
    Jordan Harbinger On The Art of Communication

    enMay 26, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Focus on your unique strengthsIdentify and develop your strengths to unlock full potential, maximize productivity, and overall success

      The challenges we face in our personal and professional lives are often not what they seem. According to Jordan Harbinger, it's essential to eliminate other variables and focus on our unique strengths rather than trying to emulate others. Most people are so focused on what they perceive as the strengths of others that they neglect their own. This misplaced focus can hinder personal and professional growth. Instead, we should identify and develop our strengths to unlock our full potential. This message resonates with the theme of Rich Roll's podcast, which aims to help listeners access, unlock, and unleash their best selves. By focusing on our strengths, we can maximize productivity, employee satisfaction, and overall success.

    • From Heartbreak to Triathlons: Siobhan's Journey of TransformationThrough exercise and personal growth, one woman turned her life around after a difficult divorce, completing ten Spartan races and planning four Ironman Triathlons, while also experiencing emotional and psychological healing.

      The power of inspiration and personal growth can lead to remarkable transformations in people's lives. Siobhan, or Sib, is an extraordinary example of this. Three years ago, she was going through a difficult time after the end of her marriage. To reclaim agency and find strength, she turned to exercise, becoming an athlete despite having never trained before. Last year, she completed ten Spartan races, and this year, she plans to do four Ironman Triathlons. This physical transformation has also led to emotional and psychological growth, allowing her to confront old beliefs and traumas. Rich Roll, whose podcast and writings have inspired Sib, has offered to dedicate a book to her as a token of encouragement. This gesture, and the impact of Rich's work, underscores the importance of holistic personal development and the potential for significant change. The Art of Charm podcast, while named after a seemingly superficial concept, is actually focused on understanding human psychology and helping people improve their interpersonal communication and behavior. By sharing perspectives on these topics, it offers valuable insights for personal growth.

    • Unexpected layoff leads to business successDuring the 2008 financial crisis, a UM alumnus was laid off from his Wall Street job and used the opportunity to focus on his side business, leading to its success.

      Unexpected career changes or challenges can lead to new opportunities and personal growth. This was the case for two individuals, both from Michigan and University of Michigan alumni, who met for the first time despite knowing each other's faces and backgrounds. During the 2008 financial crisis, one of them experienced a layoff from his high-powered Wall Street firm, Thatcher, Prophet and Wood. Instead of searching for another job, he decided to focus on his side business, Art of Charm, which he had started while in law school. The layoff provided him with the financial security and time to develop his business, ultimately leading to its success. This experience highlights the importance of being open to change and seizing opportunities when they arise.

    • The value of hard work and intelligence may not be enough for professional advancementSuccess often requires networking and relationship-building skills, which may not be emphasized in academic or early career settings.

      The traditional path to success, as depicted by the glamorous external appearances, may not always align with reality. The speaker's experience with a supposed mentor who was never present in the office but brought in significant deal flow, challenged the speaker's perspective. This encounter led the speaker to reconsider the value of hard work and intelligence in the face of the need to network and develop relationships for professional advancement. The speaker's background as a diligent student who felt the pressure of imposter syndrome on Wall Street, compelled him to seek new skills and strategies. He recognized that the power within the firm's structure was directly related to revenue generation and that the lack of emphasis on these skills in school and in the early stages of a legal career could hinder advancement. The speaker's journey underscores the importance of adaptability and learning new skills to navigate professional environments and secure long-term success.

    • Soft skills for high performersSoft skills like persuasion, influence, body language, leadership, and management are crucial for career advancement, even for those who have already mastered technical abilities.

      While technical skills are important for career advancement, soft skills like persuasion, influence, body language, leadership, and management are often overlooked but essential for reaching the top levels of performance. The Art of Charm teaches these soft skills, which are particularly valuable for high performers who have already mastered their technical abilities but struggle with interpersonal communication and relationship-building. These skills are not necessarily innate, but can be learned and improved through dedicated effort. The misconception that soft skills training is only for those who lack basic social skills is not accurate, as many high-achieving individuals seek to enhance their emotional intelligence and broaden their skill set to excel in their careers. The Art of Charm offers valuable resources for individuals looking to break through the invisible ceiling and advance in their professions.

    • Face your fears and do the hard workTo influence and grow, commit to a long-term effort of facing fears and doing hard work, including exposure therapy and continuous learning

      Influence and personal growth are not about quick fixes or gimmicks, but rather about facing your fears and doing the hard work. Before diving into specific techniques or strategies, it's essential to have a solid foundation and be willing to put in the effort. The "heavy lifting" involves exposure therapy, such as speaking in front of groups or starting conversations, and continuous learning and application of new skills. At AOC, they provide tools and resources to help individuals succeed, but ultimately, the responsibility lies with the individual to do the hard work. So, if you're seeking to influence others or improve yourself, be prepared for a long-term commitment and a willingness to face your demons.

    • Focus on unique strengths and authentic selvesEffective communication and social skills training is about understanding and utilizing one's unique strengths, addressing areas for improvement, and embracing authentic selves rather than trying to conform to preconceived ideas of successful communicators or social animals.

      Effective communication and social skills training is not about turning everyone into an extrovert or a perfect public speaker. Instead, it's about understanding and focusing on one's unique strengths and developing strategies to use them effectively. The process involves identifying areas for improvement, providing tools and resources, and encouraging individuals to embrace their authentic selves rather than trying to conform to a preconceived idea of what a successful communicator or social animal should be. It's essential to recognize that everyone comes with their emotional baggage and that there's a need to address specific psychological conditions and mental terrain to help individuals create healthy boundaries, build self-confidence, and become more socially aware and in tune with their environment. The goal is to empower individuals to communicate effectively and build meaningful relationships based on their unique strengths and authentic selves.

    • Designing a personalized emotional intelligence training programEffective emotional intelligence training requires a personalized approach, small group sizes, and a focused, immersive environment for full engagement. Reading books and attending surface-level courses may not provide authentic connections.

      Effective emotional intelligence training requires a personalized approach and a focused, immersive environment. The speaker shares his experience designing a program that caters to individuals' unique needs, keeping group sizes small and ensuring participants' full engagement by making accommodations residential. He also mentions the success of this approach with military personnel and diplomats seeking to improve interpersonal skills. The speaker's personal journey to enhance his networking abilities began with reading books on the subject and attending a Dale Carnegie course. However, he felt the methods presented were superficial and inauthentic. He questioned the value of focusing on surface-level aspects like firm handshakes and remembering names, instead of delving deeper into genuine connection. This experience sparked his desire to explore the real deal behind emotional intelligence and led him to create a business that offers a more substantial approach to emotional intelligence training.

    • Questioning the effectiveness of self-help methodsExercise skepticism towards self-help advice, evaluate authors' credentials, and prioritize self-directed growth.

      Not all self-help advice is created equal. The speaker shared his experience of reading and testing various self-help methods, only to find that a significant portion of what was being sold was ineffective or even bogus. He encourages questioning the authors' credentials and motivations, as well as being skeptical of clever rhyming phrases that don't deliver on their promises. The speaker's personal journey involved figuring out that he needed to take control of his own growth and that his environment wouldn't magically change his internal issues. He also shared his observation of how relationships and favors work in different societal contexts, emphasizing that quid pro quo exists in various forms, even if it's less overt in some places. Ultimately, the speaker encourages a critical and self-reflective approach to personal development.

    • Personal growth through new experiencesDespite facing challenges, the speaker's experiences of traveling and starting a podcast led him to continuously work on personal growth and reinvent himself.

      Personal growth and reinvention are ongoing processes. The speaker shares his experiences of traveling and adapting to new environments, which allowed him to learn new skills and reinvent himself. However, he acknowledges that despite these transformations, he still faced deeper issues that required addressing. Eventually, he started a podcast, The Art of Charm, to help men improve their social skills. The podcast's success led him down a new path, but even then, he continued to face challenges and learn. Through it all, he emphasizes the importance of being open to new experiences and continuously working on personal growth. At the beginning of his journey, the speaker started a podcast in 2006, when podcasting was still in its infancy. He was in law school at the time and faced numerous challenges in getting his podcast discovered. Despite these obstacles, he persisted and eventually found success. The core idea of his podcast was to teach dating skills to men, but it evolved over time to encompass a broader range of social skills. The speaker's experiences demonstrate that personal growth is a lifelong process, and that even when we think we've reinvented ourselves, there's always more to learn.

    • From networking skills for law students to teaching communication and social skills for a wider audienceStarting with a niche audience, The Art of Charm found unexpected success with a larger demographic and expanded their offerings based on client feedback and market demand.

      The Art of Charm podcast, which started as an attempt to teach networking skills to law students, unexpectedly gained a large female audience due to the lack of vulnerable and communicative men. The founders, who initially faced ridicule from their male classmates, were surprised to find that women were their biggest fans. They started offering phone coaching and landed their first corporate client, a mortgage banker, who saw their potential beyond dating advice. This client encouraged them to raise their prices and expand their offerings, leading them to realize the bigger opportunity in teaching communication and social skills. The early success of their business came from building a cult following in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and leveraging their first corporate client as a cornerstone for further growth.

    • Building a business based on expertise takes time and effortStarting a business without substantial knowledge or experience is a scam. Gain expertise, learn from others, be persistent, and stay authentic to build a successful business.

      Starting a business based on claiming to be an expert and making money without having substantial knowledge or experience is a scam. Instead, it's important to build a curriculum and gain expertise through learning from others. The speaker shares an anecdote about how they started a podcast, The Art of Charm, and managed to secure high-profile guests by leveraging their SiriusXM radio show. They emphasized that they didn't have a substantial budget but were able to learn from these experts and develop their curriculum. The speaker also highlights the importance of persistence and authenticity in building a business. Even when they were able to secure high-profile guests, they didn't have a large audience, but they were excited about every download and saw it as a sign that people were listening to them from all over the world. Overall, the key takeaway is that building a successful business takes time, effort, and a genuine desire to learn and help others.

    • Starting a Podcast as a Business: A Risky VentureDespite the popularity of podcasting, it's a high-risk, time-consuming venture with no guarantee of success or profit. Avoid starting one as a business unless you're prepared for the workload and trendiness.

      Starting a podcast can be a risky and time-consuming venture. The speaker shared an experience where they had a student who wanted to learn from them intensively, offering a large sum of money. The speakers agreed and had to quickly develop a curriculum. They hired a consultant to help create a college-level course, which cost most of the money the student had given them. The speakers then realized they were not prepared for standalone business success and had to navigate the podcasting industry's growth from its early days to its current popularity. The speaker advises against starting a podcast as a business due to the trendiness, high workload, and inability to outsource recording. They also mentioned that they graduated law school in 2006 and have been running the podcast for 10 years. The podcasting landscape has changed significantly during that time, with many podcasts starting and then fading away. The speaker was not an early adopter but saw a surge in interest around 2015. They have learned valuable lessons from their experiences and warn against the misconceptions of the ease and profitability of podcasting.

    • Creating a successful podcast goes beyond recording and uploading contentFocus on producing high-quality, engaging content and understanding podcasting's strengths to stand out in the competitive market.

      Creating a successful podcast goes beyond just having a personality and requires a significant investment of time and effort. Podcasting is more than just hitting record and uploading content. It involves producing a high-quality show that resonates with listeners. With the increasing competition and consumers' limited time, it's essential to have a genuine love for the medium and a clear understanding of its strengths. Avoid treating podcasting as a lead generator for other ventures and instead focus on creating valuable, engaging content. Interviewing guests just for their popularity in a niche, known as "standing on the shoulders of giants," can result in repetitive content. Instead, aim to create unique and insightful conversations that provide value to your audience.

    • Selecting guests based on personal interest and curiosityThe Art of Charm's host uses authentic approach to select guests based on personal interest and curiosity, leading to engaging interviews and resonating with audience.

      When it comes to selecting guests for his podcast, the Art of Charm's host doesn't rely on metrics or algorithms. Instead, he looks for individuals who spark his own interest and curiosity. He believes that this authentic approach not only leads to more engaging interviews but also resonates with his audience, who share similar interests and principles. The host's genuine enthusiasm for his guests and their stories creates a collective zeitgeist that keeps listeners tuned in, making the podcast a successful platform for exploring human behavior and personal growth.

    • Identifying the real problemPeople may overlook deeper issues by focusing on surface-level concerns, but gaining self-awareness and objective feedback can help identify the root cause and lead to effective solutions.

      People often come to for help believing they have one specific issue, but the real problem may be something else entirely. The process of identifying the root cause involves a thorough examination of various aspects of their life. Many people underestimate the importance of self-awareness and objective feedback from trusted sources. They may focus on surface-level concerns while ignoring deeper issues that hinder their progress. By going through a testing process to eliminate other variables and seeking honest feedback from a trusted network, individuals can gain a clearer understanding of their situation and address the underlying causes effectively.

    • Building Meaningful Relationships: The Key to Personal Growth and EmpathyVulnerability is essential for forming meaningful relationships, which promote personal growth and empathy. It's important to find trusted individuals who can provide caring feedback and help us overcome obstacles, but the journey towards authentic connections can be challenging.

      Building genuine, vulnerable relationships is essential for personal growth and empathy towards others, but it can be a painful and intimidating process. People often hide behind masks and artifice due to fear of vulnerability and the potential judgment from others. However, these relationships are crucial for healing, learning, and advancing in both personal and professional aspects of life. It's important to remember that everyone, including ourselves, is not perfect and that vulnerability is not a sign of weakness but a step towards growth. The journey towards building these relationships can be challenging, but the rewards are significant. It's essential to find trusted individuals who can provide insightful and caring feedback, as they can help us uncover blind spots and overcome obstacles. Remember, being vulnerable and authentic is the key to forming meaningful connections and unlocking our full potential.

    • Discerning Real Information from Snake Oil OnlineBe cautious of quick-fix solutions and overpriced resources. Focus on free, valuable information and apply it consistently for personal growth.

      While therapy and personal growth resources like The Art of Charm can be valuable, it's essential to discern real information from snake oil online. Most personal growth information should be freely available, and if a product requires payment, it should provide significant value beyond what's freely given. Be wary of quick-fix solutions, such as the HCG diet, which may cause harm in the long run. Always do your research and apply what resonates with you. Remember, the journey to personal growth is ongoing, and it's essential to be introspective and take inventory of your behavior and actions regularly. Don't let the allure of quick fixes or overpriced resources distract you from your goals. Instead, focus on the free, valuable information available to you and apply it consistently.

    • Focus on the content, not the sales pitchApproach opportunities to learn online with skepticism and focus on the content to ensure success, while also paying attention to nonverbal communication for effective and confident communication.

      Many people teaching others how to make money online have built their businesses on marketing rather than an actual product or business. They have a vested interest in selling their teaching methods rather than ensuring their students' success. This is why it's important to approach such opportunities with skepticism and to focus on learning from the content itself rather than buying into a sales pitch. Another key takeaway is the importance of nonverbal communication in making a good first impression. Our instinctive judgments based on people's appearance happen instantly and unconsciously. To communicate effectively and confidently, we need to pay attention to our nonverbal signals. This means working on our body language, tone of voice, and other nonverbal cues to make a positive impact on others.

    • Build positive nonverbal habits with the doorway drillPractice positive body language daily through the doorway drill to make a good impression, influence others' behavior, and improve overall communication.

      Our nonverbal communication is a reflection of our emotional state and it's important to make positive open body language a habit to create a good first impression and reinforce positive behavior from others. The "doorway drill" is a simple exercise to help build this habit by reminding us to stand up straight, chest up, shoulders back, and smile every time we walk through a doorway. This positive nonverbal communication not only makes a good impression on others but also influences how they treat us, creating a virtuous cycle. The key is to make it an autopilot behavior, which over time becomes a part of our default communication style. Additionally, our nonverbal communication can reveal a lot about us, including our health and fitness levels, which can impact how others perceive us. Ultimately, it's essential to focus on creating authentic and sustainable nonverbal communication from the inside out.

    • Understanding Nonverbal CommunicationBe cautious about jumping to conclusions based on appearances or body language. Focus on internal work and respectful conversations for effective communication.

      While nonverbal communication can provide valuable insights, it's important not to jump to conclusions based on appearances or body language alone. Our brains often make assumptions that may not accurately reflect someone's personality or internal state. Instead, focusing on internal work and having open, respectful conversations is what truly matters. Additionally, Jordan Harbinger emphasized the importance of listening to the Art of Charm podcast for improving communication skills. A new online meal planner service, Plant Powered Meal Planner, was also announced, offering personalized plant-based recipes and meal plans.

    • Engage with Rich Roll's content in various waysLeave iTunes reviews, subscribe to Patreon, sign up for Roll Call email newsletter, pre-order new book, buy merchandise, connect with community, and enjoy the journey of discovery.

      Rich Roll encourages listeners to engage with his content in various ways, including leaving reviews on iTunes, subscribing to his Patreon, signing up for his weekly email newsletter called "Roll Call," and pre-ordering his new book "This Cheese is Nuts." He also offers merchandise for sale on his website. Rich expresses gratitude to his sponsors, Boll and Branch and Harry's, and acknowledges the team behind the production of his podcast, including Jason Camiolo, Sean Patterson, and Anna Lemma. Rich's message is about sharing resources and knowledge, and he emphasizes that he is not trying to sell anything but rather to provide helpful information. He encourages listeners to connect with him and his community and to enjoy the journey of discovery together.

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    The Rich Roll Podcast
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    The Rich Roll Podcast
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    Sam Harris On Consciousness, Meditation, Misinformation, AI, & What Ails The Modern World

    Sam Harris On Consciousness, Meditation, Misinformation, AI, & What Ails The Modern World
    Sam Harris is a renowned neuroscientist, philosopher, bestselling author, and host of the wildly popular Making Sense podcast. This conversation explores the crisis of misinformation and the erosion of critical thinking in society. Sam shares his journey of understanding consciousness through meditation and psychedelics, and how recognizing the illusion of the self can lead to profound inner freedom.  We discuss the importance of reason, science, AI, and open conversations to navigate the challenges of our time and build a more rational, cooperative future. Sam's insights are thought-provoking and timely. This is a conversation not to be missed. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors:  LMNT: get a FREE Sample Pack with any drink mix purchase 👉drinkLMNT.com/RICHROLL ROKA: Unlock 20% OFF your order with code RICHROLL 👉ROKA.com/RICHROLL Go Brewing: Use the code Rich Roll for 15% OFF 👉gobrewing.com Momentous: Save up to 36% OFF your first subscription order of Protein or Creatine + 20% OFF 👉livemomentous.com/richroll Whoop: Unlock the best version of yourself 👉join.whoop.com/roll Waking Up: Get a FREE month, plus $30 OFF 👉wakingup.com/RICHROLL Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enJune 10, 2024

    Roll ON: Journaling, Creativity & Process—Plus Transformative Books, Thoughts on Regenerative Agriculture & Remembering Swimming's Greatest Coach

    Roll ON: Journaling, Creativity & Process—Plus Transformative Books, Thoughts on Regenerative Agriculture & Remembering Swimming's Greatest Coach
    Mr. Adam Skolnick and I are back in the saddle for Roll On—ready to unpack all that’s transpired in our worlds and beyond!  Specific topics include the creative anxieties of book publishing (Adam finished his novel!), a recent podcast kerfuffle (i.e., Ozempic), my trip to India and meeting with the Dalai Lama, heading to Paris for the Olympics, paying respect to legends lost, book recommendations, and wading into the Sage Bistro regenerative farming debate.  Let’s make up for lost time, shall we? Put us in your earholes! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Peak Design: Get 20% OFF my favorite products 👉 PeakDesign.com/RICHROLL Inside Tracker: Enjoy 10% OFF the InsideTracker Subscription and any plan 👉 insidetracker.com/richroll On: Enter RichRoll10 at the checkout to get 10% OFF your first order   👉on.com/richroll  Eight Sleep: Use code RICHROLL to get $350 OFF Pod 4 Ultra 👉eightsleep.com/richroll Squarespace: Use code RichRoll for a FREE trial + 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL AG1: REE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs 👉drinkAG1.com/richroll Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enJune 06, 2024

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