
    JOURNAL: Clear Out The Junk

    en-gbMarch 24, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Write down thoughts and feelings to calm amygdalaJournaling helps reduce anxiety and emotions by calming the amygdala, clearing mental clutter, and improving focus through free writing without judgment, for a few minutes or longer each day.

      Journaling, or the act of writing down your thoughts and feelings, can help calm your amygdala, reducing anxiety and emotions. This simple act allows you to clear out mental clutter and head trash, making room for a clearer mind. So, take some time each day to write freely, without judgment, for as long as you can. This journaling practice, also known as morning pages, can be done for just a few minutes, or as long as you desire. The key is to let go of distractions and write whatever comes to mind. Remember, the goal is to clear out the mental junk, allowing for a more peaceful and focused mind. Try it out and see the positive impact it can have on your emotional wellbeing.

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    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #52 – How do you manage those inevitable sporting performance failures - hosted by Dave Diggle


    It’s all about practical perspective    


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    So grab a mirror as you look deep inside yourself to see just how to improve your choices. 


    Also check out http://www.smartmind.com.au/ for our exercise templates and our face to face clinics and courses for 2015 these include our special “Compete like a champion” training course designed to give you key strategies to perform Smarter. 


    Enjoy the episode 

    Dave Diggle 


    Professional Mind Coach

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    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #51 – What you do in the shower could hold the key to your sustainability as an athlete - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #51 – What you do in the shower could hold the key to your sustainability as an athlete - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #51 – What you do in the shower could hold the key to your sustainability as an athlete - hosted by Dave Diggle


    Are you Hot or Cold focused?    


    Episode #51: 


    There is no denying it we are creatures of habit and how we do one thing tends to be how we do most things. What this means is if things are going great then we will tend to stay in that place, however may not grow.. If things are not going as well as you want however, the likelihood of it getting better on it’s own is slim at best. So by us recognising our core behaviours it could hold the key to either replicating your success and growing or tweaking what you are currently struggling with to get a better system. 


    In this episode of Brain in the Game (BITG51) we look at six (6) key stages of creating replicability and sustainability in your sporting performance. 


    Knowing your natural approach

    Sustainable Planning

    Calibration and perspective

    Creating sustainable momentum

    Using Patterns and Triggers

    Balanced approach

    These six strategies utilise our natural mental and emotional framework, our already well established processes and then helps you create a system from these building blocks that works for you. A system designed by you for you.


    So if your performance is perfect every time then don’t bother listening to this episode, however if you think you could be doing things better then this could be the one episode you cannot miss! So download this episode and listen closely as we jump into the shower! (metaphorically speaking of course) 


    Also check out http://www.smartmind.com.au/ for our exercise templates and our face to face clinics and courses for 2015 these include our special “Compete like a champion” training course designed to give you key strategies to perform Smarter. 


    Enjoy the episode 

    Dave Diggle 


    Professional Mind Coach




    with Prince Handley



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    In this podcast teaching we will discuss the current sociological threat of stress, the influence of anxietyits harmful effects AND how to use it for our benefitand how to protect ourselves from panic so that we can improve our brain function. Plus … healing!

    Does this sound impossible? Hang on for the ride … and watch things improve in your life!




    In my 2018 teaching “
    Anointed Slowdown: Preparation for Your Future” I told people to:

    • Slow down NOW.
    • Get involved helping others.
    • Do NOT overload yourself with schedule.
    • Cut out in your mind's eye what you want to do in the future.
    • Write down your Holy Spirit goals and claim Mark 11:24 regularly. 

    I told my subscribers, SLOW DOWN NOW!” I warned them, The reason you need to slow down NOW is because stressful times are coming. You will need all the “preparation” you can get to maintain spiritual equilibrium.” If you have not done so, study my teachings below: 

    Dealing with Stress In the End Times
    Frustration and Your Future – The Way Out

    My definition of “balance”—the micro one—is to maintain a “peace zone” out of which you refuse to wander. That is, stay in Area 14 where you refuse to be bothered: by Satan, by demons, by people … even by Christians.

    As a graduate industrial engineer, I was required to study and know such subject matter as: Strength of Materials, Dynamics, Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis, and, in addition, upper level Physics and Electro-Chemistry. I find it interesting that the physical (or, physics) definition of stress is two fold and more correctly applicable to the human genome:

    • An applied external force or system of forces that tends to strain or deform a body.
    • The internal resistance of a body to such an applied force or system of forces.

    Therefore, as pertains to the human condition, we could accurately say that stress (either from external or internal forces) is: a mentally, physically, or emotionally disruptive or upsetting condition occurring in response to adverse external or internal influences and capable of affecting physical health, usually characterized by increased heart rate, a rise in blood pressure, muscular tension, irritability, and depression.”

    Since we are a tripartite being (body, mind, spirit) we can reasonably assume that s
    tress can affect us: physically, mentally, and spiritually; and that, since all three are interconnected, either one may also influence the others. The synergistic effect of which could produce total wreck, or breakdown! This is WHY some people who come to me for help seem to at first be manifesting total meltdown.


    One psychologist reports that the average high school student today has the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the early 1950's.



    Anxiety related issues are #1 health issue in the USA.
    The #2 issue for men
    Over $48 Billion spent yearly in USA on stress.
    Over $300 Billion if loss of productivity is included.
    95% of teenagers have a friend dealing with stress.
    USA is #1 nation in world dealing with stress.


    Stress is essential to brain health. Paul Bendheim, M.D., states that, “Neuroscientists have discovered that, in order to learn, we need a certain amount of short-term tolerable stress to stay sharp and grow our brains.” Moderate, occasional stress promotes new cell generation. Enjoyable forms of self-induced stress (like physical exercise) can help our brains by improving short-term memory. Also, our overall health benefits from moderate stress by helping our immune system to stay on guard to protect against infectious micro-organisms and cancer.

    Let me give you four KEY curatives to stress and anxiety-related conditions:

    1. STOP the activities that seem to be causing you stress. If you can not stop them completely, then force yourself to take pre-scheduled breaks for rest or recreation. (A non scheduled break could be as soon as you feel the outset of anxiety or stress.)

    2. DO something you enjoy. Find a new hobby or recreation … do something you have always wanted to do: Ride a motorcycle. Fly an airplane. Build something. Learn to dance.

    3. SPEAK affirmations to yourself. Write them on paper, or record them and play them back. The importance is TO SAY them to yourself. The speech mechanism is vitally associated with your central nervous system. You can bring healing and strength to your whole system, especially if you are saying the Word of God. Find scriptures that pertain to: Your situation; and, Your new goals (recreation or desires). One great resource available is my book, Total Person Toolbox: Words That Work.

    4. PRAY in tongues: the language of the Holy spirit.

    A. When you pray in tongues, you are praying according to the will of God, even if you do not understand it. He who, when speaking, uses the gift of 'tongues' is speaking, not to men, but to God, for no one understands him; yet in the Spirit he is speaking of hidden truths.” (1 Corinthians 14:2)

    B. Also, when you even just sigh (or groan) in tongues, you are allowing the Holy Spirit to intercede for you according to the will of God, and thereby bring you therapeutic help. Likewise the Spirit also helps our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself makes intercession for s with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searches the hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because he makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.” (Romans 8:26-27)

    C. One of the great advantages when you praise God in tongues is that you are engaged in pure worship. There are not enough words in your native language (Hebrew, English, Spanish, etc.) to tell God how wonderful He is, and how much you love Him. However, when you praise Him in tongues, the Holy Spirit (the Ruach HaKodesh) is praising the LORD through you, and God comes on the scene with healing power. The Bible tells us God lives in the praises of His people. But you are holy, You who inhabit the praises of Israel.” (Psalm 22:3)

    Here is a link to a great resource on the Holy Spirit PLUS gifts of the Spirit (including speaking in tongues):
    How to Receive God's Power with Gifts of the Spirit,


    Learn to make stress work for YOU. Monitor the daily (or weekly) events that cause stress and anxiety. Pray and ask God to help you recognize chronic stress levels that are UNhealthy. These can affect memory and judgment resulting from impaired nerve cell growth and their cable-like connections. Also, too much high, chronic, stress affects the “executive center”prefrontal cortex of frontal lobesof the brain causing bad decisions.

    Other problems that can result from “skewed” brain instructions are increased risk of heart attacks, high blood pressure, cancer and intestinal problems (lke IBS) and ulcers. A five year study showed that those with “high stress proneness” had twice the risk of developing Alzheimer's Disease. Listen to your body: frequent stomach sensations, tension headaches, muscle tension and soreness, especially in the neck and shoulders … AND chronic fatigue can all be signs … in addition to FEAR. Do NOT accommodate fear.


    Another “sign upon the road” is FEAR. The basic stress response is “fight or flight” and is genetic. However, chronic stress can damage memory formation and weaken the immune system. Love is stronger than fear. The Bible says, Love casts out fear.” The next time fear knocks at the door of your heart, let faith answer it. Remember … the Bible says to followers of the Messiah: For God has NOT given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7) Fear is a spirit. You've received a Spirit NOT of fear. Resist fear. Just speak to it and say, "I won't take you. I refuse you. God says I've received not a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." Fear knocked at the door faith answered … and no one was there. If you allow fear to linger it rewires your brain and bypasses the prefrontal cortex.

    A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.” (Proverbs 27:12) I have done lots of investing through the years by day trading and investing in commodities and futures where I operated with large margins for the advantage of leverage. Of course, if the trades went “south” the margins worked to my disadvantage. But, here, I want to illustrate the good use of margins. The definition of “margin” is An amount available beyond what is actually needed.” One source describes it as, The space between our current load and our limits.”


    • Stress goes up.
    • Focus narrows.
    • Relationships suffer.***
    • You are not prepared for the future.

    *** Notice: Relationships only start … or are nourished … during margin.

    In Luke 17:1, Messiah Yeshua taught: “Things that cause people to stumble are bound to come ...” This is where “margin” can be a buffer to protect you from stress.


    • Slow down.
    • Simplify things in your life: activities, stuff, technology.
    • Allow for and establish time, money, work and relationship margins.
    • Give yourself SPACE. Don't make things too binding … too tight … too limited: Plan for MARGIN in your time, your financial dealings, your work, your relationships!


    Good News: One of God's Names in the Hebrew languageJehovah Raphameans “The LORD Who Heals.” He is, “The LORD your physican.” He can heal your stress, your body, your soul and your spirit. All you have to do is ASK Him. Just pray this prayer:

    God in Heaven, I need healing. Please forgive my sins. I turn away from them and turn to YOU. Please come into my life and take over NOW. Save me and heal me. Give me Eternal Life. Help me to live for YOU here on Earth, and take me to Heaven when I die. I ask this in the Name of Your Son: Jesus, the Messiah.”

    "I am the LORD that heals you."
    Torah: Exodus 15:26

    Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai.
    Your friend,
    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence

    Podcast time: 16 minutes, 2 seconds.

    Copyright © Prince Handley 2019


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