
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Opportunities for Personal Growth and EntertainmentExplore personal growth through education, entertainment, and authentic self-expression. Embrace ambiguity and navigate life's transitions with curiosity.

      There are various opportunities for personal growth and entertainment available to individuals, whether it's through earning a respected degree online with Purdue Global, watching a biographical film like "Back to Black" about Amy Winehouse, staying informed with Detroit's black community through The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily, or taking a family road trip with a reliable vehicle like the 2024 Hyundai Santa Fe. Another key theme is the importance of authenticity and being remembered for one's true self, as showcased by Raffi and Amy Winehouse. Lastly, the liminal space concept, which refers to a transitional phase and the ambiguity and disorientation associated with being in between, can be applied to various aspects of life, from architecture and time to ideas and experiences. Overall, these examples encourage individuals to make the most of their opportunities, embrace their authentic selves, and navigate the ambiguities of life with curiosity and wonder.

    • Living in a liminal space between economic boom and climate catastropheWe're in a transitional period between significant economic growth and the looming impacts of climate change, which we can't fully comprehend but significantly affect our world.

      We are currently living in a liminal space between a historic economic and technological boom and the impending global climate catastrophe. Liminal spaces, as discussed, are often depicted in photography as empty, outdated human constructs with a sense of artificiality. Similarly, climate change, or hyperobjects as philosopher Timothy Morton calls them, transcends our perception of time, space, and cause and effect. We can't fully grasp or see them in their entirety, but they have significant impacts on the world. The difference between hyperobjects and ordinary objects lies in their temporal effects and the fact that they exist beyond our temporal reality. While we can't fully comprehend or experience them in their entirety, they significantly affect our world. We're in a liminal space between two vastly different states, and the cognitive dissonance and anticipation can be overwhelming.

    • Hyperobjects: Intimately Connected Entities Beyond Human ComprehensionHyperobjects like global warming and radioactive materials are not external phenomena, but rather, they are viscous entities that affect us deeply and are interconnected with us. They are nonlocal, beyond human comprehension, and challenge our understanding of existence.

      Hyperobjects, such as global warming or radioactive materials, are not just external phenomena, but rather, they are viscous entities that we are intimately connected to. They overrule our attempts to distance ourselves from them, as they adhere to us and affect us in profound ways. Hyperobjects are also nonlocal, meaning that any local manifestation is not the hyperobject itself, but rather a part of it. Their size and temporalities are beyond human comprehension, making them uncanny and impossible to fully grasp. These entities challenge our understanding of existence and our place in the universe, forcing us to recognize our interconnectedness with them. They are not just external threats, but rather, they are all around us, inside us, and have always been a part of our reality.

    • Understanding Complex Phenomena as HyperobjectsHyperobjects like global warming and nuclear radiation are complex, far-reaching phenomena that exist in higher dimensions and interact with other objects, causing significant impacts. Recognizing their existence and interconnectedness is crucial for effective action.

      Hyperobjects, such as global warming and nuclear radiation, are complex phenomena that have far-reaching effects on various aspects of our world. They cannot be fully grasped through our limited three-dimensional perspective and may appear nonlocal and temporally foreshortened. Hyperobjects exist in higher dimensional phase spaces and can only be perceived as pieces at a time. They are not abstract concepts but real objects that interact with other objects and cause significant impacts. Climate change, for instance, is a hyperobject formed by the interactions between various factors, such as the sun, fossil fuels, and carbon dioxide. It is made apparent through observable effects, such as temperature changes and sea level rise, but it exists independently of these measurements. Hyperobjects are interconnected with the objects and things we deal with every day, and understanding their interconnectedness is crucial for taking effective action. The concept of hyperobjects challenges our perception of the world and requires a counterintuitive perspective shift. It is essential to recognize their existence and the inevitable effects they have on our world, even if we cannot directly perceive them in their entirety.

    • Understanding Hyperobjects: Interconnected RealityHyperobjects, like climate change, challenge our understanding of reality and require abandoning anthropocentric thinking to address their complex, interconnected impacts.

      Our perception of reality is shaped by the interconnectedness of objects, even those that are vast and seemingly unrelated to us. This concept, known as interobjectivity, is particularly relevant when considering hyperobjects, such as climate change, which have complex and far-reaching impacts. Hyperobjects challenge our understanding of reality by breaking down our traditional notions of temporality, causality, and direct experience. They exist interobjectively, meaning that our interactions with them are mediated through other entities and shared consensual spaces. To better understand and address the challenges posed by hyperobjects, we must abandon anthropocentric thinking and recognize our interconnectedness with the natural world. This means rejecting the notion of nature as a separate entity and embracing an ecology without nature. By doing so, we can more effectively address the complex, interconnected issues facing us, such as climate change, and reclaim a genuine connection to the world around us.

    • Understanding Hyperobjects: Interconnected Ecological IssuesHyperobjects challenge us to embrace complexity and take action towards interconnected ecological issues, revealing the interconnectedness of seemingly separate problems and the difficulty of addressing their causes.

      The world is experiencing a simultaneous disillusionment of reality and the overwhelming presence of hyperobjects, which are interconnected ecological issues that have already had significant impacts on our planet. This concept, as discussed by Tim Morton, challenges the common belief that the world is on the brink of destruction and instead encourages a full engagement with our ecological coexistence. Hyperobjects can help us understand the cognitive dissonance around climate denial by revealing the interconnectedness of seemingly separate problems and the difficulty of addressing their causes, which can feel abstract and displaced in time. The challenge is to move beyond rejecting hyperobjects and instead embrace the complexity of the issues at hand and take action towards solutions. This shift in perspective can lead to a clearer understanding of the world and our place in it.

    • Amplifying voices and experiencesEmbrace change, explore new opportunities, and discover unique perspectives through various media platforms, whether it's black community stories, quality sleep solutions, or intriguing podcasts.

      Both The Michigan Chronicle and Lisa prioritize providing solutions and exceptional experiences for their audiences. The Michigan Chronicle focuses on amplifying black voices and community stories, while Lisa ensures quality sleep through comfortable and supportive mattresses. Meanwhile, in the abstract discussion, the importance of embracing change and choosing new opportunities was emphasized, as we navigate through the unknown and continually evolve. Raffi's podcast, Finding Raffy, encourages us to appreciate the magic and wonder of the world through children's eyes. In the podcast Deep Cover, the story of a lawyer who turned against the mob offers insights into the complexities of morality and the human condition. Overall, these various media platforms offer unique perspectives and experiences, encouraging us to stay informed, empowered, and connected.

    • Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a simplified representationMaslow's hierarchy oversimplifies human needs as a pyramid, ignoring their complexity and interconnectedness. Needs can occur simultaneously and are shaped by societal structures.

      Maslow's hierarchy of needs, while a popular way to understand human needs, is not an accurate representation of Maslow's original theory. The hierarchy, which depicts needs as a pyramid with physiological needs at the base and self-actualization at the top, has been subject to critique for not engaging with Maslow's actual ideas. Instead, it's important to remember that human needs are complex and interconnected, and we can experience needs from different levels at the same time. For example, someone may have their basic physiological needs met, but still lack safety, love, esteem, or self-actualization. Additionally, societal and structural issues can impact our ability to meet our needs, such as the commodification of water and food under capitalism. Ultimately, Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a useful starting point for thinking about human needs, but it's important to remember its limitations and consider the complex ways in which needs intersect and are shaped by larger societal structures.

    • Hindrances to Self-actualization in Modern SocietyModern society prioritizes financial security over personal growth, hindering self-actualization for many. Other cultures, like the Siksika Blackfoot, emphasize individual's inherent self-actualization and support for personal growth.

      Our modern society and economic systems can hinder individuals from achieving self-actualization due to unmet basic needs and external pressures. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory highlights this issue, as self-actualization becomes a luxury for many, and aspirational goals often revolve around financial security rather than personal growth. However, other cultures, such as the Siksika Blackfoot, view individuals as being born self-actualized, emphasizing the importance of fostering an environment that supports personal growth and fulfilling potential. This perspective challenges us to reconsider our priorities and societal structures to better support individuals in their journey towards self-actualization.

    • Community actualization and self-actualizationIn a society that values community actualization, individuals are encouraged to learn and grow together, fostering collaboration and cooperation from a young age, and creating a sense of responsibility and interdependence for cultural perpetuity.

      Self-actualization, a concept deeply rooted in various cultures, is not just an individual pursuit, but is intertwined with community actualization. This perspective recognizes that individuals cannot thrive in isolation and that a supportive community is essential for personal growth and purpose realization. In a society that values community actualization, education would foster collaboration and cooperation rather than competition from an early age. Children would be encouraged to learn and grow together, preparing them for a life of interconnectedness and mutual support. Additionally, this society would place importance on cultural perpetuity, considering the impact of past and future generations, creating a sense of responsibility and interdependence.

    • Fostering Community and Selflessness Through CookingCooking for others fosters selflessness, builds community, and offers valuable life lessons for children.

      Children have an inherent desire to contribute to their communities and make a positive impact on those around them. This desire can be channeled into various activities, such as community projects or cooking for others. Cooking, in particular, is an effective way to teach selflessness, build community, and provide a holistic learning experience. Children who cook for others experience a sense of happiness and fulfillment, making it an excellent skill to teach them. Cooking also offers opportunities to learn various lessons, from basic math concepts like fractions to safety skills, making it a valuable and multifaceted learning experience. By encouraging children to cook and engage in community activities, we can foster their self-actualization and help them develop essential life skills.

    • Achieving youth liberation through transformative educationTransformative education models, prioritizing exploration, imagination, and community relationships, can foster self-actualization and well-rounded students, contrasting capitalist educational systems that limit creativity and diverse experiences.

      Youth liberation, which encourages self-actualization and community belonging, can be achieved through transformative educational models that prioritize exploration, imagination, and relationships with community members. This approach contrasts with the current capitalist educational system, which can suffocate children's creativity and limit their exposure to diverse experiences. Anarchistic education frameworks, such as those seen in long-running experiments in Italy, have shown success in fostering cooperative learning and producing well-rounded students. However, for these models to truly thrive and prevent the production of a well-educated yet conformist workforce, a total societal transformation is required.

    • Interconnectedness of Self-actualization and CommunityCommunity support is essential for personal growth and societal change, preventing self-actualization from being co-opted by dominant systems.

      Self-actualization and community are interconnected. While self-actualization can provide personal growth and education, it's the support of a community that prevents it from being co-opted by the dominant social system. Without community, efforts towards rest, luxury, or anti-work can fall short. The loss of original intentions behind movements, such as the black woman luxury movement, highlights this. Community provides the necessary support for individuals to rest, revive, and sustain their efforts towards personal growth and societal change. Without it, these goals may be unsustainable.

    • Building and strengthening communitiesConnecting with others, offering support, and relying on networks can lead to stronger communities, ultimately enriching our lives and making organizing efforts more effective.

      Building and strengthening communities is essential for individual and collective growth. This can be achieved through facilitating collective belonging among diverse groups, fostering solidarity in struggle, and cultivating community pride and reliance on networks. By bringing people together, showing support during struggles, and relying on each other in times of need, we can build trust and create a sense of belonging. This approach can lead to community achievements and celebrations, ultimately enriching our lives and making our organizing efforts more powerful and effective. Remember, starting with small actions like connecting with others and offering support can lead to something greater. Don't wait for a crisis to bring your community together – start building it now.

    • Exploring Health, Confidence, Community, Change, and the UnderworldCompanies prioritize good sleep for health, Meaningful Beauty promotes confidence, community building strengthens connections, societal change requires action, Gangster Chronicles discusses the underworld without glorification, and the MLK assassination invites critical thinking.

      Good sleep is essential for overall health and well-being, and companies like Lisa are dedicated to providing exceptional mattresses for optimal comfort and support. Meanwhile, Meaningful Beauty emphasizes feeling confident in your skin at any age. In the realm of community building, there's a need to strengthen connections and explore ways to foster self-actualization. Regarding the broader topic of societal change, it's an open-ended question, but there are steps we can take, such as connecting nodes and strengthening branches within our communities. The Gangster Chronicles podcast discusses various aspects of the underworld, but does not glorify criminal activities. Lastly, the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. is a complex issue with many unanswered questions, challenging us to think critically about the official narrative.

    • Mexico's Localized Dirty War in GuerreroDespite believing in the law, activists in Mexico's Guerrero state faced violent repression, leading to the radicalization of civic movements and the emergence of two separate guerrilla groups.

      Mexico's history, particularly in the state of Guerrero during the 1960s and 1970s, was marked by a localized "dirty war" where the Mexican state practiced systematic terrorism against political dissidents, including armed guerrilla groups. These movements began as civic-minded social protests against political authoritarianism and economic injustice, but when they followed the law and experienced state and everyday violence, they became radicalized and led to two separate guerrilla movements. Mexico's history of social revolutions and radical traditions within its post-revolutionary government led to a unique dynamic where peasant communities believed in the letter of the law, but faced horrific state and non-state violence for their activism. This localized dirty war was distinct from other Latin American cases due to its limited geographic scope, primarily in Guerrero, which was the bloodiest theater.

    • Mexican Guerrilla Movements of the 1960s and 1970s Expand to CitiesDuring the 'dirty war' in Mexico, urban-connected rural guerrilla movements aimed to expand to cities but were ultimately crushed due to military's ruthless tactics and co-option of local elites.

      During the 1960s and 1970s in Mexico, two guerrilla movements, led by Lucio Cabanez's Party of the Poor and Hernan Vasquez's Assocacion Civica Nacional Revolutionaria (ACNR), emerged in the rural areas of Guerrero with significant urban connections. Unlike typical rural guerrilla movements, these groups aimed to expand their influence to cities. Both leaders, who were school teachers and union activists, had extensive urban networks and perceived the Mexican state's intention to contain them in Guerrero. However, their attempts to connect rural and urban theaters through actions like bank robberies exposed them to police actions and torture, which the military used to hunt down their comrades in the mountains. The local elites, who were the primary targets of these movements, were able to merge with and co-opt military units. This resulted in a brutal counterinsurgency campaign, known as the "dirty war," which involved disappearances, torture, rape, and the razing of entire communities. Despite their efforts to expand beyond rural areas, these movements were ultimately crushed due to the military's ruthless tactics and the separation of armed movements from their popular base of support.

    • The Dirty War in Guerrero and the Rise of Drug ProductionThe Dirty War in Guerrero during the 1970s was interconnected with the simultaneous rise of drug cultivation and production, making Guerrero a major drug producing region. The military targeted peasants in the name of anti-guerrilla and anti-narco operations, perpetuating a historical cycle of violence and drug production against the poor.

      The violence of Mexico's Dirty War in Guerrero during the 1970s cannot be understood in isolation. It is interconnected with the simultaneous rise of drug cultivation and production, particularly marijuana and opium poppies, which made Guerrero a major drug producing region. This historical context reveals how local landed elites managed to maintain power throughout the 20th century, even during the Mexican Revolution and agrarian reform efforts. During the Dirty War, new families aligned with the military to wipe out guerrillas and guerrilla supporters, while also dipping their toes into the world of narcotics production. Mexico became the number one provider of marijuana and heroin to the US, leading to a "balloon effect" of drug production displacement. The military's anti-guerrilla operations were explicitly labeled as anti-narco operations, despite targeting mostly peasants. This historical analysis shows that the war on drugs in Mexico has been historically a war on poor people.

    • Mexico's War on Drugs as a Cover for Suppressing Political OppositionDuring the 1970s, Mexico's government used the war on drugs as a pretext to eliminate political dissidents and guerrilla movements, dehumanizing them through labels and justifying state violence.

      Throughout Mexican history, particularly during the 1970s, the Mexican government used the war on drugs as a cover to wage war against political dissidents and armed guerrilla movements. By labeling these groups as cattle rustlers, criminals, or drug dealers, the government justified the elimination of these people, who were primarily poor and supported various rural and urban guerrilla organizations. This discursive strategy served to other and dehumanize these groups, making it easier for the state to wage war against them. It's important to note that the drug war was not actually about drugs but rather about suppressing political opposition. This historical context sheds light on why some anti-drug units have been known to engage in the drug trade themselves, as they see an opportunity to profit from the situation. The complex alliances between paramilitaries, cartels, the police, and the military further illustrate the intricacies of the state in this context.

    • Local power structures and the drug war in MexicoGenerations-old conflicts over land and market control in local areas create complex power structures that intertwine with the state and narcotics production, leading to intricate tensions in Mexico's drug war

      The concept of a state and its monopoly on violence can be complex, especially when examining it at the local level. In places like Coyuca de Catalan, generations-old conflicts over land and market control create an exploitative structure that has persisted through social revolutions and reform efforts. The addition of industrialized narcotics production in the 1960s and 70s led to a dense network of collaboration between local power brokers, military units, police, judges, and political officials, creating a profitable political economy of narcotics. This local power structure can sometimes conflict with the interests of the state in Mexico City, leading to complex tensions. Understanding this intricate relationship between the state, violence, and local power structures is crucial for addressing issues like the drug war and violence in Mexico.

    • Mexican Drug Trade: Control and RationalizationThe Mexican state's intervention in the drug trade led to the formation of cartels, centralizing and ensuring the efficiency of the trade, but ultimately resulted in increased violence and loss of control.

      The Mexican drug trade was never about eradication but rather about control and rationalization, leading to a system known as the plaza system. At the national level, the Mexican state ensured the centralization and efficiency of the drug trade, even using state violence to eliminate opposition. At the local level, drug farmers sold their products to traffickers with connections to powerful figures, ensuring the economy's continuity. This dynamic led to the formation of cartels, counterintuitively, as a result of state intervention. The state's attempt to profit from the drug trade ultimately resulted in a loss of control and an increase in paramilitary violence and destruction.

    • Heavy-handed state intervention can increase violence and organizational centralization in drug cartelsEconomic instability and violence from heavy-handed state intervention in drug trafficking disproportionately affects communities, rather than reducing the problem.

      Heavy-handed state intervention in drug trafficking can lead to an increase in violence and organizational centralization within cartels. As discussed in the podcast and the article, when the US attempts to secure its borders and make smuggling more difficult, it pushes those with the resources and expertise to become even more efficient and violent. The DEA and counternarcotics forces in Mexico have employed a strategy of fragmenting drug trafficking organizations, which in turn increases violence at the local level. This economic instability and violence often disproportionately affects communities. It's important to remember that the drug trade is largely driven by economic factors and that heavy-handed state intervention, rather than reducing the problem, can exacerbate it.

    • Mexican farmers turn to illicit crops due to economic strugglesThe failure of the Mexican state to support small-scale agriculture led farmers to grow illicit crops as a means of survival, which later evolved into industrial-scale production with American demand, new seeds, and bribes.

      The failure of the post-revolutionary Mexican state to support small-scale agriculture led farmers in rural areas like Coyoacan and Guerrero to turn to illicit crops like marijuana and opium poppies as a means of survival. This was a rational economic response to the broader macroeconomic situation that left them struggling to make a living. The emergence of industrial-scale production of these drugs in the 1960s and 1970s was facilitated by the influx of American demand, new seeds, and bribes to local politicians, soldiers, and police. The relationship between political parties and drug trafficking in Mexico is complex, with some elements functioning as a state apparatus and others resembling cartels. However, it's important to note that the concept of a "narco state" may not fully capture the complexity of this situation, as the nature of the state itself is a significant factor in understanding its role in the drug trade.

    • Mexican military and secret police's role in narcotics political economyMexican military and secret police collaborated with drug trafficking organizations, but the state didn't fully control the drug trade, leading to the rise of centralized drug trafficking organizations and paramilitarization.

      The Mexican military and secret police played significant roles in the development of Mexico's narcotics political economy throughout the 20th century. Military figures like Mario Costa Chaparro collaborated with narco trafficking organizations, while the secret police, such as the DFS, used their power to engage in the drug trade. The Mexican state, particularly the PRI, had officials connected to both military and narco elements, but it was not a narco state per se. Instead, the state tried to control the drug trade, but lost control by the late 1980s and 1990s, leading to the rise of centralized drug trafficking organizations. The paramilitarization of the drug trade was a gradual process, with the military and police initially handling the dirty work for drug traffickers, but paramilitary wings like the GAFES emerging in the 1990s. The application of power from the top, rather than weakening the drug trade, led to the growth and fragmentation of drug trafficking apparatuses.

    • Paramilitarization of Drug Trafficking Organizations in MexicoThe hiring of former military and special forces from countries like Colombia and Guatemala has fueled violence and conflict in Mexico, leading to hundreds of thousands of homicides and disappearances. Addressing the root causes and dismantling enabling structures is crucial for leftist movements.

      The paramilitarization of drug trafficking organizations in Mexico, driven by the hiring of former military and special forces from countries like Colombia and Guatemala, has significantly fueled the violence and conflict in the country since the late 1990s. This trend, which involves the adoption of military tactics, techniques, and weapons, has led to a vicious cycle of retaliation and counter-retaliation among various drug cartels and paramilitary groups. The result has been hundreds of thousands of homicides and disappearances. The porous nature of borders and the globalization of military training have facilitated the spread of this phenomenon, making it a complex issue that goes beyond simple notions of a failed state or weak governance. For leftist movements navigating this space, it is crucial to address the root causes of this paramilitarization and work towards dismantling the structures that enable it. This may involve advocating for transnational cooperation, promoting community-based solutions, and building alliances with other social justice movements.

    • Leftist politics in Guerrero, Mexico: Resisting the criminal stateDespite the presence of paramilitaries, a hostile state, and collusion between military, narco trafficking organizations, political parties, and transnational corporations, local movements, particularly indigenous ones, continue to resist and fight for a better future in Guerrero, Mexico.

      Leftist politics in Guerrero, Mexico, is a complex and challenging endeavor due to the presence of paramilitaries, a hostile state, and collusion between the military, narco trafficking organizations, political parties, and transnational corporations. Despite these overwhelming odds, local movements, particularly indigenous ones, continue to resist and resist the criminal state's alliance through various means such as community police forces and self-organization. These communities have faced significant challenges, including violence and corruption, but continue to strive for a better, more just existence for themselves and their communities. The history of Guerrero shows that, despite the odds being stacked against them, the people and communities continue to resist and fight for a better future.

    • Resilience of People Facing Powerful Forces: The Zapatistas' ExampleThe Zapatistas' survival and resistance against powerful forces inspired a global wave of anti-globalization struggle, posing a threat to those in power and offering hope in challenging times.

      Despite facing extremely powerful forces, people in places with high concentrations of violence and power continue to fight and resist. The Zapatistas in Chiapas and Guerrero, Mexico, serve as a powerful example of this resilience. They have managed to survive and reproduce themselves generationally, inspiring a wave of anti-globalization struggle that lasted for over a decade. Their example, by simply surviving and defending themselves, poses a threat to those in power and is why they continue to be targeted. The Zapatistas' impact was felt globally, inspiring movements against neoliberalism and austerity measures. For many, including the speaker, their resistance sparked a desire for further research and activism. Today, sharing stories of such movements is more important than ever, offering a glimmer of hope in challenging times. You can find more of the speaker's work on Twitter, including a recent article about the drug war in Guerrero and a book review on the Israeli arms industry's connection to Cold War Latin America.

    • Exploring a Variety of Informative and Engaging PodcastsFrom finance and adoption to mental health and NASCAR, podcasts offer expert insights, compelling stories, and valuable information to diverse audiences.

      There are a plethora of informative and engaging podcasts available on various platforms, covering topics ranging from finance and adoption to mental health and NASCAR. These podcasts offer expert insights, compelling stories, and valuable information to their audiences. For instance, Tanya Sam's Money Moves podcast provides financial advice from celebrity guests, while April Dinwiddie's Navigating Adoption podcast sheds light on adoption stories and realities. Roxanne Gay's Roxanne Gay Agenda podcast delves into feminism, race, and pop culture, and BetterHelp sponsors the podcast to promote online therapy for mental health support. The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily keeps the Detroit black community informed, and Lazarus Naturals' podcast highlights their commitment to transparency in the CBD industry. Lastly, The Motor Racing Network brings the excitement of NASCAR racing to listeners. These podcasts demonstrate the power of accessible, high-quality content to educate, entertain, and inspire.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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