
    Lies, and the Liars who Lie About the Lies (Ep 1321)

    enAugust 13, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Dan Bongino's strong opinions on lies in politics and HollywoodDan Bongino warned listeners about potential scams, emphasized vigilance, and shared upcoming events, including interviews and personal appearances, while expressing his opinions on lies in politics and Hollywood.

      Dan Bongino, the host of his self-named show, expressed his strong opinion about the alleged lies of politicians, particularly Kamala Harris, and Hollywood celebrities. He also announced upcoming events, including interviews and personal appearances, and warned listeners about potential scams, specifically involving cash apps and identity theft. Bongino emphasized the importance of being vigilant and taking necessary precautions to protect personal information. Additionally, he shared an upcoming interview with Ian and Frank from Attila's gym and announced his plans to get a tattoo to support a business owner who was arrested. Overall, Bongino's show touched on various topics, including politics, entertainment, and consumer protection.

    • Protecting Yourself from Identity TheftStay informed and take proactive measures to protect yourself and your identity from identity theft. Use services like LifeLock to detect potential threats and receive restoration assistance if needed.

      Identity theft is a serious issue that can affect anyone, and it's important to take steps to protect yourself. LifeLock is a service that can help detect potential identity threats and provide restoration specialists if you become a victim. Howard Stern, once a beloved radio host, has become a sellout and a source of misinformation, and it's important to be critical of the information we consume. In the news, Kamala Harris gave a speech filled with lies alongside Joe Biden, and it's crucial to fact-check and debunk false claims. Overall, staying informed and taking proactive measures to protect yourself and your identity is essential. You can get up to 25% off your first year of LifeLock by going to lifelock.com/Bongino.

    • Howard Stern's Political Shift and Criticism of TrumpHoward Stern, a former gubernatorial candidate, has criticized President Trump over the Postal Service, but overlooks his past criticisms and Trump's recent efforts to address the issue.

      Howard Stern, a well-known radio personality, once ran for governor in New York advocating for common-sense solutions, such as midnight construction to reduce traffic. He also held unconventional views on certain issues, like gun rights. However, Stern has since shifted to the left and has been criticizing President Trump, even accusing him of being a traitor due to issues with the Postal Service. Ironically, Stern seems to overlook Trump's previous criticisms of the Postal Service's mismanagement and the recent appointment of a new leader to address these issues. Despite his large audience, Stern's statements lack depth and may not accurately represent the complexities of the situation.

    • Importance of knowledge before speaking outAvoid spreading misinformation by staying informed and applying Occam's Razor, keeping things simple, before sharing information.

      During a discussion about misinformation and conspiracy theories, it was emphasized that if one does not have sufficient knowledge on a topic, it's best to keep quiet. The conversation touched upon various subjects, including politics, sports, and even a celebrity's tweet, which was criticized for jumping to conclusions without enough evidence. The importance of applying Occam's Razor, or keeping things simple, was also highlighted as a way to avoid making assumptions and spreading misinformation. The discussion concluded with a reminder to be cautious of the information we consume and share, especially during election season.

    • Joe Bongino discusses Vincero watches and Harris Biden ticketBongino promoted Vincero's anniversary sale with up to 30% off, emphasized their quality and affordability, and criticized Harris Biden ticket, expressing belief in Harris as de facto president and calling out her lies

      During the discussion, Joe Bongino highlighted his love for Vincero watches and their ongoing site-wide anniversary sale, offering up to 30% off. He emphasized the quality and affordability of Vincero timepieces, boasting about their five-star reviews and free shipping, 30-day returns, and two-year guarantee. Bongino also criticized the Harris Biden ticket, expressing his belief that Harris would be the de facto president and commenting on her and Biden's cringe-worthy introduction. He also called out Harris for lying in her first speech as Biden's running mate. Overall, Bongino encouraged listeners to take advantage of Vincero's anniversary sale and debunked Harris' lies for informational purposes.

    • Recognizing False Statements by Kamala HarrisDuring political debates, it's crucial to fact-check false statements made by politicians like Kamala Harris, focusing on truth and facts to persuade undecided voters and counteract misinformation.

      During political debates and discussions, it's essential to recognize the intent behind false statements made by politicians like Kamala Harris. While it may seem frustrating that she continues to spread misinformation, it's crucial to remember that there's an audience beyond the liberal sphere that values truth and facts. Lies like her claims about the economic crisis being caused by President Trump's mismanagement or the blame for school closures are easily debunked and categorically false. The real reasons for economic contraction and school closures are the pandemic and associated lockdowns, not the president's decisions. By focusing on the truth and presenting facts, we can persuade undecided voters and counteract the intentional misinformation spread by politicians.

    • Politicians prioritizing goals over truth and ethicsSome liberals disregard morals and ethics for political gain, as seen in Kamala Harris' false claims about the US response to the virus and the Ebola crisis.

      During a recent discussion, it was highlighted that some liberals are transactional in their politics, disregarding morals and ethics for the sake of achieving their political goals. Kamala Harris was called out for making false claims, such as stating that the US has been hit worse than any other advanced nation by the virus due to Trump's actions, and that the Ebola crisis was a pandemic when it was actually an outbreak. These lies, while easily refuted, are not a concern for some liberals. The speaker emphasized that independent listeners or those debating liberals should be aware of these falsehoods, as they may sway some people who are not deeply entrenched in politics. Overall, the message was that some politicians, including Harris, prioritize their political objectives over truth and ethics.

    • Censorship and Spies in the White HouseConcerns about spies in the White House and censorship on social media platforms, emphasizing the importance of free speech and staying informed.

      There are concerns about potential spies in the White House and the suppression of conservative voices on social media platforms. The removal of a controversial Charlie episode, which contained relevant information, from YouTube is an example of this censorship. The speaker strongly encourages listeners to join Parler, a social media app, as an alternative to platforms like Twitter, which have been accused of silencing conservative voices. In the news, Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin is investigating alleged wrongdoing involving Joe Biden's son. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being informed and staying engaged in the political process, while also advocating for free speech and open dialogue.

    • Democrats shift focus from Biden's business dealings to Russian collusion allegationsDemocrats accused Republicans of spreading disinformation when Hunter Biden's business dealings with his father in Ukraine were exposed. Instead of addressing the potential wrongdoing, they attempted to deflect attention by accusing their opponents of colluding with Russians.

      The investigation into potential foreign interference in politics led to the discovery of questionable business dealings between Hunter Biden and Joe Biden in Ukraine. However, when the information came to light, Democrats quickly accused Republicans of colluding with Russians and spreading disinformation. Despite the authenticity of the tapes showing Joe Biden discussing his involvement in his son's business dealings not being disputed, the focus shifted to where the information originated from, rather than the content itself. This behavior is seen as an attempt to deflect attention from the potential wrongdoing and shift the narrative back to accusations of Russian collusion.

    • Differentiating Between Legitimate Political Activity and Foreign InterferenceUnderstand that Russian intel assessment and Senator Johnson's report are separate issues. Russian interference is a concern, but Senator Johnson's actions are protected by the First Amendment.

      There are ongoing efforts to denigrate Joe Biden, both from foreign actors like Russia and domestic figures like Senator Ron Johnson. However, it's important to distinguish between legitimate political activity and foreign interference. The Russian intelligence assessment and Senator Johnson's report are separate issues. The former involves foreign interference in the election, while the latter is an American senator exercising his right to participate in the political process. The media's focus on the origins of the information in the reports, rather than their content, is a distraction. The Russian collusion narrative has been debunked, yet it continues to be used to overshadow other stories. The intelligence community assessment and the collusion hoax are two different matters, but they are being conflated to mislead the public. It's crucial to maintain a clear understanding of the facts and avoid being misled by propaganda, whether it comes from foreign actors or domestic sources.

    • Democrats use Russian collusion allegations against RepublicansDemocrats accuse Republicans of colluding with Russia to divert attention from Hunter Biden's activities in Ukraine, using a national counterintelligence assessment by Bill Evanina as evidence.

      The Democratic Party is using alleged Russian collusion as a smear tactic against Republicans, specifically Senator Ron Johnson and Vice President Mike Pence. To support their narrative, they have released a national counterintelligence assessment, which was issued by Bill Evanina, the same individual mentioned in texts discussing surveillance of the Trump transition team during the 2016 election. The Democrats' goal is to divert attention from Hunter Biden's activities in Ukraine by accusing Republicans of colluding with Russia. This is not the first time Bill Evanina's name has surfaced in controversies related to Russian interference in US politics. These actions demonstrate a pattern of using official documents and false accusations to manipulate public opinion and discredit political opponents.

    • Ongoing investigations and allegations involving certain officialsFocus on known facts, not speculation, regarding Russian collusion and Biden family's dealings in Ukraine. Significant peace deal announced between Israel and UAE.

      There are ongoing investigations and allegations regarding the involvement of certain officials, including Evanina, in the issue of Russian collusion and the Biden family's dealings in Ukraine. The speaker expresses confusion as to why these individuals are still in their positions of power and why they continue to issue reports and statements on the matter. The speaker emphasizes the importance of focusing on the facts that are known, rather than speculating on potential motives or collusion without evidence. Additionally, a significant development in international relations occurred during the show with the announcement of a peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates by President Trump.

    • Essential Self-Defense Training with Eye Target Pro SystemThe eye target pro system enables safe and cost-effective dry firing practice, improving self-defense skills without the need for actual rounds at the range.

      People cannot be everywhere at once, making self-defense training essential. A recommended method is the eye target pro system, which allows for safe dry firing practice without actual rounds. This system uses laser rounds that emit a laser beam to a target, allowing users to see where their shots would land through an app. It's a convenient and cost-effective alternative to going to the range regularly. Additionally, some individuals and groups may attempt to silence criticism by using language prisons, trying to shift focus from their lies by labeling those who call them out as racists or misogynists. It's important to remain aware of this tactic and not let it prevent open discussion and truthful dialogue.

    • Language Prison: How Words Limit and Control DiscourseBeing aware of language manipulations and biases is crucial for fair and honest discourse. Avoid using words like 'nasty,' 'shrill,' and 'strident' to criticize women, and be mindful of repeated lies and biased language used to manipulate perceptions.

      Language and words can be manipulated and used to limit or control how we describe and perceive individuals, particularly women in politics. During a discussion, it was pointed out that certain words, such as "nasty," "shrill," and "strident," are often used to criticize female politicians, but rarely used to describe male politicians. This is an example of the "language prison," where language is used to limit and control discourse. Another example given was Joe Biden's repeated use of the discredited lie about Donald Trump calling white supremacists "very fine people," which is used to imply Trump is a racist. These examples demonstrate the importance of being aware of the language used and the potential biases and manipulations behind it. It's crucial to strive for accuracy and fairness in language use to promote open and honest discourse.

    • Bongino debunks Biden-Nazis rumor and discusses role of conservative mediaDan Bongino discussed a false rumor about President Biden meeting with neo-Nazis and white nationalists, debunked it, and emphasized the significance of fact-checking and critical thinking in combating misinformation. He also shared a satirical headline and announced upcoming interviews and his own tattoo.

      Misinformation and false narratives continue to spread, particularly regarding political figures like President Joe Biden. During a recent podcast episode, Dan Bongino discussed the ongoing narrative about Biden allegedly holding a secret meeting with neo-Nazis and white nationalists, which he debunked as a fabrication. He also highlighted the role of conservative media in calling out such falsehoods. On a lighter note, Bongino shared a satirical headline from The Babylon Bee about Kamala Harris vetting a new VP, which he found amusing. The show also announced upcoming interviews with business owners in North Carolina and revealed that Bongino himself would be getting a new tattoo during the shoot. While some may find the tattoo announcement a joke, Bongino assured listeners it was not. Overall, the episode underscored the importance of fact-checking and critical thinking in the face of misinformation.

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    Sander’s site


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