
    Laurie Gets a Fun-tervention (Part One)

    enSeptember 27, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Discover Opportunities for Cashback Rewards, Employment, and Home RentalsApple Card offers daily cashback rewards, Express Employment Professionals help job seekers find work, and Airbnb allows homeowners to rent out their spaces for extra income.

      There are opportunities to earn cashback rewards with the Apple Card, find work with Express Employment Professionals, and potentially rent out your home as an Airbnb. Apple Card offers daily cashback rewards, with up to 3% on Apple purchases, 2% on Apple Pay transactions, and 1% on other purchases. This can add up to significant savings, especially for frequent Apple users. (apple.co/cardcalculator) Express Employment Professionals can help job seekers find work in any industry, with just one interview providing access to endless job opportunities. Whether you're looking for a contract job, a new full-time role, or a summer job, Express has more than 860 locations and no fees for job seekers. (expresspros.com) Airbnb isn't just for travelers – hosts can rent out their homes or spaces to guests, potentially earning extra income. Find out how much your home could be worth by visiting airbnb.com/host. Meanwhile, a personal story shared during the discussion revealed the power of following dreams and passions, even at a young age. A 10-year-old boy's obsession with Peter Pan led his high school drama teacher to cast him in the musical, despite his lack of experience. The experience left a lasting impact on the boy, showing the importance of pursuing what brings joy and fulfillment.

    • Rediscovering Fun: A 'Funtervention'Understanding the science of the mind can help us prioritize joy and adventure, even with responsibilities and aging.

      Prioritizing fun and maintaining a childlike sense of goofiness and adventure can be a challenge as we grow older. Middle age Wendy from the play and the speaker herself have realized this, as they now have jobs, mortgages, and responsibilities that leave little time for fun. However, it's not a hopeless situation. In the upcoming episodes of The Happiness Lab, the speaker will undergo a "funtervention" to rediscover how to have fun and challenge her mind's misconceptions about what truly makes her happy. Our minds can sometimes lead us astray, but understanding the science of the mind can help us prioritize joy and adventure in our lives, no matter our age.

    • Exploring the Importance of Fun with a 'Fun Squad'Recognizing the need for fun, Catherine formed a group to learn new skills and experience joy without relying on technology. Playing guitar led her to deeper happiness and freedom.

      Having fun is essential for a joyful and meaningful life, yet many adults struggle to prioritize it. Author Catherine, who was writing a book on the topic, recognized this issue and formed a "fun squad" to help her and others explore the importance of fun. The author, who signed up for the squad, admitted to having difficulty finding leisure activities due to feeling empty and unfulfilled without technology. Catherine shared her own experience of facing an existential crisis when she realized she couldn't think of anything she wanted to do without her phone. She drew inspiration from Viktor Frankl's concept of "Sunday neurosis" and decided to learn how to play guitar to fill the void. Through this experience, Catherine discovered that learning a new skill and having fun with others led to a deeper sense of joy and freedom.

    • Consider fun an essential component of a well-rounded lifeFun improves productivity, boosts physical health, provides meaning, lowers stress, and contributes to a well-lived life

      Prioritizing fun in our lives can lead to unexpected benefits beyond just happiness. Fun has been shown to improve productivity, boost physical health, and provide a sense of meaning. By deliberately taking breaks to engage in activities we find enjoyable, we can return to our tasks with renewed energy and creativity. Research indicates that fun can lower stress hormones and contribute to long-term physical health. Moreover, committing to fun can help us feel more alive and avoid the regret of not fully experiencing life. So, instead of viewing fun as a frivolous pursuit, consider it an essential component of a well-rounded and fulfilling life.

    • Exploring new opportunities for financial gains and personal growthReflecting on unused assets for income, seeking help for job opportunities, and discovering authentic fun can lead to significant financial and emotional enhancements

      Considering new opportunities, whether it's becoming an Airbnb host or exploring different career paths, can lead to financial gains and personal growth. During a solar eclipse trip, the speaker reflected on the potential of renting out their home on Airbnb when they're not using it. This idea of turning an unused asset into income resonated with them. Similarly, seeking help from Express Employment Professionals for job searches can lead to new opportunities without any fees. In the realm of personal enjoyment, author Katherine Price emphasized the importance of authentic fun and overcoming misconceptions. It's crucial to recognize that not everything labeled as "fun" truly resonates with us, and it's essential to invest time and effort into discovering what genuinely brings joy. By embracing these opportunities and shifting perspectives, we can enhance our lives both financially and emotionally.

    • The Intersection of Playfulness, Connection, and FlowPlayfulness, connection, and flow are essential elements of fun that contribute to our emotional and physical well-being. Engaging in activities that promote these elements can lead to improved mental and physical health.

      Fun is not just an abstract concept, but a crucial element for our emotional and physical well-being. Researcher Catherine Sustana, in her quest to define fun for her book "The Power of Fun," discovered that it is the intersection of playfulness, connection, and flow. Playfulness refers to a feeling of being carefree and not concerned about the outcome. Connection is the sense of social togetherness and sharing experiences with others. Flow is being fully immersed in an activity. Playfulness is important for our mental and physical health, and studies show that people who engage in play more often are less susceptible to chronic conditions and have increased brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a protein linked to nerve growth. Connection also enhances positive mood and improves mental health. It's essential to prioritize finding ways to incorporate playfulness and connection into our lives to reap the benefits for our overall well-being.

    • The Three Components of True Fun: Playfulness, Connection, and FlowTrue fun involves engaging in enjoyable activities, fostering social connections, and being fully present during challenging tasks to enhance overall well-being. Distinguish between true flow and junk flow to avoid mindless consumption and distractions.

      True fun, according to the discussion, consists of three key components: playfulness, connection, and flow. Playfulness refers to engaging in enjoyable activities, connection is the importance of social interaction and shared humanity, and flow is the state of being fully present and passionate during a challenging activity. It's crucial to distinguish between true flow and junk flow, as the latter can lead to mindless consumption of media and a lack of presence. By focusing on these three elements and minimizing distractions, such as excessive use of smartphones, we can increase our chances of experiencing true fun and overall well-being.

    • Noticing and appreciating daily delightsFocusing on simple joys can increase happiness, try noticing and savoring daily delights, but seeking professional help if needed.

      Focusing on positive distractions, or delights, can help increase happiness and attract more fun into your life. Delights are simple things that bring joy and can be savoried like good memories. This practice, inspired by the poet Ross Gay, involves noticing and appreciating these delights every day. However, it's important to note that mind distraction can be a challenge, and seeking professional help or resources, such as talking to an expert or using services like Airbnb or Express Employment Professionals, can provide additional support. Overall, prioritizing physical and mental wellness through practices like the delight practice and seeking out opportunities for growth and income can contribute to overall happiness.

    • Finding joy in small things brings unexpected connectionsNoticing and appreciating small things in life can lead to meaningful connections and moments of happiness

      Finding joy and happiness in simple things can bring unexpected delight and connections with others. Ross Gay's experience with carrying a tomato plant through an airport and the reactions he received show how a small act can bring smiles and conversations with people. This concept is reflected in Gay's book, "The Book of Delights," where he documents his daily experiences of finding joy and delight in the world around him. The practice of noticing and documenting these moments helped Gay connect more deeply with his surroundings and experience more joy than he anticipated. This story reminds us that taking time to appreciate the small things in life can lead to meaningful connections and moments of happiness.

    • Finding joy in life's small delightsNoticing and expressing gratitude for life's small joys can bring immense joy, resilience, and deeper connections.

      Focusing on the delights in life, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, can bring immense joy, resilience, and connection. Ross, through his project, discovered the magic in observing the beauty of nature, appreciating the quirks of human behavior, and finding joy in music and shared experiences. His ability to notice and express gratitude for these delights not only made his days more playful but also helped him navigate difficult times with a renewed sense of hope and positivity. By training himself to seek out and savor these moments, Ross was able to live more fully and connect more deeply with others.

    • Noticing small delights dailyPracticing mindfulness of small joys can lead to increased happiness and less distractions

      Being present and mindful of the small delights in life can lead to increased happiness and a decrease in distractions. The author, inspired by Ross Geller from "Friends," started a daily practice of noting down one delight each day, even if it was something as simple as observing a mockingbird or a cat at the beach. By focusing on these small moments, the author found that they became easier to notice and that they brought a sense of joy and curiosity to their daily life. This practice helped the author feel less distracted and more connected to their surroundings, leading to an overall sense of fun and enjoyment. So, next time you're feeling overwhelmed or distracted, try taking a few seconds to notice the small delights around you. You might be surprised at how much joy they can bring.

    • AI-powered presentations for effective work communicationsSan Diego's tourism industry introduces AI-Canva for quick, captivating presentations, while BetterHelp offers accessible online therapy services for mental health prioritization.

      San Diego's tourism industry is investing in making your work presentations more effective and efficient with the help of AI-powered Canva presentations. This tool allows you to describe your presentation and generate captivating slides in seconds, all while staying focused on your design with the AI assistance built right in. Plus, BetterHelp reminds us that mental health is important for everyone, and they provide accessible, online therapy services that fit into your schedule and budget. Whether you're looking to enhance your work presentations or prioritize your mental health, these resources offer valuable solutions.

    Recent Episodes from The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos

    The Power of Awe... and Where to Find it

    The Power of Awe... and Where to Find it

    Awe reduces stress, helps us forget our minor worries and makes us feel more connected to the people around us. We all need more awe in our lives - but surely it's not that easy to find awesome experiences on your average Tuesday?

    Actor Tony Hale explains how everyday awe helps ease his anxieties, while UC Berkeley's Dacher Keltner shows us how to find awe in music, art, scenery... even in a walk around our block. And Dr Laurie explores the things that give her a sense of awe with the help of Mike Menzel - who built a space telescope that lets us see billions of years into the past.  

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    How to Tame Stress

    How to Tame Stress

    Dr Laurie is stressed, and it's harming her health. Constant worry and stress is bad for our bodies and our minds, but how can we break the cycle and relax? It turns out scientists have learned a lot from one of America's most stressed-out communities - caregivers.  

    Hollywood star Steve Guttenberg talks about the toughest chapter of his life - caring for his dying dad - and Dr Elissa Epel explains why some caregivers suffer badly from stress, while others seem to find ways to live with the awful situation they find themselves in daily.  

    Further reading:

    Steve Guttenberg - Time to Thank: Caregiving for My Hero.

    Dr Elissa Epel - The Stress Prescription: Seven Days to More Joy and Ease

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    How I Stopped Fearing Boredom

    How I Stopped Fearing Boredom

    Dr Laurie HATES boredom! Since childhood she's found it so painful that she'll do anything to avoid being bored. She'll watch crappy TV. She'll find extra work to do. She'll snack. But boredom is actually an incredibly useful tool to boost our happiness and creativity.  

    With the help of leading boredom experts, Dr Laurie learns how to embrace doing nothing and finds that in the midst of tedium our brains can come up with the most amazing breakthrough ideas. 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    How to Fight Perfectionism

    How to Fight Perfectionism

    Holding yourself to impossibly high standards is self-defeating and makes for a miserable life. Can Dr Laurie Santos find ways to tackle her constant perfectionism so she can perform better and have more fun? 

    She hears from researcher Thomas Curran about a worrying growth in perfectionism in society, and asks "recovering perfectionist" Jordana Confino how to tackle the nagging voice in your head telling you to always push yourself and work harder.  

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    My Personal Struggle to be Happy (Coming June 3)

    My Personal Struggle to be Happy (Coming June 3)

    Sometimes the happiness teacher flunks her own class. In a deeply personal new season, Dr Laurie Santos opens up about the things she really, really struggles with. Things like crippling perfectionism, chronic stress and a paralyzing fear of death. 

    With the help of world-class experts, a Hollywood star and a host of normal people who grapple with the same issues, Dr Laurie will face up to her own happiness demons and try to defeat them. 

    Coming June 3, wherever you get your podcasts. 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Happiness Through Generosity : Liz Dunn on The TED Interview

    Happiness Through Generosity : Liz Dunn on The TED Interview

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    Listen to more episodes of The TED Interview wherever you get your podcasts.  

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Unlock Your Hidden Potential with Adam Grant and Maya Shankar

    Unlock Your Hidden Potential with Adam Grant and Maya Shankar

    A chance to hear a recent episode of A Slight Change of Plans in which Maya Shankar asks psychologist Adam Grant about his new book "Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things". They talk about how to filter out unhelpful feedback, the benefits of imperfectionism, and why we need to give soft skills more respect. 

    Listen to more episodes of A Slight Change of Plans  wherever you get your podcasts. 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Five Tips to be Happier at Work (Dr Laurie at SXSW)

    Five Tips to be Happier at Work (Dr Laurie at SXSW)

    Work is a worry. Are we paid enough? Should we be getting promoted quicker? Is artificial intelligence about to replace us all? 

    Speaking at SXSW 2024, Dr Laurie Santos argues that because of all our career woes we often neglect our happiness. She walks through her top five tips for improving our workplace wellbeing - which will not only make us feel better, but might even cause our salaries to rise!  

    Suggested reading from this episode:

    Radical Compassion: Learning to Love Yourself and Your World with the Practice of RAIN by Tara Brach

    Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout by Cal Newport

    Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself by Kristin Neff

    The Truth About Burnout: How Organizations Cause Personal Stress and What to Do About It by Christina Maslach

    The Business of Friendship by Shasta Nelson

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    Tame Those Devices: 10 Tips to Achieve Digital Balance

    Tame Those Devices: 10 Tips to Achieve Digital Balance

    Technology is amazing! We can make video calls, find facts in an instant and watch movies on our phones. We take all this for granted, but have we let our screens and devices take over too much of our lives? 

    To mark Digital Wellness Day on May 3, we hear from Amy Blankson (author and "chief evangelist" at the Digital Wellness Institute) about her ten tips to tame our devices at home and in the workplace. 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    How to Grow After Adversity

    How to Grow After Adversity

    Karen Guggenheim was devastated by the death of her husband, Ricardo. She was alive, but dead to the world around her. Slowly she put her life back together and found growing happiness. To share her insights with others in need, Karen started the World Happiness Summit

    Karen's campaign to spread global happiness is just one example of "post traumatic growth". Clinical psychologist Dr Edith Shiro (author of The Unexpected Gift of Trauma) has worked with many people who have recovered from trauma and grown as a result. She explains how we can give ourselves the best possible chance to experience post traumatic growth.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Related Episodes

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    How To Have More Fun in Your Daily Life

    JOY… what is life without it? In today’s episode we’re talking about hobbies and why it’s important that you have something in your life that’s just for you. In our outcome-driven world, your wellness benefits from having something that’s all about the process.

    We’ll start by discussing why having a hobby is important to your wellness, talk about how to connect with a hobby you love, and then we’ll wrap up with a fun little quiz that we wrote just for you, to help you determine if what you enjoy doing qualifies as your hobby or not.

    Progress over perfection, consistency over perfection, balance over perfection. When it comes to finding joy in your life it truly is all about the journey, not the destination - the process, not the product.

    What makes you happy? What do you want more of, in your life? Let’s explore!

    Thanks for listening! Please subscribe, rate & review! :)

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    Follow Kit on Instagram @breathe.relax.trust
    Thank you to Nick Serena, from Astro Inn, for our theme music!

    How To Find A Hobby You Actually Enjoy Doing

    How To Find A Hobby You Actually Enjoy Doing

    JOY… what is life without it? In today’s episode we’re talking about hobbies and why it’s important that you have something in your life that’s just for you. In our outcome-driven world, your wellness benefits from having something that’s all about the process.

    We’ll start off by discussing why having a hobby is important to your wellness, talk about how to connect with a hobby you love, and then we’ll wrap up with a fun little quiz that we wrote just for you, to help you determine if what you enjoy doing qualifies as your hobby or not.

    Progress over perfection, consistency over perfection, balance over perfection. When it comes to finding joy in your life it truly is all about the journey, not the destination - the process, not the product.

    What makes you happy? What do you want more of, in your life? Let’s explore!


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    Email questions & suggestions to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com

    Follow us on Instagram @soul_full_of_wellness 


    Follow us on Twitter @SFOWpod

    Follow Kaelynn on Instagram @coaching_with_kae

    Follow Kit on Instagram @breathe.relax.trust

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!

    992 My Strength Is My Story with Brent Gambrell, Living for Another

    992 My Strength Is My Story with Brent Gambrell, Living for Another

    Brent Gambrell, a simple man, shares his insight of "me monsters" and connection in his new book, Living For Another: More of Others Less of You!

    Brent Gambrell: He is the president of Brent Gambrell ministries, a non-profit based in Nashville, Tennessee. Brent travels around the globe full-time speaking and ministering to adults, students, and churches. He co-authored the Bible study, Experiencing God and developed the DVD Bible study series, Who You Are in Christ. His brand new book, Living for Another, is where the rubber-meets-the-road look at "Anothers" and dying to self.

    "What's true about the vine then becomes true about the branches." ~ Brent Gambrell


    BOOK: Living for Another

    CONNECT with Brent Gambrell: BrentGambrell.com

    Enjoy the multitude of topics discussed including dumpsters, peanut butter, me monsters, and the drunk angel. Get ready to take a leap...connecting your head and heart!

    • The Dumpster
    • Haiti
    • Transformation
    • Testimony
    • Stripper Service and Drugs
    • In the beginning...
    • My Dad
    • Doing religion vs. Jesus
    • The Vine and the Branches
    • The Orange Tree
    • Food of life
    • Rank
    • Upside down Kingdom
    • Me monster
    • Sigmond Freud
    • Self Help
    • Weakness
    • Another
    • So What?
    • Now What?
    • The Fruits of the Spirit
    • The library
    • Loss of Self
    • Cadets
    • Child-rearing
    • Divorce
    • A Servant's heart
    • Storms
    • Spiritual eyes
    • Shadows
    • Probation
    • Prodigal Father
    • The Baseball Field
    • God winks
    • The Drunk Angel
    • Amazing Grace
    • I can't
    • The Power of Humor
    • OF
    • Moses & his staff
    • Words of Life
    • Spirit of poverty
    • Upgrade
    • Spiritual glassess


    BOOK: Living for Another

    CONNECT with Brent Gambrell: BrentGambrell.com


    "Jesus knew you at your worst when He saved you." ~ Brent Gambrell


    Quotes and statements within the interview:

    "I'm really kind of a bible geek."

    "When you see the moment of being transformed by the renewing of your mind."

    "My testimony is what Christ is doing in me today."

    "I have one of those explosion testimonies where God showed up."

    "I don't come from the church. I come from the world; so I'm a little raw."

    "I'm a peanut butter jar."

    "My father was a Godly man. And I always saw that."

    "I'd rather just enjoy the beauty of the mystery of who Christ is."

    "Do the will of the Father and finish the work."

    "Do it! Just rank yourself at the bottom."

    "But the flesh does exactly opposite of what we actually need."

    "The me monster' never fixes anything."

    "We are to live our lives as funnels not puddles."

    "You're life stinks!"

    "And if I had to think about me all day long, I'd be depressed too."

    "There's nothing the newness of God won't fix."

    "Flesh can't fix flesh."

    "I don't preach strength, I teach weakness. In my weakness, He's made strong."

    "We put our best Facebook forward."

    "The Fruits of the Spirit are not for you."

    "Let Him pour through me."

    "We need revelation in the church."

    "The abundant life is living life as a loser."

    "I think self and sin are synonymous."

    "God brings us to the end of ourselves."

    "Do you know why you're fulfilled? Because for one week, you're the person you always wanted to be."

    "The two things that God gave us was to set and let our minds."

    "To turn around is simply to face Him again and get close."

    "Brent, that's you. Look in your eyes and see what you will be."

    "Because if He does all the work, He gets all the glory."

    "Of means owned by."

    "I hear upgrade so much in my life, I can't hear the cries of the poor."

    "You cannot legislate the hearts of men."

    "I believe that there's simplicity in following Christ."


    "Consider others better than yourself." ~ Philippians 2:3


    What has your story gifted you?

    • Perspective

    "I've been healed too much."


    Resources mentioned in the episode:



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    ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


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    Contact me at YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com

    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Success, and She Owns It.






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    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer



    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

    Fun Is a Trainable Skill (And It Doesn't Involve Your Phone) | Catherine Price

    Fun Is a Trainable Skill (And It Doesn't Involve Your Phone) | Catherine Price
    At a time like this, fun may seem frivolous. But our guest today is going to argue — convincingly, in my opinion — that fun is absolutely essential to a well-lived life. She has thought deeply about what actually constitutes fun, and how we can best live a life that is conducive to fun. In other words, she argues that fun is a trainable skill. You may have heard of Catherine Price. She’s been on the show before. She wrote an excellent book called How To Break Up With Your Phone, which had a significant influence on me. We start our conversation by talking about ways to achieve what she calls “screen/life balance” during a time of pandemic and political upheaval, and then we flow directly into fun, which is something you can only have when you put your phone down. Where to find Catherine Price online: Website: http://catherineprice.com/ Sign up for the #FunSquad: https://mailchi.mp/screenlifebalance/funsquad Resources for Screen//Life Balance including a 3-day challenge and social media detox course: screenlifebalance.com Catherine's writerly social media: Twitter: https://twitter.com/catherine_price Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_catherineprice/ Social Media "intervention feeds" (designed to help you catch you while you're mindlessly scrolling and help you re-direct your attention): Instagram: @screenlifebalance / https://www.instagram.com/screenlifebalance Twitter: @screenlifeblnce / https://twitter.com/screenlifeblnce Facebook: @slbalance / https://www.facebook.com/slbalance/ Books: http://catherineprice.com/books In case you missed it, we're running a podcast series to help you stay sane and engaged during this election season — without burning out. Every Monday in October, we'll discuss four tools from ancient teachings to help guide you through this especially challenging time. You can check out Monday's podcast episode for a taste of the Election Sanity Series. You can also visit tenpercent.com/guide to sign up for our limited-time email guide. We would appreciate it if you can take a few minutes to help us out by answering a survey. The team here is always looking for ways to improve. Please go to www.tenpercent.com/survey. Thank you. Other Resources Mentioned: Freedom (App Blocker): https://freedom.to/ Designing Your Life: https://designingyour.life/ The Book of Delights by Ross Gay: https://bookshop.org/books/the-book-of-delights-essays/9781616207922 Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: https://bookshop.org/books/flow-the-psychology-of-optimal-experience/9780061339202 Additional Resources: Ten Percent Happier Live: https://tenpercent.com/live Coronavirus Sanity Guide: https://www.tenpercent.com/coronavirussanityguide Free App access for Frontline Workers: https://tenpercent.com/care Center for Healthy Minds Join the Center for Healthy Minds and Healthy Minds Innovations for a week-long series of well-being events and discussions. Learn about the innovations and science behind creating a better world from mental health experts and His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Oct. 5-9. Don't miss out – register now! https://mailchi.mp/centerhealthyminds.org/twwm-2020 Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/podcast-episode/catherine-price-289 See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    985 My Strength Is My Story with Dave Crenshaw, The Power of Having Fun

    985 My Strength Is My Story with Dave Crenshaw, The Power of Having Fun

    Dave Crenshaw, a practical man, shares his insight into bringing FUN back to life in his new book, The Power of Having Fun: How meaningful breaks help you get more done and feel fantastic!

    Dave Crenshaw: A happily married husband of 16 years, a father of three adorable children. He's an admitted geek, enjoying all things superheroes and xBox gamer. Dave is the Productive Leadership Mentor and the author of 4 four books including The Myth of Multitasking. His brand new book, The Power of Having Fun, sheds a light on something so basic, yet powerful.

    "Fun is something that should be a top priority." ~ Dave Crenshaw


    BOOK: The Power of Having Fun

    CONNECT with Dave Crenshaw: DaveCrenshaw.com

    Enjoy the multitude of topics discussed including productivity, family, schedules, gaming, and tea parties. The power of having fun!

    • Leadership coaching
    • LinkedIn Learning
    • Productivity
    • Shouldn't we just have fun?
    • The Afters
    • The Myth of Multitasking
    • Oasis (Refreshment)
    • Think too big!
    • Bessie the cow
    • Rediscover
    • What do you do for fun?
    • Restore recess
    • Focus
    • Work-Life Balance
    • Desert
    • Culture of Wish
    • Mindset of Hard Work
    • Study of Mice and Dopamine
    • Social Media and Oasis
    • Survey of Children
    • What can I do for fun?
    • What age did you stop having recess?
    • Kiva.org
    • Culture of WIN
    • Oasis (Self and Family)
    • Father's passing
    • Break times
    • Struggles
    • The Bucket List
    • Snapshot of the Day
    • Date night (weekly)
    • Child's date night
    • Men & Work
    • Permission to play
    • Guilt
    • Work-Life Balance
    • The 3-Legged Stool
    • 35 Hour Work Week


    BOOK: The Power of Having Fun

    CONNECT with Dave Crenshaw: DaveCrenshaw.com

    "Somewhere along the line, someone stole recess from us." ~ Dave Crenshaw


    Quotes and statements within the interview:

    "Spend strategic schedule time for a break."

    "Most people think too big!"

    "Rediscover what you used to do for fun."

    "What matters most is what you define as meaningful."

    "There's no separation, commute, or barrier between work and being at home."

    "The reality is, we are in control of our own happiness with work, whatever that work is."

    "A desert is an extended period of time of deprivation and/or chaos as defined by you."

    "The average age in which people begin to not like work is 35."

    "The Culture of Wish - all of this will be worth it someday hopefully."

    "You need to have little tidbits of fun."

    "Dopamine is the chemical that your body naturally creates."

    "You need to take these moments. It's not a get to for good behavior. It's not something you deserve. It's something you require."

    "The Culture of Win - Worth It Now!"

    "Every single day you should have an oasis."

    "I'm a big fan of hard work."

    "If you take those fun breaks, you will get it done more, and you'll get it done faster. And that's the paradox of the power of having fun."

    "This one act of just consistent time together radically changes marriages."

    "We will be more successful because we do it."

    "So many people feel guilty when they're having fun."

    "There's no reason to put it off."

    "When you have all three of those working together, that's where you really begin to experience the power of the culture of win."

    "We are allowing it (technology) to constantly pepper us with interruptions, with information here, there, and everywhere."



    Where do you start?

    • Permission
    • Discover
    • Schedule

    "If you take the time to take it in and to enjoy it, and to acknowledge what's happening; then you're strengthening those neuropathways and it's making your desire and your ability to achieve success even greater."


    Resources mentioned in the episode:



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    ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


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    Contact me at YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com

    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Success, and She Owns It.






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    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer



    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson