
    Podcast Summary

    • Seizing Opportunities: BetMGM, Purdue Global, and BeyondBetMGM offers new customers up to $1500 in bonus bets, while Purdue Global provides a chance for individuals to earn a respected degree. Every play and every step towards learning can lead to significant change.

      Whether it's sports betting with BetMGM or pursuing education with Purdue Global, every step you take can bring significant change to your life. At BetMGM, new customers can enjoy up to $1500 in bonus bets if their first bet doesn't win. With access to various parlay selection features, live betting options, and daily promotions, every play matters more than ever. On the other hand, Purdue Global offers a chance for individuals to earn a degree they're proud of, backed by one of the nation's most respected universities. Meanwhile, in the world of news and entertainment, Amy Winehouse's "Back to Black" is coming to theaters, and Detroit's black community stays connected through the Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily. In Atlanta, despite public opposition, the COP City militarized police training facility was approved. This serves as a reminder that, despite what the majority may want, decisions are often influenced by money and power. Overall, these stories highlight the importance of taking action and seizing opportunities, while also emphasizing the need for persistence and resilience in the face of adversity.

    • Atlanta City Council leases forest land for police training facility despite public oppositionAtlanta City Council approved a $90M lease of forest land to the Atlanta Police Foundation for a training facility, sparking controversy and delay due to public opposition. Critics argue against destruction of forest land and expanding police power, while modern activism focuses on media coverage to pressure politicians.

      The Atlanta City Council voted to lease 350 acres of city-owned forest land to the Atlanta Police Foundation for $90,000,000 to build a police training facility. The facility includes an explosives testing facility, firing ranges, emergency vehicle operations course, classroom space, emergency helicopter pad, and a mock town. The public expressed strong opposition to the proposal, leading to the vote being rescheduled and delayed. The Atlanta Police Foundation, a political advocacy group with corporate funding, will pay for $60,000,000, while taxpayers cover $30,000,000. Critics argue that the destruction of forest land for a concrete training facility is unnecessary and that resistance will continue. Modern activism against such projects often focuses on creating media coverage to pressure politicians to intervene, rather than physically preventing construction. The Atlanta Police Foundation's efforts to expand police power in the city have also raised concerns. The discussion also touched on the comparison between past and present protest methods and the critique of the Stop Line 3 protests. The best brisket in Atlanta was mentioned as a light-hearted moment during the conversation.

    • Enbridge Pipeline Expansion: 900 Arrests and Police CoordinationEnbridge paid US police $2.5M for arrests, surveillance, and coordination, including daily meetings and direct communication to remove protesters, raising concerns about corporate influence on law enforcement and activism suppression.

      The recently completed oil pipeline expansion project by Enbridge, which doubles the capacity to 760,000 barrels of oil a day, has been met with significant resistance from activists. Police have arrested over 900 people, and felony charges have been filed against them for locking down to equipment. Enbridge has paid US police almost $2.5 million for arrests, surveillance, and coordination between the company and law enforcement. The extent of this coordination includes daily meetings and Enbridge directly calling or sending letters to police to remove protesters. Additionally, Enbridge has paid for proactive safety patrols and specific officer surveillance following alleged activists, even trailing specific cars and conducting in-person surveillance on individuals. These practices raise concerns about the extent of corporate influence on law enforcement and the suppression of activism.

    • Recognizing Potential for Growth and ChangeIt's important to evaluate individuals and organizations based on their current actions and intentions, rather than their past mistakes alone.

      While it's important to acknowledge the past mistakes and problematic beliefs of certain organizations and individuals, it's equally important to recognize their potential for growth and change. The term "eco-fascism" is often misused to label groups like Earth First based on their past actions or the beliefs of some of its members. However, eco-fascism implies far-right populist policies and genocidal ideologies, which Earth First does not advocate for. The organization's focus on environmental issues and resistance to destructive industries should not be overshadowed by the actions of a few individuals from its past. Furthermore, it's essential to distinguish between the current members and the past actions, as the majority of the members today were not involved in the organization decades ago. The ongoing efforts of Earth First to uplift indigenous voices and promote green resistance demonstrate their commitment to making things right and learning from their past mistakes. Ultimately, it's crucial to evaluate individuals and organizations based on their current actions and intentions rather than their past mistakes alone.

    • Exploring the history of the green resistance movement and the California recall electionThe green resistance movement, inspired by Edward Abbey, highlights the need for critical and informed discussions on historical and current events, including the California recall election's implications for reforms and climate action.

      While Edward Abbey's writings were influential in the beginning of the green resistance movement, it's important to remember that discussing an organization or movement's history doesn't equate to endorsing every aspect of it. Regarding current events, the costly California recall election against Gavin Newsom highlighted the need for reforms in the recall process, which required only 12% signatures and allowed for a candidate to win with a plurality of votes. Despite Newsom's victory, California's climate issues still require significant attention and action. Overall, it's crucial to approach historical and current discussions with a critical and informed perspective.

    • Rhetoric of Election Fraud and Its Impact on Voter TurnoutHistorical examples show that election fraud allegations can decrease voter participation, particularly among the party making the claims. The impact of such rhetoric on future elections remains to be seen.

      The rhetoric of election fraud, particularly during close elections, can have significant effects on voter turnout. During the California gubernatorial election in 2021, Republican candidates and conservative media outlets heavily pushed the idea that the election could be rigged if Larry Elder lost. However, Elder himself seemed to back down from this rhetoric in his concession speech. This raises the question of whether such claims could disenfranchise Republican voters and decrease their turnout in future elections. While there is no definitive answer, historical examples exist where election fraud allegations led to decreased voter participation. Additionally, during the same election cycle, there were interviews with people in Florida who didn't vote due to their belief that elections were stolen in the past. It remains to be seen how effective this rhetoric will be in the future, especially when the claims are baseless. Furthermore, Newsom's signing of Senate Bill 796 to return Bruce's Beach to its rightful owners is a positive step towards addressing past injustices.

    • New California Laws Bring Relief to Certain GroupsCalifornia Governor Gavin Newsom signed new laws making it illegal to remove a condom without consent, requiring menstrual products in public schools, and streamlining assisted death process. These actions may not solve all issues but can bring relief to specific groups.

      California Governor Gavin Newsom signed several new laws recently, some of which are groundbreaking. These laws include making it illegal to remove a condom without consent during intercourse, requiring menstrual products in public schools, and streamlining the process for assisted death. These actions, while not solving all the major issues, can bring relief to certain groups of people. It's important to note that politicians may enact good policies out of fear or necessity rather than genuine motivation. These changes would not have occurred if Newsom had lost the recall election. Additionally, the extension of cocktail hours and the removal of police badges from officers with vague misconduct allegations were also signed into law. Overall, while these changes may not fundamentally address the larger problems, they can improve the lives of some individuals. The debate continues on the effectiveness of voting as harm reduction, with recent actions in California serving as evidence that it can indeed bring about positive change.

    • Updates on California wildfires, election processes, and cop city in AtlantaListen to various perspectives, not just podcasts, for comprehensive understanding of current events. Check reputable sources and historical materials for in-depth information.

      The hosts of the podcast discussed recent updates on three stories they had previously covered: California wildfires, election processes, and the proposed cop city in Atlanta. They emphasized the importance of listening to various perspectives and not relying solely on their podcast for information. They also mentioned that they will continue to follow up on stories and provide updates as events unfold. The hosts recommended sources such as It's Going Down, Margaret Kiljoy's Live Like the World is Dying, and Saint Andrews YouTube channel for alternative perspectives. They also encouraged listeners to read history books and check out articles from reputable sources for more in-depth information. The hosts reminded listeners to check their website for sources and links to articles they mentioned during the episode. They also announced their intention to produce more episodes like this in the future, where they provide updates on previously covered stories. Lastly, they shared a memorable experience of having the best brisket at a shady-looking place in Atlanta, emphasizing that sometimes the best barbecue comes from unexpected places.

    • Opportunities for personal and community growth through education, news, and storytellingPurdue Global offers flexible education opportunities for adults, Michigan Chronicle provides authentic news for the black community, and solarpunk emphasizes inspiring stories for a sustainable future

      Both Purdue Global and the Michigan Chronicle offer valuable opportunities for personal and community growth. Purdue Global provides a chance for adults to earn degrees and certificates based on their existing knowledge and experience, recognizing their worth and helping them advance in their careers. The Michigan Chronicle, on the other hand, offers authentic and empowering news and stories from the black community, keeping readers informed, connected, and uplifted. Meanwhile, in a different context, Saint Andrew, a solarpunk anarchist, emphasizes the importance of better stories and myths to inspire and guide us towards a sustainable and just future. Solarpunk, as a vision of the future, emphasizes environmental sustainability, self-governance, autonomy, and social justice, aiming to heal the rift between humanity and nature. By understanding and embracing these concepts, we can navigate the challenges of the present and work towards a better future. So whether it's through education, news, or storytelling, there's always an opportunity to learn, grow, and make a positive impact.

    • Sustainable living through Solarpunk practicesSolarpunk goes beyond aesthetics, promoting practical methods for sustainable living like Gorilla gardening, community gardening, forest gardening, coppicing, and solar technology. However, phasing out cars and freighters is necessary due to resource depletion.

      Solarpunk is more than just an aesthetic; it's about practical solutions for sustainable living. Gorilla gardening, community gardening, forest gardening, coppicing, and solar-powered technology are some of the ways Solarpunk is put into practice. However, it's essential to acknowledge that not all consumptive practices can be replaced with less extractive methods. For instance, cars and freighter ships must be phased out due to the depletion of oil and natural gas resources. The future will require a shift in the way we produce and consume resources, moving away from global supply chains and gas-guzzling transportation towards more sustainable alternatives.

    • Living with local ecosystemsTo combat climate change, we should embrace local ecosystems through practices like guerrilla gardening, foraging, and sustainable forest management, and acknowledge the importance of indigenous knowledge and land restoration.

      While stopping global trade and travel may not be a viable solution due to human nature, we need to reconsider our expectations of year-round availability of all fruits and vegetables. Instead, we should learn to live with our local ecosystems through practices like guerrilla gardening, foraging, and sustainable forest management. Indigenous methods and land restoration are crucial in this regard, as they offer valuable knowledge and practices for living in harmony with nature. It's essential to acknowledge the interconnectedness of colonialism and ecocide, and address indigenous sovereignty and land back as integral parts of the solution to climate change. Unfortunately, some discourses on social media oversimplify land back as just a matter of resource ownership, missing the bigger picture. It's frustrating to see these discussions recycled without genuine interest in understanding the complexities and pragmatism of land restoration.

    • Indigenous land management vs government controlIndigenous practices outperform government management. Diverse crop varieties and sustainable farming are essential for food resilience, which is threatened by industrialized agriculture and monoculture farming.

      The relationship between humans and the land is crucial for sustainable living, and centralized land management by governments often leads to issues. Indigenous land management practices have proven to be more effective than federal government management. The discussion also touched upon the topic of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). While there's nothing inherently dangerous about GMOs, the industrialized agriculture that often accompanies their use, with monoculture farming and large-scale production, is not sustainable. The loss of diverse crop varieties before colonization is a reminder of the importance of cultivating a wide range of crops through genetic modification for food resilience. Additionally, the value of fiction and myth-making in imagining a better future was emphasized, as society seems to have forgotten how to envision utopias and instead focuses on dystopian and apocalyptic narratives.

    • Imagining a Sustainable Future with SolarpunkSolarpunk, a genre of positive fiction, offers practical examples of reducing carbon footprint and engaging in climate discussions through art, literature, and media. Its imaginative stories inspire real-life change and are essential for radical politics.

      Solarpunk, a genre of positive fiction that imagines a better world, offers an energizing and pragmatic vision for creating a sustainable future. Through its art, literature, and media, solarpunk provides examples of actions individuals can take right now to reduce their carbon footprint and engage in political discussions about climate change, indigenous sovereignty, and the relationship between the Global North and the Global South. Solarpunk's imaginative and thought-provoking stories have the power to spark creativity and inspire real-life change, making it a vital force in radical politics. For those new to the concept, recommended solarpunk reads include "The Dispossessed" by Ursula K. Le Guin, "Sun Vault" by various authors, "Multi Species Cities," and "Ecotopia," published in 1975. These stories offer a glimpse into a sustainable future and encourage readers to think critically about how they can contribute to a better world.

    • Exploring new ideas with an open mindInvestigate new ideas with an open mind, consider personal biases, and engage critically for personal growth and meaningful change.

      When encountering new ideas or perspectives that challenge our preconceived notions, it's essential to investigate them with an open mind instead of immediately dismissing them. This advice applies not only to radical politics but also to everyday life. Our initial reactions might be influenced by unexamined privileges or discomfort, so it's crucial to consider whether the issue is with the idea itself or with our own biases. Moreover, embracing new ideas, such as solarpunk, can be energizing and lead to positive action, rather than wallowing in nihilistic ideologies. The depth and nuance of the collapse phenomenon, as explored in thought-provoking videos like the one on the psychology of collapse, are essential to understanding and addressing this complex feeling. By engaging with these ideas critically and thoughtfully, we can grow and contribute to meaningful change.

    • Anarchism is about more than destructionAnarchism involves constructive practices like mutual aid and community building, often overshadowed by media focus on destructive events

      While destructive actions may grab headlines and receive immediate attention, the constructive aspects of anarchism and activism are equally important and often more impactful in the long run. The media's focus on sensational events can overshadow the positive changes brought about through mutual aid, community building, and other non-violent methods. Anarchism is not just about destruction, but also about creation and improvement. The examples of mutual aid and successful eviction defense occupations in Portland last year demonstrate this. To expand on this idea, it's important to remember that there are various tools in the activist's toolbox, and while destruction has its place, it should not be the only practice. The aesthetic of solarpunk, with its focus on community building and sustainable living, can inspire and encourage individuals to explore new ways of making a positive impact. Works like David Graeber's "The Shock of Victory" and Cory Doctorow's "Walk Away" can serve as valuable sources of inspiration and provide a more nuanced understanding of anarchism and activism.

    • Supporting Each Other Through TransitionsDuring societal collapse or transition, check on friends, explore community, and adapt with knowledge and resilience.

      During times of societal collapse or transition, it's crucial to support each other and not go through it alone. Andrew, a guest on the podcast, emphasized the importance of checking on friends and offered several video recommendations on topics like black anarchism, the psychology of authoritarianism, and implementing food forests. He also encouraged listeners to explore his solarpunk videos and the fun "Let's Sing Ploom" video. Additionally, the conversation touched on various challenges, such as shortages and price increases, that require a sense of awe and resilience. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of community, knowledge, and adaptability during uncertain times.

    • Misconceptions about supply chain issues under capitalismCapitalism's focus on maximizing profits led to a fragile supply chain system, but the root cause is multifaceted, involving the 1980s corporate takeover, working class loss, and shipping container's impact

      The current supply chain issues are not primarily due to a lack of resources, but rather a result of decisions made under capitalism to maximize profits and create a fragile system. This misconception, which can be found in various conspiracy theories, oversimplifies the complex issue. The root cause can be traced back to the 1980s Wall Street takeover of corporate America and the shift towards increasing short-term stock prices. However, this explanation is incomplete. A more comprehensive understanding requires acknowledging the broader context of the working class losing the class war in the 1960s and 70s, and the role of shipping containers as a boomerang technology causing irreparable damage to society. This intricate relationship between these seemingly unrelated topics ultimately reveals that all supply chains are affected.

    • Labor unrest in the 1960s, particularly in ItalyItaly's 'Hot Autumn' saw workers seize factories, ruling class responded with repression, US rebuilt Japanese and South Korean economies for war efforts, but labor unrest persisted

      The 1960s were marked by significant labor unrest and upheaval, particularly in Italy where there were prolonged factory occupations and strikes. These events, known as the "Hot Autumn" of 1969, saw tens of thousands of workers seizing control of their factories and demanding greater autonomy. The Italian ruling class responded with political repression, but this proved insufficient to quell the unrest. Instead, they looked to other conflicts, specifically the national liberation wars, for answers. The US, facing logistical challenges in fighting wars on the other side of the world, rebuilt the Japanese and South Korean economies to use their industrial bases for war efforts. However, this did not fully solve the issue of labor unrest and class conflict. The discussion highlights the complex and far-reaching impacts of labor movements and the challenges faced by ruling classes in maintaining control during times of social upheaval.

    • Containerized shipping transformed global commerceContainerized shipping's uniform boxes enabled efficient transportation, integrated communist countries into capitalist supply chains, and fueled economic growth in countries like China

      Containerized shipping revolutionized global commerce and logistics, with its uniform boxes allowing for efficient stacking and transportation on ships and trains. This innovation, which evolved from military applications during times of war, transformed the way goods were moved between countries, leading to the integration of communist countries into the capitalist supply chain and the spread of capitalism itself. The US, seeking to stop the spread of communism after losing wars in Korea and Vietnam, sent entire factories to countries like China, leading to their economic rise. The containerized shipping industry, born out of military necessity, became a key driver of global economic development.

    • The rise of containerized shipping and Wall Street takeovers led to the decline of labor powerContainerized shipping made it cost-effective for corporations to move production to countries with lower labor costs, while Wall Street focused on raising stock prices, leading to the outsourcing of jobs and the decline of labor power.

      The integration of China into the global supply chain through containerized shipping and the Wall Street takeover of corporations played a significant role in the decline of organized labor and the outsourcing of jobs. Before containerized shipping, it was inefficient and expensive to produce goods in multiple countries and ship them around the world. However, with the advent of cheap containerized shipping, corporations could easily move production to countries with lower labor costs, effectively destroying labor movements and unions. At the same time, Wall Street bankers bought out corporations, focusing solely on raising stock prices, leading to the cutting of costs such as pensions and research and development. In some cases, corporations even outsourced violence and terror to reduce labor costs in countries with weak labor protections. This combination of factors led to the outsourcing wave and the decline of labor power in favor of corporate profits.

    • The Tiananmen Square protests were about more than just democracy for students in BeijingThe Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 also involved labor movements advocating for better working conditions, which the CCP suppressed, leading to the end of organized labor in China and inefficient global supply chains.

      The events at Tiananmen Square in 1989 were not just about students protesting for democracy in Beijing, but also about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) suppressing labor movements and organizing in the factories outside of the square. These workers were advocating for democracy and better working conditions, and their advocacy threatened the CCP's power. As a result, the CCP ordered a massacre, leading to the deaths of thousands of workers. This event marked the end of organized labor in China and contributed to the inefficient global supply chains we see today. These supply chains are designed to destroy labor unions and keep wages low, but they are not efficient in practical terms, leading to long production times and components being made in multiple countries. The CCP's actions in 1989 were a form of counterinsurgency, aimed at maintaining control and preventing the spread of labor organizing and worker power. The global supply chains that have evolved since then reflect this history of labor repression.

    • Push for efficient supply chains and their unintended consequencesThe pursuit of maximum efficiency in supply chains through just-in-time production has led to a fragile system vulnerable to labor actions and supply chain disruptions, potentially weakening the organized working class.

      The push for efficient supply chains, as exemplified by Japan's Toyota Production System and later adopted globally, aimed to eliminate inventory and keep production constantly in motion. However, this system's inflexibility and reliance on just-in-time production has been exposed during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing John Deere strike. The inability to store spare parts or increase production capacity when needed has led to significant disruptions, highlighting the unintended consequences of this industrial model. Ultimately, the drive for maximum efficiency has resulted in a fragile system that may have inadvertently weakened the organized working class, leaving industries vulnerable to labor actions and supply chain disruptions.

    • Labor shortages and fragile supply chains pose significant risksThe just-in-time production model leaves companies vulnerable to labor disruptions, which can lead to significant economic consequences. Workers' reluctance to work due to poor conditions and high mortality rates exacerbate these risks, and industries with weakened strike funds are particularly vulnerable.

      The global supply chain's just-in-time production model, which relies on the continuous and quick movement of goods, has left many companies vulnerable to disruptions. This vulnerability is heightened by the fact that workers, who are crucial for unloading ships and producing goods, are increasingly reluctant to work due to poor conditions and high mortality rates, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. This labor shortage, combined with the fragility of the just-in-time production system, can result in significant supply chain disruptions and economic consequences. The situation is further complicated by the fact that many industries, such as auto manufacturing, have weakened their strike survival funds, leaving them ill-prepared to weather labor disputes. The interconnected nature of the global economy means that disruptions in one sector can have far-reaching consequences, highlighting the importance of addressing labor issues and improving the resilience of the supply chain.

    • Supply chain crisis worsened by driver shortage, port infrastructure issues, and poor working conditionsThe supply chain crisis is being fueled by a shortage of truck drivers, insufficient port infrastructure, and poor working conditions for port workers, which are not being addressed by Biden's plan to keep ports open 24/7 and increase shipping frequency

      The current supply chain crisis is being exacerbated by various factors including the lack of truck drivers, insufficient port infrastructure, and poor working conditions. The shortage of truck drivers is due in part to their historically poor treatment and the shift to subcontracting. Port infrastructure has not kept pace with demand due to a lack of investment from shipping companies, which have instead focused on maximizing profits through dividends. The working conditions for port workers are also contributing to the crisis, with long hours, erratic schedules, and insufficient rest between shifts. These issues are not being addressed by Biden's plan to keep ports open 24/7 and increase shipping frequency, which fails to address the root causes of the crisis. The crisis has created opportunities for workers to demand better conditions and for new solutions to emerge, but it also highlights the need for long-term investment in infrastructure and fair labor practices.

    • Power Shift in WorkplacesEmployees now have more power due to changing workplace dynamics, making union funds and mutual aid crucial for protection and collective bargaining.

      The traditional workplace dynamics are changing, and employees now have more power than ever before. The authoritarian nature of workplaces, where bosses control every aspect of employees' lives, is being challenged. People can say no, form unions, or simply leave their jobs. This shift is highlighted during strikes, where formal strikes are accompanied by informal general strikes, with people quitting their jobs en masse. The reserve army of labor, which was once relied upon by capitalism to solve its problems, is now becoming a potential threat. This moment marks a significant shift in power dynamics, making union funds and mutual aid more crucial than ever. Our product, or in this context, our ability to contribute to society and provide for ourselves, can be a powerful weapon.

    • A unique opportunity for positive change amidst economic instabilityExpose weaknesses in globalized supply chains and authoritarian workplaces, harness govt capabilities for domestic supply chains, and take collective action for worker safety

      The current economic situation, marked by rising prices, shortages, and labor unrest, presents a unique opportunity for positive change. The fragility of globalized supply chains and the authoritarianism of some workplaces have been exposed, potentially weakening the tools used to suppress labor movements and unionization. However, the U.S. government's central planning capabilities, which have primarily been used for military production, could be harnessed to improve domestic supply chains and support workers. This moment calls for collective action, such as unionizing or taking control of workplaces, as those in power may not prioritize worker safety. To learn more about this topic, stay tuned to Allegedly. Remember, if you're listening, do something.

    • BetMGM's sports betting experience vs Purdue Global's flexible educationBetMGM offers a top-notch sports betting experience with numerous parlay features, live betting, and daily promotions. Simultaneously, Purdue Global caters to working adults, offering flexible degree programs to help them advance their careers.

      BetMGM offers an exceptional sports betting experience with various parlay selection features, live betting options, and daily promotions, while Purdue Global provides flexible degree programs for working adults to advance their careers. Elsewhere, the Kellogg strike involves 1400 workers at four American plants, represented by the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers, and Grain Millers International Union. Their contract negotiations in 2021 focused on pushing back against a 2015-introduced 2-tier employment system, which created a significant wage gap and fewer benefits for some employees.

    • Kellogg's Memphis Strike: Company's Attempt to Eliminate Cap on Transitional WorkersKellogg's attempt to eliminate the cap on transitional workers, who make less and receive fewer benefits than full-time employees, has led to a contentious strike. This two-tier system risks destabilizing established unions, increasing turnover rates, and creating precarious working conditions.

      The ongoing strike at Kellogg's Memphis plant is a result of the company's attempt to eliminate the cap on transitional workers, who make less and receive fewer benefits than full-time employees. This two-tier system, introduced around a decade ago, has been a contentious issue in various industries, including agriculture and healthcare. By pitting workers against each other and creating precarious working conditions, Kellogg's and other companies employing similar strategies risk destabilizing established unions and increasing turnover rates. Workers, who are deeply committed to their jobs, feel betrayed by the company's actions, which have led to numerous injuries and a high turnover rate among transitional workers. Despite the challenging conditions, these workers remain dedicated to their work and are fighting for fair treatment.

    • Kellogg's Workers Strike for Equal Pay and HealthcareKellogg's workers went on strike due to unmet demands for equal pay and healthcare, despite record profits and executive bonuses. The situation is complicated by the use of transitional workers and potential union destabilization.

      Kellogg's workers are on strike due to unmet demands for equal pay and healthcare, despite the company's record profits and executive bonuses. The workers feel they've been pushed into this action due to stalled negotiations and a perceived lack of concern from management. The situation is complicated by Kellogg's use of transitional workers and the potential for replacing full-time employees with this tier, which could lead to a more precarious workforce and potential union destabilization. The recent involvement of other unions to honor their contracts at Kellogg's adds another layer of complexity to the situation. Ultimately, the workers are fighting for fair treatment and a more stable workforce, as the current situation risks dividing and weakening the labor force.

    • Community support essential for labor strikesLabor strikes require community backing through strike funds and public presence, but violence against picket lines and lack of police protection pose challenges.

      Community support is crucial for sustaining labor strikes. The Kellogg's strike in Omaha serves as a reminder that labor movements cannot thrive without the backing of the community. Strike funds and public presence are essential to keep workers going during lengthy actions. However, there is a concerning trend of violence against picket lines, including bus and vehicle attacks. The police often fail to intervene, making the situation more dangerous for laborers. The historical lack of police protection for laborers is a long-standing issue, with notable exceptions being rare. Despite these challenges, the workers at the Kellogg's strike have shown resilience and received overwhelming community support. Their stories of hard work and dedication highlight the importance of standing together in the face of adversity.

    • Community Rallies Behind Kellogg's Striking WorkersThe Kellogg's strike in Omaha has gained community support, with solidarity actions and a clear sense of class consciousness among workers. Listeners can support by donating, following on social media, and avoiding Kellogg's products due to concerns over scabs producing contaminated food.

      The ongoing Kellogg's strike in Omaha, Nebraska, has garnered more support from the community than hostility, with vintage car shows, fire department involvement, and Teamsters joining in solidarity. The workers understand that their struggle goes beyond a single contract negotiation, recognizing it as a larger fight against corporate greed. They have a clear sense of class consciousness and are effectively using labor strikes as a tactic. Listeners can support the strikers by donating to their strike funds, following them on social media, and avoiding Kellogg's products. Past incidents of scabs producing contaminated food add concern for the quality of the food being produced during the strike. Mel, a podcaster and educator, is covering the strike extensively and can be found on Twitter @coldbrewedtool.

    • Community self-defense goes beyond individual actionsFocus on prevention, mitigation, and control of harm to community members, not causing it.

      Community self-defense goes beyond individuals with weapons declaring themselves as security and causing harm. Instead, it should be part of a broader health and safety infrastructure, focusing on prevention, mitigation, and control of lethal and egregious harm to community members. BetMGM encourages responsible gambling, offering various sports betting features, live options, and promotions. Meanwhile, Purdue Global provides flexible degree programs for working adults to advance their careers. Stay informed with the Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily for authentic black voices and stories. Xumo Play offers free streaming of 350+ channels for endless entertainment. In the upcoming episodes of It Could Happen Here, we'll discuss community self-defense concepts, responsible and irresponsible actions, and insights on the CHOP/CHAZ situation. Remember, community self-defense is about preventing harm, not causing it.

    • Community defense: Preventing harm and ensuring safetyCommunity defense involves deterring harm and responding in extreme cases, with carrying weapons depending on anticipated threats and safety needs. The community plays a key role in decision making and response.

      Community defense is about preventing harm to others through deterrence, and in extreme cases, taking action. When it comes to carrying weapons, such as firearms, the decision depends on the anticipated threat and the ability of the tool to mitigate the harm. The utility of an armed contingent at a protest is not about standing between protesters and police, but rather ensuring safety by watching for external threats and facilitating a safe progression of events. Community defense begins and ends with the community, with the community having a role in the decision of what is being carried and the response.

    • Beyond just protection: Community self-defense is about connectionCommunity self-defense is more than having means to protect. It's about maintaining connections, acting as a member, and prioritizing community safety.

      Community self-defense goes beyond just having the means to protect, such as guns. It's essential to maintain a strong connection with the community and act as a member, not a separatist or an armed activist. The gun should not define one's presence or identity. Instead, the primary role is to put oneself between harm and the community, making the community's safety the top priority. This approach helps prevent the dangerous separation and elevation that can occur, as seen with law enforcement. By being part of an organized collective, accountability, training, and a clear role in the community can help ensure consistent and approved actions.

    • Maintaining a servant's mindset in community defenseTo effectively protect a community, prioritize community needs over personal responsibility, recognize the presence of firearms, and foster trust and unity.

      For individuals and organizations involved in community defense, it's crucial to maintain a mindset of service and accountability to the community they are protecting. This means being aware of the boundaries set by the community and remaining vigilant against overstepping them. Approaching the role as a guest or servant, rather than a protector or authority figure, can help prevent the evolution of an attitude that prioritizes personal responsibility over community needs. Normalizing the presence of firearms and recognizing that they don't define a person's character is another success factor in effective community defense. These principles are essential for fostering trust and unity within the community and ensuring that the defense efforts remain responsible and beneficial for all involved.

    • Community defense with the John Brown Gun Club: Prioritizing de-escalationThe John Brown Gun Club emphasizes de-escalation techniques and relationship building for effective community defense, rather than relying on firearms as a first response.

      In the context of community defense, firearms are normalized and become a non-factor. The focus is on de-escalation and calming situations down before resorting to force. The John Brown Gun Club, despite its name, prioritizes de-escalation techniques and planning over the use of firearms. An example of this was during an incident involving a confrontational individual named Matthew, who was de-escalated through verbal communication rather than force. The club's approach to community defense is to build relationships with organizers, plan extensively, and prioritize de-escalation to ensure safety for all involved. The ultimate goal is to ensure everyone goes home safely, without any harm or legal repercussions. For those not armed, the same principles apply - focusing on de-escalation and building relationships to maintain peace and safety in the community.

    • Balance between independent security orgs and community defense groupsFinding a balance between independent security organizations and community defense groups is crucial for effective community defense. Separate organizations can focus efforts, but may lack community integration. Community defense groups can integrate better, but may require more effort to maintain effectiveness.

      The relationship between independent security organizations and community defense groups can have both strengths and weaknesses. While separate organizations can help focus and codify procedures, training, and values, they can also make it harder to fully integrate into the community. On the other hand, being part of a larger community defense group can make it easier to be part of the community, but may require more structural effort to ensure that those defending the community remain connected to it. It's important to find a balance, as having no community defense at all can lead to dangerous situations where anyone with a weapon can cause harm. Normalizing the presence of weapons within a community, while ensuring respect for them and avoiding gun culture, can help foster a collective sense of safety and responsibility.

    • Historical benefits and risks of community armed responseConsider historical precedents, potential risks, and legal implications before organizing and using armed groups for community defense.

      The historical context of community armed response, as seen in Seattle's past, demonstrates both the strengths and weaknesses of organized armed groups. The Seattle Amateur Rifle Association's role in defending Chinese immigrants during the 1886 riots showcased the benefits of a unified response, as armed groups were able to provide help and protect those in need. However, it's crucial to remember the legal implications and potential liabilities that come with organizing and using armed groups. The integrated threat onion is a helpful tool to consider when assessing potential threats and deciding on the best course of action. It encourages considering various options, from avoiding conflict altogether to investing in protective gear, before engaging in potentially dangerous situations. Ultimately, the decision to organize and use armed groups should be made with careful consideration of historical precedents, potential risks, and legal implications.

    • Effective ways to mitigate threats aren't always excitingSituational awareness and good judgment are the most effective layers of protection against harm.

      Learning from the discussion on the "It Could Happen Here" podcast is that the most effective ways to mitigate threats to yourself and your community may not be the most exciting or heroic solutions. The "threat onion" metaphor refers to the layers of protection against harm, with the most effective layers being situational awareness and good judgment, rather than relying on physical armor or being in the spotlight. The mundane and often overlooked solutions can provide the greatest impact in preventing harm. This idea was emphasized by a guest on the podcast named Thud. Overall, the lesson is that being prepared and aware is more important than relying on flashy or heroic measures.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Maker: Cecilia Adorée
    Muziek: David Schwarz
    Illustratie: Michelle de Gruijl

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    Maker: Cecilia Adorée
    Muziek: David Schwarz
    Illustratie: Michelle de Gruijl

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