
    Let's Talk About... Gratitude (Episode 46)

    enSeptember 27, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Practicing gratitude daily improves mental healthGratitude strengthens relationships, focuses mind on positives, and boosts overall well-being

      Practicing gratitude every day can significantly improve mental health and well-being. Gratitude is the act of being thankful and appreciative for what we have in our lives, and it goes beyond just feeling good. According to Harvard Medical School, gratitude is a "thankful appreciation for what an individual receives, whether tangible or intangible." By acknowledging the goodness in our lives and recognizing that it comes from outside ourselves, we can connect to something larger than ourselves. This practice not only helps us focus on the positive aspects of our lives but also strengthens our relationships and overall well-being. It's important to note that while gratitude is a valuable tool, it's not a magic solution for great mental health. Improving and maintaining mental health takes time, effort, and perseverance, and it often involves trying various strategies over time. So let's make a commitment to incorporate gratitude into our daily lives and see how it positively impacts our mental health and overall well-being.

    • Cultivating a mindset of gratitudeGratitude involves genuine feelings of appreciation and thankfulness for internal and external factors. It's a simple practice that can improve mental health and overall well-being.

      Gratitude is a mindset that recognizes both internal and external factors and involves genuine feelings of appreciation and thankfulness. It's not just about saying thank you, but having a deep sense of gratitude that underpins the words. Gratitude is also not about ignoring the negative aspects of life, but rather focusing on the positives and finding opportunities to learn from the not so good things. It's a simple yet powerful practice that can be incorporated into your daily routine to help improve your mental health and overall well-being. It may not magically fix everything, but it can help shift your focus to what's good in your life and what truly matters to you. Remember, no one has all the answers, and the simplest solutions often have the greatest impact. So start small, and over time, you may find that gratitude becomes an essential part of your journey towards better mental health.

    • Focus on priorities and practice gratitude for better mental healthPrioritizing and practicing gratitude can lead to increased happiness, better relationships, improved self-esteem, and even better physical health

      Focusing on priorities and practicing gratitude can significantly improve mental health. Prioritizing allows us to let go of unimportant matters and redirect our energy towards what truly matters. Gratitude, on the other hand, helps us consciously focus on the good things in life and appreciate them, which in turn can lead to increased happiness, better relationships, improved self-esteem, and even better physical health. Research supports these benefits, with studies showing that gratitude can lead to increased positive mood, greater satisfaction with life, and reduced stress levels. Practicing gratitude is about feeling the right way about the right things at the right time, and it is linked with self-discipline, motivation, and a sense of control. By focusing on priorities and practicing gratitude, we can improve our overall well-being and find more joy in life.

    • Choosing Gratitude for Happiness and ResilienceFocusing on daily appreciations boosts happiness and resilience, choosing indifference is not ideal, and various resources help practice gratitude for better well-being.

      Gratitude is a choice that puts us in control of how we respond to life's ups and downs. By consciously focusing on what we appreciate each day, we can increase our overall sense of happiness and resilience. It's important to note that being indifferent is not a desirable state, as it means missing out on the richness and depth of life's experiences. Instead, by actively choosing to be grateful, we can better handle the challenges that come our way and notice more positives in our daily lives. There are numerous resources available to help us practice gratitude, including apps and simple daily practices. Ultimately, the choice to be more grateful every day is a powerful one that can lead to greater overall well-being.

    • Practice gratitude daily by making a list of things you appreciateReflect daily and write down things you're grateful for to focus on positivity and cultivate contentment

      Practicing gratitude is a simple yet effective way to identify and focus on the positive aspects of life. Start by making a list of things you appreciate, no matter how small they may seem. This list is personal and can include anything that brings you joy or makes your life easier. Incorporating a daily gratitude practice into your routine involves reflecting and capturing a few things you're grateful for each day. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to come up with new things every day, and there's no need for complex rituals or apps. Just take a few minutes each day to reflect and add to your list. Over time, this practice can help you focus on the good in your life and cultivate a sense of appreciation and contentment.

    • Practicing Gratitude Improves Mindset and Well-beingFocusing on what you're grateful for and reflecting on valuable lessons can improve your mindset and overall well-being.

      Practicing gratitude, whether it's focusing on the same things every day or finding new things to appreciate, can help improve your mindset and overall well-being. Gratitude practices, such as morning reflection or evening reflection, can provide a positive frame for the day and help identify valuable lessons from experiences. By focusing on what you're grateful for and what you've learned, you can shift your perspective and turn potential negatives into positives. It's important to remember that there's no right or wrong way to practice gratitude, and what works best may vary from person to person. The key is to find a practice that resonates with you and helps you appreciate the world around you.

    • Reflect daily with gratitude for better health and mindsetDaily reflection with gratitude can improve overall health and shape a positive mindset, considering physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, social, and financial aspects.

      Practicing daily reflection with a gratitude mindset can help individuals begin the process of shaping their mindset to appreciate the lessons in life, even in difficult situations. This technique can calm the mind, refocus energy, and improve overall health by considering various aspects such as physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, social, and financial. It's important to remember that dealing with serious issues or trauma should be done with the support of a qualified counselor or therapist. Gratitude practice can help individuals connect with all components of their health and redirect their focus onto the positive aspects, even in challenging circumstances.

    • Focusing on the positives and being thankfulPracticing gratitude daily by reflecting on the good in physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, social, and financial health leads to increased happiness and overall well-being.

      Practicing gratitude is a powerful way to improve emotional well-being. It's about focusing on the positives in life, no matter how small they may seem, and recognizing that even in difficult times, there is always something to be thankful for. Gratitude is a choice, and it can lead to an increase in happiness and overall well-being. As the 19th century French novelist and critic, Jean Baptiste Alphonse Carr, once said, "Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns. I am thankful that thorns have roses." So, take some time each day to reflect on what you're grateful for in the areas of physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, social, and financial health. By focusing on the good stuff, you'll find that the amount of good things in your life will continue to grow. Next week, we'll be exploring the topic of optimism and how it relates to good mental health. Stay tuned!

    • Join the conversation about mental healthListen to 'Let's Talk About Mental Health' podcast for self-care, support, and information on mental health. Connect and share to spread positivity.

      The "Let's Talk About Mental Health" podcast is released weekly with new episodes available in different time zones. You can access past episodes, additional content, and connect with the show on various social media platforms. To support the show, leave a positive review and share it with others. Remember, self-care and spreading positivity are important, so take care of yourself and share kindness with others. The podcast will be released on Monday morning in Australia and New Zealand, Sunday evening in the UK, Ireland, and Europe, and Sunday afternoon in the US and Canada. Find more information and connect with the show on its website, social media channels, and YouTube. Don't forget to leave a review and share the podcast with someone you know. Take care and join the conversation next time.

    Recent Episodes from Let's Talk About Mental Health

    238: Learning to let go

    238: Learning to let go

    Do you know how to let go of the past? What’s involved in letting go, and how can you let go of the past so you can start moving forward in life?

    A big part of personal growth and self improvement is learning how to stop repeating the past (since repeating the past usually comes with a jumbo-sized dose of repeating past mistakes!), so this week in the Let’s Talk About Mental Health podcast I’m exploring why you need to learn how to let go and I’m sharing simple techniques for letting go that actually work (including my all-time favourite letting go technique!). 

    Ready to learn how to start letting go of the past? Then, let’s talk! 😃

    🥳 Join Patreon for early ad-free episodes: https://www.patreon.com/jeremygodwin

    📝 Episode transcript: http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/?p=13945 

    📩 Weekly newsletter: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/subscribe/ 

    🛒 Visit my store for simple mental health resources: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/store/

    ⏱️ Timestamps: 

    0:00 Letting go and mental health

    1:18 Introduction to letting go

    2:51 What learning to let go means

    9:16 Why you need to learn how to let go

    14:32 How to become better at letting go

    27:14 Summary & Next Time

    🔎 Find me online

    Website: www.ltamh.com 

    Podcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth 

    Jeremy Godwin’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/itsjeremygodwin 

    📚 Books by Jeremy Godwin

    Life Advice That Doesn't Suck!: https://jeremygodwin.com.au/latds/  

    Let’s Talk About Mental Health (Volume One): https://jeremygodwin.com.au/ltamhbook1/  

    ℹ️ About Let’s Talk About Mental Health:

    Let's Talk About Mental Health is the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple, with tips based on quality research and the experience of writer/presenter Jeremy Godwin. Each episode focuses on practical things you can do immediately to improve your mental health and take control of your wellbeing. Discover the podcast all about better mental health and join listeners in over 170 countries worldwide! Let's Talk About Mental Health: making mental health simple.

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    237: Judgement and how to deal with it

    237: Judgement and how to deal with it

    What is judgement, and why does feeling judged feel so unpleasant? And then, beyond that, how can you figure out what to do when you feel judged without causing a bigger issue?

    Being judged by others can make you feel bad about yourself, but the thing is that it says way more about who they are rather than you… so the trick is to learn how to manage judgement in an objective way, and that’s what I’m exploring this week in the Let’s Talk About Mental Health podcast.

    If you’re ready to stop feeling judged by others and want to learn how to deal with haters then you’re in the right place… because that’s what I’m talking about this week in Let’s Talk About Mental Health — the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple. 

    Ready to learn how to let go of judgement? Then, get comfortable and let’s talk! 😃

    🥳 Join Patreon for early ad-free episodes: https://www.patreon.com/jeremygodwin

    📝 Episode transcript: http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/?p=13907 

    📩 Weekly newsletter: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/subscribe/ 

    🛒 Visit my store for simple mental health resources: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/store/

    ⏱️ Timestamps: 

    0:00 Judgement and mental health

    1:21 Introduction to judgement

    4:00 What is judgement?

    6:51 Why you need to handle judgement thoughtfully

    14:21 How to deal with judgment from others

    25:15 Summary & Next Time

    🔎 Find me online

    Website: www.ltamh.com 

    Podcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth 

    Jeremy Godwin’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/itsjeremygodwin 

    📚 Books by Jeremy Godwin

    Life Advice That Doesn't Suck!: https://jeremygodwin.com.au/latds/  

    Let’s Talk About Mental Health (Volume One): https://jeremygodwin.com.au/ltamhbook1/  

    ℹ️ About Let’s Talk About Mental Health:

    Let's Talk About Mental Health is the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple, with tips based on quality research and the experience of writer/presenter Jeremy Godwin. Each episode focuses on practical things you can do immediately to improve your mental health and take control of your wellbeing. Discover the podcast all about better mental health and join listeners in over 170 countries worldwide! Let's Talk About Mental Health: making mental health simple.

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    236: How to stop overthinking so much!

    236: How to stop overthinking so much!

    What is overthinking? Why do our minds become overactive sometimes, affecting our mental health? And can you learn how to handle overthinking and anxious thoughts effectively?

    If you want to discover how to finally overcome overthinking then you’ve come to the right place… because that’s what I’m talking about this week in the Let’s Talk About Mental Health podcast — the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple. 

    Ready to reduce overthinking with some effective mental health strategies? Then, get comfortable and let’s talk!😃

    🥳 Join Patreon for early ad-free episodes: https://www.patreon.com/jeremygodwin

    📝 Episode transcript: http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/?p=13840 

    📩 Weekly newsletter: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/subscribe/ 

    🧠 Find simple mental health resources in my store: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/store/

    ⏱️ Timestamps: 

    0:00 Overthinking and mental health

    1:26 Introduction to overthinking

    2:45 What is overthinking?

    6:28 Why dealing with overthinking head-on is important

    11:26 How to conquer overthinking

    26:27 Summary & Next Time

    🔎 Find me online

    Website: www.ltamh.com 

    Podcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth 

    Jeremy Godwin’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/itsjeremygodwin 

    📚 Books by Jeremy Godwin

    Life Advice That Doesn't Suck!: https://jeremygodwin.com.au/latds/  

    Let’s Talk About Mental Health (Volume One): https://jeremygodwin.com.au/ltamhbook1/  

    ℹ️ About Let’s Talk About Mental Health:

    Let's Talk About Mental Health is the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple, with tips based on quality research and the experience of writer/presenter Jeremy Godwin. Each episode focuses on practical things you can do immediately to improve your mental health and take control of your wellbeing. Discover the podcast all about better mental health and join listeners in over 170 countries worldwide! Let's Talk About Mental Health: making mental health simple.

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    235: How to improve your wellbeing

    235: How to improve your wellbeing

    What is wellbeing, and what are the different aspects of well-being we all need to know about? And, most importantly, how can you actively improve your wellbeing?

    If you want to learn how to improve your wellbeing then you’ve come to the right place… because that’s what I’m talking about this week here on Let’s Talk About Mental Health — the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple. 

    Ready to take control of your wellbeing? Then, get comfortable and let’s talk! 😃

    🥳 Join Patreon for early ad-free episodes: https://www.patreon.com/jeremygodwin

    📝 Episode transcript: http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/?p=13785 

    📩 Weekly newsletter: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/subscribe/ 

    🧠 Find simple mental health resources in my store: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/store/

    ⏱️ Timestamps: 

    0:00 Wellbeing and mental health

    1:23 Introduction to well-being

    3:52 What is wellbeing?

    7:24 Why proactively working on your wellbeing matters

    11:13 How to take control and improve your wellbeing

    24:26 Summary & Next Time

    🔎 Find me online

    Website: www.ltamh.com 

    Podcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth 

    Jeremy Godwin’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/itsjeremygodwin 

    📚 Books by Jeremy Godwin

    Life Advice That Doesn't Suck!: https://jeremygodwin.com.au/latds/  

    Let’s Talk About Mental Health (Volume One): https://jeremygodwin.com.au/ltamhbook1/  

    ℹ️ About Let’s Talk About Mental Health:

    Let's Talk About Mental Health is the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple, with tips based on quality research and the experience of writer/presenter Jeremy Godwin. Each episode focuses on practical things you can do immediately to improve your mental health and take control of your wellbeing. Discover the podcast all about better mental health and join listeners in over 170 countries worldwide! Let's Talk About Mental Health: making mental health simple.

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    234: Pride and LGBTQ Mental Health

    234: Pride and LGBTQ Mental Health

    What is pride? Why is LGBTQ pride important? And what are the links between pride and mental health? 

    Whether you identify as LGBTQIA+ or as straight, understanding why pride matters and how pride affects mental health for members of the LGBTQ+ community can help you better connect with yourself and/or the people you care about who identify as anything other than straight.

    Pride and LGBT mental health are interwoven, because it’s about learning to accept your identity and celebrating it both individually and collectively, especially with events like pride month, helping to improve LGBTQ mental health by promoting visibility and solidarity.

    Ready to learn about the importance of celebrating pride and mental health? Then let’s talk! 😃

    🥳 Early ad-free episodes via Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jeremygodwin

    📝 Episode transcript: http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/?p=13671 

    📩 Weekly newsletter: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/subscribe/ 

    🧠 Find simple mental health resources in my store: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/store/

    ⏱️ Timestamps: 

    0:00 Pride and mental health

    1:39 Introduction to pride and LGBTQ mental health

    6:16 What is pride?

    8:42 Why pride matters

    17:04 How to navigate LGBTQ mental health

    26:41 Summary & Next Time

    🔎 Find me online

    Website: www.ltamh.com 

    Podcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth 

    Jeremy Godwin’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/itsjeremygodwin 

    📚 Books by Jeremy Godwin

    Life Advice That Doesn't Suck!: https://jeremygodwin.com.au/latds/  

    Let’s Talk About Mental Health (Volume One): https://jeremygodwin.com.au/ltamhbook1/  

    ℹ️ About Let’s Talk About Mental Health:

    Let's Talk About Mental Health is the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple, with tips based on quality research and the experience of writer/presenter Jeremy Godwin. Each episode focuses on practical things you can do immediately to improve your mental health and take control of your wellbeing. Discover the podcast all about better mental health and join listeners in over 170 countries worldwide! Let's Talk About Mental Health: making mental health simple.

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    233: Essential life lessons for better mental health

    233: Essential life lessons for better mental health

    What are life lessons, and how does thinking about simple philosophies for life improve your mental health? And, beyond that, what are some of the most important life lessons we all need to learn for the sake of our well-being?

    This week in the Let’s Talk About Mental Health podcast I’m talking about why learning life lessons matters and how to learn what you need to learn (especially the hardest lessons in life).

    There are some tough lessons to learn in life, but a big part of personal growth and self improvement involves learning how to deal with challenges and figuring out what really matters to you. Ready for some life advice that will help you do that? Then let's talk! 😃

    🥳 Support me on Patreon for early ad-free episodes: https://www.patreon.com/jeremygodwin

    📝 Episode transcript: http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/?p=13661 

    📩 Join my weekly newsletter: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/subscribe/ 

    🧠 Visit my store for simple mental health resources: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/store/

    ⏱️ Timestamps: 

    0:00 Life lessons and mental health

    1:25 Introduction to life lessons

    2:50 What are life lessons?

    4:04 Why life lessons matter

    6:25 The most important life lessons you’ll ever learn

    24:11 Summary & Next Time

    🔎 Find me online

    Website: www.ltamh.com 

    Podcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth 

    Jeremy Godwin’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/itsjeremygodwin 

    📚 Books by Jeremy Godwin

    Life Advice That Doesn't Suck!: https://jeremygodwin.com.au/latds/  

    Let’s Talk About Mental Health (Volume One): https://jeremygodwin.com.au/ltamhbook1/  

    ℹ️ About Let’s Talk About Mental Health:

    Let's Talk About Mental Health is the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple, with tips based on quality research and the experience of writer/presenter Jeremy Godwin. Each episode focuses on practical things you can do immediately to improve your mental health and take control of your wellbeing. Discover the podcast all about better mental health and join listeners in over 170 countries worldwide! Let's Talk About Mental Health: making mental health simple.

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    232: How to increase your happiness!

    232: How to increase your happiness!

    Increasing your happiness doesn’t have to be rocket science; true happiness and wellbeing go hand-in-hand with joyful living and learning to embrace simplicity, and a big part of self improvement involves learning to stop relying on others for your happiness and instead cultivating happiness for yourself.

    This week in the Let’s Talk About Mental Health podcast I’m talking about simple and practical ways to be happier so you can feel more satisfied and fulfilled in your life, and improve your mental health (including many tips drawn from the field of positive psychology, which is the study of what makes us thrive in life). Ready to learn how to be a lot happier in life? Then let's talk! 😃

    🥳 Support me on Patreon for early ad-free episodes: https://www.patreon.com/jeremygodwin

    📝 Episode transcript: http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/?p=13576 

    📩 Join my weekly newsletter: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/subscribe/ 

    🧠 Visit my store for simple mental health resources: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/store/

    ⏱️ Timestamps: 

    0:00 Increasing your happiness and mental health

    1:07 Introduction to increasing your happiness

    3:22 What does ‘increasing your happiness’ mean?

    7:28 Why increasing your happiness matters

    12:56 How to increase your happiness

    25:43 Summary & Next Time

    🔎 Find me online

    Website: www.ltamh.com 

    Podcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth 

    Jeremy Godwin’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/itsjeremygodwin 

    📚 Books by Jeremy Godwin

    Life Advice That Doesn't Suck!: https://jeremygodwin.com.au/latds/  

    Let’s Talk About Mental Health (Volume One): https://jeremygodwin.com.au/ltamhbook1/  

    ℹ️ About Let’s Talk About Mental Health:

    Let's Talk About Mental Health is the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple, with tips based on quality research and the experience of writer/presenter Jeremy Godwin. Each episode focuses on practical things you can do immediately to improve your mental health and take control of your wellbeing. Discover the podcast all about better mental health and join listeners in over 170 countries worldwide! Let's Talk About Mental Health: making mental health simple.

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    231: Building your resilience for better mental health

    231: Building your resilience for better mental health

    What is resilience, and why is resilience important? And can you learn to be more resilient? Thankfully, the answer is yes! Improving your resilience plays a huge role in good mental health, because a more resilient mind helps you to handle stress and challenging times... and actively learning to be more resilient can help you find greater peace of mind. 

    If you want to become more resilient, there are lots of little things you can do every day to start proactively building resilience, flexibility and strength… and that’s what I’m talking about this week in the Let’s Talk About Mental Health podcast! I’ll be asking what is resilience and why is it important, and exploring simple and practical ways to improve your resilience. 

    So, if you want to learn to be more resilient and manage challenges more effectively then let’s talk! 😃

    📝 Episode transcript: http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/?p=13508 

    📩 Subscribe to my weekly newsletter: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/subscribe/ 

    🧠 Improve your mental health in just 10 minutes a day with my Daily Reflection Tool! Only $12.50 AUD (about $9 USD), find it here: https://sowl.co/s/bsw5ZB  or you can also buy my Masterclass video to help you get the most out of it; find it on my store: https://store.sendowl.com/s/588a299a-6b17-4e00-af63-b8b52c21ff7e

    🥳 Get early ad-free access on Patreon for just $8 AUD a month (about $6 USD): https://www.patreon.com/jeremygodwin

    ⏱️ Timestamps: 

    0:00 Resilience and mental health

    1:07 Introduction to building resilience

    2:58 What does ‘building your resilience’ mean?

    6:17 Why building your resilience matters

    10:39 How to build your resilience

    24:35 Summary & Next Time

    🔎 Find me online

    Website: www.ltamh.com 

    Podcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth 

    Jeremy Godwin’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/itsjeremygodwin 

    📚 Buy my book Life Advice That Doesn't Suck!: https://jeremygodwin.com.au/latds/  

    📚 Buy my book Let’s Talk About Mental Health (Volume One): https://jeremygodwin.com.au/ltamhbook1/  

    ℹ️ About Let’s Talk About Mental Health:

    Let's Talk About Mental Health is the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple, with tips based on quality research and the experience of writer/presenter Jeremy Godwin. Each episode focuses on practical things you can do immediately to improve your mental health and take control of your wellbeing. Discover the podcast all about better mental health and join listeners in over 170 countries worldwide! Let's Talk About Mental Health: making mental health simple.

    #resilience #buildingresilience #mentalhealth #mentalhealthpodcast #bettermentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #improveyourmentalhealth #mentalhealthtips #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthpodcasts #letstalkaboutmentalhealth #ltamh #mentalhealthmatters #peaceofmind #ltamhpodcast #wellbeing #selfhelp #selfcare #depression #anxiety #mentalwellness 

    230: How to thrive while navigating change and upheaval

    230: How to thrive while navigating change and upheaval

    Dealing with change and upheaval can be challenging and it can take a real toll on your mental health. Change and uncertainty can make it hard to find a sense of calm in your life when you probably need it most, since life upheavals can be difficult to work through at the best of times! In this episode I’ll be talking about what navigating change means, why change affects our mental health, and how to navigate change effectively, and I’ll be sharing lots of practical tips for navigating change that you can apply immediately. 

    Ready to discover practical ways to navigate change and upheaval in your life that will help you to find your feet? Then let’s talk! 😃

    📝 Episode transcript: http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/?p=13342 

    📩 Subscribe to my weekly newsletter: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/subscribe/ 

    🧠 Improve your mental health in just 10 minutes a day with my Daily Reflection Tool! Only $12.50 AUD (about $9 USD), find it here: https://sowl.co/s/bsw5ZB  or you can also buy my Masterclass video to help you get the most out of it; find it on my store: https://store.sendowl.com/s/588a299a-6b17-4e00-af63-b8b52c21ff7e

    🥳 Get early ad-free access on Patreon for just $8 AUD a month (about $6 USD): https://www.patreon.com/jeremygodwin

    ⏱️ Timestamps: 

    0:00 Change and mental health

    1:11 Introduction to navigating change

    3:34 What does ‘navigating change’ mean?

    8:42 Why change affects your mental health

    12:27 How to navigate change effectively

    25:44 Summary & Next Time

    🔎 Find me online

    Website: www.ltamh.com 

    Podcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth 

    Jeremy Godwin’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/itsjeremygodwin 

    📚 Buy my book Life Advice That Doesn't Suck!: https://jeremygodwin.com.au/latds/  

    📚 Buy my book Let’s Talk About Mental Health (Volume One): https://jeremygodwin.com.au/ltamhbook1/  

    ℹ️ About Let’s Talk About Mental Health:

    Let's Talk About Mental Health is the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple, with tips based on quality research and the experience of writer/presenter Jeremy Godwin. Each episode focuses on practical things you can do immediately to improve your mental health and take control of your wellbeing. Discover the podcast all about better mental health and join listeners in over 170 countries worldwide! Let's Talk About Mental Health: making mental health simple.

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    229: Limiting beliefs and how to stop your beliefs holding you back

    229: Limiting beliefs and how to stop your beliefs holding you back

    What are limiting beliefs, and why do our beliefs have such a big impact on us? And, more importantly, can you learn how to let go of limiting beliefs so you can achieve all the things you want to in life? If you’re ready to change limiting beliefs in your life then this is the episode for you!

    Limiting beliefs can do a lot of harm to your mental health and general well-being, holding you back from taking chances in life and leading you to feel bad about yourself. It’s time to stop making things difficult for yourself by learning how to overcome limiting beliefs, which is exactly what I’ll teach you to do in the latest episode of the Let’s Talk About Mental Health podcast. 

    Ready to let go of the beliefs that hold you back so you can create a better life for yourself? Then let’s talk! 😃

    📝 Episode transcript: http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/?p=13326 

    📩 Subscribe to my weekly newsletter: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/subscribe/ 

    🧠 Improve your mental health in just 10 minutes a day with my Daily Reflection Tool! Only $12.50 AUD (about $9 USD), find it here: https://sowl.co/s/bsw5ZB  or you can also buy my Masterclass video to help you get the most out of it; find it on my store: https://store.sendowl.com/s/588a299a-6b17-4e00-af63-b8b52c21ff7e

    🥳 Get early ad-free access on Patreon for just $8 AUD a month (about $6 USD): https://www.patreon.com/jeremygodwin

    ⏱️ Timestamps: 

    0:00 Limiting beliefs and mental health

    1:16 Introduction

    3:36 What are limiting beliefs?

    7:40 Why do limiting beliefs affect your mental health?

    14:05 How to overcome limiting beliefs

    25:54 Summary & Next Time

    🔎 Find me online

    Website: www.ltamh.com 

    Podcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth 

    Jeremy Godwin’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/itsjeremygodwin 

    📚 Buy my book Life Advice That Doesn't Suck!: https://jeremygodwin.com.au/latds/  

    📚 Buy my book Let’s Talk About Mental Health (Volume One): https://jeremygodwin.com.au/ltamhbook1/  

    ℹ️ About Let’s Talk About Mental Health:

    Let's Talk About Mental Health is the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple, with tips based on quality research and the experience of writer/presenter Jeremy Godwin. Each episode focuses on practical things you can do immediately to improve your mental health and take control of your wellbeing. Discover the podcast all about better mental health and join listeners in over 170 countries worldwide! Let's Talk About Mental Health: making mental health simple.

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