
    Joanna Cherry: free speech, independence, the SNP

    enMay 03, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring LinkedIn for Small Business Hiring and Customer FocusLinkedIn is a valuable resource for small businesses to find passive job candidates and connect with customers, emphasizing the importance of listening to their needs and being adaptable.

      LinkedIn is an essential platform for small businesses looking to hire professionals. It's where you can find candidates who aren't actively searching for new jobs but might be open to the right opportunity. With over 70% of LinkedIn users not visiting other leading job sites in a given month, it's important to cast a wide net and start your search in the right place. Additionally, this episode featured discussions on the importance of customer focus in business, whether it's Burrows Furniture ensuring their products meet customer needs or Blue Nile allowing customers to design custom rings online. Finally, the podcast touched on the Scottish Conservative Party Conference and the recurring issue of London leaders dictating decisions to Scottish Tories. Overall, the episode emphasized the importance of listening to customers, being adaptable, and leading effectively.

    • UK Tory party's press access limits sparks controversy at Scottish conferenceThe UK Tory party's attempt to limit press access at the Scottish Tory Conference led to a standoff, highlighting the importance of communication and planning, and the impact of London's actions on the Scottish Tory party.

      The Scottish media and the UK Tory party had a contentious encounter during Rishi Sunak's press conference at the Scottish Tory Conference. The UK Tory party's attempt to limit access to six friendly newspapers led to a standoff between the press and the prime minister. The journalists united and refused to speak to Sunak until access was granted to all. The incident highlights the importance of communication and planning, as well as the impact of London's actions on the Scottish Tory party. The UK Tory party's behavior was criticized by Scottish Tory leaders and opposition parties, who saw it as a representation of a closed-off and self-serving government. This incident is not new, and it underscores the challenge for the Scottish Tory party to focus on local issues while serving as the first line of defense for London's actions.

    • UK-Scotland Tensions over DevolutionThe UK government's assertiveness in rolling back devolved powers from Scotland is seen as unnecessary and potentially damaging, highlighting ongoing tensions between the two over devolution and Scotland's independence on the world stage.

      The Scottish women's whiskey industry interview with Alastair Jack was the focus, but the broader discussion touched on the ongoing debate around devolution and the role of the UK government. David Frost, a former Conservative cabinet minister, recently wrote an opinion piece urging the UK government to be more assertive in rolling back devolved powers from Scotland. This intervention was seen as unnecessary and potentially damaging to the Conservative Party's efforts to move past their perceived opposition to devolution since its inception. The SNP, currently facing difficulties, used this as an opportunity to remind the public of past Conservative actions and to emphasize the support for devolution among the Scottish people. The debate highlights the ongoing tension between the UK government and Scotland over devolved powers and the role of an independent Scotland on the world stage.

    • David Frost's anti-devolution stance and the SNP's focus on defending devolutionFrost's criticism of devolution and the SNP may resonate with some Conservatives, but it's not a winning strategy for the party. The SNP's defense of devolution could annoy the public, but recognizing devolution's limitations and focusing on a clear path to independence is key.

      David Frost's intervention in Scottish politics, criticizing devolution and the Scottish National Party (SNP), may resonate with some members of the Conservative Party but is not a winning strategy. The SNP's current focus on defending devolution instead of addressing its shortcomings could be a mistake, as it may annoy the public with too much constitutional litigation. Frost's comments, while toxic for elected politicians, were likely welcomed by some party members due to their anti-devolution stance. However, this strategy is not a recipe for success and may even hinder the Conservative Party's cause. The SNP's strategy for independence remains unclear, but it is important for the party to recognize the limitations of devolution and focus on a more effective path to independence.

    • SNP should focus on building a stronger case for Scottish independenceSNP should shift its strategy from relying on Section 30 orders to making a compelling case for Scottish independence based on historical and constitutional grounds.

      The Scottish National Party (SNP) could have approached the issue of Scottish independence more effectively by focusing on building a stronger case and avoiding constant requests for Section 30 orders, which have been met with rejection. Instead, they should frame the debate in a way that emphasizes the historical context and constitutional precedent of Scottish independence, rather than relying on a relatively new provision related to devolution. The failure of the previous administration to build a stronger case for independence and the constant focus on Section 30 orders have helped to plant the idea in the minds of voters in the United Kingdom and foreign governments that Scottish independence cannot be legitimate without another Section 30 referendum. It is crucial for the SNP to shift its strategy and focus on making a compelling case for independence based on historical and constitutional grounds.

    • SNP's Challenges to Achieving Scottish IndependenceThe SNP must learn from past mistakes, engage in democratic debates, and provide persuasive answers to voters' concerns to build a strong case for Scottish independence, focusing on strategic, inclusive, and open discussions on economic and EU membership questions.

      The Scottish National Party (SNP) has faced significant challenges in achieving independence due to strategic errors, undemocratic practices, and a lack of clear and compelling answers to voters' concerns. The Edinburgh Agreement, while historic, set unrealistic expectations for a quick win. The party's focus on process rather than persuasion and the suppression of alternative strategies have hindered progress. The need for a more strategic, inclusive, and open discussion on the path to independence, including addressing economic and EU membership questions, is crucial. The SNP must learn from past mistakes, engage in democratic debates, and provide persuasive answers to voters' concerns to build a strong case for independence.

    • Regaining competence crucial for Scottish independenceSNP gov't needs to improve handling of domestic policies in areas like devolution, health, and education to make a strong case for Scottish independence. A reset in approach is necessary to address voters' concerns and win over past opponents.

      The competence of a government is crucial for achieving independence and economic success. The speaker emphasized that the SNP government in Scotland needs to regain its competence in handling domestic policies, particularly in areas like devolution, health, and education, before making a strong case for independence. The speaker also criticized some of the recent policies implemented by the government, which were perceived as poorly thought out and executed. The speaker suggested that a reset in the party's approach to domestic policy is necessary to address voters' concerns and win over those who voted against independence in the past. The speaker acknowledged that it is challenging for a government to look fresh and new after being in power for a long time but emphasized that voters care about the impact of domestic policies on their lives.

    • SNP's Intellectual Stagnation Hinders Policy MakingThe SNP must prioritize evidence-based policy making, encourage intellectual debate, and collaborate with experts to develop effective policies for Scotland's future.

      The Scottish National Party (SNP) needs to shift its focus from ideology-based policy making to evidence-based policy making. The intellectual stagnation within the party has hindered the development of meaningful policies to address pressing domestic issues and answer the questions surrounding Scottish independence. This issue is linked to the lack of intellectual debate within the party, which has been discouraged for years. However, there are think tanks, like Common Real, and individuals, such as Michelle Thompson, Ivan McKee, and Kate Forbes, who are working to bring forward new ideas and policies. The current leadership, represented by Humza Yousaf, is open to this collaboration. It's crucial for the SNP to encourage intellectual discourse and rely on experts to develop well-thought-out policies. The speaker, who has a long history with the SNP, acknowledges the challenges of remaining a member but is determined to contribute to the party's future, which she hopes will involve a more open and inclusive leadership style.

    • Unexpected discrimination and unwelcome feelingsDespite popular establishments striving for inclusivity, discrimination and unwelcome feelings can still occur unexpectedly. Everyone deserves to feel welcome and comfortable.

      Discrimination and unwelcome feelings can come from unexpected places, even in popular establishments. Joanna Lumley shared her experience of being dropped from an event at The Stand comedy club due to staff discomfort, which she believes is linked to false allegations of transphobia. This incident disrupted her busy schedule, which included important meetings with the prime minister and foreign office representatives. Meanwhile, Burro Furniture offers comfort and inclusivity through their timeless designs and thoughtful construction, with up to 25% off their outdoor collection for Memorial Day. Bombas provides essential comfort for those in need with their soft, plush clothing. It's important to remember that everyone deserves to feel welcome and comfortable, regardless of the circumstances.

    • The toxic debate over trans rights in ScotlandA citizens' assembly could provide a solution to the polarized and controversial issue of trans rights in Scotland by allowing for deliberation and a report to parliament, ensuring human rights and equality law for all.

      The ongoing debate surrounding trans rights and gender identity in Scotland has become highly polarized and toxic, with both sides holding strong views. The Equality Act in the UK guarantees equal rights for trans people, including self-identification under the protected characteristic of gender reassignment. However, some individuals, like the speaker, hold gender critical views and believe that self-identification should come with safeguards. The issue has been shrouded in controversy, with some venues refusing to host certain performers due to their views. The Scottish government has pursued a Section 35 order to prevent the performance of a specific individual, but it remains to be seen if this will be successful. The speaker suggests that a citizens' assembly, where a cross-section of society can deliberate and present a report to parliament, could be a potential solution to the issue. This approach would allow for proper consideration of human rights and equality law for all involved.

    • Politician's Perspective on Gender Identity and Self-IdentificationPolitician expresses concerns over gender self-identification's impact on women, girls, and lack of parental involvement in children's decisions. Believes democratic process is being undermined.

      The current debate surrounding gender identity and self-identification has significant implications for various groups, particularly lesbians, gay men, and bisexual people. The speaker, a politician, shared her personal experiences of facing discrimination and backlash for speaking out against issues related to gender self-identification and its impact on women and girls. She also highlighted concerns regarding the ease with which young children are encouraged to choose their gender and the lack of parental involvement or knowledge in these decisions. The speaker believes that the notion of "best practice" being used to justify these changes is undemocratic and replaces what is currently lawful. She urges for transparency and open dialogue about these issues, as many people are not fully aware of the implications and concerns surrounding gender self-identification, particularly in educational settings.

    • The debate over free speech and trans rights in comedy clubs goes beyond the trans issue itselfPolitical leaders should encourage open dialogue and respect diverse perspectives to avoid silencing unpopular opinions, potentially leading to a dangerous society where only certain views are accepted.

      The ongoing debate surrounding free speech and trans rights in comedy clubs is not just about the trans debate itself, but also about the broader issue of defining free speech based on what those in power believe. Joanna Cherry, an MP, emphasized that both sides of the argument should be heard, as they are not illegal and represent a mainstream viewpoint. She warned against silencing opinions that are not politically correct or fashionable, which could lead to dangerous territory where only certain views are accepted. The toxicity surrounding this issue is a concern for many, including Cherry, who expressed sympathy for those who are hesitant to speak out due to potential abuse. The responsibility of political leaders to address this division and find a compromise was also discussed, as seen in the case of Kate Forbes during the SNP leadership contest. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of fostering open dialogue and respecting diverse perspectives in a democratic society.

    • Respecting diverse beliefs and opinionsRecognize and respect the complexity and diversity of people's beliefs and opinions, even if they differ significantly from our own. Everyone should have the right to express their views without fear of being ostracized or excluded.

      It's important to recognize and respect the complexity and diversity of people's beliefs and opinions, even if they differ significantly from our own. The political discourse in many countries, including the UK, has become overly simplified and polarized, with those holding minority views often facing criticism or even being labeled as unacceptable. However, it's crucial to remember that having a different perspective is not a bad thing, and everyone should have the right to express their views without fear of being ostracized or excluded. This includes politicians, who must navigate the gray area of politics and find ways to engage with people on both sides of the debate. As Jeff noted, there are legitimate minority views that may not align with the majority or be popular, but they are still valid and should be respected. In the end, democracy thrives on the ability to respectfully engage with opposing viewpoints and find common ground, rather than shutting down those who disagree.

    • Discussing unexpected compromises and strategic changes in Scottish politicsUnexpected compromises and strategic changes can lead to progress in contentious political issues, as demonstrated by Joanna Cherry's approach to Section 35 orders and Hamza Yousuf's adjustments to Scottish government policies.

      Progress on contentious issues can only be made through open debate and compromise, even when it comes from unexpected sources. This was discussed in relation to Joanna Cherry, an elected parliamentarian, and the ongoing debate surrounding the use of Section 35 orders. Additionally, Hamza Yousuf, the First Minister of Scotland, is taking stances that differ from his predecessor, Nicola Sturgeon, and is making strategic changes to government policies, such as pausing the rollout of universal free school meals, to improve the public's perception of independence and manage budget constraints. These shifts indicate a more thoughtful and strategic approach to governance.

    • Celebrating Moms with Special OffersThis Mother's Day, honor moms with discounts and freebies from Pretty Litter and 1-800-Flowers using the code 'acast'.

      There are thoughtful and meaningful ways to celebrate and show appreciation for the special moms in our lives this Mother's Day. Pretty Litter, a smart kitty litter that monitors health and changes colors to detect early signs of potential illness, offers a 20% discount and a free cat toy for first-time customers using the code "acast" at prettylitter.com. 1-800-Flowers provides an opportunity to celebrate all moms with handmade bouquets, sweet treats, gourmet food, and unique gifts, offering up to 40% off Mother's Day bestsellers using the same code at 1800flowers.com/acast. These are just a couple of ways to give back to the ones who have given us so much. Don't miss out on these special offers and take the opportunity to make this Mother's Day one to remember.

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    This episode is sponsored by Port of Aberdeen. Find out more at https://www.portofaberdeen.co.uk/

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    enJune 20, 2024

    Growing Scotland's Economy: Holyrood Sources Live

    Growing Scotland's Economy: Holyrood Sources Live

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    Kate Forbes MSP (SNP), Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Gaelic.

    Murdo Fraser MSP (Conservative), Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Business, Economic Growth and Tourism.

    Michael Marra MSP (Labour), Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Finance.

    Willie Rennie MSP (Liberal Democrat), Spokesperson for Education, Economy and Communities.

    We'll be discussing key concerns raised by investors regarding infrastructure projects, planning, and the general business environment. Plus, we'll address the ambiguous terminology often used in policy-making, like the phrases "wellbeing economy" and "startup," which can hinder real progress. Our discussion today will also cover persistent issues of poverty and social mobility, the critical state of Scotland's education sector, the impact of Brexit on skilled workers, and the urgent need for immigration policies that support economic growth. We delve into the energy sector, focusing on offshore wind development, the fiscal constraints facing green prosperity plans, and the importance of a just transition from oil and gas to renewables. Moreover, we'll explore the impact of tax policies on the economy and public services, highlighting the need for a reevaluation of the taxation system to foster growth and retain talent.

    Holyrood Sources is sponsored by Port of Aberdeen, find out more at https://www.portofaberdeen.co.uk/

    This special episode is brought to you with our delivery partners, Scottish Financial Enterprise and in association with EY.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
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    The SNP/Labour Poll Gap Closes...with Emily Gray

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    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
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    Douglas Ross U-Turns and will run to be an MP

    Douglas Ross U-Turns and will run to be an MP
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    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
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    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 05, 2024

    Deputy Leaders analyse the debates and campaign

    Deputy Leaders analyse the debates and campaign

    The podcast episode features post-debate analysis with the deputy leaders of Scottish political parties.


    5:05 - Jackie Baillie (Labour)

    The discussion covers the recent debate, party strategies, and key messages. It also delves into the topic of GB Energy and its potential impact on the energy sector. The conversation concludes with a discussion on Keir Starmer's U-turn on Diane Abbott's candidacy.

    23:02 - Kate Forbes (Deputy First Minister, SNP)

    The conversation covers party positioning, funding, oil and gas, campaign strategies, the SNP's election prospects, and EU funding. The discussion also delves into the SNP's economic policies, alliances with other parties, and the implications of Michael Matheson MSP maintaining the support of the party.

    49:55 - Meghan Gallacher (Conservative)

    The discussion delves into the performance of Douglas Ross, the Scottish Conservative Party's approach to campaign issues, and the impact of UK politics on the Scottish election. The conversation also explores the role of Rishi Sunak and the timing of the general election.

    1:05:17 - Wendy Chamberlain (Liberal Democrat)

    Wendy Chamberlain from the Liberal Democrats discusses the recent TV debate, the party's stance on Brexit, and their strategy for the upcoming election. The conversation also delves into the relevance of the Liberal Democrats in the current political landscape and their approach to environmental issues.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
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    Election Bulletin 1: What You Might Have Missed

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    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
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    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
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    Ep. 41 - The Valley of Death Stage of Bootstrap Entrepreneurship with Lou Ellman

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    Hi there folks!

    Creatives Meet Business is an event and podcast series based out of Austin, Texas for artists and creatives to learn the ropes of entrepreneurship.

    This episode features Lou Ellman who joined us in November during our roundtable event on Bootstrap. This episode outlines the Valley of Death Stage of Bootstrap Entrepreneurship and includes so much amazing info on how to SELL your way out. This episode is chock full of sales tips, tricks, tactics, and much much more. Without further ado, let's hop in and hear what he has to say!


    • 0:00 to 1:42 - Ashland Opening Remarks and Intro of Lou Ellman, Founder of RoyaltyZone
      • Like what you hear? Join us for CMBXP (9/20 to 9/22 in Austin, TX) for Lou's workshop on "Sales Skills to Grow Your Business"
    • 1:48 to 2:39 - Introduction of Topic - Valley of Death
      • Only way out is to sell your way out
      • No outside funding in bootstrapping, the only way to get funding is through sales
    • 2:40 to 6:06 - Three Concepts for Selling
      • Hunting - traditional sales prospecting, finding targets and closing deals
        • Cold calling, emailing, events, trade shows, networking, social media - identify your ideal prospect and engage with them
        • Ideal prospect - intersection of two circles; the people who want to buy your product and the people that you want to sell to
      • Fishing - marketing
        • Content is king
        • Partnerships - a way to really move the needle for bootstrappers
      • Farming - once you have a client, keep them happy to be a referral source and to stay a client
        • Service your clients as best as you can
        • Keep educating them
      • Lou's original business plan:
        1. Get a customer
        2. Make that customer ridiculously happy
        3. Repeat
    • 6:07 to 8:38 - Techniques for Selling to your Ideal Prospect
      • Qualifying - early and often
      • Two ways you win: by losing early and winning
      • Qualified prospect = willing AND able to buy your product / service
      • BANT (IBM acronym) = Budget, Authority, Needs and Timeline
      • How do you learn this info? Through a conversation!
    • 8:39 to 10:47 - Navigating the Sales Cycle
      • Actually a Buying Cycle, not Sales Cycle
      • Important to overcome objections, uncover their needs and concerns
      • Find out what and who the competition is and differentiate yourself
      • You have to drive the process forward
      • Negotiating and closing are key for bootstrappers!
      • As the person who sold the product, be part of the delivery process!
    • 10:48 to 14:47 - Tips and Tricks
      • No one cares what you think about the status of the deal. What you really want to know is what THEY think about the status of the deal
      • Listen more than you talk. Work questions in at every phase of the proposal / pitch
      • Always ask for next steps, never leave a conversation without understanding the next steps in the process from their perspective 
      • Get before you give 
      • Work backwards from the end to establish a calendar of events
      • Save the proposal / contract until the very end (discuss pricing and budget early on). Once you send this, you've lost all your leverage.
    • 14:50 to 16:48 - Ashland Closing Remarks
      • Want to come to CMBXP (9/20 to 9/22)? Great, get your badge today!
      • Like this podcast? Great! A rating and review is so helpful!
      • Stay in touch, email us (ashland@cmbatx.com) or connect with us on social (@createmeetbiz on Instagram and Twitter // Creatives Meet Business on Facebook)
      • Big thanks to Jamal Knox (audio engineer) and Chris James (composer)!

    If you like what you hear, share the podcast with your friends, and rate and review. To stay in the loop - follow us on InstagramTwitterFacebook or subscribe to the newsletter.

    More on Bootstrap, so stay tuned!


    Ashland, Creatives Meet Business

    A life-long multipreneur helping business owners with systems and coaching frameworks that simplify their life as a leader. Has owned franchises, started his own and operated businesses since 1994. Bought & sold some along the way. (Pete Mohr)

    A life-long multipreneur helping business owners with systems and coaching frameworks that simplify their life as a leader. Has owned franchises, started his own and operated businesses since 1994. Bought & sold some along the way. (Pete Mohr)

    In this episode, I interview Pete Mohr, an Entrepreneurial Coach, and Speaker at Simplifying Entrepreneurship based in Elora, Ontario, Canada. Simplifying Entrepreneurship is a coaching company, providing tools, workshops, and programs for business owners to help them succeed in their personal and professional lives.

    An entrepreneur for almost his entire life, he has owned franchises, started his own, and operated businesses since 1994. Along the way, he has bought and sold some of them as well. Pete’s passion is helping other business owners and leaders cut through the chaos of running their businesses by providing systems and frameworks that simplify their life as a leader.

    Pete says that the hardest thing in growing a small business is obtaining the right people. In order to get the right people, he says, “You have to communicate, have the culture, all those kinds of things and make sure everybody knows their why.”

    This Cast Covers:


    • Creating tools, workshops, and coaching programs that help business owners cut through the chaos in growing their business.
    • Helping business owners and entrepreneurs succeed in their personal and professional lives.
    • Coaching entrepreneurs to cultivate leadership, an essential quality in creating a better business.
    • A Certified Business Made Simple Coach, helping people create the lives that they want to live by setting up the structures and frameworks around those businesses.
    • Transforming business into wins through the right frameworks and strong foundation.
    • The importance of providing open communication and as a significant role of a leader.
    • Creating turn-key businesses to achieve balance while letting others do the job.
    • Setting up a business and structured in a way that allows the balance to be implemented.
    • Started his first business in 1994 and has been leading them for 27 years.
    • The passion for doing a business is a great factor to move it unidirectionally.


    Additional Resources:



    “Success for me is as long as I'm doing what I love to do.” —Pete Mohr

    “When we create a promise, we align our culture all around that and that's what delivers the value.” —Pete Mohr

    “Setting up those accountabilities has allowed us to grow and allowed us to end.” —Pete Mohr

    “Driving communication is the number one job of a leader.” —Pete Mohr

    “Part of being an entrepreneur is really understanding again what you want out of your business and what you want out of your life.” —Pete Mohr


    Music from https://filmmusic.io “Cold Funk” by Kevin MacLeod https://incompetech.com. License: CC by http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0

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