
    Podcast Summary

    • Creating new traditions for ChristmasDespite changes, make Christmas special with new traditions, enjoy it with loved ones or alone, and ensure a good night's sleep for Christmas day.

      Even when traditions may not be able to be followed in the way we're used to, it's important to create new ones. Kate Cocker, from Volley's Everyday Positivity, shared her love for Christmas Eve traditions, but acknowledged that this year might be different for many. She encouraged listeners to make their own traditions, no matter the circumstances. Whether it's with family, friends, or even alone, the key is to make it special and enjoyable. So if Christmas isn't able to be celebrated in the usual way, consider starting a new tradition that brings joy and anticipation. And don't forget to get a good night's sleep for Christmas day! Everyday Positivity is a Volley production, and if you're enjoying the show, be sure to check out the Volley app for more inspiring content. Find it in the App Store or visit volley.fm to download.

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    New Morning New YOU finding the time in the morning to change your life

    New Morning New YOU finding the time in the morning to change your life

    New Morning New YOU finding the time in the morning to change your life

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    Click here to go to the book The 14-Day morning Affirmations Transformation

    Click here to go to the Year of Profit Facebook page. You have the time in the morning. Just don’t hit that snooze button. Get up and use those 9 minutes to change your life.

    Click here for My morning motivation Video. 

    In this episode, I go over my recommendations for morning routines that I use every day.



     Please set up your morning so it sets up the rest of your day. You have to put together a morning routine. Now we all have our morning routines, you may not realize it but you do the same thing every single morning. You wake up at the same time as you make the same movements every morning. After you get out of bed you take the same steps every morning. And you do the same procedure every morning. Well, you need to stop that and change it up a little bit. The first thing I recommend even before you get out of bed is to do some stretching. I've talked before about the type of stretching you should do. The best stretch in the morning is lay flat on your back knees bent and without moving your feet lay your knees to the left for a little bit then to the right for a little bit it. it doesn't matter how far you bend your legs you may only be able to go so far but after doing this a while it will get better.

    Your morning routine is setting up your body how you want your body to be during the day. This also goes with your mind you have to start your morning on a positive note. One of the easiest ways to change your morning is not to hit the snooze button. The minute that alarm goes off don't hit the snooze button and go back to sleep you're setting yourself up for a sluggish day. Even if you have to just sit up in bed and tell yourself “OK let's go”. By not hitting the snooze button you're giving yourself that extra 10 minutes every morning.

    So, on your first thoughts. Of course, I recommend sitting up and doing your morning affirmations in my book but if you've already done that you know that the first thing you should do is be grateful for the day. Gratitude is a superpower. If you wake up and you're pissed off that you have to get up and go to work then the rest of your day will be filled with negativity. But if you wake up grateful that you have a day that you can get stuff done or look forward to after work where you can actually enjoy the day then your outlook on the day will be much better.

    Your first step is to get out of bed and actually make the bed. It may seem like a small thing but psychologically when you come back at the end of the day to a nice fit bed you will actually feel better about yourself.

    Second thing is to Do all your morning wake-up things such as go to the bathroom take a shower or wash your hair whatever you do, shave, or put on makeup. then go to your comfortable space. This could be anywhere in your house where you are comfortable. for some people, it is a big pillow in the corner or a sunroom or just a chair in your living room. This would be a good place to do your morning affirmations but you also want to just sit there quietly and do a  meditation. This could be a 5-minute meditation where you just sit and relax before looking at your phone or turning the TV on. this will set you up for a relaxing day and lower your stress levels. And puts you in a proactive instead of a reactive state of mind.

    You will find by doing this you're not jumping out of bed and rushing to get to work. You get up relaxing and then just leave for work. You will feel so much better and more productive. As you do this your body will actually produce more of the good chemicals in your body, this will also lower your blood pressure, your heart rate, and your overall stress rate. This is why I set my book up the way it is you're actually training your brain to think and feel differently. You're rewiring your brain to think more of a positive mental attitude than a negative mental attitude.

    I've mentioned this before there's a section in your brain called the reticulating activating system that tells your brain what is important and what to focus on. So, if you focus on the negative your brain will only show you the negative if you focus on positive and positive motivation your brain will lean more towards the positive aspects of life. It's like when you buy a new car (this is the easiest way to put it) you start noticing the same car all around you. Those cars have always been there but your brain didn't see them because it wasn't important. It's just like when you go to find something you keep telling yourself that you cannot find it you'll find that you can't find it. Then if someone comes into the room looking for the same thing it's right in front of you. That's because your activated reticulating system actually blocked your mind from seeing that.

    morning routine


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    We also share some of our mantras for the new year, such as:

    • “Because I love myself enough to keep going.”
    • “Don’t feel guilty for doing what’s best for your body.”
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    Tune in to the episode below to hear the inspiration behind these mantras and how they’re going to motivate us in 2020. We also talk about our excitement for the future of Open Space Radio, some new things we have in store and the ways we want to better connect with you (for starters, come say hi and follow us on Instagram)!

    Thank you so much for your continued support of the show, and Happy New Year!

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    Cast your eyes across the forest valley of the mountains. You are connected with the timeless beauty of the high forest. All things are one thing. Your body is the body of the mountains, the trees, the clouds. Rejoice in your beauty, your connection, your sacred all-ness. Thank you for downloading this episode of the Meditation Music Podcast. Please share, subscribe, rate and review (helps more people find the podcast). My name is Nick Young. I am so happy and grateful to create this relaxing music for you to enhance your meditation and yoga practice. I am the founder of the improvisational space jazz group known as BombayRain. Visit the BombayRain website BombayRain.net. Contact me: sitarnickyoung@gmail.com Check out Move Into Bliss, BombayRain's latest album.

    117: Dr Michael Breus on the 4 Chronotypes (Sleep Animals), Hacking Sex & Sleep, Hormones, Productivity, and Light

    117: Dr Michael Breus on the 4 Chronotypes (Sleep Animals), Hacking Sex & Sleep, Hormones, Productivity, and Light

    Dr. Michael Breus, also known as The Sleep Doctor is the author of The Power of When - the book that explains the best time for you to do everything, based on your individual biological clock.

    Dr. Breus has identified 4 chronotypes or "sleep animals": bears, lions, dolphins, and wolves.

    Understanding our natural tendencies allows us to find the optimal time to do anything and everything - from sex and sleep, to workouts, highly productive work and everything in between.

    • Understand why most studies and health recommendations are wrong for 40-50% of the population
    • Discover why 90% of people are having sex at the wrong time of day
    • Learn how the PER3 gene is one of 80 genes  that determine your sleep drive and your unique biological clock
    • How cancer cells multiply faster when we're sleep deprived
    • Why "The Power of When" can improve your relationships at home and at work
    • How light changes metabolism, sleep, and sexual arousal
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    Tune in to learn your chronotype and what it says about you.