
    JOURNAL: Who Are You For Your Best People

    en-gbNovember 03, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Who are you for at your best?Reflect on who we become for our favorite people when we're at our best to deepen relationships and be intentional in our actions towards them.

      It's important to identify and focus on being our best selves for the people who matter most in our lives. During her journal entry on Everyday Positivity on Volley, host Kate Cooker discussed the idea of considering who we are for the best people in our lives. She drew an analogy to the business world, where identifying and targeting ideal clients is crucial. By flipping this concept on its head, we can use it as an exercise to understand who we become on our best days for our favorite and best people. It's a challenging but valuable reflection that can help us deepen our relationships and be more intentional in our actions towards those we care about. So, take some time to ponder this question: when you're at your best, who are you for? Remember, it's essential to prioritize and invest in the relationships that bring us joy and growth.

    • Discover and connect with live audio content and communities using VolleyVolley is an app and website for accessing live audio content and joining conversations with other users. Download it from the app store or visit volley.fm to get started.

      Volley is an app and a website that you can use to access live audio content from various creators and communities. To get started, you can find the Volley app in your app store or visit volley.fm on your web browser to download and install it. With Volley, you can join live audio rooms, listen to on-demand content, and engage in real-time conversations with other users. It's a great platform for discovering new voices, learning new things, and connecting with like-minded individuals. Whether you're interested in news, entertainment, education, or niche communities, Volley has something for you. So, if you're looking for a new way to consume audio content and connect with others, give Volley a try!

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