
    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Kamala Harris' historic VP nominationFirst woman of color, black woman, and Asian American woman on a major party ticket, Harris' background and achievements emphasized, impact on underrepresented communities highlighted, Democratic National Convention plans shared.

      During this episode of Pod Save America, the hosts discussed Joe Biden's historic selection of Kamala Harris as his vice presidential running mate. Harris is the first woman of color, black woman, and Asian American woman to run on a major party ticket. Biden announced the pick via text on Tuesday, and the running mates held a joint event in Wilmington, Delaware on Wednesday. The hosts shared their thoughts on the significance of Harris' background and achievements, including her experiences as a child of immigrants and the first graduate of a historically black college and university. They also emphasized the impact of Harris' nomination on underrepresented communities, particularly young girls. The Democratic National Convention is coming up next week, and Crooked Media has big plans, including live streaming the convention and hosting group threads for coverage. The episode also included housekeeping announcements for related podcasts and upcoming episodes.

    • First black woman on major party ticketKamala Harris's appointment as Joe Biden's running mate marks a historic moment, making her the first black woman on a major party ticket in US history.

      Kamala Harris's appointment as Joe Biden's running mate marks a significant milestone in American history. Harris, who grew up with parents who instilled in her the importance of activism and making a difference, dedicated her life to fighting for equal justice. When Biden selected her as his vice presidential pick, the excitement and significance of the moment were palpable, not just for political insiders, but for people across the country. Harris's parents, who emigrated from different parts of the world, came together in the United States, and their daughter went on to become the first black woman to run on a major party ticket. Biden, who was looking for a trusted running mate, believed Harris was the right person for the job based on their relationship and her strong political abilities. The appointment of Harris, a person of Jamaican descent, also brought a sense of pride and joy to many, including music icon Bob Marley's fans. Overall, Harris's appointment is a reminder that history doesn't always move in a straight line but continues to evolve, and it's a big deal.

    • First black woman and South Asian American on major party ticketKamala Harris was a groundbreaking choice for Joe Biden's running mate, bringing extensive experience, tested performance, and representation to the ticket.

      The selection of Kamala Harris as Joe Biden's running mate was not a safe or obvious choice, despite what some media outlets suggested. Her appointment was a groundbreaking decision, as she is the first black woman and first South Asian American on a major party ticket in U.S. history. While some saw her as a safe choice due to her experience and readiness for the job, others believed she was an inspired and necessary pick given the country's current racial reckoning and the challenges the next president will face. Ultimately, Harris' extensive governing and political experience, as well as her tested performance in the primary, made her a strong contender for the position. The Biden campaign's commitment to diversity and representation also played a significant role in her selection.

    • Historically long wait for Biden's VP pick and media speculationBiden's late VP pick announcement led to increased media scrutiny, ultimately choosing Kamala Harris for her campaigning skills, comfort with social media, and ability to effectively communicate with a broad audience, highlighting the importance of representation and the toxic nature of political competition.

      The delay in Joe Biden's Vice Presidential pick announcement this year was historically longer than usual due to the later convention date and Biden securing the nomination earlier. This prolonged period led to increased media scrutiny and speculation about potential running mates, particularly Susan Rice and Kamala Harris. Ultimately, Harris was chosen for her experience as a seasoned campaigner, comfort with social media, and ability to effectively communicate with a broad audience. Her past performances, such as grilling Bill Barr and Brett Kavanaugh, have shown her prowess as a speaker and debater. The delayed announcement and subsequent media frenzy also highlighted the importance of representation and the toxic nature of pitting women and women of color against each other in politics.

    • Emphasizing Harris's toughness and authenticityBiden and Harris showcased Harris's resilience and authenticity during her introduction as VP nominee, emphasizing her ability to connect with audiences and complement Biden's digital campaigning strengths.

      During the event introducing Kamala Harris as Joe Biden's running mate, the language used by both Biden and Harris highlighted her toughness and authenticity. Biden emphasized her resilience, while Harris spoke about her personal background and experiences. This portrayal of Harris as a tough and authentic figure was significant, as it's often assumed that women in politics must meet a "toughness threshold" to succeed. Harris's ability to connect with audiences in the digital age and her authenticity were also highlighted as important qualities she will bring to the ticket. Her authenticity extends beyond the political sphere, as shown in her personal interactions, such as teaching Cory Booker how to cook lentils over FaceTime with rollers in her hair. Overall, the event encapsulated Harris as a strong, authentic figure who can complement Biden's strengths in the digital campaigning space.

    • Unique combination of brilliance, charisma, experience, and representational valueKamala Harris brings valuable assets to the Democratic ticket, including impressive debate and hearing performances, ability to connect with people, and importance as a diverse representative for the party in winning elections.

      Kamala Harris brings a unique combination of brilliance, charisma, experience under pressure, and representational value to the Democratic ticket. Her impressive performance in debates and high-stakes hearings, as well as her ability to connect with people both publicly and privately, make her an invaluable asset. Additionally, her election represents the Democratic Party's shift towards a more diverse coalition, which is crucial for winning elections in increasingly diverse suburbs. Criticism from progressives regarding her record on criminal justice should be addressed, but it's essential to keep the focus on the bigger picture and the importance of electing the ticket. The progress can be made after the election.

    • Biden-Harris administration to be influenced by progressive policiesBiden's campaign shift left and Harris' progressive record boost progressive causes, Harris' selection gives platform to advocate for issues like Medicare for all and Green New Deal.

      The Biden-Harris administration is expected to be influenced significantly by progressive policies, as Biden has moved to the left during his campaign and Harris has a record that supports progressive causes like Medicare for all and the Green New Deal. The selection of Harris as a running mate also provides a platform for her to continue advocating for these issues. The intense vetting process for potential running mates, including Susan Rice, Karen Bass, Gretchen Whitmer, Elizabeth Warren, and Tammy Duckworth, gave these women increased visibility and opportunities to use their platforms for their states, districts, or even higher office. Overall, the selection of Harris as Biden's running mate is seen as a positive step for progressive activists and a recognition of the influence they have had on the political landscape.

    • Historic 2020 Democratic VP Announcement Amidst COVID-19Biden and Harris's historic VP announcement prioritized safety and used technology to adapt to COVID-19, despite criticisms of a lackluster rollout and baseless conspiracy theories against potential cabinet picks.

      The 2020 Democratic Vice Presidential announcement by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris was a historic moment that was handled effectively in the era of COVID-19. Despite some criticisms about the lack of a live audience or creative rollout, the campaign prioritized safety and delivered a successful event. Additionally, some commentators criticized the ongoing conspiracy theories against potential cabinet picks like Susan Rice, emphasizing the importance of standing up against baseless claims. Ultimately, the campaign's focus on public health and safety was a commendable response to the current situation. The use of technology, such as Zoom, allowed for a seamless announcement and speeches from both Biden and Harris. While some may have preferred a more traditional rollout, the circumstances necessitated a different approach. Overall, the event was a significant step towards the Democratic ticket's goal of uniting the party and preparing for the upcoming election.

    • Virtual Democratic National Convention goes smoothly despite challengesThe well-run Biden campaign effectively announced VP pick and delivered emotional speeches in a virtual format, showcasing adaptability and innovation amidst coronavirus restrictions.

      The virtual Democratic National Convention went surprisingly well, despite the lack of a live audience and the challenges of delivering speeches without applause. Kamala Harris was exceptional in her emotive speech without a crowd, while Joe Biden's shorter speeches were more effective. The Biden campaign's successful announcement of Harris as the vice presidential pick before it was leaked to the media showcased their well-run process. Although the lack of applause can be a reminder of the seriousness of the coronavirus situation and a contrast to Trump's handling of it, the NBA and MLB have found ways to make empty arena applause more compelling on TV. Overall, the virtual convention was a reminder of the importance of adaptability and innovation in the current political climate.

    • Opposition's inconsistent and misinformed response to Kamala Harris as Biden's running mateThe opposition's attacks on Kamala Harris lack coherence and rely on misinformation and trolling tactics, reflecting their inability to present a clear message against her and Biden's campaign.

      The opposition's response to Kamala Harris being chosen as Joe Biden's running mate has been inconsistent and filled with misinformation and attacks, including labeling her as a cop, a radical socialist, and even questioning her citizenship. This disorganized approach reflects the campaign's inability to settle on a coherent narrative and reliance on trolling tactics rather than a clear message. The Biden-Harris campaign, as well as other supporters, should address the racism and sexism, both overt and subtle, that will inevitably accompany this pick. They should not engage with racist commentators like Tucker Carlson and Seann Hannity, who mispronounce their names and spread false information. Harris's upcoming convention speech and debate with Mike Pence are crucial moments for her to introduce herself to the public and define her role in the campaign. She must be prepared to address the issues and present a clear and compelling vision for her and Biden's administration.

    • Defining Herself in the DebateKamala Harris has an opportunity to tell her story and define herself in the upcoming debate, but coverage could be biased due to her identity as a woman and person of color.

      The upcoming speech by Kamala Harris before the debate is a significant opportunity for her to define herself and tell her story to the American people. The debate itself is expected to draw a large audience due to the pandemic keeping many people at home. While there is excitement about Harris's debating skills, it's important to remember the complexities involved. Mike Pence is also likely to be cautious and gracious during the debate, while possibly criticizing their liberal policies. However, the coverage of Harris's performance, particularly as a woman and a person of color, could be problematic, as history has shown that such candidates are often treated differently than their white male counterparts.

    • Historical significance of Kamala Harris' participation in the VP debateKamala Harris, as the first black woman in her family to have the right to vote, represents a significant breakthrough in US politics. The upcoming VP debate holds personal and historical importance as she faces unique challenges and contrasting styles of candidates.

      The upcoming vice presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Mike Pence holds significant importance, not just for the political race, but also for representation and breaking stereotypes. Harris, as a black woman, will face unique challenges and hurdles in the debate, having to navigate both her gender and race. The historical significance of her participation is deeply personal for many, as she represents the first woman in their family to have the right to vote. The anticipation and excitement for the debate are heightened due to Harris' past performances in confronting high-profile figures and the contrasting styles of the two candidates. The debate is a rare moment of joy and light in a dark political climate, making it an event worth looking forward to.

    • Historic selection of Kamala Harris as VP nominee inspires Black womenThe selection of Kamala Harris as Joe Biden's running mate sends a powerful message about recognizing and responding to the voices of marginalized communities, inspiring new possibilities for underrepresented leadership and potentially boosting voter turnout, particularly among communities of color.

      Vice President Joe Biden's selection of Kamala Harris as his running mate is a significant moment for many, particularly for Black women. Harris's nomination represents a breakthrough in underrepresented leadership and sends a powerful message about recognizing and responding to the voices of marginalized communities. As a Black woman and an activist, the speaker feels a deep sense of gratitude and inspiration from this choice, which she believes will inspire new possibilities for those coming after her. Furthermore, she believes that Harris's presence on the ticket will not only boost but also expand the electorate, particularly among communities of color. The speaker disagrees with the notion that Harris's selection will have little effect on Black turnout, arguing that there is a racist undertone to this assumption. Overall, the selection of Harris as Biden's running mate is a transformative move that recognizes the importance of representation and the power of grassroots activism.

    • Building a broad coalition through diverse movementsThe Obama presidency showed the power of unity through diversity. The Black Lives Matter movement, despite criticisms, resonated with various underrepresented groups. Kamala Harris can energize diverse voters. Biden and Harris should focus on people's power and protect democracy, present possibilities beyond the status quo, and address structural racism.

      The Obama presidency demonstrated the power of building a broad, multiracial, multigenerational coalition. The Black Lives Matter movement, despite criticisms of divisiveness, was the most diverse movement in American history, and its authenticity resonated with various underrepresented groups. Kamala Harris, as a candidate, has the potential to energize not just black voters but also women, immigrants, and the Asian community, among others. To further energize voters, Biden and Harris should shift the focus from candidates to people's power and the importance of protecting democracy. Additionally, they should present a vision of possibilities beyond the current state of affairs and address structural racism head-on. By doing so, they can appeal to a wider audience and create a more inclusive, just, and democratic America.

    • Shift paradigm of political conversations to acknowledge people matterTo build a robust democracy, focus on acknowledging individuals' concerns and desires, especially marginalized groups, and engage in authentic, empathetic conversations to inspire participation.

      In order to build a robust democracy, we must shift the paradigm of how we engage people in political conversations. Instead of focusing solely on getting people to participate in the system, we need to start by acknowledging that they matter regardless. This means actively listening to and centering the concerns and desires of individuals, particularly those who have been historically marginalized or feel disconnected from the political process. By doing so, we can help them make the connection between their values and the power of their vote. It's important to recognize the challenges facing communities of color and the working poor, and to have a specific message for these groups. We cannot allow conversations to get stuck in the middle and upper classes, but must also address the root causes of poverty and structural racism. By engaging in authentic and empathetic conversations, we can help people feel valued and recognized, and inspire them to become active participants in our democracy.

    • Embrace the power within to make a differenceDespite challenges, stay focused on the goal and draw inspiration from historical figures. Vote authentically and engage in meaningful conversations to understand its power. Tap into inner spirit to create a better world, acknowledging challenges but staying committed to eliminating oppression.

      Every individual holds inherent value and has the power to make a difference, even in the face of adversity and challenges to the democratic process. The speaker emphasizes the importance of staying focused on the ultimate goal, drawing inspiration from historical figures who fought for change despite facing immense hardships. The speaker also acknowledges the limitations of voting but encourages authentic conversations and understanding of its power. In times of uncertainty and fear, it's crucial to tap into the inner spirit that drives us towards creating a better world, just as a diamond is formed under extreme pressure. Ultimately, we must acknowledge the challenges but remain committed to eliminating forms of oppression and working towards clarity and our greatest potential.

    • The Importance of Prioritizing Human Life Over SystemsEmphasize human life value, replace, reform, or abolish systems that don't uphold this principle, and appreciate the team effort behind podcast production

      Key takeaway from this episode of That's the Ticket is the importance of prioritizing the value of human life over systems that don't honor it. Latasha Brown emphasized this point, drawing inspiration from the US Constitution. She urged for the replacement, reform, or abolition of systems that don't uphold this principle. The conversation was enlightening and left us all inspired. We're grateful for Latasha's insights and her dedication to making a difference. We hope she'll join us again soon. This episode also reminded us of the team effort behind producing podcasts, with special thanks to Michael Martinez, Jordan Waller, Andrew Chadwick, Kyle Seglen, Tanya Somenator, Katie Long, Roman Papa Dimitriou, Caroline Reston, Alisa Gutierrez, Elijah Cohn, Narmel Konian, Yael Fried, and Milo Kim. Their hard work ensures that these discussions reach a wider audience.

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    The First (and Last?) Debate

    The First (and Last?) Debate

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    Pick up your copy wherever you buy books, or at http://crooked.com/books.


    Want to join Crooked’s subscriber live chat for the presidential debate? Sign up at http://crooked.com/friends.

    This Is Your Debate on Drugs

    This Is Your Debate on Drugs

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

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    Take action with Vote Save America: Visit votesaveamerica.com/2024  

    Pre-order Democracy or Else: How to Save America in 10 Easy Steps at crooked.com/books or wherever books are sold. Out June 25th.

    Pod Save America
    enJune 23, 2024

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    Trump Loses It Over Fox News Poll

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    To pre-order Democracy or Else, out June 25th, visit www.crooked.com/books 


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    The Plan to Fight Trump's Second-Term Agenda

    The Plan to Fight Trump's Second-Term Agenda

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    Biden Campaign Unloads on Trump's Conviction

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    Dimelo Lindx.

    Welcome to the 10th episode of Season 4!!!

    Wow we're halfway through the season!!!

    This week the ladies are joined by former prosecutor, trial attorney, and injury lawyer Omar Almanzar from The Almanzar Paramio Law Firm.

    Omar is a recurring guest always willing to explain changing laws that often affect us directly.

    In this episode he breaks down New York State's new approach toward prostitution, the implications of bail reform, "Do we really want to defund the police?", amongst other things. As a former prosecutor, Omar has the advantage of seeing the laws from both sides of the bench, breaking down the legalese so that we can better understand.

    So drop down and get your legal on with ladies of El Salon.

    If you'd like to speak to Omar directly, you can check out his firm's website at www.almanzarlaw.com.

    The ladies are now recording with Riverside FM and if you'd like to watch instead of listen, head on over to YouTube and check out the video version of the podcast.

    If you have any suggestions, opinion, questions, or comments about this or any episode, please send us a QlonaGram at ElSalonChronicles@gmail.com or DM us via IG. Let’s have a conversation.

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