
    Podcast Summary

    • UFC Fighter Anthony Smith Discusses Weight Cutting ChallengesAnthony Smith shares his 8-week weight cutting process, feeling good during fights, concerns for those who do it incorrectly, extreme eating habits, and views on eliminating weight cutting as 'sanctioned cheating'.

      UFC fighter, Anthony Smith, shares his experience with weight cutting and the impact it has on his performance. He mentions that it takes him around eight weeks to reach 185 pounds and he feels good during fights once he's there. However, he admits that some fighters may not do it correctly, making them more fragile. Smith also discusses his extreme eating habits and how he adjusts them based on his fight schedule. He also expresses his thoughts on eliminating weight cutting, considering it as "sanctioned cheating." He believes that fighters are maximized for their weight classes and those at the top are usually bigger than their opponents. Overall, Smith's conversation highlights the challenges and considerations that come with weight cutting in professional fighting.

    • From Football to MMA: Overcoming Challenges and Finding FulfillmentDespite initial struggles and setbacks, determination and perseverance can lead to personal growth and fulfillment in new experiences. Seek support and stay open to learning.

      Determination and perseverance can help individuals overcome challenges and achieve their goals, even when faced with adversity. The speaker shared his experience of struggling to transition from football to MMA, facing setbacks and frustration. He described the initial difficulties of training and competing in a new sport, but also the sense of fulfillment and growth that came from learning and improving. The speaker emphasized the importance of having a supportive network and being open to new experiences, even if they involve starting over and facing initial failures. Ultimately, his story illustrates the value of persisting through challenges and staying committed to personal growth.

    • Defenders lacking offense can make fights predictableFighters focusing too much on defense can make fights less exciting and predictable, but they need to balance risk and reward.

      In combat sports like MMA, defenders who lack offensive skills can make fights more relaxing for their opponents. These fighters often focus solely on defense, which opponents can exploit by taking more chances. Surprising outcomes can occur, as seen in the Yuri Prohaska vs. Glover Teixeira fight. Exhaustion can also play a role in the outcome, especially in longer fights. Fans often prefer exciting, unpredictable fights, but fighters need to balance risk and reward. Some fighters, like Devin Haney, may choose to play it safe in certain situations, but this can lead to criticism from fans. Ultimately, every fight brings unique challenges and elements of unpredictability.

    • Rules and regulations in MMA: Clear communication and consistencyReferees are stricter about enforcing tap-outs and holding fighters accountable for their actions. Clear communication between fighters and referees and consistency in enforcing rules are crucial for fair fights.

      The rules and regulations of mixed martial arts (MMA) fights have evolved significantly over the years, with referees becoming more strict about enforcing tap-outs and fighters being held accountable for their actions. This was highlighted in various anecdotes shared in the conversation, including the infamous Marillo Bustamante vs. Matt Lindland fight in the UFC, where Bustamante submitted Lindland twice but was forced to continue due to a referee error. Another example was Sakuraba's victory over Conan Silva, where Sakuraba was able to submit Silva in a rematch after an earlier stoppage due to a referee error. These incidents underscore the importance of clear communication between fighters and referees and the need for consistency in enforcing the rules. Additionally, the progression of martial arts techniques and training methods has led to a higher level of skill and refinement in modern MMA.

    • Importance of financial preparation and mental toughness in a fighter's careerA fighter's journey involves financial planning for the future and mental fortitude to endure pain and adversity. Transitioning into real estate investment can provide financial security, enabling continued passion for fighting.

      The interviewee, a fighter, emphasizes the importance of financial preparation and mental toughness in his career. He shares how he has transitioned into real estate investment as a means to secure his financial future, allowing him to continue fighting out of enjoyment rather than necessity. The fighter also highlights his experiences of enduring pain and adversity during fights, viewing toughness as a mental decision and a natural trait developed from his upbringing. He reflects on his early days of fighting with minimal training and support, but overcoming challenges and eventually discovering his passion for the sport. Overall, the fighter's story illustrates the importance of financial planning, mental fortitude, and resilience in pursuing one's passions and overcoming obstacles.

    • Underground Fighting and Drug Use: Dangerous and UnregulatedEncountering unregulated fighting promotions and drug use, including heroin, can be destructive and potentially fatal. Addiction is a complex issue involving both physical dependence and personal choices.

      The world of underground fighting and drug use can be dangerous and unregulated. The speaker shared his experience of fighting in a promotion with no athletic commission and no requirement for recent blood work. He also spoke about encountering coaches and fighters who used drugs like heroin. Heroin use was described as particularly destructive due to the need to puncture one's vein and the potential for overdose. The speaker also mentioned his friend, Dr. Carl Hart, a professor at Columbia who challenges societal perceptions of drugs and recreationally uses some drugs himself. The speaker acknowledged that addiction is not just physical dependence but also a series of choices often made by individuals who are not having a good life or are trying to escape trauma.

    • A life-altering DMT experienceDMT eliminated the speaker's ego, instilled a new appreciation for the present moment, but caused paranoia and anxiety with other substances, and influenced his fighting style.

      The speaker had a profound experience with DMT which eliminated his ego and changed his perspective on life and reality. He describes the experience as instantaneous and life-altering, leaving him with a newfound appreciation for the present moment. The speaker also mentions that since the experience, he has struggled with paranoia and anxiety when using other substances like marijuana. Additionally, the DMT experience influenced his approach to fighting, causing him to reevaluate his limits and adjust his fighting style accordingly. Overall, the speaker's account highlights the transformative power of psychedelic experiences and their potential impact on personal growth and self-awareness.

    • Feeling of being out of control during turbulent flights and the importance of pilot's performanceUnderstanding the importance of rest and preparation for optimal performance in high-pressure situations, whether as a fighter or a pilot.

      The feeling of being out of control during a turbulent plane ride can be intensified by the heightened awareness of the situation and the knowledge that the safety of everyone on board depends on the pilots. The speaker also shares his personal experience with overtraining and the importance of rest, drawing a parallel between the importance of being well-rested for a fighter's performance and for ensuring the safety of passengers on a plane. The speaker expresses admiration for Max Holloway's impressive endurance and boxing skills, highlighting the importance of mental and physical preparation in high-pressure situations. Overall, the discussion touches upon themes of control, safety, and the importance of being at one's best in high-stakes situations.

    • MMA Fights Highlight Power and EnduranceRobbie Lawler vs Nick Diaz and Nick Diaz vs Paul Daley showcased the importance of power and endurance in MMA. Paul Daley's lethal left hand and Nick Diaz's cardio kept the fights exciting and unpredictable.

      The MMA fight between Robbie Lawler and Nick Diaz, as well as Nick Diaz's fight against Paul Daley, showcased the power and danger of these fighters' striking abilities. Paul Daley, known for his lethal left hand, was able to tire out his opponents and deliver devastating blows. Nick Diaz, on the other hand, was known for his cardio and ability to keep the pressure on, even when his opponents seemed to be tiring. The fights highlight the importance of both power and endurance in MMA and the unpredictability of each match. Despite the different fighting styles, both fighters demonstrated the real danger and excitement of the sport.

    • Appreciation for the complexity of MMA and the risks involvedThe speaker admires the art of MMA, particularly the striker vs grappler dynamic, but acknowledges the dangers and risks, especially in water activities and shark encounters. They also express admiration for skilled fighters like Israel Adesanya and Jared Cannonier.

      The speaker values the art and complexity of mixed martial arts, specifically the striker versus grappler dynamic, but acknowledges the inherent dangers and risks involved, particularly in relation to water activities and potential encounters with sharks. The speaker also expresses admiration for the sophistication and skill of certain fighters, such as Israel Adesanya and Jared Cannonier, and anticipates an intriguing matchup between them. Despite some confusion regarding their heights and weight classes, the speaker remains excited for the upcoming fights and appreciates the diversity and unpredictability of the sport.

    • Alex Pereira and Bruno Silva showcase skills in UFC fightsPereira's intense sparring and ground game, Silva's striking abilities, strong training camps and partnerships crucial for success.

      Both Alex Pereira and Bruno Silva showcased impressive skills in their UFC fights, with Pereira demonstrating his ground game and Silva's striking abilities. Alex Pereira's training with Glover Teixeira has been a key factor in Glover's recent resurgence, and Pereira is known for his intense sparring sessions. In the fight discussed, Pereira was able to take Silva down, but Silva proved to be difficult to submit on the ground. Silva, in turn, landed some powerful strikes on Pereira but was unable to take him down. The discussion also highlighted the importance of having a strong training camp and the impact of Pereira's partnership with Glover Teixeira.

    • Size doesn't matter in Jiu JitsuSmall fighters with exceptional skills can defeat larger opponents, dedication to training and eliminating distractions are key to success in Jiu Jitsu

      Size and appearance can be deceiving in the world of Jiu Jitsu. Small and seemingly unassuming fighters can dominate larger opponents due to their exceptional skills and techniques. This was evident in the discussions about fighters like Jocko Willink, Gordon Ryan, and Charles Oliveira. Their humility and soft-spoken demeanor can be misleading, but their abilities on the mat are anything but. It's a reminder that in Jiu Jitsu, the underdog can often come out on top. Additionally, dedication to training and eliminating distractions can lead to remarkable improvements and success in the sport.

    • Motivations and Financial Realities of AthletesAthlete's worth and business acumen matter, shown by Floyd Mayweather's success, while discipline and focus are essential for peak performance, even in retirement.

      Money can be a significant motivator for athletes, even those with strong religious beliefs or simple lifestyles. The discussion revolved around the potential price tag for Khabib Nurmagomedov to come out of retirement, with speculation reaching up to $160 million. The speaker emphasized that business acumen and understanding one's worth are crucial for athletes, as shown by Floyd Mayweather's impressive career and financial success. The conversation also touched upon the importance of discipline and focus in maintaining peak performance, even in advanced age. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities of the motivations and financial realities that drive athletes in their careers.

    • The incredible stories of boxing legends Marvin Hagler, Sugar Ray Leonard, Roberto Duran, and Thomas HearnsThe documentary highlights the dedication, discipline, and determination of boxing legends, showcasing their legendary training routines and the human body's durability and fragility.

      The documentary "The Four Kings" showcases the incredible dedication, discipline, and determination of boxing legends Marvin Hagler, Sugar Ray Leonard, Roberto Duran, and Thomas Hearns. Their training routines, which included intense calisthenics and running in combat boots, were legendary. Hagler, in particular, stood out for his remarkable conditioning and formidable chin, which was three times larger than average. The strength of a boxer's neck is also crucial in taking punches effectively. These fighters' stories illustrate the human body's durability and fragility, as they faced both incredible feats and unexpected injuries. Overall, "The Four Kings" is a must-watch for anyone seeking inspiration and excitement about the power of hard work and perseverance.

    • Consistently dominating elite competitionHagler and Usman's exceptional abilities to excel in high-level competition, despite challenges, solidify their places among the best fighters in their respective sports.

      Some fighters, like Hagler in boxing and Usman in MMA, have an exceptional ability to perform consistently and excel in high-level competition, often leaving their opponents seemingly outmatched. Hagler's resilience and determination, even when faced with knockdowns or seemingly unfair decisions, showcased his mental fortitude. Similarly, Usman's dominance in the UFC's welterweight division, marked by his impressive win streak and ease in defeating top opponents, highlights his unique combination of skill, preparation, and mental toughness. Colby's challenges against Usman notwithstanding, the latter's consistent performance and ease in the octagon have solidified his place among the elite fighters in the sport.

    • A story of a painful defeat and the recovery processDefeats, even painful ones, can lead to growth and resilience. Recovery from injuries requires mental and physical strength.

      Experiencing a defeat, especially a painful one, can leave a lasting impact. The interviewee shares a story about a particularly challenging fight against a formidable opponent, who managed to break his arm during the match. The fighter describes the intense emotions and thoughts that went through his mind during the encounter, including the consideration of letting his arm break or tapping out. He also reflects on the recovery process of other fighters who have suffered similar injuries and the impact it has on their future performances. The conversation highlights the mental and physical challenges that come with competitive sports and the importance of resilience and adaptability in overcoming setbacks.

    • Overcoming athletic injuries and surgeriesDespite multiple injuries and surgeries, this individual's determination and resilience enabled them to fully recover and continue their athletic career.

      Enduring various injuries and surgeries, including Tommy John surgery on the elbow and an Achilles tear, has been a common experience for this individual in their athletic career. The surgeries resulted in significant pain and lengthy recovery periods, with the elbow surgery limiting his range of motion during a fight. However, after recovery, he regained full functionality and continued his fighting career. The individual also mentioned having other surgeries on his hand and dealing with a corneal abrasion that resulted in a torn Achilles tendon. Despite the challenges, he remained determined and pushed his rehabilitation, often disregarding medical advice and returning to training earlier than recommended. The individual's experiences demonstrate the resilience and determination required to overcome injuries and continue pursuing a competitive athletic career.

    • Mental toughness and determination help athletes overcome challengesMichael Bisping's victory with one eye shows the power of mental strength and determination in sports. Medical advancements aid in injury recovery, but some injuries remain challenging to overcome.

      Mental toughness and determination can help athletes overcome significant challenges and achieve great success, even in the face of physical limitations. Michael Bisping's story of winning the UFC world title with one eye is a prime example of this. Despite his injury, he refused to let it hold him back and continued to compete at the highest level. Medical advancements are also making it possible for athletes to overcome injuries and continue their careers. However, some injuries, like those affecting the knees, remain difficult to fully repair. Ultimately, the human spirit and the will to push through adversity can lead to impressive feats and inspiring stories.

    • Dehydration's Impact on Fighters' Performance and HealthDehydration can impair a fighter's performance and increase injuries due to masked steroid use and inability to properly rehydrate. The use of testosterone, derived from various sources, is a common method to elevate performance, but its legality and effectiveness are uncertain.

      Dehydration can negatively impact a fighter's performance and durability in the ring. The brain is particularly susceptible to the effects of dehydration, which can lead to dizziness, wobbliness, and a loss of ability to take a shot. IVs were used in the past to mask steroid use by flushing the system and making it difficult for testers to detect the steroids. However, the removal of IVs led to concerns about an increase in injuries due to fighters' inability to properly rehydrate. Steroids, such as testosterone, can be derived from various sources, including wild yams, and the use of these substances can be difficult to detect through testing. Fighters have historically sought ways to elevate their testosterone levels, and the use of roots and tree barks is one method that has been explored. However, the effectiveness and legality of these methods are uncertain. Novitsky suggested that testosterone could potentially be extracted from animals and injected into people, making it difficult to detect through testing. Ultimately, the use of performance-enhancing substances remains a complex issue in sports, with athletes and testing agencies constantly seeking new ways to gain an edge while maintaining fairness and integrity in competition.

    • Discoveries of Sex Hormones in the 1930s and Natural Medicinal ResourcesThe 1930s saw the discovery and synthesis of sex hormones from natural sources, leading to important medications. Natural resources like wild yam and psilocybin mushrooms continue to be studied for their potential benefits, but it's crucial to ensure their source and purity.

      The 1930s marked a significant period in the discovery and synthesis of various sex hormones, leading to the development of important medications like cortisone and the first oral contraceptive. These discoveries were made from natural sources, including a Mexican yam called wild yam, which also contains a compound called diosgenin used in the production of synthetic steroids. The exploration of natural resources for medicinal purposes continues, with plants like wild yam and psychoactive substances like psilocybin mushrooms and DMT continuing to be studied for their potential benefits. The use of these substances, whether natural or synthetic, can have profound effects on the body and mind, leading to various experiences and therapeutic applications. However, it's important to note that the potency and quality of these substances can vary greatly, making it crucial to ensure their source and purity.

    • MMA Fighters' Exceptional Cardio as a Primary WeaponFighters like Court McGee, Matt Brown, and Max Holloway have exceptional cardio, making it a crucial advantage in their fights. Upcoming bouts include Holloway vs Volkanovski and Strickland vs Pereira, with no dull fights expected. Unique skills from fighters like Jessica Rose Clark and Jalen Turner add to the excitement.

      Some MMA fighters, like Court McGee, Matt Brown, and Max Holloway, have developed exceptional cardio through their training and past experiences, making it a primary weapon in their fights. Notable upcoming fights include Max Holloway versus Volkanovski, and Sean Strickland versus Pereira. The card features several intriguing matchups, with no apparent duds. Fighters like Jessica Rose Clark and Jalen Turner bring unique skills to the table. The conversation also touched upon the possibility of adding more weight classes to the sport, but the practicality of this remains debatable. Overall, the excitement surrounding the upcoming fights is palpable.

    • The importance of weight discipline in combat sportsWeight discipline in combat sports like MMA and boxing impacts a fighter's mental and physical readiness. Fewer weight classes exist in MMA due to less extreme weight cutting. Fighters feel more prepared and confident at their preferred weight. Eliminating weight cutting entirely is debated, and rules vary between organizations.

      The discipline required to make weight in combat sports like MMA and boxing impacts a fighter's mental preparation and overall performance. Fewer weight classes exist in MMA due to the lack of extreme weight cutting common in boxing. Fighters often feel more prepared and confident when they fight at their preferred weight, as they have put in the necessary effort to make the weight and maintain their health. The idea of eliminating weight cutting entirely is intriguing, but it may not be feasible due to the potential for athletes to find ways around the rules. Additionally, organizations like One FC, which allow more freedom in striking on the ground, change the dynamics of the fight and encourage fighters to be more aggressive and defensive.

    • Martial Arts Rules and Their Impact on CompetitionRules in martial arts, such as those against soccer kicks on the ground, can alter fight strategies. Protective equipment like diamond cups can help mitigate pain from strikes, and proper technique and mental preparation are crucial.

      Rules in martial arts, particularly in the UFC, can significantly impact the outcome and strategy of a fight. The speaker expresses frustration with the rules against soccer kicks on the ground, feeling it's an effective move that should be allowed. He also discusses the use of protective equipment like diamond cups, which can help mitigate pain from certain strikes. The speaker shares personal experiences of fights and the importance of proper technique and mental preparation. Overall, the conversation highlights the nuances and complexities of martial arts rules and their impact on competition.

    • Neck Crank Technique and Stem Cell TherapyThe neck crank technique in martial arts uses forearm and leg pressure for leverage, while stem cell therapy involves injecting stem cells directly into damaged disc areas to promote regrowth and relieve pain.

      The speaker was discussing a neck crank technique used in martial arts, which involves applying pressure to the neck using the forearm and legs for leverage. The speaker had received this technique from a friend and had also undergone stem cell therapy in Mexico to heal damage to his neck and discs. The therapy involved injecting stem cells directly into the affected areas, allowing the disc tissue to regrow and providing relief from pain. The speaker emphasized the effectiveness of this treatment and how it had significantly improved his quality of life.

    • Personal experience showcases stem cell therapy's potentialDespite regulatory hurdles and stressing cells for optimal results, stem cell therapy offers hope for injuries and degenerative conditions.

      Stem cell therapy has the potential to significantly improve or even cure various health issues, including injuries and degenerative conditions. The speaker's personal experience with stem cell therapy for neck pain and a rotator cuff tear demonstrates its effectiveness. However, the process can be lengthy due to FDA approval and other regulatory hurdles. The speaker suggests that having a high-profile advocate for the therapy could expedite the process. Stem cell therapy can also involve stressing the cells to ensure the healthiest ones survive and are used for treatment. Ongoing research and advancements in the field continue to expand the possibilities of this promising therapeutic approach.

    • Exploring the Future of Aging and LongevityScientific advancements in regenerative medicine and aging reversal could extend healthy lifespans, changing societal norms and personal attitudes towards aging and death.

      Advancements in science and technology, particularly in the field of regenerative medicine and aging reversal, could potentially allow people to live healthier and more active lives for longer periods of time. This could lead to a shift in societal norms and attitudes towards aging and death. The speaker expresses a desire to keep living and experiencing life as long as possible, and acknowledges the potential risks and vulnerabilities that come with aging. The discussion also touches on the speaker's regrets about participating in contact sports at a young age and the potential long-term health consequences. Overall, the conversation highlights the excitement and potential of scientific advancements, as well as the complex emotions and considerations surrounding aging and mortality.

    • Evolving awareness and concern for player safety in contact sportsDiscoveries of CTE and its long-term effects led to rule changes and increased safety measures in contact sports, acknowledging potential harm but also the allure of greatness and financial rewards, and ongoing efforts to make them safer, with a complex relationship between risks and rewards.

      The discussion highlights the evolving awareness and concern for player safety in contact sports like football and boxing. The conversation references the discovery of CTE and its potential long-term effects on athletes, leading to rule changes and increased safety measures. The speaker shares his personal perspective on the risks and rewards of playing these sports, acknowledging the potential harm but also the allure of greatness and financial rewards. He also touches upon the genetic predisposition to CTE and the unmatched emotions experienced during competition. Overall, the conversation underscores the complex relationship between the risks and rewards in contact sports and the ongoing efforts to make them safer.

    • Losses in Sports: A Double-Edged SwordLosses in sports can lead to fan appreciation and personal growth, but the inconsistent judging and financial consequences can add to the mental challenge.

      Losses in sports, while difficult, can still have positive impacts on a fighter's career. The speaker recalls his first loss to Machita, which he felt he could have won, but the fans seemed to enjoy the intense fight. However, there was a devastating loss to Round Tree where the speaker didn't want to fight at all. The inconsistency of judging and the win-or-lose bonus system can add to the mental challenge of the sport. Despite the financial consequences of losing, fighters are driven to win and invest their earnings wisely. Ultimately, the speaker believes that the mental fortitude required to perform at a high level in sports is one of the most challenging aspects.

    • Judging Controversies in MMAIncreasing judges and open scoring could reduce subjectivity but may lead to fighters playing it safe in final rounds.

      The judging system in mixed martial arts (MMA) can be subjective and controversial, leading to close fights where the outcome and money earned by the fighters can be significantly impacted. The speaker suggests increasing the number of judges and implementing open scoring as potential solutions. However, there is a concern that this could lead to fighters being overly cautious in their final rounds, fearing penalties. The speaker also reflects on the difference between MMA and boxing, noting that while MMA knockouts can be more dramatic, boxing has had more deaths due to the nature of their training methods. Ultimately, the complexity and unpredictability of MMA fights make them both thrilling and challenging to judge.

    • The unpredictability of durability in combat sportsFighters' durability can be unpredictable, and repeated trauma can lead to long-term cognitive and physical impairments, despite a reputation for toughness.

      Durability in combat sports, such as MMA, can be unpredictable. Fighters can have a reputation for being durable throughout their careers, only to be knocked out unexpectedly, sometimes even before a fight begins. The chin, or ability to withstand punches, can be compared to a pitcher's arm, with a limited number of shots one can take before being compromised. The brain may also play a role in protecting a fighter, causing them to unconsciously shut down when they've taken too much damage. Unfortunately, the effects of repeated trauma can lead to long-term cognitive and physical impairments. These changes can be subtle, such as speech patterns or movement, and may not be immediately noticeable. The unpredictability of durability adds to the inherent risks and challenges of combat sports.

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    #54 Rémi Lancou : récup = éducation, hypertrophie, screening pattern de mouvement

    #54 Rémi Lancou : récup = éducation, hypertrophie, screening pattern de mouvement

    🆕Aujourd’hui je discute avec Rémi Lancou aka Rémi Physio. Rémi est kiné et préparateur physique. Il s’occupe de l’équipe nationale d’Algérie en football et de nombreux combattants pro en MMA avec le NRFight Club.

    Il a suivi de nombreuses formations dont les formations EXOS et a lancé sa propre formation: Physio Sport Consulting.


    👉Dans cet épisode on parle donc de récupération/éducation, d’hypertrophie, de screening des pattern de mouvement, mais aussi de récidives et de routine en prophylaxie.

    🙌Je compte sur vous pour mettre 5 étoiles à cet épisode sur Apple podcast, Spotify et sur Know Minut !

    🎯De la même manière je vous encourage à partager cet épisode avec vos collègues pour le débriefer entre vous!

    Bonne écoute à tous!