
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Different Smoking Methods and BrandsThe speaker values authenticity and quality in smoking experiences, from cigars to blunts, and enjoys discovering new brands like Foundation Cigar and Palm Palm.

      The speaker in this conversation is passionate about exploring different methods and experiences when it comes to smoking, particularly with cigars and blunts. He has tried various brands and types, from Swisher Sweets to more natural options like those from Foundation Cigar and Palm Palm. The speaker appreciates the authenticity and quality of these natural options and enjoys the process of discovering new products. He also mentions his admiration for those who have the skill to roll their own cigars or blunts, as he himself is not particularly skilled in that area. The conversation also touches on the speaker's history with meeting Joe Rogan and his appreciation for the JRE podcast. Overall, the speaker's enthusiasm for trying new things and his appreciation for quality and authenticity are clear throughout the conversation.

    • Early days of MMA: raw, intense fights and camaraderieThe early days of MMA were defined by gritty fighters, a lack of resources, and a strong sense of community

      The early days of MMA were marked by unique challenges and experiences for fighters, as they navigated an unheard-of sport without the same level of resources and recognition as today. A friend of the speaker shared memories of watching him and other fighters at an ice house, praising their grit and compassion. The speaker himself recalled starting his MMA journey around 2008, after the birth of his son, and training with a fellow fighter named Shad Smith. The era was characterized by raw, intense fights and a sense of camaraderie among fighters, who often had to rely on each other for training and support. The speaker's memory may be hazy due to the passage of time and his involvement in the sport, but the experiences he and his peers had during these early days left a lasting impact on MMA history.

    • Navigating Cultural Differences in Martial ArtsUnderstanding and respecting cultural differences is crucial in any environment, including martial arts. Societal acceptance evolves over time.

      The speaker's experience in the world of martial arts took him to unexpected places, both geographically and socially. He became a star in Mexico's fighting scene, but was met with initial resistance due to his cultural differences. Back in the US, he encountered a fellow fighter, Chad, who was gay. The speaker had no issue with Chad's sexuality, but was taken aback when he discovered Chad's sexual preferences played out in an unprofessional way within the gym. This incident ultimately led the speaker to leave the MMA scene. The speaker's story highlights the importance of understanding and respecting cultural differences, as well as the evolving nature of societal acceptance.

    • From Wrestling to MMA: The Thrill of PerformanceThe speaker's love for wrestling and MMA comes from their exciting performances, but maintaining authenticity in MMA while incorporating showmanship is a challenge.

      The speaker's passion for entertaining wrestling, whether it's the scripted WWE or the real MMA, stems from the excitement and energy of the performances. He believes that the spectacle and showmanship can translate from wrestling to MMA, but the challenge lies in maintaining the authenticity and avoiding the revelation of scripted elements. The speaker also shares his personal experiences of discovering the "fake" nature of wrestling and pro wrestling moves in real fights, which initially shocked him but ultimately fueled his appreciation for the artistry and performance aspects of both sports.

    • The sacrifices and unique personalities of early MMA fightersEarly MMA fighters made significant sacrifices for their craft, including strict diets and training regimens. Their unique personalities often went unnoticed, but played a crucial role in their success.

      The experiences and sacrifices made by early MMA fighters, like taking fights on short notice and maintaining a strict diet and training regimen, are often overlooked by newer generations. These sacrifices can lead to significant weight gain after retirement, as fighters let go of their discipline and allow themselves to enjoy the fruits of their labor. The importance of maintaining a routine, even after achieving success, cannot be overstated. Additionally, the unique personalities and quirks of fighters, such as Patty Pimblet's signature goofy hair and demeanor, can often be underestimated by opponents and fans alike. Ultimately, the MMA world is a demanding one, with constant pressure to perform at the highest level, and the challenges faced by fighters both in and out of the cage are a testament to their resilience and dedication.

    • Weight cutting concerns in combat sportsWeight cutting poses risks to fighters' health and performance, creating an advantage for larger athletes and hindering the best performance from every fighter.

      Weight cutting in combat sports, such as MMA, bothers the speaker due to the unnecessary risks it poses to fighters' health and performance. He believes that fighters could perform at even higher levels if they weren't dehydrated and operating at peak efficiency. The speaker admires how some fighters, like Usman, manage the weight classes effectively while maintaining their health and power. He believes that the current weight class system creates an advantage for larger athletes, and the gap between certain weight classes can leave some fighters in a disadvantaged position. Ultimately, the speaker wishes to see the best of every fighter and believes that the current weight cutting practices hinder that goal.

    • Boxing vs UFC: The Role of Storytelling in Creating StarsBoxing's saturated market and focus on storytelling by USC can limit individual fighter success. MMA's acceptance of losses offers more opportunities for comebacks and stardom.

      The boxing industry has more weight classes than UFC, leading to a saturated market and less notoriety for individual fighters. The USC (United States Conquest) or "story writers" play a significant role in creating narratives and determining a fighter's success. Fighters need to understand their roles and play them accordingly. In contrast, MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) allows for more losses and the opportunity to bounce back, contributing to the community's acceptance of stars with multiple losses. The boxing industry could learn from the USC's approach to storytelling and timing, allowing for more opportunities for deserving fighters to shine. Ultimately, understanding the industry dynamics and playing the game effectively can lead to success.

    • Standing by your actions and words, even in confrontationBeing a badass means being consistent and ready for confrontation, but it's important to draw the line between entertainment and professionalism, especially in personal relationships and family matters. Let go of grudges and focus on the present.

      In order to truly embody a badass persona, one must be willing to stand by their actions and words, even when faced with opposition. This means being consistent and ready for confrontation when the situation calls for it. However, it's important to draw the line between entertainment and professionalism, especially when it comes to personal relationships and family matters. The speaker emphasizes that being a badass doesn't mean getting into unnecessary fights or bringing personal issues into the public eye. It's about owning your actions and being true to yourself. The speaker also shares a personal experience with a fighter named Cowboy, who rubbed him the wrong way during their first encounter, and how he's held a grudge against him ever since. Despite this, the speaker acknowledges the importance of letting go of grudges and focusing on the present.

    • A fighter's journey to forgivenessDespite a desire for revenge, a fighter chooses peace and shares his story, expressing gratitude for the current state of MMA and its opportunities. Early days of MMA featured challenging conditions, but fighters' resilience and determination prevailed.

      The speaker has had a long-standing desire for revenge against someone, but instead of resorting to violence, he plans to tell his story and hopes for an apology. He reflects on the past, sharing experiences of fighting during the early days of MMA when conditions were much more challenging than they are now. He expresses gratitude for the current state of the sport and the opportunities it provides. Despite his past struggles and hardships, he remains cool and hopes for reconciliation. The speaker also shares anecdotes about the early days of MMA, including fighting on short notice and dealing with opponents who didn't make weight. He emphasizes the resilience and determination of fighters during that era and expresses a deep appreciation for the history and evolution of the sport.

    • Rising to the Top Despite UnderestimationDetermination and willingness to take risks can help underestimated individuals overcome adversity and achieve success, even in the face of challenges such as short notice fights and substance use.

      Determination and a willingness to take risks can help an underestimated individual rise to the top, even in the face of adversity. The speaker in this discussion started as a struggling fighter, constantly being underestimated due to his background and perceived lack of skills. However, he proved himself through hard work and tenacity, eventually earning recognition and financial success. Additionally, the speaker faced challenges with short notice fights and substance use, but his drive and ability to adapt allowed him to continue pursuing his goals. Ultimately, his unique approach to engaging the crowd and building hype before fights helped him stand out and make a lasting impression.

    • Using surprise to navigate cultural differences in competitive environmentsBeing aware of cultural nuances and using surprise to gain an advantage can help navigate complex situations in competitive environments. Financial implications of tapping out or going to sleep in a fight should also be considered.

      Understanding and navigating cultural differences, especially in competitive environments, can be complex and require strategic thinking. The speaker, a mixed-race MMA fighter, shares his experience of using the element of surprise to gain an advantage in a fight by concealing his boxing skills and presenting himself as a street fighter. He also highlights the financial implications of tapping out or going to sleep during a fight, which can lead to suspensions and loss of income. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being aware of these nuances and making informed decisions to maximize success both inside and outside the ring.

    • Exploring Unique Styles in Fighting and MediaThe speaker's success comes from his ability to entertain, offer something different, and respect various art forms in fighting and media.

      The speaker values entertainment and unique style in both fighting and media. He sees potential in bringing feuding fighters together for peaceful conversations and believes in pushing boundaries, whether it's through unconventional fighting techniques or innovative podcast content. The speaker's success comes from his ability to entertain and offer something different from the competition. He also emphasizes the importance of understanding and respecting different art forms, such as boxing and MMA. Ultimately, the speaker's passion for his craft and willingness to challenge norms sets him apart.

    • The Impact of a Good Coach on a Fighter's CareerA good coach can make a significant difference in a fighter's career by providing knowledge, support, and guidance to help them navigate challenges and reach their full potential.

      Finding the right coach or mentor can significantly impact a fighter's career. The speaker shares his experience of being impressed by Vitaliy Klitschko's unique boxing style, but being injured in a fight and needing emergency surgery. He then explains how he struggled to find a coach who truly cared for his well-being and progress as a fighter, until he met his current coach who provided him with proper guidance and support. This experience highlights the importance of having a knowledgeable and dedicated coach who can help fighters navigate the challenges of their craft and ultimately reach their full potential.

    • Impact of mentors beyond intended roleMentors can shape us into better individuals through guidance, support, and discipline, but relationships can be challenging. Patience, understanding, and communication are essential for building meaningful connections.

      Mentors and coaches can significantly impact our lives beyond the scope of their intended role. They can provide guidance, support, and even become father figures, shaping us into better individuals. However, the relationship can also be challenging, as personalities and past experiences may clash. The speaker's story illustrates this, as he recounts his unconventional upbringing as a foster child and the unexpected turn of events when his coach was arrested. Despite these obstacles, the speaker's coach continued to influence him, teaching him valuable life lessons and instilling discipline through martial arts. Ultimately, the speaker came to appreciate the impact his coach had on his life, recognizing the importance of patience, understanding, and communication in building meaningful relationships.

    • First Impressions Can Be DeceivingAvoid jumping to conclusions and remain calm in tense situations to prevent unintended consequences and potential legal issues.

      First impressions can be deceiving and situations can escalate quickly, leading to unintended consequences. In the story, the speaker and his father attempted to retrieve money from a suspicious individual, but the situation escalated into a loud argument and potential police involvement. A pizza delivery man arrived at the same time, and the speaker tried to diffuse the situation, but they ended up entering the man's house to retrieve the money. They discovered the man was running a scheme and had their information. The man eventually went to the police, leading to his arrest and potential legal consequences for the speaker and his father. It's important to remain calm and avoid making assumptions or jumping to conclusions in tense situations. Additionally, it's crucial to be aware of the potential consequences of our actions and the laws that govern them.

    • The power of communication and familyThrough a dangerous situation, the speaker learned the importance of facing challenges with loved ones and the value of loyalty and belief in oneself.

      Even though the speaker was involved in a dangerous situation and faced serious charges, he learned the importance of communication and working things out with family. Despite the fear and desire to hide, he eventually reached out to his father and helped clear his name by uncovering a conflict of interest. This experience taught him the value of loyalty and having someone who believes in you, pushing you to be your best. It's a reminder that no matter how difficult the situation, facing it head-on and working together with loved ones can lead to a positive outcome.

    • Recognizing the value of opportunitiesPersistence and commitment to a goal can lead to long-term success despite initial resistance.

      Sometimes, it takes time and persistence to recognize the value of opportunities presented to us. The speaker shares his experience of resisting his coach's urging to pursue a career in MMA, focusing instead on short-term goals. However, as he began to fully commit and hone his skills, he realized the potential for long-term success. Another key takeaway is the importance of discipline and focus, particularly in regards to personal habits like quitting smoking and staying clean before fights. The speaker's experience shows that making sacrifices and staying committed to a goal can lead to significant improvements in performance and overall success.

    • The Importance of Perspective and the Fallibility of the Legal SystemDuring chaotic events, perspectives can differ greatly and the legal system isn't infallible, leading to wrongful accusations. Eyewitness testimonies can be unreliable and crucial details can be overlooked.

      Perspectives and experiences vary greatly during chaotic events, and the legal system can go wrong, leading to wrongful accusations. During a conversation, it was revealed that the speaker's father (Bob) had been wrongfully accused and imprisoned due to a misunderstood situation. Bob and the speaker had different versions of the story, and the speaker learned that eyewitness testimonies can be unreliable during stressful situations. The legal system, in this case, focused on getting a specific person (Bobby) and overlooked crucial details, leading to Bob's wrongful imprisonment. The speaker came to understand the importance of everyone's perspective and the fallibility of the legal system. Additionally, the speaker discovered that the person who had caused the situation was a scam artist with a history of fraud in multiple states.

    • Overwhelming criminal justice systemHigh conviction rates in cities like San Diego can lead to lengthy sentences and technicalities in the law causing unintended consequences, emphasizing the importance of effective legal representation.

      The criminal justice system, even in cities with high conviction rates like San Diego, can be unforgiving and overwhelming for those accused of crimes. The conversation highlights a case where an individual faced multiple kidnapping charges due to a technicality in the law. The high conviction rate in San Diego means that if someone is arrested, there is a strong likelihood they will be convicted. In this case, a juror who might have believed the defendant was innocent could face charges for obstruction of justice if they did not uphold the law. The system's complexity and potential for lengthy sentences can make it difficult for individuals to navigate and fight their cases. The individual in the conversation refused to accept a plea deal that would label him as a thief, despite the pressure from his attorneys, and ultimately faced a long prison sentence. This situation underscores the importance of understanding the potential consequences of legal proceedings and the need for effective legal representation.

    • Flaws in the Criminal Justice SystemThe criminal justice system is complex and imperfect, with potential for wrongful convictions and the need to consider all evidence and context before reaching a verdict.

      The criminal justice system is not perfect. The discussion revolved around a case where a husband was wrongfully suspected and potentially convicted for his wife's death, which might have been caused by an owl attack. The felony conviction rate in San Diego County was mentioned as 94%, suggesting potential flaws in the system. The case was complex, with conflicting theories and evidence, highlighting the challenges in determining the truth. The conversation also touched upon the role of drugs and mental health issues in the criminal justice system and the homeless population. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of considering all evidence and context before reaching a verdict.

    • Differences in respect and fighting dynamics in MMA vs streetsBlack fighters face unique challenges adjusting to MMA's respectful environment from the streets. Acknowledgement and respect are vital for growth and development in the sport.

      The dynamics of fighting and respect in MMA are different from the streets. Fighters, regardless of race, have a unique perspective and mindset. They've earned respect through their dedication and vulnerability in the ring. Black fighters often face challenges adjusting to this new environment, as street egos don't translate to the mat. Acknowledgement and respect are crucial for growth and development in the sport. Some fighters struggle to accept their place in the hierarchy and may choose to leave. Others embrace the challenge and improve, becoming technical and elite fighters. It's essential to acknowledge and respect one another, creating a more inclusive and productive MMA community.

    • Verify credentials before making assumptionsAlways double-check qualifications and legitimacy to avoid misleading encounters or potential harm

      Appearances can be deceiving, and it's essential to verify credentials and qualifications before making assumptions or commitments. The speaker in this conversation had an exciting encounter with a supposed Jiu Jitsu instructor who claimed to have a black belt from the Gracie family. However, upon further investigation, it was revealed that the instructor had obtained the belt through an online program, which was not recognized as legitimate in the Jiu Jitsu community. The speaker was initially impressed but was later left feeling confused and misled when he discovered the truth. This experience serves as a reminder to always double-check credentials and ensure authenticity to avoid potential disappointment or danger.

    • Misunderstandings can lead to serious consequencesClear communication and understanding are crucial to prevent misunderstandings and their potential negative outcomes.

      Miscommunications and misunderstandings can lead to serious consequences, such as false accusations and wrongful imprisonment. The speaker in this conversation shares his experience of being accused of kidnapping his daughter based on a misunderstanding. Despite having court documentation proving his right to move his daughter, he was arrested and spent several months in jail before being extradited back to California. This experience was a shock for him, as he had never been in trouble with the law before. The incident highlights the importance of clear communication and understanding to avoid such misunderstandings and the potential negative consequences that can result from them.

    • Exploiting the Prison SystemCEOs profit illegally from providing phones to inmates, creating a power dynamic where some guards abuse their authority, but the system's effectiveness relies on those in power acting ethically.

      The prison system can be exploited, with CEOs making extra money through illegal means like providing phones to inmates. This creates a complex dynamic where some guards, who may have a good character outside, can become abusers of power when they enter the prison environment. The inmates don't have a problem with law enforcement in general, but only when they're misusing their power. The speaker, who had worked with many law enforcement personnel before entering the prison system, gained a unique perspective on the personality changes that occur when individuals are placed in such environments. Ultimately, the system's effectiveness depends on the actions of those in positions of power.

    • Navigating the complexities of the prison systemUnderstanding power dynamics and unwritten rules in prison is crucial for avoiding conflicts and potential sentence extensions. Rehabilitation programs may not be effective, and some use their power to abuse and manipulate.

      The prison system can be a complex and dangerous environment where power dynamics and unwritten rules can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings. The speaker shares his personal experience of navigating these complexities, from dealing with racial tensions and enforcing unspoken rules, to learning the politics of different prison systems. He emphasizes the importance of understanding these dynamics to avoid getting caught up in unnecessary conflicts and potentially extending one's sentence. The speaker also highlights the challenges of rehabilitation within the prison system, sharing his skepticism towards the effectiveness of the programs and expressing his belief that some people use their power to abuse and manipulate others. Overall, the discussion sheds light on the harsh realities and complexities of the prison system and the importance of awareness and adaptability for those who find themselves in such an environment.

    • Navigating unfamiliar environments can be dangerousBeing aware of surroundings and staying true to oneself are crucial in unfamiliar environments to avoid dangerous situations

      Navigating unfamiliar environments, especially in prison, can be a dangerous and confusing experience. There are no clear rules or guidelines, and people can easily lead you astray. In the speaker's experience, he found himself in a psych ward and was targeted by skinheads due to his appearance. He was taught to play chess by a black inmate but was then attacked by another skinhead who tried to get him to hide a weapon. The speaker defended himself, leading to his isolation in his cell for two weeks. The guards seemed indifferent to the situation. This experience highlights the importance of being aware of one's surroundings and the potential dangers that come with being in a new and unfamiliar environment. It also underscores the importance of staying true to oneself and not getting drawn into dangerous situations, no matter the pressure.

    • Navigating Complex Interracial AlliancesEffective communication and understanding are crucial in preventing interracial conflicts, as misunderstandings and misinterpretations can lead to dangerous situations and severe consequences.

      The speaker found himself in a complex system of races and alliances, where the possession of keys gave control over races and the ability to communicate and prevent conflicts. However, as a first-timer, he was not allowed to have the keys, leading to a power struggle and dangerous situations. The misunderstandings and misinterpretations between different groups often escalated into violent confrontations. Despite the challenges, the speaker managed to navigate through the system and learn from the experience. However, the consequences were severe, as he was eventually caught in the criminal justice system and placed in a high-security facility with dangerous criminals. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the complexities and dangers of interracial conflicts and the importance of effective communication and understanding.

    • Acts of kindness in prison can have unintended dangerous consequencesBeing kind in prison can lead to unexpected risks and dangerous situations, including involvement with gangs and illegal substances

      A small act of kindness, like sharing a cord through a vent, can have unintended and dangerous consequences. The speaker's act of kindness led to him receiving a package of drugs, which put him in a dangerous situation with gang members. Despite never having seen the man's face, he was targeted for his involvement. The experience taught the speaker to be more cautious and aware of the potential risks associated with helping others, even in seemingly innocuous ways. Additionally, the incident underscores the harsh realities and dangers of the prison system.

    • Moral dilemmas in the criminal justice systemIndividuals in the criminal justice system may face tough choices with moral implications, requiring a strong legal team and understanding of potential consequences.

      The criminal justice system can put individuals in difficult and seemingly impossible situations, forcing them to make tough choices. In the discussed scenario, an individual was offered a deal where he could reduce his sentence by providing information on another person. However, doing so would put his witness in harm's way and potentially implicate them in the same crimes. Ultimately, the individual chose to protect his witness, leading to a longer sentence for himself. This situation highlights the complexities and moral dilemmas that can arise within the criminal justice system. Additionally, it underscores the importance of having a strong legal team and understanding the potential consequences of one's actions.

    • Misunderstood Fighter's Unique StyleBobby Green's unconventional fighting style, using forearms instead of hands, was criticized but he remained dedicated and improved it. Faced adversity, including being mistaken for a criminal, but continued to pursue MMA career.

      Bobby Green's unique fighting style, which involves using his forearms to block punches instead of his hands, was misunderstood by many. This approach, while effective for him, was often criticized as risky. Despite the criticism, Green remained dedicated to his style and continued to improve it with the help of his coaches. A pivotal moment in his career came when he was mistaken for a criminal based on a picture of him with cross tattoos on his forearms, instead of his hands. This incident could have resulted in his arrest, but Green's quick thinking saved him. Despite setbacks, such as the loss of his coach and the subsequent momentum for his gym, Green remained resilient and continued to pursue his dream of becoming a successful MMA fighter.

    • The value of quick counter-attacks in point fighting karateEffective defense and aggressive attacking are crucial in MMA. Quick counter-attacks in point fighting karate can be challenging to face and lead to success in landing the most punches while minimizing damage received.

      The ability to quickly close the distance and effectively counter-attack, as demonstrated in point fighting karate, is a valuable and often underappreciated skill in combat sports. This style, which involves a sideways stance and deceptive movements, can be challenging to face in crowded gym environments or during sparring matches. The combination of effective defense and aggressive attacking is crucial in mixed martial arts, as demonstrated by the speaker's success in landing the most punches while also minimizing damage received. The decision to take on top contenders on short notice, despite the risks, can lead to unexpected outcomes. Ultimately, every martial art offers unique advantages, and it's essential to learn from each one to become a well-rounded fighter.

    • Preparation and courage key to success in professional fightingSuccess in professional fighting requires extensive preparation, courage to take risks, and a unique fighting style.

      At the highest level of fighting, one mistake can mean the end of the game. Preparation and training are crucial for success, with ideal camp lengths varying from five to seven weeks. The most entertaining fighters often take risks and have unique styles. For instance, Jon Jones, despite being young and relatively new to UFC, showcased immense courage and innovative techniques in his fights. Jones' success is not limited to MMA, as he could have excelled in any sport due to his exceptional skills. However, it's important to note that Jones never lost in the UFC, although a win was taken away due to a controversial rule. Overall, the importance of preparation, courage, and unique style cannot be overstated in the world of professional fighting.

    • Jones' creativity and versatility as a fighterJones' success in MMA comes from his creative striking and ability to impose his will, making him one of the greatest fighters of all time.

      Jon Jones is not just a striker in mixed martial arts; he is a creative and versatile fighter who uses his striking as a means to get closer and impose his will. Jones' creativity and ability to surprise opponents have been key factors in his success in the octagon. While some may focus on his striking skills, it is his overall fighting style and ability to adapt that make him arguably one of the greatest fighters of all time. The discussion also touched on the entertainment value of certain fights, with differing opinions on what constitutes an exciting fight. Ultimately, it was agreed that Jones' fights, while not always flashy, are often significant and impactful.

    • Conor McGregor's Unique Fighting StyleConor McGregor's unconventional moves and dedication to perfecting his craft have earned him a loyal fanbase and solidified his place as a standout figure in the UFC.

      Conor McGregor's unique fighting style, marked by exciting and unexpected moves, has been a major factor in capturing the attention and excitement of crowds and fans. McGregor's ability to knock out opponents in unconventional ways, like the infamous detour kick, sets him apart from others in the UFC. While some may argue that style points should not outweigh winning, McGregor's dedication to perfecting his craft and imposing his style on opponents has earned him a loyal fanbase. Ultimately, McGregor's artistry and ability to captivate an audience have solidified his place as a standout figure in the UFC.

    • Suspicions of Performance-Enhancing Drug Use in Muay ThaiSome Muay Thai fighters are suspected of using PEDs due to observable physical signs and perceived benefits of training in certain locations, but enforcing anti-doping regulations is challenging

      Some fighters in the Muay Thai community are suspected of using performance-enhancing drugs, particularly in countries like Thailand where such substances may be more readily available. This suspicion arises due to observable physical signs and the perceived benefits of training and recovering in these locations. While some argue that there are valid reasons for going to Thailand for training and recovery, others believe that the prevalence of drug use is a significant issue in the sport. The speaker shares personal experiences of encountering such situations and expresses his belief that certain camps and locations are set up specifically to facilitate drug use. The discussion also touches upon the challenges of enforcing anti-doping regulations in the context of Muay Thai and the speaker's own stance on drug use in sports.

    • The Complexity of Performance-Enhancing Drugs in MMAWhile some practices have debatable performance-enhancing effects, steroids significantly alter the body and are generally considered cheating. Historical context shows widespread use, and debates continue on stricter testing and allowed practices.

      The use of performance-enhancing drugs in the fight game is a complex issue with gray areas. While some practices like ice baths and saunas have debatable performance-enhancing effects, steroids significantly alter the body and are generally agreed upon as cheating. However, historical context shows that the use of such substances was rampant in the early days of mixed martial arts. Some argue that stricter drug testing protocols are necessary, while others believe that certain practices should be allowed due to their widespread use and accessibility. Ultimately, it's a matter of balancing fairness and practicality in the sport. The conversation also touched upon the possibility of sabotage and the challenges of enforcing strict drug testing policies.

    • Performance-enhancing substances in MMA: Health, testing, and controversyThe use of performance-enhancing substances in MMA raises ethical concerns, affects athletes' health, and complicates testing procedures. Anderson Silva's alleged steroid use and its impact on his performance were discussed, along with the importance of defense and the decline of even the greatest fighters.

      The use of performance-enhancing substances in sports, including mixed martial arts, is a contentious issue with far-reaching consequences. The discussion touched upon the testing of coaches, the impact of such substances on athletes' health and performance, and the debate surrounding Anderson Silva's alleged use of performance-enhancing drugs. Anderson Silva, a renowned striker, was compared to a Wolli Thai fighter, and the implications of his use of steroids were discussed. The conversation also highlighted the importance of defense in combat sports and the eventual decline of even the greatest fighters. Nate Marquardt, a former UFC fighter, was brought up as an example of a formidable wrestler and assassin in his prime. The recent news about USC distributing crypto was mentioned, but no clear opinion was expressed. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the complexity and nuance of the issue, with the potential for both positive and negative consequences for athletes and the sport as a whole.

    • Controversial MMA Career of Chael SonnenDespite steroid allegations and a team's anti-drug stance, Chael Sonnen is respected for his MMA achievements and unique insights, but the line between truth and speculation in his past remains blurred.

      Chael Sonnen, a nearly champion in the WEC and UFC, has had a controversial career due to steroid allegations. His team's strict anti-drug stance contrasted with his own past use, leading to accusations and speculation. The discussion also touched upon the impact of TRT replacement ban and the prevalence of performance-enhancing drugs in sports. Despite these controversies, Sonnen is still respected for his tough climb to the top, epic fights, and unique insights into the world of MMA. However, the line between truth and speculation in these allegations remains blurred.

    • Perceptions of Inconsistent Drug Testing in MMADespite efforts to prevent it, some MMA fighters may use performance-enhancing substances without getting caught, raising concerns about fairness and transparency in the sport.

      There is a perceived issue with inconsistent drug testing in the world of mixed martial arts, leading some fighters to potentially use performance-enhancing substances without getting caught. The speaker shares anecdotes of certain fighters who have gone unchecked for extended periods, and expresses curiosity about how they manage to avoid detection. The UFC's recent implementation of fan bonuses paid in cryptocurrency was also discussed, with a suggestion that both fighters in notable performances should be considered for the bonus. Overall, the conversation touched on the challenges of ensuring fairness and transparency in the sport.

    • Subjectivity of MMA judgingJudges' opinions on winning strategies in MMA can vary, with education and experience influencing decisions. Effectiveness of performance is not always clear-cut.

      The subjectivity of MMA judging was a hot topic in the discussion. The speakers agreed that the effectiveness of a fighter's performance is not always clear-cut and that different people may have varying opinions on what constitutes a winning strategy. They also acknowledged that the education and experience of judges play a significant role in their decision-making process. The speakers shared their personal views on what they believe should be rewarded in MMA, with some favoring ground control and damage, while others emphasized the importance of striking accuracy and avoiding counters. They also touched on the issue of fan bonuses and the impact of external factors, such as cryptocurrency prices, on fighters' earnings. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexity and nuance of MMA judging and the ongoing debate surrounding the best ways to evaluate a fighter's performance.

    • Bitcoin and the fight industry: Challenges and opportunitiesConsider personal priorities and comfort levels when deciding on Bitcoin-related opportunities in the fight industry, balancing potential benefits against drawbacks like privacy concerns and training interruptions.

      The intersection of Bitcoin and the fight industry presents unique challenges and opportunities. Bitcoin's value is influenced by the US dollar, and the printing of more dollars could impact its worth. Fighters may be approached with opportunities to participate in Bitcoin-related events, but these opportunities can come with invasive filming and training interruptions. The decision to accept or decline such opportunities requires weighing the potential benefits against the drawbacks, such as embarrassment, lack of preparation, and privacy concerns. Ultimately, it's essential for individuals to consider their own priorities and comfort levels when making decisions in this complex and rapidly evolving landscape.

    • Media intrusions during training affect athlete's focus and mental stateMedia requests for filming or interviews can disrupt athlete's training, impacting their focus and mental state. Balancing promotion and privacy is crucial.

      Athletes face intrusions from media during their training and preparation for big fights, which can negatively impact their focus and mental state. These intrusions can come in the form of requests for filming or interviews, and can be particularly bothersome when they interfere with crucial aspects of training such as game planning or rest days. Athletes may feel pressured to comply with these requests in order to promote themselves and their fights, but the constant interruptions can be detrimental to their performance. The speaker in this discussion experienced this firsthand, and emphasized the importance of maintaining privacy and focus during training. The situation is not unique to the speaker, as other athletes have also faced similar challenges. Ultimately, athletes need to find a balance between promoting themselves and their fights, while also protecting their privacy and focus during training.

    • Fighters Holloway and Ferguson face challenges in preparation for competitionDespite past challenges with unexpected fights and weight cuts, Holloway and Ferguson continue to prepare for competition, with Holloway set to face Ortega and questions about Ferguson's readiness if he returns.

      Both Max Holloway and Tony Ferguson have faced challenges in their careers, including unexpected fights and weight cuts, which have raised questions about their readiness for competition. Holloway, currently holding the featherweight title, is preparing for his fight against Brian Ortega, who is seen as a significant challenge. Fans and commentators have expressed concerns about Holloway's appearance and energy levels, but he insists he feels great. Previously, Ferguson had to take fights on short notice and faced scrutiny from the New York State Athletic Commission regarding his weight cutting. Despite these challenges, both fighters have had impressive performances in the past. If Ferguson were to return to competition, there would be questions about how long he would need to be in the testing pool before being allowed to fight again. Ultimately, the focus is on the upcoming matchup between Holloway and Ortega, which is generating significant hype.

    • MMA Fighter's Concussion ExperienceMMA training involves risks of head trauma, and it's crucial to recognize and address symptoms to ensure athlete safety and well-being.

      The world of mixed martial arts (MMA) involves not only intense physical training and competition, but also the risk of head trauma and its potential consequences. Max Holloway, a well-known MMA fighter, experienced symptoms of a concussion before and during his weight cut for a fight, which ultimately led to his removal from the event. This incident highlights the complexities of MMA training and the importance of recognizing and addressing head trauma. The fighter's background and training history, as well as the aggressive nature of some opponents, contribute to the risks involved in the sport. Ultimately, the MMA community must continue to prioritize athlete safety and well-being.

    • Meeting Lorenz Larkin inspires Bobby Green to improve his wrestling skillsBobby Green's encounter with Lorenz Larkin motivated him to enhance his wrestling abilities to defend against Larkin's unique striking techniques, leading him to join a wrestling team and eventually become a top fighter.

      Bobby Green's fighting journey began when he met Lorenz Larkin, a heavyweight striker, in a gym. Green was impressed by Larkin's unique striking techniques, particularly an oblique kick to the gut, and was motivated to improve his wrestling skills to defend against such attacks. Green's interactions with Larkin led him to join the wrestling team and eventually meet his striking coach. Later, Green and Larkin both moved to a new gym, where Green continued to hone his skills and learn from other top fighters. Green admires Pereira, another elite striker, and is looking forward to their upcoming fight, as both fighters have high-volume striking styles. Green's experiences have shaped him into a resilient and determined fighter, always striving to improve and bring excitement to the crowd.

    • Strickland vs Pereira: A Battle of Unique StrengthsStrickland's ground game vs Pereira's striking power create an exciting MMA match-up, with both fighters bringing unique strengths and legends to the octagon.

      Both Strickland and Pereira bring unique strengths to their MMA fights. Strickland has a strong ground game and has taken Pereira down before, but Pereira's striking power and ability to test the waters make him a formidable opponent. Pereira holds the record for being the only fighter in Glory to hold two titles consecutively and is known for his knockout power. Glover Teixeira, who Pereira trains with, has also experienced a resurgence in his career around the same time. Pereira's creativity and ability to execute unconventional moves have made him a fan favorite, and his win against John Jones is considered one of the most brutal walk-off strangulations in MMA history. Jones' height and reach made him a difficult opponent, but he was known for his great distance management and use of his strengths. Both fighters have faced challenges and come back, adding to their legends in the sport.

    • Size and technique in grappling matchesSize and strength don't always determine the outcome in grappling matches. Technique, mental fortitude, and respecting rules are crucial factors.

      Size and technique can significantly impact the outcome of a grappling match. The discussion highlights the case of Paul Horace, a shorter fighter known for his relentless grip and refusal to let go of a submission, even after the bell had rung. His intense focus and potentially traumatic past may have contributed to this behavior. The debate raises questions about the ethics of holding onto a submission after the fight has ended and the potential influence of steroids on such behavior. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the importance of respecting the rules and the opponent in martial arts. While some may argue that size and strength give an advantage, adaptability, technique, and mental fortitude can also play crucial roles in a successful grappling match.

    • Fighters' Training and Recovery MethodsFighters use a range of techniques for training, recovery, and injury management including wrestling defense, ice baths, saunas, CVAC pods, magnet therapy, and weight cut management.

      Professional fighters prioritize various methods for training, recovery, and managing injuries. These include techniques for wrestling defense, ice baths, saunas, CVAC pods, and alternative therapies like magnet therapy. CVAC pods, in particular, are believed to help with inflammation, blood flow, and even brain recovery. Fighters also focus on managing weight cuts and dealing with the physical and emotional challenges that come with their profession. Overall, their dedication to their craft involves a multifaceted approach to optimize performance and recovery.

    • Embracing risks and opportunitiesThe speaker values taking risks and seizing opportunities, learning from mistakes, and being motivated by goals and family support.

      The speaker values taking risks and seizing opportunities, even if it means short notice preparation for a fight. He believes in learning from mistakes and moving forward. The speaker shared his personal experiences of healing from past conflicts and taking risks in his professional life, including giving blood to his father and accepting a last-minute fight offer. Despite the risks involved, he is motivated by his goals and the support of his family. The speaker also expressed appreciation for those who take similar risks and inspire him to push himself further.

    • Bouncing back from setbacks and continuous improvementOliveira's resilience and adaptation led him to become a champion despite setbacks. High-density foam gloves could reduce eye pokes and improve hand positioning. Staying active and adapting to new techniques and training methods is crucial for success in martial arts and life.

      Resilience and continuous improvement are key to success in martial arts and life. Oliveira, despite facing numerous setbacks, bounced back and became a champion. The use of high-density foam gloves, designed by Trevor Whitman, could potentially reduce eye pokes and improve hand positioning. The evolution of martial arts over the past 30 years has led to unprecedented levels of effectiveness and excellence among elite athletes. Regardless of age, staying active and adapting to new techniques and training methods is crucial. The growth and excitement of MMA continue to push the boundaries of martial arts.

    • The UFC's Success Story: From Humble Beginnings to Global PhenomenonThe UFC's success is due to its dedicated team, including Dana White, John Anik, and various fighters, and the early days of UFC commentary were a significant part of Joe Rogan's journey, starting with post-fight interviews in 1997.

      The UFC, despite its raw and primal nature, has a dedicated fanbase and is becoming increasingly popular due to its excitement and relatability. However, it may not reach the level of the number one sport in the world due to its dangerous and scary aspects. The UFC's success can be attributed to its amazing team, including Dana White, John Anik, and various fighters, who have all contributed to its growth. The early days of UFC commentary were humble beginnings for Joe Rogan, who started with post-fight interviews in 1997 and didn't get paid for the first 15 shows. He met influential figures in the UFC world, such as Jamie Walsh and Jeremy Williams, and helped connect friends with tickets. Overall, Rogan's experience with the UFC has been a wild and fulfilling journey, and he should consider writing a book about it.

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    “Millions of men go through life in misery and poverty because they do not possess the right plan.” (Napoleon Hill)

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    His life changed when he was diagnosed with MS and was led to believe he was going to spend the rest of his life on pharmaceutical drugs with massive limitations in the future.  While still competing in Jiujitsu, and refusing to quit, Alberto discovered Tac-Fit and has found ways to naturally heal his body, ease his pain, and even bring more mental clarity.  

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    0.00: Intro

    5.45: Influence of Napoleon Hills “Think and Grow Rich” (The science of success)

    10.35: Early Days training in Brazil

    18.01: Started teaching in New Mexico

    23.47: Persevering through early losses competing.

    31.14: Fighting MMA

    45.57: How jiujitsu calms the fight or flight response for life

    50.56: Finding out he had MS

    55.36: Tac-Fit and how it helped overcome MS 

    Show Sponsor is the amazing Non for Profit, The Overwatch Foundation. They use United States Military Veterans to provide critical humanitarian response to those in need. They operate in the harshest conditions and war zones to help as many innocent people on the ground.  Please consider sharing anything you can to help. All donations are tax deductible. 


    Until next time, love and good vibes. 

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