
    JOURNAL: Dreams

    en-gbSeptember 17, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Reflecting on dreams and making them a realityTake time to reflect on your dreams, believe in your ability to make them happen, and take steps to turn them into reality. Dreams bring joy and fulfillment to life.

      Dreams matter and they deserve to be pursued. Kate Cocker, from the Volley Network, encourages listeners to reflect on their dreams in her journal prompt. She shares her own experience of supporting her husband's dream to travel the world reporting on rugby. After nearly 30 years together, he is now living that dream. Kate emphasizes the importance of making dreams a reality, no matter how big they may seem. She invites listeners to join her in an Everyday Positivity hangout next week, where they can connect and support each other in their dream-chasing journeys. Whether it's hosting a party for a loved one or traveling the world, dreams are worth the effort and can bring great joy and fulfillment to our lives. So, take a moment to reflect on your dreams and consider what steps you can take to make them a reality. Remember, dream big and believe in your ability to make it happen.

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    [Inspire 12] CJ LIU - HOW TO REACH YOUR PEAK POTENTIAL! Fire it Up with CJ | Career | Business | Motivation | Self-Help

    Want to make big changes in your life? Dissatisfied with your career, life-direction, health, lack of happiness, or even the amount of 000’s in your bank account? Is your heart screaming at you or do you feel off-purpose, off-track or out of alignment with your higher, spiritual self? If so, then this interview with CJ Liu, the famous host of the Fire it Up with CJ is for you!

    CJ Liu specializes in helping people determine when and why it’s time to make the big move, how to overcome fear and make positive changes in your life!

    She was once an extremely successful Microsoft business exec, before feeling an incredibly strong need to change her life. She felt stuck, off-task and off-purpose, and her heart was screaming at her. It was her wake-up call, or something we almost all experience with injury, illness, a lack of sleep, or a twisting in our guts, before we make big changes in our lives. To CJ, it’s our soul or guts way of saying, I’ve gotta get out of here!

    She knew if she didn’t leave now she never would. So she left it all behind, even without knowing what to do next. She spent several years soul-searching before figuring it out. Then she became a coach, radio host and entrepreneur for her own new company, one that gave her the freedom and life she desired.

    In this episode you’ll learn how to transform your life and discover your life purpose, figuring out where you want to go and how (and when) you want to get there! You’ll learn how to identify and overcome the fear that’s holding you back.

    And you’ll learn the importance of mindfulness, and how to listen to that inner-guidance that’ll take you to where you want to be!

    This interview will help you overcome fear, understand how and why you need to change, start doing what you love and living your greatest life! Prepare to Shine Bright!

    Show Notes:

    • CJ’s Path to Radio Host and Career, Life and Business Coach
      • Wake up call – father died, melt down in Costco parking lot
      • Existential Dilemma - Had everything, still miserable and life sucks
      • For two years stayed with Microsoft, but hired a career coach and took a test that showed she had interests in everything
      • Career Test showed she should be a high level military official, superintendent of school, interior decorator
      • Did informational interviews, everyone said their jobs were terrible.
      • Was afraid of being trapped at Microsoft. Felt like a lobster in a boiling pot; if she never leaves now, she will never leave because she loved it – though it didn’t feel like her calling.
      • Afraid if she didn’t leave, she’d never find out what she’s meant to do
      • All she knew was if she didn’t leave, “I was going to die”
      • One woman suggested she should become a life coach – helping others start doing things they love doing
      • Taught work-life balance courses at Peps
      • Took a life-coaching class


    • How do you know you’re on the right track?
      • You’ll have a physical response, you’ll just know it, it’s not an intellectual response.
      • In CJ’s case she felt “My job is no longer meaningful. It’s not what I’m meant to do. I go into work and I feel like I’m going to die, but I don’t know what I should do instead”
    • When you need to change you often start getting a physical ailment, headaches, literally can’t do it anymore
    • It’s your soul saying something’s not working – wake-up calls are someone getting sick or breaking something
    • It’s important to understand what you want from every angle, in every way, with all 5 senses
      • This helps when you know what you don’t want, to know what you do want
    • Examine & overcome blocks (belief systems that stand in the way of pursuing what you really want) such as “I don’t think I can make enough money as a…” “I feel like I’ll waste law school…” “I’ll disappoint my family…”


    • There are TWO CATEGORIES of fear:
      • FIRST: Fear of unknown, being too big, fear of failing – overcome them by understanding they are there.
        • To help: NLP, EFT, visualization and meditation techniques help to rewire the brain
      • SECOND: Fear that people will see me and know that you’re not worthy, that you’re a fake, you’re going to fail
      • ALSO:
        • Fear of being unsafe - Need to have safety, Maslow hierarchy needs met, then love and self-esteem
        • Fear of having no value
      • Solution: Need to go down to the very root of the raw emotion
      • You’re allowed to wallow in it for 2 or 3 minutes, suddenly pop out of it because you realize how absurd the fear is
      • If you’re afraid of finances, meet with a financial planner so you know how much money you really need or to make, for instance if you need to pay for college or have enough for retirement
      • Living is about living fully and having great experiences
      • 3 Key Pieces of Advice

    o   1. When you don’t know where you’re going, opening to self of a higher wisdom, god, spirit, please just show me some signals or signs to let me know where I’m going and then open up and look

    o   2. Get clear about what you want with a coach or reading books, doing exercises & get a plan together

    o   3. Start doing things you love; doesn’t have to be job related – to open your heart, and you’re happier (gardening, movies, getting together with friends)


    CJ Liu's Websites: 







    • Seattle – Peps – teach you about parenting
    • NLP - Neuro-linguistic programming
    • EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique
    • Maslow hierarchy needs


    For more information visit www.InspireNationShow.com

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    To learn more about the OCG Community, check out the Overcoming Graduation website or check out the OCG  FacebookYoutubeTwitter, and Instagram pages.


    To contact me directly for interview recommendations, to provide feedback on the show, or to contact me for speaking engagements / book signings, reach out to me at Brian@OvercomingGraduation.com

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    If this episode was of value to you, please like, share, give a rating, and provide feedback on the show. This will help me understand how I can better serve you and reach even more people!

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    To learn more about the OCG Community, check out the Overcoming Graduation website or check out the OCG  FacebookYoutubeTwitter, and Instagram pages.


    To contact me directly for interview recommendations, to provide feedback on the show, or to contact me for speaking engagements / book signings, reach out to me at Brian@OvercomingGraduation.com

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    If this episode was of value to you, please like, share, give a rating, and provide feedback on the show. This will help me understand how I can better serve you and reach even more people!

    To provide a rating click here, click the "View in Itunes" button under the podcast art, click "Rating and Reviews" to the right of the podcast art, and then leave me your feedback, I'd love to hear what you think and how I can better serve you!

    To learn more about the OCG Community, check out the Overcoming Graduation website or check out the OCG  FacebookYoutubeTwitter, and Instagram pages.


    To contact me directly for interview recommendations, to provide feedback on the show, or to contact me for speaking engagements / book signings, reach out to me at Brian@OvercomingGraduation.com

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