
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Immersive Experiences: BetMGM, Purdue Global, and Amy Winehouse's 'Back to Black'Explore BetMGM for sports betting with unique features, Purdue Global for education opportunities, and Amy Winehouse's 'Back to Black' for emotional connection. Be responsible and make informed decisions.

      BetMGM offers an immersive sports betting experience with various features, easy sign-up process, and access to promotions. However, be mindful of responsible gambling. Meanwhile, Purdue Global provides an opportunity for adults to earn a degree, backed by a reputable university. Texas, despite some Democratic claims, is not a battleground state for elections and investing in such efforts could be a waste of resources. Instead, focus on practical strategies for progress. Amy Winehouse's "Back to Black" invites audiences to connect with her story and music, offering a moment of escape. Overall, these discussions highlight the importance of making informed decisions, whether in sports betting, education, or politics.

    • Focusing on national elections in Texas is ineffectiveBuilding up local talent and competing in local elections is crucial for making a meaningful impact on a state's political landscape.

      Focusing solely on flipping high-profile states like Texas for federal elections without paying enough attention to local elections and state-level offices can be ineffective and may not significantly improve the lives of people in those states. The speaker argues that the Democratic Party's strategy in Texas, which has been to focus on national elections rather than local ones, is flawed due to the incompetence of the Texas Democratic Party and the lack of progress made in previous elections. The speaker provides evidence from the 2022 midterm elections, where the Democratic Party had a poor showing in Texas despite high expectations. The speaker emphasizes the importance of building up local talent and competing in local elections to ultimately make a meaningful impact on a state's political landscape.

    • Texas Democratic Party's Expensive and Unsuccessful 2022 Election StrategyDespite spending record-breaking amounts, the Texas Democratic Party failed to make significant gains in the 2022 elections due to underperformance of high-profile candidates and ineffective use of campaign funds.

      The Texas Democratic Party's strategy in the 2022 elections proved to be expensive and ultimately unsuccessful. The party managed to hold on to two congressional seats in South Texas, but still lost one. These wins were narrow in areas where Joe Biden had carried by double digits just two years prior. The failure of high-profile campaigns like Beto O'Rourke's gubernatorial bid, which cost a record-breaking $77 million and resulted in an 11-point loss, prevented the party from investing in other races where the money could have made a bigger impact. The Democratic Party's inability to effectively use campaign funds and the underperformance of high-profile candidates like O'Rourke highlight the challenges the party faces in Texas and the need for a more effective strategy.

    • Historical underinvestment in state legislative races by DemocratsDemocrats need to prioritize investments in state legislative races to expand their base of power and build a stronger infrastructure for supporting down-ballot candidates.

      The Democratic Party has historically underinvested in state legislative races, leading to significant losses and missed opportunities to expand their base of power. This trend was particularly evident during the Obama years, when the Democrats lost thousands of seats at both the state and local levels. More recently, high-profile races against controversial Republican figures, such as Marjorie Taylor Greene and Mitch McConnell, have absorbed massive amounts of Democratic campaign funds, often with little return. Meanwhile, crucial state legislative races have received little attention and investment. This imbalance in resources has left the Democrats struggling to make progress in key battleground states and has allowed the Republicans to maintain control in many areas. To effectively compete and expand their influence, the Democratic Party must prioritize investments in state legislative races and build a more robust infrastructure for supporting down-ballot candidates.

    • Consistency and long-term strategy in politicsConsistent efforts and a long-term strategy, rather than flashy campaigns, can lead to success in politics.

      To identify a serious political candidate, it's important to look beyond their recent electoral successes and consider their consistency and ability to build a base of power. A scattershot approach to politics, jumping from one race to another, is not conducive to long-term success. Howard Dean serves as a notable example. He was a pioneer in using the Internet effectively to raise funds for his presidential campaign in the early 2000s, but his career was ended prematurely by a controversial speech. However, after his presidential bid, he became the Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairman and implemented the 50-state strategy, which focused on spreading resources to all states instead of just swing states. This led to significant gains for the Democratic Party, including wins in previously unwinnable states and an increase in Democratic seats at the state and federal levels. While Dean's strategy was not flashy or sexy, it proved effective in the long run. The lesson here is that consistency, hard work, and a focus on building a strong foundation can lead to success in politics.

    • Investing in local Democratic parties and grassroots organizingWinning elections in red states requires resources, prepared candidates, and grassroots organizing. The Democratic Party can miss winnable seats due to neglect and a lack of interest in bottom-up organizing.

      Investing in local Democratic parties and grassroots organizing is crucial for winning elections and making gains in traditionally red states. The speaker emphasized that resources and prepared candidates are essential to capitalize on unexpected opportunities, as seen in the recent election in Jacksonville, Florida. The speaker also criticized the Democratic Party for neglecting winnable seats due to laziness and a lack of interest in bottom-up organizing. They argued that substantive political change doesn't come from the top down but rather from grassroots movements that the Democratic Party can eventually co-opt and destroy. The speaker praised Minnesota Democrats for being an exception to this trend.

    • Building local support is key for political changeInvesting in local organizing efforts can build a strong base of support and ultimately flip states, contrasting the focus on high-profile campaigns or candidates alone.

      Building grassroots support at the local level is crucial for political change, as seen in the example of how Republicans have effectively organized around social issues and harnessed public support through churches and other community structures. This approach, while not immediately visible as a game-changer, can lay the groundwork for future progress and policy changes. Contrastingly, focusing solely on high-profile campaigns or candidates may not yield long-term results. The demise of unions as a powerful organizing force on the left is an example of what can happen when this grassroots approach is neglected. By investing in local organizing efforts, Democrats can build a strong base of support and ultimately flip states and make a more meaningful impact on people's lives.

    • Exploring George Soros' complex background and motivationsThe podcast debunks unfounded conspiracy theories about George Soros and sheds light on his background and motivations to separate fact from fiction.

      BetMGM offers an engaging sports betting experience with various features, live betting options, and daily promotions, while Purdue Global provides flexible degree programs for working adults to advance their careers. However, the discussion also highlighted the concerning rise of casual antisemitism in public discourse, specifically towards George Soros, who is often subjected to unfounded conspiracy theories. The podcast aimed to debunk these caricatures and explore the real human being behind the controversy, shedding light on why the right seems to hate him so much. George Soros, a billionaire philanthropist, is a complex figure, and understanding his background and motivations is essential to separate fact from fiction.

    • Separating fact from fiction: George Soros' Holocaust experiencesConspiracy theories distorting George Soros' past during the Holocaust are false. He actually helped save Jewish lives by informing families of impending arrests.

      The narrative surrounding George Soros, a Hungarian-born billionaire and philanthropist, has been distorted by conspiracy theories, with his past experiences during the Holocaust being a significant point of contention. Despite being a 14-year-old child during the Nazi invasion of Hungary, false claims have emerged that he was a willing collaborator. However, the truth is that Soros' father instructed him to inform Jewish families of impending arrests, allowing them to seek safety. This misinformation, perpetuated by figures like Alex Jones, has become mainstream among certain right-wing circles. Despite these unfounded accusations, Soros' family survived the Holocaust and eventually immigrated to the United States, where Soros became a successful financier. It's crucial to separate fact from fiction and recognize the harm caused by spreading misinformation.

    • Revolutionizing Finance with Human Behavior InsightsGeorge Soros, a Hungarian immigrant, transformed finance by understanding human emotions and market misconceptions, growing his hedge fund to $1 billion and predicting market shifts like the Plaza Accords

      George Soros, a Hungarian immigrant, revolutionized finance by understanding human behavior and market misconceptions. He turned door-to-door sales into a hedge fund career, becoming one of the industry's pioneers. Soros' philosophy, influenced by philosopher Karl Popper, focused on the role of human emotions and misconceptions in financial markets. He recognized that markets are not perfect and that people's fears and greed can lead to asset overvaluation and market crashes. Soros' hedge fund, started in 1973, grew significantly by the late 1980s, reaching $1 billion in modern money and $100 billion for Soros personally. He gained fame by predicting market shifts, such as the Plaza Accords in 1985, which had significant implications for the Asian financial crisis in the 1990s. Despite his early success, Soros' methods were not always ethical, but his groundbreaking insights into market psychology remain influential in finance.

    • George Soros's Role in Restoring American Manufacturing Profitability and Black Wednesday CrisisGeorge Soros's currency speculation played a crucial role in improving American manufacturing profitability in the 90s but his $15bn short position against the British pound in 1992 led to the 'Black Wednesday' crisis and fueled antisemitic sentiments against him.

      George Soros's currency speculation played a significant role in restoring American manufacturing profitability in the nineties. However, his most famous bet, a $15 billion short position against the British pound in 1992, led to the "Black Wednesday" crisis and earned him infamy. Soros believed currency speculation was a necessary evil, but it fueled paranoid fantasies of the antisemitic right, who saw him as a rootless cosmopolitan attacking the British people. Despite the controversy, Soros's opponents were often outmatched by his intelligence and skill, leading to humiliating defeats for prominent figures in British finance and politics.

    • George Soros's actions in Thailand fuel anti-Semitic conspiracy theoriesGeorge Soros's financial maneuvers in Thailand led to economic instability and anti-Semitic backlash, highlighting the dangers of prejudice and power dynamics.

      George Soros's success in the financial markets, particularly in causing economic instability in Thailand, made him a target for the British ruling class and fueled anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Soros's Jewish background and his ability to outmaneuver these powerful figures in finance only intensified their prejudice. The British media further perpetuated these biased narratives, leading to a widespread and terrifying display of anti-Semitism in the country. Despite the devastating consequences of Soros's actions in Thailand, some argue that he was trying to warn governments about unsustainable financial policies. However, the Thai government failed to heed the warning, resulting in significant economic turmoil and financial losses for many Thai citizens. Ultimately, Soros's actions and the ensuing backlash highlight the deep-rooted prejudices and power dynamics that can shape public opinion and fuel harmful stereotypes.

    • The Asian financial crisis was caused by more than just Soros' speculationThe Plaza Accords and domestic economic policies contributed significantly to the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s.

      The Asian market collapse in the late 1990s was not solely caused by George Soros' speculation in Southeast Asia, as is often portrayed. While Soros did bet against certain currencies, the economies in the region were already in a precarious state due to factors like the Plaza Accords and domestic economic policies. The Plaza Accords led to the US forcing Japan to increase the value of its currency, which gutted its manufacturing economy and led Japan to build an economy based on housing speculation. This, in turn, contributed to the Asian financial crisis. It's important to remember that complex economic issues often have multiple causes and cannot be attributed to one individual or event.

    • Economic declines driven by housing prices in East and Southeast AsiaCapitalism's inexorable logic can lead to economic instability and destruction, with no single entity in control

      Many countries in East and Southeast Asia are facing economic declines and are relying on housing prices to sustain their economies. This is not due to the actions of individuals like George Soros, but rather the inexorable logic of capitalism. The fact that returns are less attractive in one country than another can lead to the destruction of economies. This reality is terrifying because there is no single entity controlling the economy, only the cold, lifeless logic of capital. For some, this is a reason to embrace conspiracy theories and blame individuals or groups, but the real problem lies within the economic system itself. For others, like George Soros, there is a contradiction between wanting a better world and being a capitalist. Despite his efforts to promote liberal democratic values, he is unable to change the system that causes harm. In the next episode, we will explore how Soros' philanthropic endeavors fail to solve the problems caused by capitalism.

    • Exploring Opportunities for Personal and Community Growth at Purdue Global and The Michigan ChroniclePurdue Global empowers working adults to earn degrees and advance careers, while The Michigan Chronicle keeps readers informed, empowered, and connected to the black community in Detroit. Popper's 'The Open Society and Its Enemies' offers insights into totalitarianism and raises questions about individual freedom and economic egalitarianism.

      Both Purdue Global and The Michigan Chronicle offer valuable opportunities for personal and community growth. At Purdue Global, working adults can earn a degree and advance their careers, while at The Michigan Chronicle, readers can stay informed, empowered, and connected to the black community in Detroit. Meanwhile, in the world of ideas, philosopher Karl Popper's "The Open Society and Its Enemies" offers insights into the dangers of totalitarianism, but also raises intriguing questions about the relationship between individual freedom and economic egalitarianism. Popper argues that totalitarianism arises from a historicist view of history, which sees one entity as the driving force of history. However, this argument is not without controversy, and the book's critique of Plato's philosophy is a lengthy and complex detour from the main theme. Despite these complexities, the book remains a thought-provoking exploration of the relationship between philosophy, politics, and history.

    • Power structures shape historical influenceIndividual influence on history is influenced by power structures, which can either limit or amplify impact. Examples include capitalism and elections.

      The extent of an individual's influence on history is largely determined by the power structures in place. The great man theory of history, which focuses on the actions of exceptional individuals, overlooks the importance of systems of power. Capitalism, for instance, allows for significant power to be invested in individuals, potentially leading to detrimental impacts on society. George Soros serves as an example, as his personal interests and beliefs, particularly in relation to public transportation and urban planning, have had far-reaching consequences due to the power granted to him. Popper, who critiqued Marxist ideologies, recognized this issue but proposed solutions, such as elections, that do not always prevent the rise of influential individuals with harmful agendas. Ultimately, the systems we establish have the power to either limit or amplify the impact of individual "weirdos" on history.

    • Lessons from apartheid South Africa shaped Soros's activismSoros's experiences in apartheid South Africa and his anti-communist efforts in the 1980s taught him about the limitations of working within deeply flawed systems and made him an enemy to those seeking to maintain the status quo.

      George Soros, despite not being a radical pro-Palestine activist, faced significant backlash due to his efforts to challenge the status quo. His early experiences with charity work in apartheid South Africa taught him about the limitations of neoliberalism and the potential for systems of apartheid to funnel resources into the hands of those in power. Additionally, Soros's anti-communist efforts in the 1980s, while well-intentioned, were ultimately overshadowed by the changing political landscape. These experiences left him wary of working within deeply flawed systems and made him an enemy to those seeking to maintain the status quo.

    • George Soros' Philanthropic Efforts and Political ChallengesDespite facing resistance and criticism, George Soros' Open Society Foundation continues to support democratic causes and various projects, including open-source journalism and cultural events.

      George Soros, a renowned philanthropist, has faced both successes and failures in his efforts to support democratic causes and fund various projects through his Open Society Foundation. His initial plans to provide scholarships and cultural funding in Hungary were met with resistance, and some recipients, like Viktor Orbán, later became his political adversaries. The Open Society Foundation also faces criticism for its activities, despite the fact that many other foundations engage in similar work. The reasons for the singled-out targeting of Soros remain unclear. However, Soros' approach to politics has been criticized as naive, and he has faced numerous challenges in navigating the complexities of different political landscapes. Despite these setbacks, the Open Society Foundation continues to support various initiatives, including open-source investigative journalism and cultural events, aiming to promote democratic values and social justice.

    • Soros' efforts to promote democracy in Eastern Europe had unintended consequencesSoros' efforts to promote democracy and economic reforms in Eastern Europe led to unintended consequences such as massive deindustrialization, destruction of labor unions, and loss of influence for democratic movements like Solidarity in Poland. His attempts to promote democracy in China and Yugoslavia also faced challenges and controversies.

      George Soros' efforts to promote democracy and economic reforms in Eastern Europe after the fall of communism did not always yield positive results. His involvement in funding and advising privatization efforts, for instance, led to massive deindustrialization and the destruction of labor unions, which in turn weakened the democratic movements he had supported. One notable example is the case of Solidarity in Poland, which lost its base and influence after the implementation of privatization policies. Additionally, Soros' attempts to promote democracy in China and Yugoslavia also faced challenges and controversies. Despite his noble goal of creating self-sufficient societies, the unintended consequences of his actions sometimes led to unintended outcomes.

    • Billionaire Philanthropist George Soros Intervenes in Societal IssuesGeorge Soros, a billionaire philanthropist, uses his resources to address societal issues he perceives as detrimental, focusing on left-leaning initiatives and becoming politically active during significant threats, despite facing backlash and conspiracy theories.

      George Soros, a billionaire philanthropist, has a history of intervening in societal issues he perceives as detrimental, from the war on drugs in the 1980s and 1990s to more recent political campaigns. He has shown a pattern of supporting left-leaning initiatives, but only becomes politically active when he perceives a significant threat, such as with the Bush administration post-9/11. However, his efforts have not always been met with positive reception, and he has faced backlash and conspiracy theories from political opponents. Despite this, Soros remains committed to using his resources to make a difference.

    • Deliberate use of anti-Semitic messages against George Soros for political gainRepublican strategists intentionally create anti-Semitic messages against George Soros to incite cultural wars and rally their base, regardless of the harmful consequences.

      The use of anti-Semitic rhetoric against George Soros by Republican political strategists is not an organic phenomenon but a deliberate choice aimed at winning elections. This tactic, which dates back to the Rose Revolution in Georgia, involves cooking up targeted anti-Semitic messages in a PR lab to incite cultural wars and rally the base. Even Jewish consultants have been involved in this strategy, demonstrating a chilling disregard for the harmful consequences of their actions. The anti-Semitic rhetoric against Soros has been particularly effective in blaming him for various societal issues, such as the influx of refugees from Syria, and has spread rapidly among right-wing leaders worldwide.

    • Right-wing politicians use antisemitic conspiracy theories against George Soros to mobilize their baseAntisemitic conspiracy theories against George Soros have been used by right-wing politicians to fuel immigration policies and divide the country, with serious consequences.

      The use of antisemitic conspiracy theories, particularly against George Soros, has been an effective tool for right-wing politicians and campaigns to mobilize their base and gain power. This tactic can be traced back to the late 1990s and 2000s when Soros was accused of funding welfare reform by cutting benefits for legal immigrants. The backlash against Soros led to a coalition of immigrant advocacy groups and a right-wing reaction, resulting in harsh immigration policies during the Obama administration. This cycle continued, and the current right-wing panic often involves blaming Soros for funding moderate reform DA candidates, leading to accusations of a sinister plot to cause crime and destroy the country. The use of antisemitic rhetoric in politics is a dangerous and divisive tactic that has serious consequences, and it's important to be aware of its impact and history.

    • Criticizing influential figures for antisemitic views, yet holding wealthInfluence and wealth do not shield individuals from holding harmful beliefs, and it's essential to acknowledge the suffering behind common consumer goods.

      Wealth and influence do not exempt individuals from holding harmful beliefs, such as antisemitism. This was highlighted in a conversation where the speaker criticized influential people for their antisemitic views, yet they held more wealth than those they were criticizing. The conversation also touched on the importance of acknowledging the suffering and misery behind common consumer goods like hot dogs, as explored in Jamie Loftus' book "Raw Dog." The book delves into the human and animal suffering involved in the production of hot dogs, and the speaker's playlist added to the thematic experience. The conversation also emphasized the significance of being aware of these issues, especially with the publication of Loftus' book on May 23rd.

    • Discordian calendar day with hot dog book release and potential assassination attemptAuthor carefully picked 2023's 5th month 23rd day for book release, potentially causing unintended consequences. Meat packing plant research hampered by COVID restrictions and ag gag laws, revealing poor conditions and potential labor issues.

      The 23rd day in the 5th month of the year 2023 holds significant importance in the Discordian calendar and for the release of a hot dog-themed book. This date was carefully chosen by the author, who saw it coming years in advance and secured it for maximum impact. However, this powerful wizard's actions may have had unintended consequences, as it's speculated that this date could be linked to a potential assassination attempt on a public figure. Additionally, the author's attempts to tour meat packing plants for research were met with frustration and humiliation due to COVID restrictions and ag gag laws. These laws, designed to limit investigations into meat packing plants, have made it increasingly difficult to uncover the often horrific conditions faced by workers. Despite some progress in overturning these laws, the current state of meat packing conditions in the US remains bleak, with reports of child labor and poor working conditions.

    • Unethical practices in meat packing industryMeat packing industry colluded with government to keep plants open during lockdown, leading to unsafe conditions and potential profiteering from employee sickness. Factory farming conditions for animals used in hot dogs production can be inhumane and hidden from public view through curated media presentations.

      The production of certain industries, such as meat packing, can involve unethical practices and collusion with the government, while the public is often presented with curated and sanitized information. The discussion highlighted the case of Tyson and Smithfield, where top brass colluded to keep meat packing plants open during the lockdown, leading to unsafe working conditions and potential profiteering from employee sickness. Furthermore, the production process of hot dogs involves the use of animals raised in factory farming conditions, which can be horrifying and inhumane. The illusion of cleanliness and efficiency in the production process is often maintained through curated media presentations, preventing the public from fully understanding the realities behind these industries.

    • The intersection of competitive eating and politicsProtester's message overshadowed by Joey Chestnut tackling him, highlighting power dynamics and complexities in competitive eating industry

      The intersection of competitive eating and politics can lead to unexpected and bizarre situations. The incident involving Joey Chestnut tackling a protester during a hot dog eating contest gained widespread attention, but the aftermath raised questions about ethics and labor practices in the industry. The protester's message about Smithfield's labor practices was overshadowed by the violent encounter, highlighting the power dynamics at play. The discussion also touched on the complexities of Joey Chestnut's persona and his connection to Vince McMahon, adding another layer to the narrative. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of considering the larger context and implications of seemingly trivial events.

    • A Hot Dog Journey with Unexpected TwistsStrong opinions on hot dogs led to unexpected experiences, including a visit to a closed-down stand and attending Hot Dog University, ultimately leading to appreciation for Chicago-style hot dogs and curiosity for Japanese-style Japa Dogs.

      The speaker's strong opinions about hot dogs, particularly the Chicago-style hot dog and the use of ketchup, have led them to some unexpected experiences and encounters. The speaker expresses their disagreement with the Chicago hot dog's flavors and the aggressive hatred of ketchup in the Chicago hot dog community. They also share their accidental visit to a closed-down hot dog stand called Fatso's Last Stand, which added to their confusion and amusement. Despite their initial criticisms, the speaker has since come to appreciate the Chicago hot dog at Red Hot Ranch and even attended a Hot Dog University course to learn more about hot dogs. The speaker also expresses their desire to try Japa Dogs, a Japanese-style hot dog. Overall, the speaker's hot dog journey has been filled with unexpected twists and turns, showcasing the power of strong opinions and the joy of trying new things.

    • Discovering depth in the world of hot dogsExploring seemingly simple topics can lead to deeper, unexpected discoveries and connections.

      Exploring the world of hot dogs has led the speaker to meet interesting people and learn new things, despite the seemingly trivial subject matter. The speaker has discovered that delving into seemingly innocuous topics can reveal deeper, darker aspects, much like the contrast between the fun experience of eating a hot dog and the potential for danger or death that lies beneath. Additionally, the speaker has found joy in the community surrounding hot dogs and the unexpected connections they've made. However, not all hot dog-related media is enjoyable, as evidenced by the speaker's shock and dismay over the movie "Food Fight," which they describe as garish, upsetting, and primarily based on brand promotion. Overall, the speaker's experience with hot dogs has shown them that there's more to seemingly simple things than meets the eye and that exploring new topics can lead to unexpected discoveries and connections.

    • A Discussion on Food Fight and Related MerchandiseThe Food Fight movie, featuring an eclectic cast and drawing comparisons to Sausage Party, is available along with related merchandise like Halloween costumes. The author, who wrote the book and narrates the audiobook, recommends supporting independent bookstores.

      The Food Fight movie, which features an unusual cast including Wayne Brady, Christopher Lloyd, and Kristen Wiig, among others, has a long development history and draws comparisons to the animated film "Sausage Party." The discussion also touched upon the availability of related merchandise, such as Halloween costumes, and the author's personal possession of a Kristen Wiig-voiced character costume. The Food Fight book, which the author has written and narrates the audiobook for, can be found online, with a recommendation to support independent bookstores. The conversation also included mentions of the author's social media presence and involvement in the Bechtel cast. Despite the discussion of Food Fight and its connections to Sausage Party, it was acknowledged that there might be a need for a detox period before revisiting the Food Fight movie. Overall, the conversation revolved around the Food Fight movie, related merchandise, and the author's personal experiences and connections to the project.

    • Police raid leaves questions about legitimacy of arrestsMany arrested at music festival weren't present, warrants lacked evidence, and the legal process appeared flawed, raising concerns about the justice system

      The recent police raid of the South River Music Festival in Atlanta resulted in mass arrests, with the authorities framing these arrests as related to criminal activities at the festival. However, many of the arrestees were not even present at the music festival, and the warrants used to justify the arrests were repetitive and seemingly copied and pasted. The charges against the individuals lacked evidence, and the legal basis for these claims was not established in court. The entire situation was reminiscent of a kangaroo court, leaving many questioning the legitimacy of the legal system. It's crucial to stay informed and not overlook the absurdities that can arise in complex situations, even when the focus is on serious issues.

    • A man named Chef Doctor advocates for a soul food museum in Atlanta with a live performance of 'Amazing Grace'Chef Doctor used his public comment time to advocate for a soul food museum and performed 'Amazing Grace' to leave a lasting impression

      During an Atlanta city council meeting, a man named Chef Doctor, dressed as a hybrid of a chef and a doctor, was given 10 minutes of public comment time by relinquishing the time of four other individuals. He used this opportunity to advocate for creating a soul food museum in the west side of Atlanta and paid tribute to the cause with a live flute performance of "Amazing Grace," accompanied by backing music from a laptop. The meeting also featured various awards and proclamations, including one for a pediatric surgeon, and the presence of a large red heart mascot, which added to the unique atmosphere of the event. Despite the various distractions, the heartfelt performance from Chef Doctor left a lasting impression on those in attendance.

    • An Unusual Public Comment Session for the Soul Food Museum and UniversityThe Soul Food Museum and University's request for a museum space in Atlanta was met with disruption during the public comment session, causing confusion and delay, while some city council members appeared disinterested during the session but paid close attention to later testimonies.

      The city council public comment session during the discussion about the Soul Food Museum and University's request for a museum space in Atlanta was an unusual experience. Chef Kenneth Wilhoite, the president of the Soul Food Museum and University, made a heartfelt plea for the city's support, but was interrupted by a man in a strange costume who danced to the song "Amazing Grace" for five minutes. The disruption caused confusion and delay, but ultimately, the city council did not provide the support the Soul Food Museum and University were seeking. It was also noted that some city council members, including Mary Norwood from Buckhead and Dustin Hillis, the committee chair for Public Safety Legal Administration Committee, seemed disinterested during the public comment session, but paid close attention when the police testified later on. Overall, the process seemed unconventional, with the city council appearing to prioritize other matters over public comments.

    • Atlanta Police Chief testifies about officers' professionalism during two incidentsDespite public perception, Atlanta Police officers demonstrated professionalism and dedication during separate incidents, working together in secret to maintain order.

      During a city council meeting, Atlanta Police Chief Darren Schirbaum testified about two separate incidents that received public attention. The first incident involved officers running from a crowd during an event that reminded some council members of the January 6th Capitol riots. The second incident occurred at 6 Flags where teenagers were fighting. The chief expressed gratitude for the officers' restraint and their professionalism throughout both situations. However, a surprising revelation came after the public comment and news cameras left. In a second testimony, Chief Schirbaum described how officers from different departments changed clothes and worked together to maintain order. The professionalism and dedication of the officers were commended by the chief, despite the public perception of the incidents.

    • Protests at Peachtree and Young International BoulevardActivists faced opposition but continued peaceful protests, received support from unexpected sources, and raised awareness about environmental concerns linked to Norfolk Southern's funding of Atlanta Police Foundation.

      On Monday, activists from the Atlanta Police Forest (APF) faced opposition from Norfolk Southern Police and large law enforcement presence during their peaceful protests. Despite this, they continued to hand out Defend the Forest leaflets at the Peachtree and Young International Boulevard intersection, even receiving support from an officer who suggested quitting his job. Meanwhile, three indigenous activists entered the Peachtree Center Mall to confront Mayor Andre Dickens and read a letter from the Muscogee Nation aloud during a board meeting. The protests aimed to raise awareness about the Atlanta Police Foundation's funding from Norfolk Southern and its impact on the environment. The events demonstrated the activists' determination and the complexities of engaging with various authorities in their pursuit of environmental justice.

    • Mayor Dickens' Protest Response Creates Chaos and Legal IssuesMayor Dickens' response to a protest led to unnecessary law enforcement deployment, involving Apex and SWAT teams, raising tensions and potential legal issues, while a land swap caused environmental concerns by dumping large amounts of dirt.

      The actions of Mayor Dickens during a protest resulted in an unnecessary deployment of law enforcement resources, creating a chaotic scene and potentially raising legal issues. The mayor's attempt to evade the situation led to the involvement of Apex and SWAT teams, who ultimately found no one. The event took place near the Martin Luther King Memorial, where Sandy Springs police were present, leading to tensions between law enforcement and protesters. Additionally, a land swap between Ryan Millsap and DeKalb County involving Blackhall Studios resulted in the dumping of large amounts of dirt, which is contributing to flood-prone areas and raising environmental concerns.

    • Michelle Obama Park Land Swap: Controversy and Community UnityAllegations of dirty fill, militarized language, and community opposition challenge the Michelle Obama Park land swap. Profitable company faces lawsuit, and public funds fuel controversy.

      The Michelle Obama Park land swap is a contentious issue with allegations of dirty fill being used instead of topsoil, and the fate of the park is still uncertain. Blackhall Studios, the company involved, has made significant profits from the deal and faces a lawsuit over the issue. The use of militarized language by law enforcement during discussions about the forest being cleared for the project has also sparked concerns. Meanwhile, community events, such as a youth rally and a bouncy castle, have brought joy and unity to the movement against the project. Despite this, the police response to the bouncy castle incident involved pointing rifles at the empty inflatable, which symbolizes the disconnect between law enforcement and the community. The use of public funds for the COP City project has also been met with strong opposition, with no supporters voiced during a recent city council meeting.

    • Atlanta COP City project cost increases, Foundation relies more on city fundsThe Atlanta Community Press Collective reports a $71M COP City project cost increase, with $51M in city funds and a $20M loan to the Atlanta Police Foundation

      The Atlanta Community Press Collective has reported that the cost of the COP City project in Atlanta has significantly increased, with a minimum of $51,000,000 in city funds allocated, and an additional $20,000,000 to be given to the Atlanta Police Foundation via a loan. This indicates that the Foundation's private fundraising has not met its initial goals. The Press Collective, a non-profit organization dedicated to reporting on Atlanta's happenings, has partnered with the Open Collective Foundation to transparently fundraise and continue their work. The Atlanta Police Foundation's increased reliance on city funds highlights the importance of community-driven reporting and transparency in local governance. For more information, listeners can check out the Atlanta Community Press Collective's recent article from May 24th, and support their work through donations. The Collective can be found on Twitter, Instagram, and their website, and they are now fiscally sponsored by the Open Collective Foundation.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guest: Rachel Vindman

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

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    Read the transcript here: 





    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guests: Daniel Squadron

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

    Producers: Zack Travis and Sara Burningham

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