
    JOURNAL: In Name Of Fathers Day

    en-gbJune 19, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Reflecting on the Impact of Our FathersConsider the question 'If it wasn't for my dad, then...' to appreciate the profound ways our fathers shape our lives.

      Learning from today's episode of Everyday Positivity is the profound impact our parents, specifically our fathers, have on our lives. Kate Cocker encouraged listeners to reflect on this Father's Day by pondering on the question "If it wasn't for my dad, then...". This simple yet thought-provoking question can yield numerous insights when one pushes themselves to think deeply. For Kate, her father introduced her to science fiction movies and technology, broadening her horizons and fueling her interests. He also taught her the importance of empathy and understanding people's hidden emotions. These are just a few examples of the many ways our fathers shape us. This journal prompt is a powerful exercise to express gratitude and acknowledge the influences that shape who we are. Remember, take your time to reflect and write down as many things as you can think of. Happy journaling!

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    Key Points

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    • Mindset shift through faith and fatherhood

    • Combating life’s ‘wars’ both internal & external

    • Embracing the imperfect journey of growth
    • The power of faith in personal transformation

    • Discussing fears and societal pressures

    • Eddie's mission with the Unafraid brand

    Best Quotes

    06:29 - 06:34

    • "I found the Lord, found Christ. And that has just taken me on a whole new journey."

    06:36 - 06:41

    • "If you can heal me from certain bondages and addictions, what else can you do?"

    08:08 - 08:11

    • "There's peace on the other side of the war. There's, there's peace."

    10:37 - 10:42

    • "The only person that's dealing with that and feeling those things is myself and the Lord who knows all."

    17:38 - 17:45

    • "We all have things that we need to be improving on. And it's a and that is the, that is where the joy is, is in that journey."
    28:41 - 28:52

    • "It doesn't matter what happens around you, what someone says, what they post about you, what they, you know, gossip about you. It doesn't matter as long as you're good here, it doesn't matter what goes around here."

    For more about Eddie visit: www.eddiepenney.com

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    Best Quotes

    02:29 - 02:37

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    03:17 - 03:23

    • "So we're in this real con, we're we're confused about what to do with men in Western society."

    03:35 - 03:42

    • " You don't just become a man because you turn 18, right?"
    11:01 - 11:08

    • "And the thing from the top of the mountain, we're gonna give you a new name. We're gonna teach you what it means to be a man."
    14:46 - 14:54

    • "I don't think, and I never have thought that masculinity needed to be discarded. I think it needed a bit of an upgrade."
    36:10 - 36:22

    • "I'm satisfied at the end of a hard day. I'm satisfied when I write something and I get emails back saying, thank you, that changed my life. I'm satisfied at the end of a fucking hard workout."

    50:09 - 50:21

    • "A strong mother will raise a strong human can raise an empathetic human, can raise a good man, but it actually does take a man to teach a young boy what the job will be."

    For more about Traver visit: www.manuncivilised.com/about