
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring opportunities in sports betting, education, and historyBetMGM offers an engaging sports betting platform with welcome bonuses and various features. Purdue Global allows adults to earn degrees and make career comebacks. The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily keeps the black community informed and connected. Margaret Killjoy's podcast explores radical figures' lives.

      BetMGM offers an immersive sports betting experience with easy sign-up, generous welcome bonuses, and a wide range of features including parlay selection, live betting, and daily promotions. Elsewhere, Purdue Global provides an opportunity for adults to earn a degree and make a comeback in their careers. The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily keeps the black community informed, empowered, and connected. And finally, Margaret Killjoy's new podcast, Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff, explores the lives of anarchists and other radical figures. So whether you're into sports, education, or history, there's something for everyone. Remember to use code "celebrate" to receive up to $1500 back in bonus bets when you sign up and play at BetMGM. Stay informed, empowered, and entertained.

    • BetMGM Offers New Customers a Chance to Get Up to $1500 Back in Bonus BetsBetMGM provides new customers with up to $1500 in bonus bets if they don't win their first bet, applicable to money line, prop, and parlay bets. Remember to gamble responsibly and only in Michigan.

      BetMGM offers new customers a chance to get up to $1500 back in bonus bets if they don't win their first bet. This promotion is available for placing money line, prop, and parlay bets. Remember to gamble responsibly and only in Michigan. Meanwhile, the Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily provides an authentic perspective on the stories and voices that matter in Detroit's black community. In the entertainment realm, Amy Winehouse's biopic "Back to Black" is a must-watch, and CVS Health is committed to offering quality care and support for seniors and mental health needs. In a more lighthearted conversation, a podcast discussed which anime war criminals would be the hottest if they were gender-bent. The discussion ranged from Czar Nicholas II to Saddam Hussein. However, it's important to note that in reality, war criminals are not to be romanticized. Instead, we should focus on ways to protect each other and stay safe, such as taking HEFAT (Hostile Environment First Aid Training) courses to learn emergency and combat medical skills. These courses can prepare individuals for potential dangerous situations and help save lives.

    • Surviving High-Risk Environments: Essential Skills and EquipmentInvesting in advanced training and carrying essential equipment can help individuals survive in high-risk environments, including learning to move through crowds, react to explosives, and handle hostage situations. Proper equipment includes chest seals and combat tourniquets.

      In today's world, working in high-risk or hostile environments, which includes many places in the United States, is becoming increasingly common. These environments can lead to situations with the intensity of a low-density war zone, including shootings, bombings, and other forms of violence. While basic first aid skills like applying a tourniquet are essential, advanced training like that provided in HEAT (Hostile Environment and First Aid Training) courses can be beneficial for journalists, aid workers, and others who regularly find themselves in such situations. These courses can teach valuable skills like moving through crowds, reacting to explosives, and handling hostage situations. While such training can be expensive, having an Individual First Aid Kit (IFAX) with essential items like chest seals and combat tourniquets is a must for everyone. It's important to remember that makeshift tourniquets are generally ineffective and that investing in proper equipment is crucial.

    • Learning to use a combat tourniquet can save livesCombat tourniquets are crucial for stopping arterial bleeds. The CAT tourniquet is effective due to its sturdy windlass and fabric construction. Free HeFAT courses teach emergency medical skills, including tourniquet use. Tourniquets cost around $30 and should be standardized among groups for quick application.

      Having a reliable combat tourniquet on hand can be a matter of life and death in the event of an arterial bleed. Combat tourniquets, such as the CAT tourniquet, are more effective than cheaper alternatives due to their sturdy windlass and fabric construction. These tourniquets work by stopping the arterial flow of blood, preventing fatal bleeding. The International Women's Media Foundation offers free HeFAT courses for journalists and media personnel to learn how to use tourniquets and other emergency medical skills. The courses are open to women, gender nonconforming, and non-binary individuals. Tourniquets can be purchased for around $30, and it's essential to train with them to be prepared for emergency situations. Consider standardizing on one type of tourniquet among your group or friends for quick and efficient application during an emergency.

    • Stop the Severe BleedingIdentify bleeding source, apply pressure, use tourniquets or occlusive dressings, prioritize helping, and have specific tools like combat gauze.

      Effective first aid for severe bleeding involves identifying the source and stopping the flow of blood. This can be achieved through various methods, such as applying pressure, using tourniquets, or occlusive dressings. However, prioritizing who to help is crucial, as getting hurt yourself can make it more difficult for others to assist. Additionally, having specific tools like combat gauze, which helps blood clot quickly, can significantly increase survivability in critical situations. Remember, the principle is to stop the bleeding and ensure the victim's airway, respiration, and body temperature are stable.

    • Carry an Individual First-Aid Kit (IFAK) for potential trauma situationsCarrying an IFAK can save lives by providing essential tools to stop serious bleeds. QuickClot and combat dressings are common components. Always prioritize stopping bleeding in traumatic injuries.

      Everyone should consider carrying an Individual First-Aid Kit (IFAK) for potential trauma situations. The knowledge of how to stop arterial bleeds has significantly improved in recent years, largely due to military experience. IFAKs are easily accessible and can be purchased premade or assembled yourself. Unlike firearms, there are no downsides to carrying an IFAK, and it could potentially save lives. QuickClot, a common component of IFAKs, is effective in stopping serious bleeds but should be used cautiously. Additionally, combat dressings, which include a pad with absorbent gauze and an ACE bandage, provide compression and absorbency for wounds. In the event of a traumatic injury, the first priority should be to stop the bleeding.

    • Preparing for Emergencies: Having the Right Supplies for BleedingHaving Israeli bandages or emergency dressings on hand can help stop bleeding in various situations. Practice using them and keep them in your vehicle or during outdoor activities for potential life-saving situations.

      Being prepared for various emergencies, especially those involving bleeding, is crucial. This can be achieved through having the right supplies on hand, such as Israeli bandages or emergency dressings, which can help stop bleeding in different situations. These supplies can be found in various sizes and are often affordable. Additionally, practicing packing wounds and using different tools for simulation can enhance your readiness. Remember, accidents can happen anywhere, and having these supplies in your vehicle or during outdoor activities can potentially save lives. Furthermore, learning from others' experiences and being self-reliant are essential aspects of wilderness medicine.

    • Remember, your actions matter in an emergencyProper training and tools can help save lives in emergencies, even if outcomes are uncertain.

      In emergency situations, especially when dealing with severe injuries like arterial bleeding or chest compressions, it's crucial to remember that your actions, while not guaranteed to save a life, cannot make the situation worse. It's essential to try and help, and even if the person does not survive, the effort made is valuable. Furthermore, proper training is necessary to effectively respond to emergencies. While this discussion does not provide comprehensive training, it emphasizes the importance of obtaining equipment like tourniquets and taking courses such as Stop the Bleed, EMT, or Wilderness Medicine. These resources can often be found for free or at low cost, and grants are available for those in need. Ultimately, the goal is to be prepared and knowledgeable enough to provide aid when necessary, potentially saving a life.

    • Knowing how to use medical gear during emergencies is crucialBuy medical gear from reputable sources, avoid expired or military surplus equipment, carry it in a bag, consider EMT training, and prioritize safety

      Having the right medical gear during an emergency situation can save lives, but it's essential to know how to use it. Buying from reputable sources like Rescue Essentials, North American Rescue, and Chinook Medical is recommended. You don't have to carry the gear in a tactical way; a bag or purse is fine. Even if you can't use the gear yourself, having it on hand can still help save someone else's life. It's important to avoid expired or military surplus equipment and to wait for sales or discounts when possible. Additionally, getting EMT training is encouraged. Remember, the goal is to be sensible and safe.

    • Effective infrastructure management in anarchist Catalonia during Spanish Civil WarAnarchists in Catalonia during Spanish Civil War demonstrated effective infrastructure management without a centralized government through production of armored vehicles, maintenance of agriculture, and stopping the coup in Barcelona with police forces.

      During the Spanish Civil War in Catalonia, anarchists were able to effectively handle large-scale infrastructure and production despite living in an industrialized society without a centralized government. This was demonstrated through the production of armored vehicles, the maintenance of agriculture, and the stopping of the coup in Barcelona with help from some police forces. This counterintuitive idea challenges the notion that intense centralization is necessary for managing infrastructure and production in an anarchist society. The Spanish Civil War's period of revolutionary Catalonia provides a rare historical example of anarchists handling these responsibilities in an industrialized nation.

    • Anarchists in Catalonia during Spanish Civil WarAnarchists effectively managed industries and controlled supply chain in Catalonia during Spanish Civil War, challenging the notion that anarchism is only suitable for small communities.

      During the Spanish Civil War, the idea of a popular front emerged, where different left-wing groups came together to fight against a common right-wing threat. This concept was put into practice in Catalonia, where anarchists took control of the city and formed the People's Committee of Anti-Fascist Militias. Despite common misconceptions, anarchists were able to effectively manage industries according to the principles of anarcho-syndicalism and control the supply chain and logistics. The anarchist tradition is deeply industrial, as evidenced by symbols like the "Workers of the World" and the raised fist salute, which originated from the United States. The success of the anarchist-led efforts in Catalonia challenges the notion that anarchism is only suitable for small, pastoral communities and demonstrates the potential for a large working class to commit to anarcho-syndicalist principles.

    • Anarchism and Industrial ProductionAnarchism's successful history in industrial organizations, such as during the Spanish Civil War, challenges the belief that it's antithetical to infrastructure and production.

      Anarchism, often perceived as antithetical to industrial production, has a rich history of successful industrial organizations. During the Spanish Civil War, anarchists in Catalonia set up factories under the principles of union control and worker self-management, producing weapons for the revolution. This system, known as anarcho-syndicalism, challenged the traditional capitalist model without abandoning industrial production altogether. Similar examples can be found in other contexts and time periods, such as the successful anarchist society of Makhno in Ukraine during the Russian Civil War. These cases demonstrate that anarchist principles can function effectively within industrial societies, debunking the notion that anarchism is incompatible with infrastructure and organization.

    • Anarchists in the Spanish Civil War: Beyond Chaos and ViolenceAnarchists, like the Ruti column, showed professionalism and competence during the Spanish Civil War, challenging the stereotype that anarchism equals chaos and violence.

      The Spanish Civil War was a complex conflict with no side staying completely clean. While the Ruti column, an anarchist group, played a significant role in battles like Madrid, their effectiveness was not solely due to anarchist principles but also their willingness to learn from military experts and adapt. Spain's Republican forces, including anarchists, faced challenges due to lack of resources and support from the Western democracies, leading to their eventual loss. It's essential to understand that anarchism is not synonymous with chaos and violence but a desire for freedom and self-governance. Anarchists, like the Ruti column, demonstrated professionalism and competence, which are not incompatible with anarchist principles.

    • The Spanish Civil War: A Cautionary Tale of External Interference in Internal ConflictsThe Spanish Civil War highlights the importance of having the necessary resources and support to effectively resist oppressive regimes, while cautioning against external powers imposing their ideologies on internal conflicts, leading to demoralized and ineffective resistance and ultimately, the rise of authoritarian regimes.

      The Spanish Civil War serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of external powers intervening in internal conflicts, particularly when it comes to supporting authoritarian regimes over democratic ones. The discussion highlights how the inability of the Spanish Republic to acquire modern weapons due to external interference, coupled with the Soviet Union's strict authoritarian control, led to a demoralized and ineffective resistance. This, in turn, allowed the fascist forces to gain the upper hand. Additionally, the anarchist movement, which was running a modern industrial economy in certain regions, faced intense persecution from both the fascists and the Soviet-backed communists. Overall, the Spanish Civil War underscores the importance of having the necessary resources and support to effectively resist oppressive regimes, as well as the dangers of external powers imposing their ideologies on internal conflicts.

    • Effective in times of conflict: Decentralized and cooperative structuresDecentralized and cooperative structures, like anarcho-syndicalism and collective farming, have proven effective in ensuring essential services and resource distribution during crises, prioritizing collaboration and consensus decision-making.

      During times of conflict or crisis, decentralized and cooperative organizational structures, such as anarcho-syndicalism and collective farming arrangements, have proven effective in ensuring the continuation of essential services and the distribution of resources. These structures, which prioritize collaboration and decision-making through consensus, have allowed for the production and distribution of necessary supplies, such as medical equipment and food, without the need for centralized authorities. The success of these organizations can be seen in various historical examples, including the Spanish Civil War and the Karenni Generation Sea Army in Myanmar. These groups, which functioned without hierarchical leadership, were able to effectively resist and fight against oppressive forces, demonstrating the power of collective action and self-organization.

    • People come together during challenging times to support each other and get things doneEffective military organizations thrive on the expertise and competence of experienced individuals, regardless of formal hierarchy.

      During challenging times, people naturally come together to support each other and get things done, regardless of the absence of a strong authoritarian leader. This concept is exemplified in effective military organizations, such as those with a well-established NCO corps, where experienced individuals are looked up to for their expertise and competence. This is not about accepting a boss, but rather recognizing the value of those with more knowledge and experience. Ineffective armies, on the other hand, often struggle due to issues within their officer corps. Anarchist units, which elected their leaders and then listened to them, offer an intriguing alternative to traditional hierarchies. The historical examples of anarchist units during the Spanish Civil War demonstrate that their primary goal was to take care of each other and make the world better for future generations. The failure of these groups often came from external control by entities that didn't fully understand their struggles.

    • The International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War were the Comintern's army, causing mistrust and hatred towards commissars.The strict enforcement of Marxist-Leninist interpretations by commissars in the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War led to demotivation and loss of will to fight among even communist individuals.

      The International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War were not the republic's army but rather the Comintern's army, leading to a significant mistrust and hatred towards commissars who enforced strict Marxist-Leninist interpretations. This harsh enforcement caused even communist individuals with more libertarian understandings to lose their motivation and will to fight. For more information, Cecil Elby's book is recommended. James Stout also discussed his book, "The Popular Front in the 1936 Barcelona Olympics," which explores how the Popular Front used sport to build an antifascist identity and bring together anti-fascists from around the world, despite the Olympics never occurring due to the civil war's outbreak. Connect with James on Twitter, Patreon, or Muck Rack for more information.

    • Defending Atlanta's Forest: A Blend of Protest and Eco-DefenseA diverse and anonymous group uses urban protest, eco-defense tactics, sabotage, and open-source research to protect Atlanta's forest from destruction, forming a strong connection with the woods and ensuring its longevity.

      The Defend the Forest movement in Atlanta, Georgia, is a diverse and anonymous group of activists who have come together to protect their local forest from destruction. Inspired by the threat of clear-cutting for a police training facility and a movie studio, this movement uses a unique blend of urban protest and eco-defense tactics, often employing sabotage and open-source research to bring the plans out of the shadows and into the public spotlight. Their success lies in their ability to form a strong connection with the woods they are defending, setting the terms of engagement, and fostering a sense of freedom and true commitment to their cause. Despite the temporary nature of their actions, such as setting fires to machinery, the connection between people and the forest is not easily broken, and the movement will continue to resist any further attempts at destruction. The forest, which has been here long before us, will be here long after, and the defenders will ensure that.

    • Atlanta's South River Forest: The Lungs of the City Under ThreatAtlanta's South River Forest, a vital environmental resource and habitat for local wildlife, is under threat by development projects. These projects, including a police compound and movie soundstage, contribute to gentrification, displacement, and increased police presence in historically Black communities.

      Atlanta's South River Forest, a large continuous section of woods and the city's first line of defense against climate change, is under threat by development projects. This forest, often referred to as the "lungs of the city," provides shade, traps carbon, filters rainwater, and serves as a vital habitat for local wildlife. However, nearly 500 acres of this forest are at risk of being developed into a police compound and movie soundstage by the Atlanta Police Foundation and Blackhall Studios. This development not only threatens the environment but also contributes to gentrification, displacement, and increased police presence in historically Black communities. The intersection of environmental justice, racism, police brutality, and gentrification is evident in the COP City and defend the forest project. Furthermore, the rapid gentrification in Atlanta, driven by industries like film and real estate, has led to significant increases in property values and displacement of long-time residents. These processes are intricately linked, with police playing an integral role in the displacement process.

    • Land once belonging to indigenous communities now site of Cop City constructionConstruction of Cop City on historically indigenous land exacerbates gentrification, displacement, and continues legacy of oppression and violence.

      The planned construction of Cop City in Atlanta, a police training facility, on land with a deeply troubled history, exacerbates ongoing issues of gentrification and displacement, particularly for indigenous communities. This land, which was once home to indigenous peoples, was forcibly taken from them during the early 1800s, and now, centuries later, these communities are fighting to reclaim it. The struggle is not just about anarchists in the woods, but a diverse group of people coming together to support the cause. The history of this land is marked by oppression and violence, and the proposed Cop City plan continues this legacy. The fight to take back the land and let it heal is an important step towards acknowledging and rectifying past wrongs.

    • History of violence, displacement, and systemic oppression in South River ForestThe South River Forest in Atlanta, GA, originally inhabited by Muscogee Creek people, was stolen and turned into slave plantations, then prison farms, and now serves as a site for child prisons, police training, and wastewater treatment. This land's history reveals the interconnectedness of slavery, racism, and policing in the US.

      The South River Forest in Atlanta, Georgia, holds a significant and complex history marked by violence, displacement, and systemic oppression. Originally inhabited by indigenous Muscogee Creek people, the land was later stolen and distributed through the 4th Georgia Land Lottery, leading to the establishment of slave plantations. After slavery was abolished, the land was repurposed as a prison farm, where inmates were forced to perform unpaid labor under inhumane conditions. The shift from plantations to prison farms marked the rebranding of slavery into for-profit prison labor. The forest also serves as a site for current policing and incarceration, with multiple child prisons, police firing ranges, and a wastewater treatment plant used as a training facility. The history of this land is a stark reminder of the interconnectedness of slavery, racism, and policing in the US, and the ongoing struggle for justice and healing in this community.

    • Land of Displacement and OppressionThe proposed Cop City in Atlanta continues settler colonialism and policing on a land with a history of displacement and oppression, including chattel slavery, indigenous displacement, and prison labor.

      The land in question, which has a significant history of displacement and oppression, including chattel slavery, indigenous displacement, and prison labor, is now being used by the state and various oppressive groups to further their causes, including the proposed construction of a militarized police training facility. This continuation of settler colonialism and policing on this land is a reaction to the George Floyd uprising and the crisis it caused for policing. Atlanta, a heavily corporate city, has seen economic growth but also significant consequences, including wealth inequality and displacement of low-income and black residents. The increasing corporatization and gentrification are pitched as opportunities for the city's black population, but in reality, they are enforced by police, leading to the proposed construction of Cop City. The history of this land and its current use serve as a vanguard for the reproduction of oppressive systems.

    • Atlanta's Controversial Police Training Compound: $90 Million for a 'Social Justice' InstituteAtlanta plans to construct a $90M police training compound despite social justice movement, infrastructure issues, and concerns over prioritization of police resources

      The city of Atlanta is planning to construct a large-scale police training compound, which they've named the Institute for Social Justice, despite the ongoing social justice movement and infrastructure issues. The city councilperson behind this proposal, Joyce Shepherd, has a history of advocating for gentrification and over-policing. The training compound, which will cost approximately $90 million, will include a mock city for real-world training, a canine training center, horse stalls, an emergency vehicle operations course, and will be located on 380 acres of the old Atlanta prison farm. The Atlanta Police Foundation, a nonprofit police advocacy organization, is leading the project and has received support from major corporations like Delta Airlines, UPS, Chick-fil-A, and Cox Enterprises. The city plans to fund the project through a public-private partnership, with taxpayers paying an estimated $30 million for the out-of-city facility. Despite the name and the city's response to the George Floyd uprising, the training compound raises concerns about the prioritization of police resources over social justice and infrastructure improvements.

    • Blackhall Studios Expansion and Atlanta's GentrificationThe planned expansion of Blackhall Studios in Atlanta, which includes the clearing of large areas of forested land, raises concerns over gentrification and the potential loss of public assets. Some argue that it disproportionately benefits corporations and real estate developers at the expense of local communities and the environment.

      The planned expansion of Blackhall Studios in Atlanta, which includes the clearing of large areas of forested land, raises concerns over gentrification and the potential loss of public assets. Despite the project's promises of job creation and economic growth, some argue that it disproportionately benefits corporations and real estate developers at the expense of local communities and the environment. The initial plans for the expansion were kept under wraps, and the land swap deal with DeKalb County was approved through backdoor deal making. The Atlanta Police Foundation, which is funding the construction of a new police training facility, is a non-profit organization that funnels corporate money to law enforcement. The forested land in question, known as Whelan Forest or the South Atlanta Forest, plays a crucial role in maintaining the South River watershed and mitigating flooding in the area. The proposed expansion of Blackhall Studios, if successful, could cement Atlanta as the new Hollywood and accelerate gentrification, pushing out long-time residents and businesses. Additionally, the forested land, which is home to the endangered Indiana bat and other wildlife, is under imminent threat as the land destruction permit is pending.

    • Gentrification in Atlanta: Displacement of Low-Income Residents and Destruction of Affordable HousingAtlanta's gentrification, driven by industries like film production and tech, leads to displacement of low-income residents and destruction of affordable housing, resulting in the creation of unaffordable luxury condos and the destruction of green spaces.

      The rapid gentrification and rising rent prices in Atlanta, driven by industries like film production and tech companies, are leading to displacement of low-income residents and the destruction of affordable housing. This pattern is not unique to the Blackhall film studios and has a long history in Atlanta, with previous efforts to build affordable housing and community projects being met with resistance from the business community. The result has been the destruction of green spaces and the creation of unaffordable luxury condos. The political pattern continues with current plans to build a new police training facility and expand jails, which have historically been used to detain protesters and the homeless. The system seems to continuously expand until it is challenged. The film industry, represented by Blackhall Studios, and the police both benefit from this cycle of gentrification and displacement.

    • Gentrification and policing in Atlanta fuel each other's harm to marginalized communitiesThe Atlanta Police Department's point system prioritizes arrests, incentivizing officers to make them and perpetuating mass incarceration. The Atlanta Defend the Forest movement effectively sets the narrative against development projects like Cop City through direct action.

      The relationship between gentrification and policing in Atlanta is symbiotic and harmful to marginalized communities. Police rely on gentrification to make arrests, and the point system used by the Atlanta Police Department to measure officer performance prioritizes arrests, including those of children. This system incentivizes officers to make arrests, perpetuating the cycle of mass incarceration. Additionally, the Atlanta Defend the Forest movement has been successful in setting the narrative around the destruction of the South River Forest and the development of Cop City, denying the city and police the opportunity to introduce the project with a distorted narrative. The sabotage of destruction equipment early in the movement demonstrated the commitment to direct action from the beginning and set the tone for the movement. The forest, which predates human occupation, will continue to be defended against development.

    • Atlanta forest preservation's success through radical tactics and inclusive approachThe Atlanta forest preservation movement's success is due to its radical tactics, inclusive attitude, and innovative strategies, including electoral tactics, physical resistance, and targeting corporations' physical and social capital.

      The Atlanta forest preservation movement has been effective due to its radical and inclusive approach. From the earliest days, activists used both electoral tactics and physical resistance, with the latter proving particularly successful in slowing down development. The movement's success can also be attributed to its creative and accepting view of acceptable actions, allowing for a wide range of involvement and effective strategies. Additionally, the movement's focus on immediate material attacks, such as targeting corporations' physical and social capital, has been more effective than moralized rhetoric. The anarchist community's involvement and control of mutual aid aspects of the struggle have also played a significant role in its success. Overall, this movement's intersectional approach, inclusive attitude, and innovative tactics have set a new precedent for environmental activism.

    • Atlanta Forest defense movement's tacticsThe Atlanta Forest defense movement employs a multi-faceted approach, including property destruction, educational events, pressure campaigns, community outreach, and direct action against key figures, to stop the construction of Cop City and raise awareness of the project's negative impacts.

      The Atlanta Forest defense movement is employing a multi-faceted approach to stop the construction of Cop City, including property destruction, educational events, pressure campaigns, community outreach, and direct action against key figures involved in the project. The movement's tactics have evolved over time, with sabotage efforts accompanied by educational events and community outreach. The goal is to make those involved in the project feel the real-world consequences of their decisions and to ultimately scare them into withdrawing from the project. The movement has also learned from successful struggles around the world, which often revolve around property destruction and defending one's area. The movement's strategies are not limited to one approach, but rather, they complement each other and can be mutually beneficial. For example, sabotage can create opportunities for educational events and community outreach. Additionally, forming alliances with the local community is crucial, as they would be the first to be impacted by the deforestation and the militarized police hub. Overall, the Atlanta Forest defense movement is using a diverse range of tactics to stop the construction of Cop City and bring attention to the dire consequences of the project.

    • Protesters turned private matters public by confronting politicians and corporationsDirect confrontation of politicians and corporations led to public scrutiny and delay of votes, providing time for strategy development in defense of the forest.

      A small group of protesters were able to transform private political matters into public scandals by directly confronting politicians and corporations. By showing up at Joyce Shepherd's door and holding a press conference, they brought the COP City and Blackhall developments into the spotlight, delaying the vote and gaining more time to develop strategies in defense of the forest. This tactic, along with sabotage and direct action, became a significant part of the movement and challenged the notion of a safe political or corporate astral space. During this time, other actions, such as burning excavators and visiting CEO Ryan Millsap's homes, also occurred but received limited media attention. The first week of action in June 2021 featured various events, including guided walks, discussions, and a punk show, which attracted thousands of Atlantans and helped spread awareness about the project.

    • Opposition to Atlanta's Cop City Training CenterDespite widespread community opposition, Atlanta city council passed an ordinance to build a new public safety training center, leading to ongoing protests and calls for change in local elections.

      The community's opposition to the construction of a new public safety training center in Atlanta, known as Cop City, was strong and widespread. Despite months of organizing, public education, and demonstrations, the city council passed the ordinance to build the facility, leading to disappointment and frustration among many residents. The movement brought together various organizations and individuals, including police and prison abolitionists, environmental justice groups, and civil rights nonprofits. Protesters used various tactics, such as distributing informational flyers, organizing phone campaigns, and even blocking traffic, to voice their opposition. However, their efforts were met with resistance from supporters of the project, who invoked the false crime wave narrative and threatened to leave the city if the project wasn't approved. Ultimately, the city council passed the ordinance, leading to further protests and calls for progressive and abolitionist candidates in local elections. The police played a crucial role in maintaining the status quo, arresting protesters and dismissing the hours of public comment. The struggle against Cop City highlights the complex and interconnected issues of policing, environmental justice, and community power in Atlanta.

    • State Repression Pushes Movement Towards Radical TacticsState repression of nonviolent direct action can lead to more extreme and dangerous tactics in the movement, creating a cycle of conflict

      When state repression against nonviolent direct action increases, more radical and destructive tactics become more prominent in the movement. This was observed during the Defend the Forest movement in Atlanta, where arrests for peaceful protests led some activists to consider more extreme actions. Despite the elections, there has been no change in the development plans for COP City or the forest. The state's criminalization of nonviolent direct action has inadvertently pushed the movement towards more secretive and potentially dangerous tactics. This is a cycle that the state has created, and it's important to remember that the responsibility lies with them. In the next episode, we'll hear more from the forest defenders and their ongoing efforts to save the forest. If you're able, consider joining the upcoming week of action from May 8th through 15th to show your support. For more information, visit defendtheatlantaforest.com and scenes.noblogs.org.

    • Urban Eco-Defense: Atlanta Forest DefendersThe Atlanta Forest Defenders movement, situated in an urban setting, combines rural and urban tactics, leverages city-based mutual aid networks, and challenges the notion that only old-growth forests are worth defending.

      The Atlanta Forest Defenders movement stands out due to its unique urban setting. Unlike traditional eco-defense projects, this movement is situated in the heart of a sprawling metropolis, with an Amazon facility nearby and downtown Atlanta just a short drive away. This urban location offers unique tactical opportunities, allowing the use of both rural and urban tactics, the backing of a city-based mutual aid network, and the potential for rapid response popular mobilization. The combination of forest and urban elements necessitates innovation and experimentation in eco-defense projects, making it a crucial experiment for the past decade. Additionally, the Atlanta Forest Defenders challenge the notion that only old-growth forests are worth defending, emphasizing the value of forests in urban areas. The movement's urban setting also brings an interesting dynamic to invasive plant species, like the Bradford Pears, which can be seen as a "punk forest" that offers opportunities for interaction and choice.

    • The ongoing battle against COP City's constructionActivists gather info, disrupt projects, and use various forms of protest to halt construction of a police training facility in Atlanta

      The fight to save a forest from clear-cutting and the construction of a police training facility in Atlanta is a continuous battle. Activists have had some successes, such as disrupting surveying and construction efforts, but the larger goal is to halt all construction. The information gathered on the ground by activists has been crucial in initiating these actions. Companies contracted for the project have been targeted, and disruptions have occurred at their offices. The struggle will continue, with the goal of winning one battle at a time. The ability to gather information and act on it quickly has been a significant advantage for the activists. The movement has also utilized various forms of protest, from cultural events to direct actions at construction sites and company offices. The fight against COP City is a testament to the power of grassroots activism and the importance of staying informed and taking action.

    • Atlanta forest defenders disrupt Michelle Obama Park construction with direct actionsAtlanta forest defenders disrupted Michelle Obama Park construction through sabotage, peaceful protests, and self-sufficient encampments, gaining attention for their cause against development.

      The Atlanta forest defenders used direct confrontational tactics, including sabotaging heavy machinery and establishing encampments, to apply pressure on construction service providers and developers involved in the Michelle Obama Park project. The defenders, many of whom were housing insecure, lived in the woods for several weeks and created a self-sufficient community. They also employed peaceful protests and more disruptive actions, such as the "witch block" demonstration. The authorities responded with a large-scale eviction, which the defenders learned from and used to inform their future tactics. The forest defenders' actions disrupted the construction process and brought attention to their cause against the development of Michelle Obama Park.

    • Lessons from the forest occupationThe struggle against oppression creates opportunities for the oppressed to learn, adapt, and fight back. The forest occupation represented a vision of freedom and catalyzed change, while highlighting the importance of solidarity and allyship in the ongoing process of liberation.

      The ongoing struggle against oppression and exploitation, as exemplified by the forest occupation, teaches us valuable lessons and reveals the weaknesses of those in power. Every act of aggression from the oppressors creates opportunities for the oppressed to learn, adapt, and fight back with greater determination. The forest occupation was more than just a physical space; it represented a vision of a free life outside societal norms and served as a catalyst for change. The ultimate goal is not just to save specific lands or spaces but to challenge the systems of oppression and strive for freedom and self-determination for all. The forest occupation also highlighted the importance of solidarity and allyship, recognizing that the struggle for liberation is not a monolithic or homogeneous one, but rather a complex and ongoing process.

    • Working towards a better future through radical left ideologiesExplore unconventional methods, build trust and solidarity, challenge societal norms for a more fulfilling existence, despite potential risks

      Individuals who feel a call to radical left ideologies should come together and work towards better plans for a future that is worth living, despite the challenges and potential risks. This can involve exploring unconventional methods and overcoming initial fears to discover newfound freedoms and deeper connections with others. The speaker emphasizes the importance of trust and solidarity in building relationships and taking action, and encourages young generations to challenge societal norms and expectations in pursuit of a more fulfilling and authentic existence. The anarchist approach, as described, offers a sense of freedom and intimacy that cannot be found in traditional societal structures. However, it's important to remember that this path is not easy and comes with risks, but it can be a viable option for those willing to take the leap.

    • Acting against power creates transformative outcomesIndividuals can challenge the status quo by taking decentralized, diverse, and skill-based actions against harmful systems and organizations, inspiring change and creating safety for large-scale revolts.

      Attacking and opposing systems of power can lead to unexpected and transformative outcomes. This idea, which some might call "anarchy," is not a waiting game for a collapse or a future revolution, but a present reality where individuals and groups can take action and make a difference. The power of decentralized, diverse, and skill-based actions can create safety and enable people to join in large-scale revolts. This movement, with no clear script or boundaries, draws inspiration from various sources and approaches, including insurrectionary anarchism, eco-defense, and nonviolent direct action. By targeting the companies and organizations that support harmful systems, individuals can create meaningful change and challenge the status quo.

    • The 'shack method': Combining pressure on physical and social capital to save Atlanta's forestSmall, dedicated groups used tree sits, protests, and community support to delay forest destruction, but faced resistance from law enforcement. They called for more people to join them and make it unpopular for enemies to continue, a tactic called the 'shack method'.

      The struggle to save a forest in Atlanta from destruction involved consistent protests by small, dedicated groups, which were able to halt work for months, but faced increased resistance when backed by law enforcement. The use of tree houses and tree sits, as well as larger protests, were effective tactics in delaying the construction process. However, the presence of law enforcement and undercover cops made it difficult for outside support to arrive in large numbers. The activists called for more people to join them in the forest and in town to put pressure on the various enemies of the cause, including construction workers, police, and corporations. They believed that making it unpopular and unsavory for these entities to continue with their destructive actions was key to winning the fight. This approach, which combines pressure on both physical and social capital, can be referred to as the "shack method."

    • Applying pressure to service providers to impact targetsThe Schack Method targets service providers to limit their ability to provide services to controversial targets, ultimately putting pressure on the actual target through economic impact and reputational risk.

      The Schack Method is a controversial activist strategy aimed at holding corporations and their service providers personally liable for their decisions and the consequences of those decisions. This method, inspired by the Stop Huntington Animal Cruelty (SHAC) campaign, focuses on isolating service providers from their third-party contracts to limit their ability to provide services to the target. By pressuring these third parties, the goal is to demoralize and economically impact the service provider, ultimately putting pressure on the actual target. The strategy has been successful in the past and is currently being considered for use in campaigns against projects like the Atlanta Police Foundation and Blackhall Studio's development. While it may be more challenging to maintain urgency and focus outside of the forest, proper research and effective implementation of this method can lead to significant outcomes. The goal is not to sway companies with moralizing arguments but to frame their association with controversial projects as a reputational risk. This strategy can be put to the test through practice and its success can be evaluated based on the outcome.

    • Companies distancing from law enforcement during protestsProtests against police brutality led to some companies halting equipment rentals and officers resigning, prompting corporations to reassure public through influence campaigns

      During social unrest and protests against police brutality, some companies are distancing themselves from law enforcement due to the financial and reputational risks associated with their equipment being destroyed or their association with an unpopular institution. This trend was evident in the case of Michelle Obama Park in Atlanta, where construction equipment rental companies stopped providing equipment after machines were set on fire during protests. Additionally, the 2020 uprising against police brutality led to a higher than average rate of resignations among Atlanta police officers and other law enforcement personnel. In response, corporations and business interests have sought to reassure the public and maintain social peace through various means, including influence campaigns in local news outlets to shape public perception and frame the narrative around crime waves and the need for increased police presence and powers.

    • Struggle against systemic injustices leads to reevaluation of policing strategiesThe movement against police brutality and systemic inequality is pushing for new forms of resistance, including making policing undesirable and experimenting with new revolt methods, in response to societal decay and the challenges of industrialization and climate change.

      The ongoing struggle against systemic injustices, including racial, environmental, and economic inequality, is leading to a reevaluation of policing strategies in the context of societal decay and the challenges of industrialization and climate change. The George Floyd uprising served as a wake-up call for the state, breaking the morale of police departments and highlighting the need for new forms of resistance. The movement against Cops City in Atlanta represents a material struggle against the occupying forces of the police, with a focus on making policing so undesirable that no one would want to do it. The struggle also involves experimenting with new forms of revolt and resistance, as there are no existing models for the current era. This movement marks a significant step forward in land defense and the need for continuous experimentation in the face of societal collapse and the militarization of police.

    • Linking environmental activism with police abolitionThe Defend the Atlanta Forest movement is pioneering a new approach to resistance by combining environmental activism with police abolition, challenging advanced surveillance systems, and shaping narratives to prevent police recuperation.

      The Defend the Atlanta Forest movement represents a trailblazing effort to link environmental activism with police abolition in the wake of the George Floyd rebellion. The movement's tactics and strategies are important experiments for future movements, as Atlanta serves as a testing ground for new forms of resistance against surveillance and oppression. The city's advanced video integration system is a model for other cities looking to increase surveillance. The movement's ability to shape the narrative and prevent the police from recuperating from the George Floyd protests is a significant achievement. The desire is not for refined or improved policing, but for an end to policing altogether. The movement's impact extends beyond Atlanta, as the city is being positioned as a hub for police training and economic growth. It's essential for people who want to improve the world to pay attention to the Defend the Atlanta Forest movement and the new paths it's charting.

    • A nationwide issue: Police brutality, gentrification, racism, ecology, and climate change intersect in Atlanta's proposed police training facilityThe Atlanta police training facility represents a larger issue of systemic oppression and offers an opportunity to build a community embodying freedom, queer identity, and mutual support.

      The ongoing struggle against police brutality and systemic oppression is not limited to specific cities or regions, but is a nationwide issue. The proposed police training facility in Atlanta, Georgia, is a microcosm of this larger issue, as it represents the intersection of policing, gentrification, racism, ecological destruction, and climate change. However, this ungovernable space also offers an opportunity to create new ways of living and relating to each other, free from societal mechanisms of oppression. The resistance movement against this facility is not just about stopping it, but also about building a community that embodies the values of freedom, queer identity, and mutual support. This microcosm can serve as a model for approaching various struggles in the coming years and decades, as we strive to create a society where everyone is truly safe and secure, not just in theory, but in practice.

    • Living Off the Grid: Freedom and ChallengesLiving off the grid brings freedom and happiness, but also comes with risks and challenges. Collective action can lead to meaningful change.

      Living off the grid and rejecting societal norms can lead to a simpler, happier life, but it also comes with challenges and risks. The speaker shares their experience of living in the woods and the freedom it brings, but also the hardships like dealing with natural disasters and lack of resources. They emphasize that they've never been happier, but their lifestyle is not comprehensible to society. The discussion also touches on the use of sabotage and activism as tactics to fight against projects like the construction of a new police training center, COP City, which is destroying a forest in Atlanta. The speaker highlights recent successes in pressuring companies like Reeves Young to drop out of the project, but also acknowledges that the struggle continues. Overall, the takeaway is that individuals and communities can make active decisions to live freely, even if it means facing challenges and potential backlash, and that collective action can bring about meaningful change.

    • Pressure Brasfield and Gorrie to Drop Cop City ProjectConvince subcontractors, consulting firms, surveyors, architects, and other third-party service providers to avoid working with Brasfield and Gorrie due to Cop City involvement, use Reeves Young departure as momentum, leverage upcoming contractor bids, and exploit DeKalb County Police Department tensions with Atlanta PD to complicate enforcement.

      Brasfield and Gorrie, a major general contractor involved in the Cop City project, can be pressured to drop the Atlanta Police Foundation as a client by complicating their business operations. This can be achieved by convincing subcontractors, consulting firms, surveyors, architects, and other third-party service providers to avoid working with Brasfield and Gorrie due to their involvement in the controversial project. The recent departure of Reeves Young from the project provides a momentum for this campaign. Additionally, the upcoming bid for new contractors and the secretive construction timelines of the COP City planners may create further economic incentives for Brasfield and Gorrie to leave the project. It's important to note that Atlanta Police Department's jurisdiction is limited within the city limits, and they have a tense relationship with DeKalb County Police Department when operating outside the city. This information can be used to create divisions and make it more difficult for the Atlanta Police Department to enforce their will in the forest. The Stop Reeves Young website will continue to serve as a hub for this ongoing campaign.

    • Government officials label COP city protests as 'ecoterrorism', emphasizing security culture and OPSECProtesters against COP city development in Atlanta must prioritize security culture and OPSEC due to potential risks and repercussions, including government monitoring using Ring cameras. Social norms and customs around security are crucial for the movement's survival, and it's essential to consider safety and consequences when engaging in actions.

      During the April 26th stakeholder meeting, government officials used the term "ecoterrorism" to refer to protests against the COP city development in Atlanta for the first time. Security culture and OPSEC have become essential priorities for those involved in the movement due to potential risks and repercussions. Emails obtained via public records requests suggest that construction on the project may begin in May or June of 2022 and last until late 2023. Homeland Security is planning to monitor the site using Ring cameras. It's crucial to be cautious about sharing information and prioritize social aspects of security culture over technical aspects. The social norms and customs around security are essential for the movement's survival and should be taken seriously. When engaging in actions, it's essential to consider the safety and potential consequences for oneself and others. Avoid engaging in risky behavior with strangers and instead, plan actions with trusted friends.

    • Utilizing forest environment strengths for effective defenseLeveraging forest uniqueness for advantage, instilling fear, and disrupting opponents' confidence creates effective forest defense.

      Effective forest defense against intruders involves utilizing the unique characteristics of the forest environment to gain an advantage. This can include setting the terms of engagement, maintaining a spectral quality that keeps opponents guessing, and leveraging the discomfort and limitations of intruders, such as law enforcement, who are not accustomed to operating in such terrain. By playing to these strengths, forest defenders can create uncertainty and buy time for mobilization, making their resistance more effective. Additionally, the forest's spectral quality, which can include the use of masks and stealthy movements, can instill fear in opponents and disrupt their confidence. This approach, which combines urban city tactics with forest-based eco defense, can be a powerful tool for those seeking to protect natural spaces from destruction.

    • Connecting with wild spaces for safety, freedom, and ecological valueWild spaces offer safety, freedom, and unique experiences, while also providing essential habitats and contributing to the ecosystem. Everyone can make a difference in preserving these areas through engagement and action.

      Wild spaces, often perceived as scary or unfamiliar, can provide a sense of safety, capability, and freedom for individuals. These spaces offer opportunities to engage with nature, live uncontrollably, and even act against the state without the need for expensive technology or resources. Wild spaces also serve as essential habitats for various animals and plants, contributing to the ecosystem and providing unique experiences for those who live there. The upcoming week of action in Atlanta, Georgia, is an opportunity for individuals to connect with this idea and defend wild spaces in their community. Whether through attending events or visiting the forest, everyone can make a difference in preserving these essential and valuable areas.

    • Week of Action in Atlanta: Stay Informed and EngagedParticipating in Atlanta's Week of Action can make a significant impact, stay informed, share skills, and support each other for long-term success.

      Active participation in collective actions, especially during critical weeks of action like the one coming up in Atlanta from May 8th to May 15th, can make a significant impact. This week is expected to be a mix of community events, educational sessions, and potentially confrontational situations with law enforcement. The Atlanta police force is known to be unprepared for the situation, and their presence may add to the chaos. It's essential to stay informed and engaged, and resources like defendtheatlantaforest.com, warriorup.noblogs.org, and the Forest Justice Defense Fund can help. The future of the movement depends on the collective efforts of individuals, and staying informed, sharing skills, and supporting each other can lead to long-term success. The week of action is just the beginning, and continued involvement and creativity are crucial for achieving the desired outcomes.

    • The Importance of Diversity and Balance in Community OrganizingEffective community organizing requires a balance of aboveground and undercover activities, with a diverse range of contributors to ensure impact and safety.

      Effective community organizing requires focus and careful management of resources. The INC 8, an influential community organizing group, faced challenges due to their excessive involvement in various roles, which hindered their impact. Instead, there's a need for more individuals to engage in undercover activism and sabotage, as there aren't enough people willing to take on these roles. While many are content with aboveground activities, it's essential to have a mix of both. The podcast, "It Could Happen Here," emphasizes the importance of having a diverse range of contributors to the community, with some operating behind the scenes. The message is to stay safe, be smart, and act alone or in small groups. Additionally, there's a call for more people to step up and contribute to the community in various ways, including underground activities. The podcast is available on various platforms, and sources for further information can be found on the Cool Zone Media website.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Episode 4: "Not Even Babies Get a Free Lunch"

    Episode 4: "Not Even Babies Get a Free Lunch"

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    Today’s News:

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    neoliberalism (n): a twentieth century update of classic economics generally characterized by deregulation, open markets, privatization, globalization, financialization, and fiscal austerity.

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    • Intro: Woody Guthrie, “I Ain’t Got No Home in this World”
    • Outro: Killer Mike, “Reagan”