
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the depths of your mind through journalingJournaling, whether through writing or introspection, can unlock hidden thoughts and lead to new insights and personal growth.

      Engaging in reflective activities like journaling, particularly when using thought-provoking prompts like "When I sleep I...," can unlock hidden corners of the mind and lead to new insights and discoveries. Journaling doesn't always require writing, but rather serving as a tool for introspection. The sleep skill "guided sleep" can be accessed through Amazon Echo to provide additional resources for those seeking assistance in falling asleep, including guided breathing, meditations, thought work, and mindfulness exercises. Overall, prioritizing rest and reflection can lead to personal growth and a better understanding of oneself.

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    #134 Matthew McConaughey on How To Be More You

    #134 Matthew McConaughey on How To Be More You

    CAUTION ADVISED: this podcast contains swearing.

    When I started these podcasts, back in January 2018, my aim was to connect with people who had new and exciting views on how we can feel better and get more out of life. Little did I know that would lead me to today’s episode, where I chat to one of the world’s most famous Hollywood actors.

    Matthew McConaughey might not immediately spring to mind as a self-help guru. Yet for his 2014 Oscar acceptance speech he memorably shared some of the tenets by which he lives his life and to which he owes his success. And Matthew now shares his wisdom in his new book, ‘Greenlights: Raucous stories and outlaw wisdom’, which has already become a bestseller all over the globe. Based on the journals he’s kept since he was a teenager, it’s part autobiography, part guide to living – and 100 per cent inspiration.

    I was so pleased to learn Matthew wanted to come on the podcast and was prepared to give me 90 minutes of his time, something almost unheard of in stars of his magnitude. But as you’ll hear in this episode, Matthew isn’t your typical movie star.

    Authenticity is very important to Matthew, as is his quest to, in his words, “Be more me.” And that starts with eliminating what is not you. In Matthew’s own life, key examples include his decision to leave law school and become an actor, and later to turn down vast sums of money to leave the rom-com genre behind. Whilst he acknowledges the financial privilege that allowed him to take these risks, his lesson is about being true to yourself and your values, which is relevant for all of us. He says we should make sure we are feeding our soul account as well as our bank account, investing spiritually as well as financially.

    We cover so many topics during this entertaining chat, from our favourite U2 album to the current state of society as well as the incredible value of journaling. Whilst Matthew’s approach isn’t to give advice, there’s plenty of wisdom in the colourful stories and examples from his life that he shares. The beautiful thing about living, he says, is that you’re the author of your life’s story. So be cool to your future self. That’s some pretty awesome A-list advice I think we can all benefit from.

    Show notes available at drchatterjee.com/134

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    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    I Affirm Today with Nicole Decandas

    I Affirm Today with Nicole Decandas
    Nicole Decandas is a self-care, motivational blogger and public-school educator. She is also the author of the new book, I Affirm Today - The Power of Affirmations, Visualization, and Planning, which features 8 packed chapters describing her affirmation process helped her achieve her goals.  Listen to this podcast as she discusses:
    • The components of affirmation method
    • How to use colors as you create your affirmations
    • Moving through loss, living out your purpose, and more!


    Show Notes -


    #28 : 10 questions puissantes à te poser (pour mieux te connaître)

    #28 : 10 questions puissantes à te poser (pour mieux te connaître)

    Ca m’est arrivé plusieurs fois de me retrouver dans des situations où j’étais triste ou énervée, sans comprendre vraiment pourquoi.


    Et je me suis rendue compte qu’il y avait une raison qui expliquait de façon logique mon comportement ou encore mes émotions. Et j’ai découvert ça en faisant de l’introspection et en apprenant à mieux me connaître.


    Aujourd’hui, je comprends plus facilement pourquoi je réagis de telle ou telle façon, et ça m’a permis déjà de m’accepter comme je suis et aussi, d’anticiper les situations plus compliquées à gérer.


    Au programme :

    • L’importance de l’introspection
    • La méthode des 5 “pourquoi”
    • 10 questions puissantes à te poser


    Et avant de commencer, n’hésite pas à t’abonner au podcast et à laisser une note et un avis sur Spotify et Apple Podcast 😊


    📚 Ressources mentionnées :

    1. Qu’est-ce que tu adorais faire quand tu étais enfant ?
    2. Quels obstacles as-tu surmonté dans ta vie ? Qu’est-ce que ça a changé pour toi ?
    3. Quelles sont les personnes qui t’inspirent et pourquoi ?
    4. Pour toi, c’est quoi l’équilibre pro/perso idéal ?
    5. Qu’est-ce qui te motive à te lever le matin ?
    6. Si tu pouvais avoir 1h chaque jour en plus rien que pour toi, tu ferais quoi ?
    7. Comment réagis-tu face aux situations stressantes ou difficiles ?
    8. Quels sont tes rêves les plus fous (même si tu penses que c’est impossible) ?
    9. Quels sont les types de personnes et/ou d’environnements qui font baisser ton énergie ?
    10. Si tu pouvais faire un vœu (et un seul), tu demanderais quoi ?


    Si tu as aimé cet épisode et que tu veux soutenir le podcast totalement gratuitement, n’hésite pas à :


    ✨ Retrouver les notes de ce podcast : https://laurieverdan.fr/10-questions-puissantes-a-te-poser-pour-mieux-te-connaitre/ 

    ✨ Me rejoindre sur Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/laurieverdan


    🎶 Musique : La Musique Libre
    Ikson - Wander : https://youtu.be/msPsYBIBLkY

    Ikson : https://soundcloud.com/ikson 

    Comment écrire pour soi ? - REPLAY

    Comment écrire pour soi ? - REPLAY

    REPLAY // En 2021, je publiais pour la première fois cet épisode. Deux ans après, je continue toujours à en appliquer et diffuser les conseils, y compris en organisant des ateliers d'écriture introspective ! Profitez du printemps pour prendre un stylo et vous lancer à votre tour !

    Pour soutenir le podcast :

    - laissez 5 étoiles sur Spotify et Apple Podcasts

    - abonnez-vous et partagez les épisodes à vos proches

    - suivez-moi sur Instagram @clocloclub et TikTok pour plus de contenus

    - et surtout, écoutez le Cloclo Club bien sûr !

    107. Unleashing Your Potential: Understanding Self-Concept and Overcoming Self-Sabotage

    107. Unleashing Your Potential: Understanding Self-Concept and Overcoming Self-Sabotage

    In this episode, we discuss how self-concept and self-sabotage can impact your  ability to reach your full potential. We explore the definition of self-concept and its influence on your thoughts, behaviors, and overall well-being.


    We also delve into the concept of self-sabotage, outlining the various ways in which working moms can act against their own self-interests and the consequences of such behaviors. 


    The episode offers practical strategies to identify and overcome self-sabotage, including practicing self-awareness, challenging negative beliefs, and seeking support. It also provides insights for working moms, who may face unique challenges in balancing their personal and professional lives while overcoming self-sabotage. By developing a positive self-concept and overcoming self-sabotage, moms can work towards achieving their full potential, living a fulfilling life, and making a positive impact in the world.

    Learn more about the Smart Mama Club here and join our growing group