
    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Slowing DownSlowing down improves mental and emotional resilience, leading to greater life satisfaction. Prioritize self-care and give yourself permission to rest.

      Slowing down is important for both physical and mental well-being. It goes beyond just taking a break from physical activity and extends to giving ourselves permission to rest mentally and emotionally. When we push ourselves too hard, we can experience exhaustion in various forms, which can negatively impact our overall health and happiness. By choosing to do things at a pace that allows time for thought and consideration, we can improve our mental and emotional resilience, leading to greater life satisfaction. As Jeremy Godwin, the host of Let's Talk About Mental Health podcast, shared in episode 140, his personal experience of collapsing after pushing himself too hard served as a timely reminder of the importance of slowing down. So, take a step back, prioritize self-care, and give yourself the permission to rest when needed.

    • Choose to slow down for calm and peaceSlow down to prevent stress and exhaustion, prioritize balance, and maintain overall well-being

      Prioritizing calm and peace of mind by consciously choosing to slow down can help prevent excessive stress and exhaustion. Our societal conditioning often pushes us to go at full steam all the time, but it's essential to remember that we're not obligated to keep up with everyone else. Slowing down matters because the opposite, speeding up, leads to stress and exhaustion. Prevention is better than cure, and incorporating regular moments of slowing down into our lives is key to maintaining balance and avoiding the negative effects of exhaustion. It may take effort, but it's worth it. Don't wait until you're an exhausted mess to start making changes; instead, be proactive and make slowing down a priority.

    • The rush to keep busy can harm mental healthSlowing down, questioning self-imposed deadlines, and practicing patience can lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life.

      Our culture of hurry can lead to a constant sense of urgency and impatience, which can negatively impact our mental health. This sense of time urgency, as described in a 2013 study, can cause us to become flustered when encountering delays and perform tasks faster, leading to stress and potential mistakes. It's important to remember that keeping busy and doing what we love is different than keeping busy for the sake of being busy. Many of the perceived emergencies in our lives are self-imposed, and it's worth questioning how many of these deadlines are truly necessary. By slowing down and practicing patience, we can celebrate our wins and milestones along the way, leading to a more fulfilling and balanced life. As the old song "Feeling Groovy" suggests, sometimes it's necessary to "slow down, you move too fast."

    • The importance of self-care and slowing downSlow down, celebrate accomplishments, listen to body & mind, value self-care beyond work performance

      It's essential to prioritize self-care and consciously slow down in our fast-paced world. The speaker, who writes about mental health and well-being, admitted that she had failed to celebrate after submitting her book, illustrating how easy it is to rush on to the next task without acknowledging accomplishments. Slowing down, even for a few minutes a day, can lead to greater life satisfaction and balance. Moreover, it's crucial to listen to our bodies and minds when they signal the need for rest. Overextending oneself and working to exhaustion is not noble or productive; it's important to remember that a job is just a job, and one's value isn't defined by work performance alone. Overall, taking time for self-care and consciously slowing down are vital for maintaining mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

    • Slow down to focus on prioritiesPrioritize, build extra time, avoid multitasking, and take breaks to effectively manage time and lead a balanced life

      To slow down effectively, it's essential to prioritize and focus on what truly matters to us. This can be achieved by being clear on our priorities and making time for them. Additionally, building extra time into our day and starting it at a calm pace can help create a sense of calm and peace of mind. It's crucial not to rush and to avoid multitasking during activities like eating, as this can hinder the benefits of slowing down. Taking a lunch break away from our desks and being present in the moment can also contribute to a more relaxed and focused day. By implementing these practices, we can learn to prioritize, manage our time effectively, and ultimately lead a more balanced and fulfilling life.

    • Focus on satisfaction and gratitudePrioritize satisfaction, be present, and grateful, avoid constant comparison, focus on strengths and values, and make time for self-care to lead more intentional and fulfilling lives

      Focusing on satisfaction rather than chasing fleeting happiness, being present and grateful for what we have, and prioritizing our needs over our wants are key to feeling calmer and more at peace with our lives. It's important to make space for slowing down and to avoid getting too focused on specific outcomes, as this can limit our ability to be present and enjoy the here and now. Additionally, avoiding constant comparison and focusing on our strengths and values can help us lead more fulfilling lives. Remember, it's possible to be satisfied with your life in general while also recognizing room for growth. By prioritizing what truly matters to us and making time for self-care, we can lead more intentional and fulfilling lives.

    • Slow down to improve productivity and well-beingPrioritize goals, hobbies, breaks, mindfulness for productivity and stress reduction. Savor moments for well-being and meaning.

      Prioritizing deliberate slowness in your daily life can significantly improve your productivity, focus, and overall well-being. This can be achieved by identifying your main goals for each day, making time for hobbies and interests, creating micro moments of slowness, taking regular breaks, and practicing mindfulness. By actively creating space in your day and consciously slowing down, you can reduce stress, increase focus, and cultivate a greater sense of calm and peace of mind. Additionally, it's important to remember that the things that truly bring satisfaction and meaning to your life may not be related to work or external achievements, but rather to your relationships and sense of belonging. So, choose to slow down and savor each moment, and make deliberate slowness a priority in your life.

    • The importance of patience and trusting the natural process of growthPatience and trusting the natural process of growth are crucial for personal development and mental health. Understanding and managing beliefs can lead to better well-being.

      Learning from this week's discussion is the importance of patience and trusting the natural process of growth, as expressed in the quote "nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished." This concept can be applied to various aspects of life, including personal development and mental health. Next week, we will dive deeper into the topic of beliefs and how they shape our perceptions and experiences. Remember, understanding and managing our beliefs can lead to better mental health and well-being. In the meantime, check out my new book, "Let's Talk About Mental Health Volume 1," for more insights on mental health. Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel, sign up for my free weekly newsletter, and support me on Patreon for exclusive benefits. Take care and look after yourself, and remember to spread positivity and kindness. Stay tuned for next week's episode on "Beliefs" and until then, trust in the natural process of growth and accomplishment.

    Recent Episodes from Let's Talk About Mental Health

    237: Judgement and how to deal with it

    237: Judgement and how to deal with it

    What is judgement, and why does feeling judged feel so unpleasant? And then, beyond that, how can you figure out what to do when you feel judged without causing a bigger issue?

    Being judged by others can make you feel bad about yourself, but the thing is that it says way more about who they are rather than you… so the trick is to learn how to manage judgement in an objective way, and that’s what I’m exploring this week in the Let’s Talk About Mental Health podcast.

    If you’re ready to stop feeling judged by others and want to learn how to deal with haters then you’re in the right place… because that’s what I’m talking about this week in Let’s Talk About Mental Health — the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple. 

    Ready to learn how to let go of judgement? Then, get comfortable and let’s talk! 😃

    🥳 Join Patreon for early ad-free episodes: https://www.patreon.com/jeremygodwin

    📝 Episode transcript: http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/?p=13907 

    📩 Weekly newsletter: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/subscribe/ 

    🛒 Visit my store for simple mental health resources: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/store/

    ⏱️ Timestamps: 

    0:00 Judgement and mental health

    1:21 Introduction to judgement

    4:00 What is judgement?

    6:51 Why you need to handle judgement thoughtfully

    14:21 How to deal with judgment from others

    25:15 Summary & Next Time

    🔎 Find me online

    Website: www.ltamh.com 

    Podcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth 

    Jeremy Godwin’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/itsjeremygodwin 

    📚 Books by Jeremy Godwin

    Life Advice That Doesn't Suck!: https://jeremygodwin.com.au/latds/  

    Let’s Talk About Mental Health (Volume One): https://jeremygodwin.com.au/ltamhbook1/  

    ℹ️ About Let’s Talk About Mental Health:

    Let's Talk About Mental Health is the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple, with tips based on quality research and the experience of writer/presenter Jeremy Godwin. Each episode focuses on practical things you can do immediately to improve your mental health and take control of your wellbeing. Discover the podcast all about better mental health and join listeners in over 170 countries worldwide! Let's Talk About Mental Health: making mental health simple.

    #judgement #judgment #stopfeelingjudged #mentalhealth #mentalhealthpodcast #bettermentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #improveyourmentalhealth #mentalhealthtips #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthpodcasts #letstalkaboutmentalhealth #ltamh #mentalhealthmatters #peaceofmind #ltamhpodcast #wellbeing #selfhelp #selfcare #depression #anxiety #mentalwellness 

    236: How to stop overthinking so much!

    236: How to stop overthinking so much!

    What is overthinking? Why do our minds become overactive sometimes, affecting our mental health? And can you learn how to handle overthinking and anxious thoughts effectively?

    If you want to discover how to finally overcome overthinking then you’ve come to the right place… because that’s what I’m talking about this week in the Let’s Talk About Mental Health podcast — the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple. 

    Ready to reduce overthinking with some effective mental health strategies? Then, get comfortable and let’s talk!😃

    🥳 Join Patreon for early ad-free episodes: https://www.patreon.com/jeremygodwin

    📝 Episode transcript: http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/?p=13840 

    📩 Weekly newsletter: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/subscribe/ 

    🧠 Find simple mental health resources in my store: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/store/

    ⏱️ Timestamps: 

    0:00 Overthinking and mental health

    1:26 Introduction to overthinking

    2:45 What is overthinking?

    6:28 Why dealing with overthinking head-on is important

    11:26 How to conquer overthinking

    26:27 Summary & Next Time

    🔎 Find me online

    Website: www.ltamh.com 

    Podcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth 

    Jeremy Godwin’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/itsjeremygodwin 

    📚 Books by Jeremy Godwin

    Life Advice That Doesn't Suck!: https://jeremygodwin.com.au/latds/  

    Let’s Talk About Mental Health (Volume One): https://jeremygodwin.com.au/ltamhbook1/  

    ℹ️ About Let’s Talk About Mental Health:

    Let's Talk About Mental Health is the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple, with tips based on quality research and the experience of writer/presenter Jeremy Godwin. Each episode focuses on practical things you can do immediately to improve your mental health and take control of your wellbeing. Discover the podcast all about better mental health and join listeners in over 170 countries worldwide! Let's Talk About Mental Health: making mental health simple.

    #overthinking #stopoverthinkingthings #stress #mentalhealth #mentalhealthpodcast #bettermentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #improveyourmentalhealth #mentalhealthtips #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthpodcasts #letstalkaboutmentalhealth #ltamh #mentalhealthmatters #peaceofmind #ltamhpodcast #wellbeing #selfhelp #selfcare #depression #anxiety #mentalwellness 

    235: How to improve your wellbeing

    235: How to improve your wellbeing

    What is wellbeing, and what are the different aspects of well-being we all need to know about? And, most importantly, how can you actively improve your wellbeing?

    If you want to learn how to improve your wellbeing then you’ve come to the right place… because that’s what I’m talking about this week here on Let’s Talk About Mental Health — the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple. 

    Ready to take control of your wellbeing? Then, get comfortable and let’s talk! 😃

    🥳 Join Patreon for early ad-free episodes: https://www.patreon.com/jeremygodwin

    📝 Episode transcript: http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/?p=13785 

    📩 Weekly newsletter: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/subscribe/ 

    🧠 Find simple mental health resources in my store: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/store/

    ⏱️ Timestamps: 

    0:00 Wellbeing and mental health

    1:23 Introduction to well-being

    3:52 What is wellbeing?

    7:24 Why proactively working on your wellbeing matters

    11:13 How to take control and improve your wellbeing

    24:26 Summary & Next Time

    🔎 Find me online

    Website: www.ltamh.com 

    Podcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth 

    Jeremy Godwin’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/itsjeremygodwin 

    📚 Books by Jeremy Godwin

    Life Advice That Doesn't Suck!: https://jeremygodwin.com.au/latds/  

    Let’s Talk About Mental Health (Volume One): https://jeremygodwin.com.au/ltamhbook1/  

    ℹ️ About Let’s Talk About Mental Health:

    Let's Talk About Mental Health is the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple, with tips based on quality research and the experience of writer/presenter Jeremy Godwin. Each episode focuses on practical things you can do immediately to improve your mental health and take control of your wellbeing. Discover the podcast all about better mental health and join listeners in over 170 countries worldwide! Let's Talk About Mental Health: making mental health simple.

    #wellbeing #improveyourwellbeing #mentalhealth #mentalhealthpodcast #bettermentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #improveyourmentalhealth #mentalhealthtips #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthpodcasts #letstalkaboutmentalhealth #ltamh #mentalhealthmatters #peaceofmind #ltamhpodcast #wellbeing #selfhelp #selfcare #depression #anxiety #mentalwellness 

    234: Pride and LGBTQ Mental Health

    234: Pride and LGBTQ Mental Health

    What is pride? Why is LGBTQ pride important? And what are the links between pride and mental health? 

    Whether you identify as LGBTQIA+ or as straight, understanding why pride matters and how pride affects mental health for members of the LGBTQ+ community can help you better connect with yourself and/or the people you care about who identify as anything other than straight.

    Pride and LGBT mental health are interwoven, because it’s about learning to accept your identity and celebrating it both individually and collectively, especially with events like pride month, helping to improve LGBTQ mental health by promoting visibility and solidarity.

    Ready to learn about the importance of celebrating pride and mental health? Then let’s talk! 😃

    🥳 Early ad-free episodes via Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jeremygodwin

    📝 Episode transcript: http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/?p=13671 

    📩 Weekly newsletter: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/subscribe/ 

    🧠 Find simple mental health resources in my store: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/store/

    ⏱️ Timestamps: 

    0:00 Pride and mental health

    1:39 Introduction to pride and LGBTQ mental health

    6:16 What is pride?

    8:42 Why pride matters

    17:04 How to navigate LGBTQ mental health

    26:41 Summary & Next Time

    🔎 Find me online

    Website: www.ltamh.com 

    Podcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth 

    Jeremy Godwin’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/itsjeremygodwin 

    📚 Books by Jeremy Godwin

    Life Advice That Doesn't Suck!: https://jeremygodwin.com.au/latds/  

    Let’s Talk About Mental Health (Volume One): https://jeremygodwin.com.au/ltamhbook1/  

    ℹ️ About Let’s Talk About Mental Health:

    Let's Talk About Mental Health is the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple, with tips based on quality research and the experience of writer/presenter Jeremy Godwin. Each episode focuses on practical things you can do immediately to improve your mental health and take control of your wellbeing. Discover the podcast all about better mental health and join listeners in over 170 countries worldwide! Let's Talk About Mental Health: making mental health simple.

    #pride #LGBTQmentalhealth #mentalhealth #mentalhealthpodcast #bettermentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #improveyourmentalhealth #mentalhealthtips #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthpodcasts #letstalkaboutmentalhealth #ltamh #mentalhealthmatters #peaceofmind #ltamhpodcast #wellbeing #selfhelp #selfcare #depression #anxiety #mentalwellness 

    233: Essential life lessons for better mental health

    233: Essential life lessons for better mental health

    What are life lessons, and how does thinking about simple philosophies for life improve your mental health? And, beyond that, what are some of the most important life lessons we all need to learn for the sake of our well-being?

    This week in the Let’s Talk About Mental Health podcast I’m talking about why learning life lessons matters and how to learn what you need to learn (especially the hardest lessons in life).

    There are some tough lessons to learn in life, but a big part of personal growth and self improvement involves learning how to deal with challenges and figuring out what really matters to you. Ready for some life advice that will help you do that? Then let's talk! 😃

    🥳 Support me on Patreon for early ad-free episodes: https://www.patreon.com/jeremygodwin

    📝 Episode transcript: http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/?p=13661 

    📩 Join my weekly newsletter: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/subscribe/ 

    🧠 Visit my store for simple mental health resources: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/store/

    ⏱️ Timestamps: 

    0:00 Life lessons and mental health

    1:25 Introduction to life lessons

    2:50 What are life lessons?

    4:04 Why life lessons matter

    6:25 The most important life lessons you’ll ever learn

    24:11 Summary & Next Time

    🔎 Find me online

    Website: www.ltamh.com 

    Podcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth 

    Jeremy Godwin’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/itsjeremygodwin 

    📚 Books by Jeremy Godwin

    Life Advice That Doesn't Suck!: https://jeremygodwin.com.au/latds/  

    Let’s Talk About Mental Health (Volume One): https://jeremygodwin.com.au/ltamhbook1/  

    ℹ️ About Let’s Talk About Mental Health:

    Let's Talk About Mental Health is the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple, with tips based on quality research and the experience of writer/presenter Jeremy Godwin. Each episode focuses on practical things you can do immediately to improve your mental health and take control of your wellbeing. Discover the podcast all about better mental health and join listeners in over 170 countries worldwide! Let's Talk About Mental Health: making mental health simple.

    #lifelessons #mentalhealth #mentalhealthpodcast #bettermentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #improveyourmentalhealth #mentalhealthtips #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthpodcasts #letstalkaboutmentalhealth #ltamh #mentalhealthmatters #peaceofmind #ltamhpodcast #wellbeing #selfhelp #selfcare #depression #anxiety #mentalwellness 

    232: How to increase your happiness!

    232: How to increase your happiness!

    Increasing your happiness doesn’t have to be rocket science; true happiness and wellbeing go hand-in-hand with joyful living and learning to embrace simplicity, and a big part of self improvement involves learning to stop relying on others for your happiness and instead cultivating happiness for yourself.

    This week in the Let’s Talk About Mental Health podcast I’m talking about simple and practical ways to be happier so you can feel more satisfied and fulfilled in your life, and improve your mental health (including many tips drawn from the field of positive psychology, which is the study of what makes us thrive in life). Ready to learn how to be a lot happier in life? Then let's talk! 😃

    🥳 Support me on Patreon for early ad-free episodes: https://www.patreon.com/jeremygodwin

    📝 Episode transcript: http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/?p=13576 

    📩 Join my weekly newsletter: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/subscribe/ 

    🧠 Visit my store for simple mental health resources: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/store/

    ⏱️ Timestamps: 

    0:00 Increasing your happiness and mental health

    1:07 Introduction to increasing your happiness

    3:22 What does ‘increasing your happiness’ mean?

    7:28 Why increasing your happiness matters

    12:56 How to increase your happiness

    25:43 Summary & Next Time

    🔎 Find me online

    Website: www.ltamh.com 

    Podcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth 

    Jeremy Godwin’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/itsjeremygodwin 

    📚 Books by Jeremy Godwin

    Life Advice That Doesn't Suck!: https://jeremygodwin.com.au/latds/  

    Let’s Talk About Mental Health (Volume One): https://jeremygodwin.com.au/ltamhbook1/  

    ℹ️ About Let’s Talk About Mental Health:

    Let's Talk About Mental Health is the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple, with tips based on quality research and the experience of writer/presenter Jeremy Godwin. Each episode focuses on practical things you can do immediately to improve your mental health and take control of your wellbeing. Discover the podcast all about better mental health and join listeners in over 170 countries worldwide! Let's Talk About Mental Health: making mental health simple.

    #happiness #increasingyourhappiness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthpodcast #bettermentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #improveyourmentalhealth #mentalhealthtips #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthpodcasts #letstalkaboutmentalhealth #ltamh #mentalhealthmatters #peaceofmind #ltamhpodcast #wellbeing #selfhelp #selfcare #depression #anxiety #mentalwellness 

    231: Building your resilience for better mental health

    231: Building your resilience for better mental health

    What is resilience, and why is resilience important? And can you learn to be more resilient? Thankfully, the answer is yes! Improving your resilience plays a huge role in good mental health, because a more resilient mind helps you to handle stress and challenging times... and actively learning to be more resilient can help you find greater peace of mind. 

    If you want to become more resilient, there are lots of little things you can do every day to start proactively building resilience, flexibility and strength… and that’s what I’m talking about this week in the Let’s Talk About Mental Health podcast! I’ll be asking what is resilience and why is it important, and exploring simple and practical ways to improve your resilience. 

    So, if you want to learn to be more resilient and manage challenges more effectively then let’s talk! 😃

    📝 Episode transcript: http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/?p=13508 

    📩 Subscribe to my weekly newsletter: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/subscribe/ 

    🧠 Improve your mental health in just 10 minutes a day with my Daily Reflection Tool! Only $12.50 AUD (about $9 USD), find it here: https://sowl.co/s/bsw5ZB  or you can also buy my Masterclass video to help you get the most out of it; find it on my store: https://store.sendowl.com/s/588a299a-6b17-4e00-af63-b8b52c21ff7e

    🥳 Get early ad-free access on Patreon for just $8 AUD a month (about $6 USD): https://www.patreon.com/jeremygodwin

    ⏱️ Timestamps: 

    0:00 Resilience and mental health

    1:07 Introduction to building resilience

    2:58 What does ‘building your resilience’ mean?

    6:17 Why building your resilience matters

    10:39 How to build your resilience

    24:35 Summary & Next Time

    🔎 Find me online

    Website: www.ltamh.com 

    Podcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth 

    Jeremy Godwin’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/itsjeremygodwin 

    📚 Buy my book Life Advice That Doesn't Suck!: https://jeremygodwin.com.au/latds/  

    📚 Buy my book Let’s Talk About Mental Health (Volume One): https://jeremygodwin.com.au/ltamhbook1/  

    ℹ️ About Let’s Talk About Mental Health:

    Let's Talk About Mental Health is the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple, with tips based on quality research and the experience of writer/presenter Jeremy Godwin. Each episode focuses on practical things you can do immediately to improve your mental health and take control of your wellbeing. Discover the podcast all about better mental health and join listeners in over 170 countries worldwide! Let's Talk About Mental Health: making mental health simple.

    #resilience #buildingresilience #mentalhealth #mentalhealthpodcast #bettermentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #improveyourmentalhealth #mentalhealthtips #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthpodcasts #letstalkaboutmentalhealth #ltamh #mentalhealthmatters #peaceofmind #ltamhpodcast #wellbeing #selfhelp #selfcare #depression #anxiety #mentalwellness 

    230: How to thrive while navigating change and upheaval

    230: How to thrive while navigating change and upheaval

    Dealing with change and upheaval can be challenging and it can take a real toll on your mental health. Change and uncertainty can make it hard to find a sense of calm in your life when you probably need it most, since life upheavals can be difficult to work through at the best of times! In this episode I’ll be talking about what navigating change means, why change affects our mental health, and how to navigate change effectively, and I’ll be sharing lots of practical tips for navigating change that you can apply immediately. 

    Ready to discover practical ways to navigate change and upheaval in your life that will help you to find your feet? Then let’s talk! 😃

    📝 Episode transcript: http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/?p=13342 

    📩 Subscribe to my weekly newsletter: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/subscribe/ 

    🧠 Improve your mental health in just 10 minutes a day with my Daily Reflection Tool! Only $12.50 AUD (about $9 USD), find it here: https://sowl.co/s/bsw5ZB  or you can also buy my Masterclass video to help you get the most out of it; find it on my store: https://store.sendowl.com/s/588a299a-6b17-4e00-af63-b8b52c21ff7e

    🥳 Get early ad-free access on Patreon for just $8 AUD a month (about $6 USD): https://www.patreon.com/jeremygodwin

    ⏱️ Timestamps: 

    0:00 Change and mental health

    1:11 Introduction to navigating change

    3:34 What does ‘navigating change’ mean?

    8:42 Why change affects your mental health

    12:27 How to navigate change effectively

    25:44 Summary & Next Time

    🔎 Find me online

    Website: www.ltamh.com 

    Podcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth 

    Jeremy Godwin’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/itsjeremygodwin 

    📚 Buy my book Life Advice That Doesn't Suck!: https://jeremygodwin.com.au/latds/  

    📚 Buy my book Let’s Talk About Mental Health (Volume One): https://jeremygodwin.com.au/ltamhbook1/  

    ℹ️ About Let’s Talk About Mental Health:

    Let's Talk About Mental Health is the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple, with tips based on quality research and the experience of writer/presenter Jeremy Godwin. Each episode focuses on practical things you can do immediately to improve your mental health and take control of your wellbeing. Discover the podcast all about better mental health and join listeners in over 170 countries worldwide! Let's Talk About Mental Health: making mental health simple.

    #change #dealingwithchange #upheaval #mentalhealth #mentalhealthpodcast #bettermentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #improveyourmentalhealth #mentalhealthtips #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthpodcasts #letstalkaboutmentalhealth #ltamh #mentalhealthmatters #peaceofmind #ltamhpodcast #wellbeing #selfhelp #selfcare #depression #anxiety #mentalwellness 

    229: Limiting beliefs and how to stop your beliefs holding you back

    229: Limiting beliefs and how to stop your beliefs holding you back

    What are limiting beliefs, and why do our beliefs have such a big impact on us? And, more importantly, can you learn how to let go of limiting beliefs so you can achieve all the things you want to in life? If you’re ready to change limiting beliefs in your life then this is the episode for you!

    Limiting beliefs can do a lot of harm to your mental health and general well-being, holding you back from taking chances in life and leading you to feel bad about yourself. It’s time to stop making things difficult for yourself by learning how to overcome limiting beliefs, which is exactly what I’ll teach you to do in the latest episode of the Let’s Talk About Mental Health podcast. 

    Ready to let go of the beliefs that hold you back so you can create a better life for yourself? Then let’s talk! 😃

    📝 Episode transcript: http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/?p=13326 

    📩 Subscribe to my weekly newsletter: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/subscribe/ 

    🧠 Improve your mental health in just 10 minutes a day with my Daily Reflection Tool! Only $12.50 AUD (about $9 USD), find it here: https://sowl.co/s/bsw5ZB  or you can also buy my Masterclass video to help you get the most out of it; find it on my store: https://store.sendowl.com/s/588a299a-6b17-4e00-af63-b8b52c21ff7e

    🥳 Get early ad-free access on Patreon for just $8 AUD a month (about $6 USD): https://www.patreon.com/jeremygodwin

    ⏱️ Timestamps: 

    0:00 Limiting beliefs and mental health

    1:16 Introduction

    3:36 What are limiting beliefs?

    7:40 Why do limiting beliefs affect your mental health?

    14:05 How to overcome limiting beliefs

    25:54 Summary & Next Time

    🔎 Find me online

    Website: www.ltamh.com 

    Podcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth 

    Jeremy Godwin’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/itsjeremygodwin 

    📚 Buy my book Life Advice That Doesn't Suck!: https://jeremygodwin.com.au/latds/  

    📚 Buy my book Let’s Talk About Mental Health (Volume One): https://jeremygodwin.com.au/ltamhbook1/  

    ℹ️ About Let’s Talk About Mental Health:

    Let's Talk About Mental Health is the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple, with tips based on quality research and the experience of writer/presenter Jeremy Godwin. Each episode focuses on practical things you can do immediately to improve your mental health and take control of your wellbeing. Discover the podcast all about better mental health and join listeners in over 170 countries worldwide! Let's Talk About Mental Health: making mental health simple.

    #limitingbeliefs #selfbelief #lettinggo #mentalhealth #mentalhealthpodcast #bettermentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #improveyourmentalhealth #mentalhealthtips #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthpodcasts #letstalkaboutmentalhealth #ltamh #mentalhealthmatters #peaceofmind #ltamhpodcast #wellbeing #selfhelp #selfcare #depression #anxiety #mentalwellness 

    228: Toxic relationships and how to manage them

    228: Toxic relationships and how to manage them

    Toxic and dysfunctional relationships can do a lot of harm to your mental health, yet finding the strength to leave a relationship that is doing you harm can be tough. Toxic patterns and relationship toxicity can eat away at your self-confidence, and make it hard to see serious relationship conflicts for what they are: a sign that something needs to change.

    In this latest episode of the Let’s Talk About Mental Health podcast I’m talking about the effects of a toxic relationship on your mental health, and how to walk away from a toxic relationship and regain control of your life.

    Ready to talk about how to manage toxic relationships in a healthy way? Then let’s talk! 😃

    📝 Episode transcript: http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/?p=13257 

    📩 Subscribe to my weekly newsletter: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/subscribe/ 

    🧠 Improve your mental health in just 10 minutes a day with my Daily Reflection Tool! Only $12.50 AUD (about $9 USD), find it here: https://sowl.co/s/bsw5ZB  or you can also buy my Masterclass video to help you get the most out of it; find it on my store: https://store.sendowl.com/s/588a299a-6b17-4e00-af63-b8b52c21ff7e

    🥳 Get early ad-free access on Patreon for just $8 AUD a month (about $6 USD): https://www.patreon.com/jeremygodwin

    ⏱️ Timestamps: 

    0:00 Toxic relationships and mental health

    1:13 Introduction

    3:04 What are toxic relationships?

    9:39 How toxic relationships affect your mental health

    13:24 How to manage toxic relationships

    25:57 Summary & Next Time

    🔎 Find me online

    Website: www.ltamh.com 

    Podcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth 

    Jeremy Godwin’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/itsjeremygodwin 

    📚 Buy my book Life Advice That Doesn't Suck!: https://jeremygodwin.com.au/latds/  

    📚 Buy my book Let’s Talk About Mental Health (Volume One): https://jeremygodwin.com.au/ltamhbook1/  

    ℹ️ About Let’s Talk About Mental Health:

    Let's Talk About Mental Health is the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple, with tips based on quality research and the experience of writer/presenter Jeremy Godwin. Each episode focuses on practical things you can do immediately to improve your mental health and take control of your wellbeing. Discover the podcast all about better mental health and join listeners in over 170 countries worldwide! Let's Talk About Mental Health: making mental health simple.

    #toxicrelationships #takingbackcontrol #mentalhealth #mentalhealthpodcast #bettermentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #improveyourmentalhealth #mentalhealthtips #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthpodcasts #letstalkaboutmentalhealth #ltamh #mentalhealthmatters #peaceofmind #ltamhpodcast #wellbeing #selfhelp #selfcare #depression #anxiety #mentalwellness 

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    Desire to be supported and encourage by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACThttp://facebook.com/groups/thewomenofimpact

    Maybe it's the faults of your past. 

    Maybe it's your own belief that you're never good enough.

    Why is it that we hang out with our stumbles and failures questioning our worth?

    Never once did God hesitate when He created you; fearfully and wonderfully made, knowing every hair on your head.

    Yet where is the voice of truth?

    Is it the naysayers, the badgers, the mockers? Is that where your voice of truth is being solidified and defined?

    I want you to really think about whom you are putting your trust in.

    The K.I.S.S. ~ The Voice of Truth!

    REFLECTION: Today, I want you to reflect on these three questions.

    1. Where is the voice of truth coming from?
    2. What is the voice of truth telling you?
    3. How are you using the voice of truth in your life?

    If you are hearing God, the only voice of truth, then you know you are loved, given a gift of salvation, and grace for your life's journey.

    That's the voice of truth you need to be listening to.

    Not the negative CRAP, the doubts and drama of others, and not the daily sagas of self-centered mindsets. 

    It's all about control, earthly control. What happened to Heavenly control?

    Let God wash away the torment of lies that threaten your greatness He's creating within you.

    Let it go! Let God have it all!

    Give Him your heart.
    Dedicate your life to glorify Him.
    Rejoice with the voice of truth.

    As you go out this week...

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

    May God bless you this week in all your steps, in all your endeavors. Seek His guidance. Praise His name. The voice of truth!


    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary coaching call with me. You will be able to discuss your specific situation and gain tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT!  

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

    Subscribe to Create Your Now TV on YouTube.

    Wanting help with goals, setting your schedule, or need someone to talk to (even if you don't know what you need)? It's time you TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation. This is FREE for you. Stop trying to do it by yourself. Put YOU first! Become your best selfie so you can live your life's purpose.


    ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


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    Contact me at YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com

    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.







    DOMESTIC BEAUTIES (Announcements)

    1. Come and let's connect on Facebook - Women Of IMPACT  http://facebook.com/groups/thewomenofimpact

    2. Create Your Now ~ Your Best Selfie can be heard on iHeart Radio

    3. Create Your Now Archive 1 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1

    4. Create Your Now Archive 2 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive2

    5. Create Your Now Archive 3 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive3

    6. NEW Website! Go check it out and tell me what you think. http://www.createyournow.com

    7. Sign Up for The A.I.M. Academy! You will be the first to learn all about it. http://createyournow.com/m-academy-2

    8. Schedule a Discovery Call. This is a free 30-45 minute call for those serious about coaching with me.

    9. Newsletter and Library: If you desire to get weekly emails,be sure to sign up here so you can stay connected. http://createyournow.com/library


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer



    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson