
    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected encounters can lead to meaningful connectionsEmbrace opportunities, keep an open mind, and be willing to take risks to make unexpected connections that can lead to meaningful experiences and relationships.

      The power of connections made through various platforms, including the internet, can lead to unexpected and meaningful experiences. Jason Nash, a longtime internet comedian, and podcast host, shares a story about meeting the host of Whiskey Ginger for the first time at a party after proposing to his now-wife. Despite the unexpected turn of events, the host's wife encouraged him to attend the party, where he was able to make new connections and secure a highly sought-after podcast guest. This experience highlights the importance of seizing opportunities and the potential for meaningful relationships to develop through unexpected encounters. So, keep an open mind, be willing to take risks, and who knows what connections you might make!

    • Unexpected invitations and last-minute changes in the entertainment industryAdaptability, prioritizing self-care, and embracing new opportunities are crucial in the unpredictable entertainment industry. Podcasting connects with audiences and grows the comedy community, but some dislike using Zoom for professional engagements.

      The entertainment industry can be unpredictable and demanding, often requiring last-minute changes and long travels. A comedian shares her experience of being unexpectedly invited to a fashion show in Paris, which led to a series of events that included a movie gig in Australia and a scramble to tie up loose ends. Despite the challenges, she emphasizes the importance of having a real life and cherishing moments of rest and reflection. Additionally, she highlights the benefits of podcasting, which not only sells tickets but also connects with the audience and contributes to the growth of the comedy community. However, she expressly dislikes using Zoom for professional engagements. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of adaptability, prioritizing self-care, and embracing new opportunities in the entertainment business.

    • Encouraging introspection and vulnerability among listenersJoe Rogan's openness about emotions and experiences inspires listeners to embrace vulnerability and introspection, shifting societal norms around masculinity.

      Joe Rogan has played a significant role in encouraging introspection and vulnerability among his audience, particularly for those who grew up in environments where expressing emotions was discouraged. Rogan's ability to be open about his feelings and experiences, while maintaining a strong and masculine persona, has provided a positive influence for many. This is evident in the speaker's personal connection to Rogan and the impact he has had on their perspective of what it means to be a man. The speaker also appreciates Rogan's authenticity and the way he has transformed and grown over the years. The speaker plans to continue engaging with Rogan's content and aims to appear on his podcast.

    • The unpredictable nature of social media and the importance of seizing opportunitiesSocial media platforms and their creative communities can change, leading to dispersal of groups and rise of new talents. Seizing opportunities when they arise can lead to success.

      Social media platforms and the creative communities they foster can undergo significant changes over time, leading to the dispersal of groups and the rise of new talents. For instance, the demise of Vine led to the dispersal of a group of creators, some of whom went on to greater success, while others faded away. One such creator, who had amassed a large following on Vine, found himself jobless when the platform shut down. However, he was discovered by a younger creator, David Dobrik, who offered him a chance to appear on his YouTube channel. This opportunity led to a long-term collaboration and the creation of popular content. The experience illustrates the unpredictable nature of social media and the importance of seizing opportunities when they arise.

    • Businesses prioritizing quality over expansionSuccessful businesses focus on unique offerings and connecting with customers, even if it means higher prices and slower growth.

      There are businesses, like Lemonade in LA, that put a lot of effort into creating high-quality products and experiences, despite the high prices. These businesses, such as the gourmet restaurant or the pizza place mentioned, prioritize quality over franchising and expansion, focusing on their local success. Another example given is the hypothetical investment in a Jewish Chinese restaurant, which could face challenges in establishing a clear Jewish identity within the concept. Ultimately, the success of a business depends on its unique offerings and the ability to connect with its customers. Additionally, the conversation touched on the idea that having financial stability can provide opportunities for investment and growth.

    • Collaboration is key in producing high-quality YouTube contentCollaboration and adaptability are crucial for creating engaging YouTube content, as it's a team effort and the content creation landscape is constantly evolving

      Producing high-quality content, especially for YouTube, requires a team effort. The speaker, who has experience producing roasts, acknowledges that he cannot do it alone and needs the help of producers and writers. He values the collaboration and the unique perspectives each team member brings to the table. However, the process can be challenging, as finding the right people and securing the budget can be difficult. Additionally, the content creation landscape is constantly evolving, with platforms like YouTube implementing stricter monetization policies, making it essential to stay informed and adapt to the changes. Overall, the key takeaway is that producing engaging content is a team sport, and collaboration and adaptability are crucial to success.

    • Effective Solutions for Hair LossSooner you start treating hair loss, better the results. Roman offers clinically proven medication at home. Learn from others and practice for entertainment and career growth.

      Hair loss is a common issue affecting almost half of men in their lifetime. However, there are effective solutions available to help prevent further hair loss and even regrow some. Roman, for instance, offers clinically proven medication to treat hair loss from the comfort of your own home. The sooner treatment begins, the better the results. Additionally, Bespoke Post is a great resource for discovering unique and locally made items through their monthly subscription boxes. As for entertainment, keep an eye out for up-and-coming talent like Jordan Firstman, who brought a hilarious joke to the set of Jonah Hill's new movie, "You People." Despite not having formal acting training, the importance of learning from others and practicing your craft cannot be overstated. Whether it's through one-on-one sessions or observing more experienced professionals, every step taken towards mastering your craft brings you closer to your goals.

    • Surrounding yourself with talented and funny people can enhance your comedy performanceEmbrace the strengths of others for a more successful and enjoyable comedy experience, whether on traditional sitcoms or modern platforms like podcasts.

      Surrounding yourself with talented and funny people can make you even better in the comedy world, rather than feeling threatened or overshadowed. Seinfeld is an excellent example of this, as he intentionally surrounded himself with funnier cast members like George, Kramer, and Elaine. This principle applies not just to traditional sitcoms but also to modern comedy, where having a balance of grounded and absurd characters is essential. It's a common mistake for comedians to believe they must be the funniest person in the room, but embracing the strengths of others can lead to a more successful and enjoyable performance. Additionally, the digital world, such as podcasts, has provided opportunities for comedians to reach large audiences without the pressure of hosting a late-night show.

    • Impact of personal experiences on our reactions and prioritiesOur experiences shape how we view and respond to events, influencing our priorities for health and well-being.

      Our personal experiences and perspectives shape how we view and react to significant events, even those that are tragic or dangerous. The speaker shares how the attacks on the World Trade Center brought up his own fears and concerns, and how he has since become more aware of potential dangers in crowded places. He also discusses how his upbringing and current lifestyle have influenced his eating habits and fitness goals. Despite the challenges and dangers in the world, the speaker finds ways to prioritize his health and well-being, even if it's just for vanity reasons. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-reflection and the impact of personal experiences on our lives.

    • Perception's Impact on Self-PerceptionWords and actions of others can shape our self-beliefs, demonstrating the power of perception. Clear and consistent product offerings are essential in industries with evolving regulations and consumer understanding.

      Perception can shape reality, even in casual conversations. In the discussion, the speaker reflects on interactions with Dave Portnoy and how his perception of age influenced his own self-perception. The speaker also touches upon the topic of THC products and the importance of clarity and consistency in product offerings. The conversation between the speaker and Dave Portnoy highlights the impact of perception on self-perception. The speaker mentions how Portnoy's comments about his age influenced the speaker's own thoughts about aging. Despite being only a few years older than Portnoy, the speaker felt older due to the repeated references to his age. This demonstrates how the words and actions of others can shape our own beliefs about ourselves. Furthermore, the speaker discusses the importance of clear and consistent product offerings in the THC market. He mentions how Mood's federally legal THC products provide clarity and eliminate guessing games, allowing consumers to choose the right product for their desired mood. This highlights the importance of transparency and consistency in product offerings, particularly in industries where regulations and consumer understanding may be evolving.

    • People's experiences shape their interests and reactions to eventsUnderstanding individual experiences and motivations is crucial when engaging with opportunities and events

      People's experiences and perspectives shape their interests and reactions to events, even when those events involve celebrities or exclusive opportunities. In the conversation, we learn about a woman who is uninterested in attending a celebrity event, despite her mother's excitement about meeting Tom Brady. Her apathy stems from being exposed to such events frequently and not finding them appealing, unlike her mother. Contrastingly, her mother's enthusiasm is driven by her love for Tom Brady and the opportunity to meet him. The conversation also touches upon the juxtaposition of authenticity and Hollywood glamour, using the example of 50 Cent, who rose from a gangster background to Hollywood stardom. Despite his violent past, his charm and talent won over Hollywood, demonstrating the industry's fascination with real stories of struggle and triumph. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of understanding individual experiences and motivations when engaging with various opportunities and events.

    • Personal experiences with psychedelics and their impact on creativitySpeaker shares how LSD and mushrooms led to profound hallucinations and altered perceptions, inspiring his creativity as an artist and comedian. Artists' works bring joy and wonder for generations.

      The speaker shares a personal experience with drugs, specifically LSD and psilocybin mushrooms, leading him to have profound hallucinations and altered perceptions of reality. He believes that part of one's soul remains in their clothing and experiences, and that artists, like musicians and comedians, create lasting works that can bring joy and wonder to people for generations. The speaker also touches upon the challenges of being a comedian, where they must constantly create new content and let go of old jokes to keep their audience engaged. The discussion also hints at the speaker's past involvement with drugs and potentially troubled youth, but the focus remains on the transformative effects of psychedelics on his perspective and creativity.

    • Comedians evolve and retire old jokes for fresh materialComedians need to adapt and evolve to keep their material relevant and authentic, whether it's through stand-up comedy or YouTube content.

      Comedians, like the speaker, evolve in their careers and sometimes need to retire old jokes or bits to move on. This is not due to any rules but rather a personal choice to keep their material fresh and relevant to their audience. The speaker shares his experience of performing stand-up comedy and transitioning to YouTube, where he found success but also faced challenges in creating scripted content. He reflects on how his perspective has changed and how he now values authenticity and real moments over scripted material. Ultimately, the speaker's dream is to try stand-up comedy again and create a scripted show, but he acknowledges that it's a different life and requires adjustments. The audience's connection to a comedian often stems from their authenticity and relatability, making it essential for comedians to continue evolving and adapting to their audience's preferences.

    • Using personal elements in comedyIncorporating personal stories and loved ones into a comedian's act can boost audience engagement and create a sense of intimacy, leading to higher performing content.

      Integrating personal elements into a comedian's act, such as family members or loved ones, can significantly increase audience engagement and connection. This was discussed in relation to Zach Galifianakis, who frequently mentions his family in his YouTube content but doesn't bring them on stage. The speaker suggested that this creates a sense of intimacy and invites the audience to feel like they're part of the comedian's world. This strategy can lead to higher performing content, as seen in the speaker's own experience with his fiancé appearing in his podcast. Another example given was Jack Black, who is known for his goofy and fun persona, both on and off-screen. These comedians have figured out how to effectively balance personal and professional content, creating a unique and engaging experience for their audiences.

    • An embarrassing work revelation by a colleagueUnexpected dynamics in a professional setting can lead to embarrassment, but maintaining a sense of humor can help turn the situation into a memorable story

      During his time at SNL, the interviewee had an unusual experience with a colleague who made a public revelation about him at work. The colleague, Norm Macdonald, would share this embarrassing detail with others, including UPS delivery men and even the interviewee's mother. Despite his initial mortification, the interviewee found humor in the situation and shared it as a memorable Norm story. This incident highlights the unexpected dynamics that can occur in a professional setting and the importance of maintaining a sense of humor in the face of embarrassment. Additionally, the conversation touched on Norm's reputation for having a high bar for jokes and his popularity among his colleagues.

    • Push boundaries with unexpected punchlinesUnconventional comedy style keeps audiences engaged by adding surprise with punchlines that are far removed from the setup

      Norman Macdonald, known for his unconventional comedy style, taught his writers that the punchline should be as far removed from the setup as possible. This approach, which was used during his tenure on "Saturday Night Live," added an element of surprise and kept audiences engaged. Macdonald's fearlessness and talent allowed him to push boundaries, even if it meant going against the norms of the time. His generation of comics was more competitive and less supportive compared to the current one, but the importance of a strong community in comedy has been recognized and embraced by many, leading to a more collaborative and supportive environment. This supportive community not only makes the comedy better but also strengthens the performers. As Macdonald's career demonstrates, taking risks and pushing boundaries can lead to great rewards.

    • The lonely world of comedy and fameDespite the glamour, comedy and fame can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness for performers, with complex interactions between celebrities and fans.

      The world of comedy, particularly stand-up and SNL, can be a lonely and isolating experience, even for those who achieve great success. Norm Macdonald, for instance, despite his brilliant performances, felt a deep sense of shame and isolation, rarely attending curtain calls or engaging in public appearances. His struggle with loneliness and his unique comedic style made him a brilliant performer, but also contributed to his difficult relationship with fame. Another interesting aspect is the surreal nature of celebrity interactions, where the famous may invite you to their homes for dinner, but still maintain a sense of detachment. These stories, though intriguing, remind us that fame is not without its challenges and complexities.

    • Intimate gatherings vs high-profile eventsThe speaker values authentic connections and cherishes memories from small gatherings, while acknowledging the influence and enjoyment of celebrities like Jim Carrey on pop culture.

      The most memorable and enjoyable experiences often come from intimate gatherings with friends, rather than large, famous events where one may feel out of place. The speaker shares that they have felt anxiety about attending high-profile parties where they weren't truly invited and felt they wouldn't fit in. Instead, they value the comfort and authenticity of smaller gatherings. Additionally, the speaker shares their admiration for celebrities who live up to the hype, like Jim Carrey, whose work they have deeply appreciated and whose influence on them was significant. The speaker's anecdotes about meeting Jim Carrey and discovering that several of his iconic movies were released in the same year further illustrate their appreciation for the entertainer's impact on pop culture.

    • People construct their own realitiesUnderstand that everyone experiences life differently and let go of the need to control others' realities or experiences

      Life and experiences are subjective, and people construct their own realities. The speaker shared an anecdote about a conversation he had with a celebrity where they both seemed to be living in different realities, and he realized that everyone creates their own versions of reality. The speaker also discussed his experiences with comedy and how it's important to let people enjoy it in their own way, whether it's real or not. He believes that the focus on political correctness and censorship is overblown, and that most people just want to laugh and feel normal again. The conversation touched on the idea that people are often trapped in their own heads and can become overly critical or panicky, but ultimately, we need to let go of the need to control every aspect of our experiences and just enjoy the ride.

    • Personal experiences and preferences shape our perspectivesUnexpected interruptions can lead to interesting discoveries, and it's important to live life to the fullest and not let others dictate our choices

      Personal preferences and experiences can significantly shape our perspectives towards certain things, like music or listening habits. The discussion revolved around the speaker's feelings about listening to Kanye West while running, and how he chooses to protect his ears by not using headphones. The conversation took an unexpected turn when the speaker expressed surprise at the presence of cameras during their conversation, leading to a moment of confusion and amusement. Despite the distraction, they managed to continue the conversation and share their opinions on Kanye's music. Ultimately, the speaker emphasized the importance of living life to the fullest and not letting others dictate our choices. The unexpected interruption served as a reminder that even the most ordinary moments can lead to interesting and unexpected discoveries.

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    Gary Owen

    Gary Owen
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    Preacher Lawson

    Preacher Lawson
    Preacher Lawson lights up the stage with his infectious energy and unmistakable charm. Known for his hilariously physical comedy and vibrant storytelling, he’s not just a stand-up comedian—he’s a showstopper. From dazzling audiences on 'America's Got Talent' to touring globally, Preacher turns every performance into a laugh riot with his boundless enthusiasm and unforgettable jokes. http://preacherlawson.com #preacherlawson #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino ================================================= SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS PRIZEPICKS DEPOSIT MATCH UP TO $100 PROMO CODE: WHISKEY DOWNLOAD THE APP! https://prizepicks.onelink.me/LME0/WHISKEY BETTER HELP Get the help you need from a licensed professional 10% off your first month https://betterhelp.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    137. Pixar’s Ed Catmull: Throw out your rules

    137. Pixar’s Ed Catmull: Throw out your rules

    There's no perfect process for achieving your goals. Accepting that the rules you play by need to be constantly tweaked, hacked or reinvented will open you up to new ways of innovating. Instilling this attitude throughout your organization will help you be boldly differential in your experimentation.

    Ed Catmull literally wrote the book on creating a dynamic and sustainable creative culture. Drawing on his experience as co-founder of celebrated animation studio Pixar, and president of Walt Disney Animation Studios, Ed shares his hard-won insights from his career as a pioneering technologist, animator and storyteller.

    Read a transcript of this episode: https://mastersofscale.com/

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    Guest: Michael Fenton Stevens Ep (part 2)

    Guest: Michael Fenton Stevens Ep (part 2)
    We chat to the wonderful Michael Fenton Stevens HE WAS IN ONLY FOOLS AND HORSES!!!!! Thanks for listening! You can follow us on @chatabix1 and on instagram @chatabixpodcast And if you'd like extra stuff from us....every week, sign up to our Patreon.com/davidandjoe And for all Merch!!!! Look no further!!!! https://chatabix-shop.teemill.com Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices