership and the need for older generations to meet younger generations halfway. This exchange of ideas and perspectives can lead to significant societal change. To stay informed about these issues and engage with like-minded individuals, follow Doctor Sani's work on platforms like Facebook and the Forces of Renewal Southeast Asia network.

    • Exploring connections and preparation in uncertain timesBuild stronger communities, find resources, and explore various topics for connection and satisfaction during uncertain times

      No matter what uncertainty the world may bring, there are resources and communities available to help us connect and prepare. During our podcast, "It Could Happen Here," we'll continue to explore various topics and provide updates every week until the end of the universe. Meanwhile, Neighbor to Neighbor encourages building stronger communities by connecting with neighbors and lending a helping hand. In the world of sports, the Motor Racing Network brings the excitement of NASCAR races to listeners, while ZYN nicotine pouches offer a discreet and convenient solution for those seeking nicotine satisfaction. Overall, whether it's through podcasts, community building, or personal choices, there are always opportunities to find connection and satisfaction in the midst of uncertainty.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Fact Checks:
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    Police Bonds in the US: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/akzkze/how-wall-street-profits-from-police-brutality

    Section 98: https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/section-98-criminal-code

    The cost of policing in Canada (2013 article) https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/the-exploding-cost-of-policing-in-canada-1.1330251

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