
    Podcast Summary

    • Don't worry about missing out on life experiencesStay focused, prioritize self-care, and trust that life will provide new opportunities when ready

      No matter what challenges or setbacks we face in life, including missing out on experiences due to injury or other circumstances, it's important to remember that life will go on and be there for us when we're ready. It can be easy to feel FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) when we see others enjoying experiences we may not be able to participate in, but staying focused on our own goals and prioritizing self-care will help us get through difficult times and ultimately lead us to where we want to be. As Kate Cocker's coach wisely reminded her, "don't worry about missing it out. Life will still be there." So, let's stay focused, keep moving forward, and trust that life will provide us with new opportunities and experiences when the time is right.

    • Join a positive Facebook group for daily inspirationJoining a positive Facebook group can improve daily experience, foster optimism, and potentially enhance overall well-being

      Joining groups like "Everyday Positivity with Kate Cocker" on Facebook can contribute to a more positive daily experience. With over 11,000 members, this community offers an opportunity to connect with others and engage in a shared commitment to positivity. If you're interested, consider joining the group for a daily dose of inspiration and connection. This simple action can help foster a more optimistic outlook and potentially improve overall well-being. So, don't hesitate and make the decision to join the group tomorrow. In the meantime, have a great day!

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    #008 - Skin Positivity with Lex Gillies

    #008 - Skin Positivity with Lex Gillies

    In today's podcast episode I am talking to Lex Gillies, also known online as TalontedLex. She is a Northerner living in London with her husband Aaron. She spends her days either working on Pinterest (as a freelance Pinterest manager, coach, and consultant) or on her blog where she talks about beauty, rosacea, and skin positivity.

    Lex is is at the forefront of the Skin Positivity movement in the UK. She has had the skin condition rosacea for many years.

    In this episode we first talk about what rosacea is and how she’s worked to manage the condition. Plus she shares the difficulties in accepting a lifelong condition such as this.

    She shares her advice for people struggling with their wellbeing following a diagnosis.

    We also go into detail about what the term ‘skin positivity’ means along with the some of the prejudices and discrimination people with visible skin conditions face.

    We chat about the importance of representation of skin conditions in both mainstream media and social media. Despite the NHS suggesting that 1 in 10 people in the UK suffer with rosacea there is very little visibility in the public sphere. And when there is it is often with negative connotations.

    Lex tells us about the recent issue she had with Instagram banning her from promoting a photo on her account as, in their words, it was ‘undesirable’.

    We go on to talk about advice Lex would give to those wanting to share their natural skin online.

    Lex shares her self-care practice and advice for living a good life and what it truly means for her.

    Plus, we talk about the joys of having uncool hobbies.


    Show notes: https://www.elizabethdhokia.com/lexgillies