
    Podcast Summary

    • The David vs Goliath Battle for Justice: CIA Mind Control ExperimentsThe CIA's involvement in unethical mind control experiments left innocent individuals, like Val Orlaco, mentally and financially devastated. Fighting for justice and accountability, Orlaco's husband, David, teamed up with lawyers to take on the CIA, highlighting the importance of transparency and ethical conduct in scientific research.

      Learning from this podcast episode is the disturbing revelation of the CIA's involvement in mind control experiments on unsuspecting individuals, such as Val Orlaco, during the 1950s. Orlaco, a former patient of Dr. Ewan Cameron at the Allen Memorial Institute, shared her harrowing experiences of undergoing electroshock therapy and LSD injections without consent, which left her mentally shattered and her family in financial ruin. Despite the challenges, Orlaco's husband, David, managed to find lawyers, including renowned civil rights attorney Joseph Rao and his partner Jim Turner, to take on the CIA and hold them accountable for their unethical practices. This David versus Goliath battle highlighted the power dynamics between government agencies and individual citizens, and the importance of fighting for justice and accountability. The episode serves as a reminder of the potential harm that secretive government programs can inflict on innocent people and the importance of transparency and ethical conduct in scientific research.

    • A Brave Battle for Justice: Orlaco vs US GovernmentThe Orlaco case, led by Jim Turner and Joseph Rowe, marked a significant moment in history as it shed light on government's human rights abuses and ensured accountability for victims of unethical experiments, inspiring courage and dignity for those affected by mental illness.

      The Orlaco versus United States case, which involved former patients of Dr. Cameron suing the US government for human rights abuses and unethical experiments, was a significant moment in history. Val Orliko and Lew Weinstein were two of the nine plaintiffs, who had undergone Cameron's controversial de-patterning and psychic driving techniques, among other treatments. The case was important because it shed light on the government's wrongdoings, ensuring accountability and justice for the victims. Despite the stigma surrounding mental illness at the time, these individuals bravely came forward, seeking recompense and dignity. Jim Turner, who led the case, had a formidable ally in Joseph Rowe, a renowned civil rights attorney with a track record of landmark victories. However, even for a legal powerhouse like Rowe, taking on the CIA was a daunting task. The case served as a reminder that no institution, including the government, is above the law, and that victims of wrongdoings deserve justice, no matter how long it takes.

    • CIA's Unethical Human Experiments: Concealing Actions and Avoiding AccountabilityThe CIA's involvement in unethical human experiments during the MK Ultra program, led by Dr. Ewen Cameron, raised serious ethical concerns due to lack of consent and oversight, with the agency attempting to conceal its actions and avoid accountability.

      The CIA's involvement in unethical human experiments during the MK Ultra program was a significant issue, with the agency using various tactics to conceal its actions and avoid accountability. The experiments, led by Dr. Ewen Cameron, were conducted without proper consent and raised serious ethical concerns. The lack of oversight and disregard for patient rights were admitted by high-ranking CIA officials in their depositions. The plaintiffs faced challenges in their lawsuit, including objections from the CIA and unexpected support from the Canadian government, which had also funded Cameron's work. Despite the challenges, the pursuit of justice and accountability for these unethical practices remains a crucial issue.

    • Canadian government not held liable for MK Ultra experimentsThe Canadian government escaped legal responsibility for MK Ultra mind control experiments, but the US government paid compensation to victims due to CIA funding.

      The Canadian government was not held legally liable for the outcomes of doctor Ewan Cameron's experiments under the MK Ultra program, which was a significant setback for plaintiffs Jim Turner and his team. The release of this report in 1986 came as a major challenge, as it allowed the US attorneys to argue that the Canadian government's involvement in the case would prevent the plaintiffs from receiving any compensation from the CIA. Additionally, proving that Cameron's treatment regimen constituted mind control experimentation was another hurdle for the prosecution. However, evidence was uncovered that Cameron had explicitly stated his intention to conduct mind control experiments and had accepted funding from a CIA puppet organization for this purpose. Despite the personal knowledge of Cameron's involvement, the focus shifted to the liability of the CIA for funding these harmful experiments, which eventually led to a settlement in 1988, with the US government paying $750,000 to the plaintiffs and the Canadian government offering an additional $20,000. The impact of these experiments went beyond individual victims, causing intergenerational harm to families and communities.

    • Lack of Apology for Controversial Medical ExperimentsSurvivors and families of victims of controversial medical experiments at the Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal continue their fight for compensation and an apology from governments and institutions involved.

      While some victims of controversial medical experiments in the late 1940s and 1950s at the Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal received compensation, they did not receive an apology from the US or Canadian governments or the institutions involved. The lead plaintiff in a new class action lawsuit, Julie Tanney, wanted both compensation and an apology for her father's experience in the psychic driving program. Her father, Charles Tanney, was sent to the Allan Memorial Institute for nerve pain, and he underwent psychic driving, insulin comas, and various drugs as part of his treatment. Despite the lack of an apology, survivors and their families, including Marlene Levinson and members of Saga, are continuing their fight for justice and accountability. The BBC and Wired Politics Lab are sources of information and analysis on global events and political trends, respectively.

    • Families of brainwashing victims suffer long-term consequencesDespite the devastating impact of unconsented brainwashing experiments, those responsible have yet to acknowledge or apologize, leaving families to deal with the long-term consequences, including aggression, memory loss, and societal stigma.

      The traumatic experiences of families whose loved ones were subjected to unconsented brainwashing experiments led to long-lasting negative consequences. These consequences included aggressive behavior, memory loss, and silence due to societal stigma. Despite the devastating impact on their lives, the Canadian government and others involved have yet to acknowledge or apologize for their roles in these events. Members of SAGA, an organization of affected families, have filed a class action lawsuit seeking an apology and accountability. The case remains unauthorized by a judge for movement forward. The silence and lack of acknowledgement from those in power have added to the pain and suffering of the families involved.

    • Families Pursue Legal Action for Government-Sponsored HarmFamilies affected by government-sponsored harm are taking legal action to seek accountability and compensation, with different approaches and strategies, and a determination to bring justice for their clients.

      Families affected by government-sponsored harm are pursuing various legal avenues to seek accountability and compensation. Jeff Orenstein and Andrea Grass, representing the SAGA plaintiffs, are pushing for a class action suit against the US government, hoping for an apology and substantial compensation. Allen Stein, another Montreal lawyer, is taking a different approach with a direct action case against the Canadian government, McGill University, and the Allan Memorial, without involving the US government to expedite the process. Despite the challenges and the long, uncertain legal battles ahead, both teams are determined to bring justice for their clients, acknowledging that no amount of compensation or apology can fully heal the wounds.

    • The pursuit for justice can be a long and elusive processDespite challenges, it's essential to keep fighting for transparency and accountability in the face of past injustices.

      Seeking justice for past wrongs, particularly those involving government institutions and powerful individuals, can be a long and arduous process. As detailed in the case of the Allan Memorial Institute and the experiments conducted by doctor Ewan Cameron, even after a settlement is reached, the pursuit for accountability and apologies can continue to be elusive. Institutions and governments may pass the buck, and those responsible may evade responsibility or even pass away before being held accountable. However, it's crucial not to give up on the quest for justice, as every person deserves their day in court, no matter how long it takes. The legacy of such injustices can be chilling and far-reaching, and it's essential to keep fighting for transparency and accountability.

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    Credits: This episode was produced by Ben Brock Johnson and Dean Russell. Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. The hosts are Amory Sivertson and Ben Brock Johnson.

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    Show notes: 

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    Credits: This episode was written and produced by Grace Tatter. Mix and sound design by Paul Vaitkus. The hosts are Ben Brock Johnson and Grace Tatter.

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    Credits: This episode was written and produced by Dean Russell. Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. The hosts are Ben Brock Johnson and Dean Russell.

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    Credits: This episode was written and produced by Dean Russell. Mix and sound design by Matt Reed. The hosts are Ben Brock Johnson and Dean Russell.

    P.S. Thanks to Derek for the rad story rec!

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    Theodore Kaczynski, who would later become the Unabomber.

    (This Short is supplemental to Episode 9: MK Ultra 2)

    Please note: This episode features explicit language and content


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    Industrial Society & Its Future

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    Shorts: Sirhan Sirhan & Mark Chapman (Delta Assassins?)

    Shorts: Sirhan Sirhan & Mark Chapman (Delta Assassins?)

    A Short in which we discuss these bizarre shooters and their possible link to the CIA's MK Ultra mind control program.

     This Short is supplemental to Episode 9: MK Ultra 2

    Please note: This episode features explicit language and content

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