
    JOURNAL: Who Is Your Hero?

    en-gbJune 16, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Heroes and valuesReflecting on our heroes and their qualities can help us live more congruently with our values and lead to a better understanding of ourselves and our priorities

      Recognizing and reflecting on our heroes and the qualities we admire in them can help us live more congruently with our values. This exercise, as suggested by Kate Cockro on The Volley Network's Everyday Positivity, can lead to a better understanding of ourselves and our priorities. This Father's Day, consider who your ultimate hero is, whether it's a father figure or not, and ponder on the reasons behind your admiration. Tomorrow on Everyday Positivity, join us as we hear wisdom from a true hero, Dave Grohl, on the Happy Place podcast. Remember, acknowledging and embodying the qualities we admire in our heroes can help us lead more authentic lives.