
    Live at Tech Week: Delivering AI Products to Millions

    enJuly 12, 2024
    What is emphasized as critical for training AI models?
    How do open and closed source technologies complement each other?
    What challenges did DScript founders face in the early days?
    Why is differentiation important in the AI industry?
    What type of solutions did DScript begin offering over time?

    Podcast Summary

    • AI and unstructured dataHigh-quality data is crucial for training AI models, while curation and experimentation are necessary for generating human-like content and enhancing product capabilities

      The use of large amounts of data and advanced AI technologies are driving significant improvements in various modalities of unstructured data, leading to innovative applications and products that are changing the way we work, learn, create, and even play. Gorob Misra from Captions emphasized the importance of using high-quality data to train AI models, as poor quality input can result in unreliable or inaccurate outputs. Carlos Reyna from 11 Labs discussed the need for curating data to ensure its quality, as the amount of data being used to generate human-like content, such as speech, text, and even 3D models, is increasing. Laura Burkehauser from Descript highlighted the importance of putting AI at the forefront, even if it has been embedded in applications for some time, as it can significantly enhance their capabilities. Overall, these leaders emphasized the importance of experimentation, high-quality data, and the use of advanced AI technologies to create successful and innovative products in the AI industry.

    • AI in software designUsers value the solution AI provides in software design, but companies must consider different user preferences and be transparent about AI capabilities and limitations.

      While customers may not care about the specific technology behind a product, they do value the solution it provides. Over the years, the way humans and computers interact has evolved, leading to the use of AI in software design. However, deciding how to incorporate AI into a product is a complex issue. Some users prefer a "magic wand" approach, while others want a more interactive "entity." Companies must consider these preferences and ensure their product effectively solves customer problems. Marketing the AI aspect of a product can also be beneficial, as it signals a step change from previous offerings. But it's crucial to be transparent about the capabilities and limitations of the AI. For 11 Labs, focusing on AI for audio processing is key to their product's value proposition. Transparency and clear communication about the use of AI are essential to maintain user trust and engagement.

    • Text-to-Speech business successProviding superior quality and versatility, expanding to end-to-end solutions, and focusing on differentiation are crucial for a text-to-speech business to succeed.

      The success of a text-to-speech business relies on delivering high-quality, engaging voices and applications. The founders of DScript, an innovative text-to-speech company, faced challenges in the early days due to the lack of market demand. However, they believed that if they could provide superior quality and versatility, they could build a significant customer base. They started with a simple API and UI, expecting the API side to be the main driver of growth. As they continued to develop, they realized that not all businesses had the capability to build their own applications, so they expanded to offer end-to-end solutions, including their own applications for specific use cases. The founders emphasized the importance of differentiation in the competitive field of AI, noting that while great design can be successful, having foundational models built in-house provides an advantage. For consumer companies, which are used by millions and have high user engagement, differentiation is crucial. DScript focuses on the application layer, providing a powerful human-driven editor for complex editing jobs and incorporating the best models for various tasks. Their approach is to provide the best possible user experience by using the best models available or building their own when necessary.

    • User Experience in AICompanies can differentiate themselves in the AI market by focusing on user experience and delivering real value to retain users, solving real problems, and educating them about new solutions.

      Differentiating in the AI industry goes beyond just having the best foundational models. Instead, it's essential to consider the flexibility and user experience that your product offers. Companies like Instagram, Meta, and Facebook grew rapidly in their early days due to the unique user experiences they provided, even if the UI wasn't perfect. Today, as the market shifts from foundational models to more user-focused solutions, retaining users and delivering value becomes crucial. At 11 apps, they approach this by building layers of defensibility, starting with research and technology, followed by data, products, partnerships, and customers. Each layer adds value and helps sustain the company in the long term. Retaining users is a significant challenge, especially in the consumer space, where the competition is fierce. To tackle this, it's essential to focus on solving real problems for users, delivering value quickly, and educating them about new solutions. From her experience at Twitter, Laura emphasizes the importance of understanding the needs of a massive user base and applying those lessons to AI. In the consumer space, daily active users are the key to success, and it's crucial to focus on delivering value, solving real problems, and educating users about new solutions. By focusing on the user experience and delivering real value, companies can differentiate themselves in the crowded AI market and retain users in the long term.

    • Alternative metrics for customer valueFocusing on alternative metrics like time to expression and editing richness can lead to better customer value by helping users create more content in less time.

      Focusing on metrics beyond traditional ones like monetized daily active users (DAU) can lead to better customer value. The speaker shares her experience of working at Descript, where they prioritize metrics like time to expression and editing richness. Time to expression refers to the amount of time it takes users to create content and share it, while editing richness refers to the number of jobs users can do with the software to transform their media into high-quality content. By optimizing for these metrics, Descript aims to help users create more content in less time, ultimately driving customer value. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of good product fundamentals and a solid activation experience to improve retention. She shares her perspective on the social media industry's focus on DAU and the contrasting effect of generative AI, which can save users time and enable them to create more content. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of considering alternative metrics to better understand and serve customers' needs.

    • Long-term value vs. short-term gainsFocusing on long-term value over short-term gains is crucial for business and individual success, with metrics like usage being important but not definitive. AI's role in industries like engineering and design is significant, but creating AI products that optimize and generate 2X output for complex roles is a challenge, and hiring the right talent is crucial for addressing evolving company needs.

      While monetization and reaching new markets through modern methods are important, focusing on what is valuable for the business or individual in the long-term is crucial. Metrics such as usage are important but not definitive for long-term success. The activation side, which measures the use case and long-term value, is more important. AI is expected to play a significant role in various industries, especially engineering and design, where it can assist in setting up architectures, making edits, and providing high-level instructions. However, the challenge lies in creating AI products that can optimize and generate 2X output for individuals in complex roles like operations. The biggest challenge for the panelists is hiring the right people to address the evolving needs of their rapidly growing companies.

    • Tech talent, internationalizationCompanies in tech industry need to hire talented individuals and adapt products to diverse markets to stay competitive, while addressing challenges of innovation, misuse, and fraud in a rapidly changing landscape

      Companies in the tech industry, particularly those focusing on AI and video editing, are facing significant challenges in finding talent to keep up with the rapid pace of innovation and preventing misuse of their products. Internationalization is also a priority, as these technologies are being adopted globally due to their cost-effectiveness and ability to improve workflows across various cultures and languages. The speaker emphasizes the importance of hiring talented individuals and staying ahead of the curve in terms of new problems and solutions. They also mention the importance of adapting products to different markets and user bases, as well as the ongoing challenge of preventing misuse and fraud. Overall, the tech industry is in a period of paradigm shift, and companies must be constantly innovating and resourceful to stay competitive.

    • Trust and Safety in Tech IndustryCompanies investing in trust and safety measures to prevent misuse of AI and voice technology, despite constant challenges and false positives. Building safety features and limiting scope of abuse, proactive testing and addressing potential vulnerabilities, and viewing open source as an opportunity rather than a threat.

      Companies in the tech industry, specifically those dealing with AI and voice technology, must prioritize trust and safety in their products, even as they face the challenge of constantly staying ahead of those who may use their technology for nefarious purposes. The speaker discussed how their company invests millions annually in preventing issues and implementing systems like fingerprinting and monitoring user-generated content to prevent misuse. However, they acknowledged that it's an uphill battle and false positives can occur. The speaker also emphasized the importance of building safety features into the product from the ground up, limiting the scope of abuse, and being proactive in testing and addressing potential vulnerabilities. Regarding open source, the speaker acknowledged that it can be more cost-effective for developers but views it as an opportunity rather than a threat, as their company continues to invest in staying ahead of the curve and providing resources to ensure responsible use of their technology.

    • Open Source vs Closed SourceOpen source and closed source technologies have their unique advantages and disadvantages. Open source provides a foundation for innovation and accessibility, while closed source offers advanced features and a fully-realized user experience. Companies must evaluate both options before making a decision based on their goals and resources.

      Open source and closed source technologies are complementary and necessary in the market. Open source provides a foundation for innovation and accessibility, but it may come with limitations in features and voices. Closed source, on the other hand, offers more advanced features and a fully-realized user experience. For businesses and individuals, the preference between the two depends on their goals and resources. Furthermore, for companies that aim to build applications or services on top of these technologies, having a ready-to-use stack can be crucial for quick iteration and market entry. However, it's essential to evaluate the quality and competition of both open and closed source options before making a decision. In the realm of communication and human interaction, open source platforms that can replicate human voices authentically have the potential to revolutionize the industry. Yet, they still face challenges in terms of quality and ease of use. Ultimately, the market requires both open and closed source solutions to thrive, as each serves distinct purposes and caters to various needs.

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    with @NoahRFeldman, @ahall_research, @rhhackett

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    Resources for references in this episode:

    A selection of recent posts and papers by Andrew Hall:

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    Read the article ‘It’s Time to Build in Healthcare’: https://a16z.com/hey-tech-its-time-to-build-in-healthcare/

    Find Vijay on Twitter: https://x.com/vijaypande

    Find Daisy on Twitter: https://x.com/daisydwolf


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    Find Dileep on Twitter: https://x.com/thazhmon

    Find Santiago on Twitter: https://x.com/santiasua

    Find Gabriel on Twitter: https://x.com/gevs94

    Find Angela on Twitter: https://x.com/astrange

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    a16z Podcast
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    Find Sonal on Twitter: https://x.com/smc90


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    Find Roxanne on Twitter: https://x.com/roxannevarza

    Find Antoine on Twitter: https://x.com/an21m

    Find Bryan on Twitter: https://x.com/kirbyman01

    Learn more about Station F: https://stationf.co/

    Learn more about Amo: https://get.amo.co/en

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    Find Dmitri on Twitter: https://x.com/dmitri_dolgov

    Find David George on Twitter: https://x.com/DavidGeorge83

    Learn more about Waymo: https://waymo.com/


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    Whether you're a tech enthusiast or a sports fan, this episode offers a unique look at the convergence of these two worlds.


    Find Charlie on Twitter: https://x.com/CharlieEbersol

    Learn more more about Infinite Athlete: https://infiniteathlete.ai/

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    When AI Meets Art

    When AI Meets Art

    On June 27th, the a16z team headed to New York City for the first-ever AI Artist Retreat at their office. This event brought together the builders behind some of the most popular AI creative tools, along with 16 artists, filmmakers, and designers who are exploring the capabilities of AI in their work.

    In this episode, we hear from the innovators pushing the boundaries of AI creativity. Joined by Anish Acharya, General Partner, and Justine Moore, Partner on the Consumer team, we feature insights from:

    • Ammaar Reshi - Head of Design, ElevenLabs
    • Justin Maier - Cofounder & CEO, Civitai
    • Maxfield Hulker - Cofounder & COO, Civitai
    • Diego Rodriguez - Cofounder & CTO, Krea
    • Victor Perez - Cofounder & CEO, Krea
    • Mohammad Norouzi - Cofounder & CEO, Ideogram
    • Hang Chu - Cofounder & CEO, Viggle
    • Conor Durkan - Cofounder, Udio

    These leaders highlight the surprising commonalities between founders and artists, and the interdisciplinary nature of their work. The episode covers the origin stories behind these innovative tools, their viral moments, and their future visions. You'll also hear about the exciting potential for AI in various creative modalities, including image, video, music, 3D, and speech.

    Keep an eye out for more in our series highlighting the founders building groundbreaking foundation models and AI applications for video, audio, photography, animation, and more.

    Learn more and see videos on artists leveraging AI at: 



    Find Ammaar on Twitter: https://x.com/ammaar

    Learn more about ElevenLabs: https://elevenlabs.io

    Find Justin on Twitter: https://x.com/justmaier

    Find Max on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maxfield-hulker-5222aa230/
    Learn more about Civitai: https://civitai.com

    Find Diego on Twitter: https://x.com/asciidiego?lang=en

    Find Victor on Twitter: https://x.com/viccpoes

    Learn more about Krea: https://www.krea.ai/home

    Find Mohammed on Twitter: https://x.com/mo_norouzi

    Learn more about Ideogram: https://ideogram.ai/t/explore

    Find Conor on Twitter: https://x.com/conormdurkan

    Learn more about Udio: https://www.udio.com/home

    Find Hang on Twitter: https://x.com/chuhang1122

    Learn more about Viggle: https://viggle.ai/


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    Founders Playbook: Lessons from Riot, Discord, & More

    Founders Playbook: Lessons from Riot, Discord, & More

    Gaming is not just entertainment—it's a revolution reshaping our culture, technology, and economy. 

    a16z’s Jonathan Lai and Andrew Chen dive into the current gaming renaissance and its future impact. Joining them are Michael Chow, CEO and Steven Snow, CPO of The Believer Company, and Eros Resmini, Founder and Managing Partner of The Mini Fund.

    They explore the intersection of tech, art, psychology, and design in gaming, discussing how startups can navigate intense competition, distribution challenges, and high production costs. With insights from these industry leaders, this episode covers the transformative potential of AI, the importance of player feedback, and strategies to stand out in a crowded market.

    Recorded during Speedrun, a16z’s extensive games accelerator, this episode offers a glimpse into the strategies and innovations driving the gaming industry forward.



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    Find Michael on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/believer-paladin/

    Find Eros on Twitter: https://twitter.com/erosresmini

    Find Jonathan on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tocelot

    Find Andrew on Twitter: https://twitter.com/andrewchen

    Learn more about Speedrun: https://a16z.com/games/speedrun/


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