
    Podcast Summary

    • Sports Betting with BetMGM and Education with Purdue GlobalBetMGM offers a thrilling sports betting experience with potential bonus bets, while Purdue Global delivers accessible education backed by a reputable university. The Supreme Court's recent rulings raise questions about its integrity and potential business implications.

      BetMGM offers an immersive sports betting experience with various features, easy sign-up process, and the chance to receive up to $1500 back in bonus bets if your first bet doesn't win. Meanwhile, Purdue Global provides an accessible education for those looking to further their careers, backed by a respected university. In the discussion, it was highlighted that the American Supreme Court's integrity is being questioned due to recent rulings, leading to complex business situations and potential supply chain disruptions. The fundamental principle of not trying a case on a hypothetical was also mentioned as a key aspect of the legal system. Overall, the conversation touched on the excitement of sports betting with BetMGM, the importance of education with Purdue Global, and the current debates surrounding the Supreme Court's rulings.

    • A woman's false claim and Supreme Court's thinning legitimacyA woman's deceitful tactics and the Supreme Court's justices' potential corruption have raised concerns about the court's legitimacy

      The Supreme Court's legitimacy is being questioned due to a case involving a woman who falsely claimed to be a wedding website designer to push for a ruling, while also being exposed as not actually being one. Additionally, the wealth and potential corruption of some Supreme Court justices, specifically Clarence Thomas and his close friend Harlan Crow, have come under scrutiny. Crow, a real estate mogul with a portfolio of $29 billion, owns a mansion filled with Nazi memorabilia and a garden of statues of dictators. The combination of these cases highlights the thinning veneer of legitimacy surrounding the Supreme Court.

    • A collector's unusual art choices and grudges against notable figuresA collector holds grudges against Erdogan, Volcker, and MBS, promising to investigate MBS's StarCraft league purchase, while expressing anger towards Che Guevara shirt wearers and being linked to a corrupt network

      The individual discussed has a peculiar collection of art, including paintings of both dictators and non-dictators, which raises questions about his motivations. He mentions several figures he holds grudges against, including Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Paul Volcker, and Mohammed bin Salman. The latter is accused of buying a StarCraft league, an allegation the individual promises to explore further. The individual also expresses anger towards those who wear Che Guevara shirts and is connected to Steven Crowder, a right-wing commentator who is part of a corrupt network that pays for judges' legal careers and buys their homes at above market value. This forms a classic corruption scheme involving multiple revenue streams. The individual's strong reactions to certain figures and art pieces suggest a complex and emotionally charged perspective.

    • Supreme Court's Different Ethics RulesThe Supreme Court's lack of strict ethics regulations compared to other government officials raises concerns for transparency and accountability.

      While ethics regulations apply to most government officials, the Supreme Court is not bound by the same strict rules. An example of this was discussed in relation to Justice Clarence Thomas, who reportedly received large gifts and owned vacant lots without disclosing or reporting them. These actions, which might be considered improper for other officials, were not subject to the same level of scrutiny for Thomas. The disparity in ethics regulations highlights the need for greater transparency and accountability in the Supreme Court. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the idea that the wealthy elite, including Supreme Court justices, can engage in questionable financial dealings that seem alien to the average person.

    • Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas's Expensive Vacations Raise Ethical ConcernsJustice Clarence Thomas took expensive vacations on private jets and yachts without reporting, raising ethical concerns due to potential conflicts of interest and the lack of accountability or consequence within the Supreme Court.

      Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, known for presenting himself as having modest tastes, has taken multiple expensive vacations on private jets and yachts, including one with a Republican mega donor, Harlan Crowe. These vacations, which could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, were not reported as required. Thomas's actions raise ethical concerns, especially considering his role in decisions that have weakened campaign finance laws. Despite the apparent conflict of interest, there seems to be no accountability or consequence for Thomas's actions due to the Supreme Court's lack of transparency and its power to regulate itself. This situation highlights the need for greater oversight and transparency in the judiciary.

    • Allegations of Ethical Misconduct Against Supreme Court Justice Clarence ThomasSupreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is under scrutiny for potential ethical breaches, including using a private jet without reporting it and adopting a grand nephew funded by a wealthy donor, raising questions of conflicts of interest and potential money laundering.

      Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has faced allegations of ethical misconduct, including failure to disclose gifts and potential conflicts of interest. Specifically, Thomas has reportedly used a private jet for years without reporting it, and his wife has ties to a lobbying group that received significant funding from a wealthy donor. Additionally, Thomas has adopted a grand nephew and sent him to expensive private schools, which have been funded by this same donor. These circumstances have raised the question of whether Thomas' actions constitute ethical breaches or even potential money laundering. The extent of Thomas' relationships with wealthy donors and the potential impact on his judicial decisions remain a matter of public debate.

    • Supreme Court Justices and Wealthy Donors: Ethical ConcernsSupreme Court justices' relationships with wealthy donors raise ethical concerns, with accusations of corruption and conflicts of interest. Some donors have aggressive business practices, potentially impacting global economies.

      The relationship between wealthy individuals and Supreme Court justices has raised ethical concerns. The American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank, has been criticized for its role in creating relationships between justices and wealthy donors. For instance, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito have been involved in expensive trips with billionaire donors. These relationships have led to accusations of corruption and conflicts of interest. Furthermore, some of these donors, like Paul Singer, have a history of aggressive business practices, such as taking over companies and stripping them for assets. The implications of these relationships extend beyond the Supreme Court, as similar practices have led to economic instability in countries around the world. The buying and selling of debt from impoverished nations has left many economies in a state of debt servicing, stripping resources and opportunities from the people. These complex relationships highlight the need for transparency and ethical standards in the appointment and interaction of Supreme Court justices with wealthy individuals.

    • Hedge Fund Manager Exploits Argentina's Debt CrisisDuring economic crises, some individuals and entities use their power to exploit the system, causing hardships for others. In this case, a hedge fund manager bought distressed debt and used the US court system to seize Argentinian assets, leading to a long-lasting legal battle and ethical concerns.

      During economic crises, powerful individuals and entities can exploit the system to their advantage, causing hardships for others. The discussion revolves around Paul Singer, an American hedge fund manager, who took advantage of Argentina's debt crisis in 2001 to force the country to repay him billions of dollars through the US court system. Singer, known for his aggressive tactics, bought distressed debt and refused to negotiate, leading him to seize Argentinian assets, including a worship and their pension fund. This series of events led to a long-lasting legal battle that eventually reached the US Supreme Court, where Singer was awarded $2.4 billion. This case, along with Singer's close relationship with Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and his generous donor Robin Arkley, raised ethical concerns regarding the use of power and wealth to influence the legal system.

    • Allegations of ethical issues and conflicts of interest at the Supreme CourtThe Supreme Court faces accusations of ethical dilemmas and potential conflicts of interest, including justices taking funded trips from billionaire donors, voluntary recusal from cases, and universities soliciting donations for access to justices.

      The Supreme Court has faced allegations of ethical issues and potential conflicts of interest, with justices reportedly taking trips funded by billionaire donors and cases involving those donors coming before the Court. Additionally, recusal from cases is voluntary for justices, and universities have been known to solicit donations by inviting justices to give talks and offering access to them at dinners. Most recently, lawyers have been discovered sending Venmo payments to aides of Supreme Court justices. These practices raise concerns about the impartiality and integrity of the Court.

    • Supreme Court's Corruption ScandalThe Supreme Court is plagued by corruption, with justices making large sums through private practice, lack of accountability, and political considerations hindering impeachment, resulting in a judiciary that lacks legitimacy.

      The Supreme Court has become a hotbed of corruption, with justices making large sums of money through private practice after serving only a few years. The lack of accountability and oversight has led to a situation where some justices are seen as the biggest criminals in the country. The Democrats, who have the power to impeach these justices, are hesitant to do so due to political considerations. The result is a Supreme Court that is increasingly out of touch with the public and lacks legitimacy. A fiscally conservative solution could be to house all justices in a submarine, saving taxpayer money and ensuring a more accountable judiciary. This is a call to action for voters to support candidates who prioritize judicial reform and accountability.

    • Maori history marked by land loss, cultural suppression, and systemic discriminationDespite the Treaty of Waitangi's intent to protect Maori rights, language barriers led to significant land loss and cultural suppression. European settlers disrupted traditional structures, leading to forced assimilation and discriminatory policies. Maori activism in the 60s and 70s led to progress towards understanding, equality, and social justice.

      The history of Maori people in New Zealand is marked by significant land loss, cultural suppression, and systemic discrimination. The Treaty of Waitangi, intended to protect Maori rights, was not fully understood by Maori leaders due to language barriers, leading to the loss of much of their land. European settlers arrived in large numbers, and conflicts over land ownership and the interpretation of the treaty resulted in the New Zealand Wars. Maori communities suffered from the disruption of their traditional social structures and economic systems, as well as the forced assimilation into European culture. This cultural genocide manifested in the suppression of Maori language and practices, and discriminatory policies in employment, housing, and political representation. The 1960s and 70s saw a resurgence of Maori activism, inspired by global social and political movements of the time. These movements influenced Maori protest groups, shaping their mindsets and actions as they fought for their rights and advocated for change. Today, it's important to recognize and learn from this history to promote understanding, equality, and social justice for Maori people in New Zealand.

    • Maori Rights and Leftist Movement in New Zealand during the Late 1960sMaori activists in New Zealand during the late 1960s aligned with the leftist movement due to racial discrimination in sports and moral implications of engaging with apartheid countries. They advocated for a unified struggle against racism, focusing on class-based strategies.

      During the late 1960s in New Zealand, the Maori struggle for rights and representation was largely aligned with the leftist movement. This was due to the exclusion of Maori rugby players from the All Black Tour of South Africa and the moral implications of engaging with a country practicing apartheid. The collaboration between Maori and Pakeha (European New Zealanders) organizations, such as Halt All Racist Tours (HART) and KEA, brought together various voices and groups in opposition to racial discriminatory sports tours. Maori women, like Gahweah Te Awikotuku and Donna Oateri, began advocating for women's rights within the broader Maori activist organization, Ga Tamatoa. Additionally, there was an increase in strike activity and class struggle, with trade unions providing an organizational base for Maori protest groups. Both Maori and progressive elements within the working class advocated for a unified struggle across racial lines, focusing on class-based strategies as the most effective means of addressing racism and reducing Maori inequality. However, this approach contained hints of class reductionism, which holds that the exploitation of labor is the fundamental form of oppression, and that all other social divisions, such as racism or sexism, are secondary.

    • Racism predates and drives capitalismUnderstanding the historical roots of racism is crucial for addressing it, as it predated and influenced the development of capitalism.

      While the Maori Workers and Housing Rights Movement (MWHR) in New Zealand saw racism as a consequence of capitalism and focused on class-based strategies for addressing it, racism actually predates and drives capitalism. Furthermore, the MWHR's stance on the Treaty of Waitangi and reclaiming it as a foundation for a harmonious bicultural country was significant. However, the inspirational momentum behind the MWHR began to wane, leading to the rise of Brown Power, which advocated for complete autonomy from racist institutions and values. The perspectives of middle-class, university-educated individuals within the Brown Power movement led to a watering down of the movement's meaning, making it ambiguous and potentially associated with either Maori capitalism or revolutionary activity. This phenomenon is not unique to the Maori or Brown Power movements and has been observed in various political movements throughout history. It highlights the importance of critically examining the structures and histories of systems, rather than focusing solely on individual advancement within them.

    • Emergence of the Polynesian Panthers in New Zealand during the 1960s and 1970sThe Polynesian Panthers, inspired by the Black Panther Party in the US, advocated for the overthrow of capitalism and empowered Pacific Islander communities through strikes, protests, and legal aid. They also worked to unite Maori and Pacific Islanders and were known for their advocacy on land claims and prison reform.

      During the 1960s and 1970s in New Zealand, Pacific Islanders, including Maori, faced discrimination and poor living conditions despite being encouraged to immigrate as cheap labor during an economic boom. In response, the Polynesian Panthers emerged as a revolutionary group inspired by the Black Panther Party in the United States. The Polynesian Panthers advocated for the complete overthrow of the capitalist system and sought to empower Pacific Islander communities through various means such as strikes, protests, and providing legal aid. They also worked to unite Maori and Pacific Islanders in a pan-ethnic coalition, contrasting the prioritization of Maori unity by some other groups. The Polynesian Panthers became known for their advocacy and support for various causes, including land claims and prison reform, and their actions earned them the gratitude of those they helped. Despite facing challenges, the Polynesian Panthers continued to work towards improving the lives of Pacific Islanders and promoting unity among oppressed groups.

    • Maori land rights movement emerges due to frustration with official channelsThe late 1970s saw the Maori struggle against oppression and racism result in the emergence of the Maori land rights movement, which sought alliances with workers and gained public support through high-profile occupations.

      During the late 1970s in New Zealand, the Maori struggle against oppression and racism led to a division within the movement regarding the effectiveness of the existing political structures. The failure to address land alienation through official channels created a sense of pessimism and led to the emergence of the Maori land rights movement. This movement sought alliances with workers, both Maori and Pakeha, and gained public support through high-profile occupations like Bastion Point. The radicalization of Maori women led to the formation of the Black Women's Movement, and prominent Maori political activist groups like the Waitangi Action Committee and the Maori People's Liberation Movement of Aotearoa emerged. These groups continued the protest tradition and contributed to the shift in perspective towards the Treaty of Waitangi.

    • Maori Activism and Cultural Nationalism in New Zealand during the 1970s and 1980sMaori activism emerged in response to marginalization, seeking collaboration with Pakeha groups but later focusing on cultural pursuits and challenging the system. The government responded with biculturalism, but lack of enforcement and economic restructuring hindered meaningful change.

      During the 1970s and 1980s in New Zealand, Maori activism and the push for cultural nationalism emerged as a response to the marginalized position of Maori in society, highlighted by poor educational outcomes, high unemployment rates, and economic crises. Maori activists initially sought collaboration with Pakeha anti-racist groups, but this association weakened due to perceived lack of recognition of the connection between apartheid in South Africa and colonialism and racism in New Zealand. The economic crisis and political instability further fueled ethnic and gender inequalities, leading to increased social unrest and worsening conditions for Maori. While some Maori activists sought strategies to challenge the system and address these inequalities, others focused on cultural pursuits that did not threaten the state. The government responded with biculturalism, which extended the jurisdiction of the Waitangi tribunal and incorporated Maori representation and practices within state institutions, but ultimately served to appease some Maori demands while maintaining the status quo. Despite some progress, the lack of enforcement of the tribunal's recommendations and economic restructuring measures under the Labour government hindered meaningful change.

    • Maori resistance to government's economic reforms in late 1980s and 1990sThe government's attempts to sell state-owned enterprises and restructure the economy led to political headaches due to Maori treaty claims and lack of transparency, causing divisions and a focus on individual changes rather than addressing systemic structures, leaving working class Maori communities disproportionately impacted.

      During the late 1980s and 1990s in New Zealand, the government's efforts to sell state-owned enterprises and restructure the economy towards more neoliberal ends faced obstacles due to Maori treaty claims and the recommendations of the Waitangi Tribunal. This led to a growing sense of special treatment for Maori within the government, causing political headaches. The government co-opted key Maori individuals and elites through negotiations and consultations, leading to a divide between the Maori elite and the grassroots struggle. The government sought to address uncertainty and restore profitable investment by making backroom deals, such as the Sea Lord's deal, which caused anger and division within the Maori community due to lack of transparency and democracy. This period saw a lack of inter-movement solidarity and a focus on individual changes rather than challenging systemic structures, leaving working class Maori communities disproportionately impacted. The historical context mirrored earlier land theft during colonization, where some Maori individuals profited by disregarding communal land. The lack of accurate representation from iwi bodies and the growing wealth gap further strained divisions within the Maori community. Activists, such as Te'a Hu, were critical of this historical period for its focus on individual relationships and prejudices rather than addressing the larger systemic structures perpetuating oppression.

    • The Maori struggle for self-determination required recognizing interconnected forms of oppressionThe Maori struggle for self-determination was complex and required addressing racial, gender, class, and other forms of oppression together for true liberation.

      The Maori struggle for self-determination in the late 20th century was complex and multifaceted, with a focus on cultural nationalism leading to a disregard for other forms of struggle, such as class struggle and gender struggle. This oversimplification of Maori experiences and political aspirations weakened the cohesion of the struggle and left exploitable gaps in analysis. It's essential to recognize the interconnected nature of racial, gender, class, and other forms of struggle, and to build a liberation movement that unites different oppressed groups into a common struggle. Cultural nationalism can be a useful tool, but it's not enough on its own to bring about fundamental societal change. The Maori movement is diverse and includes a range of strategies, campaigns, and participants with conflicting objectives. The need for an intersectional approach to revolution is clear, as the struggle against racist, sexist, capitalist, and other forms of oppression requires a comprehensive understanding of the interconnected nature of these issues. The Maori struggle for self-determination is ongoing, and true liberation has not yet been achieved. It's important to continue building a strong and inclusive movement that addresses the complex and interconnected nature of oppression.

    • Exploring Diverse Topics: Responsible Gambling, Education, Politics, and JournalismBetMGM promotes responsible betting, Purdue Global empowers working adults, Ron DeSantis faced criticism, Lord Miles Rutledge is in Taliban custody, and Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily uplifts black voices.

      BetMGM invites you to place your bets responsibly while Purdue Global offers working adults the opportunity to earn a degree and advance their careers. Meanwhile, in the world of news and politics, Ron DeSantis, a prominent figure, faced criticism for a homophobic ad during Pride Month. Lord Miles Rutledge, a British man who gained infamy for his dangerous travels, is alive and well in Taliban custody, according to recent updates. The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily continues to elevate black voices and stories in the Detroit community. These diverse topics highlight the importance of responsible gambling, education, authentic journalism, and self-awareness in today's world.

    • Alt-right's use of memes and aestheticsThe alt-right has co-opted memes and aesthetics like laser eyes and vaporwave, transforming them from innocuous internet culture into symbols of power and control.

      The use of certain memes and aesthetics, such as laser eye memes and vaporwave, has evolved and been co-opted by political groups, including the alt-right. These visual elements, which originated in video games, sci-fi, and nostalgic internet culture, have been used to convey power and gain support. Laser eye memes, in particular, represent figures gaining power and control. Vaporwave, a musical and visual genre that emerged around the same time, was influenced by video games, cyberpunk anime, and a nostalgic longing for the past. However, it was also criticizing consumerist culture and the disposability of modern technology. The alt-right, a far-right political ideology, adopted these aesthetics, giving them the name "Fashwave," and used them to promote their ideology. This co-option of once-innocuous memes and aesthetics highlights the power of visual language and the potential for it to be used in divisive and harmful ways.

    • The Aesthetic of Doomer Accelerationism Evolved on TelegramTelegram's hands-off approach to moderation facilitated the spread of doomer accelerationist ideology and aesthetics among far-right groups, blending hauntology, fascism, and apocalypticism.

      The aesthetic of fast wave, which originated from vaporwave and hauntology, evolved into a more overtly apocalyptic and doomer focus within the burgeoning network of militant accelerationist Telegram channels around 2019. This shift was influenced by various factors, including the collapse of Iron March forums and the convergence of hauntology's longing for a past that was never real with reactionary fascism. The monochrome, neon-glitchy style became popular among groups like the Boogaloo Boys and was accompanied by a doomer accelerationist ideology. Telegram's largely hands-off approach to moderation also contributed to its function as the far right's cultic milieu, allowing various memes, ideologies, conspiracy theories, and propaganda to intermingle and spread.

    • The interconnected nature of Telegram leads to the rise of a dystopian-inspired, authoritarian aesthetic called 'dark mega' or 'ultra mega'.Telegram's interconnectedness facilitates the spread of extreme aesthetics and ideologies, leading to the emergence of 'dark mega' or 'ultra mega' - a dystopian, authoritarian aesthetic inspired by militant accelerationist propaganda.

      The interconnected nature of Telegram, with users advertising channels and groups to each other, creates a pipeline for people to be exposed to new aesthetics, ideologies, and conspiracy theories. This cross-proliferation led to the rise of "dark mega" or "ultra mega," a dystopian-inspired, overtly authoritarian aesthetic that emerged around a year after the January 6th capital attack. This trend, which is a coagulation of the far-right's mimetic aesthetic, is characterized by militaristic domestic connotations, dimly lit images, and the presence of weapons and Nazi symbols. The influence of militant accelerationist propaganda is apparent in this new stylistic iteration, which is downstream from Fashwave. The images are often poorly edited and reminiscent of nineties horror, with figures like Trump depicted with red laser eyes and ominous text. Some creators behind this trend even followed the researcher on Twitter, adding an unsettling element to the discovery.

    • A push for Trump to adopt a harder stance and reunite the online rightDark Mega was a pro-Trump movement advocating for an extreme, authoritarian approach to politics, using attention-grabbing propaganda and drawing inspiration from video games to push alt-right ideology further into the mainstream

      Dark Mega was a movement within the pro-Trump online community that advocated for a more extreme and authoritarian approach to politics. It was described as a push for Trump to embrace a harder stance and learn from his mistakes. Dark Mega also aimed to reunify various factions of the online right and introduce more extreme narratives and aesthetics into the mainstream Trumpist movement. This was accomplished through attention-grabbing propaganda, including images of Trump with militant posturing and edgy aesthetics, such as red and dark blue monochrome with laser eyes. Dark Mega also drew inspiration from video games like Wolfenstein, where the Nazis were the villains. Despite some controversies surrounding certain symbols and aesthetics, Dark Mega was not explicitly pro-Nazi but rather an attempt to push the alt-right ideology further into the mainstream using Trump's legitimacy. The movement gained popularity in the aftermath of the failed January 6th coup attempt, when some on the right began to embrace more militant posturing once again.

    • The Rise and Fall of the 'Dark Mega' Political MovementIn spring-summer 2022, 'Dark Mega' gained popularity among far-right conservatives, endorsed by figures like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Madison Cawthorn, but waned by May due to an alarming post by Cawthorn and lost significance as an online search topic.

      During the spring and summer of 2022, the far-right political movement known as "dark mega" gained significant momentum online, with various conservative politicians and influencers promoting it. This movement, which sought to punish political enemies and reclaim power, reached peak popularity around March 2022, but its influence waned by May due to an event that effectively killed it. Dark mega was an embodiment of the far-right's desire to reclaim power and was popularized through memes, which played a crucial role in the 2016 election. Notable figures who endorsed dark mega included Marjorie Taylor Greene, Tim Swain, Logan Hall, Andrew McCarthy, Jack Sobiech, Madison Cawthorn, and Andrew Kloster, among others. Cawthorn's unhinged post about America First conservatives and the rise of the new right was particularly alarming. However, most people in national politics were not swayed by this rhetoric, and Cawthorn's post ultimately led to his continued employment being terminated. The Global Network on Extremism and Technology analyzed dark mega as an appeal to accept the true desires of the most dissident Trump supporters and mainstream their feelings. The movement peaked as an online search topic in May 2022 but only lasted for about three months. It can still be found among certain extremist groups, but it no longer signifies a significant political movement. The reason for its decline will be explored in part 2 of this discussion.

    • Exploring the power of political satire through the 'dark Brandon' memeThe 'dark Brandon' meme uses irony and satire to critique political figures and narratives, showcasing their importance in engaging with politics and societal issues.

      Humor and satire are powerful tools for engaging with politics and societal issues. The discussion around "dark Brandon" memes illustrates this, as it showcases how people use irony and satire to critique and respond to political figures and narratives. Dark Brandon, a meme that emerged during the Biden presidency, combines elements of different pro-Trump memes while subverting them. It satirically imagines Biden as a militant communist dictator, using authoritarian impulses and catchphrases typically associated with the right. The meme's success lies in its ironic premise and the humor it generates. Dark Brandon's ability to maintain its sense of irony and avoid attacks from conservative commentators highlights the importance of understanding the context and intent behind political satire. Overall, this conversation underscores the significance of staying informed, engaged, and open-minded in our increasingly polarized world.

    • The 'Dark Brandon' meme's evolution and impact on Biden's imageThe 'Dark Brandon' meme, originating as an ironic commentary on Biden's perceived authoritarianism, gained mainstream popularity among liberals and even reached the White House, influencing Biden's public image and speeches.

      The meme culture surrounding President Joe Biden, specifically the "dark Brandon" meme, evolved significantly during a period of political triumph for the Democrats. Originating from the leftist sphere as an ironic commentary on Biden's perceived authoritarianism, the meme gained mainstream popularity among liberals, leading to a watered-down, cringier version. Despite initial concerns that the meme would die off, it surprisingly persisted due to the lack of alternative meme topics and the Democrats' newfound sense of accomplishment. Even the White House staff joined in on the trend, further legitimizing the meme and solidifying its place in the political discourse. This unexpected meme cycle not only showcased the Democrats' ability to engage in agitprop but also influenced Biden's public image and speeches.

    • Dark Brandon meme: A symbol of resistance against political extremismThe 'Dark Brandon' meme, originating as a joke about Biden's gaffes, has transformed into a symbol of resistance against political extremism, gaining popularity among liberal audiences and limiting Trump's appeal to right-wing circles.

      The internet phenomenon known as "dark Brandon" has emerged as a surprising response to political tensions in the United States. Dark Brandon, characterized by images of President Biden with red laser eyes and a mischievous grin, originated as a meme poking fun at the President's gaffes and errors. However, it quickly evolved into a symbol of resistance against political extremism and a rallying cry for democracy. This meme has gained significant popularity among liberal audiences, leading to merchandise sales and even an official error 404 page on Biden's campaign website. The meme's success has also neutralized Trump's ability to capitalize on the "fashwave" aesthetic, effectively limiting his appeal to right-wing circles. Despite its playful origins, the dark Brandon meme represents a powerful expression of political sentiment and a testament to the power of internet culture in shaping public discourse.

    • Democrats' use of 'Brandon laser eyes' memes affects far-right extremist groupsThe Democratic Party's adoption of a popular meme style has led to its decline among far-right extremist groups due to fear of association.

      The widespread use of "Brandon laser eyes" memes by the Democratic Party and earnest followers has effectively made the "fast wave" meme style uncool and unappealing to far-right extremist groups. This unintended consequence, as discussed, has led to a significant decrease in the use of "fast wave" memes, including those associated with controversial figures like Ron DeSantis. The fear of association with mainstream or liberal groups is a powerful deterrent for these extremist communities. The ability of the Democratic Party to influence and change the cultural landscape, even unintentionally, demonstrates a formidable power in the digital age.

    • DeSantis campaign's controversial social media postCareful messaging is crucial in politics, and ill-advised social media strategies can lead to public relations disasters.

      The DeSantis campaign's decision to post a controversial video on social media comparing the governor to fictional serial killer Patrick Bateman from American Psycho resulted in a public relations disaster. The video, which featured bizarre imagery and pulsating music, was met with criticism from various quarters, including Trump supporters, gay Republicans, and even DeSantis' own team. The video was widely panned as offensive, confusing, and politically tone-deaf. The responses on social media ranged from questioning the campaign's motives to outright ridicule. The incident underscores the importance of careful messaging and the potential consequences of ill-advised social media strategies.

    • DeSantis campaign's controversial ad against Trump's LGBTQ support backfiresThe DeSantis campaign's attempt to criticize Trump's LGBTQ support through a bizarre ad was met with criticism and confusion, failing to gain traction among conservatives.

      The DeSantis campaign's attempt to use a controversial and bizarre ad to attack Donald Trump's support for LGBTQ issues backfired, with many viewing it as dark, twisted, and incomprehensible. MSNBC pundits criticized the ad as an unsuccessful attempt by DeSantis to move to the right of Trump, but some experts argue that the ad's rejection by conservative America is due to its sheer strangeness and the waning influence of Fastwave and dark mega imagery. The ad's use of memes and pop culture references, including Patrick Bateman and Chad, was intended to appeal to a specific online subculture but instead alienated most viewers. The only notable figure who publicly supported the ad was Ian Miles Cheung, and even many DeSantis supporters were off-put by it. Overall, the ad failed to effectively attack Trump or gain support from the conservative base.

    • Ron DeSantis campaign's controversial 'Dark Brandon' ad not created in-houseThe DeSantis campaign's unconventional 'Dark Brandon' ad, which originated from an external source, caused confusion and backlash, and it negatively impacted their midterm election efforts.

      The unusual and controversial advert released by the Ron DeSantis campaign during the midterms, featuring an image of "Dark Brandon," was not created by the campaign itself, but rather originated from an external source. This bizarre outlier in their media strategy left many confused and turned off, and it didn't help the Republicans in their election efforts. The origins of the video are unclear, and it raises questions about who was operating the DeSantis campaign's Twitter account and their intentions for sharing such content. The video, reminiscent of the 2016 Trump campaign's unconventional ad, was a massive blowback for the DeSantis team, who have a dedicated ad team but chose to embed this video instead, without any apparent reason. The overall effect was a significant setback for the Republicans in the midterms, and it seems that "Dark Brandon" continues to outshine DeSantis in the political arena.

    • DeSantis campaign's controversial ad backfiredPolitical campaigns need to tailor messaging to their audience for success, not rely on divisive tactics or alienate voters.

      The DeSantis campaign's use of a controversial ad comparing his opponent to a serial killer from a horror movie was a misstep. The online alt-right movement referenced in the discussion did not have widespread appeal or support among the Republican base. The campaign's refusal to back down from the ad despite criticism and opportunities to apologize or distance themselves from it was reminiscent of Trump's approach. However, this strategy, often associated with fascism, did not resonate with the broader electorate. It's crucial for political campaigns to understand their audience and tailor their messaging accordingly to be successful.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Intensifying attacks, Trump’s deadline, $1B jackpot winner

    Intensifying attacks, Trump’s deadline, $1B jackpot winner
    Russia fires missiles at Odesa for the third straight night, targeting grain storage and the infrastructure for exporting food to people who need it across the world. The EU's top diplomat calls the strikes barbaric. Plus, Trump has 18-hours left to respond to the special counsel's letter informing him that he's a target in the 2020 election interference probe, as the grand jury reconvenes to deliberate whether he should be indicted. And, we have a winner - a single player in California takes the entire $1 billion Powerball jackpot. Also this morning: the scandal exploding at the Texas border over the treatment of migrants, new details about the US soldier who ran into North Korea, a second IRS whistleblower goes public about the Hunter Biden probe, and the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup kicks off. To learn more about how CNN protects listener privacy, visit cnn.com/privacy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #02: Hanau is everywhere!

    #02: Hanau is everywhere!
    In this episode, we explore the dark undercurrent of far-right extremism in Germany and pay tribute to the victims of the Hanau terror attack on this one-year anniversary. We chat to 22-year-old Amaro Sinan Kuzhan from Hanau, Ferat Kocak, a Kurdish-German local politician from Berlin and Mehmet Daimaguler a lawyer working on the violent case of an arrest of an 11-year-old Sinti boy in Singen. Featured guests: Politician: Ferat Koçak Politician @der_neukoellner Maruf Sinan Kuzhan from education initiative @bi_ferhatunvar Lawyer: Dr. Mehmet Daimaguler Translations: Carla Baumer Artwork: Elijah Vardo @ElijahVardo Animator: @treefibet Marius Roth Music: Aroma Records

    4/11/23: EXCLUSIVE: Zelensky Sought To Bomb Russia, 5G Threatens Military Satellites, Ukraine Looks To India, DeSantis Abortion Ban, Biden 2024 Announcement, Justice Thomas, Biden's Tik Tok Influencers, US Lab Leak, Thomas Sadoski On Yemen Genocide

    4/11/23: EXCLUSIVE: Zelensky Sought To Bomb Russia, 5G Threatens Military Satellites, Ukraine Looks To India, DeSantis Abortion Ban, Biden 2024 Announcement, Justice Thomas, Biden's Tik Tok Influencers, US Lab Leak, Thomas Sadoski On Yemen Genocide

    Krystal and Saagar discuss exclusive reporting from leaked documents we uncovered that purport to show Zelensky Seeking To Bomb Russia, 5G communications threatening military and commercial satellites, the Pentagon Witch Hunt for the Document Leaker, the US humiliated as Ukraine looks to India's Modi for Peace Deal, Desantis Allies warning that the Abortion Ban could backfire on him, Biden makes an incomprehensible announcement on his 2024 campaign, SCOTUS Clarence Thomas caught hiding decades of billionaire gifts, Krystal looks into Biden's desperate Tik Tok Influencer scheme, Saagar looks into Covid, Ebola, Lyme Disease and How US Labs are dangerous to everyone, and we're joined by Newsroom Actor Thomas Sadoski who calls out US silence on the genocide in Yemen.

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    Roundup: Repealing Iraq War Approval; SCOTUS Has No Ethics Code

    Roundup: Repealing Iraq War Approval; SCOTUS Has No Ethics Code
    A bill ending Iraq war authorizations has cleared a procedural hurdle in the Senate and is expected to be taken up by the chamber for a final vote next week, coinciding with the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Federal judges are all bound by an ethics code — so why aren't Supreme Court justices?

    This episode: White House correspondent Tamara Keith, political correspondent Susan Davis, senior political editor and correspondent Ron Elving, legal affairs correspondent Nina Totenberg, and national justice correspondent Carrie Johnson.

    The podcast is produced by Elena Moore and Casey Morell. It is edited by Eric McDaniel. Our executive producer is Muthoni Muturi. Research and fact-checking by Devin Speak.

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    White House crash, Carroll continues suing Trump, social media harm risk

    White House crash, Carroll continues suing Trump, social media harm risk
    A driver faces charges of threatening to kill, kidnap or inflict harm on a president, vice president or family member after ramming a U-Haul truck into barriers near the White House. The Secret Service says the crash may have been intentional. Plus, E. Jean Carroll files a request for more damages in her civil lawsuit against Trump after comments he made about her during his CNN Town Hall. And, in a stark warning, the US Surgeon General labels social media a “profound risk of harm” for kids.Also this morning: a billionaire GOP megadonor defends buying the home of Justice Clarence Thomas’ mother, NASA's Rover brings us footage of craters and even a possible river on Mars, and a “verified” Twitter account shares a fake image of an explosion outside of the Pentagon. To learn more about how CNN protects listener privacy, visit cnn.com/privacy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices