
    Podcast Summary

    • The cost of success and the importance of redefining itSuccess based on societal norms may not lead to individual fulfillment. Redefine success on personal terms and reject the need for assimilation to belong and achieve.

      Success, as defined by societal norms, may not align with individual fulfillment. Julissa Arce, a guest on the "How to be a Better Human" podcast, shares her personal experiences of achieving various definitions of success but still feeling unsatisfied. She believes that the cost of success, particularly the need to assimilate and conform to be accepted, can be detrimental to one's identity and happiness. Arce encourages redefining success on personal terms and rejecting the notion that assimilation is necessary for belonging and achievement. Odoo, an affordable all-in-one management software, and Progressive Insurance, with their name-your-price tool, are sponsors of the podcast, offering solutions for businesses and individuals to save time and money. Who Smarted, a podcast for kids, is also recommended as a fun and educational experience for the whole family.

    • Embracing Identity and Rejecting AssimilationJelisa Arce shares her journey of redefining success beyond financial gains and the importance of embracing one's identity, rejecting assimilation, and understanding its impact on individuals and communities.

      Success, as defined by financial gains, is not the only path to a fulfilling life. Author and activist Jelisa Arce shares her personal journey of shifting her definition of success, which was heavily influenced by her immigrant upbringing. She also discusses the impact of assimilation and the phrase "You sound like a white girl," which was used to keep her and others in their place. Arce's experiences highlight the importance of embracing one's identity and rejecting the notion that assimilation is the only way to be successful or accepted. The podcast "Who's Smarted" offers entertaining and educational content that explores these topics and more, making it a great addition to family time or personal learning.

    • The impossible goal of assimilationInstead of striving for assimilation, focus on understanding and embracing your own history and culture for a deeper sense of belonging.

      The pursuit of assimilation can feel like a never-ending race with no finish line. The speaker shares her personal experience of trying to change her appearance to fit in, but ultimately finding a greater sense of belonging by learning and embracing her own history and culture. She encourages those struggling with this issue to reject the impossible goal of assimilation and instead focus on understanding their own background. Learning the true history of underrepresented communities in America can help dispel harmful stereotypes and foster a deeper sense of belonging. The speaker's book, "You Sound Like a White Girl," offers many such insights into overlooked histories, providing a valuable gift of self-discovery and connection to one's roots.

    • The Power of Small ActionsSmall actions can lead to significant change, as shown by the Crystal City High School cheerleaders' fight against discrimination.

      Small actions can lead to significant change. The story of the Crystal City High School cheerleaders in Texas is a powerful example of this. Despite being in a predominantly Mexican American school, there was a rule limiting the number of Mexican American cheerleaders. The girls, along with their community, fought against this rule and other discriminatory practices, leading to broader changes in the town and Texas politics. Their actions, while seemingly small, had a profound impact and serve as a reminder of the importance of standing up for what is right. It's essential to recognize and learn from stories like these to understand the history of our communities and the progress we've made. The story of the Crystal City cheerleaders is not only an incredible tale of activism but also a reminder that every person has the power to make a difference, no matter how small the issue may seem at first.

    • The American Dream's Cost for Marginalized CommunitiesThe American Dream's pursuit can involve significant sacrifices, and it's essential to acknowledge diverse histories to promote a sense of identity and belonging for all.

      The American dream, which is often imagined as financial success and the attainment of the quintessential American lifestyle, can come at a great cost, particularly for marginalized communities. The discussion also touched upon the importance of acknowledging and teaching diverse histories, as failing to do so can rob individuals of a sense of identity and belonging. The push to control what history is acceptable to teach can be seen in recent events, such as the controversy surrounding AP African American studies in Florida. Ultimately, it's crucial to recognize the nuances behind the American dream and to understand that it may not look the same for everyone. The pursuit of this dream can involve significant sacrifices, and it's essential to consider whether the cost is worth it.

    • Recognizing and Addressing Systemic Pain and InequalitySuccess doesn't guarantee happiness, and recognizing systemic pain and inequality is crucial for personal and collective growth.

      Despite achieving success and being grateful for opportunities, the speaker recognizes the pain and scarcity of opportunities for many people. She acknowledges that money can bring relief and ease, but it doesn't guarantee happiness. The speaker also shares her personal experience of internalizing and perpetuating harmful stereotypes, highlighting how these ideas are not limited to the US or Europe. Whiteness, she notes, is a global construct, and the speaker explores her own complicity in perpetuating harmful beliefs. Overall, the speaker's message emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing systemic pain and inequality, both personally and collectively.

    • Colorism and its deep roots in colonizationCelebrate unique cultural identities and promote self-love to combat colorism's harmful effects, using resources like bilingual books and open conversations.

      Colorism, the preference for lighter skin, is a pervasive issue that exists in various cultures around the world, including Mexico and India, and has deep roots in colonization and survival mechanisms from oppressive times. This issue continues to harm communities by perpetuating harmful stereotypes and limiting opportunities for those with darker skin tones. Growing up, individuals may internalize these negative messages, leading to a lack of self-acceptance and a skewed perception of beauty. However, as parents, we have the power to change the narrative within our homes by celebrating our unique cultural identities and promoting self-love and acceptance. Resources such as bilingual books, diverse representation in media, and open conversations can help foster a positive self-image for the next generation.

    • Exploring history and social issues broadens perspectivesExploring history and social issues can deepen relationships by fostering understanding and promoting respectful dialogue. Approach conversations with curiosity and ask questions instead of confrontation.

      Expanding one's perspective on history and social issues can significantly impact relationships with family and friends. The speaker shares how her understanding of assimilation and racism has evolved, leading to new perspectives and distancing herself from certain friendships. She advises approaching conversations with resistant relatives or immigrants with curiosity and asking questions, rather than confrontation. Practical steps for celebrating culture and history include reading revisionist historical texts and engaging in open, respectful dialogue. By broadening our horizons, we can foster deeper connections and promote understanding.

    • Exploring the depth of cultural identityEmbrace the historical and political contexts of your heritage to deepen your connection, beyond superficial experiences.

      Embracing one's cultural identity goes beyond superficial experiences and requires a deeper understanding of history and language. Julissa Arce shared her personal experience of reclaiming her full name as a way to honor her parents' thoughtfulness and connect more deeply with her heritage. However, she also cautions against reducing culture to tourist attractions and fancy restaurants. Instead, she encourages exploring the historical and political contexts that have influenced the experiences of Latinos and other marginalized communities. Learning about the suppression of Spanish language in education, for instance, can provide valuable insights into the complexities of cultural identity. Ultimately, the journey of reconnecting with one's roots is ongoing, and it requires a commitment to continuous learning and self-discovery.

    • The importance of education and self-improvementSeeking knowledge and learning new skills can help us better ourselves and make a positive impact on the world. Continuously striving for self-improvement is key to becoming a better human.

      Learning from today's episode of "How to be a Better Human" is the importance of education and self-improvement. Our guest, Julissa Arce, shared her personal experiences of overcoming adversity and pursuing her dreams through education. She emphasized the importance of seeking knowledge and learning new skills to better oneself and make a positive impact on the world. Additionally, the show was made possible through the support of companies like Odoo and Brooks Running, which offer solutions to help individuals and businesses streamline their operations and improve their performance. So, whether it's through education or using the right tools, continuously striving for self-improvement is key to becoming a better human. To learn more about Julissa's books and upcoming events, visit chrisstuffiecomedy.com. And don't forget to check out Odoo for affordable, all-in-one business management software, and Brooks Running for high-performance running shoes.

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    For the full text transcript, visit go.ted.com/BHTranscripts.

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    For the full text transcript, visit go.ted.com/BHTranscripts.     

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    The art of paying attention (w/ Wendy MacNaughton and Laurel Braitman)

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    For the full text transcript, visit go.ted.com/BHTranscripts

    How to Be a Better Human
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    The meaning of embodiment w/ Prentis Hemphill

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    For the full text transcript, visit go.ted.com/BHTranscripts    

    How to Be a Better Human
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    How to stay grounded in an increasingly artificial world (from The TED AI Show)

    How to stay grounded in an increasingly artificial world (from The TED AI Show)

    Today, we’re sharing the first episode of the newest TED Audio Collective Podcast – The TED AI Show. Now before you think, “wait, isn’t artificial intelligence the opposite of being human?”, know that we are wondering that too! That’s what’s nice about The TED AI Show. It asks: how is AI shaping human stuff? Join creative technologist Bilawal Sidhu as he sits down with Sam Gregory, a human rights activist and technologist, for some real talk on deepfakes, how AI is challenging our sense of what’s real and what’s fiction, and how to maintain our sense of self in this rapidly-evolving world.

    We hope you enjoy this episode. We'll be back with more How to Be a Better Human next week. 

    You can listen to The TED AI Show anywhere you get your podcasts.

    How to Be a Better Human
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    For the full text transcript, visit go.ted.com/BHTranscripts

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    For the full text transcript, visit go.ted.com/BHTranscripts     

    How to Be a Better Human
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    For the full text transcript, visit go.ted.com/BHTranscripts.

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    For the full text transcript, visit go.ted.com/BHTranscripts

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    #539: Intrusive Thoughts: Improving Your Health & Wellness

    In this episode, we talk to a client who is struggling with intrusive thoughts & feelings.

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    The Self-Belief Chief Podcast is a show for anyone who wants to live their best life. We talk to & about real clients who are interested in all things self-improvement, motivation, success, mindset, relationships, happiness, love, health, wealth, personal development, wellness, spirituality, productivity, self-help, learning, and growth.

    182. How to cultivate more OPTIMISM + upgrade the frequency of your life.

    182. How to cultivate more OPTIMISM + upgrade the frequency of your life.

    Today’s Solosode is an expansion of one of my Instagram posts focused on the frequency of optimism + positivity:

    “Positivity/Optimism are more than perspectives + a lens at life. Positivity/ Optimism are FREQUENCIES. They are pure + potent energies that affect how we view life, how we feel about life, how we move through life + how we feel about our positioning within life right here, right now + in our tomorrow's. These high-vibing frequencies are SO much easier to attain + to sustain when lifestyle habits + investments of energy are directed in that which nourishes + fuels our health/wellbeing full time.”

    In this episode you’ll discover how to set yourSELF up for the success you deserve through:

    • Highly accessible habits + practices that will optimize your health and energy

    • Finding a rhythm of consistency that will develop unshakeable SELF-trust + grace 

    • Cultivating rituals over routines to embody more flow vs. rigidity

    • Being more intentional with your practices

    • Utilizing micro-movements that lead to life-changing macro-movements

    Let me know how this episode impacted you via IG in the comments, DMs + story shares and tag @roxylook + @blackbeltbeauty - I LOVE connecting with you. 

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