
    Jack Dorsey on Twitter's Mistakes

    enAugust 07, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on Addressing Power of Users and Negative ConsequencesTwitter CEO Jack Dorsey acknowledges the power of users on the platform, but regrets not addressing negative consequences like misinformation and cancel culture earlier. He wishes he had hired experts in game theory, behavioral economics, and social sciences to help understand incentives and ramifications of design choices.

      Learning from this conversation between Michael Barbaro and Twitter's CEO Jack Dorsey is that while Twitter users hold significant power on the platform, the company is grappling with how to address the negative consequences of that power, such as the spread of misinformation and the phenomenon of cancel culture. Dorsey acknowledged that people are constantly checking themselves, but the real issue lies in those who game the system or take unfair advantage of it. He regrets not hiring experts in game theory, behavioral economics, and social sciences earlier to help understand the incentives and ramifications of the platform's design choices. Despite the challenges, Dorsey does not see himself as a powerful figure, but rather as a checkpoint on the direction of the service, which ultimately lies in the hands of its users.

    • From a simple messaging platform to a global conversation spaceTwitter started as a personal messaging tool but grew into a global platform for conversation and learning, despite initial misconceptions about its societal impact.

      Twitter, originally intended as a simple messaging platform, evolved into a global conversation space with profound social implications. Co-founder Evan Williams admits that they didn't initially consider the societal aspects, focusing more on building a product rather than understanding how people would use it to interact and converse. Context plays a crucial role in these interactions, and while cancel culture is a concern, it's essential to allow people to express their past and learn from it. Twitter, with its global reach, encompasses various uses, some positive and some negative. Williams acknowledges the platform's flaws but emphasizes the importance of understanding its origins to fully grasp its impact. Twitter was discovered rather than invented, and the founders felt an incredible sense of connection as they used it to update each other on their daily lives, even when physically apart.

    • Twitter's role in politics during Arab SpringTwitter's unconstrained reach during the Arab Spring made it a significant player in politics, but also led to hyperpolarization, harassment, and negative behaviors.

      Twitter's transformation began with its unconstrained reach, allowing anyone to tune in to real-time updates, which was first evident during the Arab Spring. This shift made Twitter a significant player in politics, leading to hyperpolarization, harassment, and other negative behaviors. However, it's essential to note that abuse and harassment were not exclusive to Twitter but had been present on the internet since its inception. The early days of Twitter failed to acknowledge and address these issues adequately. The incentives and structures of Twitter, as well as the internet as a whole, have always incentivized and amplified such behaviors. While Twitter may have contributed to the problem, it's important to remember that these issues are deeply rooted in digital communication.

    • Twitter's unintended consequences of prioritizing metricsTwitter's focus on metrics like follower count, likes, and retweets can inadvertently spread misinformation and encourage users to share content without considering its substance.

      Social media platforms like Twitter, with features that prioritize and incentivize metrics such as follower count, likes, and retweets, can unintentionally encourage users to spread information quickly without considering its substance. This can lead to the spread of misinformation and potentially dangerous consequences. Twitter, in particular, has faced issues with users constructing tweets to gain maximum visibility and even gaming the system to achieve higher reach. To address this, Twitter is experimenting with features like notifying users if they retweet an article without reading it first. However, implementing such features requires careful consideration of potential positives and negatives, and the impact on discourse and potential new vectors of attack or abuse. Ultimately, Twitter aims to improve by learning from its experiences, observing, testing, and iterating to create a better platform.

    • Staying Flexible and Improving to Stay RelevantBalancing algorithm signals with other factors, promoting transparency and openness, and leveraging technology for positive societal impact are crucial for navigating the ever-evolving digital landscape.

      Being flexible and continuously learning and improving is crucial for staying relevant and avoiding danger, especially in regards to technology and algorithms. The discussion highlighted the importance of not relying solely on algorithms that naturally surface controversial or salacious content, but instead balancing those signals with other factors. Transparency and openness around how algorithms work and allowing users to choose their own algorithms could lead to better solutions and a positive impact on society. Twitter's vision for the future is to build a conversation layer of the Internet, with a focus on the public conversation layer, and to leverage translation technology and real-time translation to make that vision a reality.

    • Exploring the Impact of Technology on Social Media and Global CommunicationAs technology advances, social media becomes more inclusive, but maintaining relevance and civility amidst diverse perspectives and an overwhelming amount of information is crucial. Algorithms play a key role in filtering and prioritizing content, and it's important to consider their impact on societal issues.

      As technology advances, particularly in the realm of language translation and social media, we are moving towards a more connected and inclusive global community. This could lead to more voices being heard and a better representation of the world on platforms like Twitter. However, this also brings new challenges, such as maintaining relevance and civility in the face of an overwhelming amount of information and diverse perspectives. The role of algorithms in filtering and prioritizing content will become increasingly important. While expanding access to social media may shed light on issues and allow more people to participate in addressing them, it's crucial to consider whether these platforms are a reflection or amplifier of societal issues. Ultimately, it's up to us to use these tools responsibly and continue to iterate and improve upon them as we discover new challenges.

    • Staying ahead of potential misuse and exploring new use casesTwitter's experiment with multiple perspectives, fact-checking, and flagging inaccurate info are crucial steps to address negative aspects of internet tools and encourage deeper engagement.

      Addressing the negative aspects of internet tools is an ongoing process that requires constant iteration and adaptation. It's important to acknowledge that every tool has both positive and negative uses throughout history, and the same is true for the internet. Instead of trying to create a perfect system, it's essential to stay one step ahead of potential misuse and explore new potential use cases. A good example of this is Twitter's experiment with showing multiple perspectives on shared articles to encourage deeper engagement and break through echo chambers. Additionally, fact-checking and flagging inaccurate information is crucial, especially during critical situations like the coronavirus pandemic. It's essential to care about perceptions of bias and ensure fairness, as demonstrated by being more transparent and clear in policies and actions.

    • President Trump's Effective Use of TwitterTrump uses Twitter to reach a large audience, shape discourse, and spread info/opinions. Twitter's incentive structure amplifies his messages, both factual and misleading. Users and policies help mediate and shape the conversation.

      President Trump has effectively utilized Twitter to reach a large audience and shape public discourse, taking advantage of the platform's incentive structure. He has used Twitter to spread information, express opinions, and engage with critics, often with emotional and controversial tweets. The platform's reward system, which includes retweets and attention from media, has amplified his messages, both accurate and misleading. However, it's important to note that Twitter users, including those who fact-check or correct misinformation, also play a role in mediating and shaping the conversation. Twitter's policies aim to address potential harm, such as voter suppression and election integrity, while maintaining a balance between free expression and content moderation. The company has taken steps to label or annotate tweets with factual information, but the decision to ban a user is based on repeated violations of the rules.

    • Twitter's rules apply to all accounts equallyTwitter enforces rules for all, egregious violations lead to action, and understanding platform's role in society is crucial for evolution

      Twitter, like any other social media platform, enforces its rules equally for all accounts, regardless of the account holder's position or status. However, egregious violations of terms of service will result in action being taken. During unusual situations, such as a contentious election, Twitter will look to history for guidance and work with peers and civil society to make informed decisions. Jack Dorsey, Twitter's CEO, emphasized the importance of understanding the platform's role in society and its evolution, acknowledging that Twitter's current form may not be perfect but has the potential to improve if it recognizes gaps and opportunities. Dorsey uses Twitter as a tool for listening, observing, and understanding the world, rather than for maximizing reach. If Twitter fails to evolve and adapt, it risks becoming irrelevant.

    • The importance of relevance in media and communicationMaintaining relevance in reporting and storytelling is crucial for building a loyal following in media and communication.

      Relevance is key in maintaining the interest and engagement of an audience. Jack, a guest on the podcast, discussed how earning relevance in a particular case led to a successful outcome. The Daily, the podcast being discussed, is made by a team of dedicated individuals and features theme music by Jim Brunsberg and Ben Landsberg of Wonderly. Special thanks were given to several individuals and organizations for their contributions. The podcast's success can be attributed to the team's ability to maintain relevance in their reporting and storytelling. By focusing on topics that resonate with their audience, they have been able to build a loyal following. Ultimately, the importance of relevance cannot be overstated in media and communication, as it is what keeps audiences engaged and coming back for more.

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    Host: Mila Atmos

    Guest: Rick Hasen

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

    Producers: Zack Travis and Sara Burningham