
    Looking for a job? Advice to help you land the gig

    en-usAugust 07, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Maintain confidence and plan effectively during job loss or career changeAsk for help, utilize resources, create a job hunting plan, find joy in small pleasures, and take action towards career goals

      When facing job loss or seeking a career change, it's essential to maintain confidence and have a well-planned job hunting strategy. Cynthia Pong, founder and CEO of Embrace Change, emphasizes the importance of asking for help and utilizing available resources. A key step is creating a job hunting plan, which this episode of Life Kit aims to help listeners accomplish. Additionally, remember that small pleasures, like hosting a celebratory brunch with wallet-friendly finds from Whole Foods Market, can provide a confidence boost during this process. Apple Card and Smartwool also offer incentives to help make the journey more rewarding. So, stay positive, ask for assistance, and take action towards your career goals.

    • Take time to process emotions before job search planFocus on networking, build connections, stay positive, and have stretch and safety job applications for a productive and effective job search.

      During a job search, it's essential to take the time to process your emotions before diving into a plan. Panicking and blindly applying to every job opening may lead to wasted energy and time. Instead, focus on networking and building connections, as studies suggest that up to 80% of jobs are obtained through networking. It's a mental and numbers game, so staying positive and persistent is crucial. Consider having both stretch and safety job applications to increase your chances of success. It's also okay to take a bridge or rebound job to gain experience or income while continuing your job search. Remember, taking care of your mental health and creating a well-thought-out plan will lead to a more productive and effective job search experience.

    • Focus on controllable performance goals during job transitionSet goals for weekly outreaches, applications, and self-care to maintain positivity and increase chances of success in job search

      During a job transition, focusing on performance goals that are within your control can help you stay motivated and productive. These goals might include the number of outreaches you make to your network and beyond each week, as well as applications or resumes you submit. Additionally, taking care of yourself through self-care goals is crucial during this process, as the job search can be demoralizing and overwhelming. By setting goals in these areas, you can maintain a positive mindset and increase your chances of success. Remember, it's a numbers game and rejection is a normal part of the process. Keep pushing forward and stay focused on your goals.

    • Finding the right balance in job interviewsIdentify top selling points and focus on vibing with interviewer for a productive conversation

      Preparing for a job interview involves finding the right balance between confidence and humility, rather than oscillating between posturing and collapse. This middle ground, called composure, allows you to approach the interview as a problem-solving conversation between two individuals with agency and power. To effectively utilize this mindset, identify the top three key selling points you want the interviewer to remember about you, and focus on "vibing" with the interviewer rather than worrying about being good enough or trying to act perfect. By practicing composure, you'll create a positive and productive interview experience.

    • Presenting top strengths in interviewsIdentify top strengths, mention them in interviews, send thank-you emails, connect on LinkedIn

      During job interviews, it's essential to present a clear and consistent message about yourself to make a lasting impression. Identify your top three key strengths and ensure they come up in conversation. This approach not only makes you more memorable but also gives interviewers a fair chance to assess if you're a good fit for the role. Another crucial aspect is following up with a thank-you email promptly, ideally within hours of the interview. This email demonstrates your listening skills, accountability, and follow-through ability. A simple and professional email is all that's needed, expressing gratitude for the opportunity and reiterating your interest in the position. Don't forget to connect with the interviewer on LinkedIn as well. Remember, focusing on the message you put out is more important than what comes back, as it's beyond your control.

    • Comparing job search to datingWait a few days to a week before following up after an interview, stay positive but avoid toxic positivity, and be mindful of tone and intentions during the job search process

      Maintaining a positive mindset and intention is crucial during the job search process. Cynthia Pong, a career coach, compares the waiting period after interviews to the uncertainty of dating. She advises waiting a few days to a week before following up, but acknowledges that it can be exhausting and difficult to stay positive. However, she emphasizes the importance of being mindful of the energy and tone brought to the job search, as it can impact how interactions are perceived. It's important to stay positive, but not to the point of toxic positivity. Overall, the job search process can be compared to a game of waiting and showing interest, while also being aware of the impact of our tone and intentions.

    • Preserving Local Journalism for a Healthy DemocracySupporting local journalism through NPR at $1/month can help maintain a strong and independent media, essential for an informed citizenry and a functioning democracy

      The health of local journalism and the functioning of a democracy are closely linked. Over the past few decades, the US has seen a significant loss of newspapers, resulting in the departure of thousands of local journalists from their beats. This trend is concerning as a strong and independent media is essential for an informed citizenry and a functioning democracy. To help mitigate this issue, NPR is encouraging people to sign up for a $1 per month trial period at shopify.com/npr. By supporting NPR at donate.npr.org, individuals can contribute to keeping the network strong and ensuring that important stories continue to be told. In essence, your support can make a difference in preserving local journalism and maintaining the health of our democracy.

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