
    Julia Gets Wise with Isabel Allende

    enApril 11, 2023
    What challenges did Julia Louis-Dreyfus face in her career?
    How does Julia Louis-Dreyfus view femininity in the workplace?
    What themes does Isabel Allende explore in her writing?
    How does Isabel Allende inspire resilience and creativity?
    What benefits do Factor Meals and Cozy Earth offer?

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating the tension between power and powerlessness as a woman in the workplaceEmbrace femininity, challenge societal norms, and refuse to let gender hold back ambitions.

      The experiences of women in the workplace, particularly in the entertainment industry, have historically involved navigating the tension between having power and feeling powerless. Julia Louis-Dreyfus shared a story from her time on Saturday Night Live when she was praised for straightening her hair for a sketch, leading to unwanted advances from executives. This experience was just one example of the sexism she faced during her career, which she also saw reflected in the character Selena Meyer from the show Veep. Despite the challenges, Louis-Dreyfus emphasized the importance of embracing one's femininity and refusing to let it hold back ambitions. She also highlighted the need to challenge societal norms that perpetuate the belief that women are less powerful than men. Today, she continues to explore themes of womanhood through her work, including her interview with Isabel Allende on her podcast, Wiser Than Me.

    • The power of resilience, creativity, and self-discovery with Isabel AllendeInternationally successful author, activist, and teacher Isabel Allende shares her determination, passion, and commitment to storytelling, feminism, and living an authentic life, inspiring us to embrace our unique voices and never stop learning and growing.

      Learning from this conversation with Isabel Allende is the power of resilience, creativity, and self-discovery. Despite facing challenges and adversity throughout her life, Allende's determination and passion for storytelling led her to become an internationally successful author, activist, and teacher. Her writing, which explores themes of grief, power, and the supernatural, is deeply personal and reflective of her experiences and the world around her. Allende's commitment to feminism, which she identified with even before the term was popularized, is woven into her work and her activism. At 80 years old, Allende continues to inspire and challenge us with her wisdom, her art, and her unwavering dedication to living a purposeful and authentic life. Her message to us is to embrace our unique voices, to challenge societal norms, and to never stop learning and growing.

    • Mother's struggles fueled speaker's feminist beliefsObserving her mother's challenges inspired the speaker to become a feminist, despite societal pressures and her mother's reservations.

      The speaker's early experiences with gender inequality, observed through her mother's lack of power and resources, shaped her feminist beliefs. Her mother, who was a young divorcee in a patriarchal society, faced significant challenges and dependencies throughout her life. The speaker recognized the injustice in her mother's situation but believes her mother may not have fully understood it. The speaker's mother was afraid of feminism due to societal pressures and concerns about the speaker's future relationships. The speaker, being part of the transition generation, felt the weight of both her mother's values and the new wave of feminism. She believes that while she lives her life as a feminist, she doesn't always use the label due to societal norms. The speaker's mother served as an inspiration for her to challenge societal norms and strive for independence.

    • Daily letter writing strengthens bondsConsistent communication through letter writing fosters deep understanding, valuable lessons, and personal growth.

      The power of consistent communication, even when faced with physical separation, can lead to a profound understanding and connection between individuals. The speaker, in this case, shares a unique bond with their mother, formed through daily letter writing over several decades. This practice allowed them to share their lives intimately, learn valuable lessons, and develop a deep appreciation for each other's talents and perspectives. Despite the inappropriate and private content of some letters, the speaker gained invaluable insights from their mother's openness and criticism, which significantly influenced their own personal growth and writing career. The mother's role as a critical reader and editor, along with her encouragement and acknowledgment of her son's achievements, further strengthened their bond and shaped the speaker's artistic journey.

    • Finding comfort in late mother's lettersSpeaker values her mother's letters as a source of guidance and comfort, cherishes her morning routine to feel close to loved ones, and strives for a loving and understanding marriage.

      Even though the speaker doesn't physically read her late mother's letters, she continues to find value in their connection and uses them as a source of guidance and comfort. She also cherishes her morning routine where she feels close to her loved ones who have passed away. The speaker's question for the day was whether her marriage was working and how to navigate potential challenges in her relationship as she and her husband age. She reflects on her mother's long-lasting but ultimately unhappy marriage and strives to approach her own with patience, understanding, and love. Despite the challenges life presents, she remains committed to nurturing her relationships and cherishing the memories of those who have left an indelible impact on her life.

    • Isabel Allende's partner proposed after a year of living together due to their commitment and transparencyIsabel Allende's partner proposed after building a strong connection through consistent communication and ultimately got married due to their commitment and transparency.

      Kindness and transparency were the key factors that attracted Isabel Allende to her partner. They met through letters after he reached out to her foundation, and their connection grew over several months of consistent communication. When they finally met, he proposed after a year of living together. However, she initially resisted the idea of marriage due to her nomadic lifestyle. For him, marriage represented a full commitment, and when he learned that Isabel Allende was living with him, his granddaughter brought up the topic to her teacher. This revelation ultimately led them to get married. The importance of commitment and transparency in their relationship played a significant role in their decision to marry.

    • Turning unexpected situations into opportunitiesEmbrace the unexpected, acknowledge feelings, and prepare for potential challenges to turn them into practical and profitable experiences.

      There are opportunities to turn unexpected situations into practical and even profitable experiences, such as hosting on Airbnb or preparing for unexpected medical expenses with supplemental insurance from Aflac. The speaker shared her experience of motherhood, highlighting how it was both thrilling and terrifying, and how there's a societal pressure to hide feelings of shame or overwhelm. Before becoming a mother, the speaker felt profoundly lonely, but this feeling was replaced by the shock and upheaval of motherhood. She emphasized the importance of acknowledging and validating these feelings, rather than hiding them. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the importance of preparation, whether it's preparing for unexpected medical expenses or unexpected guests on Airbnb. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of embracing the unexpected and being prepared for it.

    • Growing up unseen and finding solace in motherhoodDespite feeling unsupported as a girl, the speaker found deep connection and purpose through motherhood. However, neglecting familial responsibilities can lead to regret.

      Growing up as the only girl in a male-dominated family, the speaker often felt unseen and unsupported, leading her to internalize messages of self-reliance and strength. She later found solace in motherhood, experiencing a deep connection with her children that filled her with a sense of unity and purpose. However, she made a mistake in abandoning her family during a difficult time, leading to deep regret. Ultimately, the speaker's experiences highlight the importance of emotional support and the potential consequences of neglecting familial responsibilities.

    • Returning from exile and finding forgivenessThrough life experiences, we learn, grow, and find forgiveness. People change and it's important to be gentle with ourselves and others as we heal from past hurts and let go of toxic relationships.

      Life experiences, including past mistakes and hurts, shape us into who we are today. For the woman in this discussion, she returned from exile to find her family in distress and it took years for them to reconcile. She acknowledges the pain she caused them and her own inability to fully forgive herself. She also recognizes that people change and grow over time, and it's important to be gentle with the person we once were. The woman eventually found forgiveness and healing through her relationships and letting go of material possessions and toxic relationships. She also learned to accept the natural progression of life, including the eventual letting go of her grandchildren as they grew up and built their own lives. It's a reminder that letting go is a part of the freedom that comes with aging and that forgiveness, both given and received, is a crucial part of the healing process.

    • Exploring the mysteries of life and deathEmbrace the interconnectedness of all things, live mindfully, and cherish the gift of presence during the dying process.

      Life is a mysterious and unpredictable journey, and we should prepare ourselves for the inevitable end. The speaker, who identifies as spiritual but not religious, shares her beliefs about the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of living mindfully. She also reflects on the contrasting experiences of witnessing the deaths of her loved ones, one of whom was prepared and the other who was terrified. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being conscious and aware during the dying process, and the gift of being present with a loved one during their passing. While she doesn't claim to have psychic abilities, the speaker's experiences have given her a deeper appreciation for the mysteries of life and death.

    • Moments of life and death carry a sacred energyRecognizing signs and symbols in life's moments can bring comfort and consciousness of the universe's interconnectedness

      Life and death carry a mysterious and sacred energy that connects us all. For the speaker, the moments surrounding her grandmother's death and her granddaughter's birth held similar stillness and significance. Coincidentally, her father's favorite drink, Diet Peach Snapple, was present during her cancer diagnosis, offering her comfort and a sense of continuity. The universe, as the speaker suggests, is filled with signs and symbols that can bring us comfort and consciousness of its mystery. Even if these signs are not literal, acknowledging them can help us appreciate the interconnectedness of all things.

    • Prioritizing self care and sleep for a happier lifeFactor Meals offers convenient meals, Cozy Earth's bedding enhances sleep, Delta prioritizes travel comfort, prioritizing self care and sleep leads to overall happiness

      Prioritizing self care and sleep can significantly improve various aspects of our lives, from our meals to our travels and even our writing. Factor Meals offers convenient, quick, and fancy meal options with the flexibility to fit our schedules, and they provide over 60 extra items to keep us feeling great all day. Cozy Earth's temperature-regulating bedding can transform our sleep experience, making it feel like true rest. Delta Airlines prioritizes travelers' comfort during their flights, providing excellent in-flight entertainment, fast Wi-Fi, and sustainable snack options. And when it comes to writing, being prolific and disciplined can lead to hours of engagement and happiness, even if it wasn't instilled in us since infancy. By prioritizing these aspects of our lives, we can feel more comfortable, taken care of, and ultimately, happier. To explore more about Factor Meals, use code wiser50 at factor meals.com. For Cozy Earth's bedding, use promo code WISER at cozyearth.com. And for Delta Airlines, learn more at delta.com.

    • Embrace the joy of writing for its own sakeWriting, like any passion, should be pursued for the love of the process and not just for fame or financial gain. Learn from experience, be passionate, and edit mercilessly.

      Writing, or any passion, should be pursued for the love of the process itself rather than the expectation of fame or financial gain. Isabel Allende, a renowned author, shares this advice, emphasizing the importance of enjoying the journey. This perspective holds true for any passion. Since starting her writing career at 40, Allende's approach has evolved. Initially, she wrote with innocence and spontaneity, but as she gained experience, she learned the importance of research, editing, and cutting. Now, she only writes about subjects she's passionate about, and experience has taught her the value of being merciless when editing. As a producer, she also recognizes the need to let go of cherished parts that don't serve the story. These lessons can be applied to any creative endeavor.

    • Historical use of aphrodisiacs in polygamous culturesDespite no scientific evidence, historical cultures believed aphrodisiacs could enhance sexual performance and desire, emphasizing the importance of producing numerous children for the nation's well-being.

      The ancient practice of using aphrodisiacs, such as certain foods and herbs, to enhance sexual performance and desire has its roots in historical polygamous cultures. The idea that these substances could make men more potent was crucial for producing numerous children, reflecting the well-being of the nation. However, it was emphasized during the conversation that there is no scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of aphrodisiacs, and modern methods like Viagra are more reliable. The speaker also shared her personal experience of using marijuana-infused blueberries to enhance her sexual experience and improve sleep. Reflecting on her past, she advised her younger self to be more compassionate and less demanding, and to allow herself to have fun and let go. As for aging, she emphasized the importance of maintaining good health to ensure a good old age.

    • Prepare for old age with intellect, emotion, and relationshipsPrepare for old age through intellectual, emotional, and relational means. Cultivate generosity and giving for happiness, and prioritize meaningful relationships and communication.

      Preparing for a good old age requires intellectual, emotional, and relational preparation. As Isabel Allende wisely put it, "You have to prepare for everything intellectually, the way you live, the way you think, the way you eat, your relationships, all that, you have to prepare. Don't think it will happen just by chance." Generosity and giving are key components of a fulfilling life, and they bring happiness that multiplies. As Allende shared, "It makes you happy. It comes back to you multiplied by a 1,000." The importance of meaningful relationships and communication, especially with loved ones, was also emphasized. Allende and her mother exchanged over 24,000 letters throughout their lives, creating a priceless connection. So, cherish the present moments and relationships, and prepare for the future with generosity, giving, and open communication.

    • Embracing Authenticity and Freedom in Old AgeFind joy in living authentically and prioritizing personal happiness as we age, rather than trying to impress others or conform to societal expectations.

      The idea of finding freedom and authenticity as we age. The woman, now 80, expressed her joy in not feeling the need to please others or conform to societal expectations, such as dressing up to take out the trash. This resonated with the speaker, who also felt a sense of relief from such obligations. The conversation touched on the pitfalls of trying to impress others at the expense of one's own comfort and happiness. The speaker's mother, who was famous for her meticulous trash-taking routine, might have been doing it for herself, but the speaker couldn't help but feel pity for the unnecessary effort. This episode of "Wiser Than Me" emphasizes the importance of living authentically and prioritizing personal happiness as we grow older. The conversation was brought to us by Maker's Mark, encouraging us to enjoy life's simple pleasures carefully, just like their bourbon.

    Recent Episodes from Wiser Than Me with Julia Louis-Dreyfus

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    Presenting: Julia on Talk Easy

    Presenting: Julia on Talk Easy

    We thought you'd enjoy hearing Julia's conversation from the show Talk Easy with Sam Fragoso. Recorded live at the Aspen Ideas Festival, Julia discusses her latest film, "Tuesday," her uproarious turn as Selina Meyer on "Veep," a few pieces of writing that remain close to her heart, and much more. 

    You can watch this conversation on YouTube and check out other episodes of Talk Easy wherever you get your podcasts.

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    Julia Gets Wise with Julie Andrews

    Julia Gets Wise with Julie Andrews

    On the Season 2 finale of Wiser Than Me, Julia sits at the feet of 88-year-old Academy Award-winning icon Julie Andrews. Acclaimed for her enduring roles in “Mary Poppins” and “The Sound of Music,” Julie brings a depth of wisdom from a lifetime in the spotlight. The pair discuss the restorative feeling of being in nature, their favorite curse words, and Julie’s 60-year friendship with Carol Burnett. Plus, Julia and her 90-year-old mom, Judy, talk about a life-changing health scare in Judy’s past and how it helped her find her creative voice. 


    Follow Wiser Than Me on Instagram and TikTok @wiserthanme and on Facebook at facebook.com/wiserthanmepodcast.


    Keep up with Julie Andrews @julieandrews on Instagram.


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    Maker’s Mark is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Celebrate the wise women in your life by creating a custom, personalized label from artist Gayle Kabaker today at www.makersmark.com/personalize.


    Hairstory is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Check out their hero product, New Wash, today at Hairstory.com and get 20% off with code WISER.


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    For additional resources, information, and a transcript of the episode, visit lemonadamedia.com.

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    Julia Gets Wise with Gloria Steinem

    Julia Gets Wise with Gloria Steinem

    In this episode of Wiser Than Me, Julia sits down with 90-year-old author and revolutionary Gloria Steinem. The two delve into Gloria's remarkable journey as a pioneering feminist and discuss joining the army of gray-haired women who will take over the world. Gloria also gives Julia THE most incredible advice for aging without shame. Plus, Julia’s mom, Judy, recounts her early ambitions in acting and her initial reservations about working outside the home.


    Follow Wiser Than Me on Instagram and TikTok @wiserthanme and on Facebook at facebook.com/wiserthanmepodcast.


    Keep up with Gloria Steinem @gloriasteinem on Instagram. 


    Find out more about other shows on our network at @lemonadamedia on all social platforms.


    Joining Lemonada Premium is a great way to support our show and get bonus content. Subscribe today at bit.ly/lemonadapremium


    Maker’s Mark is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Celebrate the wise women in your life by creating a custom, personalized label from artist Gayle Kabaker today at www.makersmark.com/personalize.


    Hairstory is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Check out their hero product, New Wash, today at Hairstory.com and get 20% off with code WISER.


    COVERGIRL is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Check out their Simply Ageless Skin Perfector Essence. Learn more at covergirl.com. Only from Easy, Breezy, Beautiful COVERGIRL.


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    For additional resources, information, and a transcript of the episode, visit lemonadamedia.com.

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    Julia Gets Wise with Vera Wang

    Julia Gets Wise with Vera Wang

    This week on Wiser Than Me, Julia connects with 74-year-old fashion designer and visionary entrepreneur Vera Wang. Get ready for some serious insight. Vera shares wisdom on good sleep, redefining herself after marriage, and her perspective on aging in the fashion industry. Plus, Julia and her mom, Judy, delve into the influence of mothers' style on their children and reminisce about their all-time favorite outfits.


    Follow Wiser Than Me on Instagram and TikTok @wiserthanme and on Facebook at facebook.com/wiserthanmepodcast.


    Keep up with Vera Wang @verawang on Instagram.


    Find out more about other shows on our network at @lemonadamedia on all social platforms.


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    Maker’s Mark is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Celebrate the wise women in your life by creating a custom, personalized label from artist Gayle Kabaker today at www.makersmark.com/personalize.


    Hairstory is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Check out their hero product, New Wash, today at Hairstory.com and get 20% off with code WISER.


    This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. Visit betterhelp.com/wiser for 10% off your first month.


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    Julia Gets Wise with Anne Lamott

    Julia Gets Wise with Anne Lamott

    This week on Wiser Than Me, Julia gets schooled by 70-year-old author and Sunday school teacher Anne Lamott (Bird by Bird). Julia finds solace in subtle signs from the universe and learns the importance of shutting the hell up when it comes to parenting adult children. Anne also shares wisdom on recovery, perfectionism, and falling in love at 65. Plus, Julia and her mom, Judy, explore the inevitable role reversal that comes with aging parents.


    Follow Wiser Than Me on Instagram and TikTok @wiserthanme and on Facebook at facebook.com/wiserthanmepodcast.


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    Maker’s Mark is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Celebrate the wise women in your life by creating a custom, personalized label from artist Gayle Kabaker today at www.makersmark.com/personalize


    Hairstory is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Check out their hero product, New Wash, today at Hairstory.com and get 20% off with code WISER.


    COVERGIRL is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Check out their Simply Ageless Skin Perfector Essence. Learn more at covergirl.com. Only from Easy, Breezy, Beautiful COVERGIRL. 


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    Julia Gets Wise with Debbie Allen

    Julia Gets Wise with Debbie Allen

    On this episode of Wiser Than Me, Julia sits down with 74-year-old Debbie Allen, the iconic talent known for her work as a choreographer, actor, producer, director, and founder of the Debbie Allen Dance Academy. Debbie shares wisdom on mentorship, tough love, and thriving after rejection. Additionally, Julia talks about the origins of the “Elaine dance” and discusses longevity with her mom, Judy – inspired by Debbie's own mother, who is 101 years old.


    Follow Wiser Than Me on Instagram and TikTok @wiserthanme and on Facebook at facebook.com/wiserthanmepodcast.


    Keep up with Debbie Allen @therealdebbieallen on Instagram.


    Find out more about other shows on our network at @lemonadamedia on all social platforms.


    Joining Lemonada Premium is a great way to support our show and get bonus content. Subscribe today at bit.ly/lemonadapremium


    Maker’s Mark is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Celebrate the wise women in your life by creating a custom, personalized label from artist Gayle Kabaker today at www.makersmark.com/personalize.


    Hairstory is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Check out their hero product, New Wash, today at Hairstory.com and get 20% off with code WISER.


    This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. Visit betterhelp.com/wiser for 10% off your first month.


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    For additional resources, information, and a transcript of the episode, visit lemonadamedia.com.

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    Julia Gets Wise with Patti Smith

    Julia Gets Wise with Patti Smith

    On this episode of Wiser Than Me, Julia connects with legendary 77-year-old musician, poet and author Patti Smith. Julia and Patti reflect on the importance of expressing gratitude daily, life-changing friendships, and saying goodbye to the people we love through art. Plus, Julia talks to her mom, Judy, about a misleading family truism that ends in a nice little nap. 


    Follow Wiser Than Me on Instagram and TikTok @wiserthanme and on Facebook at facebook.com/wiserthanmepodcast.


    Keep up with Patti Smith @thisispattismith on Instagram.


    Find out more about other shows on our network at @lemonadamedia on all social platforms.


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    Maker’s Mark is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Celebrate the wise women in your life by creating a custom, personalized label from artist Gayle Kabaker today at www.makersmark.com/personalize


    Hairstory is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Check out their hero product, New Wash, today at Hairstory.com and get 20% off with code WISER.   


    COVERGIRL is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Check out their Simply Ageless Skin Perfector Essence. Learn more at covergirl.com. Only from Easy, Breezy, Beautiful COVERGIRL.


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    For additional resources, information, and a transcript of the episode, visit lemonadamedia.com.

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    Julia Gets Wise with Billie Jean King

    Julia Gets Wise with Billie Jean King

    Today on Wiser Than Me, Julia sits down with 80-year-old tennis pro, activist, and LGBTQ+ icon Billie Jean King. Billie Jean delves into the nature of leadership, visualization, and her long journey towards self-acceptance. Inspired by the sports legend, Julia asks Billie Jean for advice about her niece’s college soccer career, as well as revealing the original spark that lit her own love of sports. Additionally, Julia’s mom, Judy, reflects on her generation's acceptance of societal norms and the transformative power of the feminist movement.


    Follow Wiser Than Me on Instagram and TikTok @wiserthanme and on Facebook at facebook.com/wiserthanmepodcast.


    Keep up with Billie Jean King @billiejeanking on Instagram.


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    Joining Lemonada Premium is a great way to support our show and get bonus content. Subscribe today at bit.ly/lemonadapremium


    Maker’s Mark is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Celebrate the wise women in your life by creating a custom, personalized label from artist Gayle Kabaker today at www.makersmark.com/personalize.


    Hairstory is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Check out their hero product, New Wash, today at Hairstory.com and get 20% off with code WISER.


    This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. Visit betterhelp.com/wiser for 10% off your first month.


    For exclusive discount codes and more information about our sponsors, visit https://lemonadamedia.com/sponsors/

    For additional resources, information, and a transcript of the episode, visit lemonadamedia.com.

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    Julia Gets Wise with Ina Garten

    Julia Gets Wise with Ina Garten

    On this episode of Wiser Than Me, Julia gets enlightened by 76-year-old cook and author Ina Garten. From working on nuclear policy at the White House and operating her famous specialty food store Barefoot Contessa, to penning best-selling books and hosting hit TV shows – Ina has done it all. Her culinary influence goes beyond technique; it's about simplicity and connection. Ina shares how aging has changed her taste in food and how she deals with passive-aggressive people.


    Follow Wiser Than Me on Instagram and TikTok @wiserthanme and on Facebook at facebook.com/wiserthanmepodcast.


    Keep up with Ina Garten @inagarten on Instagram.


    Find out more about other shows on our network at @lemonadamedia on all social platforms.


    Joining Lemonada Premium is a great way to support our show and get bonus content. Subscribe today at bit.ly/lemonadapremium


    This episode is sponsored by Mill, the effortless, odorless way to stop food waste at home. It's good for your kitchen and it’s good for the planet. Check them out at www.mill.com/wiser


    Maker’s Mark is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Celebrate the wise women in your life by creating a custom, personalized label from artist Gayle Kabaker today at www.makersmark.com/personalize.


    Hairstory is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Check out their hero product, New Wash, today at Hairstory.com and get 20% off with code WISER.


    For exclusive discount codes and more information about our sponsors, visit https://lemonadamedia.com/sponsors/


    For additional resources, information, and a transcript of the episode, visit lemonadamedia.com.

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