
    Podcast Summary

    • Building strong community connectionsNeighbor to Neighbor emphasizes neighbor support, Amy Winehouse connects audiences, Lucky Land Slots offers cash prizes, ZYN pouches provide a hassle-free alternative, Money Moves and art world podcasts offer insights, Lobelia Commons focuses on food distribution and community building.

      Building strong community connections can bring about meaningful social bonds and help prepare for unexpected events. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer's network, emphasizes the importance of relying on neighbors for assistance and support. Meanwhile, in entertainment, Amy Winehouse's "Back to Black" invites audiences to connect with her story and voice, while Lucky Land Slots offers a chance to win cash prizes. ZYN nicotine pouches provide a convenient, hassle-free alternative to traditional nicotine products. The Money Moves podcast and the art world podcast offer insights into financial stability and the art market, respectively. Lobelia Commons started as a mutual aid group during the pandemic, focusing on food distribution and community building. Overall, these diverse examples highlight the significance of community, connection, and personal growth.

    • A community-driven urban food production projectThe Lobelia Commons project is a decentralized organization promoting food sovereignty through various urban food production initiatives, including seed distribution, mushroom production, herb cultivation, and decentralized nurseries, encouraging community engagement and resource sharing.

      The Lobelia Commons project began as a food distribution initiative during the pandemic but quickly evolved into a decentralized, community-driven organization focused on experimenting with various forms of urban food production. Starting from seed distribution and mushroom production, the group expanded to herb cultivation and decentralized nurseries. The projects aim to engage the community in growing food and creating a network of shared resources and skills, promoting food sovereignty and moving away from the traditional, centralized food system. The Lobelia Commons model encourages participation at various levels, allowing individuals to contribute in ways that suit their interests and availability. The overall goal is to make food production more accessible and inclusive for everyone.

    • Growing food locally isn't always simpleClimate change impacts essential cycles and can lead to infrastructure damage, disrupting food production and causing serious consequences for communities

      While growing food locally is important, it's not always as simple as planting a seed. For instance, avocado trees grown from pits often won't produce fruit unless they're grafted. Furthermore, the effects of climate change go beyond extreme weather events and impact essential cycles like the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles. The aftermath of Hurricane Ida serves as an example, with infrastructure damage leading to power outages and disruptions in major ports processing 60% of US grain exports. These events have serious consequences for communities, especially during hot summers without modern amenities. It's crucial to recognize the systemic issues behind these disasters and work towards creating sustainable, community-driven solutions for food production and infrastructure resilience.

    • Impact of natural disasters and locationNatural disasters affect areas differently, with some facing ongoing issues and others experiencing severe destruction. The US grain export system creates challenges for decentralized agriculture and food justice initiatives.

      The impact of natural disasters, such as Hurricane Katrina, varies greatly depending on the location. While some areas, like New Orleans, may experience ongoing issues since colonization, other areas, like those west of the city, suffer from severe destruction that is often compared to Katrina. Additionally, the US grain export system, with its substantial subsidies, creates challenges for decentralized agriculture and food justice initiatives in areas that serve as conduits for grain to the rest of the world. The Almanac project aims to address these complex issues by supporting antagonistic social movements that challenge private property and work towards creating the conditions for a more equitable food system.

    • A New Approach to the Farmers' AlmanacThe ALMACC, a new type of Farmers' Almanac, focuses on localized, precise info & learning from diverse sources to build sustainable, resilient food systems. It fosters connections & collaborations beyond the Gulf South & Southeastern US.

      The Farmers' Almanac of the future needs to adapt to the unpredictable and complex realities of modern agriculture. The Almanac discussed, which is called the ALMACC (Alternative, Local, Mobile, Agroecological Commons), moves away from prescribing exact planting times and instead focuses on providing localized, precise information. It also emphasizes the importance of learning from diverse sources, including indigenous and local knowledge, to create sustainable and resilient food systems. The ALMACC's success extends beyond its original focus on the Gulf South and the Southeastern United States, and it has fostered connections and collaborations with various groups, such as Tejas Pobos in Brazil, to promote agroecology, sovereignty, and land stewardship. Ultimately, the ALMACC represents a new approach to the Farmers' Almanac, one that embraces the complexities of modern agriculture and the need for a more inclusive, adaptive, and community-driven food system.

    • Land Back movements in Brazil and the US: Shared histories, different approachesLand Back movements in Brazil and the US share a history of dispossession and exploitation, but their approaches to reclaiming land and building connections to the land may differ due to historical and political contexts. Learning from movements like the MST in Brazil can inspire new forms of land reclamation in the US, such as the Almanac project.

      The Land Back movement in Brazil and the US share a common history of dispossession and exploitation, but their approaches to reclaiming land and building connections to the land may differ due to historical and political contexts. The MST in Brazil, which focuses on taking back large tracts of land from the state and corporations, has been an inspiration for similar movements in the US, such as the Lobelia Project. However, the absence of strong populist movements and workers parties in the US may result in different forms of land reclamation, such as focusing on infrastructure choke points and expropriating goods in transit. It's important to recognize these shared histories and expand the imagination of what is possible through learning from movements like the MST. The Almanac project, inspired by historical black projects for food autonomy in the US, is an example of this.

    • Historical parallels between George Washington Carver's agricultural research and food in prisonsGeorge Washington Carver's agricultural innovations and the issue of malnutrition and starvation in prisons both reveal the need for food justice and a focus on the well-being of people and the environment, rather than the profit-driven logic of capitalism.

      The interconnected themes of food systems and social justice can be seen through the historical lens of George Washington Carver's agricultural research and the current issue of food in prisons. Carver's work at Tuskegee University showcased his innovative understanding of soil dynamics and pests, making him a pioneer in agroecology before it was recognized as a concept. Meanwhile, the food in prisons remains a pressing issue, with malnutrition and starvation being rampant. The parallels between the food systems in prisons and industrial agriculture reveal an overarching logic of capitalism that disregards the well-being of people and the environment. The piece "The Struggle for Good Food Across Walls" highlights the importance of addressing food justice for all, including those in the prison system. Imagining ways to improve prison food conditions and exploring creative methods of making meals more enjoyable can contribute to a more equitable food system.

    • Exploring creative solutions for food politics and social justice in prisonsThe Lobelia Commons community in prisons focuses on collaborative food production and distribution, improving living conditions and providing for families.

      Addressing food politics and social justice involves creative solutions even within the confines of incarceration. The Lobelia Commons community is exploring collaborative food production and distribution methods for inmates, aiming to improve their living conditions and provide for their families. This initiative is crucial for dealing with both land conditions and the reality of an incarcerated population. For those interested in supporting their work, check out their Instagram handle @LobeliaCommons, where you can find information on their Almanac, GoFundMe campaigns, and gardening projects. Additionally, they welcome submissions for their upcoming zine, though progress has been delayed due to recent focus on community survival and recovery efforts after Hurricane Ida. Monopoly Go, on a lighter note, offers endless entertainment and new discoveries every time you play, making it a fun and engaging mobile game experience. Remember, building a more connected community starts with neighbors, so visit canebors.com to learn how you can get involved. Lastly, consider making the switch to Mint Mobile for affordable, unlimited wireless plans, saving you money and providing clarity in your monthly expenses.

    • New Mint Mobile deal for unlimited wireless planNew customers can get an unlimited wireless plan for $15/month with a $45 upfront payment, but speed may slow above 40GB.

      Mint Mobile is offering a new customer deal for an unlimited wireless plan for $15 a month, but a $45 upfront payment is required. This offer is only available for new customers on their first 3-month plan. Additionally, the speed may be slower above 40 gigabytes. The discussion also touched on various unrelated topics, including sharing weird places people have gotten lucky, a podcast call for pitches, and the Front Yard Orchard initiative. Overall, the main focus was on the Mint Mobile deal and the opportunity to save money on a wireless plan.

    • Navigating the city's strict security measuresDetermined to surprise her boyfriend, the protagonist creatively navigates the city's checkpoints and curfews using public transportation and intelligence from a surveillance database, adapting quickly to unexpected situations.

      The city is under strict police control, with checkpoints and curfews limiting movement. The protagonist, despite the challenges, is determined to surprise her boyfriend on his birthday by navigating through the city using public transportation and intelligence from a surveillance database. However, a sudden checkpoint on the bus route forces her to act quickly and adapt to the unexpected situation. The city's security measures are making daily life difficult, but the protagonist remains resilient and resourceful in her attempts to maintain normalcy.

    • Adapting to Unexpected ChallengesUse resourcefulness and quick thinking to navigate through difficult situations, whether physical or social. Learn practical skills like parkour and stealth, or tap into the power of community for support.

      When faced with unexpected challenges or obstacles, it's important to stay focused and adapt quickly. In the given scenario, the person had to evade law enforcement and make their way to a safe location. They used their resourcefulness and quick thinking to put obstacles between themselves and their pursuers, ultimately losing them. This real-life example mirrors the practical skills discussed in the podcast, specifically parkour and stealth. These skills can be learned and used in everyday life to navigate through difficult situations, whether it's in a physical sense or in social situations. The podcast episode also highlights the power of community and the impact of collective action, as demonstrated by the successful GoFundMe campaign to help a woman keep her home.

    • Moving efficiently through environments with purposeParkour is a practical skill for navigating various environments, focusing on efficiency and avoiding conflicts through stealth

      Parkour is more than just acrobatic stunts or flips; it's a practical and efficient way of moving from one place to another with purpose. Rick, a parkour practitioner, explains that parkour focuses on finding the best way to get somewhere, often with an emphasis on efficiency. It's not about creative expression or flips, but rather a useful skill for navigating various environments and even avoiding conflicts. Rick also highlights the importance of stealth as a crucial aspect of parkour, allowing individuals to avoid conflicts altogether by creating distance between themselves and potential threats. He emphasizes that running away is often the best self-defense option, as it's better than engaging in physical fights or carrying weapons. Rick also assures that it's possible to learn parkour at any age, even for those with concerns about injuries.

    • Learning Parkour: Safety, Experience, and an Experienced TrainerEffective parkour training involves safety, learning in a controlled environment, breaking down techniques, having an experienced trainer, and focusing on improvisation and efficiency.

      Effective training in parkour, or any physical skill, requires a focus on safety and experience. The speaker emphasizes the importance of breaking down techniques into manageable pieces and learning in a safe environment. Having an experienced trainer or mentor is also crucial for learning properly and preventing injuries. Parkour is not just about performing flashy moves, but rather about improvisation and finding the safest and most efficient way to navigate an environment. The speaker encourages starting with basic techniques and gradually building up to more complex moves. Parkour can be seen as a way to rediscover our natural ability to interact creatively with our surroundings, which is a skill that has been lost in modern society.

    • Begin your parkour journey with basic exercises and progress at your own paceStart with affordable exercises, practice in safe environments, and progress at your own speed in parkour. Seek advice wisely and prioritize safety.

      Starting your parkour journey doesn't require a large financial investment or the guidance of a professional trainer right away. Instead, you can begin with basic exercises and progress at your own pace, using instructional videos and practicing in safe environments. It's essential to know your limits and start at ground level to avoid injuries. If you cannot afford classes, consider becoming an assistant instructor or joining local parkour groups for free training opportunities. However, always prioritize safety and seek advice wisely, as everyone's body and skill level are unique. When choosing a gym, observe classes and look for a high injury rate as a potential red flag. Remember, the most important thing is to enjoy the process and progress at your own speed.

    • Learning parkour online: Be cautious and critical, check resources, and prioritize stealthWhen learning parkour online, be cautious and critical of resources, check the parkour wiki for foundational knowledge, and prioritize stealth to avoid unnecessary confrontations

      When it comes to learning parkour or any physical skill online, it's essential to look for resources that provide a clear explanation and show the entire process, not just the end result. The speaker recommends being cautious and taking every video with a grain of salt, as everyone teaches differently and what works for one person might not work for another. Additionally, they suggest checking out the parkour wiki as a starting point for learning about different moves and understanding the concepts behind them. Another important aspect of training is stealth, which involves staying deescalated and preventing the need for combat or a chase in the first place. Stealth is about crafting the way you're seen in a specific situation, and the way you present yourself can be a loud or quiet noise depending on the environment. Overall, the key is to approach learning online with a critical eye and a willingness to experiment and adapt to different teaching styles and techniques.

    • Blending in: The Art of Gray Man TheoryTo remain undetected, adapt to the environment and dress/move like the locals to blend in. Avoid tactical gear and military-style clothing. Study surroundings and learn quick outfit changes.

      Blending in and remaining undetected often depends on the specific environment and the people you're trying to avoid drawing attention from. This concept, known as "gray man" or "gray woman" theory, suggests dressing and moving in a way that makes you indistinguishable from the crowd. Avoiding tactical gear and military-style clothing is crucial, as is being mindful of the local norms. For instance, a black hoodie and jeans might not stand out in downtown San Francisco but could in Salt Lake City. Practicing quick outfit changes can also enhance your stealth skills. It's essential to pay attention to your surroundings and the smallest details, such as noises you make or the parts of your house that creak. Additionally, studying other people in various environments can help you learn how to blend in effectively. Remember, black bloc is a specific tactic for anonymity within a crowd context, and there are other methods to consider depending on your goals.

    • Blend in by observing subtlyPractice stealth by mimicking body language, pointing body less noticeably, using peripheral vision, and avoiding eye contact. Wear earplugs, use earphones, and practice quiet walking to be less detectable. Engage in indirect observations like using phone screen as reflection or tracking by sound.

      Practicing stealth involves observing your surroundings and the people in them subtly, without drawing direct attention to yourself. This can be achieved through various means such as mimicking the body language of unnoticed individuals, pointing your body in less noticeable directions, and using indirect observations like peripheral vision, reflection, or sound. Additionally, avoiding eye contact, wearing earplugs or earphones, and practicing quiet walking can make you less detectable. Engaging in indirect observations, such as using your phone screen as a reflection or tracking people by sound, can give you an advantage in not being noticed. Remember, the goal is to blend in and not stick out.

    • Using a phone as a mirror or camera for indirect observationIndirect observation using a phone as a mirror or camera requires careful planning and execution to avoid unwanted attention. Safer alternatives include using reflections or observing from a distance using sound or other indirect methods.

      Using a phone as a mirror or a camera for indirect observation can be an effective method for documenting or observing people without being overtly noticeable. However, it requires careful planning and execution, as using a phone as a camera in public can draw unwanted attention. Safer alternatives include using reflections, such as windows or mirrors, or observing from a distance using sound or other indirect methods. It's essential to be aware of one's surroundings and potential risks when employing such tactics. Additionally, there are various tools and resources available to help individuals navigate their environments more discreetly, such as city websites that map out security camera locations. Overall, indirect observation can be a valuable skill for those seeking to gather information or build connections in a subtle and unobtrusive way.

    • Protecting privacy from local law enforcementBe aware of camera locations, avoid eye contact with cameras, collaborate with environment, learn from resources, and interact with surroundings in a non-suspicious manner to avoid detection by local authorities

      Understanding surveillance and learning to move unnoticed in your surroundings can help protect your privacy from local law enforcement. This includes being aware of camera locations, avoiding direct eye contact with cameras, and collaborating with your environment. However, combating advanced surveillance methods like thermal drones and infringement from organizations like the NSA is much more challenging. While it may be impossible to completely evade all forms of surveillance, focusing on interacting with your immediate surroundings in a non-suspicious manner can make it easier to avoid detection by local authorities. Additionally, learning from resources like graphic novels and collaborating with others can enhance your stealth skills. Remember, stealth is not just about you, it's about you and your environment.

    • Community takes control of local hospital during Seattle protestsDuring social unrest, communities can come together to transform essential services into more equitable systems, addressing supply shortages and providing essential care.

      During a time of social unrest and political upheaval in Seattle, the community came together to take control of essential services, specifically the local hospital. The hospital workers, with the help of the local tenants union and neighborhood council, transformed the hospital into a community health center. This was a response to the management's actions during the protests, as they had fired nurses for providing shelter to injured protesters. The community's collective action addressed the supply shortages and created a more equitable healthcare system. This event serves as a powerful reminder of the potential for community-driven change during times of crisis.

    • Coexistence of two governing bodies or sources of power during political instabilityDuring times of political instability, the emergence of dual power can lead to decreased crime rates due to community self-governance, but long-term implications can result in either a new society or a dictatorship

      The concept of "dual power" emerged during times of political instability and power vacuums, as seen in the Algerian uprising and the Russian Revolution. Dual power refers to the coexistence of two governing bodies or sources of power, often arising from the grassroots level, such as self-organized security committees or Soviets. Contrary to some expectations, crime rates may decrease during these periods due to the sense of community and self-governance. However, the long-term implications of dual power can vary greatly. Lenin saw it as an opportunity to seize state power for the Bolsheviks, but ultimately led to the stripping of power from the workers, peasants, and soldiers, resulting in a dictatorship. In today's context, the vacuum left by a weakened state could be filled by various organizations, some potentially more hostile to the working class than the Bolsheviks. Building dual power organizations, such as tenants' unions or workers' councils, can help challenge the state's power and create a counter-power, ultimately forming the structure of a new society in the shell of the old.

    • Creating a new world through direct democracy and dual power organizationsDual power organizations foster cultural transformation towards collective decision-making and create new democratic leaders, ultimately replacing existing power structures with free and autonomous forms.

      Prefigurative politics and dual power organizations offer a means to create the new world we seek through direct democratic institutions and decision-making, while also addressing immediate needs. These organizations serve as schools for democracy, fostering cultural transformation towards collective decision-making and creating a new generation of democratic leaders. Notable examples include the Black Panther Party's survival programs, which successfully implemented dual power in the United States. At their core, these organizations aim to replace existing power structures with free and autonomous forms, ultimately leading to a profound societal transformation.

    • Black Panther Party's survival programs and dual powerBuilding community power through survival programs and dual power organizations leads to revolutionary struggle, as shown by the Palestinian resistance movement.

      The Black Panther Party's survival programs, such as free breakfasts for children and medical clinics, were crucial for keeping communities alive and building their influence. However, these programs were not long-term solutions but rather a means to meet survival needs while striving for revolution. Dual power goes beyond survival and involves building counter power against the state and capital. Autonomous projects and mutual aid programs are essential but only dual power organizations that actively aid in struggle and build community power qualify. The Palestinian resistance movement offers an example of how dual power can emerge even in the most oppressive circumstances, leading to self-governance and revolutionary struggle. Ultimately, organizations that build capacity to fight can emerge from anywhere, and even the most oppressed communities can assemble remarkable levels of organization and resistance.

    • Community and Communication in Times of CrisisIn crises, local councils and daily reporting assemblies help coordinate efforts and share info, while understanding motivations and backgrounds of individuals is crucial for survival.

      Decentralization and communication are key in times of crisis. In the text, we see this play out in the aftermath of a societal collapse, where the formation of local councils and a daily reporting assembly (EMA) helps coordinate efforts and share information. Despite challenges like blockades and the collapse of supply lines, the community's ability to work together and adapt to changing circumstances is crucial for survival. Additionally, the text highlights the importance of understanding the motivations and backgrounds of individuals, as seen in the true crime podcast "The Shadow Girls" and the various podcast hosts. Overall, the text emphasizes the importance of community, communication, and adaptability in the face of adversity.

    • Well-organized groups can use social services and dual power tactics to gain support and build political powerWell-organized groups, whether left or right wing, can effectively leverage social services and dual power tactics to gain support and build political power, but this strategy can also be used to oppress marginalized communities.

      Well-organized groups, whether left or right wing, can effectively utilize social services and dual power tactics to gain support and build political power. This was evident in the rise of the Mahdi army in Iraq, led by the Sadr family, who used their organization to provide welfare and healthcare to the working class, and in turn, transformed this goodwill into military power. Similarly, right wing organizations like Hezbollah have also relied heavily on financial support from wealthy backers and social service programs to expand their influence. This strategy has proven successful in various contexts, including the Middle East and beyond. It's important to note, however, that while these tactics can be effective, they can also be used to repress and oppress marginalized communities, as seen in the case of Sadrism's brutal campaign against anti-austerity protests in Iraq. Ultimately, understanding this dynamic can help us better grasp the complexities of political power and the role of social services in shaping political movements.

    • Unexpected sources of strong communitiesVolunteering and helping neighbors can build strong communities, while effective and swift aid can also be used as a tool for political power and influence

      Building strong communities can come from unexpected sources. Neighbor to Neighbor in California is an example of how volunteering and helping neighbors can create meaningful social bonds and prepare communities for challenges. Meanwhile, organizations like Hezbollah and the RSS have used social services as a means to gain power and influence, highlighting the importance of effective and swift aid in the face of state inaction. In the case of Hezbollah, this strategy helped the organization rise to power in Lebanon, while the RSS in India has used disaster relief and community building as a way to spread its influence and promote a Hindu state. These examples show that community building and aid can have significant political implications.

    • Building new societies within the oldPolitical and religious groups employ prefigurative politics to construct new societies, impacting cultures significantly. Alternatives like Cooperation Jackson promote dual power and self-determination for marginalized communities.

      Various political and religious groups, such as the RSS in India and the Christian Right in America, have employed prefigurative politics to build new societies within the framework of the old. The RSS used the earthquake as an opportunity to construct a new Hindu society, while the Christian Right focused on influencing the family, church, education, media, economy, and government. These strategies have led to significant impacts on their respective cultures. However, movements like Cooperation Jackson in Jackson, Mississippi, offer alternatives to these dominant narratives by promoting dual power and self-determination for marginalized communities. Ultimately, understanding these strategies and their implications can help us navigate the complexities of contemporary politics and society.

    • A community-centered mutual aid food distribution projectDuring times of need, building relationships and collaboration among organizations can lead to effective and sustainable food distribution systems.

      Polo's Pantry, a mutual aid food distribution project based in Los Angeles, stands out from traditional charity projects due to its emphasis on reciprocity and community collaboration. Founded by Melissa Esiderra, a community organizer, the project started as a response to the high demand for food resources among organizations working with homeless individuals. By building relationships with various organizations and food banks, Polo's Pantry created a reliable system for distributing food to those in need. Esiderra's background in activism and organizing led her to view the project through a community-centered lens, which allowed for a more cooperative approach to addressing food insecurity. This mutual aid model proved particularly effective during the COVID-19 pandemic, as various organizations came together to share resources and support each other.

    • Identify community needs and collaborate with local organizationsStarting a mutual aid project requires understanding community needs and partnering with local organizations to build a reliable network and serve the community effectively.

      Starting a mutual aid project involves identifying the needs of your community first and connecting with existing local organizations to collaborate and build a network. It's essential to understand the community's requirements before setting up your organization. Reach out to grassroots organizations in your area, and research opportunities to tap into their work. Approach potential partners with transparency about your goals, the demographic you aim to serve, and how often you plan to provide assistance. Building a reliable network takes time, but partnering with larger chains can help establish a steady supply. Remember, mutual aid work is not a solo endeavor, and it's crucial to work from the ground up, allowing the community to lead and inform your efforts.

    • Expanding food aid initiatives through partnershipsPartnering with 501c3s allows smaller orgs to access more resources and reach more people in need. Local food businesses, reducing waste, and fostering community food sovereignty are crucial steps towards sustainable food systems.

      Partnering with an established 501c3 organization can significantly expand the reach and impact of food aid initiatives. By becoming a fiscal sponsor, smaller organizations can access larger quantities of food and resources, helping them to support a greater number of people in need. Building relationships with local food businesses and advocating for the reduction of food waste are also crucial steps towards creating sustainable and hyper-local food systems. The pandemic has highlighted the inadequacies of current food assistance programs, and the future may bring stricter regulations on food waste disposal. Ultimately, the goal is to empower communities to dictate their own food needs and resources, moving towards a vision of food sovereignty. Mutual aid initiatives, which have played a vital role in helping communities survive during the pandemic, will continue to be essential in this evolving food landscape.

    • Mutual aid extends beyond food to community careMutual aid organizations thrived during the pandemic, bypassing bureaucracy and providing quick, effective responses to community needs

      Mutual aid goes beyond just providing food and extends to various forms of community care. This was especially evident during the pandemic when the safety net failed to help many communities. Mutual aid organizations like Melissa Apollos's thrived due to word-of-mouth and community partnerships. Their impact was significant, with over 75,000 meals provided to those in need through a community-led program. The success of these initiatives lies in their ability to bypass bureaucracy and red tape, allowing for quick and effective responses to community needs. Mutual aid's power lies in the people and their collective ability to create better systems and redirect resources to those in need.

    • Building a Robust Mutual Aid Network during the PandemicConsistently sharing resources and building strong relationships are key to creating successful mutual aid networks. Trust and nourishing relationships are essential to sustain the effort.

      Mutual aid networks thrive on consistent resource sharing and strong relationships between individuals and organizations. During the pandemic, a group in Los Angeles built a "cloud inventory" of resources by connecting with other organizations and friends, creating a robust system to provide essentials like meals and hygiene kits to those in need. Consistency was crucial, as city support was unreliable. Books like "Mutual Aid" by Dean Spade and resources on food justice were recommended for those looking to get involved in similar work. Building relationships and trust is key to creating a successful mutual aid network, and it's important to remember to take care of each other and nourish those relationships to sustain the effort.

    • Listen and learn from local leaders in food justice activismAuthentic research and collaboration are essential for effective food justice activism. Build trust and support community-driven solutions.

      When it comes to food justice activism, it's crucial for outsiders to listen and learn from local leaders and communities, rather than imposing solutions without consultation. This approach builds trust and fosters sustainable, community-driven solutions. For those interested in getting involved in food justice work, authentic research and collaboration are key. You can follow the speaker's work on Twitter @polospantry and @meleselimusic. Remember, being extractive or imposing solutions without community input is not helpful. Instead, aim to make genuine connections and support existing initiatives.

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    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Host: Robert Evans

    Executive Producer: Sophie Lichterman

    Writers: Bea Lake, Donovan Smith, Elaine Kinchen, Garrison Davis, Robert Evans

    Narration: Bea Lake, Donovan Smith, Elaine Kinchen, Garrison Davis, Robert Evans

    Editor: Chris Szczech

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