
    Podcast Summary

    • Building community connections and authenticityConnecting with neighbors fosters personal growth and preparedness. Authentic self-expression and exploring alternatives to smoking can lead to personal growth. Intersectional analysis is crucial for nuanced sports journalism.

      Community connections are essential for personal growth and preparedness, especially during uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of building relationships with neighbors to create a more connected community. Meanwhile, Amy Winehouse's biopic, "Back to Black," encourages self-expression and authenticity. Additionally, people seeking a smoke-free future can explore ZYN nicotine pouches as an alternative to traditional smoking methods. Furthermore, the discussion touched on the importance of intersectional analysis in sports journalism, particularly in the world of cycling. The sport, which involves racing skinny tire drop bar bikes on off-road courses, requires competitors to get off their bikes and carry them over barriers. This unique aspect of cyclocross highlights the need for nuanced coverage and understanding of various sports and their communities. Overall, the key takeaway is the importance of community, authenticity, and understanding in various aspects of life, whether it be through building connections with neighbors, expressing oneself, or covering sports.

    • Transphobic protests disrupt cyclocross race, harassment of trans athletes escalatesDespite the light-hearted atmosphere of cyclocross, recent years have seen escalating transphobic protests and harassment towards trans athletes, with USA Cycling failing to take action.

      Cyclocross is an unusual and entertaining sport that involves heckling from the crowd, but it has faced a serious issue with transphobic protests in recent years. The heckling is meant to be light-hearted and inclusive, but in 2021, a group called Save Women's Sport disrupted a race with transphobic signs. This incident was not a surprise to many, as the harassment of trans cyclists has been escalating for years, with USA Cycling failing to take action. The incident occurred during a world championship won by Veronica Ivy, a trans woman in the masters category. While masters competitions are important for older athletes, the highest level of competition is the elite category, open to all ages. The difference between masters and elite competitions lies in the resources available to the athletes, rather than their abilities. Cyclocross is known for its fun and silly atmosphere, but the sport has faced a serious challenge in maintaining an inclusive environment.

    • Masters track cycling competition and transphobic sentimentsDiscussions surrounding Masters track cycling and trans women's participation can be divisive, focusing on physical characteristics instead of core principles of equality and inclusion.

      The Masters track cycling competition, while significant for its participants, does not necessarily represent the best athletes in the world for their age group due to various factors including cost and travel. The discussion also touched upon the controversy surrounding the participation of trans women in competitive cycling, with some individuals voicing transphobic sentiments. This issue has become a divisive wedge, focusing the discourse on trans people and their physical characteristics, rather than the core principles of feminism and equality. It's important to recognize that these debates often stem from a misunderstanding or misrepresentation of trans issues, and can be used to undermine the inclusion and rights of trans individuals.

    • The Debate Around Transgender Athletes in Women's SportsDespite the need for inclusivity and respect, some individuals use biased arguments and hate speech to exclude transgender athletes from women's sports. This issue gained attention in cycling community with Inge Thompson's advocacy for exclusion, leading to protests and controversy.

      The debate around transgender athletes in women's sports has become a contentious issue, with some individuals using biased arguments and hate speech to exclude trans athletes. This issue has gained significant attention in the cycling community, where Inge Thompson, a prominent cyclist and anti-trans activist, has advocated for the exclusion of transgender athletes from competitions. Thompson's methods, which include dehumanization, spreading misinformation, and personal attacks, have been met with criticism and have led to her removal from various roles within the cycling community. The controversy reached a peak with the 2021 Save Women's Sport protest, where some individuals called for the resignation of USA Cycling's CEO and safe sport coordinator due to their support for transgender inclusion. These incidents highlight the need for education, understanding, and respect towards transgender individuals and their right to participate in sports.

    • Saintswomen's Sports and Transphobic Groups: The Ugly Side of CyclingThe incident involving Saintswomen's Sports and their transphobic actions highlights the need for inclusion and effective measures to prevent bullying and harassment in sports.

      The actions of a cycling organization, Saintswomen's Sports, against the participation of trans women in women's categories led to a public outcry and the resignation of USA Cycling CEO, Derek De Martini. The organization, which presented itself as an organic reaction to trans women's participation, was found to have financial ties to right-wing and transphobic groups. The CEO, in an interview, downplayed the impact of bans on trans athletes, but many athletes felt unsafe and avoided races due to bullying and harassment. The governing body, USA Cycling, and its SafeSport program, which aims to prevent abuse, bullying, and harassment, have been criticized for failing to address these issues effectively. The community was forced to take matters into their own hands to ensure safety. The incident highlights the importance of inclusion and the need for effective measures to prevent bullying and harassment in sports.

    • The Complexity of Transgender Athletes in SportsDespite peaceful coexistence, transgender athletes face discrimination and harmful policies, fueled by biases and misunderstandings. Inclusivity and challenging biases are crucial.

      The debate surrounding transgender athletes in sports is a complex issue with deep-rooted biases and misunderstandings. The Sports Women's Coalition, an organization that has worked with far-right groups, has fueled the controversy by framing transgender women's existence as an "issue" and repeatedly misgendering them. Trans and cis athletes have shown solidarity and coexisted peacefully in various sports, including cycling. However, governing bodies like the UCI have enacted discriminatory policies, such as banning trans women from elite-level cycling, which can be devastating for athletes' livelihoods. The UCI's justification for these policies relies on pseudoscience and a high burden of proof, while ignoring the real threats to sports. The situation highlights the importance of challenging biases and promoting inclusivity in sports and beyond.

    • Misunderstanding of human biology fuels debate on transgender athletesOutdated and simplistic understanding of biology leads to discrimination and exclusion of transgender athletes, causing harm and limiting their opportunities to participate in sports.

      The debate surrounding transgender athletes and their eligibility in sports based on binary sex is rooted in a flawed understanding of human biology. The notion of a binary sex is as nonsensical as a binary gender, yet we continue to try and force people into these different competitions. The use of outdated and simplistic understanding of biology, such as chromosome typing, leads to discrimination and exclusion of individuals who do not fit neatly into these categories. This was exemplified in the case of Maria Jose Martinez Patignol, an intersex woman who faced public shaming and loss of opportunities due to failing a gender test based on chromosome typing. The consequences of this misinformation fall on the individuals who are not cisgender, and it is essential to lift up their voices and challenge these harmful policies. Austen Hartke, a transgender athlete, expressed her disappointment with the UCI's decision to renege on their previous policy for inclusion, emphasizing the importance of allowing all individuals to chase their passions and find joy in sports.

    • Sports organizations creating barriers for trans athletesTrans athletes face exclusion in sports despite research debunking inherent advantages. Cycling excluded Chris Mosier, while chess created a gender council with controversial policy.

      Despite international guidelines promoting fairness and inclusion, some sports organizations continue to create unnecessary barriers for trans athletes. The discussion focused on the contradictory open category in cycling and the unexpected policy change in chess by their respective governing bodies. In cycling, Chris Mosier, a trans athlete, faced exclusion from the open category, despite extensive research debunking the notion of inherent advantages for trans women in sports. Conversely, chess had a long-standing issue with sexism and the underrepresentation of women, leading to the creation of separate women's sections. Recently, FIDE, the chess federation, released a controversial policy requiring individuals to submit their gender for approval, effectively creating a gender council. The inconsistencies and exclusionary practices in these sports highlight the importance of continued advocacy for fairness and inclusion in all areas of competition.

    • Waiting Period for Trans Women in FIDE Women's Chess EventsFIDE's policy prohibits trans women from participating in women's chess events, with a waiting period up to two years, raising questions about gender differentiation and implications for trans inclusivity in sports.

      Trans women are currently prohibited from participating in official FIDE women's chess events until FIDE makes a decision based on further analysis. The length of this waiting period is up to two years. The reasons for this policy are unclear, leaving many questioning what exactly differentiates genders in this context. Some argue that FIDE, as the chess governing body, has the power to make such decisions without clear guidelines, as seen in past controversial instances. The transphobic environment in some gaming communities, like chess and StarCraft, has historically brought women together, but this issue raises concerns about the decision-makers behind this policy and the potential implications for trans inclusivity in sports.

    • Sports as social tools for inclusion and exclusionSports have shaped societal norms and exclusionary practices, with trans individuals currently facing challenges in participating. Engage with the issue and support inclusive initiatives.

      Sports have always been more than just physical competition; they serve as social tools to include or exclude people based on various factors, including race, class, and gender. A historical example was discussed of a non-binary athlete who competed for the Nazis in the 1936 Olympics and later served in the German Armed Forces, highlighting the complexities and challenges surrounding gender identity in sports. It's crucial to recognize the importance of sports in shaping societal norms and exclusionary practices. Transphobes are currently using sports as a wedge to exclude trans individuals, making it essential for those who care about inclusion to engage with the issue. Additionally, there are various community-building initiatives, such as Neighbor to Neighbor, that aim to foster stronger connections between individuals and prepare them for various challenges.

    • A platform for heterodox thinking and dialogueStrange Matters fosters collaboration between diverse perspectives in economics, politics, and culture to address complex issues, promoting a space for libertarian socialism and direct democracy.

      Strange Matters, a magazine dedicated to new and unconventional thinking in economics, politics, and culture, serves as a platform for heterodox economists and diverse perspectives to engage in dialogue. With a political bent towards libertarian socialism and a focus on direct democracy, the magazine aims to bridge the gaps between various schools of thought, including Marxists, post-Keynesians, ecological economists, and feminist economists. The magazine's strength lies in its commitment to accommodating differing opinions and fostering a space for collaboration to address complex and vast issues, such as climate change, political crises, and societal reconfigurations. Despite the team's individual strong perspectives, they believe that by coming together and engaging in dialogue, they can collectively contribute to finding solutions and preventing being steamrolled by fascist ideologies.

    • The supply chain theory of inflationThe supply chain theory of inflation explains the ongoing trend by focusing on supply chain disruptions and the exhaustion of non-price coping mechanisms, challenging the traditional view of inflation being caused by monetary aggregates or demand-pull factors.

      The supply chain theory of inflation, which was first proposed by Steve in a 2020 essay, has proven to be a valuable predictive and explanatory tool for understanding the ongoing inflation trend. This theory posits that price increases result from supply chain disruptions and the exhaustion of non-price coping mechanisms by businesses. The theory challenges the long-held belief that inflation is primarily caused by monetary aggregates or demand-pull factors. Empirical evidence supports the idea that pricing managers raise prices as a last resort when all other options have been exhausted. The theory's significance lies in its ability to explain the current inflation trend, which has affected various industries and economies worldwide. It highlights the importance of understanding the behavior of pricing managers and the interconnectedness of supply chains in the context of inflation.

    • Inflation as a continuous general increase in pricesInflation isn't just about money losing value, it's about prices continuously increasing due to the relationship between money supply and goods supply

      Inflation is not just about the value of money decreasing, but rather about a continuous general increase in prices. This concept was first articulated by John K. Galbraith in the 1950s, but it challenges our common understanding of inflation as a decrease in the value of money. Instead, inflation is a result of the relationship between the supply of money and the supply of goods. The quantity theory of money, an older economic theory, envisions the economy as a system of individual agents trading scarce goods. Money is just one good among many, and its value is determined by its relative abundance. An increase in the money supply leads to a decrease in the value of money and an increase in prices, while a decrease in the money supply leads to an increase in the value of money and a decrease in prices. However, modern economic theories have evolved away from the quantity theory of money due to its lack of empirical basis. Instead, they focus on the relationship between the amount of money and the goods it can buy. When demand for goods exceeds their supply, prices will increase due to scarcity. The underlying microeconomics of why prices increase in such situations are not fully addressed by this macro theory. Overall, understanding inflation as a continuous general increase in prices is a profound concept that challenges our common understanding of the economic phenomenon.

    • Challenging the Simplistic Views of Traditional Economic TheoriesFrederick Lee's anarcho-syndicalist perspective challenges mainstream economic theories by viewing prices as a markup set by businesses over their total cost of production, recognizing the economy as a complex web of interdependent businesses.

      Traditional economic theories, such as demand pull and cost push inflation, have rigid and simplistic views of the economy. They focus on one cause and assume the entire economy operates under general equilibrium. However, the real economy is interconnected through supply chains where businesses depend on each other as customers and suppliers. Frederick Lee, an anarcho-syndicalist and economic theorist, challenged mainstream neoclassical economics by arguing that prices are not determined by supply and demand but are a markup set by businesses over their total cost of production. This perspective offers a more nuanced understanding of the economy as a complex web of interdependent businesses.

    • Understanding Inflation: External Shocks and Supply ChainsExternal shocks, such as input cost increases, natural disasters, or balance of payment issues, can cause inflation by disrupting specific supply chains, regardless of the amount of money in circulation.

      The economy functions as an interconnected web of supply chains, and inflation occurs when there are cost increases at key nodes in these supply chains due to external shocks. Cost push theories of inflation, which focus on labor unions and macroeconomic forces, often overlook the complex micro-level dynamics of these supply chains. External shocks, such as increases in input costs, natural disasters, or balance of payment issues, can lead to price increases that ripple through particular supply chains. The amount of money in circulation is generally irrelevant to this process, and identifying the origin of the stress and the affected supply chain is crucial for understanding the cause of inflation. The interconnectedness of businesses in the economy creates a closed circuit that keeps society functioning day to day, week to week, and year to year.

    • The misconception of labor militancy causing inflationHistorical data and economic evidence contradict the belief that labor militancy is the primary cause of inflation. Instead, inflation is the result of various costs affecting specific supply chains.

      The belief that inflation is primarily caused by union fights and labor militancy is not supported by historical data or economic evidence. While it may sound sophisticated to talk about the informational communication coefficient or cost push frameworks, the truth is that wages typically lag behind cost of living increases, and labor action is not the primary driver of inflation. Instead, inflation is the result of various costs affecting specific supply chains. Economists can't reduce complex economic phenomena to a single cause, and the COVID-19 inflation is a good example of this, with some attributing it to labor militancy while others point to various cost pressures. The strength of looking at inflation through a supply chain perspective is its ability to recognize multiple causes and the interconnectedness of economic factors.

    • COVID-19 caused supply chain disruptions leading to shortages and price increasesThe COVID-19 pandemic disrupted supply chains, causing shortages and price increases in key sectors, leading to broader economic consequences.

      The COVID-19 pandemic caused a series of interconnected supply chain disruptions, leading to shortages and price increases in key sectors of the economy. These disruptions, which began as early as 2020, affected various industries such as semiconductor manufacturing, agriculture, food processing, and shipping. The resulting shortages in these sectors traveled down supply chains, causing cost increases for consumers in areas like transportation, manufacturing, and food. Despite these issues, there was no inflation at the time when these predictions were made in early 2021. However, the disruptions set the stage for the inflation that would later emerge. It's important to note that these issues were not due to a single cause, such as corporate price gouging or worker wages, but rather a complex interplay of various factors.

    • Global supply chain disruptions led to inflation crisisGlobal supply chain disruptions caused by chip shortages and COVID bottlenecks resulted in the biggest inflationary crisis since the 1970s, not due to too much money in the economy.

      The global supply chain disruptions caused by the chip shortage and COVID-induced bottlenecks in agriculture and manufacturing led to a series of cost increases that traveled through interconnected nodes in the economy, resulting in the biggest inflationary crisis since the 1970s. This prediction, made before the inflation rate had significantly increased, was based on the understanding that these shortages would cause economy-wide inflation. Despite denials from some political figures, inflation was not caused by too much money in the economy, but rather by these cost push factors. A more proactive response could have involved government spending to address labor shortages and invest in new industries to replace imports, as seen during World War II with price controls, rationing, and rapid resource redeployment.

    • Understanding the causes of inflation during economic instabilityGerman economist Isabella Weber's research on 'greedflation' theory provided insights into the causes of inflation during economic instability, validating earlier work and shedding light on economic planning.

      During times of economic instability, such as the inflationary crisis we experienced in recent years, there have been debates among economists and policymakers about the causes and solutions. Initially, many believed inflation would be transitory due to the perceived nimbleness of supply chains and plentiful liquidity. However, when inflation persisted, the narrative shifted to blame corporate greed. A German economist, Isabella Weber, played a significant role in this shift with her work on the economic theories behind inflation, specifically the "greedflation" theory. Her research, which included identifying key nodes in supply chains using input-output tables, validated earlier work by Steve and provided valuable insights for economic planning. However, her work also included less convincing theories, such as attributing inflation solely to price increases. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of understanding economic theories and their implications during times of economic uncertainty.

    • Inflation caused by more than corporate greedThe inflation crisis is driven by a combination of factors including corporate price increases, biophysical bottlenecks, and the expectation of inflation.

      While corporate price increases may be a factor in the current inflation, it's not the sole cause. Some companies are raising prices due to biophysical bottlenecks and the expectation of inflation, not just for corporate greed. The inflation crisis has led to a battle between capital and labor over who bears the cost. After the inflation crisis hits, the focus shifts to who gets the reduced company surplus. The IMF, a capitalist institution, has acknowledged the role of biophysical crises in the inflation. It's essential to distinguish between smaller companies in supply chains that are merely passing on costs and larger corporations that may be opportunistically increasing prices.

    • Understanding the root causes of inflationRecognizing specific causes of inflation empowers workers to demand fair wages and challenge misinformation.

      Inflation is a complex issue driven by a mix of socially necessary price increases and opportunistic price hikes. The former group, which includes businesses defending their margins, often gives socially acceptable reasons for price increases. Understanding the root causes of inflation can help workers and unions push back against misinformation used to undermine their efforts. For example, recognizing that specific supply chain disruptions are causing inflation can empower workers to demand fair wages and challenge management's attempts to blame unions for price increases. Furthermore, historical examples of inflation, such as during the socialist period in China, demonstrate the importance of understanding the underlying causes to effectively address the issue.

    • Understanding economic theories and supply chain functionsA solid grasp of economic theories and supply chain functions can prevent disastrous decisions, prevent extreme measures, and identify economic trends early.

      Having a solid understanding of economic theories and supply chain functions can help prevent disastrous decisions that could negatively impact the economy. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not underestimating the potential influence of discourse on policy makers and how it can prevent extreme measures, like high interest rate increases, which could lead to economic downturns. The speaker also highlights the significance of having a well-developed economic theory, like the one they've discussed, which allows for early identification of economic trends and potential issues. Additionally, addressing complex issues, such as the impact of the internet on governance, requires a deep understanding of the underlying systems and creative problem-solving.

    • Exploring economic justice through worker-controlled mediaGrassroots movements and independent media play crucial roles in shaping economic analysis and policy. Supporting these initiatives can lead to meaningful change.

      Understanding the complexities of the world and creating meaningful change requires asking the right questions and building on existing ideas. The discussion highlighted the importance of grassroots movements and the role of independent media in shaping economic analysis and policy. The launch of a magazine focusing on economic justice led to a wave of inspired contributions, influencing the conversation in significant ways. To support this kind of worker-controlled media production and economic analysis, consider subscribing or donating. Remember, building a more connected community starts with helping your neighbors. Visit ca neighbors.com to learn how. In the midst of uncertainty, beacons of hope like Neighbor to Neighbor empower us to grow our communities and prepare for challenges. And for Mother's Day, treat her to the best at Whole Foods Market.

    • Fight Against Cop City in Atlanta: Setbacks and Future PlansCommunity organizers plan a referendum campaign to stop Cop City's land lease, despite setbacks like forest destruction and city council funding. The movement's focus shifts to deflating bouncy castles and destroying cop infrastructure.

      The fight against Cop City in Atlanta this summer has seen significant actions from forest defenders, resulting in the destruction of a large portion of the Wolani Forest and the barricading of Entrenchment Creek Park. Despite the setbacks, community organizers have announced a referendum campaign to put the Cop City land lease on the upcoming ballot. The recent city council vote in favor of funding for Cop City was disappointing but not unexpected, as another week of action to stop the facility was already planned. However, the kickoff rally for this week of action felt different from previous ones, with a larger presence of cameras and a more liberalized atmosphere, leading to a noticeable separation between different types of participants. The new movement slogan reflects this divide, with a focus on deflating bouncy castles and destroying cop infrastructure. Overall, the fight against Cop City continues to be a contentious issue in Atlanta.

    • Lack of direction and unity at recent rallyThe recent rally at Brownwood Park felt disconnected and lacked clear direction compared to the previous week's actions at Gresham Park, which had set the stage for the movement's next steps with determination and unity.

      The recent rally at Brownwood Park felt disconnected and directionless compared to the last week of action at Gresham Park. The groups involved seemed separated, with those on the south side setting up camp and those by the playground handing out food and signing up for the referendum. The energy and focus were lacking, with speakers not starting until late morning and the first rally only beginning around noon. The feeling was that people wanted to do something but were unsure how to direct their energy. The previous week's actions at the music festival had significant ramifications, leading to increased police presence and repression. The current rally served as a potential learning experience or bellwether for the movement's direction moving forward. Despite the lack of clear direction, the last week of action in March had set the stage for the next few months and had shown great determination and pointedness. The current rally, however, lacked this sense of purpose and unity.

    • Community Gathers for Cop City Protests, Police Disrupt VigilThe first week of Cop City protests in Atlanta saw a mix of peaceful gatherings and disruptions by police, leading to discussions and planning among activists on how to effectively resist the construction of Cop City.

      The first day of the week of action against Cop City in Atlanta was marked by uncertainty and community response to police presence. Throughout the afternoon, the gathering at Brownwood Park evolved into a community barbecue, and expectations for the day became clearer. However, a planned vigil was disrupted by police who warned the crowd that the park would close and sweep through at 11 PM. Despite anticipation of a raid, the crowd dispersed peacefully after the police warning. The following days were mostly low key, with workshops and discussions taking place to address the movement's direction. Overall, the week served as a catalyst for conversations and planning among activists on how to effectively resist the construction of Cop City. Despite some initial uncertainty, the community came together to navigate the shifting landscape of the movement.

    • Debating the Effectiveness of Electoral Strategies in the Fight Against Cop CityThe Cop City movement against the proposed police training center in Atlanta continues to employ diverse tactics, including direct action and electoral strategies, sparking debates among anarchists about the merits of each approach. Recent events, such as sabotage and the release of a referendum, have shown that both can coexist and strengthen the movement.

      The ongoing fight against Cop City in Atlanta involves various tactics, including direct action and electoral strategies. The recent push for a referendum has raised questions among some in the more militant anarchist wing of the movement about whether it's the right move to switch to an electoral strategy now, especially when direct action has been a core component of the movement for the past two years. Some worry that the referendum could dominate the narrative and disincentivize other evolutions of the struggle. However, anarchists continue to encourage radical autonomy and self-determination, regardless of electoral strategies or outcomes. The week of June 26th saw the first act of sabotage in months, with anonymous individuals pouring hydrochloric acid into the oil tanks of three vehicles belonging to a subcontractor working on the Cop City site. This coincided with the release of the referendum and a solidarity statement from the campaign, which was widely applauded and seen as a good sign that the referendum would not take space away from other aspects of the movement. Despite the ongoing debates and evolving nature of the movement, one thing remains clear: the fight against Cop City is multifaceted and requires a diverse range of tactics to be effective.

    • Student-led rally to reopen Entrenchment Creek ParkDespite a student-organized rally, Entrenchment Creek Park remains closed due to a proposed $1.8M construction plan. The future reopening is uncertain, with the next consideration date being October 10th.

      The week of action to reopen Entrenchment Creek Park in Atlanta saw a student-organized rally with approximately 30:30 people, where Dekalb County's involvement was minimal. The park remains closed due to a proposed $1,800,000 construction plan, and the soonest it will be reconsidered is October 10th. Throughout the week, there was heightened concern over a planned march from Gresham Park towards Waiolani, with an increased police presence and a chaotic start to the day with arrests at Cadence Bank. Despite the small turnout at the march, the police presence was significant, and the vibes were notably different from the previous gathering in Gresham Park. The park remains closed, and the future reopening remains uncertain.

    • Unexpected challenges at peaceful protest lead to strategic reassessmentProtesters must prioritize winning over looking good and be willing to take risks for long-term success

      The peaceful protest against the construction of a police militarization site in Atlanta faced unexpected challenges, leading the crowd to reassess their tactics and prioritize safety over immediate action. The police presence, which was larger than expected, caused the protest to pause and deliberate on their next steps. The speaker during the gathering emphasized the need to abandon the idea of losing while looking good and instead focus on winning the movement through creative offensive actions. The movement has been under constant attack, with activists facing arrests, intimidation, and violence. The priority should be on figuring out how to win, even if it means taking risks and going on the offensive when possible. The movement intends to win, but it will require everyone to believe in that outcome and be willing to abandon the desire to look good while losing.

    • Protest at Cop City results in peaceful turnaround after encountering large police presenceProtesters avoided potential arrests and violence by reassessing intentions and considering consequences, emphasizing the role of community leaders in shaping outcomes.

      The recent protest at the site of Cop City in Atlanta resulted in a turnaround decision by the crowd after encountering a large police presence, avoiding potential arrests and violence. The intentionality of such decisions was emphasized, as well as the importance of considering the consequences of actions and the role of community leaders like Belquis Turan in shaping the outcome. This was the first week of action without direct forest intervention, leading to a new feeling of navigating the situation and accepting the reality of the forest's destruction. People are still processing this change and will need to adapt their actions accordingly to continue opposing Cop City's construction.

    • Demonstration at Wolani People's Park leads to increased police presenceMassive police response at Wolani People's Park event underscores potential consequences, inspiring community to explore new possibilities and exposing heavy-handed tactics.

      The attempt to reenter Wolani People's Park resulted in a clear demonstration of the police response, allowing for better planning and evolution of future actions. The event saw massive police presence, including SWAT and riot police, which served as a reminder of the potential consequences. This realization allows for the community to move forward and explore new possibilities. Additionally, the arrest of a 76-year-old activist outside a Home Depot store, one of the Atlanta Police Foundation's financial backers, highlighted the heavy-handed tactics used by APD, further emphasizing the need for change.

    • Protest against Atlanta Police Foundation's partnership with Home Depot leads to rough treatment from law enforcementClear communication and effective protest management from law enforcement are crucial for maintaining public safety and respecting individual rights.

      During a protest against the Atlanta Police Foundation's partnership with Home Depot, demonstrators faced rough treatment from law enforcement regardless of age or reason. The situation escalated when a jail vigil for a protester held at Fulton County Jail was met with resistance from deputies, leading to a standoff and blocked access to the jail for family members and media. Despite the history of peaceful protests outside the jail, Fulton County deputies enforced a strict no-protest policy, causing confusion and tension. This incident highlights the importance of clear communication and effective protest management from law enforcement to maintain public safety and respect for individual rights.

    • Protests in Atlanta: A Week of Tense Encounters between Activists and Law EnforcementDuring a week of protests in Atlanta, activists and law enforcement faced off in tense situations, including a symbolic standoff at Cadence Bank. Despite hours-long standoffs, no arrests were made, and the focus on prison abolition was emphasized.

      During a week of protests in Atlanta, demonstrators faced off against law enforcement in tense situations, including at a Cadence Bank protest where activists and police engaged in a game of cat and mouse over a symbolic goal. Despite activists putting their feet on the bank steps, no arrests were made, and the week of action ended with a final rally at Brownwood Park, where the focus on prison abolition was emphasized. The protests highlighted the power dynamics between law enforcement and activists, with the police giving significance to seemingly insignificant objects, leading to hours-long standoffs. The week was marked by a sense of time warping and exhaustion, but ultimately, no arrests were made at the Cadence Bank protest. The movement's connection to prison abolition was also emphasized, with a focus on the inhumane conditions faced by those in jail, regardless of whether they had been convicted or not.

    • Community Building is the Key to Stopping Cop CityThe fight against Cop City involves more than just stopping its construction; it's about investing in essential community services like housing, childcare, education, and healthcare. The community's resilience and solidarity were on display during the week of action, and peaceful protests and fewer police presence marked a potential shift in power dynamics.

      The fight against Cop City goes beyond just stopping its construction; it's about investing in the essentials that make communities thrive. People are demanding housing, childcare, education, and healthcare instead of funding for law enforcement and military-style training facilities. The community's resilience was demonstrated through their ability to provide for each other during events, making the government irrelevant. The week of action ended on a positive note, with a peaceful march and fewer police presence, signaling a potential shift in power dynamics. The mysterious damages to police vehicles earlier in the week may have contributed to the increased morale and solidarity among the attendees. Overall, the movement is gaining momentum and showing that community-building is the key to stopping Cop City and creating a safer, more equitable society.

    • A week of adaptation and positivity in the COP City movementDespite uncertainty, the COP City movement adapted, focused on long-term goals, and ended on a positive note with community and resilience.

      The recent week of action related to the movement against COP City in Atlanta saw a shift towards more directionality and positivity, as people recognized the necessity for change and adapted to the evolving situation on the ground. The week began with uncertainty and scattered energy, but ended with answers to some of the questions raised and a clearer sense of how the movement will evolve in the coming months. The week also saw a reversal of the previous week's energy levels, with the kickoff rally feeling muted compared to the high-energy ending. Adaptability was a key theme throughout the week, as people recognized the need to move beyond certain modes of operation that are no longer viable. The week ended on a positive note with food, water, music, and a bouncy castle, reflecting the importance of community and resilience in the face of ongoing struggles. Overall, the week of action demonstrated the importance of staying adaptable and focused on the long-term goals of the movement.

    • Week of Action in Atlanta sees smaller turnout, questioning its effectivenessThe recent Atlanta protests against Cop City saw a smaller turnout due to various reasons, leading to questions about the effectiveness of the week of action format and the need for new tactics to match the evolving situation.

      The recent week of action in Atlanta against the construction of the Cop City training complex saw a smaller turnout compared to the previous one due to various reasons such as timing, messaging, demoralization, and lodging issues. The event felt more local and less national, leading to a shift in paradigm for the movement. Some people are questioning if the week of action format is still applicable, as police have grown accustomed to it and are effective in repressing it. There is a possibility that Atlanta has outgrown this format and that new, unpredictable tactics may be needed to match the evolving situation. Unannounced sabotages, like the recent damage to Atlanta police vehicles, could be a sign of this change.

    • Youth-led actions against Cop City and corporations lead to resurgence of sabotageYouth activists escalated protests against Cop City and corporations funding it, leading to a wave of sabotage including vandalism, threats, and messages, raising concerns for public safety and property damage.

      During the week of youth-led actions against Cop City and corporations funding the Atlanta Police Foundation, there was a resurgence of direct action sabotage against related targets. This included vandalism of buildings and ATMs, as well as threats and messages left for contractors and their homes. The wave of actions continued after the week of action, with incidents reported in various locations, such as the Bay Area and Michigan. Authorities responded with increased security and investigations, while activists claimed responsibility for the actions and left messages for contractors to drop the Cop City contract. The intensity of these actions raised concerns for public safety and damage to property. The wave of sabotage actions came after a perceived lack of such direct actions in recent months.

    • Anarchists cause over $300,000 in damages during Atlanta protestsAnarchists use violence, intimidation, and sabotage during protests, causing significant damage, and continue to evade law enforcement through the use of the Internet.

      A group of professional anarchists caused over $300,000 in damages during protests against the Atlanta police and the Public Safety Training Center, using tactics of violence, intimidation, and sabotage. This group, which has left the democratic process and resorted to intimidating contractors, has yet to face significant consequences for their actions, with most arrests occurring during daytime protests. The anarchists have been using the cover of night to carry out their destructive acts, but they are not entirely safe from law enforcement, who are working together to determine where federal laws were violated and hold the group accountable. Despite the risks and the prevalence of surveillance, the anarchists continue to use the Internet to learn how to evade detection and plan their actions.

    • Actions speak louder than words in anarchist communitiesAnarchist communities prioritize actions over words, and individuals who engage in illegal activities must remain silent to protect themselves and others. Successful direct actions against Cop City project have shown the power of this approach.

      In anarchist communities, actions speak louder than words. Once an individual engages in an illegal act, their identity becomes synonymous with that action, and they must never speak of it to avoid risking their own and others' safety. This principle has been a standard in anarchist communities, particularly among illegalists and militant groups, and has drawn people to cities like Atlanta where they can live freely and engage in nighttime sabotage. The recent loss of the Wolani forest has changed the dynamic, making it harder for certain types of individuals to be drawn to the city. Meanwhile, efforts to pressure contractors and funders to drop out of the Cop City project have proven successful, with companies like Atlas Technical Consultants and Reeves Young Construction withdrawing from the project due to mounting pressure. These victories demonstrate the power of direct action in achieving desired outcomes.

    • Building community bonds and preparing for emergenciesVolunteer networks like Neighbor to Neighbor strengthen communities through connections and emergency preparedness. Atlanta residents are using democratic processes to give a voice to their community in the construction of Cop City through a referendum.

      Communities can be strengthened through neighborly connections and mutual support, even in uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, is an example of this, empowering individuals to build bonds and prepare for emergencies. Meanwhile, in Atlanta, the community is working to give residents a voice in the construction of Cop City through a referendum. Despite the mayor's skepticism, volunteers are gathering signatures to repeal an ordinance authorizing the land lease for the police training center. This grassroots effort demonstrates the power of community activism and the importance of giving people a say in decisions that affect them. Additionally, during the week of action against Cop City, the referendum was a consistent presence, reminding people of the potential for change through democratic processes.

    • Hip Hop Caucus Opposes COP City Project in AtlantaThe Hip Hop Caucus and community organizers are advocating against COP City, a proposed 400-acre police training facility, due to concerns over economic justice and police militarization. They argue for resources and jobs instead of more police presence, highlighting Atlanta's existing resource gaps in healthcare and housing.

      The Hip Hop Caucus, an organization focused on using hip hop culture to connect people to the civic and political process, is opposing the proposed COP City project in Atlanta due to concerns over economic justice and police militarization. The 400-acre facility, which will be the largest police training facility in the United States, is slated to be built in a residential neighborhood and will bring police from across the nation for militarized training. The Hip Hop Caucus and other community organizers are advocating for resources and jobs instead of more police presence, citing the city's existing lack of resources for its residents, particularly in the areas of healthcare and housing. The community is holding town hall discussions to raise awareness and educate the public about the potential implications of COP City.

    • Military-grade training in historically traumatized Atlanta community raises concernsCommunity members fear military-grade training in Atlanta could perpetuate violence and harm historically traumatized communities of color, worsening air quality and ignoring indigenous concerns.

      The proposed Cop City training facility in Atlanta raises significant concerns regarding the potential harm it could bring to a historically traumatized community of color. Eunaje Haha, during a community town hall discussion, highlighted the issue of bringing military-grade training to the area, which could perpetuate violence and tactics learned against community members. The land, which has a history of violence and exploitation, has been home to a prison farm and detention facilities for over a century. Additionally, the air quality in Atlanta, already impacted by deforestation and pollution, worsened during the hip hop caucus panel due to wildfires. Indigenous voices warn against the long-term consequences of this project and call for consideration of future generations. The disappointment felt by community members, who helped elect Mayor Dickens, grows as he remains committed to the Cop City project despite opposition.

    • Hypocrisy of city officials and companies towards unsheltered individuals and Black communityCity officials and companies have been criticized for their contradictory actions towards unsheltered individuals during cold weather and their investment in Cop City, which is perceived as a threat to the Black community, erasing the abolitionist core of the 2020 uprising.

      Hypocrisy and contradictory actions from those in power have been a significant issue in the ongoing debate over the construction of Cop City. Brandi, a community activist, shared her disappointment with Mayor Andre and other city officials for their actions towards unsheltered individuals during cold weather conditions. Despite her efforts to provide shelter and warmth, she felt betrayed when the authorities destroyed their tents and failed to provide adequate mental health services and transition teams. This pattern of hypocrisy extends to companies that publicly supported Black Lives Matter after George Floyd's death but now invest in Cop City, which is perceived as a direct threat to the Black community. The push for Cop City as a public safety training center further erases the abolitionist core of the 2020 uprising and serves as a pact between corporate America and law enforcement to maintain each other's legitimacy. This complex web of hypocrisy and contradictory actions underscores the importance of holding those in power accountable for their words and actions.

    • Impact of COP City on Marginalized CommunitiesCOP City in Atlanta disproportionately affects marginalized communities, seen as an oppressive force, threatens right to protest, and ignores community needs, representing a threat to civil liberties and societal change.

      The COP City issue in Atlanta goes beyond just the environment and impacts marginalized communities disproportionately. The narrative surrounding COP City, the focus on training officers, and the historical context of over-policing in Atlanta have led to disengagement from those most affected. The police are not seen as protectors, but rather as an oppressive force. COP City threatens the right to protest and the very means of making societal change. The community feels ignored and betrayed by elected officials who seek their votes but do not address their needs. The issue is not just about crime rates or diversity in officers, but a form of counterinsurgency to reassert dominance. The rise of COP City represents a real threat to civil liberties and the fight for societal change.

    • Mayor's Support for Cop City Diverts Funds from Community NeedsThe construction of Cop City in Atlanta diverts millions from community needs, including affordable housing, and could put peaceful protesters at risk due to infiltration by violent criminals and anarchists.

      The construction of Cop City in Atlanta, which will provide police with advanced urban warfare training, is a concerning trend that could have serious implications for communities, particularly for black residents. The Mayor, Andre Dickens, who promised to support affordable housing and the community, is instead diverting millions of dollars to the police foundation for this project. Peaceful protests are being infiltrated by violent criminals and anarchists, making it difficult for authorities to distinguish between the two, and potentially putting peaceful protesters at risk. The city is attempting to divide the movement and sow distrust among different wings of the fight against Cop City. It's crucial for the community to stay informed, stay vigilant, and work together to prevent the construction of Cop City and ensure resources are allocated to support the needs of the community instead.

    • Rejecting respectability politics in COP City referendumDespite city's attempts to invalidate COP City referendum, activists persisted with various resistance tactics and a federal judge ruled in their favor, allowing for signature collection and resetting the clock. However, police violence against community members, including the killing of an unarmed black man, continued to underscore the need for change.

      The COP City referendum's rejection of respectability politics and embrace of various forms of resistance, including nonviolent and violent tactics, was crucial in the face of police violence and state repression. This was demonstrated during the week of action when activists faced police brutality regardless of their actions. Additionally, the legal battle over the referendum saw the city of Atlanta argue for its invalidity based on a signed land lease, but a federal judge ruled in favor of the referendum, allowing non-Atlanta residents to collect signatures and reset the clock. However, the city quickly filed for an appeal. Meanwhile, while there was widespread praise for the Atlanta District Attorney's indictment of Trump for election interference, the city's own election interference against the COP City referendum received little attention. Tragically, during this time, the Atlanta Police Department killed an unarmed 62-year-old black man, Johnny Holman, during a minor traffic accident response, highlighting the ongoing issue of police violence against the community.

    • Allegations of voter suppression in AtlantaThe use of signature matching in Atlanta's COP City voter referendum is controversial and risks unfairly rejecting valid petitions, disproportionately impacting voters of color and the elderly, and delaying the election of a police and military training complex.

      The COP City voter referendum in Atlanta is facing allegations of voter suppression, specifically through the use of signature matching during the validation process. This controversial and discredited method has been shown to disproportionately impact voters of color and the elderly. The city's intention to use signature matching has sparked backlash from organizations like the ACLU and Fair Fight Action, who argue that it risks unfairly rejecting thousands of valid petitions. The coalition behind the referendum, which aims to build a training complex for police and military forces, has decided to continue collecting signatures and plans to submit them on September 23rd. The potential delay and shift towards a PR war in the public sphere comes with complications, such as skewed turnout and the loss of momentum. The use of signature matching in the validation process also raises questions about the city's commitment to fair elections and the will of Atlanta voters.

    • The Battle Against COP City: A Critical Moment in the Struggle Against the Police StateActivists resist COP City's construction in Atlanta, pushing for nonviolent actions and avoiding alienation of anarchist groups. The outcome will impact future police projects and the fight against police militarization, racism, and the neoliberal police state.

      The construction of COP City in Atlanta is now imminent, and the Atlanta Police Foundation is pushing to get as much built as quickly as possible before the referendum vote. Activists are responding with creative forms of resistance, including covert actions and nonviolent direct actions. The movement against COP City is part of a larger war against police militarization, racism, and the neoliberal police state. The outcome of this struggle in Atlanta will have implications for similar police projects across the country. It's important for the movement to avoid alienating anarchist groups, who have played a key role in the early stages of the movement. The fight against COP City is a critical moment in the ongoing struggle against the police state, and what happens in Atlanta will set a precedent for future battles. To learn more and support the cause, visit atlpresscollective.com and atlsolidarity.org.

    • Building Stronger Communities and Improving Personal HealthNeighbor to Neighbor promotes community engagement, Lazarus Naturals ensures quality CBD products, and CVS Health offers comprehensive healthcare services to improve lives and communities.

      There are various ways to build stronger communities and improve personal health. Neighbor to Neighbor is an organization that encourages community engagement, whether it's through helping neighbors in need or responding to natural disasters. On the other hand, Lazarus Naturals is a company committed to transparency and quality in the CBD industry, ensuring customers receive safe and effective products. CVS Health is another example of an organization dedicated to improving lives and communities. They offer a range of services, from virtual care and in-home evaluations to mental health support and wellness destinations for seniors. Overall, whether it's through community involvement, quality products, or comprehensive healthcare services, there are numerous opportunities to make a positive impact on both personal health and community well-being. To learn more about Neighbor to Neighbor, visit canebors.com. For Lazarus Naturals, go to lazarusnaturals.com. And for CVS Health's offerings, check out cvshealth.com/healthier-happens-together.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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