
    Podcast Summary

    • The importance of human connection in late-night talk showsLate-night talk shows thrive on genuine human connection and vulnerability, making virtual interviews during the pandemic a less satisfying alternative.

      The human connection and interaction are essential elements of late-night talk shows, according to Andres Santino during his interview with Judd Apatow on Whiskey Ginger. Santino expressed his displeasure with the shift to virtual interviews due to the pandemic, stating that people want to see hosts and guests having a genuine relationship. He believes that the vulnerability and authenticity of these interactions make for memorable moments, citing David Letterman's late-night talk show as an example. Apatow agreed, adding that he has enjoyed some of the more stripped-down interviews during the pandemic. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of human connection in entertainment and the potential benefits of embracing vulnerability.

    • Raw and Unfiltered Late-Night InteractionsThe speaker nostalgically recalls the authentic friendship element of early late-night talk shows and laments their loss, citing Dave and Warren Zevon's interaction as an example.

      The early days of late-night talk shows, like those hosted by David Letterman and Johnny Carson, were known for their raw, unfiltered, and often uncomfortable interactions between hosts and guests. These shows embraced the weird and the fringe, creating a unique and authentic friendship element that resonated with audiences. However, as shows transitioned to more commercial networks and ratings-driven content, this element was lost. The speaker fondly remembers the interaction between Dave and Warren Zevon as an example of this special bond. Although the new shows are not garbage, the speaker misses the real and raw connections that were once a staple of late-night television. Additionally, the speaker touches on the practical issues of producing a podcast, including the importance of syncing up with guests and the challenges of working with limited resources.

    • Missing out on adding real pandemic experiences to movie productionsAuthenticity in storytelling can be enhanced by incorporating real-life experiences, especially during a pandemic. Collaboration and connecting with an audience are crucial for successful creative projects.

      The experience of living through a pandemic presents unique opportunities for authenticity in storytelling. The speaker lamented missing an opportunity to contribute his own real-life experience with COVID-19 to a movie production, suggesting that incorporating such elements could add a layer of reality and depth. The conversation also touched on the subjective nature of evaluating the quality of creative work, with the speaker acknowledging the importance of connecting with an audience and avoiding producing content that might be disappointing. The discussion also highlighted the collaborative nature of creative projects and the value of working with talented individuals, as exemplified by the speaker's ongoing documentary project with co-director Michael Bonfiglio.

    • The pursuit of perfection in creativityFind a balance between structure and spontaneity in the creative process. Trust yourself and your team to contribute to the final product.

      The relentless pursuit of perfection, especially in the creative process, can lead to extraordinary results. This was evident in the story of the family friend who was obsessive about his joke delivery, repeating it until he perfected the inflection and intonation. This obsessive nature is also seen in great athletes like Kobe and Tiger. However, not everyone shares this trait. Some people, like the speaker, prefer a more flexible approach, improvising and finding moments in the moment. They don't have the need to get it perfect every time. This was also reflected in the speaker's approach to filmmaking. He used to be more anal about getting it perfect but now prefers to get multiple takes and work with talented improvisers. The key is to find what works best for you and trust the people you work with to contribute to the creative process. Ultimately, it's about finding a balance between structure and spontaneity.

    • Creating a unique online presence with SquarespaceSquarespace offers an all-in-one solution for creating and managing a successful online presence with easy-to-use templates, award-winning customer support, free and secure hosting, built-in SEO, and powerful ecommerce functionality.

      Squarespace is an excellent choice for creating a unique and beautiful website, regardless of what you're selling or publishing. With its easy-to-use templates, award-winning customer support, free and secure hosting, built-in search engine optimization, and powerful ecommerce functionality, Squarespace offers a comprehensive solution for creating and managing a successful online presence. Additionally, the speaker shared his personal struggles with adapting to a project outside of his comfort zone, using the example of his experience on the set of "How I Met Your Mother." He highlighted the challenges of working with a team and adjusting to a new creative direction, even with the presence of talented individuals like Greta Gerwig and Pam Fryman. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of finding the right fit for a project and the benefits of using a user-friendly platform like Squarespace to bring ideas to life.

    • A comedian's journey to resilienceSetbacks and rejection are common in creative fields, but perseverance and belief in oneself are essential for success.

      The entertainment industry can be unforgiving and the road to success is often long and filled with setbacks. The speaker shared a personal story about his experience as a young comedian who was sent to an acting coach by an agent, only to be rejected after a disastrous audition. This experience left him feeling shamed and uncertain about his future in acting. However, he learned a valuable lesson about resilience and the importance of not quitting, even when faced with rejection. The speaker also emphasized that the best performers in comedy, and likely other creative fields, often achieve success later in life. This is because the craft requires a great deal of dedication and hard work, and those who are willing to put in the time and effort are more likely to succeed. Ultimately, the speaker's experience serves as a reminder that setbacks and rejection are a normal part of the creative journey, and that perseverance and a belief in one's own worth are essential for success.

    • Using comedy as a tool for self-expression and building self-esteemDuring challenging times, creating art can help build self-confidence and provide a platform for expressing thoughts. Speak out against deception and promote transparency to make a positive impact.

      Creating art, specifically stand-up comedy, serves as a means for the artist to build self-esteem and express their thoughts, even during challenging times. The speaker shares how the pandemic and political climate affected his ability to write and perform, causing him to focus on the chaos around him instead. He also touches on the importance of speaking out against deception and the need for transparency during times of crisis. Despite his personal struggles, the speaker emphasizes the importance of staying engaged and using art as a tool for reflection and commentary.

    • Friendships with Controversial FiguresThe speaker values personal connections, sharing stories of friendships with Chris Christie and Rudy Giuliani, acknowledging Giuliani's complex political legacy, and advocating for compassion and understanding in people's lives.

      The speaker values the importance of maintaining personal connections with people, even those with controversial pasts. They share stories of their friendships with Chris Christie and Rudy Giuliani, highlighting the lasting nature of these relationships and the shared memories they've created. The speaker also expresses their understanding of Giuliani's complex political legacy, acknowledging his role in both fighting crime and enforcing controversial policies like stop and frisk. The conversation then shifts to the topic of adult entertainment and the speaker shares their appreciation for the communal experience of watching porn in a theater, as well as their admiration for comedians like Fred Willard who have faced public scrutiny for their involvement in such establishments. The speaker also critiques societal judgments that go beyond what is actually illegal and argues for the importance of compassion and understanding in people's lives.

    • Authentic storytelling resonates deeply with audiences, even when it explores dark themes.Exploring emotional journeys in storytelling, even if dark, can deeply connect with audiences. Honesty and authenticity are key.

      Authentic storytelling, even if it delves into dark themes, can resonate deeply with audiences. The speaker shares their appreciation for stories that explore the emotional journeys of characters, even when those stories end on a dark note. They use the example of a documentary about a golfer to illustrate this point, highlighting how the audience becomes invested in his emotional journey and forgets about the sports aspect. The speaker also reflects on their own experiences and how they've drawn inspiration from personal trauma to create meaningful and authentic content. They share an example from their work on "Freaks and Geeks," where they pitched ideas based on their own experiences of divorce and how they coped with it through art. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of being honest and authentic in storytelling, even if it means tackling difficult themes.

    • Finding comfort in childhood memories and CBD productsChildhood memories and CBD products offer comfort and help cope with anxiety and existential dread. They come from various sources like TV shows, food, or imaginary friends, and can be affordable with promo codes.

      Childhood memories and imaginary relationships can provide comfort and help us cope with anxiety and existential dread. These memories can come from various sources, such as TV shows, food, or even imaginary friends. For some, it might be the humor and quippiness of a beloved relative, like a grandfather, that provides comfort. Others might find solace in the simple pleasure of eating hot dogs wrapped in American cheese while watching TV. No matter the source, these memories can help us navigate life's challenges and provide a sense of comfort and stability. Additionally, CBD products, such as those offered by Sunday Scaries, can help alleviate anxiety and make questionable decisions more bearable. These products can help us overcome the traveling woes of the new year and other ongoing life problems. And, with a promo code like "whiskey," they can be affordable for everyone. Finally, it's important to remember the value of helping others. Whether it's through a career choice, like being a firefighter, or through small acts of kindness, helping others can bring a sense of fulfillment and purpose to our lives. And, as we strive to be creative and successful, it's important to remember that true happiness comes from within and from the connections we make with others.

    • Firefighters' camaraderie and selflessnessFirefighters' bond, rooted in sacrifice and humor, allows them to face challenges and maintain a special spirit, emphasizing the importance of physical and emotional readiness for each other.

      The camaraderie and selflessness among firefighters create a unique and inspiring culture. Despite the dangers and long hours, they prioritize putting others before themselves, creating a strong bond and sense of community. This mindset, rooted in sacrifice and humor, allows them to face challenges together and maintain a special spirit. The idea of being "in shape for each other" highlights the importance of physical and emotional readiness, and the influence of this culture can extend beyond the firehouse. The appreciation for "regular bodies" and the recent trend of celebrities sharing their out-of-shape moments show that embracing imperfections and focusing on helping others can be powerful and relatable.

    • Struggling to Keep Agreements and Break Bad HabitsPeople face challenges in keeping promises and breaking habits, even in long-term relationships. The speaker admits his struggles with being punctual and maintaining a healthy weight, finding it hard to eliminate unhealthy habits despite his desire to improve.

      People, especially in long-term relationships, have agreements and expectations that they won't let each other down. However, the speaker in this conversation struggles with keeping up his end of the agreement when it comes to small things like being ready to leave the house on time. He also shares his personal struggle with maintaining a healthy weight and overindulging in unhealthy foods, which he finds hard to eliminate. These habits, along with his love for feeling full and having a beer with a burger, keep him in a constant fluctuation and make it difficult for him to break the cycle. Ultimately, he acknowledges that he'd like to improve but feels trapped by his habits and cravings.

    • Childhood memories of food vs. pressure to perform perfectlyEmbrace the moment, let go of self-consciousness, and find joy in experiences, whether in the kitchen or on the field.

      Food brings joy and memories, but the pressure to perform perfectly, like in the case of throwing the first pitch at a baseball game, can lead to anxiety and disappointment. The speaker fondly recalls childhood experiences of cooking and discovering all-you-can-eat restaurants, but the experience of throwing the first pitch for the New York Mets was filled with self-doubt and fear of failure. Despite the less-than-perfect outcome, the speaker finds humor in the situation and appreciates the experience for the story it provides. Ultimately, the speaker reflects on the importance of letting go of self-consciousness and embracing the moment, whether it's in the kitchen or on the mound.

    • The Speaker's Love for Sports and Comedy, Yet Feeling DisconnectedDespite his passion for sports and comedy, the speaker acknowledges a lack of deep knowledge and memories, finding solace in the numbers and strategy of baseball, and recognizing the various ways people engage with sports.

      The speaker, despite his love for sports and comedy, feels disconnected from the deep knowledge and memories that come with being a dedicated fan or participant. He acknowledges this lack of memorability and understanding in sports, but finds solace in the numbers and strategy involved, particularly in baseball, which he sees as the most "nerdy" sport. He also recognizes the different ways people approach sports, from the analytical and strategic to the more instinctual and free-flowing. Ultimately, he finds the diversity and complexity of sports appealing, even if he doesn't always fit neatly into any one category.

    • Finding joy in hobbies and cherishing memoriesHaving hobbies brings joy and maintains well-being, while cherishing memories acknowledges their impermanence.

      Everyone needs a hobby or escape from their daily routines to maintain mental and physical well-being. For the speaker, golf was his go-to activity until an unfortunate incident ended his passion for it. Now, he finds solace in walking, tennis, and collecting autographs. However, he acknowledges that he might be "art trapped" due to his dedication to his craft. The speaker also shared that he is a collector of autographs and has a sentimental attachment to his possessions, but understands that his children will likely discard them after his death. Despite this, he encourages them to do so without guilt. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of having hobbies and cherishing memories while accepting the impermanence of material possessions.

    • Understanding and empathy towards personal challengesEmpathy and understanding are crucial in interactions with others, even when dealing with personal challenges like social anxiety or brain damage. Seek openness and authenticity in relationships.

      Everyone has unique experiences and challenges, and it's important to be understanding and empathetic towards others. The speaker shared how he felt uncomfortable attending a memorial due to his social anxiety and difficulty remembering names. He appreciated being invited but ultimately couldn't bring himself to attend. The speaker also mentioned his brain damage, which he believes contributes to his struggles with names and social interactions. He joked about using this as an excuse, but it highlights the importance of being open about personal challenges and seeking understanding from others. The conversation also touched on the financial aspects of podcasting and the varying levels of success and compensation. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of empathy, understanding, and authenticity in our interactions with others.

    • Monetizing Podcasts and Social MediaPodcasters like Dax Shepard earn substantial income through ad revenue, sponsorships, and merchandise sales. Instagram's explore page reveals user interests for targeted ad placement.

      Successful podcast hosts, like Dax Shepard, can make substantial income through podcasting alone, often reaching seven figures. This income comes from various sources such as ad revenue, sponsorships, and merchandise sales. The type and frequency of ads are influenced by the podcast's content and audience demographics, as determined by algorithms and user behavior. Instagram's explore page provides a glimpse into a user's interests, as it displays a curated selection of content based on their engagement history. This page can offer insights into what types of ads a user is likely to encounter, as it is designed to sell users products or services that align with their interests. Ultimately, podcasting and social media platforms offer unique opportunities for content creators to monetize their work and engage with their audience in meaningful ways.

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    Gary Owen
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    Preacher Lawson

    Preacher Lawson
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    Interested in submitting your own brave, big-hearted story? Do so at https://www.ihopethismessagefindsyouwell.com/blog/! 


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    Interested in submitting your own brave, big-hearted story? Do so at https://www.ihopethismessagefindsyouwell.com/blog/! 


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    Ena shared with me her journey of discovering her passion for advertising, the challenges she faced in starting her own company, and the lessons she learned along the way. She also talked about her love for her dog and how she enjoys spending time with her girlfriends. During the interview, I created an illustration featuring a billboard with Ena's adorable dog and the words "wolrd's cutest dog next 7 miles."

    Ena's inspiring story of following her dreams, taking risks, and finding success on her own terms left a lasting impression on me. This episode is a testament to the power of determination and hard work. Tune in to this episode to hear Ena's answers to 10 random questions and be inspired to pursue your own passions.

    Do you love the illsutration? You can grab yourself some merch on https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/144764382

    If you would like to see more of my work please visit https://www.youtube.com/@mattymitchell 

    visit my site www.mattymitchell.com

    Jason Nash Talks Ups & Downs of Vlog Squad - Dropouts #109

    Jason Nash Talks Ups & Downs of Vlog Squad - Dropouts #109
    On this week's episode we have the vlog squad’s hottest member.. JASON NASH! We’ll take a deep dive into this comedian's start in Hollywood and how he made his way to becoming one of YouTube’s most recognized faces. Indiana is on the search for a step dad and wingman’s her mum in hopes of filing the position! Will she be seeing Jason at family dinner this week? Find out all on the newest episode!! To listen to our podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/DropoutsYT Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/DropoutsPodcast If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/DropoutsPodcast Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices