
    Podcast Summary

    • Setting and maintaining healthy boundariesClear communication, consistency, and accountability are crucial for setting and keeping healthy boundaries. Analogies can help illustrate the concept and make it easier to understand.

      Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries is essential for personal well-being, but it requires effort from both parties involved. In the discussion, the hosts shared their experiences with establishing boundaries and the challenges they face in upholding them. They emphasized the importance of making boundaries clear to others and being consistent in enforcing them. The hosts also shared insights from their therapists, who used analogies to illustrate the concept of boundaries and the importance of taking accountability for upholding them. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of respecting and maintaining healthy boundaries in various aspects of life. Additionally, the discussion mentioned 3rd Love, a brand that prioritizes both comfort and sexiness in bras and offers virtual fitting rooms to help women find their perfect fit. The hosts also promoted Nordstrom Rack's Mother's Day sale, offering amazing deals on various brands and products from only $30.

    • Setting and enforcing boundaries for healthy relationshipsEffective communication and setting boundaries lead to healthier relationships and improved mental health, despite initial discomfort or fear of rejection.

      Effective communication and upholding boundaries are essential for healthy relationships, whether personal or professional. The discussion highlighted the importance of clearly communicating boundaries and following through with them. Many people struggle with setting boundaries due to discomfort or fear of rejection. However, boundaries ultimately lead to better relationships and improved mental health. Avoiding boundaries can allow toxic behavior to persist, leading to unnecessary stress and misery. It's important to remember that only those who have benefited from the absence of boundaries will be bothered by their implementation. Setting and enforcing boundaries can be challenging, but the benefits far outweigh the initial discomfort. Additionally, cutting out dead weight from your life can contribute to a calmer and more focused mindset.

    • Trauma Bonding: The Hold of Toxic RelationshipsRecognizing and confronting past trauma can lead to healthier relationships and personal growth, rather than being held back by toxic bonds.

      People often hold onto toxic relationships due to a phenomenon called trauma bonding. This behavior is rooted in comfort and history with someone, as well as the belief that they will eventually improve. However, these relationships can hinder personal growth and happiness. Trauma bonding can stem from past experiences and unhealthy upbringings, leading many in our generation to feel traumatized in some way. While not all trauma requires healing, acknowledging and addressing it can lead to healthier relationships and personal growth. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing and confronting trauma, rather than ignoring it or normalizing it.

    • Discover health insights with Everly Well's at-home lab testsEverly Well's convenient and affordable lab tests offer insights into food sensitivities and overall health. Identifying lactose intolerance through a food sensitivity test led to a PCOS diagnosis. Everly Well also provides high-quality vitamins and supplements. Reparenting oneself is a necessary process for personal growth and improved parenting skills.

      Everly Well offers convenient and cost-effective at-home lab tests, allowing individuals to discover health insights and take the results directly to their physicians. The speaker shared her positive experience with the food sensitivity test, which helped her identify her lactose intolerance before being diagnosed with PCOS. Everly Well also provides a range of high-quality vitamins and supplements to support overall health. Additionally, the speaker discussed the concept of reparenting oneself, which her therapist introduced as a necessary process for everyone, regardless of whether they experienced significant trauma or not. This concept highlights the importance of individuals adapting to new ways of dealing with their upbringing and past experiences to improve their parenting skills and overall well-being. Overall, Everly Well's at-home lab tests and supplements can provide valuable insights for personal health, while the concept of reparenting oneself emphasizes the importance of self-growth and improvement.

    • Setting parenting boundaries helps maintain control and structureParents need to find a balance between allowing children's freedom and setting necessary boundaries for their well-being

      Setting boundaries is essential for parents, just as it is in adult relationships. Traumatic experiences, such as getting stuck in an elevator, can lead to long-lasting fears and avoidances. In the context of parenting, these fears can manifest in the form of boundaries. For instance, some parents may have a boundary about not allowing their children in their bed, while others may have a boundary about not letting their children ask if other children can come over in front of them. These boundaries help maintain a sense of control and structure, ensuring that both the parent and child's needs are met. Hygiene can also be considered a boundary or preference to help children grow up to be respectful individuals. Ultimately, parents must find a balance between allowing their children to be themselves and providing them with necessary boundaries and structure.

    • Setting Boundaries for Children's Safety and DevelopmentEstablishing boundaries is vital for children's safety, development, and overall well-being. Prioritize what works best for your family and learn as you go.

      Establishing boundaries is crucial for children's safety, development, and overall well-being. Boundaries provide a sense of security and predictability in an unpredictable world. They help children understand what is expected of them and keep them on the right track. Parents may not always have all the answers, and every child is unique, making a manual on parenting seem daunting and potentially ineffective. Instead, parents can learn as they go and prioritize what works best for their family. While the discussion touched on various parenting topics, the importance of setting boundaries emerged as a consistent theme.

    • Unexpected likes and experiencesDiscovering new preferences and being open to trying new things can lead to unexpected joys, while having resources to manage unexpected expenses can bring peace of mind.

      People have unexpected preferences and experiences that can change their opinions or tastes. The discussion revolved around the unexpected love for cream cheese spaghetti, which initially sounded unappealing to some. The conversation also touched upon the convenience of using the Dave app for financial assistance during unexpected expenses. The meme about feeding children frozen chicken nuggets sparked a conversation about food preferences and memories. At first, it seemed like a trivial topic, but it led to a deeper discussion about trying new things and discovering unexpected likes. For instance, Alexa initially disliked cream cheese spaghetti but later came to love it after trying it. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the importance of having a helping hand during financial emergencies. The Dave app was mentioned as a useful tool for accessing extra cash instantly, making it easier to tackle unexpected expenses. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of being open to new experiences and having resources to manage unexpected expenses.

    • Perceptions and Preferences Shape Our ExperiencesOur personal experiences and preferences can significantly influence our perceptions, even of seemingly trivial things. Keeping an open mind and being willing to try new things can lead to unexpected discoveries.

      Personal preferences and experiences can greatly impact our perceptions and opinions, even when it comes to seemingly insignificant things like food or people's appearances. The speaker initially disliked the idea of adding cream cheese to spaghetti, but after trying it, she realized that it didn't taste the same even with the same ingredients in the same pan. Similarly, her perception of a celebrity's attractiveness evolved over time, influenced by their music and societal standards. The speaker also shared some amusing anecdotes about her children's honesty and their reactions to her mishaps. Overall, the conversation showcased the importance of keeping an open mind and being willing to try new things, even if they don't align with our initial expectations.

    • Balancing Multiple Responsibilities and Unexpected DisruptionsAcknowledge the challenges of juggling multiple responsibilities and communicate effectively when unexpected events occur. Prioritize tasks and set boundaries to maintain balance.

      Multitasking and juggling various responsibilities can be challenging, especially when unexpected events occur. The speaker in this conversation had plans for recording podcasts, taking care of her son's needs, and dealing with school matters, but a flat tire disrupted her schedule and caused a domino effect of rescheduling. It's important to acknowledge that everyone has a lot going on in their lives, and it's essential to prioritize tasks and communicate effectively when things don't go as planned. The conversation also highlights the importance of setting boundaries and teaching children about respecting personal space and privacy. Additionally, the conversation showcases the creativity and quick thinking of the speaker's son, who came up with a successful prank at school. Overall, the conversation demonstrates the complexities of balancing various responsibilities and the importance of adaptability and communication.

    • Exploring the importance of language education for children with Hispanic heritageLanguage education, especially Spanish immersion, is crucial for cultural identity and future opportunities. Being bilingual offers numerous benefits and can enhance various aspects of life. Despite challenges, embracing the learning process is essential for mastering a new language.

      Language education, particularly Spanish immersion, is an important aspect of cultural identity and future opportunities for children, especially for those with Hispanic heritage. The discussion also touched upon the benefits of being bilingual and the potential advantages it could bring in various aspects of life. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the challenges some individuals face in learning a new language, such as rolling the r's, and the importance of embracing the learning process despite any embarrassment or difficulties. Overall, the conversation emphasized the significance of language education and the importance of fostering a love for learning new skills.

    • Exploring new sexual experiences and relationshipsCommunication, consent, and individual exploration are key to new sexual discoveries. Embrace curiosity and try new things, from toys to custom-made beds, with your partner.

      Exploration and experimentation in sexual experiences and relationships can lead to new discoveries and desires. The conversation between the speakers reveals their curiosity and excitement about various sexual toys, custom-made beds for BDSM, and a Netflix show about building sex rooms for different couples. They share their personal experiences, from being prudes in high school to embracing their kinkiness after divorce. The show, "How to Build a Sex Room," showcases a range of couples with varying levels of kinkiness, from vanilla to more adventurous, highlighting the importance of communication, consent, and individual exploration in sexual relationships. The speakers also express their enthusiasm for new experiences and toys, such as a womanizer, and recommend the show to their audience. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of being open-minded, curious, and willing to explore new things in sexual relationships.

    • Personal beliefs about conception's impact on spiritual development and relationship dynamicsSome individuals believe that how a child is conceived may shape their spiritual growth and behavior, while others find that their kink preferences and comfort levels with dominance and submission evolve in relationships.

      There seems to be a belief, based on personal experiences, that the way a child is conceived may influence their spiritual development and behavior later in life. This belief appears to be particularly strong for two individuals, Isaac and Lux. Additionally, there is a discussion about individual kink preferences and comfort levels with dominance and submission in relationships. It's noted that some people may become more open and explorative when they feel allowed to express their femininity or masculinity freely in their relationships. The overall conversation is filled with candid and sometimes explicit descriptions of personal experiences and preferences.

    • Speaker's unique perspective on life and experiencesThe speaker shares her willingness to try new things for others but not for herself, her fear of being put in restrictive situations, her desire for personal growth, and her candid approach to life despite self-consciousness.

      The speaker has a unique perspective on life and experiences, expressing a willingness to try new things for others but not for herself, and a fear of being put in restrictive situations. She also shares her desire to improve herself physically and mentally, and the embarrassment of a family member's unexpected appearance. The conversation also touches on the topic of sex and unconventional experiences, with the speaker expressing curiosity but also fear and awkwardness. Overall, the conversation showcases the speaker's candid and unfiltered approach to life, as well as her self-consciousness and desire for personal growth.

    • Astrology reveals emotional and social insightsAstrology provides insights into emotional nature and social presentation based on moon and rising signs. Pluto TV offers a wide range of free movies and series for entertainment.

      Astrology can provide insights into a person's emotional nature and how they present themselves to others based on their moon sign and rising sign, respectively. During a conversation, it was revealed that the speakers' birthdays are close and they share the same sun sign, but have different moon and rising signs. The speaker expressed a desire to learn more about her own astrological signs and offered to help her friends do the same. The discussion then shifted to Pluto TV, which offers a wide range of free western movies and series for viewers to enjoy. The key takeaway is that astrology can provide valuable information about emotional and social aspects of a person's identity, and that Pluto TV offers a vast selection of free entertainment options.

    Recent Episodes from Barely Famous

    Life After Lock Up - Ghosts of The Past

    Life After Lock Up - Ghosts of The Past

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    Barely Famous
    en-usJune 28, 2024

    Life After Lock Up - Is This My Life?

    Life After Lock Up - Is This My Life?

    This week on Barely Famous, Kail and Kristen dive into episode three of "Gypsy Rose: Life After Lockup." They share their reactions to Gypsy's appearances on The View and Good Morning America, pondering how she handles media pressure so effectively. The discussion shifts to Ryan, exploring his family, job, and the authenticity of his personality. Gypsy's confessions about nightmares of her mother prompt Kail to reflect on her own past and whether she has any regrets about her decisions.

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    Barely Famous
    en-usJune 21, 2024

    Life After Lock Up - Independence is Scary

    Life After Lock Up - Independence is Scary

    This week on Barely Famous, Kail and Kristen dive into episode two of "Gypsy Rose: Life After Lockup." They discuss Gypsy's viral TikTok video, react to her revelations about experimenting with women in prison, and debate whether Ryan comes off as less cringy this episode. Finally, they theorize how much of the show might be staged and share their suspicions about the family's participation.

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    Barely Famous
    en-usJune 14, 2024

    Life After Lock Up - So This is Freedom?

    Life After Lock Up - So This is Freedom?

    This week on Barely Famous, Kail and Kristen dive into the premiere of "Gypsy Rose: Life After Lockup." They explore the confusing footage of Gypsy's release, share insights on her family dynamics, and discuss the challenges she faces in moving beyond her past. Plus, they give their take on her unusual and cringe-worthy husband. Tune in for a compelling conversation on Gypsy's journey to freedom.

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    Barely Famous
    en-usJune 07, 2024

    Crying at Taco Bell

    Crying at Taco Bell

    This week on Barely Famous, Kristen returns with much-needed life updates. She shares what she's been up to since her health scare, the importance of getting a second opinion, the tests she still needs, and how the outpouring of support on social media has comforted her. Kail and Kristen also discuss their upcoming vacation plans, including Kail's family trip to Disney World. They dive into the topic of adoption and how they are both considering it for their families in the future. Finally, Kristen surprises Kail with some outrageous dating stories.

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    Barely Famous
    en-usMay 31, 2024

    Girthmaster: The Man Behind the Girth

    Girthmaster: The Man Behind the Girth

    This week, Kail and Tracey Carnazzo talk to the one and only Girthmaster, an OnlyFans creator who recently went viral for revealing his impressive earnings on the platform. Kail and Tracey dive deep to get to know the man behind the viral video. They discuss how he got into the industry, how his work affects his relationships, how his life changed after gaining fame, and whether he would date someone with kids. Girthmaster also reveals what goes on behind the camera and what fans can expect from him in the future.

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    Barely Famous
    en-usMay 24, 2024

    May is Definitely Maying

    May is Definitely Maying

    This week, Kail talks life updates including her fitness journey, plastic surgery plans and updates on her book club. She then gets into a listener Q&A session where Kail answers burning questions such as: Does she feel disconnected from Elijah? Will she be adding more tattoos to her collection? What girl names did she consider but ultimately decide against? Plus, gain insights into her family's travel plans and much more!

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    Barely Famous
    en-usMay 17, 2024

    Tracey Carnazzo is #blessed

    Tracey Carnazzo is #blessed

    This week on Barely Famous, Kail talks to comedian and fellow podcaster, Tracey Carnazzo. Kail and Tracey discuss keeping friendship and business separate, as well as the nuances between secrets and gossip. Tracey shares her love of self-tanner, including the latest tantouring trend, and introduces Kail to the 'Girthmaster.' They also discuss Teen Mom: Family Reunion Season 3 and brainstorm ways to improve the Teen Mom franchise

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    Q&A, Hot Takes, and Unpopular Opinions

    Q&A, Hot Takes, and Unpopular Opinions

    This week on Barely Famous, join Kail as she opens up about some recent life updates, including a mortifying experience during a home visit and handling an emergency while waiting in the school pickup line. She also dives into listener-submitted topics such as whether all men cheat or not, discussing her relationship with Lindsay, sharing thoughts on overrated authors, and offering advice on how to encourage partners to pull their own weight. Tune in for these engaging discussions and much more!

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    Farm Chores with Matt Mathews

    Farm Chores with Matt Mathews
    Kail journeys to Alabama to do farm chores with Matt Mathews, and talk about kids, thirst traps, coming out, pivoting, naming chickens & ducks, and sleeping nekkid & robes. They also get serious about traumatic childhoods, and growing up around addiction and loss. Thanks for supporting our sponsors! Quince: Go to https://quince.com/famous for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns. Redfin: Download the Refin app today to find your forever home. Rocket Money: Stop wasting money on things you don’t use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to https://RocketMoney.com/FAMOUS Shopify: Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/barelyfamous Zocdoc: Go to https://https://Zocdoc.com/BARELY and download the Zocdoc app for FREE. Then find and book a top-rated doctor today. To watch the full episode + other exclusive content, join my Patreon community! Patreon.com/kaillowry

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    Website: bakadesuyo.com

    Twitter: @bakadesuyo



    02:18 Plays Well with Others

    05:11 Loneliness is perception

    08:38 Marriage requires crazy love and work 

    10:57 Gottman’s Four Horsemen of Divorce

    15:26 Keeping passionate love alive 

    19:02 Emotional endings and love maps 

    24:28 The Scary Rule 

    28:14 Dunbar’s number

    30:49 Parasocial relationships 

    35:32 Body language is overrated

    39:04 How to catch a liar

    42:11 Story of connection

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    Julianne Hough and Brooks Laich - The Power Couple

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    E520 Ask Nick Updates Special Episode - End Of Year Updates

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    To catch up on all of these callers original questions please see the show numbers:  

    Original Episode numbers for callers:

    • Episode Number: Ep#495 10.31.22
    • Episode Number: Ep#504 - Jason Nash
    • Episode Number: Ep#508 FS w/ Victoria and Greg 

    Original Episode numbers for read updates:

    • Episode Number: Ep#484 w/ Jason Alabaster
    • Episode Number: Ep#420 w/ Erika Pricilla and Scott
    • Episode Number: Ep#509 GD w/ Katie Maloney

    “The state of limbo was way worse”

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    110: Decoding Your Most Confusing Texts From Men

    110: Decoding Your Most Confusing Texts From Men

    "What does he mean when he texts THIS?"

    In today's episode, Matt and Steve sit down live to discuss YOUR most confusing texts and what they really mean!


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    Also, we love to hear from you! You can email the show at podcast@matthewhussey.com