
    Podcast Summary

    • Building strong community connections and embracing changeConnecting with neighbors, preparing for emergencies, overcoming range fears, prioritizing health, finding affordable alternatives, and standing up for acceptance are all crucial aspects of personal growth and preparedness.

      Building strong community connections and embracing change are essential for personal growth and preparedness. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of connecting with neighbors and working together to create meaningful social bonds and prepare for emergencies. Meanwhile, Hyundai's all-electric Ioniq 5 proves that overcoming range fears in electric vehicles is possible, showcasing Hyundai's commitment to innovation. AARP offers wellness tips and tools to help individuals prioritize their health and longevity. Consumer Cellular provides an affordable alternative to expensive wireless plans, saving customers money on their wireless service. The recent attack on a Pride event in Dallas, Texas, highlights the ongoing targeting of inclusive events by far-right groups, emphasizing the importance of standing up for acceptance and community.

    • Intimidation at a Dallas drag showA self-described Christian fascist and his supporters disrupted a family-friendly drag show with megaphones and abusive language, creating an unsafe environment and echoing past fearmongering and violence against the LGBTQ+ community.

      The online rhetoric of "grooming" and "child protection" has escalated to physical attacks on family-friendly events, such as a drag show in Dallas. The instigator, John Doyle, a self-described Christian fascist, and his supporters, who include far-right groups and grifters, used megaphones and abusive language to intimidate families and children, creating an unsafe environment. This incident echoes the Pizzagate conspiracy theory from 2016, which falsely accused Democrats of operating a child sex trafficking ring, and led to an armed man storming a restaurant. The current climate of fearmongering and violence against the LGBTQ+ community, fueled by Republicans and conservative media, puts vulnerable populations at risk and could lead to more incidents of violence.

    • Community defense at Pride event prevents potential violence and harassmentCommunity members, antifascists, and volunteers united to protect attendees from fascist groups' threats and harassment during a Pride event, despite police presence and a history of biased enforcement against the LGBTQ+ community.

      Community defense was crucial in preventing potential violence and harassment against attendees of a Pride event, as fascist groups made explicit threats of genocidal violence. Successful propagandists framed their bigotry as a moral imperative, but were met with opposition from community members, antifascists, and volunteers. Despite police presence, self-described fascists continued to harass families and children, with antifascists and counter demonstrators blocking their path and protecting attendees. The history of police enforcing homophobic laws cannot be ignored, and it's important to remember that many cops hold biased opinions towards the LGBTQ+ community. The organizers of the confrontation, such as Kelly Niedert, promoted a goal of regressing on gay rights and enforcing a Christian hegemonic order through violence and the threat of taking away rights. The community's united effort to protect themselves and their families is a testament to the power of standing up against hate and intolerance.

    • Christian fascist groups targeting LGBTQ community spaces on college campuses in TexasChristian fascist groups in Texas, under the guise of friendly names, intimidate and harass LGBTQ community spaces on college campuses, attempting to restrict access to gender-affirming care and ban LGBTQ education, using violent language, armed security, and selective media coverage.

      Christian fascist groups in Texas, led by individuals like Kelly Neutert and John Doyle, have been targeting LGBTQ community spaces on college campuses, including the University of North Texas, with harassment and intimidation. These groups, such as Protect Texas Kids, use friendly-sounding names but promote hateful agendas, including attempting to restrict access to gender-affirming care for minors and banning LGBTQ education. They have been known to bring armed security and use violent language, as well as share their videos on right-wing media outlets to gain a broader audience. These incidents have escalated to the point where they have received national attention, with figures like Tucker Carlson portraying the protesters as victims. The use of violent language, intimidation, and selective media coverage only serves to further harm the LGBTQ community and perpetuate hateful narratives.

    • Far-right media personalities cause chaos at Pride Month eventFar-right individuals disrupted a Pride Month event, spreading misinformation and making threatening comments, using derogatory language, and seeking attention through spectacle.

      The drag event on June 4th attracted far-right media personalities, some of whom were prevented from entering and filmed outside, spreading misrepresentations and making threatening comments. One of these individuals, Alex Stein, was denied entry and made light of the situation. Those who managed to enter filmed children at the event and shared the footage online, labeling the performers as "groomers." The far-right group, which referred to themselves as the "Avengers of Homophobes," included individuals with controversial pasts, such as Taylor Hanson, who gained notoriety for filming the Ashley Babbitt shooting during the Capitol storming. These individuals used derogatory language and threatened counterprotesters, seeking engagement and spectacle rather than non-engagement. The group's leader, Elijah Schaeffer, who brands himself as a Christian fascist, hosted a podcast episode where they discussed their experiences and shared the viral footage. This ecosystem of aspiring right-wing content creators aims to market old-school right-wing evangelical bigotry to young people using meme aesthetics. Ultimately, these individuals are attention-seekers who thrive on creating spectacle and are most annoyed by non-engagement.

    • Far-right group's hypocritical stances and performative actions criticizedA far-right group's insincere beliefs and actions towards the LGBTQ+ community and child safety were exposed, revealing their hypocrisy and potential danger to the community. Their use of homophobic rhetoric and misinformation, along with reported terrorist threats, underscored the importance of scrutinizing such groups' intentions and impact.

      During a podcast discussion, representatives from a far-right group were criticized for their hypocritical and insincere stances on various issues, particularly regarding the LGBTQ+ community and child safety. Despite their vehement defense of their beliefs, they were unable to provide substantial arguments when questioned directly. Their actions, such as attending events they condemned and selling contradictory products, were seen as performative and aimed at boosting their careers. The podcast was filled with homophobic rhetoric and misinformation, and incidents of terroristic threats against the LGBTQ+ community were reported following the event. Despite their claims of a diverse and accepting bigoted community, their actions and words contradicted this notion. The quick progression from street confrontation to media coverage and Republican party involvement highlights the potential influence and reach of such groups.

    • Targeting LGBTQ Spaces During Pride MonthFar-right groups target drag shows and story hours during Pride Month, potentially criminalizing cross-dressing and attendance for minors, limiting access to pride events, and endorsing harmful beliefs through media coverage.

      The Protect Texas Kids group and like-minded individuals have been targeting LGBTQ spaces and events during Pride Month, with their most recent focus on drag shows and story hours. This campaign is a continuation of earlier attacks against queer and trans kids in state legislatures across the country, fueled by far-right individuals and organizations. The group's actions could potentially criminalize cross-dressing and even attending pride events for minors, leading to a potential ban on drag performances and attendance for those under 18. This could have significant ramifications, including limiting access to pride events and potentially targeting trans individuals simply for existing in public. The media's coverage of these events has inadvertently given credibility to the group's homophobic framing, further endorsing their beliefs. It's crucial to recognize that these individuals are not simply economic conservatives, but rather, they espouse fascist beliefs, and continued coverage without context risks legitimizing their harmful agenda.

    • Misunderstanding of Dallas dance event leads to controversyDespite misinformation and fear-mongering, the Dallas dance event was not about sex or promoting inappropriate content towards children. It was an expression of individuality and personal freedom, and the majority of people support the LGBTQ+ community.

      The recent controversy surrounding a dance event in Dallas should not be conflated with sexualization or promotion of inappropriate content towards children. The dances in question were not about sex or imitating sex acts, but rather an expression of individuality and personal freedom. The outrage was largely fueled by misinformation and fear-mongering, with some individuals taking things a step further by making threats and carrying weapons. It's important to remember that such incidents are rare and that the majority of people support the LGBTQ+ community and their right to celebrate their identities. To stay informed about ongoing attacks on pride events, consider following organizations like the Elm Fork John Brown gun club and readout antifascists on Twitter. Lastly, it's crucial to recognize that the individuals causing these incidents are a minority, and they should be labeled as extremists or wackos rather than being given undue attention or credibility.

    • Portraying opposing groups as extremists and preventing integrationUnderstanding power dynamics and taking action to build stronger communities and challenge extremist narratives.

      Effective propaganda framing involves portraying opposing groups as extremists, belittling them, and keeping them outside the mainstream to prevent integration into larger social and political structures. This was discussed in relation to certain individuals. However, a contrasting message was presented through the introduction of Neighbor to Neighbor, a volunteer network aimed at building stronger communities and social bonds. In the context of community organizing, a significant victory was achieved in securing a loan from the city council to acquire Hillside Via from a slumlord. Although this is not the final step, it represents a commitment from the city to take action. The misconception that eminent domain was already passed was clarified, as it will be used only if the landlord refuses to sell, and it requires a second vote. In essence, the discussion revolved around the importance of understanding the power dynamics at play in both social and political contexts and the need to take action to bring about positive change.

    • Expired affordable housing covenants lead to rent increases and illegal evictionsTenants at Hillside Villa faced up to 200% rent increases and illegal evictions after the affordable housing covenant expired in 2019. They fought back with the help of tenant rights organizations and a lawyer, revealing the landlord's illegal actions and forcing him to drop the case.

      The expiration of affordable housing covenants can lead to massive rent increases and de facto evictions for tenants. This was the case at Hillside Villa, where tenants faced up to 200% rent increases after the covenant expired in 2019. The situation became particularly dire when the landlord worked with the sheriff's department to evict tenants illegally. One tenant, Anna, shared her experience of being locked out of her apartment and being separated from her family for several days. However, the tenants were able to fight back with the help of tenant rights organizations and a lawyer. They discovered that their eviction had been illegal and threatened to sue the landlord, leading him to drop the case and let them back into their apartments. This experience enraged Anna and other tenants, pushing them to become more involved in tenant rights and organizing. Additionally, tenants' pets and belongings were often left behind during these evictions, causing further distress. Overall, the struggle at Hillside Villa highlights the importance of affordable housing covenants and the need for tenants to be aware of their rights when facing eviction.

    • Illegal eviction tactics in low-income communitiesLandlords offer money for tenants to leave, allowing for gentrification and rent increases. This is a form of colonization that relies on tenants not knowing their rights and being unable to read or understand contracts. Resisting requires language justice and community support.

      Low-income communities, particularly those with language barriers, can face illegal eviction tactics like "cash for keys" where landlords offer money for tenants to leave, allowing for gentrification and rent increases. This is a form of colonization that relies on tenants not knowing their rights and being unable to read or understand contracts. The press often fails to report on the illegality of such practices. Resisting this requires language justice and community support, with regular tenant meetings and simultaneous translation. Established tenant organizing groups can become involved through media coverage and long-term commitment.

    • Tenants leading the fight against rent increasesEmpowering tenants to advocate for their needs and outside organizers offering support is crucial for effective community organizing.

      Effective community organizing often involves tenants taking the lead and outside organizers providing support. The tenant-led fight against rent increases in LA, led by CCED, is a prime example. Tenants, including elders and women, have empowered themselves to demand their rights, with organizers facilitating and offering technical support. The fight evolved from legal tactics to more militant actions, reflecting the tenants' growing sense of power and determination. While each community's situation is unique, this experience demonstrates the importance of tenants taking an active role in advocating for their needs and organizers serving as allies.

    • Direct action and community building lead to housing justiceTenant association's confrontational action led to city council motion and stronger community relationships

      Direct action and community building are effective strategies for achieving housing justice. The tenant association's confrontational action at city hall, where they directly confronted the councilmember, led to a city council motion being passed a week later. Consistency in meetings and organizing efforts were also crucial in maintaining momentum during the pandemic. This experience not only brought the tenants closer together but also helped build trust and friendships among neighbors. Despite not everyone being supportive of the fight, the association continued to advocate for the benefit of the entire community. Direct action and community building can be isolating experiences, but coming together and fighting for a common cause can lead to significant progress and positive relationships.

    • Celebrating Community Resilience in the Face of AdversityResidents of Hillside have persevered through three years of fighting to keep their homes by relying on their personal relationships and community connections. They plan to continue advocating for collective stewardship and tenant ownership, with the goal of creating a cooperative living arrangement.

      Building and maintaining community connections are crucial in the face of adversity and isolation. The residents of Hillside have fought to keep their homes for three years, and their personal relationships have been the driving force behind their perseverance. This sense of community was on full display at a recent celebration, where neighbors came together to share food, music, and camaraderie. Looking forward, the residents plan to continue advocating for collective stewardship and tenant ownership of their building, with the ultimate goal of creating a cooperative living arrangement. To support their cause, individuals can follow their social media channels and amplify their message. The city's acquisition of the building is just the first step; the residents' vision extends beyond that, with a focus on empowering tenants to take an active role in the management and ownership of their community.

    • Tenants win control of buildings in long-fought battleTenants successfully fought for control of their buildings, providing hope and inspiring action for those interested in community organizing.

      A group of tenants in a community were able to successfully fight for control of their buildings, marking a significant victory in a three-and-a-half-year-long battle. This win came as a relief for the tenants who had experienced an emotional rollercoaster throughout the process. Although there is still work to be done, this success serves as a beacon of hope and a reminder that communities can come together to take back control from landlords. For those interested in getting involved, organizations such as CCED and Hillside Tenants can be found on social media platforms. As Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes, building strong community bonds is essential in uncertain times.

    • Tensions at Public Events: Coeur d'Alene RallyDespite fears of mass violence at a controversial event, minimal disturbances occurred, but significant arrests of hate group members planning to attend provided relief.

      The threat of violence at public events, especially those with controversial or polarizing themes, can lead to heightened security measures and unexpected outcomes. This was evident in the case of the Coeur d'Alene rally in Idaho, where a right-wing counter rally to the local pride event had deeply unsettling PR leading up to the event. Despite concerns of potential mass violence due to inflammatory rhetoric, the actual event saw minimal disturbances. However, a significant arrest of 31 members of the hate group Patriot Front, a splinter group of Vanguard America, who were planning to attend, provided a moment of relief amidst the tense news cycle. The history of Vanguard America and its evolution into Patriot Front, led by Thomas Russo, offers insight into the strategies and tactics of such groups, and how they adapt in response to negative publicity.

    • A far-right extremist group, the Patriot Front, is behind most Nazi propaganda in the USThe Patriot Front, a far-right extremist group, is responsible for over 80% of all Nazi-type propaganda incidents in the US, with Texas, California, Massachusetts, New York, and Virginia being their most active states.

      The Patriot Front, a far-right extremist group, is responsible for a significant amount of Nazi propaganda in the real world, particularly through the distribution of stickers. The group's leader, Thomas Rousseau, grew up in Coppell, Texas, a wealthy suburb of Dallas, where he attended Coppell High School. The school's diversity, particularly from Southeast Asia, may have contributed to Rousseau's development of replacement theory beliefs. The group's propaganda efforts are effective because members are required to regularly post proof of their real-world activities to remain in the organization, making sticker distribution a convenient and cost-effective way to engage members and spread propaganda. In 2019, the Anti-Defamation League reported that Patriot Front was responsible for 80% of all Nazi-type group propaganda incidents nationwide, and this number doubled in 2020. The group's propaganda efforts are most active in Texas, California, Massachusetts, New York, and Virginia.

    • From student journalist to right-wing pundit: The complex transformationIndividuals can be influenced by societal shifts and personal experiences to adopt extreme views, such as becoming a right-wing pundit, highlighting the importance of understanding the factors behind radicalization and the potential dangers of right-wing populism.

      The transformation of a seemingly normal student journalist into a radicalized right-wing pundit is a complex process that can be influenced by various factors, including societal shifts and personal experiences. The discussion highlights the case of a student journalist who wrote a seemingly innocuous article about a diversity club in 2016, but by October of the same year, he had fully embraced Trump's rhetoric and became a vocal proponent of white nationalist views. It's unclear whether this transformation was a gradual radicalization or if it was a sudden switch, but it serves as an example of how individuals can be influenced by their environment and current events to adopt extreme views. The discussion also touches upon the role of media in shaping public opinion and the potential dangers of right-wing populism.

    • The Patriot Front's Tactics and ChallengesThe Patriot Front uses tactics like flash mobs and marches to spread propaganda and recruit, but their methods involve transporting members in U-Hauls, leading to challenging conditions and logistical risks.

      The Patriot Front, a far-right organization, is known for its disciplined approach to organizing and executing public events. They use tactics like flash mobs and marches to spread propaganda and recruit new members. However, their methods involve transporting large groups of people in U-Hauls, which can lead to challenging conditions, such as extreme heat and cramped spaces. These conditions are intended to build a sense of community and solidarity among members, but they also pose logistical challenges and risks to the group's members. Despite these challenges, the Patriot Front has shown a remarkable ability to coordinate and execute events effectively, making them a formidable presence in the far-right landscape.

    • Infiltration of Far-Right Organization Patriot FrontThe far-right organization, Patriot Front, has faced infiltration, leading to their activities being documented and arrests. While they promote replacement theory and have members arrested for illegal weapons, their protests are often thwarted by reports to the police, possibly from inside informants or concerned citizens.

      The far-right organization, Patriot Front, claims to have a rigorous vetting process but has been infiltrated multiple times, allowing opponents to document their activities. They have been known to call the police to provide escorts during marches and protests. Although they are not primarily focused on violence, they promote replacement theory and have members arrested for illegal weapons. Their recent planned protest in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, was thwarted when someone reported their presence to the police, leading to their arrests. While it's unclear who made the call, it's possible it was an inside informant or a concerned citizen. Despite this, some speculate it could have been a federal operation. Regardless, the police response was effective in preventing potential violence.

    • Police actions influenced by local community and contextLocal police actions during protests can depend on the perceived disruption caused by out-of-state protesters, reflecting the officers' personal biases and community ties.

      The actions of law enforcement during protests can be influenced by the local community and context. In the case of Coeur d'Alene, police were more likely to intervene against out-of-state protesters, such as those from the Patriot Front, who were seen as disruptive outsiders. This dynamic is influenced by the fact that many officers live in rural or suburban areas and view the city as an enemy. The arrest of the Patriot Front members during a pride rally was a positive outcome, but the presence of armed individuals at the rally was still a concerning development. The humorous footage of their arrests does not detract from the importance of addressing the underlying issues of hate groups and armed protests at public events.

    • Arrest of Patriot Front members in Idaho for conspiracy to riotThe arrest of far-right group Patriot Front members in Idaho for conspiracy to riot raises questions about their actions and potential possession of illegal weapons, but is not a sign of increased police action against fascist groups or a mass violence threat.

      The arrest of members of the far-right group Patriot Front in Idaho for conspiracy to riot raises questions about their actions and potential possession of illegal weapons. While there have been rumors of illegal gun charges, there is no confirmation yet. The group had a detailed plan for their actions, leading to the possibility of a conviction. However, the incident should not be seen as a broader sign of increased police action against fascist groups or a mass violence threat. Instead, the group is described as incompetent and more of a nuisance than a serious danger. The right's immediate reaction was to accuse the arrested individuals of being federal agents, a common occurrence across the political spectrum. The mother of one of the arrested members has publicly spoken out, expressing her frustration and attempts to stop her son's involvement in the group.

    • Coeur d'Alene Pride Event: A Reminder of Community SupportDespite instances of militia activity and intimidation tactics, the Coeur d'Alene Pride Event saw a significant number of people coming together to defend the LGBT community, resulting in a more positive outcome than initially anticipated.

      The Coeur d'Alene pride event, which saw a large turnout of both protesters and supporters, resulted in more positive signs than negative ones. Although there were instances of militia activity and intimidation tactics, the event saw a significant number of people coming together to defend the LGBT community. The most prominent fascists at the event also embarrassed themselves, leading to a more positive outcome than initially anticipated. The event served as a reminder of the importance of community support and standing up against hate speech and intimidation. Despite the challenges faced, particularly in Idaho where organizing in defense of LGBT people can be difficult, the event was a testament to the power of community and the resilience of those who choose to stand up for what they believe in.

    • Mother's Day Offerings and Board GamesWhole Foods Market celebrates Mother's Day with savory and sweet offerings, while the group shares memories of playing Risk and looks forward to discussing Southern colonialism and politics on their podcast.

      Whole Foods Market offers a variety of high-quality Mother's Day offerings, from savory barbecue glazed chicken to sweet treats and flowers. Meanwhile, in a completely different context, the podcast discussion revolves around shared memories of playing board games, particularly Risk, and the hosts' excitement for an upcoming episode on Southern colonialism and politics. Amy Winehouse's biopic, "Back to Black," was also mentioned as an upcoming cinematic event. Despite the disparate topics, the group's enthusiasm for their respective interests brought them together for an engaging conversation.

    • Insights into Game Design from Board GamesBoard games offer transparent rules, revealing how mechanics create meaning and inspiring video game developers.

      Board games, despite seeming simple, offer unique insights into the art of game design. Unlike video games, all rules are visible, making it easier to understand designers' intentions. This transparency reveals how mechanics translate into meaning, a process that can be more obscure in video games. The speaker also noted that many video game developers are avid board game enthusiasts for this reason. The discussion touched upon various Star Trek episodes featuring board games, with some being more memorable than others. The speaker wrote an article about violent board games that appeared peaceful on the surface, highlighting the European and American board game traditions, which often prioritize eliminating opponents through violence or capitalism, respectively. Despite being a niche market, board games have gained popularity and success in recent years.

    • Negotiation and Trade in Settlers of CatanSettlers of Catan, a game about European colonizers, emphasizes negotiation and trade over direct elimination. However, its lack of representation of colonized peoples contributes to the erasure of their histories and experiences.

      Settlers of Catan, a popular board game where players colonize an island, does not allow players to eliminate each other directly. Instead, players can negotiate, trade, and block each other's progress. The game's theme of European colonizers inhabiting an almost uninhabited island raises ethical concerns, as the colonized are portrayed as non-agentic and the game's art features only white settlers. Despite these concerns, Settlers of Catan has won multiple game of the year awards and has not significantly changed since its release over 20 years ago, with the addition of boats in later editions. The game's explicit positioning of settlers and lack of representation of the colonized people contributes to the erasure of indigenous peoples' histories and experiences.

    • Boats vs Board Games: Two Different WorldsWhile boats and board games offer distinct experiences, it's crucial to consider the historical and ethical implications of both.

      Our discussion touched upon the contrasting worlds of boats and board games. While boats represent an expensive and labor-intensive lifestyle, board games offer a more accessible and fan-driven creative outlet. However, the conversation also highlighted the complexities of representation and historical accuracy in board games, using the example of Splendor and its depiction of mining. The speaker expressed frustration with the game's lack of acknowledgment of the labor-intensive and often exploitative nature of mining. This led to a reflection on the role of colonialism and capitalism in various forms of media and entertainment. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the importance of considering the full context and implications of the things we enjoy, from boats and board games to cell phones and beyond.

    • Exploring colonialism's impact in 'Mombasa' gameThe 'Mombasa' game raises complex questions about colonialism's impact, but its mechanics and lack of resistance create a disconnect, inviting players to learn more about the history.

      The game "Mombasa" raises important questions about colonialism and its impact on Africa, using a strategic economic focus. The game mechanics involve players acquiring shares of chartered companies and exploiting African territories for resources, with the ultimate goal of retiring as the wealthiest player. While the game acknowledges the historical context of colonialism, it does not explicitly depict the exploitation and subjugation of African people. This creates a disconnect between the game's theme and its mechanics, leading to a sense of unease and irony. The game's rulebook acknowledges the dark history of colonialism, but the lack of resistance or negotiation in the game perpetuates a one-sided narrative. It's worth considering whether creating a board game about such a sensitive and complex historical topic, even in a fictional setting, is wise or appropriate. The game's creators seem to be aware of the controversy and invite players to learn more about the history of colonialism if they choose to do so. Overall, "Mombasa" raises important conversations about the representation of historical events in gaming and the responsibility of game creators to acknowledge and address the complexities and consequences of colonialism.

    • Board games with cute aesthetics and violent themesSome board games present complex historical and political issues through cute aesthetics, creating an intriguing juxtaposition and offering unique perspectives.

      There exists a unique trend in board games where themes of conflict, colonization, and even genocide are presented in a kid-friendly, cute, and seemingly harmless way. Examples of such games include Monopoly, Redwall series, and Root. Monopoly, though seemingly just a property trading game, can be seen as a metaphor for colonialism and land grabbing. Redwall books, despite their cuddly animal characters, promote a disturbing level of violence and intolerance towards different species. Root, on the other hand, is a post-colonial game with adorable animal characters, where players engage in subjugation, revolution, and industrialization. This juxtaposition of cute aesthetics and violent themes can be intriguing and thought-provoking, offering players a unique perspective on complex historical and political issues. GMT Games, a company known for creating historically accurate war games, also produces games with cute aesthetics and deeper, complex themes.

    • Power dynamics in games and societyBe aware of power dynamics, strive for fairness, and encourage empathy and critical thinking in games and society.

      The power dynamics in various aspects of life, such as games and societal structures, can lead to certain groups having more agency and control than others. This discussion touched upon the idea that in some cases, like workplace safety regulations, collective punishment could be implemented, leading to a more uniform adherence to rules. However, it's important to consider the implications of such power dynamics and the potential for misuse. In the context of video games, the speaker emphasized the importance of empathy and critical thinking, as well as the potential for games to challenge and change perspectives. Ultimately, it's essential to be aware of the power dynamics at play and strive for fairness and inclusivity.

    • Examining the impact of colonialist ideas in board gamesBeing aware of the hidden messages in games and decolonizing the narrative can promote more equitable and inclusive stories.

      The way we consume and create art, particularly in the form of board games, can perpetuate colonialist ideas without us even realizing it. These games often present a default narrative of innocence and progress, obscuring the harm caused to others. By critically examining these games and recognizing our roles in the process, we can begin the decolonization process and challenge the normalization of colonialism in our culture. A game like "This War of Mine" offers a powerful counter-narrative, forcing players to confront the consequences of their actions and challenging the default innocence often presented in other games. This conversation highlights the importance of being aware of the hidden messages in the art we engage with and using that awareness to promote more equitable and inclusive narratives.

    • Understanding the Origins and Implications of What We ConsumeBeing critical consumers of media, including games and podcasts, is essential. Monopoly's economic theories have historical significance, while Settlers of Catan may not be as problematic but still carries underlying themes. Podcasts are an exception as they foster community engagement and will eventually self-destruct.

      While we may enjoy various media forms like board games, it's essential to be critical consumers. The history of Monopoly being the most famous representation of Georgist economic theories is a reminder of the importance of understanding the origins and implications of what we consume. Games like Settlers of Catan may not ruin our enjoyment entirely, but it's valuable to be aware of the underlying themes and messages. As for podcasts, they are an exception, according to our speaker, as they are the true proletarian art form that will eventually abolish itself. For more economic insights, check out Strange Matters Coop, where they cover various topics, including a review of Bell Hook's "All About Love" and a profile of Robert as a cyberpunk author. If you're interested in contributing or sending hate mail, visit their website or find them on Twitter @strange\_matters. Remember, building a more connected community starts with engaging with those around us, so check out Neighbor to Neighbor at ca neighbors.com. And for Mother's Day, consider treating mom to Boar's Head Sweet Bee's Honey Barbecue Glazed Chicken available at your local deli counter.

    • Mother's Day, Amy Winehouse biopic, Dallas, and Neo-Nazis Arrested31 neo-Nazis arrested planning to protest at an Idaho Pride event, serving as a win against their ideology and a national embarrassment for the group.

      The discussion touched on various topics, including celebrating Mother's Day at Whole Foods Market, the release of the Amy Winehouse biopic "Back to Black," and refuting negative perceptions of Dallas, Texas. A lighter moment arose from the arrest of 31 neo-Nazis planning to protest at an Idaho Pride event, with some finding the situation comically absurd. The overall sentiment was that the arrests served as a win for those opposed to the group's ideology and a national embarrassment for the neo-Nazis. The episode also touched on the relevance of the Patriot Front group to the topic of Christian fascist violence. Despite the humor found in the situation, it was acknowledged that the arrests could potentially have negative consequences for some individuals involved.

    • Far-right extremists and their promotion of anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric can lead to violent threats and protestsFar-right extremists use hate speech and stochastic methods to incite violence against LGBTQ+ events and individuals, with a history rooted in 'save the children' and pedophile conspiracies.

      The connection between far-right extremist groups and individuals, such as the Patriot Front and white supremacists, and their promotion of anti-LGBTQ+ and "groomer" rhetoric, can lead to violent threats and protests against events like pride parades. This was seen in the case of the Satanic Temple's pride event in Idaho, which was targeted by white supremacists and promoted by figures like Chaya Ryczyk of Libs of TikTok and Dave Riley, who have used fascist rhetoric and stochastic methods. The spread of this extreme bigotry can be traced back to the history of "save the children" and pedophile conspiracies, as well as the festering of this bigotry in certain places, particularly those with strong evangelical Christian and Christian fascist influences. As seen in the example of the pastor from Steadfast Baptist Church in Arlington, Texas, this rhetoric is rooted in a deep-seated hatred of pride and a refusal to accept the LGBTQ+ community. This hate speech can have dangerous consequences, as seen in the storming of a drag queen story time event in the Bay Area by Proud Boys and the threats made to attendees and children. It's essential to recognize the harm caused by this rhetoric and to stand against hate speech and violence.

    • Religious leaders advocating for violence against LGBTQ+ communitySome US religious leaders continue to promote hate speech against the LGBTQ+ community, calling for their execution and expressing joy at their deaths, potentially inspiring violent actions from followers

      There are still religious leaders in the United States advocating for violence against certain groups, including the LGBTQ+ community. Pastor Jonathan Shelley of a Baptist church in Arlington, Texas, has publicly called for the execution of gay people, citing Texas' laws against homosexuality. Shelley's church and its affiliated Baptist group have a history of preaching genocide against LGBTQ+ and trans people, as well as anti-Semitism. The previous pastor of the church, who resigned in 2019 due to scandals, celebrated the Orlando Pulse nightclub massacre and called for the death of gay people from the pulpit. Shelley continued this same hateful rhetoric, going so far as to express joy when someone died at a pride parade in Florida. The danger lies not only in the words of these leaders but also in the potential actions of their followers. Shelley and others like him may not commit the violence themselves, but they are handing their congregations a metaphorical loaded gun and risk inspiring someone to use a literal one. This disturbing trend highlights the importance of standing against hate speech and working to create a more inclusive and accepting society.

    • Texas Church Promotes Violence and Genocide Against LGBT CommunityA Texas church, led by John Shelley and Dylan Oz, has been spreading extreme anti-LGBT hate and advocating for violence and genocide, violating the lease agreement's prohibition of violence and threats. They falsely claim all LGBT individuals are pedophiles and call for their execution, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and hate speech.

      The Steadfast Baptist Church in Watauga, Texas, led by John Shelley and Dylan Oz, has been spreading extreme anti-LGBT hate and advocating for violence and genocide against the LGBT community, which goes against the lease agreement's prohibition of violence and threats. They have relocated from Hearst to a strip mall in Watauga and have an active history on Gab and Facebook, where they publicly preached violent and genocidal rhetoric. During a sermon on June 4th, Dylan Oz called for the execution of every single gay person, falsely claiming they are all pedophiles. The church's justification for these calls is based on a misinterpretation of the Bible's condemnation of homosexuality. This dangerous ideology not only puts the LGBT community at risk but also perpetuates harmful stereotypes and hate speech. It is crucial to challenge and condemn such hate speech and work towards creating inclusive and accepting communities for all.

    • Controversial Church Documentary Sparks ProtestsA church's controversial documentary advocating for harsh actions against the LGBTQ community, including the death penalty, sparks protests and controversy, highlighting the tension between religious freedom and protecting marginalized communities.

      The Steadfast Baptist Church, led by John Shelley, produced a controversial documentary called "Sodomite Deception," which advocates for harsh actions against the LGBTQ community, including the death penalty. The documentary, which contains offensive language and hate speech, has sparked controversy and protests in various cities. Shelley and other pastors associated with the church have been vocal about their opposition to the LGBTQ community and have made threats of violence. Despite the backlash, the church continues to advocate for their beliefs and attend city council meetings to express them. The controversy highlights the ongoing tension between the rights of religious freedom and the protection of marginalized communities.

    • The Steadfast Baptist Church's Antisemitic Views and Hate SpeechThe Steadfast Baptist Church, part of the New IFB Movement, holds antisemitic beliefs, denies the Holocaust, and openly expresses hatred towards Judaism and Jews, currently protected by the First Amendment.

      The Steadfast Baptist Church, part of the New Independent Fundamental Baptist Movement, holds antisemitic views and promotes hate speech against Judaism. The church's ideology includes the belief that Jews are not true Jews and that Judaism is the synagogue of Satan. Pastors from this network openly express their hatred for Judaism and promote anti-Semitic tropes about Jewish power and control. They also deny the Holocaust and are staunchly anti-Zionist and anti-Israel. Despite these controversial beliefs, the church is currently protected by the First Amendment, and discussions about its removal from a strip mall are ongoing. It's important to note that the New IFB churches' beliefs are similar to Christian Identity, but they approach the issue from a slightly different perspective.

    • Protests against anti-LGBTQ+ churches in the southern USDespite facing protests and backlash, some churches in the southern US continue to promote hate speech against the LGBTQ+ community. These churches have been evicted and had social media accounts banned, but their members believe they're being persecuted. Pushing for change is crucial to making it difficult for these groups to hold onto outdated views.

      There is a network of churches across the southern United States, including in Texas, that hold anti-LGBTQ+ views and promote hate speech. These churches, such as Steadfast Baptist Church in Dallas Fort Worth, have faced protests and online backlash for their beliefs. The protests have resulted in the church getting evicted from their old location and having their social media accounts banned. The church's members believe that they are being persecuted and that social progress is a threat to their beliefs. The challenge for those opposed to this type of hate speech is to continue pushing for change and making it difficult for these groups to hold on to outdated views. It's important to note that the use of tape mentioned in the conversation is not related to the main topic.

    • The Struggle Against Far-Right Hate Groups in TexasDespite resistance, far-right hate groups in Texas, fueled by powerful allies and militant Christian propaganda, continue to spread hate against the LGBTQ+ community, making it challenging for progressive forces to enact change.

      The resistance to far-right groups in Texas, particularly those promoting hate against the LGBTQ+ community, is significant, but these groups have powerful allies in high places, making it challenging for progressive forces to enact change at the state level. The strain of homophobia and Christian fascism has been present for decades, with many evangelical Christian communities playing a key role in keeping it alive. Christian media, once considered milquetoast, has become increasingly militant and hateful, with sites like Libs of TikTok receiving funding from powerful conservative figures and using that power to target specific events and individuals. The past decade has seen a significant increase in the militancy of Christian propaganda, and the impact of these groups extends beyond the church and into mainstream conservatism.

    • Protesting the Steadfast Baptist Church and Exploring Other Podcast TopicsListeners can protest the Steadfast Baptist Church with DVDs, build community connections, enjoy live NASCAR coverage, stream free media, and find affordable car parts through podcasts.

      The Steadfast Baptist Church in Dallas is known for its militant Christianity and homophobia, with a focus on end times prophecy and potential violence against living people. The host of the podcast "It Could Happen Here" suggests mailing DVDs or CDs of the movie "Morbius" to the church as a form of protest. Meanwhile, Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, encourages building community connections and helping neighbors in times of need. The Motor Racing Network provides live coverage of NASCAR races, and Xumo Play offers free, ad-supported streaming of movies, TV shows, and live channels. Lastly, Revisionist History's Malcolm Gladwell promotes Ebay Motors for finding affordable car parts with guaranteed fit. Overall, these podcasts cover a range of topics, from social issues and community building to entertainment and shopping.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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