
    Keith Raniere: The End of A Cult Leader

    enSeptember 12, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Brands prioritizing transparency, quality, and customer satisfactionNavy Federal Credit Union offers military community high savings and investment rates, Consumer Cellular provides affordable wireless service with reliable coverage, JCPenney caters to various body types with stylish and comfortable clothing, and Lazarus Naturals ensures safety and potency of CBD products through farm-to-door process.

      Each of these brands - Navy Federal Credit Union, Consumer Cellular, JCPenney, and Lazarus Naturals - prioritizes transparency, quality, and customer satisfaction in their respective industries. Navy Federal Credit Union offers high savings and investment rates for military community members. Consumer Cellular provides affordable wireless service with reliable coverage. JCPenney caters to various body types with stylish and comfortable clothing options. Lazarus Naturals ensures the safety and potency of their CBD products through their farm-to-door production process. These brands aim to make a positive impact on their customers' lives. However, it's essential to be aware of potential limitations, such as geographical restrictions and additional fees.

    • The NXIVM Cult: Wealth Can't Protect Against Its DangersThe conviction of NXIVM cult leader Keith Raniere, funded by Seagram's heiresses, highlights the destructive power of cults, reminding us that wealth doesn't shield against manipulative leaders.

      The downfall of Keith Raniere, the convicted leader of the NXIVM cult, serves as a stark reminder of the dangers and destructive nature of cults. The recent court case revealed that NXIVM, which is spelled like n x v I, was largely funded by the Seagram's vodka heiresses, the Bronfman sisters. Raniere, who faces a 20-year to life sentence for sex cult activities, human trafficking, racketeering, child pornography, and child sexual abuse, had a dangerous obsession with controlling people. Despite the immense wealth that could have been used to prevent his nefarious activities, Raniere's life's work was making cults. His conviction marks a significant victory in the fight against such harmful organizations. It's a reminder that no amount of money can protect against the dangers of cults and their manipulative leaders.

    • Keith Raniere's dedication to his sex cult despite investigationsOne wealthy target can yield more profits than many, but loyalty to a cult leader under investigation may stem from fear or obligation rather than genuine devotion.

      Conning one wealthy individual can be more profitable than trying to scam many, as demonstrated by Keith Raniere and his followers. Despite the stress of fleeing the country due to investigations, Raniere organized a recommitment ceremony for his remaining sex slaves in Puerto Vallarta. The ceremony involved group oral sex, which some members were hesitant to participate in due to the impending arrests. The loyalty of these individuals towards Raniere is questionable, as some may have been tired of the situation or felt they had no other option but to continue. Ultimately, the group was discovered by federal agents during the ceremony, leading to their arrests. The line between genuine devotion and continued involvement out of fear or obligation is unclear.

    • Nancy Salzman's reaction to Keith Raniere's arrestNancy Salzman, a high-ranking member of Keith Raniere's cult, hid during his arrest instead of protecting the women. Raniere's selfish behavior made her realize the truth about the cult.

      Keith Raniere's arrest was a turning point for many of his followers, including Nancy Salzman. Salzman, who was a high-ranking member of Raniere's cult, was making a smoothie when she was interrupted by the news of Raniere's arrest. Instead of taking action to protect the women in the compound, Salzman hid and begged her slaves not to reveal her presence to the authorities. However, it was Raniere's selfish behavior during the arrest that made Salzman realize she had been deceived. Raniere, who considered himself the protector of all the women in his cult, instead hid in the bathroom and begged his slaves not to reveal his presence. This revelation, during the trial, was one of the factors that helped Salzman and others see the truth about Raniere's cult. Raniere was known for his intense one-on-one charisma and compared himself to Albert Einstein and Mahatma Gandhi. He never testified during the trial, and it's debated whether he could have hypnotized the jury. The cult had a tradition called Vanguard week, where members spent thousands of dollars to attend birthday celebrations for Raniere.

    • Tribute Ceremonies for Keith: Summer Camp or Cult?The line between summer camp and cultish behavior can blur when celebrating an individual involves high costs, excessive spending, and leader-centric dynamics.

      The events described in the discussion revolved around tribute ceremonies for Keith, reminiscent of a summer camp setting. However, it seemed more like an adult version with performances, skits, and tribes representing different centers. The nature element was missing, and the focus was on celebrating one person, raising questions about cultural appropriation. The cost for attendance was high, and the activities involved singing about Keith and enacting skits about his wisdom. While some elements resembled camp theater, the overall vibe was more akin to a cult, with potential for excessive spending and a leader-centric dynamic. It's important to remember that creating a cult is not a joke and should be taken seriously.

    • FDA's role in consumer safety and heinous actsThe FDA plays a crucial role in regulating industries, but cases like Nexium reveal the existence of heinous acts. Recognizing manipulative behaviors and making informed decisions are essential.

      The FDA may be perceived as understaffed and ineffective, but they serve an important role in regulating industries and ensuring consumer safety. However, the discussion also highlighted a disturbing case, Nexium, where a cult-like organization allegedly held women as sex slaves, with one being groomed and sexually abused starting from the age of 16. This is a stark reminder of the existence of such heinous acts and the importance of recognizing and addressing them. Moreover, the discussion touched upon manipulative behaviors, such as controlling weight, used by individuals to exert power and control over others. This is a common tactic used by sociopathic individuals and serves as a warning sign. Lastly, the conversation shifted to advertising, with a reminder that anything, including products and services, can be more appealing than harmful behaviors like gaslighting and child molestation. The importance of making informed decisions and being aware of manipulative tactics was emphasized.

    • Exploring new experiences through art, technology, and personal growthDiscover new worlds through art, save on wireless services, ensure CBD quality, and be aware of potential harm

      The world offers new discoveries and experiences, whether it's through art, technology, or personal growth. For instance, the biopic "Back to Black" invites audiences to explore Amy Winehouse's story and music. Meanwhile, Consumer Cellular offers a solution for those seeking to save money on wireless services. In the realm of wellness, Lazarus Naturals ensures transparency and quality in their CBD products. However, not all experiences are positive, as shown in the case of Daniella, who suffered under the manipulation and abuse of Keith Raniere. It's essential to be aware of the potential for both growth and harm and make informed decisions.

    • Manipulation and exploitation of a teenager in NXIVMNXIVM leader Keith Raniere manipulated and exploited a teenager, Daniela, through emotional and physical abuse, including imprisonment and demanded collateral from DOS members, causing severe harm.

      Keith Raniere, the leader of NXIVM, manipulated and exploited Daniela, a teenager, for years, starting with illegal activities before she turned 18. He controlled her through emotional and physical abuse, including imprisonment, and demanded collateral from all members of the DOS women's group. Raniere's actions were not limited to Daniela; he victimized and required collateral from other DOS members as well. Despite her role in the organization, Nancy Salzman, who testified against Raniere, expressed deep regret for her involvement and acknowledged the severity of the harm inflicted on Daniela. The prevalence of abuse and exploitation within NXIVM was pervasive and multifaceted.

    • Exploring the Diminishing Power of Blackmail with Deep FakesThe diminishing power of blackmail with deep fakes could lead to innovative solutions, such as naked presidential debates, but raises concerns about practicality and potential harm.

      The power of blackmail, particularly involving intimate images, may diminish as society becomes more accustomed to deep fakes. The speaker proposes a radical solution for democratic transparency: holding presidential debates with all participants naked to level the playing field. However, the idea raises concerns about potential sexual assault and the practicality of implementing such a change. The discussion also touches upon the extreme weight loss requirements and hypocritical eating habits of Keith Raniere, the leader of a cult, and the potential for unexpected elements, such as language or performances, in political debates.

    • NXIVM cult's extreme practices for self-improvementThe NXIVM cult manipulated members through branding, naked meetings, and potential physical harm, disguised as self-growth and personal development.

      The NXIVM cult led by Keith Raniere involved extreme manipulation, branding, and potential physical harm under the guise of personal growth and self-improvement. A recording of Keith discussing branding procedures with a high-level follower revealed disturbing requests, and victims testified about being required to submit naked photos and endure punishments, including being jailed in a dungeon. Despite the cult's claims that these practices were for self-growth, they were actually used to exert control and maintain obedience to Raniere. The cult's meetings included lectures from Raniere while women were naked, and he had plans to create a dungeon for the most committed members. These practices show how dangerous and manipulative cults can be, and how they can exploit people's desire for self-improvement. It's important to be aware of the signs of cult behavior and to be cautious of groups that demand extreme loyalty and obedience.

    • Be wary of growth manipulationFocus on tangible growth from verifiable sources and prioritize transparency and quality in products.

      The word "growth" can be used manipulatively to persuade people into extreme actions or beliefs, which may not necessarily be beneficial. Be cautious when encountering this term frequently in self-help plans or motivational speeches. Instead, focus on tangible products and services that offer verifiable growth, such as Dick pills or Monopoly Go, which provide predictable results. Additionally, always prioritize transparency and quality in CBD products, like Lazarus Naturals, and make time for yourself with simple pleasures, such as a Keebler Sandy's cookie. Remember, not everything promising growth is worth pursuing.

    • Former NXIVM member testifies to emotional abuse by Allison MackAllison Mack, a former NXIVM leader, manipulated and emotionally abused members, including forcing them to perform sex acts for Keith Raniere and keeping others in line.

      The NXIVM cult, led by Keith Raniere, used a hierarchical system of abuse where members, including Allison Mack, manipulated and abused each other in addition to being abused by Raniere. Jay, a former member, testified that she initially saw Mack as a caring mentor but later realized she was emotionally abusive and responsible for keeping other women in line. The cult involved various forms of control, including forced labor, starvation diets, and sexual coercion. Mack ordered Jay to seduce Raniere as part of her assignment, but Jay managed to escape before completing the task. The cult's practices were disguised under the guise of personal development and wellness, but in reality, they were used to exploit and manipulate members.

    • Testimonies Reveal Shocking Details of NXIVM Cult's CrimesFormer NXIVM members exposed horrific acts of sexual exploitation, physical abuse, and mental manipulation. Raniere was found guilty of racketeering and conspiracy charges, with evidence including phone records, text messages, and a Dropbox full of blackmail material.

      The NXIVM cult led by Keith Raniere involved horrific acts of sexual exploitation, physical abuse, and mental manipulation. Testimonies from former members revealed numerous instances of rape, forced labor, and drug use. Both Allison Mack and Nancy Salzman, who once were close associates of Raniere, pleaded guilty to racketeering and conspiracy charges. The jury found Raniere guilty of all seven charges in just 4 and a half hours. The evidence against him was damning, including phone conversations, text messages, and a Dropbox full of blackmail material. The details were so shocking that it's hard to believe they're real. The cult used technology like Dropbox to maintain their control, but it ultimately led to their downfall. The FDA was not involved in this case, but it serves as a reminder of the potential dangers of exploitative groups and the importance of speaking out against them.

    • The Power of Persistent PersuasionRelentlessly pushing for change can eventually wear down opponents and achieve goals, but it's important to consider potential negative consequences and ethical implications.

      The discussion revolves around the idea of using persistent persuasion, or "nagging," to bring about change, as exemplified by the case of Keith Raniere. Raniere, who is currently in prison for criminal activities, was described as having the potential to run for president after his legal issues were resolved due to the chaos and infighting in politics. The speaker suggests that by relentlessly pressing for change, one can eventually wear down opponents and achieve their goals. This strategy, they believe, is the key to starting a "cult" or movement. However, it's important to note that the use of this tactic can be unsettling and may be associated with negative connotations, such as manipulation and coercion. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential for misinformation and false connections being spread, as seen with the linking of Raniere to Hillary Clinton and QAnon's beliefs.

    • Online Communities Fueling Real-World Harm8chan attracts extremists and older individuals, fueling dangerous ideologies and real-world violence. Despite the risks, some engage, while others observe.

      The 8chan community, while known for harboring extremist groups, also attracts older individuals drawn into conspiracy theories like Qanon. The conversations on these boards range from radical ideologies to welcoming older people into the community. The consequences of these online activities have led to real-world harm, including shootings and murders. Despite the dangers, some individuals continue to engage, believing they are making a difference, while others simply observe. The growing problem of online radicalization and its connection to real-world violence is a significant concern. If you're interested in Anna's work, you can find her on Instagram (@badcomicswithanx2n) and Twitter (@irateokay), or check out her performances at UCB in LA. For more information on this topic and other episodes, visit behindthebastards.com. Remember, staying informed and promoting online safety is crucial.

    • Improving Lives and Contributing to the CommunityLazarus Naturals provides natural products and community impact, BetterHelp offers accessible online therapy, Cedar Point offers summer passes for entertainment, and The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily keeps the Detroit black community informed.

      There are various ways to improve one's life and contribute to the community, whether it's through mental health support, entertainment, or staying informed. Lazarus Naturals aims to do this by providing natural products and a commitment to making a positive impact. Mental health is essential, and BetterHelp offers accessible and affordable online therapy. For entertainment, Cedar Point provides excitement and adventure with their summer passes. Lastly, The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily keeps the Detroit black community informed, empowered, and connected through authentic storytelling. Additionally, BetterHelp emphasizes the importance of mental health support for everyone, as mental health challenges can affect anyone. Their online therapy offers flexibility and affordability, making it an excellent option for those who may not have easy access to in-person therapy. Cedar Point invites everyone to enjoy their amusement park with unlimited visits, thrilling rides, and live shows through their summer pass offer. The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily, on the other hand, highlights the importance of staying informed and connected to the black community's stories and voices. Overall, these companies and offerings demonstrate the importance of taking care of oneself, having access to essential resources, and staying engaged with the community.

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    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    55: Defeating Emotional Blackmail and Manipulation with Susan Forward

    55: Defeating Emotional Blackmail and Manipulation with Susan Forward

    Have you been stuck in a cycle with someone that leaves you feeling like you can never win? Where you feel like you are always giving in? Not saying what you are really feeling? If so, you may be experiencing emotional blackmail. It’s not pretty, and you can be left with the uncomfortable feeling that there’s no way out without sacrificing who you are in the process. Don’t despair - there’s hope for you! In today’s episode, we’re going to chat with the world’s foremost expert on ending the grip of emotional blackmail, Dr. Susan Forward, one of the nation’s leading psychotherapists, and a New York Times bestselling author who has spent decades helping people break out of toxic cycles and discover healthier ways of relating.

    What is emotional blackmail? The structure of emotional blackmail begins with a demand, followed by pressure to fulfill the request, and finally, being threatened with punishing consequences. The threat can be blatant or subtle. Subtle threats come in the form of pouting, sulking, passive aggressive comments, while blatant threats are overtly articulated consequences of ‘if ____, then ____’.

    FOG: Emotional blackmail, although incredibly powerful and hurtful, can become normalized by both the receiver, and the doer.  Another way to know if you may be being emotionally blackmailed is to check in on if you feel as though you are in a fog. FOG stands for Fear, Obligation, and Guilt. These three components cause us to feel overwhelmed and make it so it is difficult to find our way out of an imbalance of power, unable to clearly see the dynamics, and make us have a tendency to comply.

    The Need to Please Disease- When we are vulnerable we have a tendency to rationalize unhealthy and unloving treatment in an effort to protect ourselves from further guilt and fear. We can end up giving in, no matter the price, just so that the other person is not angry with us. The lethality and toxicity of constant giving in accumulates until the person who is the target of emotional blackmail becomes depressed and angry, and internalizes this to become self-hatred.

    Water wearing down the rock: Constant compromise and giving in to something and someone that does not feel aligned with your own needs and desires can wear you down. Like water wearing down the boulder, you become the pebble- a smaller version of yourself. By having the courage to look at what is really happening in the dynamic, you will find opportunities for change and growth.

    Stand up for your own truth.  Everyone is terrified of other people’s anger and retaliation- this is a core fear that goes back into childhood for many. Despite anger being such a powerful force, there are behavioral strategies that help equalize the balance of power and help you become more assertive and self-protective. It takes courage to stand up for your own truth, however it is worth it.

    Honest look at ourselves. None of us are immune or exempt from being emotional blackmailers ourselves. Take time to look at your own patterns around getting others to do what you want. How do you handle when someone disagrees with you, or doesn’t want what you want? Do you plead? Coax? Get pouty? Become punitive? Do you punish through withholding things or love? Do you take their denial personally and as a threat to the relationship itself? Do you say things like “If you really loved me you would…” Or “if you really cared about us you would…” We are all guilty of some of these at times, and the question is not if, but rather to what degree and how often?

    Admit and Acknowledge: Do you feel like you have been emotionally blackmailing someone? Begin by labeling your behavior as such. Then, find the courage and humility to sit down and tell the person you are bullying that you are aware of your actions. Naming and sharing this goes a long way. Admitting and acknowledging is a way of fessing up and owning your actions and it creates a climate of much greater safety. With this safety healing and repair can begin. Saying sorry will not be enough however. You will have to show the person you have hurt that you are ready to own your actions through behavioral changes over time. And elicit their help! Ask the person you have hurt what they need from you to feel safer, and more trusting. Find ways together to move forward, and stay open to getting counseling!

    Admitting and acknowledging is a two way street! It is important to look at your own responsibility and behavior as the compliant one as well. Read through the following checklist to find out if you are a target of emotional blackmail:

    -       I tell myself that giving in is no big deal

    -       I tell myself that giving in is worth it to get other person to quiet down/calm down

    -       I tell myself that what I want is wrong

    -       I tell myself that it is not worth the hassle- I’ll give in now and take a stand later

    -       I tell myself that it is better to give in then to hurt their feelings

    -       I don’t stand up for myself

    -       I give away my power

    -       I do things to please other people and get confused about what I want

    -       I acquiesce

    -       I give up people and activities I care about to please the other person

    Yes to the above? Don’t wait for the other person to change. Do the above statements resonate with you? If so, it is time to look inside and find the courage to make changes yourself. Find the emotional maturity and empowered stance to stop the victim/blame cycle by realizing that you do not need to put yourself second any longer. Be willing to look to your past to see if complacency is an automatic, inherited, or learned behavior that began in your childhood. Be willing to take the reins in your own hands and set limits and boundaries. You have just as much responsibility as the blackmailer to change the dynamic, and you have just as much right as the other person to have your needs met. This can be a difficult and daunting shift in perspective for anyone who has a history of abuse as it brings up true fear and guilt around displeasing people- reach out for support when needed!

    Negotiating for a healthier relationship. We all have choices when a relationship goes off the track. We can accept things the way they are, we can negotiate for a healthier relationship, or worst comes to worst you can end the relationship. That said, there are strategies, communication skills, and behavioral changes that are worth trying in an effort to shift the dynamics before giving in more, or giving up.  

    Feeling your fear: Shifting yourself out of an emotional blackmail situation requires the willingness to tolerate the discomfort of displeasing someone, and often this can bring up fears. Many of our fears are old feelings that we mistake as coming from current events. We confuse our past with the present, and so when we get hurt we react in accordance with prior experiences. We will do nearly anything to protect ourselves from our fear of other people’s anger. Differentiating the present from the past will leave you with more confidence and many more choices for ways to react. Help yourself see that you are now an adult, no longer hopeless or dependent, and that your past does not need to dictate your experience any longer. From this knowing, ask yourself ‘what is the worst thing that can happen?’ Then believe you have the courage and resilience inside to handle this. Lastly, it comes down to allowing yourself to feel fear, and being with it.

    *NOTE: There are certain situations and people where the fear is very warranted. If the person emotionally blackmailing you is completely locked into their angry defensive way of being, then you must ask yourself if it is really worth it or possible to work with them. Listen to your fear in these situations as it may be protecting you from true threat.

    Be with your guilt: Guilt, along with fear, is often the major contributor to complacency. The fear of guilt itself is a powerful force. Realize that you can tolerate the guilt- no one died from guilt! Your dignity, self-respect, and health will all thank you for addressing this. Have a talk with your discomfort- take a close look and ask yourself the following questions:

    -Is what I did or want to do malicious?

    -Is what I did or want to do cruel?

    -Is what I did or want to do abusive?

    -Is what I did or want to do insulting?

    -Is what I did or want to do belittling?

    -Is what I did or want to do demeaning?

    -Is what I did or want to do truly harmful?

    If you answer no to these questions, then there is nothing to be guilty of. That is not to say that changing your behavior won’t be uncomfortable, but you can begin to redefine the discomfort as a sign of growth and change!

    Do it and the feelings will show up! Many people incorrectly assume that they need to feel stronger before they can take steps and make changes in reaction to emotional blackmail. This is not true! As you begin to shift to a new set of behaviors, the sense of empowerment will follow. Others may be shocked by your changes, and have strong reactions. Allow for this and do not take it on! It may not feel great at first, and that is OKAY.

    How to de-escalate the conflict: Blackmail thrives on conflict and escalation, and pushing one person lower and lower on the power structure. A natural tendency when we are emotionally attached is to get defensive, however defensiveness breeds defensiveness. If you can find non-defensive responses, the emotional blackmailer will no longer be able to attack and you WILL shift the dynamic. This requires learning to protect yourself, versus defending yourself. Doing so requires non-defensive communication skills. For example, try saying “I am sure you see it that way, and you are entitled to your feelings, however I am not willing to have this conversation now, let's talk about it when you are calmer…” Other non-defensive communications that can shift the other person’s resistance and defensiveness sound like:

    “Can we talk about why this is so important to you?”

    “Will you help me understand?”

    “It is not acceptable for you to continually make me feel guilty and scared- how can we work together to find a way to get your needs met in a way that doesn’t compromise mine?”

    “I feel as though you are pushing me and our relationship to the edge of a cliff and I don’t know if you are taking me seriously when I say I am not happy. I want to find ways together to solve our problems and conflicts in a way that doesn’t leave one of us feeling emotionally battered- can we talk about this?”

    “I am not willing to live this way any more, I need to be treated with respect and caring and want to find ways to make us both feel safer and more loved”

    “You could be right, however I am feeling…”

    Stop! And take a breath. Next time you are asked to do something you are not okay with, first thing to do is to STOP. Take a breath. This immediately pulls you out of your habitual pattern and away from the automatic reaction. Instead of saying yes, or no, say “I am not able to make this decision right now, I need to think about this. I’ll get back to you- but I need some time to figure out how I am really feeling about this”. This stance will allow you to calm down, garner your strength, and have the time necessary to connect with yourself beyond the fear and guilt. A healthy decision is made when we are able to balance and check in with both our intellect and our emotions- this takes time. Putting things back on your own timeline will make for your ability to be in your integrity and this will inevitably shift the power structure!


    Find out more about Susan Forward's work at her website

    Email Susan at susanforward6@aol.com  if you are interested in phone consultations- she responds to each email personally!

    www.neilsattin.com/blackmail Visit to download the show guide, or text “PASSION” to 33444 and follow the instructions to download the show guide to this episode with Susan Forward!

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    audioKanal²¹: Lydia Benecke, Kriminalpsychologin und Autorin

    audioKanal²¹: Lydia Benecke, Kriminalpsychologin und Autorin
    Kriminalpsychologin Lydia Benecke erklärt unserer Reporterin Fabiola ausführlich, warum pädophile Sexualstraftäter tun, was sie tun. Was sie antreibt, wie sie vorgehen und auch, ob sie alle gewissenlos handeln oder Psychopathen sind. Zudem berichtet Lydia Benecke davon, wie ihre Arbeit mit inhaftierten Tätern und Täterinnen sowohl in Einzel-, als auch Gruppensitzung aussieht.