
    Podcast Summary

    • Embrace personal growth in 2024Take small steps towards personal improvement, from enhancing your smile to tackling home projects, to overcome insecurities and make a positive change.

      2024 is the year for prioritizing personal improvement, whether it's enhancing your smile with Byte or tackling unfinished home projects with Thumbtack. Jenny Farley, a household name and former sex worker turned podcast host, shared her experiences of embracing her uniqueness, despite the challenges of red carpet appearances. She emphasized the importance of self-confidence and finding ease in everyday tasks, like improving your home with Thumbtack or enhancing your smile with Byte. By taking small steps towards personal growth, we can overcome insecurities and tackle projects that once seemed daunting. So, whether it's starting a new smile journey or finally completing a home project, remember that it's never too late to prioritize yourself and make a positive change.

    • Embracing unique experiences despite apprehensionRecognize the value of your perspective and experiences, even if intimidated by others. Acknowledge and appreciate the people and challenges that have shaped you.

      Everyone has a unique story and journey, even if it feels intimidating or unfamiliar to step into new experiences. The speaker shares her apprehension about starting a podcast, feeling intimidated by the success and influence of those she admires. However, she reflects on her own experiences and realizes that her perspective and story are valuable. The speaker also opens up about her childhood, sharing the challenges and resilience she developed growing up with a single father and dealing with her mother's mental illness and her grandmother's passing. Despite the hardships, she emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and appreciating the people who have shaped us into who we are today. Ultimately, her story underscores the importance of embracing our past and sharing our unique experiences with the world.

    • Impact of lacking a strong maternal figureLack of a nurturing mother figure can shape one's parenting style and impact personal growth, while seeking help and support during challenging times is crucial.

      The absence or lack of a strong maternal figure in one's life can have a profound impact on how they choose to parent their own children. The speaker shares her personal experience of inheriting custody of her mother, who was not close to her, and how this experience shaped her into becoming a nurturing and attentive mother to her own daughter. She also reflects on the importance of having a mother figure in one's life and how it can impact personal growth and development. The speaker's story also highlights the challenges of dealing with mental health issues in a family and the importance of seeking help and support during difficult times. Overall, the discussion underscores the significance of the mother-child relationship and the ripple effect it can have on future generations.

    • Impact of absent mother figure on child's developmentGrowing up without a consistent mother figure can shape a child into an independent and feisty individual, lacking feminine energy and maternal love.

      The lack of a nurturing mother figure in a child's life can significantly impact their development and personality. The speaker shares her experience of growing up without a consistent mother figure due to her mother's health issues and absence. This experience shaped her into a feisty and independent individual, who had to fend for herself from a young age. The absence of a feminine energy and maternal love led her to become a "tomboy" and develop a no-nonsense attitude. The speaker also acknowledges the role her father played in her upbringing and expresses gratitude for his efforts. She also discusses the challenges she faced in reconnecting with her mother and the impact of her mother's diagnosis on their relationship. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of a mother figure in a child's life and the significant role they play in shaping their identity and personality.

    • Childhood struggles shape self-perception and behaviorChildhood experiences of abandonment and mental health issues can significantly impact self-perception and behavior in adulthood, leading to anxiety, fear, and rebellion.

      The speaker's complex childhood, marked by abandonment and a mother's mental health issues, significantly influenced their self-perception and behavior in their early adulthood. The speaker's father, trying to protect them, shared concerning information about their mother's diagnosis, causing anxiety and a fear of inheriting the condition. This fear, combined with growing up in an affluent neighborhood where they felt out of place, led the speaker to experiment with drugs, alcohol, and rebellion. Despite these challenges, the speaker wishes they could have comforted their younger self and encourages resilience and self-compassion. The speaker's experiences also included bullying others as a way to cope with the physical and emotional pain at home.

    • Growing up an outsider but staying true to oneselfAuthenticity and staying true to oneself can lead to a fulfilling and enduring public persona.

      The speaker and her friend, Tasha, had different social circles growing up, with the speaker often feeling like an outsider. Despite this, she remained true to herself and became known for speaking up and standing up for her friends. This authenticity has carried over into her public life, where she has remained true to herself and resisted the temptation to capitalize on her platform for personal gain. The speaker's longevity in the public eye and her recent decision to start her own podcast are testament to her unique approach to fame and her commitment to staying true to herself. The speaker's authenticity and warmth in her podcast have resonated with her fans, and she appreciates their support. The speaker's journey shows that staying true to oneself, even in the face of pressure to conform, can lead to a fulfilling and enduring public persona.

    • Embracing new experiences leads to personal growthNew experiences, even uncomfortable ones, can lead to personal growth and happiness. Being open-minded and prepared can enhance the experience.

      Life experiences, even those that may seem challenging or unfamiliar, can lead to personal growth and happiness. The speaker in this podcast shares her story of growing up with a love for Disney, aspiring to be an animator, and ultimately ending up on the reality TV show "Jersey Shore." She admits to being unprepared for the experience and the shock of living with roommates and sharing a bathroom. However, she now looks back on it as the best experience of her life. This experience taught her that being a child and going through hardships are essential parts of becoming an adult. She also said that she wishes she had been more open-minded and prepared for the cultural differences and personalities she encountered. Overall, the speaker's story emphasizes the importance of embracing new experiences, even if they are initially uncomfortable or unfamiliar, as they can lead to personal growth and happiness.

    • Childhood Trauma and Reality TV: A Complex RelationshipReality TV star discusses her anxiety and disassociation in high-pressure situations, links it to childhood trauma, emphasizes the importance of therapy, and shares her desire to transform her trauma into art.

      The speaker, who is a reality TV star, experiences intense anxiety and disassociation in high-pressure situations like red carpet events and filming. She mentions that her childhood trauma contributes to these feelings, but she also acknowledges the importance of therapy for dealing with trauma. The speaker also discusses the impact of aging and being a public figure on her experiences, as well as her desire to use her past trauma to create art. Despite the challenges, she hopes to continue filming and inspiring her fans. The speaker's personality and childhood experiences have shaped her, and she has learned to live with her demons and trauma. However, she strongly advocates for therapy for those who are experiencing trauma. The speaker also expresses her desire to transform her trauma into art as a new creative endeavor.

    • Past experiences shaping present feelings and actionsAcknowledging and addressing past traumas can lead to self-discovery and healing. Seeking support when needed is essential.

      Past experiences, whether positive or negative, can significantly influence our current feelings and actions. The speaker shares how her past experiences with therapy as a child made her resistant to it as an adult. However, after going through a difficult period in her life, she was forced to confront her emotions and returned to therapy. Through this process, she learned to appreciate therapy as a means of self-discovery and healing. Another shared experience involved undergoing unexpected complications with breast implants, which led to emergency surgeries for both women. Despite the initial shock and pain, they found solace in knowing they weren't alone in their experiences. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of acknowledging and addressing past traumas and seeking support when needed.

    • Risks and complications of plastic surgeryBe informed about potential risks and complications of plastic surgery, including body rejection and ethical dilemmas, to ensure a successful outcome.

      Undergoing plastic surgery comes with risks and potential complications, even for something as common as breast implants. The speaker in this conversation shared her experience of her body rejecting her implants later in life, leading to emergency surgery and the use of a human donor mesh to prevent rejection. She emphasized the importance of being informed about all aspects of plastic surgery and the potential risks involved. Additionally, she shared her personal experience of having to confront her ethical beliefs when the secondary option for the mesh was pigskin, which she had avoided consuming for over a decade due to personal reasons. The conversation also touched upon the body's resilience and the potential for scars to be reduced through treatments like laser or scar tattooing. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of being well-informed and prepared for the potential risks and complications of plastic surgery.

    • Two Different Personalities, One Unbreakable BondDeena and Snooki's contrasting personalities have made their friendship stronger as they provide emotional support and balance for each other, with their bond extending to their families.

      Best friends Deena and Snooki, despite being very different from each other, have formed an unbreakable bond due to their complementary personalities. They met on the reality show "Jersey Shore" and have remained close ever since, serving as emotional support for one another both on and off camera. Their friendship started when Snooki invited Deena into her circle of friends and Deena looked up to Snooki as a role model and mentor. Snooki's sweetness, innocence, and lack of confrontation contrasted with Deena's assertiveness, and they found that their differences made their friendship stronger. They have remained close over the years, with Deena acting as the calming influence to Snooki's chaos and Snooki providing business and parenting advice to Deena. Their friendship has also extended to their families, with their children knowing each other as cousins. The return of Sammi, another cast member from "Jersey Shore," was initially emotional for Deena due to their strained relationship during the show's earlier seasons, but they have since reconnected and their friendship is stronger than ever.

    • The Value of Authentic FriendshipsAuthentic friendships are rare and valuable, requiring effort and vulnerability to maintain. In the public eye, they provide a sense of family and support during life's challenges.

      Authentic friendships, especially between women, are precious and hard to find. The speaker shares her experience of not being able to form the desired connection with a friend on a reality show, but eventually finding the genuine friendship she's always wanted. She acknowledges the challenges of maintaining friendships, especially in the public eye, and the importance of having a close-knit group of friends who feel like family. Additionally, the speaker opens up about experiencing a miscarriage around the time of her grandmother's passing, adding another layer of depth to the conversation about the importance of support and connection during difficult times.

    • Sharing a personal story of pregnancy loss and coping with griefRecognize the uniqueness of each person's experience with loss, provide support, and prioritize self-care for women dealing with emotional pain and societal expectations.

      Experiencing a miscarriage or other significant loss can be a deeply emotional and challenging experience for women. The speaker shared her personal story of discovering her pregnancy loss before the 12-week mark, which was a surprise but not entirely unexpected. She described feeling devastated and struggling to cope, even while filming for a television show and dealing with the added stress of a family death. The speaker also mentioned experimenting with drugs, including Xanax and cocaine, as a way to numb her pain and grief. It's important to recognize that everyone's experience with loss is unique, and it's essential to provide support and understanding for those going through difficult times. Women, in particular, may face unique challenges in dealing with emotional pain and societal expectations, and it's crucial to prioritize self-care and seek help when needed.

    • Filming in Italy helped the speaker heal from griefObserving her daughter's innocence influenced the speaker's perspective on motherhood, allowing her to heal and love differently despite past traumas.

      The speaker's experience filming in Italy during a difficult time in her life may have indirectly saved her, as it took her out of her reality and provided a distraction from her grief. The constant momentum of production prevented her from dealing with her emotions, but also allowed her to heal in a healthier way with the passage of time. Additionally, her perspective on motherhood was influenced by observing her daughter's innocence and resilience, making her realize the importance of loving her differently and not letting past traumas define their relationship.

    • Parenting Two Different ChildrenAdapt your parenting style to meet each child's unique needs, create a safe space for emotional expression, and continuously learn and expand your skills through various resources.

      Every child is unique and requires a different approach to parenting. The speaker shares her experience of raising two very different children and how she had to adapt her parenting style to meet their individual needs. She reflects on her own upbringing and how it influenced her parenting choices, particularly around discipline and emotional expression. The speaker emphasizes the importance of creating a safe and supportive environment for children to express their emotions and learn respectful communication. She also highlights the value of learning from various sources, including social media platforms like TikTok, to expand her knowledge and skills as a parent. Overall, the speaker's reflections underscore the importance of flexibility, empathy, and ongoing learning in the complex and rewarding journey of raising children.

    • Open communication builds strong parent-child bondsThrough honest conversations and active listening, parents and children can deepen their connection and foster healthy relationships. Self-awareness, creating a safe environment, and ongoing learning are essential for building a bond based on mutual respect, understanding, and love.

      Open and honest communication between parents and children is essential for building a strong bond and fostering healthy relationships. The speaker shares her experience of having a close relationship with her daughter, Milani, and how they use conversations inspired by TikTok trends to deepen their connection and understand each other better. The importance of self-awareness, active listening, and creating a safe and healing environment for children to express themselves cannot be overstated. The speaker also emphasizes the need for parents to be open to learning and growing as individuals, just as they encourage their children to do. Ultimately, the goal is to create a parent-child relationship based on mutual respect, understanding, and love.

    • Recognizing and addressing developmental delays earlyEarly intervention is vital for children with developmental delays. Delaying action can hinder their progress and limit their potential. Recognize signs early, seek professional help, and provide necessary resources for optimal growth.

      Early intervention is crucial when raising a child with developmental delays. The mother in this discussion shares her personal experience of raising a son with autism, highlighting the signs she noticed and the steps she took to get him the help he needed. Initially, she believed her son might be deaf, but after various tests, she received the diagnosis of autism. She describes feeling in denial and delaying her son's appointments, hoping he would catch up. However, when he failed his 18-month checkup, she knew it was time to seek a diagnosis and specialized therapy. The process was lengthy, but ultimately led to the correct diagnosis and the necessary support for her son. This experience underscores the importance of recognizing developmental delays early and taking action to ensure children receive the appropriate interventions and resources to help them reach their full potential.

    • Encountering a Russian woman at a hospital inspires determination for ABA therapyDetermination and persistence led a mother to secure intensive ABA therapy for her son, resulting in significant improvements in his communication, academic, and social skills.

      Determination and persistence can lead to significant improvements for individuals with autism. The speaker's encounter with a Russian woman at a hospital led her to understand the importance of intensive Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy for her son. Despite initial challenges, such as insurance coverage and the demands of running a content creation business, she was able to secure the necessary resources and witness remarkable progress in her son's communication, academic, and social skills. The experience underscores the importance of advocating for comprehensive and consistent therapeutic interventions for children with autism.

    • Advocating for children with unique challengesEvery parent should advocate for their children, especially when they face challenges. Believe in your ability to make a difference and don't define children by their diagnoses. Find your passion and use it to make a positive impact.

      Every parent should advocate for their children, especially when they face unique challenges. The speaker shares her personal experience of raising a son with sensory needs and how she turned his struggles into an opportunity to make a difference. She encourages people not to doubt the impact of their actions and to believe in their ability to change lives. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of not defining children by their diagnoses and allowing them to live their lives to the fullest. She is proud of her advocacy work and the impact it has had on the lives of many individuals, including her son. Additionally, she encourages everyone to find their passion and use it to make a difference, even if it comes from a place of trauma or adversity. The speaker's story is a testament to the power of perseverance, love, and advocacy.

    • Transforming Trauma into ArtTurning personal experiences with mental health challenges into art can provide therapy, open conversations, and encourage understanding and acceptance.

      Trauma can be transformed into art, providing a unique perspective and opening conversations about mental health. The speaker, an aspiring filmmaker, shares how she turned her experiences with schizophrenia into psychological thriller films. Through her work, she aims to showcase different perspectives and encourage acceptance and understanding of those with mental illness. By taking control of her projects and expressing her experiences, she found therapy and a way to give a legacy to her mother and others with similar conditions. Her passion projects, though small budget, are her pride and a testament to her resilience and creativity.

    • Making choices during a mental health crisisEven in a mental health crisis, individuals with free will can make choices that impact their lives positively. Determination and support from friends and family can lead to healing and understanding for those dealing with mental health issues.

      Even in the midst of a mental health crisis, individuals with schizophrenia still hold free will and can make choices that impact their lives. The speaker's mother, who was lost and confused during a mental health episode, was able to be saved and given the care she needed due to the speaker's determination and the help of a friend. This experience inspired the speaker to create a movie based on her mother's story, which aims to provide healing and understanding for those dealing with mental health issues and their families. The speaker's own relationship, which she values deeply, is also a source of joy and support in her life. Despite the challenges and complexities of her experiences, the speaker remains committed to using her platform to make a positive impact and provide representation for those dealing with mental health issues.

    • Marriage is not the only measure of a successful relationshipGinny values her relationship with Zach and aspires for a long-lasting, loving bond, regardless of whether they marry or not, based on her past experiences and appreciation for Zach's dreams and dedication.

      While marriage can be a significant milestone in a relationship, it does not define the quality or value of that relationship. Ginny, a reality TV star, shares her perspective that her current relationship with Zach is incredibly precious to her, and she is determined to protect it, regardless of whether they choose to marry or not. She has been through a divorce before and feels that the negativity and stress associated with it are not worth subjecting Zach or their blended family to. Instead, she aspires to have a long-lasting, loving relationship like that of Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn. Ginny admires Zach's dedication to their family and his dreams, including his aspiration to become a wrestler. She recognizes and appreciates the hard work and sacrifices that come with pursuing a dream, even if it means missing out on some aspects of home life. Ultimately, Ginny's priority is to support Zach in his goals and to cherish the love they share.

    • The power of clear goals and a strong support systemClear goals and a strong support system are crucial for personal growth and achieving dreams. Having a partner who believes in and supports your dreams can help overcome challenges and accomplish them.

      Having a strong support system and clear goals are essential for personal growth and achieving dreams. The speaker, who grew up with a father who had a clear dream and worked tirelessly to achieve it, admires this quality and aspires to have the same drive for her own goals. She also emphasizes the importance of having a partner who believes in and supports her dreams, as she has experienced with her husband. The speaker's admiration for her husband's dedication and discipline serves as a reminder that having clear goals and a strong support system can help individuals overcome challenges and accomplish their dreams.

    Recent Episodes from Dumb Blonde

    Dacé: The Modern Working Girl

    Dacé: The Modern Working Girl

    This week, we get all hot and bothered with Dacé, AKA The Modern Working Girl. She first opens up about healing from childhood SA, and how she's taking the power back now in her adult life. She walks us through her journey from Mississippi to becoming a TikTok creator, some of the craziest stories she's had while working at the World Famous Mustang Ranch brothel. Bunnie also welcomes Madam Tara to share some of the ranch rules and even more naughty happenings that go on on Mustang Ranch's menu. Buckle up, baby!

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    Dacé: Mustang Ranch | TikTok

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    Tyler Henry: Hollywood Medium

    Tyler Henry: Hollywood Medium

    Bunnie is joined this week by the very sweet Tyler Henry, one of the most sought-after clairvoyant mediums around the world. You may recognize Tyler as the star of the Netflix series "Life after Death with Tyler Henry". Tyler's first television show, E! Entertainment’s mega-hit "Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry", established him as a household name. Before giving Bunnie a spot-on reading, Tyler talks about his journey developing his psychic abilities from a young age and facing skepticism from family and community. He also shares some wild things that have happened during celebrity readings, like objects moving on their own. He then answers a few Patreon member questions about communicating with passed loved ones, discerning spirits, and sharing insights into life after death.

    Tyler Henry: Website | The Collective | IG

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    Dr. Ricky Brown: Plastic Surgery Q&A

    Dr. Ricky Brown: Plastic Surgery Q&A

    Bunnie welcomes world-renowned plastic surgeon and author Dr. Ricky Brown, aka "The Real TikTok Doc", to the show this week. Dr. Brown gets real about his journey from not knowing what path to take after college to becoming a double board-certified surgeon with millions of social media fans and followers. He answers listener questions about the complex reconstructive procedures he's performed and gets candid about navigating controversies in plastic surgery, including his take on breast implant illness. Dr. Ricky shares more about his approach to consultations, the differences between saline and silicone implants, and Bunnie talks about her own experience with implants and removal.

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    Dr. Ricky Brown: TikTok | YouTube | The Real Beauty Bible

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    Stomping on Butterflies

    Stomping on Butterflies

    Bunnie has some things to get off her chest this week! She lets loose and bares her soul about everything that's been on her mind lately. She and the gals - Meme and Hailee - dish on their love for the Patreon tribe and gear up for the next season of Bunnie XO. Bunnie also recounts her favorite run-ins on the red carpets of the CMT and iHeartMusic Awards. She talks about confronting weird online trolls head on and spills the tea on her family issues, from emergency plane landings to her father Bill.

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    Meme: IG

    Hailee: IG

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    Farrah Abraham: Trauma and Comedy

    Farrah Abraham: Trauma and Comedy

    This week, Bunnie gets up close and personal with the iconic mother-daughter duo that refuses to be defined by rumors or the past. Farrah Abraham and Sophia sit down for an unfiltered chat about their lives navigating fame and family ties.

    Farrah spills the tea on all the tabloid tales, from Nicki Minaj beefs to poop sales. She also gives a sneak peek at her upcoming comedy tour, where she's taking her candid humor nationwide to break trauma bonds through laughter.

    Sophia reflects on her passion for music and how she learned to follow her own path while growing up under a microscope.

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    Farrah Abraham: IG | Website

    Sophia: IG

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    Winter Blanco: Behind the Likes

    Winter Blanco: Behind the Likes

    This week, TV personality, author, and social media star Winter Blanco gets real about overcoming trauma and finding her voice. She talks with Bunnie about her rise to fame through the Bad Girls Club, and how that early spotlight exacerbated her existing insecurities. Winter gets candid about using substances to cope and details her path to sobriety, while learning to silence the haters that constantly question her ethnicity. Then, her 'Behind the Likes' podcast co-host and bestie Chy joins the show to shed some insight into their friendship and hilarious dynamic.

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    Winter Blanco: Behind the Likes | IG

    Chy: IG

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    Bam Margera Turns a Page

    Bam Margera Turns a Page

    This week, legendary skateboarder and Jackass star Bam Margera gets candid about battling addiction and embracing sobriety. He opens up about the "Florida Shuffle" he endured in rehab, as well as the legal battles we've both seen and not seen reported in the news. Bam also reflects on life after skyrocketing to fame with Jackass in the early 2000s. Joining Bam for the raw conversation is his model fiancée Dannii Marie, to share her own perspective on their chance meeting in LA and travels across the country together that have brought them to this new chapter.

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    Bam Margera: IG

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    RaMona Rizzo: Mafia Princess

    RaMona Rizzo: Mafia Princess

    The Mob Wives March continues with the beautiful and feisty RaMona Rizzo, who sets the record straight about her legendary grandfather, Lefty Guns Ruggerio. RaMona talks about discovering the truth of her grandfather's life through Joe Pistone's book and confronting the differences between reality and Hollywood's portrayal in Donnie Brasco as well. She shares her story of meeting Al Pacino on set and how she's learned to rise above other family secrets, drama, and betrayal. RaMona gets into her path to Mob Wives and her excitement for her company, Spiritual Slinger.

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    RaMona; IG | Spiritual Slinger

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    Tonesa Welch: First Lady of BMF

    Tonesa Welch: First Lady of BMF

    Bunnie welcomes Tonesa Welch, also known as the First Lady of BMF. Tonesa shares her journey from growing up in Detroit to her rise in the drug trade, her relationship with H, and how she got through abuse and betrayal to come out on the other side. Tonesa opens up to Bunnie about what she learned from her time in prison and her passion for prison reform advocacy and gets raw about navigating grief along the way.

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    Tonesa: IG

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    Karen Gravano: Calm in Chaos

    Karen Gravano: Calm in Chaos

    The iconicness continues this week with Karen Gravano, former Mob Wives star, best-selling author and Co-Founder of The Body Depot Spa. Karen leaves nothing behind as she dishes about growing up as the daughter of infamous mobster Salvatore "Sammy the Bull" Gravano, her complicated relationship with costar Drita D'Avanzo and the drama that played out on and off camera. She also reflected on how her father's high-profile crimes impacted her life and family and how she got through it with a hustling spirit and a commitment for prison reform advocacy.

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    Karen: IG | The Body Depot

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    #72 Dumb Blonde: Jelly Roll - New Album, C*ckstar, & Embarrassing Stories

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    'Self Medicated'

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    "My goal is to not only make music that helps people, but that touches on real life stuff without being tacky." - Jelly 

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    Joanna Angel and Aaron (Small Hands): Porn Royalty

    Joanna Angel and Aaron (Small Hands): Porn Royalty

    In Part 1 with this porn royalty power duo, Bunnie talks with Joanna Angel and Aaron (Small Hands) about their upbringing and how religion caused rebellion. They get into Joanna launching Burning Angel in 2002 and how it changed the industry, and Aaron's pre-adult movie career as a graphic designer / van touring rockstar. They tell the hilariously cute story of how they met and went way further than a client and customer relationship. Stay tuned for Part 2! 

    Joanna Angel: 


    Aaron (Small Hands:) IG 

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    Leo Skepi Is Your Authentic Guru

    Leo Skepi Is Your Authentic Guru

    The beautiful Leo Skepi comes to shine his light this week. Leo is the rising star and host of the Aware and Aggravated podcast, quickly climbing up the charts and providing insight on everything from relationships, family, education, finance and more. Leo talks with Bunnie about his own self transformation and rising like a gorgeous phoenix after family drama and toxic relationships.

    Leo Skepi: Aware and Aggravated


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    Brittany Furlan Lee: Comedy Queen

    Brittany Furlan Lee: Comedy Queen

    The iconic Brittany Furlan Lee is here to crack us up and get candid about exes, mental health and living life in the spotlight. She opens up about her wild ride in comedy and beyond, including skyrocketing to fame on Vine and finding zen with husband Tommy Lee. Brittany and Bunnie talk about how what you see online is not always real life, and Brittany gives a sneak peak about what's ahead for her LoveLee jewelry line and "This is the Worst" podcast.

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    Brittany: IG | TikTok | LoveLee Jewelry | This is the Worst

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    Stomping on Butterflies

    Stomping on Butterflies

    Bunnie has some things to get off her chest this week! She lets loose and bares her soul about everything that's been on her mind lately. She and the gals - Meme and Hailee - dish on their love for the Patreon tribe and gear up for the next season of Bunnie XO. Bunnie also recounts her favorite run-ins on the red carpets of the CMT and iHeartMusic Awards. She talks about confronting weird online trolls head on and spills the tea on her family issues, from emergency plane landings to her father Bill.

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    Meme: IG

    Hailee: IG

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