
    Podcast Summary

    • Grassroots movements pushing for systemic changePoliticians' toothless reforms don't address root causes of police brutality and systemic racism. Progressives and movement leaders must continue advocating for comprehensive solutions.

      While politicians like Donald Trump and Tim Scott propose toothless police reforms, the real progress comes from grassroots movements demanding systemic change. The latest executive order and Senate bill may seem like steps forward, but they don't address the root causes of police brutality and systemic racism. Heather McGhee emphasizes the importance of progressives and movement leaders continuing to advocate for comprehensive solutions, as Washington will only do what it's pressured to do. The ongoing protests and public outcry serve as a reminder that the fight for racial justice is far from over.

    • Federal government taking minimal action on police reform, real change happening at state and local levelsDespite Trump's rhetoric, the focus for police reform is shifting to state and local governments, with grassroots efforts driving change

      While the federal government under President Trump is taking minimal action on police reform, the real change is happening at the state and local levels. Trump's rhetoric on law and order and his refusal to acknowledge the polls indicating his strategy is not working, is who he is and a part of his belief in controlling the narrative. McConnell's Republican senate bill is seen as a stunt by Democrats, who believe it won't significantly change police presence in black and brown neighborhoods. The focus should be on grassroots efforts and pressure on local and state governments to enact meaningful reform.

    • Focus on actions for meaningful change, not symbolic gesturesPrioritize shifting resources towards community needs, like housing, education, and infrastructure, rather than advocating for community policing.

      The current debate around police funding and reform should focus on actions that will have a significant impact on people's lives, rather than engaging in symbolic gestures or debates that may not lead to meaningful change. Activists and Democratic leaders should prioritize influencing the Biden campaign and local governments to shift resources towards community needs, such as housing, education, and infrastructure, rather than advocating for community policing, which has not been effective in over-policed communities. While Biden has made progress on criminal justice reform, his stance on community policing and opposition to defunding the police may not satisfy activists. The key is to continue pushing for change and using our influence to shape the Democratic Party's response to this moment.

    • Opportunity for Biden to shift narrative on police reformBiden's history as a centrist and past influence from police unions present an opportunity for police reform advocacy. Using public momentum and examples of successful reforms, the movement can push for change and engage in productive conversations with Biden and Democratic leadership.

      While President Biden may not fully embrace defunding the police, there is an opportunity for him to shift the narrative and make progress towards police reform. The police union's significant influence on Biden's crime bill in the past highlights the need for public education and advocacy. The public's attention on police reform is at an all-time high, and the movement should use this momentum to push for change. Examples of disbanding and rebuilding police departments in places like Camden, New Jersey, and Georgia, demonstrate possible solutions. Biden's history of seeking compromise and being centrist makes him a potential ally, but the movement must continue to put pressure on him and Democratic leadership. A productive conversation between Biden and advocacy groups could lead to meaningful reforms, such as investing less in police departments and focusing on community policing.

    • Engaging in meaningful conversations with Black and Latino communitiesDemocrats can capitalize on the current political climate by focusing on community investments, such as affordable housing, social workers, and addressing food security and wages, instead of defunding the police.

      It's a crucial moment for Democratic leaders to engage in meaningful conversations with Black and Latino communities regarding police reform and social justice issues. The murder of George Floyd has sparked a national conversation and education on systemic racism, making people more receptive to new ideas. While the concept of defunding the police may be controversial, it's essential to focus on what we want instead – affordable housing, social workers, addressing food security, and wages. The current political climate presents an opportunity for Democrats to counteract negative Republican ads and showcase the positive outcomes of investing in community resources. By actively listening and engaging in dialogue, leaders can help bridge the gap and build a more equitable society.

    • Addressing systemic racism: A comprehensive approachRecognizing history, confronting dominant narratives, prioritizing policies, healing through a commission, and uprooting deeply entrenched systems are key to addressing systemic racism.

      Addressing systemic racism in the US requires a comprehensive and honest approach. This includes recognizing the historical and ongoing impact of racism, confronting the dominant narrative that minimizes it, and prioritizing policies that promote economic security and social justice for all. A truth and racial healing commission could be a crucial step in bringing people together to acknowledge and begin to heal from the trauma of racial inequality. Additionally, recognizing the role of inherited wealth in perpetuating economic disparities is essential for creating a more equitable society. The persistence of racism in the US is due in part to the powerful minority who have opposed change since the country's founding. To make progress, we need a sustained effort from all sectors of society, and a commitment to uprooting the deeply entrenched systems of discrimination.

    • Historical denial of wealth-building opportunities for Black AmericansSystemic racism has led to significant wealth disparities between Black and White Americans, requiring a shift towards addressing root causes and implementing reparations

      Systemic racism has historically and continued to deny wealth-building opportunities for Black Americans, leading to significant wealth disparities. From policies like the Homestead Act and the GI Bill to institutionalized discrimination and the financial crisis, Black people have been denied equal access to wealth-building resources. This requires a shift in how we approach institutional and structural racism, and reparations are a necessary step towards addressing these inequalities. The conversation around reparations should focus on policy and political strategies that tackle the root causes of racism and structural reforms, rather than just removing individual racists from power. The problem is not just about individuals, but about the institutions and structures that perpetuate racism. We need to have an honest and comprehensive conversation about the history of racism in America and its impact on current disparities, and how we can address these issues through policy and cultural change.

    • Collective Action and Policy Changes are Necessary to Address Systemic RacismIndividual actions and education are important, but not enough to address systemic racism. Collective action and policy changes are necessary to make meaningful progress.

      While individual education and action are important steps in addressing systemic racism, they are not enough. The larger structural issues require collective action and policy changes. White attitudes are shifting, but it's crucial not to get stuck in individualistic solutions. Education is essential, but it must be followed by collective action. The democratic leadership, from donors to elected officials, also needs to prioritize policies addressing systemic racism. The message and story Democrats tell is crucial in countering the fear-based narrative that progress for Black Americans comes at the expense of white Americans. Only by addressing these structural issues collectively can we make meaningful progress against systemic racism.

    • Shifting the narrative on systemic racismTo win over persuadable voters, Democrats should broaden their narrative on systemic racism to a more political and economic one, exposing how it benefits a few at the expense of the majority, and directly addressing the issue without shying away from it.

      To effectively address systemic racism and win over persuadable voters, Democrats need to shift their narrative from a personal one focusing on individual acts of racism, to a broader, more political and economic one that exposes how racism is used as a tool by a few self-interested individuals to maintain power and wealth at the expense of the majority. This approach, according to research, resonates with the 60% of persuadable voters who hold both progressive and conservative stories in their minds. By highlighting the true beneficiaries of racism - those who sell and profit from it - Democrats can make a more compelling argument and challenge the status quo that keeps resources away from essential public services and benefits the wealthy at the expense of the working class. This approach also allows Democrats to address race directly without shying away from the issue, as it focuses on the systemic causes rather than individual acts.

    • Understanding the Complexity of Racial Divides and the Power of SolidarityDemocrats need to address racial fear-mongering, explain why it's wrong, and tap into the desire for solidarity to create unity and support.

      The current political climate is deeply divided along racial lines, with Republicans employing explicit racially divisive messaging and Democrats attempting an implicit racial unity strategy. However, as Heather McGhee's research shows, people's views on race are complex and conflicting. It's crucial for Democrats to address the fear-mongering from the right, explain why it's wrong, and who it serves. Movements, such as Black Lives Matter, have the power to shift consciousness and create solidarity, a sense of having each other's back, which is desperately needed in today's uncertain world. The longing for solidarity goes beyond race, and it's essential for leaders to tap into this desire to create a sense of unity and support through shared struggles. The recent pandemic response demonstrated the power of solidarity, but it also exposed deep-rooted inequalities. To move forward, it's crucial to acknowledge these differences while standing in solidarity with one another.

    • Conversations on racial justice should not be fleeting momentsLearn about history, join organizations, and take action for lasting change in the fight against racial injustice and poverty.

      The conversations around racial justice and equality, sparked by events like George Floyd's death, should not be fleeting moments. Heather McGhee emphasized the importance of education and action, and encouraged everyone to learn about history and take part in organizations fighting for change. Reverend William Barber, on the other hand, discussed the revival of the Poor People's Campaign in 2018 and their ongoing efforts to address poverty, systemic racism, and other interlocking injustices. They have made significant progress, including presenting a budget proposal to Congress, but continue to mobilize, organize, register, and educate people to build power and shift the political narrative. Both Heather and William emphasized the importance of taking action and staying committed to the cause for lasting change.

    • Poverty and Racism: National Security ThreatsThe COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the urgency to address poverty and racism as national security threats, requiring unity and practical action for healthcare, living wages, and clean water.

      Poverty and racism are not just social issues, but national security threats that require urgent attention and unity from all Americans, regardless of political affiliations. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed these issues, and the upcoming Poor People's Assembly and Morrow March on Washington aim to bring people together to address them. The Four People's Campaign is a nonpartisan organization that advocates for justice and equality, viewing it as a constitutional and moral obligation. They focus on the practical needs of people, such as healthcare, living wages, and clean water, rather than getting bogged down in political debates. By showing the connections between different communities and their shared struggles, the campaign aims to unite people and move beyond labels to tackle systemic issues that affect everyone.

    • A digital platform for marginalized voices during the pandemicThe Poor People's Assembly uses digital tools to amplify the voices of marginalized communities and continue building a grassroots movement from the bottom up.

      The Poor People's Assembly during the pandemic is not just a digital march, but a platform for marginalized communities to share their stories and demand change through various digital tools. The organizers intend to bring together diverse groups of people, presenting a counterintuitive yet powerful image of America and its struggles. They plan to use every social media tool available to reach a broad audience and continue building a grassroots movement from the bottom up. The pandemic has forced a shift in traditional organizing methods, but the spirit of Harriet Tubman's resilience and determination remains, with the added advantage of modern technology. We cannot do less with more; we must use every resource to amplify the voices of those who have been historically underrepresented.

    • Fighting for Political Power in North CarolinaReverend Barber shares his experience of fighting against unconstitutional redistricting, voter suppression, and regressive policies in North Carolina. Now, the focus is on massive voter registration, protection, and mobilization to shift the state's general assembly and make it more representative of the people.

      Building political power in North Carolina involves overcoming significant challenges, such as unconstitutional and racist redistricting, voter suppression, and regressive policies. The speaker, Reverend Barber, shares his experience of fighting against these issues for years and the progress they've made, including winning battles against voter suppression and transitioning the supreme court to be more progressive. Now, the focus is on massive voter registration, protection, and mobilization, which doesn't have to be partisan. The speaker encourages investing in these efforts to fundamentally shift the state and make the general assembly more representative of the people. North Carolina is a battleground for the presidency, United States Senate, and turning around a Southern General Assembly.

    • A podcast is a team effortA podcast requires a dedicated team of sound engineers, production assistants, and digital specialists to ensure high-quality audio, smooth execution, and wide reach.

      Producing a podcast involves a team effort. Kyle Seglen is our dedicated sound engineer, ensuring high-quality audio for each episode. We're grateful for the production support from Tanya Somenator, Katie Long, Roman Papa Dimitriou, Caroline Reston, and Alisa Gutierrez. Their behind-the-scenes work is crucial for the smooth execution of each recording session. Moreover, our digital team plays a vital role in bringing our podcast to a wider audience. Elijah Cohn, Narmel Konian, Yael Fried, and Milo Kim film and upload the episodes as videos every week. Their commitment and expertise enable us to engage listeners through various platforms, expanding our reach and impact. In essence, a podcast is not just about the host or the topic. It's about the collective effort of a dedicated team, working together to create and share compelling content with the world.

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    enJune 23, 2024

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    Yolanda Danae’ is the Creator of The Sassy Rant, a brand and blog that discusses the real life accounts of a millennial woman on the verge of changing the world. Based in Newark, New Jersey, The Sassy Rant has become a digital collection of personal survival stories documented by Yolanda, a charismatic twenty-something who’s experiences are real, raw, and relatable. Similar to the conversations held at your weekend powwows, she uses her encounters to share lessons on dating + mental health, the importance of ownership, and encourages readers to shoot their shot on goals + aspirations. Through hosting her annual Cocktail Conversations events, Yolanda takes on the task of addressing societal misconceptions, as they pertain to men and women of color. In her own words, “We are not what they say we are, but what we know ourselves to be.”

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    Alen D. Ulman is a content creator and life long auto-didact. Alen manages the page Ego Ends Now which is a growing community for expanding consciousness with vital information about science, medicine, self actualization, philosophy, psychology and methods to overcome identification with compulsive thought. The purpose of Ego Ends Now is to make sure to give everyone in it's community every tool available to add levity in their own lives, making it a very real possibility for them to create a life of their own design, and help impact the world and our global community positively. 

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    Ep. 1103 - Black Cops Beat Black Man. Media Blames White Supremacy.

    Ep. 1103 - Black Cops Beat Black Man. Media Blames White Supremacy.

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    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, five black police officers are under arrest after fatally beating a black man. Everyone involved is black, yet that hasn't stopped the media from pinning the blame on "white supremacy." Also, police departments across the country have been lowering their standards in order to attract new and "diverse" recruits. Does that play into the incident in Memphis? Plus, the Paul Pelosi 911 call is finally revealed, which also reveals the real story in that bizarre situation. A trans figure skater accidentally gives us the funniest video of the year so far. And the pop star Sam Smith tries to become the white male Lizzo. The results are as tedious as they are revolting.

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