
    Kate Middleton's Health, Dan Wootton Speaks Out For First Time Since Cancelation, and Pressures on Parents, with Tim Carney | Ep. 745

    enMarch 13, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • British Reporter Dan Wootton Discusses Controversies and Challenges in UK MediaBritish reporter Dan Wootton, known for royal family reporting, discusses losing his role and column amid controversies, heavy regulation and censorship in UK media, and the importance of independent reporting.

      Dan Wootton, a well-known British reporter and frequent guest on The Megyn Kelly Show, discusses his recent controversies and the challenges of free speech in the UK media. Wootton, who is best known for his reporting on the royal family, was let go from his role as a presenter at GB News and lost his column at The Daily Mail following two major controversies. He shares his perspective on the heavy regulation and censorship in the British media, particularly the organization Ofcom, which he describes as controlling and biased against those with anti-establishment views. Wootton also announces the launch of a new show and Substack. Despite the challenges, he emphasizes the importance of independent and honest reporting. The royal family's ongoing drama has captivated audiences around the world, and Wootton's exclusive insights provide valuable context to the ongoing story.

    • Heated debate on men's mental health and free speechA comment on men's mental health led to an investigation, sparking a discussion on the importance of free speech and alternative media platforms.

      The debate surrounding mental health, gender roles, and free speech became a contentious issue when a prominent figure questioned the need for a dedicated minister for men's mental health. This comment sparked a heated exchange on a television show, leading to an investigation by media regulators and intense media scrutiny. The person involved, Lawrence, felt it was an "establishment witch hunt" that resulted in the loss of his mainstream media platform. He believes that the incident highlights the need for alternative media outlets that prioritize free speech and honest discussion, as the traditional media landscape can be heavily regulated and biased. Despite the challenges, Lawrence intends to continue his work in the UK media scene, inspired by successful independent voices in the US.

    • False media allegations can damage reputations and careersFalse media allegations, even if later proven to be unfounded, can cause significant harm to an individual's reputation and career, as seen in Dan Wooten's experience with the Byline Times.

      The media, when weaponized with false allegations and criminal investigations, can cause significant damage to an individual's reputation and career. Dan Wooten, a former media executive, shared his personal experience of being falsely accused of soliciting explicit material from colleagues under a pseudonym by the Byline Times, a UK-based website. The allegations led to investigations and a suspension from his job. Wooten revealed that the people behind the allegations were a convicted extortionist, a violent criminal, and his ex-partner. Despite presenting evidence to prove the allegations were false, Wooten's reputation was tarnished, and he was unable to speak publicly about the situation due to the ongoing investigations. Wooten's experience highlights the need for due process to return to the media and the justice system to prevent such damage.

    • False accusations can damage reputationsFalse accusations can lead to public pressure and harm individuals' reputations, even if no evidence is found to support them.

      False allegations can easily lead to public witch hunts, causing significant damage to individuals' reputations. In this specific case, Dan was falsely accused of criminal activity in the past, but no evidence was found to support the allegations. Despite this, a publication stood by their story, leading to public pressure on Dan. Dan admits that he was under pressure to apologize during a live broadcast, but looking back, he regrets doing so as he was not breaking any laws. The police did not find enough evidence to charge Dan, and the accuser, who denies having a criminal record, has caused harm to Dan's current partner. The individuals involved in the publication of the story should also move on from this situation. It's important to remember that people make mistakes in their past, and they should not be defined by them forever.

    • Journalist's persistent allegations lead to personal distress and job lossesA journalist's relentless allegations against an individual led to personal distress, job losses, and raised questions about possible powerful forces behind the interest in their personal life.

      Despite being exonerated by the police and cooperating fully, a journalist continued to publish allegations against an individual, leading to job losses and personal distress. The individual's lawyer warned of relentless persecution from those making the allegations, whom they described as "sick human beings." The journalist's organization, Byline Times, defended their reporting, maintaining their commitment to holding the powerful accountable and challenging false narratives. The individual expressed belief that the timing of the allegations, at the peak of their career, was not a coincidence. The journalist in question has a history of phone hacking and is a convicted criminal. The individual emphasized that while they do not condone their past actions, they believe people should be able to move on from mistakes made in their youth without defining their entire career. The bigger question is whether there are more powerful forces behind the interest in the individual's personal life or an attempt to take them down.

    • Prince Harry's Relationship with a Former Phone Hacker Raises QuestionsPrince Harry's connection to a former phone hacker, Dan Evans, and his potential deal with Byline Times for a tell-all interview, fuels speculation about his intentions towards the British media.

      The relationship between Dan Evans, a former phone hacker turned whistleblower, and Prince Harry raises questions about the prince's intentions towards the British media. Dan Evans, who has been working with celebrities, including Prince Harry, to bring down the free press, was in contact with Harry's legal team and was present at court during one of his cases. Prince Harry is known for his ongoing feuds with the media and has filed multiple lawsuits against them. There have also been reports that Harry has been in negotiations with Byline Times, an unregulated organization, for a tell-all interview. If true, this would be an unusual move for the fifth in line for the throne. Some believe that Harry may be encouraging Byline Times to go after his media enemies, including Dan Wootton, a journalist who has written critically about him. The situation highlights the complex dynamics between the royal family, the media, and those who seek to hold them accountable.

    • Meghan and Harry's Accusations and Counter-Accusations of BullyingBoth Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have publicly accused each other of bullying and playing the victim, while engaging in harmful behavior towards the media. Despite their claims, neither has publicly condemned the harmful actions of their supporters.

      Both Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have accused each other of bullying and playing the victim, while engaging in vindictive behavior towards the media. Meghan, as a journalist, reported truthfully on the royals, but faced intense backlash, particularly during her pregnancies. She criticizes the cruelty and hypocrisy of the public, especially women, and calls out the Sussex Squad, a group of internet trolls who support Harry and Meghan, for their harmful behavior. Harry, on the other hand, has publicly attacked journalists like Dan Wooten, and has been accused of being ungrateful to the British people and the royal family. Despite their claims of being bullied, both Meghan and Harry have not publicly condemned the harmful actions of their supporters. This situation highlights the complex dynamics of public figures, media scrutiny, and the potential for vindictive behavior.

    • The relationship between Dan Wilson, Prince Harry, and the British mediaPrince Harry accused Dan Wilson of phone hacking, but Wilson's publication later investigated him. Harry publicly campaigned for Morgan's police investigation. Controversies led to Wilson's suspension and GB News cutting ties.

      The relationship between Dan Wilson, Prince Harry, and the British media has become a complex and contentious issue. Dan Wilson, a journalist who has reported on Prince Harry in the past, was accused of phone hacking and testified as a witness for Harry in a separate hacking case. However, Wilson's publication, Byline Times, has since published investigative pieces on Wilson's alleged criminal behavior. Prince Harry reportedly brought up Wilson during a conversation with Prince William at the Sandringham summit, and is publicly campaigning for Piers Morgan to be reinvestigated by the police. The police's handling of investigations into public figures, including Wilson and Harry, has become a point of contention, with some arguing that there is a two-tier justice system. Wilson was suspended by the Daily Mail and later cut ties with GB News after a controversy involving Lawrence Fox. The incident led to GB News cutting ties with him as well. The situation highlights the complex and often contentious relationship between the media, public figures, and the legal system in the UK.

    • Journalist Meghan Murphy's Commitment to Truthful ReportingJournalist Meghan Murphy, despite facing legal battles and scrutiny, remains committed to truthful reporting and is launching a podcast to build a community and continue her investigative journalism.

      Meghan Murphy, a journalist known for her bold reporting, has faced intense scrutiny and legal battles, but remains undeterred. She has received apologies and damages from major UK newspapers and is launching a free podcast to build a community and continue her investigative journalism. Despite facing lawsuits, including one from Johnny Depp, Murphy remains committed to reporting the truth, even if it involves powerful figures. Her determination to work independently and speak her mind, despite the challenges, is a testament to her resilience and passion for journalism.

    • Regretting involvement in others' toxic relationshipsMisinformation and rigid beliefs can lead to unfair attacks, hindering growth and understanding. Reflect and learn from past mistakes.

      Involvement in other people's toxic relationships, especially when it comes to public figures, can lead to unwittingly adding to the pain and destruction. The speaker, Dan Wootton, regrets getting involved in the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard case, as he was initially writing about JK Rowling's hypocrisy. However, a misleading headline turned his column into an attack on Depp, leading to backlash. Dan now understands why Depp took legal action, as he felt his career was being unfairly impacted. It's essential to reflect on past mistakes and learn from them, as holding onto rigid beliefs without considering new information can hinder growth and understanding.

    • Personal growth and discovery through cancellationCancellation can lead to personal growth, the discovery of true friends, and the importance of staying true to oneself and standing by one's beliefs.

      Going through a public cancellation can be a brutal experience, but it can also lead to personal growth and the discovery of true friends. Meghan Markle and Dan Abrams, both of whom have faced cancellation, discuss the desire to clear one's name despite the overwhelming urge to move on. They also touch upon the importance of humility and owning one's mistakes. Meghan shares her belief that difficult experiences are sometimes necessary for personal development. Additionally, she mentions the importance of surrounding oneself with genuine people who stay by your side during challenging times. Despite the negativity and criticism that come with cancellation, Meghan and Dan emphasize the importance of staying true to oneself and standing by one's beliefs. And in Meghan's case, her newfound independence as an independent journalist allows her to report on the royal family without fear of censorship.

    • Media's close relationship with the royal family raises questions about transparencyThe royal family's relationship with the UK media raises questions about transparency and accountability, particularly when it comes to sharing important information with the public. The power dynamic between the royal family and the media is shifting, with the internet and social media allowing for more open discussions and investigations.

      The UK media's close relationship with the royal family raises questions about transparency and accountability. The example of a photo of Kate Middleton looking unwell, which was published by TMZ in the US but not in the UK, highlights this issue. While it's understandable that public figures may not want to share every detail of their health, the public pays for the salaries of these individuals and has a right to scrutiny. The royal family's use of Photoshop in their official photos also adds to the conversation around authenticity and truthfulness. Furthermore, the power dynamic between the royal family and the media is shifting, with the internet and social media allowing for more open discussions and investigations. The incident with Kate's photo shows how outdated traditional media gatekeeping can appear in the modern world. Overall, it's crucial for public figures and their representatives to navigate transparency and authenticity in an increasingly interconnected world.

    • Royal Family's PR Crisis: Kate Middleton's Health and PrivacyThe royal family's handling of Kate Middleton's health issues and privacy raises questions about transparency and public versus private approaches.

      The royal family is currently facing a significant PR crisis, with numerous personal issues and scandals coming to light. Kate Middleton, a key member of the royal family, has been the subject of much speculation regarding her health and privacy. While some argue that she should be entitled to privacy, others believe that the public has a right to know. The late queen's death was kept secret from the public despite her serious health condition, raising questions about the royal family's handling of personal health issues. Despite these challenges, it is clear that Kate is alive and dealing with personal health issues. The royal family's history of handling health issues privately versus publicly adds complexity to the situation. Ultimately, the question of privacy and transparency in the royal family remains a contentious issue.

    • Over-scheduling and Over-working: Causes of High Childhood AnxietyOur cultural emphasis on over-scheduling and over-working children leads to increased anxiety, falling birth rates, and parental stress. Helicopter parenting, technology, and societal values are major contributors. Trust your instincts and enjoy the moment to promote natural child development.

      Our culture's emphasis on over-scheduling and over-working children is contributing to record high childhood anxiety, a falling birth rate, and increased stress for parents. Author Timothy Carney's new book, "Family Unfriendly," explores these phenomena and argues that our culture, not economics, is the main culprit. The helicopter parenting style, technology, and societal values are all contributing factors. Megyn Kelly, the host of the Megyn Kelly Show on SiriusXM, shared her own experiences and agreed, emphasizing that parents should trust their instincts and not feel guilty for not following the conventional wisdom of having their children involved in every activity possible. Instead, focus on enjoying the moment and allowing children to develop naturally.

    • Pressure to excel in youth activities can overshadow enjoymentParents should prioritize their child's experience and development over winning, allowing for a balanced approach to youth activities that fosters growth and self-esteem.

      Modern parenting pressures, driven by societal expectations and media portrayals, can lead to excessive involvement in children's activities, often at the expense of enjoying the present moment and recognizing the inherent value of children beyond their accomplishments. The author shares his personal experience with travel sports and the realization that the fun and enjoyment of youth activities can be lost when adults prioritize winning and intensive training over the child's experience and development. Studies show that specialization and intense training in a single area can lead to increased injuries and lower self-esteem for children. Parents must remember to instill infinite value in their children, independent of their accomplishments, and allow them to experience failure and growth in a healthy and balanced way.

    • Countering Overambitious Parenting PracticesParents can foster healthy growth and development by communicating, setting tech boundaries, and scheduling free play for their children, countering cultural expectations of overambitious and restrictive behaviors.

      Modern parenting culture can inadvertently push parents towards overambitious and restrictive behaviors, such as enrolling children in excessive travel sports or keeping them on a short leash due to unfounded fears. These practices, despite good intentions, can actually harm children's development and independence. The book "Family Unfriendly" by Tim Kearney emphasizes the importance of countering these cultural expectations and giving children more freedom for unstructured play and exploration. Parents can make a difference by communicating with each other, setting boundaries on technology use, and scheduling playdates and free days for their kids to connect with friends. The American Journal of Pediatrics has identified the lack of independent play as a major contributor to childhood anxiety. By working together, parents can create a supportive environment that encourages healthy growth and development for their children.

    • Supporting children's growth and independencePatience and independence are crucial for raising children. Overcontrolling and materialistic values hinder growth, while religious communities offer essential support and role models. Encouraging and supporting families to have children is essential for societal health.

      Raising children is a long-term process that requires patience and independence from them. Constantly interfering or trying to control every aspect of their lives can hinder their growth. Additionally, the cultural shift towards materialistic values and a focus on worldly success contributes to overambitious parenting. Religious communities, on the other hand, provide essential support and role models for parents, instilling values that prioritize love and care for others. The decline in birth rates and the aging population pose significant challenges, emphasizing the importance of having more children to maintain a healthy workforce and population. Babies bring happiness and contribute positively to society, making it essential to encourage and support families in having children.

    • The pressures of youth sports and motherhoodRecognize the realities of family life and embrace imperfections to avoid burnout and anxiety in youth sports and motherhood

      The pressure to excel in youth sports and the obsession with travel teams can lead to high burnout rates and injuries among young athletes. Despite the investment of time and resources, the odds of a child making it to the top are slim. Moreover, the curated and often unrealistic portrayal of motherhood on social media can add to the anxiety and stress experienced by parents, particularly women. The author, Tim Carney, emphasizes the importance of recognizing these realities and embracing the imperfections of family life in his book "Family Unfriendly."

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Kristen Meinzer, culture critic, royal watcher, and author, helps Kate discuss the Duggar and British royal family developments, and the Michael Oher ‘Blind Side’ lawsuit.


    Reality Life with Kate Casey

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    Parenting Advice

    Parenting Advice

    That Expert Show host Anna Canzano gets answers for viewers from parenting expert Dr. Fran Walfish, author of The Self-Aware Parent. They discuss parenting strategies that avoid your child needing therapy in their twenties, how to teach children that it's okay to fail, the dangers of perfectionism, setting boundaries and providing consequences for children and teens.

    • Does your teenage deserve privacy?
    • What to do with a younger child having a tantrum?
    • What words/tools to use to deescalate conflict with a child?
    • Why teaching your kids healthy expressions of anger is so vital.